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The Government is determined to deliver on its election commitment to reduce the cost of unnecessary and inefficient regulation on business and the community by at least $1 billion each year, every year. Regulation wont be the default position for government and will only be imposed where unavoidable. Cabinet submissions will henceforth require regulatory impact statements that quantify the compliance costs imposed and matching compliance cost cuts where regulation is unavoidable. Excessive, unnecessary regulation stifles productivity, investment and job creation and saps business confidence. Over the last six years, more than 21,000 additional regulations were introduced, productivity declined and Australia fell in the global competitiveness rankings. There are currently more than 50,000 Acts and legislative instruments, many of which are a handbrake on Australias ability to get things done. The Governments new approach recognises that regulation has a cost. Responsibility for the deregulation agenda now sits with the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet to ensure there is a whole-ofgovernment approach to this critical issue. To further streamline government and reduce duplication, the Government will also abolish or rationalise 21 non-statutory bodies where activities are no longer needed or can be managed within existing departmental resources. Many of these non-statutory bodies have outlived their original purpose or are not focused on the Governments policy priorities. As a result, their work is best carried out by the relevant government departments or agencies. Ministers will continue to receive advice from a broad range of sources including industry and community stakeholders, relevant departments and from Ministerial Advisory Councils. These measures demonstrate our commitment to improving productivity and delivering efficient, effective Government.

8 November 2013


ATTACHMENT A: The Government is abolishing 12 non-statutory bodies, amalgamating four bodies with other non-statutory bodies to simplify activities; and absorbing the core functions of five bodies within the relevant department to reduce duplication. Non-statutory bodies to be abolished: Australian Animals Welfare Advisory Committee. Commonwealth Firearms Advisory Council. International Legal Services Advisory Council. National Inter-country Adoption Advisory Council. National Steering Committee on Corporate Wrongdoing. Antarctic Animal Ethics Committee. Advisory Panel on the Marketing in Australia of Infant Formula. High Speed Rail Advisory Group. Maritime Workforce Development Forum. Advisory Panel on Positive Ageing. Insurance Reform Advisory Group. National Housing Supply Council.

Non-statutory bodies to be amalgamated with another non-statutory body: National Policy Commission on Indigenous Housing amalgamated with Prime Ministers Indigenous Advisory Council. National Children and Family Roundtable and Prime Ministers Council on Homelessness to be amalgamated with Social Services Ministerial Advisory Council. Pulp and Paper Advisory Group to be managed by the Manufacturing Leaders Group.

Non-statutory bodies to be absorbed by portfolio departments: International Pro-Bono Advisory Group Attorney-Generals Department. National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council Attorney Generals Department. Centre for Workplace Leadership Advisory Group Employment. National Council for Education for Sustainability Environment. National Sustainability Council Environment.


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