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Annual Wildlife Biologists/Managers Meeting
March 6-9, 1979
Boise, Idaho
(Joint meeting with Forest Service, BLM, Idaho Department of Lands)
Boise Interagency Fire Center
0830 - Arrive, park, visit friends, etc.
0900 - Welcome, introductions, etc. - R. Williams
0915 - Opening remarks - Joe Greenley, Dir. IDFG
Q) "! (J) ., .,
0930 - Keynote - Ted Trueblood -------------
1000 - (Break)
1020 - IDFG Policy Plan, Species Management Plans - Monte Richards,
Chief, Bureau of Program Coordination
- IDFG Wildlife Research Projects - Lloyd Oldenburg, Wildlife
Research Supervisor
1200 - (Lunch)
1300 - "Wildlife, Forests & Forestry" - Chairman Jim Peek, Prof.
Wildlife Management, Univ. of Idaho, and
Tom Leege, Wildlife Research Biologist, IDFG
(Access, data base, roads, logging,
habitat, impacts, guidelines, etc.)
1600 - Discussion
1700 - Adjourn

Game department created by act of legislature in 1899; Uharles
H. Arbuckle appointed first game warden by Governor Frank Steunenberg.
Appropriation, from general fund, $1,500 per year, of which $mewffl@ $1,200
was the warden's salary and $300 were allowed for operating the department.
Deputy game wardens were appointed for all counties--their remuneration was
half of each fine procured--except Ada, Custer and Shoshone where, Arbuckle
said, "it has been impossible to secure persons to act."
Quotations jGm from first warden's report:
"I am strongly in favor of restricting the taking of fish by
any individual to a reasonable number of pounds per day "
"A limit should be placed on the number of game birds or water
fowl of any one kind that a sportsman be allowed to kill in a single day."
"Another subject which demands some legislation is the serious
loss of fish through irrigating canals and ditches. Fish enter these canals
and follow down the smaller laterals. When the water is turned off, they per is.
"Guides should be required to register with the
state game warden and to pay an annual fee of $2.50 "
Seasons established by the legislature in 1899 were:
Deer, antelope, mountain sheep and goats, September 1 to Dec-
ember 30. Limit, four of each specie/.
Elk, September 1 to December 1. Limit, two.
Beaver, closed season for five years.
Quail, October 31 to December 1. No limit.
Grouse, chicken, sage hen, fool hen, August 15 to
December 1. No limit. The law also stated "provided no Mongolian pheasant
shall be killed, ensnared, trapped or destroyed for a period of three years
following the passage of this act.
Ducks, geese and swans, August 1 to March 1. No limit.
Fish, May 1 to November 1--same as 1940. Hook and line required
for all fish but salmon, carp, chub, mullet, sucker, shad, whitefish and
sturgeon. (This is the earliest mention of carp in Idaho.)
Drugs, dynamite, giant powder and other violent means of taking
fish declared to be a
The legislative approapriation for the fish and game department
for the biennium was $20,000. Thomas w. Bartley was game warden.
The first licenses were adopted by the l903'legislature.
They were set at $1 for resident rod ang gun; $25 for non-resident big game,
and $5 for no)l-rE!siO.ent bird license. These both included fishing
but there was no non-resident fishing license. The fish and game fund was
created and moneys from the sales ot licenses and fines were accredited to it.
The limit on big game.wasrediiced to- orie elk, two deer, one
mountain sheep, one ibex and one mountain goat.
Moose, buffalo, antelope, beaver and caribou. were given prctecti
. ' ' ' ' '
A law was passed giving 'protection .to song birds, A law was passed designed
to protect state forests from fire--there were no national forests then.
Fis.h ladders. were required at all' dams. Mills and in:tnea were
prohibited from polluting streams. The minimum size for game fish was set
. '
at four inches. The fishing season was set from April 1 to November 1
and the daily limit established at 20 pounds or trout, bass, catfish, grayling
or sunfish.
. :,
w. Vanirons was game warden. His salary was $1200 per year
and he was allowed $600 expenees. Local deputies were allowed $3 per day
for the days they worked, but were given no money for expenses.
