3k FAQ

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What is the background color of the general unit for? (2.2.1) General units from different faction have different color. Red for Wei, Green for Shu and lue for Wu. Generals !ith other background color are from "nde#endent factions, such as gre$ for %& u , emerald green for %iu 'hang . (he background color of the Wander Generals are Wei)Shu, Shu)Wu or Wu)Wei. 2. 2.2.1

! " # $ % & ' ( ) * What is the lo$alt$ of the General (2.2.1) (he background color of the rectangle encircling the s!ords or fans of the general (*encircling rectangle*) is the color of the faction !ho can control the general b$ conducting the canvas action, or its lo$alt$. + lo$al general (or a general that !ill not change side b$ alienate action) is a general !hose background color of the aforesaid rectangle is the same as that of the unit,s background color. -ther generals are !ander general. .or inde#endent general, $ou can use alienate (!hen the front and the back of the general is the same general) to control those general !ith the same color of the encircling rectangle (can be one of the t!o colors in the rectangle if there are t!o colors) as $our faction/ and use all$ (!hen the front and the back of the general is a different general) to control those general !ith the same color of the encircling rectangle (can be one of the t!o colors in the rectangle if there are t!o colors) as $our faction. +ll !ander general can be alienated. When conducting alienate or all$ action, one of the color of the encircling rectangle of the general $ou attem#t to change control must be the same as that of $our faction. 3. +1 3.2.1

+,- 0 1ote2 no need to #rovide clarification for the 3nglish version of the rules as the 3nglish drafting has alread$ used the term *lo!est* instead of *lo!er*. (0.2.1) .or scenario 2, the lo!est die roll of the three #la$ers in each turn is the number of +ction 4oints for the Wu 4la$er and the Shu 4la$er in that turn !hereas the Wei 4la$er have 1 more action #oint than the Wu 4la$er or the Shu 4la$er in this scenario. 4. 3.2.2

".+/01!23 4' 567891:";3<=>?!" >?@AB#$C1:"DEFGHI 0.2.2 J0K: LM" NOPQ 5an " retreat to an area controlled b$ an "nde#endent .action currentl$ controlled b$ $our faction (i.e. $ou have conducted an +ll$ action and success in gaining control of that "nde#endent .action in the same turn before the retreat)? (0.2.2) 6es, $ou can. ut $ou !ill considered to be the 7attacker8 (because $ou !ere there after the area !as

occu#ied b$ the +llied "nde#endent .action) and $our troo#s have to retreat from that area after all the action #oints of all the #la$ers are used in this turn. "t is because the +lliance lasts for one turn onl$ (See 9.0.2). 4ursuant to 0.2.2, 7+fter all the action #oints of all the #la$ers are used, if there is an$ area !ith Generals from more than one faction, the attacker !ill be treated as having lost the field battle and must retreat to a ad:acent area and the defender can ;#ursue< the retreating enem$.8 5. 3.2.3 !T@A!#$UV/0WXY


Z"R1[\]SN679WX^_"R1[E`a 5an m$ +ll$ "nde#endent .action attem#t to control an area in the 5ontrol 4hase? =oes m$ +ll$ "nde#endent .action get su##l$ #oints b$ controlling area in the 4roduction 4hase? (0.2.0) +s the +lliance lasts for one turn onl$ and a controlled area !ill become neutral (i.e. remove the 5ontrol >arker) if it contains at least one general from other faction (including +ll$ "nde#endent .action !ho !ill become neutral at the end of this (urn), therefore $ou cannot use an +ll$ "nd#endent .action to attem#t gaining control an area in the 5ontrol 4hase for an$ faction. +ll$ "nde#endent .action cannot collect or get su##l$ #oints for a$ faction. ?. $ the same token,

3.2.5 bcd'ef1"gJh+ 1@9 i E " 2)0 ij"Jij+ 1)2"Jij+ 1)02kl"klmnopq%r1 ks" 1)2 ijtu 0v 0 >?CwBxy167"ziExy+{|} Ao! can " gain control of famous generals of the "nde#endent .actions, such as 'hao 6un (4ur#le .action), 'hang %aio (Gre$ .action), 'hang Ae (Gold .action), Bia Cu (-range Red .action), Auang 'hong (Bade .action), Gan 1ing (Bade .action) and (aishi 5i ((urDuois .action)? (0.2.E) (here are three !a$s2 (1) +lienate the general. (he attem#t !ill be successful if the die roll is eDual to or less than the 5anvass Falue. (i.e. 1@2 for Wei .action, 1@0 for Wu .action and 1@9 for Shu .action.) (2) "f the general is loss in combat against $our faction and his fate is betra$al !hen $ou roll for him on the General %oss 5hart. (0) 3liminate the "nde#endent factions on or before (urn 0.


