Other Oils and Marinades

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Pastas $6.

All pastas are made with only fresh ingredients and the Semolina flour is grown in Arizona. Cooking time once water comes to a boil is between 3 - 4 minutes.

Aztec (Cilantro)


Bulls Blood (Beet)


Moltobuona (Tomato Basil)

(Just Arrived!)

Pomodore Italian Eribe (Tomato Italian Herb)

(Just Arrived!)

Sailor (Spinach)
(Just Arrived!)

Satans ( arlic) Spic" (Ca"enne Tomato)

(Out of Stock!)


South!est (Chipotle)

Thumper (Carrot)


#am #am (#am $la%ored) (TBA)

&est" ('emon Pepper)

Italian Blend (inai)rette
( n Stock!)

South!est Chipotle

Spic" Pasta Mi* Chipotle 'emon Pepper (TBA)

&est" Stea+
(!i"ited Stock)

Avocado Oi#s

A%ocado Blood ,ran)e ,il



arlic ,il

A%ocado 'emon ,il


A%ocado ,il
(Just Arrived!)

Saut scallops! brush on chicken or fish to grill. "ood for baking too. Switch out this blood orange a#ocado oil for the #egetable oil in the recipe on the brownie bo$ for a wonderful blood orange brownie. "reat for saut ing #egetables or breakfast potatoes. %rush on steaks or chicken for high temperature grilling. "reat for marinades too. &ith a high smoke point! this is great for saut ing items such as scallops! shrimp! white fish and salmon. Could be used with a load of freshly ground pepper! sea salt and garlic for a fantastic 'emon (epper Chicken A#ocado )il is relati#ely new to the culinary world. 'ike oli#e oil! a#ocado oil is pressed from the pulp surrounding the pit. *t is great for saut ing or frying as it has an unusually high smoke point. As for health benefits! it is high in monounsaturated fats and #itamin +.

Sesa"e Oi#s
Toasted Sesame in)er arlic

Toasted Sesame 'emon)rass in)er ,il

( n Stock!)

"reat for Asian dumplings! once cooked toss with oil and saut dumplings till crispy and fla#orful. ,oss chicken wings with teriyaki sauce and pan fry with this oil to kick up the fla#or a notch. Combine with fish sauce! soy sauce! lime -uice and sugar for a sa#ory Asian salad dressing. .se cucumber! cilantro! toasted peanuts or cashews! red peppers and onions in the salad. ,op with a chicken breast or salmon filet

Toasted Sesame ,il


pan seared with the toasted sesame lemongrass ginger oil. Sesame seed oil has a high proportion /4012 of polyunsaturated /)mega-32 fatty acids and is also a great source of anti-o$idants. *t is often used as a fla#or enhancer in Chinese! 4apanese! 5iddle +astern! 6orean! and Southeast Asian cuisine. "reat for stir frying of meats! #egetables or e#en an omelet.

$arieta# O#ive Oi#s

%nf#avored (Sourced fro" &reece' Morocco' ()*+t' ta#* and S+ain) ,ertified (-tra $ir)in Oi#s ,a#ifornia Ar.e/uina

,a#ifornia Ar.osana

,a#ifornia Mission

A fresh! green scent leading to an upfront buttery fla#or with a hint of green and a mild pepper finish. A nutty and fruit forward fla#or with notes of green tomato and almond. *t has a touch of pepper on the finish. 7ery smooth and buttery with a clean and delicate finish.

Me-ican 8ea#y oli#e fla#or with a slight Man0ani##o pepper finish.




(!i"ited Stock)

An e$tra #irgin oli#e oil that will maintain its fla#or when cooked and is ideal for baking! sauce making or saut ing. %lend of 3 e$tra #irgin )li#e )ils! Coratina! (icual! and Spanish Castile. %ase for salads and dipping oils


,a#ifornia 2oroneiki



%read dipping! salad dressing! or drizzle on food A dark green color and is our most robust oli#e oil. "reen and grassy fla#ors with a peppery finish that will lea#e a pleasant tickle in your throat. An oil has an artichoke and green tomato aroma! it has a fruity fla#or with a great deal of body. ,his region is known for growing fig! oli#es and citrus. ,urkish +7))! while light in fla#or and smooth! displays fruity characteristics of peach and ripe apricot.

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