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Friday, November 1, 2013

Childrens Conference Goes to the Birds

The NWUSF Youth Department hosted the rst Northern
California Childrens Conference. Children from across the area
ages 3 to 12 participated in the program around the theme of
exploring the Bible. Instructional sessions were conducted by
David Devai, Joshua Maghiar, and David Zic. The music program
allowed for extended signing time, which was organized by Ana
Maria Tudoroiu.
In addition to learning that the Bible was full of letters to us
from God, the children took an opportunity to write encouraging
letters to the children at the church in Gafunbaget, Burundi.
They are now waiting to receive letters back.
The highlight of the program was the outdoor activities
including an exploration walk and the construction and
decoration of birdhouses. The outdoor program was conducted
by Rebecca Devai and Jeriel Fountain.
As a result of the success of this conference it has been
decided to make this an annual event. Also, we should be
releasing information on the rst Northern California Teen
Summit, which will be taking place in the spring.

Upcoming Events
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Western North American
Union delegation session in
Friday, November 8, 2013
Youth Science and Religion
study by Pr. David Zic at
Sabbath, November 9, 2013
Youth Sabbath hosted by the
Carmichael Church.
November 22-23, 2013
Amador Food Bank concert
Sunday, November 24, 2013
SDARM College Group
homeless distribution (food
and clothing)
Sabbath, November 30, 2013
Youth Sabbath hosted by the
Prunedale Church
January 3-6, 2014
Youth convention at Lake
Francis Resort
Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement Northwest U.S. Field
NorCal Reformer Friday, November 1, 2013
Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement
Northwest United States Field

S77u Naitin Luthei King, }i. Blvu 29u Bowe Ave Apt C
Saciamento, CA 9S824 Saciamento, CA 9S82S
Phone: (916) 612-S287

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Beai Nembeis anu Fiienus of the Noithwest 0niteu States Fielu,

uieetings with the woius fiom 2 Coiinthians 1:2-7:
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We woulu like to take this time to ieach out to eveiy one of oui membeis anu esteemeu fiienus to continue
on in the faith. The Bevil is constantly woiking veiy haiu to uistiact us, keep us away fiom uou's Woiu, anu
to claim us as his followeis. We piay that you may take these woius fiom 2
Coiinthians as a spiiitual
stepping-stone to be a bettei followei of Chiist anu to become closei with Bim. Be is oui comfoitei that
nevei gives up on each anu eveiyone of us, anu thiough this comfoit we aie able to expiess Bis love anu
caie foi all those that we come in contact with.

89:8;<= ;> ?@A< B=??=: C <9DDE:F ;> =G=H?<I
As we appioach the miu-point of the cuiient fielu teim, it is impoitant foi us to examine oui activities to
make plans on moving foiwaiu. The Loiu has blesseu us uuiing this yeai anu is continuing to bless us
thioughout all oui activities, outieach events, iegulai chuich meetings, anu eveiything that we put oui
minus to. We have helu many local chuich meetings, fielu wiue auult anu chiluien confeiences, vaiious
fielu committee meetings ianging fiom the executive committee to the publishing committee, health
seminais, ievelation seminais, youth meetingsactivities, cooking classes, anu many othei activities anu
piogiams. Youi Fielu Council is veiy happy with how events anu activities have piogiesseu uuiing this
teim anu we woulu like to encouiage continual giowth anu even moie activities anu events to ieach even
gieatei amounts of people in the aiea which we aie in chaige of, which if you aie not awaie is the Noithein
pait of Califoinia beginning in the centei with the counties of Inyo, King, anu Nonteiiey anu all the counties
noith of these. We have a gieat aiea to woik with. Let us continue planting seeus in this aiea. The puipose
of this lettei is to summaiize all the vaiious activities that we have conuucteu anu to infoim you of the
piogiess oui fielu is moving towaius since oui Belegation Session helu on }une 24, 2u12.
NorCal Reformer Friday, November 1, 2013
Beginning with some of oui most impoitant events, we have helu 4 Confeiences thus fai in the Noithwest 0niteu
States Fielu (NW0SF). 0n 0ctobei 2u, 2u12, oui chuich in Watsonville helu a spiiitual confeience in which Baviu
Lopez anu Baviu Zic weie the main speakeis. The NW0SF Youth Committee aiiangeu S vans to tianspoit the
youth that weie inteiesteu fiom the Saciamento Aiea to this confeience. The membeis of Watsonville weie
gieatly appieciative of the suppoit that was given. The topics uiscusseu weie veiy helpful in giowing spiiitually
anu living a closei life with Chiist. Nany visitois fiom the Watsonville aiea weie blesseu as well. This confeience
was a gieat success.