3 3.2.5

~[ks".+67"1SN67 "f both the rank 0 general and his successor of an "nde#endent .action are eliminated, does the !hold "nde#endent .action still eGist or be eliminated? (0.2.E) "f both the rank 0 general and his successor of an "nde#endent .action are eliminated, the faction still eGists if there is an$ other general of that "nde#endent .action on ma#. H. 3 2

3.2.5 =_"J+=_E>?@A! 1 = /0"ch"~B>?gJ"I;g, ~+J"I; , J_E"+R )+)"JgJ"*iE ~1>? "I\c/0iE 1 .or the three #la$er scenario 7Rise of (hree Iingdoms82 ho! do the three #la$ers choose the H !ander generals during game set@u#? +s there are onl$ 2 !ander generals enter the game each turn and assuming that there is no general rout, it seems that the initiative #la$er !ill not be able to choose an$ !ander general. +m " correct? "n the order of Wei, Wu, Shu, the 4la$ers alternatel$ chooses a Wander General from the H !ander generals !hose turn of arrival are bet!een 9 to J (i.e. Refer to m$ se#arate General Set K# (able, the$ can be either Wei or Wu, Wei or Shu) and #laces it !ith his faction side facing u# on the ma#, until Wei has chosen 9 Wander Generals, Shu has chosen 2 Wander Generals and Wu has chosen 2 Wander Generals. 1o necessaril$. Wei is the onl$ faction !ho can choose at least one Wander General in each turn. "n a 0 #la$ers game, if Shu is the non@initiative #la$er in last turn, then Shu !ill choose a Wander General/ if Wu is the non@initiative #la$er in last turn, then Wu !ill choose a Wander General. 1o matter !hether Shu or Wu is the non@initiative #la$er, Wei can choose at least one Wander General because one side of the Wander General is Wei and the other side can be either Shu or Wu. -nl$ one of Shu or Wu (!ho is the non@initiative #la$er) can choose a Wander General (but not both of them) unless there is a general rout in last turn. "n !hich case, it is #ossible for all the three factions to choose a Wander General. L. ( 0 ) ( 2 ) >?

3.2.5 "3b>?!,- 1 `~-(0 2 ) >?9";3s"-#$[`-K+ (here are three generals in Gre$ .action. %u u, 5hen Gong and 'hang %iao. (he back of %u u (Rank 0 General of Gre$ .action) is 5hen Gong (Rank 2 General of Gre$ .action, the background

color of the rectangle encircling its fans is blue, its hometo!n is +rea G). "f %u u dies in battle, since the general in its back 5hen Gong is another general belongs to the Gre$ .action (and not belongs to Wei, Shu or Wu), is 5hen Gong #lace in neGt turn of the General 4re#aration oG and enters the game as a Wander General? (0.2.E) 6es, 5hen Gong is #laced in neGt turn of the General 4re#aration oG and enters the game as a Wander General and he can #lace 1 (roo# Strength 4oint !ith him in +rea G. (his hometo!n is in +rea G). "f 'hang %iao (Rank 2 General of Gre$ .action, +rrival (urn M 0, its hometo!n is +rea ) enters the game on the same turn as 5hen Gong, 'hang %iao (!ithout an$ (roo# Strength 4oint) should also be #laced in +rea G (!here 5hen Gong is rather than +rea , the hometo!n of 'hang %iao) !ith 5hen Gong as 5hen Gong is not dead.

