Recipe Yellow Cake Remix Donuts

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Box Mix - Remixed: Make Donuts With Store Bought Cake Mix

Posted by Dawn Harris on 29th October 2013

As busy moms it often seems we dont have enough time !hether wor"ing from home# outside of the home# or being a mom at home is our main res$onsibi%ity# some wee"s can &ust be hectic 'ertain ho%idays can &ust cree$ u$ on you( )m %oo"ing Ha%%oween s*uare in the eye# and )m not $re$ared one bit +ometimes its %i"e that# ) get it ) wanted to come u$ with some fun Ha%%oween goodies for the "ids# that we cou%d have fun and ma"e together whi%e we carve $um$"ins and watch ,)ts the -reat Pum$"in# 'har%ie .rown together /y secret wea$on of choice during this years festivities is a bo0ed ye%%ow ca"e mi0# a donut $an# and carame% a$$%e ca"e frosting !ith %ots of s$rin"%es ) "now many $eo$%e# adu%ts and chi%dren a%i"e# that get wea" in the "nees over a good s$rin"%ed donut !hat better treat to have fun with and decorate together1 !e chose a carame% a$$%e frosting for an e0tra festive f%avor# reminiscent of Ha%%oween $arties and carniva%s during the harvest season 2he secret here is &ust a few twea"s to the ca"e mi0 to create a batter that doesnt taste %i"e it came out of a bo0 2he resu%t is a denser mi0# $erfect for festive donuts( Heres a%% you need Cake Mix Donuts ye%%ow bo0ed ca"e mi0 room tem$erature butter or margarine 3in $%ace of the oi%4 mi%" 3in $%ace of the water4 5 eggs 31 more than the bo0ed mi0 ca%%s for4 ca"e frosting of choice# we used carame% a$$%e %ots of s$rin"%es# nuts# coconut# mini choco%ate chi$s# etc

Instructions: 6o%%ow the directions on your bo0ed mi0 )nstead of adding the amount of oi% ca%%ed for# re$%ace that same measurement with butter or margarine )n $%ace of water# re$%ace the measured amount with mi%" /ost ca"e mi0es ca%% for 3 eggs# but were going to use 5 instead /i0 it a%% together as usua%# $reheating the oven as instructed +ince were using the donut $an# you%% $robab%y be setting your heat to 327 +$ray the donut $an we%% with

nonstic" ba"ing s$ray# and fi%% each ring with 1 hea$ing tab%es$oon of batter .a"e for about 18 minutes or unti% go%den 2his wi%% ma"e about 2 do9en donuts Once the donuts are coo%# add a few tab%es$oons of the frosting to a microwave safe bow% Heat for about 17 seconds or unti% thin and runny and stir we%% Di$ the to$s of the donuts into the frosting# %etting e0cess dri$ off and turn the donuts so it s$reads even%y After each di$ decorate with s$rin"%es# nuts# chi$s or shredded coconut# then %et dry Di$ the ne0t# decorate and continue /y four year o%d too" over di$$ing and made some sur$rising%y $retty donuts as we%%( !e had a b%ast# and the "ids were so $roud of their wor"( 2his is a $erfect %ast minute $ro&ect right before Ha%%oween# itd be great to bring these to a wor" $ot%uc" or serve at a s%ee$over /y husband wi%% be ta"ing a few to wor" to give to his cowor"ers(

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