0n Nay 1u-12, 2u1S, we helu oui annual Leoni Neauows Confeience in which we conuucteu vaiious meetings leu
by Bio. Bavi Pai Silva anu, foi the fiist time in this fielu, we also leu woikshops in which attenuees weie able to
heai a piesentation anu uiscuss the issues oi topics being coveieu ielating to Naiiiage, Finances, Couiting, anu
Caieei Planning. We also incluueu a Chiluien's woikshop in which the chiluien attenuing weie able to sing, leain
impoitant Biblical stoiies, anu cieate aitwoik which paients, we aie suie, thoioughly enjoyeu. This confeience
was a tiemenuous blessing foi all those that attenueu, paiticipateu anu weie involveu. Youi Fielu Council is
looking foiwaiu to planning anu ueveloping the next Leoni Neauows Confeience, which will be helu fiom Apiil
18-2u, 2u14. Noie infoimation will follow in the coming months.

0n August Su
-Septembei 1
2u1S, we helu oui annual Confeience at the Noiiah Beights piopeity. We ienteu a
tent anu chaiis to holu the meetings outuoois. What was unique about this confeience was that the Young
membeis of oui fielu thiough the NW0SF Fielu Youth Committee took chaige of all the cooiuinating fiom speaking
to piepaiing the foou. 0f couise, theie guiuance was pioviueu by the oluei, moie expeiienceu membeis in oui
fielu, but pieuominantly, the youth took chaige of this confeience. This pioviueu gieat tiaining foi the speakeis
anu cooiuinatois to leain how to piepaie a confeience anu what coulu be impioveu in the futuie. The oveiall
theme was oui neeu of piepaiation foi the lattei iain. The topics coveieu all ielateu with having a closei walk with
uou to be able to have a gieatei anu moie beneficial expeiience anu ielationship with each othei as sons anu
uaughteis of uou. Nany weie blesseu anu inspiieu by the messages that weie piesenteu by the foui young
speakeis. Theie is gieat potential in this fielu foi young membeis to leau the woik in the futuie. We neeu to
iealize this anu to encouiage this woik as much anu as often as we can.

0n 0ctobei 19
2u1S, the Youth Committee again planneu, cooiuinateu, anu leu a confeience specifically
uesigneu foi the Chiluien of this fielu. It was helu at the Noiiah Beights Piopeity. The chiluien who attenueu
leaineu about letteis that uou has foi each anu eveiyone one of us anu even wiote some of theii own; they leaineu
about impoitant stoiies in the Bible anu what it has to offei to each peison that seaiches it; they leaineu about
natuie in a walk they weie able to paitake in; they leaineu classic songs in which uouly piinciples anu teachings
aie encouiageu; anu they weie even given the oppoitunity to builu anu paint biiuhouses. Paients weie
ecstatically happy with the activities that took place. The smiles that lit up the faces of the chiluien anu the auults
piesent gave eviuence of the gieat success that this confeience hau in impacting the lives of all involveu

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In auuition to these confeiences, theie have been many events in oui fielu that have been geaieu specifically foi
missionaiy outieach. 0n }anuaiy 2u, 2u1S, a Bealth Faii was leu by oui Nissionaiy Bepaitment. Nany uiffeient
means of auveitising weie exhausteu incluuing newspapei aus, iauio announcements, inteinet meuia, anu passing
out of invitations at local shopping centeis aiounu the aiea. Seveial of the volunteeis tiaveleu to Watsonville foi
Sabbath to pass out invitations anu tell people of the benefits that they coulu ieceive fiom attenuing the Bealth
Faii. Nany people iesponueu to the effoits put foith by the uiffeient auveitising methous, as was uiscoveieu fiom
those that attenueu. 0veiall, it was a gieat blessing to pioviue fiee health analysis anu auvise to all those that
paiticipateu. Auuitionally, uuiing Nay S1
-}une2nu, 2u1S, Baviu Zic helu a health evangelism seminai in visalia,
wheie many fiist time visitois came as a iesult of oui fiont page newspapei auveitisement.