3.2.5 1 `K"+`JWXYZJK Where can $ou #lace a general that enter the game? 5an it be #laced onl$ in an$ area of its hometo!n, or can it be #laced onl$ in an area controlled b$ its o!n faction or can it be #laced in an$ area controlled b$ other faction? (0.2.E) 6ou can #lace a general !ith one troo# strength #oint in his hometo!n (even if it is currentl$ controlled b$ another faction), or $ou can #lace a general !ithout an$ troo# strength #oint in2 (a) an$ area controlled b$ $our faction/ or (b) an$ area currentl$ occu#ied b$ a general of $our faction. 11. 3.2.6 =`71K:


b4SN67K:"4b9"DE9 What is the effect of rule 0.2.? (0) 74lace one (roo# Strength 4oint in each area controlled b$ an$ 1eutral .action8 on the game? "n other !ords, $ou #lace one troo# strength #oint in each area controlled b$ an$ "nde#endent 1eutral .action in each turn. "t can be assigned to an$ general of that 1eutral .action. (herefore, it ma$ be better to attack the "nde#endent 1eutral .action earl$ in the game, other!ise, it !ill gro! stronger !ith the reinforcing (roo# Strength 4oints later in the game. 12. 4.3.1

+m"1&' (o alienate a general, is the color of the current unit,s back be the same as the color of the faction conducing the alienate action? (9.0.1)

6es, and fli# the unit to its back if the action is successful. 13. .or Wander Generals !hose background color is different in its front and in its back (e.g. 4ang =ong, Cu Shu), !ill its lo$alt$ be changed again back to its original faction !ith a successful canvass attem#t b$ its original o!ner after its lo$alt$ is changed. (e.g. from red faction to green faction and then from green faction back to red faction) (9.0.1) 6es. 14. 4.3.1 ] 4.3.1


Jkl"R1'#$C1:"[+c=J0: 5an $ou further elaborate the rules 7"n case the generals of all the three #la$er factions are in the same area !ith a ;rebelling< general as a result, the rebelling general has to fight the faction !ho controlled him before his rebellion.8 (9.0.1) (he rules ensure that onl$ t!o factions are left in that area in that situation, thus Rule E.1 >ove %imit 7(he stacking limit of each area is t!o factions8 !ill not be violated. 15.

4.3.2 kl!SN67]aSN67~k"/0[ "f an "nde#endent .action allied !ith a 4la$er .action and the 4la$er .action uses the armies of the "nde#endent .action to attack other factions. =oes the 4la$er .action need to eG#end (thus #a$ for his all$) su##l$ #oint for the attack as #er rule ?.1? =oes the 4la$er .action gain Fictor$ 4oints if the "nde#endent .action !in the combat? (9.0.2) "nde#endent .action does not need to eG#end Su##l$ 4oint for its attack or defense. 4la$er .action gains Fictor$ 4oints if the "nde#endent .action under its control !ins the combat 16.

4.3.2 +=67@ 5"{v>?@"! =gJWXYZ" R1"NO` b"3J9+

=o $ou conduct an +ll$ action to attem#t to gain control of the !hole "nde#endent .action or :ust to gain control of an "nde#endent General? (9.0.2) 4ursuant to 9.0, $ou conduct an +ll$ action to attem#t to gain control of the !hole "nde#endent .action and $ou conduct an +lienate action to attem#t to gain control of one Wander General or "nde#endent general (i.e. a general under control of the "nde#endent .orce). Re. 9.0.2, the #la$er chooses an "nde#endent .action . 4lace $our control markers in the areas occu#ied b$ the general of the "nde#endent .action for this turn onl$ if the attem#t is successful. .or eGam#le, if the Green .action all$ !ith 6uan Shao (Gold .action) in (urn -ne, he !ill #lace a green control marker in +rea the Gold .action. (herefore, the Generals of the Gold .action can move from +rea attack +rea .1 and this !ill threaten the Wei<s #osition. 1J. FAQ 4 and +rea 5 and he ma$ immediatel$ conduct a 5onverge, =iverge or Remove action !ith the generals of and +rea 5 to

- - 1 2 FAQ 4 4.3.2 ):+J"+=67"

SN67b() bfgJ} J-}}}J{}{}{|} (he background color of the rectangle encircling the s!ords or fans of the general is the color of the faction !ho can control the general b$ conducting the canvas action. Ao!ever, for general like (.a 'heng (Red and Green rectangle, 3merald Green background in .ront/ Green rectangle, Green background at back), !h$ does the unit has a red)green rectangle !ithout an$ red background unit colour? 5an Wei (red faction) control it? 3ven !ithout the red background unit colour, .a 'heng can be controlled b$ the Wei .action !hen the 3merald Green .action is controlled b$ the Red .action for one turn as a result of a successful +ll$ action. 18. 2