A season wa-s establisheo.._ol.'l. grouse, partrid_ge, "prairie chicken"
(sharp-tailed grouse) and fool hens (Franklin .extending from.
. '
August 15 to December 1 and. the limit \Vas set at. is birds. per day. The
' ,, , ' - : : . ' \ . . . I
sagehen season .IIIWil extended from July 15 to December 1 and' the-limit on them
was also 18 per day .
The f.ishing sea.son was opened the year arotind, but a. law was
passed requiring fish screens in irrigating_canals.
The game wardens salary was raised to $1500 per year, and he.
was allowed $1000 per year expenses. Provision was made for hiring a chief
clerk who was to receive $9oo per year. The pay of local game wardens remaine
per day, but they were allowed expenses when sent out of their districts.
The legislature approlpriated $27,950 out of the fish and game
fund to run the department during the biennium as well as "all money accrued
since the license act passed March 11, Hl03."
page 3
w. N. Stephens was appointed game warden in 190o and held the
office nmnmmm through 1910.
During his administration the first state fish hatchery,mmmm
mmmmmmmm Hay Spur, was built in Blaine county in 1907. This was followed by
the Sandpoint hatchery in 1908 and during the same year a hatchery belonging
to the Glen Rea ranching company on Warm River in Fremont county was leased
by the state.
Game department income increased during his administration
as follows: 1905, $15,709.20; 1906, $18,705.60; 1907-'08, $56,590.63;

In 1907 the legislature increased the limit of game fish
to 30 pounds; closed the season on Mongolian pheasants, fool hens
and swans for four years; reduced the sagehen limit to 12 per day; stopped
spring duck shooting and set the limit at 24; established a non-resident
fishing license to co at $1; inserted in the fish screen law of 1905 the
joker whick provided "that such appurtances shall in no way retard the
flow of water."
It raised the warden's salary to per year; established
the office of chief deputy with a salary of increased theclerk's
salary to it set the minimum fine for violation of the game
laws at $10, and closed the season on mountain sheep, leaving the l!st of
big game which could be legally taken at one elk, two deer, one ibex and
one mountain goat. It also approapriated $5000 from the fish
and game fund for predatory animal control and listed wolves, coyotes,
wildcats and cougars as predators.
In 1907 Game lvarden Stephens said: "From the most reliable
reports furnished this officey,,,.I would say there are 300 to 400
mountain sheep in the state. Very few are killed by hunters., but predatory
animals and eagles destroy the young and prevent much increase."
He also said, "revolving fish screens are now in operation in many localities."
In 1909 the legislature set the minimum fine for sale
of game at $300; raised the game warden's salary to $2000 per year; created
the South Fork of the Payette River game preserve on March 13; included
blackbirds in the mmamnmfimnm harmful list; appropriated $15,000 out of the
fish and game fund to buy Heyburn park; left the fishing season open the year
page 4
around, and allowed hunters to take a list of big which included one
1911-1912 Ben R. Gray and Bmmm Frank M. Kendell wardens
The 1911 legislature closed troutse,ason during .il.prili gave
}.HI',. P 111t '-!!: r;
protection to English, C,h,inese and M.ongoHan pheasant.s, pitLlillted grouse (still
cal*ed prairie chickens); left the daily limit of grouse and sagehens at 12;
' ...
each t'o ll;i].l one ibe:x:.per_ season.
Frank M, "placing the fish and game dep-
of Idaho on a scientifiq basis and iri_ order to do 111mm so we must have
men who have made thisa a study and are familiar with the needs and requiremen
.of this l,ine of worls:, _regardless of political affiliations, .and to this end
I would recommend we place the men who are directly in the fish and game
department under a civil service ruling and retain them as long as they do
. .
good work "
In defending the bag limits then in effect he said: "Under
the present bag limits a hunter could gather the following surprisingly
large total: One elk, two deer, 1080 each of grouse, sage hens, partridges
and pheasants (ruffed _grouse).,- 540 quail, 3,600 ducks; 3600 each of snipe,
plover .and doves, 600 geese, and 6600 pounds of trout in addition to other
fish, with a goat and sheep thrown in for _good
He also said, "I would also recommend that a bounty be placed
on forefgn sheepherders who make a business of robbing the nests of grouse,
sagehena and fowl, .wb.o &re Cii>'ntinually killing deer and other game
.out. of: season."
