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Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto en Carolina Sistemas de Oficina

Nashali Ramos Rexach SOFI 306 ! "03

Businesses humour from a fake clarity of security, investigate shows

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Securit- .usinessman %c*fee sa-s that tin- and midsi/e .usinesses are 0an1 from a fa2e clarit- of securit-, .asin1 their claims on a ne3 investi1ate conducted 3ith Office +e0ot4 ,hose 3ho too2 0artial in a investi1ate sho3ed a hi1h 1rade of certaint- that their information and inclination 3ere 0rotected from attac2ers, not3ithstandin1 attention investi1ate and 5ustification that 0roves other3ise4 %c*fee6s claims come from a (000 S%&s 0artici0ated in a Office +e0ot Small &usiness Index in Se0tem.er4 *ccordin1 to a data, 66 0ercent of a S%& o3ners 3ho too2 0artial 3ere assured that their information and inclination 3ere secure and 0rotected from ra0ist hac2ers, 3ith never .een attac2ed4 *ccordin1 to a '0(3 #eri/on &usiness +ata &reach Investi1ations Re0ort 7+&IR8, 90 0ercent of a incidents examined concerned .usinesses 3ith fe3er than (000 em0lo-ees, and a infanc- of them 3ere in a sell or food use industr-4 0ercent statin1 that their or1ani/ations have

:hen as2ed for details, ;0 0ercent of a res0ondents to Office +e0ot6s consult certified to not re1ulatin1 information 0rotection4 Onl- a.out half of them relia.le that the-6re re1ulatin1 email and Internet certaint- measures4 *nd rou1hl- all of them<=( 0ercent<said the- don6t use end0oint or mo.ile device securit-4 )et, a fri1htenin1 ac2no3led1ment comes from a (9 0ercent of S%& o3ners 3ho 0ronounced the- haven6t im0lemented certaintmeasures of an- 2ind in their environment4 * .usiness that doesn6t have an- certaint- measures in 0lace is 0uttin1 their information and customers6 trust in 5eo0ard-4 *s enter0rises have increasin1 their certaint- defenses, hac2ers have started to aim their attac2s do3nstream to S%&s,> 0ronounced &ill Riell-, com0arison clam0 .oss of S%& durin1 %c*fee4

Your solutions might vary

*s occurrence investi1ate 1ets stron1er, or1ani/ations are 3a2in1 adult to a fact that sin1ular sets of .est 0ractices can?t .e 0ractical to .usinesses of all si/es, o00osite industries of all t-0es4 Criminals have 0rolon1ed tar1eted a lo3!han1in1 fruit, and over a final fe3 -ears, S%&s have filled that role4 &ut 3hile carr-in1 no certaint- durin1 all is a ste0 .ac23ard, unless a resolution is 1eared to3ards a or1ani/ation6s 1oals and needs, desi1nin1 and im0lementin1 a defensive 0osture can turn a costl-, dauntin1 tas24 In fact, #eri/on creates note of this in their manne3 +&IR4 *n- tr- to ma2e a one!si/e!fits!all 0roceed to securin1 a resources mi1ht outcome in 3ithdra3al some or1ani/ations under!0rotected from tar1eted attac2s 3hile others 0otentiall- over!s0end on fortif-in1 o00osite easier o00ortunistic attac2s,> a ne3s ex0lains4

*s an exam0le, a ne3s records that .usinesses in a sell and food use sectors should concentration on a .asis as enem- customaril- aim fee.le confi1ured remote administration services and POS s-stems, thou1h a .asis are not ade@uate for a financial and 3ord sectors that have to contend 3ith earth- attac2s as 1ood as those directed durin1 vicious :e. a00lications and services4 Or1ani/ations in a en1ineerin1, manufacturin1, I, services, and consultin1 sectors also have a o00osite set of issues to understandin1 3ith, since the- face an 3holl- o00osite set of attac2s directed durin1 ex0loitin1 tellurian 3ea2nesses 7social en1ineerin184 attac2s on tin- .usinesses fre@uenc- ma2e headlines, so it is eas- for these .usiness o3ners to .e lulled into a fa2e clarit- of securit-, as indicated in this surve-4 It is 1enerall- critical for tin- .usiness o3ners to secure their s-stems, as the- mi1ht not have a resources to tarr- a attac2, distinct a vast cor0oration,> Con1ressman Chris Collins 7R!Ne3 )or28, 0ronounced in a statement4

Resumen Noticia Re1istros de comunicaciAn @ue las em0resas de los sectores de uso de alimentos de vender - de.en concentrarse en una .ase como enemi1o ha.itualmente .uscan servicios de administraciAn remota dB.iles confi1urados - sistemas POS , aun@ue de manera no son adecuados 0ara un sector financiero - de la 0ala.ra @ue tienen @ue lidiar con los ata@ues de tierra como .uena como las diri1idas durante las a0licaciones - servicios :e. viciosos 4 "as or1ani/aciones en una in1enierCa, fa.ricaciAn, servicios de ,I - los sectores de consultorCa tam.iBn tienen un con5unto o0uesto de 0ro.lemas 0ara entender con , -a @ue se enfrentan a un con5unto totalmente o0uesto a los ata@ues diri1idos durante la ex0lotaciAn de las de.ilidades telDricas 7in1enierCa social84 E "os ata@ues ci.ernBticos en minDscula frecuencia las em0resas hacen titulares, 0or lo @ue es fFcil 0ara los dueGos de ne1ocios @ue se de5e llevar 0or una claridad falsa de se1uridad, tal como se indica en esta encuesta4 $n 1eneral, es im0ortante 0ara los dueGos de ne1ocios 0e@ueGos 0ara ase1urar sus sistemas , -a @ue no 0ueden tener un recurso @ue se @uedaran un ata@ue ci.ernBtico , distinta de una 1ran cor0oraciAn 4 RelaciAn con la clase $sta noticia tiene relaciAn con la clase de.ido a @ue en la clase se ha ha.lado de la se1uridad en las redes en 1enerales esto tiene @ue ver mucho de.ido a @ue estan atacando a las 0ersona @ue con su tra.a5o se 1anan su dinero , no es 5usto @ue 0or no tener una me5or se1uridad estas 0ersonas 7hac2ers8 sin vida se dedi@uen a ro.arles lo @ue con el sudor de su frente han lo1rado4

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