4.3.2 =K:<\J"R1<\J""+Jcd E4J"R\!J ~++PQ"m9"I ~+ :"I++"<b*\no @Am%C4'"\

I have attacked an area with units from my factions and units from one of my ally Faction. As the areas have units from two factions now, no other faction can enter that area. Am I correct? (4.3. ! "o, you cannot attack an area with units from your factions and units from one of your faction in the same time as there is already an enemy faction there, thus violatin# the two factions $er area stackin# limit. 1L. : D:U 0 '(: 2 :".B !" ~+#$`d

5.1 +"z 2 "+: U +=:\+)<\ 1 )\U %&"IU

1ote2 no need to #rovide clarification for the 3nglish version of the rules as the 3nglish drafting has alread$ used the follo!ings in E.12 >ove u# to t!o generals from the same area to an ad:acent area across a !hite border or move a general to an ad:acent area across a bro!n border. (1ote2 5onducting a converge action allo!s $ou to move u# to t!o generals from each area across a !hite border to the destination area or move u# to one general from each area across a bro!n border to the destination area) 20. 5.1

)9E*+,-"./;WX1:;012345!z,- +g}J?`4,-"@Am678gJ+JWXYZ"R19 1 J"9:;=<=>"m1245HI"~ K:<\ J ?HI@"Er>6ABCD5EgJgJ4 F K%GH0"R0I"0%J0K]ch9 1@0 >?g+J!"]JL"=LK'e9X4b:" ;kM9N_"O0PQb"+ARS[T Related to =esigner<s notes and not translated. 21.

5.1 z<\UVU =:

1ote2 no need to #rovide clarification for the 3nglish version of the rules as the 3nglish drafting has alread$ used the follo!ings in E.12 "f a #la$er moves from a friendl$ control area to an ad:acent friendl$ control area and there is no enem$

general in these t!o areas, he can move an additional area. 22. 2 6 5.2 z<\ 0 ".+ 2 %&U !"W7N2

"f there are t!o naval generals, can " move ? generals along the 6angtOe river to an$ area flo! through b$ 6angtOe River (i.e. +rea %1, %2, %0, I1, I2, I0, B1, B2, B0, B9) via 1aval >ove? (E.2) 1o, if there is a naval general (a general !ith a naval silhouette) in the moving stack, $ou can use naval movement !ith u# to three generals (including the naval general). Ao!ever, each of $our 1aval General !ill count as t!o restraining #oints if the$ are in an$ area flo! through b$ 6angtOe River. 23. 6.0

"SN67\XYWXYZ"<\k"k!;/09 5an $ou attack a General of an "nde#endent .action? (?.P) 6es, $ou can attack a General of an "nde#endent .action in field battle. +s there is no control marker for "nde#endent .action, an "nde#endent .action<s General !ill not choose siege battle. 24. 1 6.1

1 1ote2 no need to #rovide clarification for the 3nglish version of the rules as the 3nglish drafting has alread$ used the follo!ings in ?.12 Q1 (if an$ of his attacker su##l$ route has #assed through an$ area flo! through b$ the 6angtOe River ).


6.1 m"

Z'[&a"*Ekl"R1klB~X'&a"I4'U X'#$ PQ"+\k".+E]^_"Z'[E]`a

What ha##en if the defender does not have an$ Su##l$ 4oint at start of a battle? (?.1) "f the defender does not have an$ Su##l$ 4oint at start of a battle, it must retreat, the o##onent of the retreating side !ins the field battle but he cannot attack the retreating enem$ b$ #ursuit (i.e. the free shot). 26. 6.1 b%a


=o $ou eG#end su##l$ #oints to move $our units if there is no battle? (?.1)

1o su##l$ #oints !ill be eG#ended unless it causes an$ battle to occur. 27. 1 6.1 !"X'efPQ"Z'`a"[^_".+X' "X'04' kl

