Reflection Letter

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Reardon 1 Taylor Reardon Mrs. Raymond English 1103 26 September 2013 Reflection Letter Thro gh this co rse !

felt that ! "as able to e#plore different ro tes of "riting. Some ro tes "ent thro gh research "hile others "ent thro gh brain storming and story telling. ! learned that e$en in a researched based paper% for instance the family tree pro&ect% yo can't & st state the facts and call it a day. (o ha$e to add in the m shy sentences to gi$e the facts life and ma)e them flo". ! "o ld say that ma)ing the research interesting to my a dience "as one of my "ea)nesses b t ! "as able to o$ercome this "ith the help of my peers d ring the peer re$ie" process. My peers ga$e me honest feedbac) abo t my "or) and being able to see "hat they did "ith their pro&ects also helped me to broaden my o"n ideas. *ot only "ere my classmates helpf l b t ha$ing the peer re$ie" day "as also great for me beca se it allo"ed me to re$ie" my "or) "ith a clear head "hich helped me to strengthen my original paper. +ne of my fa$orite and in my opinion% one of my best entries in my E,-ortfolio is "riting prompt n mber se$en "hich ! titled Si..le. /or this "riting prompt "e had to "rite a poem abo t a place that "e remember "ell and "ant to share "ith others. There "as criteria for "hat "e needed in the poem b t "e "ere allo"ed to format the poem any "ay that "e "ished. Right from the beginning ! )ne" ! "anted my poem to be abo t the beach. My first step in my "riting process "as to brain storm abo t all the things that reminded me abo t the beach li)e the bree.e% sand% and s n. ! "anted to remember e$ery aspect from the heat of the s n to the roar of the

Reardon 2 ocean. ! "anted my a dience to be able to pict re themsel$es there. 0ith this in mind% ! completed my brain storming. *o" ! too) the "ords from my list and sed them to help me "ith the criteria ! needed% for e#ample% ma)ing a participial phrase. 1fter ! had all the criteria ! needed% ! arranged my sentences in a "ay ! tho ght they flo"ed. ! added in things to the poem as needed b t )ept most of the sentences ! first de$eloped the same. This "as my fa$orite "riting prompt beca se "itho t research or a topic assigned it allo"ed me to sho" a different more personal% creati$e side of myself and my "riting style. 1nother one of my "ea)er areas in my "riting "as the se of citations. ! had some e#perience "ith ma)ing citations b t ! ne$er had this m ch. !n my pre$io s co rses ! "as al"ays ns re if ! had completed a citation correctly b t "ith this class and the practice ! ha$e gotten "ith ma)ing citations ! can no" ma)e them confidentially and ! )no" e#actly "hat ! am doing. 2reating a citation "asn't as big of a problem as sing in te#t citations properly. ! had e#tremely little e#perience "ith this is high school. ! can honestly only remember t"o or so pro&ects "here ! sed in te#t citations. ! al"ays made them harder than they really "ere so ! did my best to a$oid them. 3o"e$er% "ith this class ! learned the appropriate "ay to do in te#t citations and ! am $ery gratef l beca se ! )no" ! "ill ha$e to se them for other classes in my college career.

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