Mayhem Magick Has Its Roots in Every Occult Tradition and in The Work of Lots of Individuals

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turmoil magick has its roots Turmoil Magick has its roots in every occult custom and in the

work of numerous people. If any a single person can be said to have actually been accountable, albeit unintentionally, for the present environment of opinion that person would be Austin Osman Spare, whose magical system was based completely on his photo of himself and upon an egocentric model of deep space. He did not intend that the system he developed for his own use ought to be made use of by others because it was clear to him that no two individuals can profit from the exact same system. Nor did he fall into the trap of presuming that the info exposed to or by him was pertinent to all humanity as all the messiahs did. Aleister Crowley concerned treat him as a "black bro" purely due to the fact that he declined to accept Crowley's Law of Thelema, choosing instead to work beyond regulations and dogmas, depending on intuition and information uprooted from the depths of self. Indubitably practitioners cast real magic spells The most current public expression of Turmoil Magick has been with the work of the Illuminates of Thanateros, an order which Pete Carroll and I started in 1978. Our intended for that time was to inspire as opposed to lead magicians interested in the Mayhem concept by releasing ideas of an useful nature. Our approach differed to Spare's only insamuch as we wanted team along with solo magick. The feedback to our writings was much higher than we expected and by 1982 there were teams working in England, Australia, America, Egypt and Germany as well as allied teams such as the "Circle of Disorder" and lots of people working alone. The magnetic law of attraction is absolute. This put us in an awkward position since it meant that a wonderful idea which, by our own meaning, can not be taught now needed to be instructed. Both Pete and I held guruship and hierarchy as anathema yet now we were being expected not only to instruct but also to lead. It has actually been said that all systems of magick have the same outcome. I question that this is true because many systems limit their practitioners within such narrow specifications of dogma and morality (even if there is no priesthood as such) that impulse and imagination are stifled by rules and doctrines. A path can not be selected smartly till all paths have actually been examined for contrast and to limit oneself to one course would, in any case, limitation ones experience and modes of thinking. No reference was made of concepts best left for the individual to decide such as reincarnation and the presence or nature of god. Ideas of that nature have little bearing on the performance of useful magick anyhow, and people practising the strategies rapidly came to their own conclusions. We understood that we were on the right track when we came to collecting the info sent out to us by individuals and groups. To detail the techniques of Mayhem Magick would be spurious considering that they are sufficiently dealt with in available publications. We created the term "Disorder Magick" to indicate the randomness of the universe and the individuals relationship with it. Disorder is expressive of this viewpoint and enhances the idea that there is no permanent model for the person's

relationship with everything that he is not. If there were anything such as a Chaos Credo it would run on the following lines: I do not believe in anything. When those theories have actually been checked, I understand exactly what I know (gnosis) and I postulate concepts which may or may not enter my system of embraced beliefs. There are no gods or demons, except for those I have been conditioned into acknowledging and those I have developed for myself. I develop and destroy beliefs according to their usefulness. In the words of the sensible "absolutely nothing is real, everything is allowed" - provided it disrupts no-one. At the team level clearly an agreement of some kind should be reached. I use the word agreement advisedly because various other descriptions such as "shared truth" would be quite deceptive considering that no notion beyond the concrete can be shared. It can, at good, be appreciated. Assistance in method is constantly useful however reliance on books, even books on Chaos Magick, is best kept to a minimum in favor of working by impulse. Group workings usually fall into 4 categories - experimental, initiatory, duplicated routine and celebratory (for which numerous teams could come together) although by no suggests all groups consist of all 4 classifications in their arsenal. More crucial for a team working any kind of magick is to develop and keep an environment which inspires the creativity and delights. Masks and robes are efficient and, for that reason, commonly used although nudity is not frowned upon (See the "Cardinal Rites of Mayhem"). As far as experimental magick is concerned, sigilisation has actually been the most extensively researched subject, but telekinesis, ESP and telepathy in addition to numerous approaches of raising power have been checked out in differing degrees of detail. This includes magic spell services Turmoil Magick is not trying to find converts but anybody who is currently inclined to wonderful journey and who is prepared to break new ground would be warmly accepted by the existing teams.

Chaos Magick has its roots in every occult custom and in the work of lots of individuals. The most recent public expression of Chaos Magick has been with the work of the Illuminates of Thanateros, an order which Pete Carroll and I started in 1978. The feedback to our writings was much greater than we expected and by 1982 there were teams working in England, Australia, America, Egypt and Germany as well as allied groups such as the "Circle of Mayhem" and numerous individuals working alone. magic spell services

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