X'acd"4'U !"gU

\k"R14' 1 X'acdb"4'U

C"4'%`a"X'<` 1 a"X'\k"%^_"4'[ 1

^_h@"iE\k^_i"dcdb"X' [jK"Rr4'`&a "f the defender retreats at start of battle because it does not have an$ Su##l$ 4oint, it loses the battle and the attacker chooses not to #ursue, does the defender need to roll on the General %oss 5hart for its fate? +ssuming that the defender have 1 Su##l$ 4oint at start of battle, !ill the Su##l$ 4oint be eG#ended if the defender chooses to retreat before battle? (?.1) "f the defender does not have an$ Su##l$ 4oint at start of a battle, it must retreat and both sides do not eG#end an$ su##l$ #oints for this battle, the o##onent of the retreating side !ins the field battle but he cannot attack the retreating enem$ b$ #ursuit. Ae gains one Fictor$ 4oint for !inning this battle. +ssuming both sides can eG#end su##l$ #oints for the battle, the defender can decide to retreat before the start of the battle, both sides must eG#end su##l$ #oints for this battle, the o##onent of the retreating side !ins the field battle and he can attack the retreating enem$ b$ #ursuit. Ae gains one Fictor$ 4oint for !inning this battle. Ae can also gain additional Fictor$ 4oint if he hits the enem$ !ho has chosen to lose one or more of his generals to satisf$ the losses and the fate of the general is death !hen rolling on the General %oss 5hart.



kkl" 1 1 =1 What ha##en if $ou hit the enem$? (?.2) 3ach hit !ill eliminate an enem$ (roo# Strength 4oint. 29. 1 1 1

3 6.2 &l<mno"M*`kpfg/0q7 9@9 rj7 2 @u 0 9@2 rj7 1 `"Iqs J/0st7 0@? r j 7 tZ'M"vwJ&l"Jx 0 =noyvwz7 9@ 1 J{] 0 =nom"iCw JJ |HI ?.2 kl}p 5an $ou #rovide an eGam#le !hen an arm$ !ith one general fights another arm$ !ith t!o generals (i.e. one commanding general and one militar$ adviser)? (?.2)

3Gam#le Sun 5e (

1%99) and 2 (roo# Strength 4oints attacks 5ao 5ao (R 1A0?) !ith 0 (roo#

Strength 4oints and Cun 6ou (RW0A91) !ith 1 Strength 4oint at +rea A. Sun 5e (5ommanding General) can roll 0 dice (the lo!er of %eadershi# 9 and 0 (roo#s Strength 4oints), he hits the enem$ on E or ? (Sun 5e<s raver$ Rating is 9 and 5ao 5ao<s raver$ Rating is 0). 5ao 5ao (5ommanding lue .action. 5ao 5ao is the General) can roll J dice (%eadershi# ? M ? (roo#s Strength 4oints, N1 for 5avalr$ S#ecial +rms), he hits the enem$ on ?. Sun 5e is the 5ommanding General for the 5ommanding General and Cun 6ou is the >ilitar$ +dviser for the Red .action. (he Red .action can dra! three strateg$ markers (Wisdom of >ilitar$ +dviser Cun 6u of 9 minus Wisdom of Sun 5e of one) and a##lies their results. 30. 6.3

~\!"UV`y"XY#$\k^_ XY+n "XYD".+]Ys".` What ha##ens to the defender if the defender has lost a siege battle? (?.0) "f the defender has lost the battle, all the defender<s generals are lost and all defender<s (roo# Strength 4oints are removed before rolling for the fate of these Generals.


6.4 z7<klCwBx"$#`dI+kklk./kklCwB =o $ou dra! and use strateg$ markers and a##l$ the effect of the s#ecial arms in combat (such as archer general and crossbo! general) each round or :ust once in the first round of the field battle? 6ou can dra! and use the strateg$ marker onl$ once before the first round of the battle. 6ou can use and a##l$ the effect of the s#ecial arms in combat in each round. 32. 1 6.4

<M$#`dE"p{} !!kl"~,-{M" I\kklBno"~,-M"IkklBn 1 o4_" +n 2 o4_ 1ote2 no need to #rovide clarification for the 3nglish version of the rules as the 3nglish drafting has alread$ used the follo!ings in ?.92 -nl$ the 5ommanding General can use its o!n s#ecial arms (i.e. onl$ the s#ecial arms bonus of the 5ommanding General a##lies for the battle). 1o other generals can use their o!n s#ecial arms.