He recommended a "lake for bass spawners should be constructed
in. order to supply southern Idaho with this species of fish which is suitable
for many streams in this section." Another wise recommendation of his was
that "permanent ponds should be constructed at Hay Spur hatchery for keeping
spawners and Silver creek should not be molested at all for taking spawn."
.He asked protection -for- the !edt ish of._ Stanley, :t'eti t, Alturas and Redfish
In 1912, 200,000 big mouth bass were seined from the streams in
the northern part of the state. One hundred thousand were planted at Barber
dam, near Boise; the other 100,000 were put in the lakes of northern Idaho.
page 5
In 1911, 5,070,000 trout were planted; in 1912, the figure was
4,417 ,600. In 1911 t!:e department income was $47,439.61. In 1912 it was
1913-1914 o. H. Barber was warden until July 1914; J. B. Gowen finished
the mmm two year term. 7,130,590 fish planted in the 2 yrs.
Department income in 1913 was in 1914, f44,979.65.
In 1914 the average salary for 28 local deputies was $32.05 per month out of
which they had to pay their own expenses. J. B. Gowen contended it was imposs-
ible to get good results under these conditions.
In 1913 the citizens of Coeur d'Alene and built a fish
hatchery in Coeur d'Alene at a cost of about $3000.
In 1914 report he included 8 civil service law and
recom-'2ended its adoption by the legislature. It recol'lllle'lded 8 game commission
and would heve placed employes on a civil service basis. He said "when we
get men who are conpetent, who understand the business, they should be retained
regardless of politics,"
Gowen also recommended that deer season extend only from August
1 to November 1 and the limit be mm two bucks. He amhmdmdmnmtmm requested
the cl s'Jing of sheep and goat season for five years.
Leltoy C. Jones was game warden. lilm ffimmfufjlftJ!ii Thirteen million
one hundred twenty-five thousand, nine hundred fifty tmmmt fish were planted
during the biennium. But "more fish pass from canals and irrigation ditches
into the alfalfa fields of this state every year than are caught by the
sportsmen of Idaho" according to a statement in the warden's report.
Chinese pheasants were bec.oming numerous in Ada, Canyon,
Gooding, Nez Perce and Vlashington counties and a ten-day open season was
recommended. Jones recommended reducing the linit on grouse and sagehens
to six birds per day but leaving the season open from September 1 to Nov-
ember 30.
J_,vHTy P/,ced
f? w I 6e.. x.
history--page 5
I !A I '
' "/ I I
1'1. H. Thorpe was game warden in 1917 and '18. During his
administration 10,553,000 fish were planted and the sagehen season was
closed. Much of his report was devoted to eulogizing the beauties of
and Governor Moses Alexander.
Thorpe stated: "3:very year for some years the department has
) been planting perch ancl bass in }'ayette Lakes." , Perch adapted themselves
but bass did not. He recommended that t!o.e ;Jheasant season be increased to
JhJD. 30 days and thd haG linit be raised to six .. per dji.y'. He asked the
le;cisla ture to remove the bounty frm bear.
He also said in his reciort:
" ... Our fish ad game license should be increased in price.
I am rJcoramendinr; that t>-.e increase be i'rom to $1.50 ,the extra 50' cents
to be used to meet the expense of screening ditches canals. Millions
of fish are bein,;; l'ost ap.nually in this state canals and ditches
are not screened."
The legal limit of big gan1e included one each of elk, deer,
ibex and mountain goat.
Contraryto popular belief, Idaho_did.have a buck law at one
time. atnmam The legislature made it illegal to Rill a doe in a law passed
March 11, 1915. It repealedthe law in
1919-1920 & 1921-1922 Otto U. Jones, state Rame warden,.
