Composition - 5B - Alisson

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Alisson Vitrio de Lima

ICA 5B COMPOSITION ONE: Presenting the Tai Chi Chuan

Im a great fan of this ancient martial art. So, Ill try to show in a few words some benefits from Tai Chi practicing. Tai Chi Chuan is a veritable fountain of youth. It activates your youth hormones and immune cells, strengthens the heart, put in order their organic functions, refines your reflexes and balance and helps you ward off the signs of aging. And for your mood? Its like opening a window in a stuffy room a great relief! For those who hate exercise and for anyone whose heart and joints cant perform strenuous movements, Tai Chi is perfect. To your heart and metabolism, it is equivalent to a walk of four miles. But the Tai Chi has something special, which offers a general strengthening of health in ways very different from conventional exercises Awaken your energy, balance blood pressure: The breathing techniques reduce stress, decrease heart rate and increase your energy level. Increases the ability to concentrate: Running forms of movements its concentration is strengthened by exercising your memory and increasing the ability to perform everyday tasks more easily. Stretches the muscles and allow the flexible joints: circular movements slow and reduce stress and increase endurance and flexibility of the joints.

ICA 5B COMPOSITION TWO: The Testament - My Humble Review Imagine a man who, besides being a billionaire, is eccentric. Easy, right? Now imagine this same man with 6 children, 3 ex-wives and hating them all. Imagine, further, that 72 year old man writing his will, which leaves its 11 billion dollars for people who hate. Thus begins the plot of The Testament by John Grisham. Troy Phelan, the billionaire in question, forging a situation where all sign a will leaving 90 pages of half a billion dollars for each child. After that, it jumps from the roof of his building and obviously dies. The pace of the narrative borders on the hallucinatory, even when the story is not at the peak of action. The dialogues are very well constructed, running from the obvious - and, more interestingly, the appreciation of silence has much in favor of Grisham (where there could be dialogue, the author fits just a thought, or even an onomatopoeia, and the story runs much more fluency). As if all this were not enough to convince you to rush out and buy the book, just say that the ending is perhaps the most unexpected I've seen to date. You've probably seen a movie based on the works of John Grisham, which proves that the guy is an expert when it comes to creating good stories. The Testament may not be the best book of the author, but it comes close, no doubt.

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