+1 +1 1 6 6.4

no@ON1 1ote2 no need to #rovide clarification for the 3nglish version of the rules as the 3nglish drafting has alread$ used the follo!ings in ?.92 (he o##onent of the retreating side !ins the field battle and he can attack the retreating enem$ once b$ #ursuit !ith one free round !ith a die@roll modifier of N1 in his favor. 34. 6.5

SN67M0 0 ks!"ImPQ:"h^_sIe fM0 0 "0J"IEb=> 1ote2 no need to #rovide clarification for the 3nglish version of the rules as the 3nglish drafting has alread$ used the follo!ings in ?.E2 "f the fate of the general is death, he is removed from the game (if the general at its back bears the same name) or is fli##ed to its back (if the name on its back is different) to become his successor and2 (a) "f the successor is a rank 0 inde#endent force<s general, it is retreated to an ad:acent area/ (b) .or other cases, the successor is removed from the ma# and 2 (i) if its arrival turn number is later than that of the dead general, the #la$er immediatel$ #laces it in the corres#onding (urn number and color of the General 4re#aration oG/ or (ii) if its arrival turn number is the same or earlier than the current turn number, it is #laced in the same turn number as neGt (urn on the General 4re#aration oG. 35. 6.5 >?"Ib=>?):

"+:>?"~ :"~\PQ*Ex~

$p+SN67~+0 0 "I]:"efPQ

>ore or less the same as R09. See ans!er to R09 above. 36. 6.5

4'X'".kPQ'"E]K'^_ 5an attacker or defender chooses to retreat at battle? (?.E) both the attacker and the defender can decide to retreat before the start of an$ battle round. +ttacker announces his decision first. (he o##onent of the retreating side !ins the field battle and he can attack the retreating enem$ once b$ #ursuit !ith one free round .... 37. 1 1

6.5 kl@Am"<%+]h%\k^_"4'D+'".+4'kl] h[+%\k^_"+ + 1 +t the end of combat, the attacker !ins the battle but both the 5ommanding General and the >ilitar$ +dviser are eliminated to satisf$ hits. "f the result of the General %oss 5hart for the +ttacking >ilitar$ +dviser is retreat, !ill its intrinsic (roo# Strength 4oint of one automaticall$ recovered after the battle? 6es. 1ote that both the !inner<s generals and the loser<s generals in a battle need to check on the General %oss 5hart if the$ have been used to satisf$ a hit in the battle. 38. 6.5 p&l%^_"Z'M_+%z " m*Eh"M\]'h \k^_m"&l~PQ"ID

PQ!E`C ++klmPQ"!E^_" `\R4'^_ =o the (roo# Strength 4oints assigned to a General retreats !ith him? (?.E) 6es, but sub:ect to #ossible loss to satisf$ hits b$ the o##onent<s #ursuit attack. 39. 6.5

+"9k\^_<y(+SN67 67-)*\"I<\() 1ote2 no need to #rovide clarification for the 3nglish version of the rules as the 3nglish drafting has alread$ used the follo!ings in ?.E2 "f the background color of the back of the general is not the same as the !inner,s color, then this general is also considered as %o$al General !hen checking the General %oss 5hart. etra$al is #ossible onl$ !hen the front and back of the unit is the same general. e.g. Bia Cu "W0300, Cu Shu RW2A01 40. ( 1) ( 2) 1 (

2 1 ) 2 ? 6.5 .or inde#endent general %iu iao (+rrival (urn2 1), the back of the unit is another general %iu 5ong of the Wei faction (+rrival (urn2 2). "f %iu iao dies in battle in turn 1, is the unit fli# to its back to become its successor Wei general %iu 5ong (because %iu 5ong should enter game in (urn 2 but it is still (urn 1 and the background color is different, i.e. the$ belongs to different factions) or %iu 5ong enter game in (urn 2 as Wei,s reinforcement? (?.E) %iu 5ong enter game in (urn 2 in this case. Should %iu iao dies naturall$ (i.e. fate #hase), %iu 5ong

enters game in (urn 2 as a Wei General. 2 >?"{~v 2 >?ms"I{b=>?"!JD 41. ( 1) ( 2) 1 ( 2