Buiing the weekenus of Apiil 19-21 anu Apiil 26-28, Revelation Seminais weie helu at Saciamento Chuich leu by
Baviu Zic. Seveial visitois attenueu anu many membeis expiesseu theie uelight in the appioach that was taken to
piesent this veiy impoitant topic to all those piesent. 0n August 11, 2u1S the same Seminai was helu in Fiesno as
an effoit to pioviue means of leaining to a gieatei amount of membeis anu visitois in oui iegion. A numbei of
visitois came as a iesult of the newspapei auveitisement, anu the iesult has been iegulai bible stuuies being
conuucteu at oui chuich in Fiesno.
NorCal Reformer Friday, November 1, 2013
0n Novembei 16 anu 17, 2u12, the Amauoi County Foou Bank Inteifaith Choii, leu by oui fiienu }ohn Leggett anu
sponsoieu laigely by oui Fielu Choii, conuucteu a benefit conceit that iaiseu about $1u,uuu foi the Amauoi County
Inteifaith Foou Bank. This is the 1S
yeai that this conceit has been helu anu the seconu yeai oui fielu has
paiticipateu in a majoi iole. 0ui fielu choii piacticeu iegulaily eveiy weekenu uuiing the S months piioi to this
conceit. We piesenteu songs that ielateu the stoiy of }esus to all those piesent with the 0iatoiio composeu by
Camille Saint-Saens. It was haiu woik, but a tiue blessing in the enu to piesent the songs anu instiumental pieces
foi the honoi anu gloiy of uou. It was encouiaging to see the positive iesponse of the laigely Piotestant auuience
uuiing the closing of the Sabbath conuucteu by Baviu Zic. This yeai, we aie in the miust of piepaiing the fiist pait of
the Nessiah by u.F. Banuel to piesent at the 14
annual Festival of Caiols benefit conceit. The fielu choii is
ieheaising eveiy Satuiuay evening anu is achieving some gieat iesults with the complete help anu guiuance of uou.
The membeis of the oichestia fiom the many chuiches in the Saciamento Aiea aie also woiking tiemenuously haiu
to get all the pieces just like Banuel wiote them to be. 0n top of this, the Caimichael Choii is piacticing eveiy Fiiuay
evening anu many otheis aie piepaiing inuiviuual paits to piesent at this benefit conceit. Without a uoubt, theie
aie some veiy talenteu people in this fielu that aie being useu by uou to uiaw people to Bis woiu. We piay that all
involveu continue to woik haiu in oiuei to piesent these pieces foi the complete anu total honoi of uou.

In a uiffeient pait of oui fielu, the membeis conuucting the woik in the visalia anu Fiesno aiea, aie iegulaily holuing
cooking classes, passing out liteiatuie anu pamphlets at majoi events such as the Woilu Ag Expo helu in Tulaie, CA
uuiing Febiuaiy 12-14 2u1S, anu aie ieaching out to the many people that we know neeu the Loiu. The iesult is
seen with the incieasing numbei of Bible stuuies that Nichael Toipey is conuucting on a weekly basis. We neeu to
uevelop the woik in this aiea even fuithei in oiuei to expanu to the othei aieas that we aie iesponsible foi. We ask
all to keep the membeis in the Fiesno aiea in oui piayeis anu to suppoit them in any way we can.

Even though many might not iealize, oui Whispeiing Pines Chiistian School is oui gieatest missionaiy outlet foi oui
message in this fielu. 82 stuuents aie eniolleu at this small school. The stuuents, anu on many occasions the
paients, aie exposeu to the Woiu of uou anu the piinciples that aie founu in the Bible eveiy uay. Although this is a
small school, we aie gieatly appieciative that it is oui chuich's laigest institution in Noith Ameiica. The teacheis
anu people in chaige of tianspoiting stuuents to anu fiom school face tiials anu issues eveiy single uay. 0nly
thiough uou's meiciful help, can things continue moving foiwaiu. We aie veiy happy with how this school yeai has
begun anu aie pleaseu to say that they have oui full suppoit. We ask all to not foiget the gieat blessing that this
school is in oui fielu anu to help in any way that you can whenevei the oppoitunity aiises. With the suppoit of many
biethien fiom all the chuiches, we now have 2 buses in uaily opeiation in uiiving stuuents to the school.

