Cuccinelli Wins College-Age Vote by Six Points

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Cuccinelli Wins College Age Vote by Six Points

For Immediate Release: November 7 !"#$ Contact: Matthew Wertman 540-447-06823 C e!it "o##$ %rom &irginia'$ ovem(er 5th )#ection re"ort that *en Cuccine##i won the vote among +8-24 ,ear-o#d$ (, an im"re$$ive $i! "oint$. -n%ormation #i.e thi$ damage$ the narrative that ,oung "eo"#e are inherent#, #i(era#/ and high#ight$ the im"ortance and in%#uence o% $tudent-#ed organi0ation$ $uch a$ the Co##ege 1e"u(#ican$. Co##ege 1e"u(#ican 2ederation o% &irginia 3C12&4 Chairman Matt Wertman commented/ $a,ing 56he$e re$u#t$ he#" under$core the in%#uence o% the 2ederation on ,oung voter$. We had a great o""ortunit, thi$ e#ection c,c#e to im"re$$ u"on co##ege $tudent$ the gravit, o% the choice the, had to ma.e. Cuccine##i wa$ the on#, candidate that had the "otentia# to he#" ma.e &irginia 7o( %riend#, in an increa$ing#, uncertain 7o( -n an u#timate#, di$a""ointing e#ection/ it i$ encouraging to $ee that the ,outh vote i$ %ar %rom #o$t: in %act/ the, are em(racing the "rinci"#e$ o% %i$ca# con$ervati$m and evident#, voting %or the candidate with the "roven record o% $timu#ating 7o( creation in the Commonwea#th.8 6argeted adverti$ing/ too/ "#a,ed an im"ortant ro#e in the $i0a(#e 1e"u(#ican victor, in the co##ege aged vote. 9u$t under one month out %rom )#ection :a,/ the Co##ege 1e"u(#ican ationa# Committee 3C1 C4 (ro.e onto the digita# $cene/ a $eriou$ "#a, at reaching out to ,outh voter$ in &irginia (, $howing them wh, :emocratic nominee %or ;overnor 6err, Mc<u##i%%e i$ un%it %or o%%ice. 2ocu$ing on 6err, Mc<u%#i%%e=$ %ai#ed record at ;reen6ech <utomotive/ the C1 C re#ea$ed a one minute te#evi$ion adverti$ement targeting +8-24 ,ear o#d women. 6he C1 C'$ "urcha$e o% +.5 mi##ion im"re$$ion$ on heavi#, vi$ited we($ite$/ $uch a$ >u#u/ ?andora/ and @ou6u(e mimic.ed the dai#, routine$ o% the average co##ege $tudent. -n addition to .e, me$$aging e%%ort$/ Co##ege 1e"u(#ican canva$$ing e%%ort$ cannot (e over#oo.ed. C12& 2ir$t &ice Chairman Chand#er Cren$haw remar.ed/ 5Co##ege 1e"u(#ican$ .noc.ed on thou$and$ o% door$ throughout the Commonwea#th/ in addition to he#"ing "romote Cuccine##i on their own cam"u$e$. 6he e%%ort$ o% 30 cha"ter$ and thou$and$ o% mem(er$ throughout the $tate were wide$"read and e%%ective. Co##ege 1e"u(#ican$ are a (ig di%%erence/ (, te##ing the rea# $tor, on cam"u$e$ and to thou$and$ o% voter$ in their communitie$. 6heir canva$ing e%%ort$ a#$o made a .e, di%%erence in the attorne, genera# race and $evera# ver, c#o$e de#egate race$/ inc#uding the C12& de"#o,ment to the 34 th di$trict in mid-Acto(er which he#"ed :e#egate Com$toc. $ecure a narrow re-e#ection victor,.8 -n #ight o% a di$a""ointing e#ection/ it i$ im"ortant to re%#ect on what ha$ (een done "oor#, and what ha$ (een done we## $o a$ to en$ure we continue to do what i$ Winning the co##ege age vote (, $i! "oint$ cou#dn't $"ea. c#earer: Co##ege 1e"u(#ican e%%ort$ are C12& i$ "roud to ma.e a di%%erence/ wi## redou(#e it$ e%%ort$ %or the 20+4 e#ection/ and wi## continue to en$ure more %avora(#e outcome$ in the %uture.

BBBBB The College Republican Federation of Virginia seeks to provide students a working relationship with Republican Candidates and the Republican Party of Virginia in order to elect strong candidates at every level of government and to provide an outlet for young conservatives to share the conservative message with peers through campus outreach and education.

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