1 ) 2 ? 6.5 0 "ef">?(>? 1)mPQ:"PQIU h D .or inde#endent general >a (eng (+rrival (urn2 1), the back of the unit is another general Aan Siuu of the same "nde#endent faction (+rrival (urn2 2). "f >a (eng dies in battle in turn 1, is the unit fli# to its back to become its successor Aan Sui (because Aan Sui should enter game in (urn 2 but it is still (urn 1) or Aan Sui enter game in (urn 2 as reinforcement for "nde#endent ro!nn .action ? (?.E) Aan Sui is a rank 0 general, therefore it !ill success >a (eng immediatel$ in the same turn (i.e. (urn 1). (herefore, >a (eng !ill be fli##ed over to become Aan Sui and it !ill retreat to an$ ad:acent area as #er a retreating general. Ao!ever, if it can,t retreat as #er the rules of retreating general, it is removed from game. 42. 6.5 JJWXYZ:"k@A^_!"`8


"4Y@A\k^_!"IUaX'` What ha##ens if the result of the General %oss 5hart is 7retreat8 but the General cannot retreat (i.e. !hen all ad:acent areas are occu#ied b$ the enem$<s general and)or !ith the enem$<s control marker.)? What !ill ha##en to the (roo# Strength 4oint if the result of the General %oss 5hart is 7death8 for siege battle? (?.E) (he General is removed from the game if he cannot retreat to other areas and the o##onent does not gain Fictor$ 4oints for its death. .or siege battle, if the defender has lost the battle, all the defender<s generals are lost and all defender<s (roo# Strength 4oints are removed before rolling for the fate of these Generals. 43.

6.5 kl!F{]\k"~+I{]\k"~ +I{]\k>SN67 .or those generals !hose unit<s front is a Wander General and !hose unit<s back is a %o$al General (such as Auang 'hong), Should it roll under the %o$al General or Wander General column on the General %oss 5hart? (?.E)

"t should roll according to its current facing. ".e. "f the Wander General side is facing u#, it rolls and checks on the Wander General column, other!ise it rolls and checks on the %o$al General column. 44.

6.5 FGb()+&"\I"~b> ?1'SN67"ISN67"~b>?SN67]xy"I ()/0 What ha##ens if Wei attacks the Wander General .a 'heng (.ront2 3merald Green .action, back2 Green .action) and the result of the General %oss 5hart is betra$al? +s .a 'heng cannot be controlled b$ Wei (Red .action), the result is treated as rout. (Re. 3nglish rulebook2 "f his fate is betra$al, he !ill be fli##ed over and becomes a General controlled b$ the enem$ if #ossible (other!ise, it !ill rout) "n neGt turn, if the 3merald Green .action still eGists, he enters game as a General of the 3merald Green .action. "f the 3merald Green .action no longer eGists, he is fli##ed over (Green .action) and enters game as a General of the Green .action. 45. !b%\k^_+]hm*b%

\k^_PQ+ R1"


k^_"RPQ"b%\k^_!+k@AR `_ ]h"XY@AY!efUa`"+PQ9 C"h"p< 1 ` \k^_ 1ote2 no need to #rovide clarification for the 3nglish version of the rules as the 3nglish drafting has alread$ used the follo!ings in ?.E2 When a general is lost (i.e. eliminated in battle to satisf$ a hit, including failure to retreat), it has to roll on the General %oss 5hart for its fate. 46. 7.0 "!*b%]h

1y&"&R1 1 =1 `7{]"kl+] `7"@A!%1y Ao! to use Strategem 12 *-#enl$ re#air the galler$ roads, but sneak through the #assage of 5hencang*? (J.P) (horough this field battle, #lace this marker under a general, treat the marker as if it is 1 (roo# Strength 4oint. Return it to the Strateg$ 4ool after combat before retreat (even if it is used to fulfill combat loss).



klBefUa' 1 =1 Ao! to use Strategem 10 *%eisurel$ a!ait for the laboured*? (J.P) (he enem$ #la$er must immediatel$ losses and removes one (roo# Strength 4oint from his force before the battle. 48. 82 86 9.1

H? | 1ote2 no need to #rovide clarification for the 3nglish version of the rules as the set u# diagram for Scenario 1 in the 3nglish rulebook is correct. 49. 9.1