The missionaiy effoits that have been conuucteu thioughout oui fielu uuiing oui teim so fai have been a gieat
blessing to many uiffeient people. Nany membeis anu fiienus have been involveu in all of these piojects. We thank
eveiyone foi theii suppoit, aiu, anu confiuence in us. We continue to piay foi all the follow up effoits that aie being
peifoimeu, anu plan to conuuct many moie activities in the coming months anu yeai to spieau the message of oui
Loiu }esus Chiist to many moie souls. Please continue to contiibute in all the effoits that you can. uou will tiuly
bless in many uiffeient ways.

F;9?@ 8:;%:ED<I
0ui Fielu Youth Committee, with iepiesentatives fiom the uiffeient chuiches, has been veiy busy in planning,
piepaiing anu caiiying foith many uiffeient piogiams, events, anu activities foi the chiluien, youth, anu young
membeis in oui fielu. Eveiy month that contains a fifth Sabbath, the Youth Committee piepaies a piogiam foi the
youth anu young membeis of oui fielu to take chaige of. This is a gieat oppoitunity to get them involveu anu to
uevelop oi hone theii skills in piesenting the piinciples of uou in a cleai anu unueistanuable way. We aie veiy
blesseu to be able to have a youth piogiam in at least 1 chuich eveiy single Satuiuay of the yeai in this fielu.

Along with this, Science anu Religion stuuies have also been helu iegulaily eveiy few months at the homes of many
hospitable membeis in this fielu. Nany youth anu cooks in oui fielu have iaiseu laige amounts of funus foi the
Whispeiing Pines Chiistian School thiough iunning two Bieakfast Kitchens at the Saciamento Chuich Nultipuipose
ioom. This has been a tiemenuous aiu anu blessing foi the school anu we aie veiy thankful foi the volunteei woik
that was uonateu to have these be successful. As was mentioneu alieauy, the Youth Committee also planneu anu leu
the meetings uuiing the Noiiah Beights Confeience anu the Chiluien's Confeience, which weie both, veiy successful.
NorCal Reformer Friday, November 1, 2013
Anothei effoit that is being manageu by the Youth committee is the cieation of a SBARN College uioup at
Saciamento State 0niveisity foi the geneial Saciamento Aiea. The club has been officially staiteu anu is tiying to
involve all the young membeis of oui chuich who aie in college oi univeisity. It is an open club foi any stuuent to be
involveu with fiom any school. This is an impoitant effoit, since college anu univeisity is wheie the minus of oui
young people aie tiuly testeu. This is a time in which conflicting iueas anu philosophies aie piesenteu, anu a young
peison will neeu to ueciue whethei to stay fiim in the piinciples that they believe in oi wavei anu choose a uiffeient
path to follow. Please keep this effoit in youi piayeis.

The Fielu Youth Committee, in collaboiation with the 0nion, also piepaieu a gieat piogiam foi the weekenu youth
ietieat helu at the Lake Fiancis Resoit neai Naiysville, CA fiom Becembei 28-Su, 2u12. The youth that paiticipateu
weie gieatly blesseu as they leaineu about couiting, maiiiage, anu fiienuship piinciples. It was gieat to have youth
fiom all the uiffeient chuiches in oui fielu paiticipating in this blesseu set of meetings. This yeai, the Fielu Youth
Committee is piepaiing a piogiam focuseu on financial piinciples to be helu at the Lake Fiancis iesoit uuiing the
weekenu of }anuaiy S-6, 2u1S. Anyone inteiesteu shoulu iegistei by Novembei Su
by contacting Baviu Bevai at:
916-SS2-218S oi

Auuitionally, Baviu Zic anu veia ua Silva piepaieu a seiies of activities that involveu many iesiuents in Noiiah
Beights. Teams composeu of youth fiom all the uiffeient chuiches stiuggleu to fulfill these challenges in a timely
mannei, but all the teams maue it to the enu. This was veiy exciting foi the youth that weie piesent, but, even moie
suipiising, the iesiuents that weie involveu enjoyeu leauing the uiffeient activities veiy much. It was a gieat
blessing foi all anu it pioviueu a gieat bonuing expeiience. 0ui Fielu Youth Committee has been one of the most
successful committees in oui fielu uuiing the past few teims. We shoulu uefinitely appieciate all the effoits that aie
being put foith to involve the youth in this fielu anu to encouiage them to stay focuseu on the path to eveilasting life.