The fish and gaMe bureau was established in the department of
ihmBl law enforcement. 'darden's salary raised to 000 per year; office of
fish commissioner established with a salary of 02,400 annually.
For the first time, deputy game wardens were given a regular
). salary, $125 per month. Chinese pheasant season was increased to 30 days
and the limit set at four in Ada, Canyon, Gem, Gooding, Lincoln, Twin Falls,
Latah and Nez Perce counties.
In 1919 the resident license was raised mm from $1 to $1.50
and in 1921 it was increased to e2. Women were first recuired to have a
license in 1921.
The gaoe laws were completely revised in 1919. Game was declared
the property of the state and the warden v1as given power to suspend open
seasons. In 1921, 13,653,120 fish were planted and in 1922, 11,755,575.
The state had four hatcheries, Sandpoint, Coeur d'Alene, Hay Spur and
i-;,Jrf, 11 ,
Director Jones stressed strict p,ame law enforceoent during his
four-year administration. In 1922 the Idaho Woolgrowers' Association
passed a resolution to abolish the fish and department.
In reply Jones wrote in an editorial published in the February
1922 i;;sue of "Field & Stream":
"Personally, I contend that if such a handful of men can dictate,
browbeat or dominate the policies of state departments of Idaho to ex-
tent of abolishment of departments, statutes or sections of such statutes
through their intimidation of state officials, then we are living in a dai11n
dangerous age, and may God help us, as I know of no other agency of relief."
1923-24 24-26 & 27-28 & 29-30
R. E. Thomas, state game warden.
In 1923 the grouse e.nd sHgehen season and big game season
was shortened to 30 days, Bull frogs were declared game fish, but :hlmlillnm
.l'lllmmiJ.!iunm sportsmen were still allowed to shoot them. Bears were declared
J.fltf l-lvns I,.,114;.Je;/ /-"'".,... ......... E"1h-d .;.f.jt! .. sl-
g:;.me s, r T/
The game department was taken from the dep,-.rtment of law
enforcement and made a separate department, d.irectly ru1der the governor,
Deputy game wardens were allowed mileage for their cars for the first

The law, passed in 1921, req_uiring women to have
a license to hunt and fish, was repealed,
In 1925 Ihlnmtilm a predatory animal fund of $6,000 was set
aside in the game fund,
In 1927 women were again req_uired to have licenses to hru1t
and fish, Non-resident hunting licenses were mmmm established at $50, as
they are in 1940. The fi:):'St statet game farm was esta.b1ished at Lapwai.
The department r>lE>.nted 8,957,812 trout, In 1928
8,114,291 trout were
planted, lmmE protection for black bear was recommended in the 1927-28
biennial report.
In 1929 the d.epartment purchased the first fish distribution
trucks, Prior to this time prcctical1y all transportation had been furnished
free by the Fish were transported in 10-gallon cans, Ten
hatcheries were in operation at Coeur d'Alene, Sandpoint, Grangeville,
Hay Spur, Ashton, Evergreen, Henry's Lake, Pocatello and Twin Falls,
In 1929 nbmll1l!llll the pheasant season was reduced from 45 to
30 days in 1930 h1mting was reported "lil'D.On,"
first game law vras included in "Laws of the Terri tory
of Idaho" of the first legislative assembl)' which convened in Lewiston
on December?, 1853 and adjourned on February 4, 1854. The act follows:
An Act Relating to Wild Game
Be it enacted by the Le:islative Assembly of the Territory
of Idaho, as follows:
Section 1, Thcd it shall be for any :person or
:persons in the territory of Idaho at any time after the first day of
February and before the first day of July in each year, to catch, kill,
or destroy, or :pursue with such intention, any buffalo, deer, antelo:pe,
elk, mountain shee:p, or go:;t, or to have in his :possession or e:x::pose for
sale, any of the wild game, or animals mentioned in this section during
the season when the killing, injuring, or :pursuting is herein :prohibited,
Provided, that nothing in this act shall be construed as to :prohibit any
person or persons from taking any animals at any time for the :pur:pose of
taming the same or for scientific :pur:poses,
Section 2. Any :person or :persons offending against this
act on conviction thereof shccll forfeit aJ :pay for am.pmsmn!D. every such
offence, a :penalty of not less than five dollars, nor more than two hundred
dollars, to be recovered vrith costs in a civil action in the name of the
people of the United States of the 'territory of Idaho, before ;.;ny justice
of the :peace: The fine so collected shall be paid into the county treasury
of the county in v1hich the was committed,
Section 3. This 6.ct to tal:e effect and be in force from
and after its ccp:proval by the governor.