+?6"{1!"+ "o need to translate as it relates to the desi#ner notes. EP. 9.2 hv 11 >?!"J/0J/0:

;))"WXYZ[JWXYZ"1!J/0#$xyJ :)"<>?@AJ"I>?` 1 What is the s#ecial rule *Bin =$nast$ usur# Wei =$nast$* (L.2) "n (urn 11, Wei 4la$er becomes Bin =$nast$ (-range). Ae becomes the enem$ of all the generals of Wei .action (red). Ae has to eliminate all the old Wei generals, other!ise he !ill lose 1 Fictor$ 4oint each turn. Wei #la$er cannot moves an$ general !hose color of the encircling rectangle is red (*lo$al stubborn Wei general*). (hese lo$al stubborn Wei general is treated as belonging to inde#endent faction. (i.e. the$ do not consume su##l$ at battle) +ll red control markers are considered to become orange from (urn 11 on!ards. 51. 9.2 Mv 0

9<{] 9@J >?m

+re there an$ Wander Generals of the "nde#endent .actions in Scenario 2, e.g. 'hao 6un, 'hang Ae, 'hang %iu, Bia Cu, etc.? 1o, onl$ those generals !hose arrival turn is bet!een 9 to J are available for set u# and those on or after (urn H enter game as reinforcement in this scenario. (he above 9 generals are not used in scenario 2 as their arrival turn is (urn 0. 52. 9.2

Eb"R 9@J H ";cJk,-"J, 9 "J, 2 "gJ, 2 ";}}gk,- 1 1ote2 no need to #rovide clarification for the 3nglish version of the rules as the 3nglish drafting has alread$ used the follo!ings in L.22 "n the order of Wei, Wu, Shu, the 4la$ers alternatel$ chooses a Wander General from the H !ander generals !hose turn of arrival are bet!een 9 to J (i.e. Refer to m$ se#arate General Set K# (able, the$ can be either Wei or Wu, Wei or Shu) and #laces it !ith his faction side facing u# on the ma#, until Wei has chosen 9 Wander Generals, Shu has chosen 2 Wander Generals and Wu has chosen 2 Wander Generals. 53.

9.2 ef{]JWXYZJWXYZ 1ote2 no need to #rovide clarification for the 3nglish version of the rules as the 3nglish drafting has alread$ used the follo!ings in 2.0.02 .or scenario 2, all Wei<s control markers automaticall$ becomes Bin<s control markers on or after (urn 11. 54.

9.2 JefJk"J\XY [\ 0.2.0"RJ"%UaJJWXYZ 1ote2 no need to #rovide clarification for the 3nglish version of the rules as the 3nglish drafting has alread$ used the follo!ings in L.22 +ll Wei<s control markers automaticall$ become Bin<s control markers. .rom no! on, all the generals of the -ld Wei<s .action can no longer #erform an$ action. (he$ !ill be treated as the defender if an$ General of the ne! -range .action enters their area. (he$ have to fight in field battle and cannot choose to fight Siege attle for the resulting combat. "n accordance !ith 0.2.0. 7+ controlled area !ill become neutral (i.e. remove the 5ontrol >arker) if it contains at least one general from other factions.8 (herefore, the$ !ill remove all Bin<s control marker in the same area !ith them in the 5ontrol 4hase. 55. 2 9.2 .+>?@A

xyJ@"a` 2 V"~WXYZK:~J"IJ X'"IWXYZE]Ua".` 2 "\[R1 1ote2 no need to #rovide clarification for the 3nglish version of the rules as the 3nglish drafting has alread$ used the follo!ings in L.22

+ll Wei<s control markers automaticall$ become Bin<s control markers. .rom no! on, all the generals of the -ld Wei<s .action can no longer #erform an$ action. (he$ !ill be treated as the defender if an$ General of the ne! -range .action enters their area. (he$ have to fight in field battle and cannot choose to fight Siege attle for the resulting combat. "n accordance !ith 0.2.0. 7+ controlled area !ill become neutral (i.e. remove the 5ontrol >arker) if it contains at least one general from other factions.8 (herefore, the$ !ill remove all Bin<s control marker in the same area !ith them in the 5ontrol 4hase. 2


)+"8+)=yEbT 2.


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