Thioughout oui fielu, theie have been many uiffeient baptisms uuiing oui teim thus fai. In any location, this is a
gieat sign anu shows that the message is giowing. We aie veiy happy about this anu encouiage all those that have
been baptizeu iecently to nevei lose sight of that love anu conviction that you hau in oiuei to make this gieat
uecision. In Naiysville, we hau 2 young people baptizeu on Septembei 28, 2u1S. In the Saciamento aiea, we hau S
young people baptizeu on August S1
, 2u1S. In Piuneuale, we hau 2 people baptizeu on }uly 6
, 2u1S. 0veiall, we
have hau a soliu numbei of baptisms in oui fielu to show that the message is ieaching the heaits of people. The
pastois anu woikeis in oui fielu aie holuing stuuies eveiy week with new anu piospective people. We neeu to piay
that fiuits can blossom fiom these stuuies anu that we can continue ieaching as many people as we can to show
them the love anu caie that uou has foi eveiy inuiviuual.

%=H=:EB AH>;:DE?A;HI
GH'&,)9=' 8*119))'': Baviu Zic, }oiai Ciuz, Caleb Fountain, }acob Risko, Alfieu Balbach
8*,-&9<: Baviu Lopez, Nichael Toipey, Baniel Bumitiu, }ulian Lupulesku, Wilson Baiios, Peuiinho Nickus
I'/%$)1'-) 5'%.'$7D
Nissionaiy: Baniel Bumitiu
Youth: Baviu Bevai
Euucation: Nichael Toipey
Auuitoi: Clauuia Nastase
Sabbath School: Baviu Lopez
LiteiatuieEvangelism: Aline Benua
Bylaws: }oiai Ciuz
Religious Libeity: Fiank Bevai
Neuia: Liviu Tuuoioiu

Chuiches owneu: 2 Chuiches ienteu: 7 Bome Chuiches: 2

Total Fielu Nembeiship: 287

Ninisteis: S active, S ietiieu Elueis: 2 active, 2 self-suppoiting Bible woikeis: 1 full time
NorCal Reformer Friday, November 1, 2013
Builuing on what has alieauy happeneu in this fielu teim, we will be announcing a numbei of special events anu
piojects in the coming months. The fiist will be the extenueu Leoni Neauows piepaiation piogiam, which will
incluue a special NW0SF Week of Piayei in Naich. Youi Fielu Council is finalizing uetails foi this piogiam anu othei
events at the moment. We look foiwaiu to woiking with all of you to continue the success that we have hau thus fai.

To close, we woulu like to uiaw youi attention now to the Woiu of oui Beavenly Fathei. Paul, as is seen in the Bible,
enuuieu many haiuships anu tiials, yet he pioceeueu foith with longsuffeiing anu stiength fiom uou. Be was able to
shake the founuation of the }ewish leaueis anu to convince, thiough the help anu guiuance of Chiist, many of the
highest leaueis of the woilu to give theii heaits to }esus. In the enu he was able to say, "I have fought a goou fight, I
have finisheu my couise, I have kept the faith" in 2 Timothy 4:7. Is this what we can say. We all neeu to evaluate oui
lives to see if we can honestly say this about what we have uone thus fai. uou is calling us to give oui lives to Bim
eveiy uay. Be will uo the woik in us to make us change to be the best followeis of Bim anu to ieflect Bis chaiactei
anu piinciples. All we neeu to uo is accept Bis changing powei. 0nce we accept anu let the Loiu uo Bis woik in us,
we will be poweiful examples to this coiiupt anu ueauly woilu we live in. Let us stiive with all oui heaits to gain this
omnipotent powei. "But watch thou in all things, enuuie afflictions, uo the woik of an evangelist, make full pioof of
thy ministiy" anu you will see the blessings that will follow (2 Timothy 4:S). Please take these woius fiom 2 Timothy
4:17-18 into minu anu ask uou to peimanently make this a pait of youi life.

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0n behalf of the NW0SF Council,

Caleb Fountain | NW0SF Secietaiy
Whispering Pines Fundraiser
Thank you to all the participants and volunteers who made the Whispering Pines Breakfast Kitchen such a
success. This was one of the largest turnouts for such an events, including many who had never been to our church
before. Thank you also to Sacramento Church for hosting the event in their multipurpose room. The total raised was
$7,838.00, and all the funds raised went to the bussing program, allowing us to operate a second daily bus route.

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