January 15
In 188? the season on buf'falo, elk, deer, antelope and mountain
sheep mmm was established from September 1 to December 1. Sale of game
was permitted during the open season.
mmllll!lm closed season nmnzf!Jhmhrnnmnm nor limit on fish. Drugs, giant powder,
nets, seines, fish trnps, ex11losives were prohibited for taking fish,

BTtl AV!:.NUE su.

The Idaho Fish and Game Department was created by an act of
the Fifth Session of the State Legislature in 1!ay 1899 during the admin-
istration of Governor Frank Steunenberg who appointed Charles H.Arbuckle,
now a resident of Boise, as it
s first _.Fish and Game Warden.
Prior to the creation of the department, many laws for the
prptection of game and fish in Idaho were on the statute books but they
were practically inoperative because no person felt tully authorized
to entorde them and game and fish were in abundance.
To secure a conviction of a person guilty of infraction of the
law, il in these days, it was necessary to have an informer and this
by all means was not a pleasant task, Further, public sentiment seemed
largely against punishment of any offenders and convictions were alnost
an impossibility, even for the most flagrant violations.
Then, too, the work of the Fish and Game De}artment was seriously
handicapped and crippled by inadequate appropriations tor expenses. The
appropriation made to cover traveling expenses, office rent, printing,
postage and other legitimate expenditures amounted to $300 per annum. This
was truly insufficient for the purpose.)
Breaking of the existing was common practice, little
was thought of it and violators were very indignant if they were reminded.
t&Sh&&Lijl 2 s
With these existing conditions it can be seen first
fish and game warden had a hard task on his hands. A campaign of education
and rigid law enforcement was necessary. The importance of preservation
and conservation of the state's wildlife was soon realized and from that
time on the department began receiving the sppport of Idaho's sportsmen.
Thomas W.Bartley succeeded Arbuckle as Warden and administered
che department's affairs from 1901 to 1902. W.Vanirons was i then appointed
warden and served from 1903 to 1904; W.N.Stephens from 1905 to 1910; Ben
R.Gray from 1911 to 1912, who resigned and was succeeded by Frank M.Kendall,
pis chief deputy. O.H.Barber succeeded Kendallm and served until 1914 when
he resigned and J.B.Cowen was appointed in his place.
Leroy C.Jones was appointed Warden by Governor Mose Alexander
and served from 1915 until 19l,when he was appointed United States Marshall,
W.H.Thorpe, his chief deputy was then appointed to the office ,
I (J t<j ru -' > ,9 ,_ i.
. l r .
17 - w. 1/;-_-::t:#of? p
I q- 'l 0 - OTfO M. J"o,..rE.!>
' .
7Uil: BTH A'li!.NUE so.
In 1922 Otto hl, Jones stated in his biennial report:
"The financial depression and the almost universal hard tir.1es
existing among the majority of ditch owners has been fully recongnized by
this department and in all cases where an examination of a ditch or canal is
being made, the cost of installation (of screens) has been given due consider-
ation. For this reason alone, merely a start has been made in the screening
end of the work. At the best, it will take several years to properly screen
the ditches already constructed in the state, and it is hoped that as times
improve, more head-way will be made in this important work."
Continued efforts to install fish screens were made during
the 1920's and early 1930'. In early 1939 H.. Mcintyre recommended the
"screening of all irrigation canals at divtkrsion points." The l!llbmm struggle
is still continuing during the SUI!lll1er of 1940 and very likely Owen W. Morris
will, in his 1940 biennial report, recommend the "screening of all irrigation
canals at diversion points."
For forty years the game department has been trying to install
fish screens in irrigation ditches. And after forty years of effort the
statement that "more fish pass from canals and irrigation ditches into the
alfalfa fields of this state every year than are caught by the sportsmen of
Idaho," would probably go unchallenged, The humor of this story, however,
is almost over-shadowed by its tragedy.
Surprising similarity existed between tte early days of fish
and game administration in Idaho and the present time. For example, the
trout season established by the legislature in 1899 was exactly the same
as that settled upon the in 1940; Pay 1 to November 1.
Then as now, sportsmen protested the limits established on
game ami birds. Frank Kendall, game warden in 1912, in defending the
limits wrote:
"Under the present bag limits a hunter could gather the
following surprising large total: one elk, two deer, 1080 eadh of grouse
sagehens, partridges and pheasants, 540 quail, 3,600 ducks, 3,600 each of
snipe, plover and doves, 600 geese, and 6,600 pounds of trout in additmon
to other fish, with a goat and sheep thrown in for good measure.
The game laws, passed by the legislature in 1899 when th ga!'le
department was created, were exceedingly llberal. The open season on deer,
antelope, mountainsheep, mountain goat extended from September 1 to December
and the limit of each species was four. Elk season lasted from September

IJlllllbinm 1 to December 1 acd tr.e limit was two.
Beaver were given the protection
of the law for five years. The qauil season was from October 31 to December 1
Grouse, prairie chicken, sage hens and fool hens could be legally taken from
August 15 to December l. But the law "provided that no pheasant
shall he killed, ensnared, trapped or destroyed for a period of three years
following the passage of this act."
This is the first mention of Chinese or c'on(Solian pheasants
in Idaho. The first birds reared by the game department were on the farm
of G. A. Stevens, two and one half l'liles from the Fair Grounds in Ada county
in 1908,and in 1909 1,000 pheasants were released. The first birds brought
into the state b: a urivate individual of which there is a record were turned
loose in Idaho county :9r. J. F. Bridwell of Kamiah in 1903,
The original dnnmnsBaamn season on ducks,amd geese and swans
in 1899 extended from September 1 until t:arch 1 of the following
year. It was declared unlawful to take any fish except by hook and line but
salmon, carp, chub, mullet, sucker, shad, whitefish and sturgeon. (This is
the first mention of carp in Idaho,) The use of drugs, dynamete, giant powder
and other violent means for the taking of fish was declared to be a
and a minimum sentende of six months in jail was provided.
\'/hen fines were collected, one half went to the deputy game
warden making the arrest and the balance was placed in the county school
fund. Wardens received no salary. The first state gar:le warden's salary
was $1200 per year and he was allowed t:300 for all expenses and all department
activity. The approapriation to the fish and game department for the years
1899 and 1900 totaled I $3,000
history--page 4
There is no mention in the old reports of the introduction
of any of the exotic species which later proved to be valueabme, except
that 1,000 Chinese pheasants were stocked in 1909. In_l899, however,
the legislature gave Mongoihian pheasants (the sa.TUe bird) protection for
three years. This leads to the conclusion that they were first introduced
by a private individual.
California quail were introduced by the Idaho Falls gun club
in 1904; Tom Johnston, pioneer settler in Canyon county, brought bull frogs
to the Boise valley sometime between 1864 and 1880; the first eastern brook
trout were planted in Idaho by Glen Rea of Fremont county in 189?; there is
no available record of the initial planting of rainbow trout in Idaho, but
in 1908 State Game darden W. N. Stephens said, "the widely known and
justly celebrated rainbow' is frequently taken in some IR!Iiunmm sections
and is considered one of the very best of the trout family,"
The first Hungarian partridges evidently drifted into northern
Idaho from Washington. There is no definite record of their having been
stocked anywhere except that the Ada Rod and Gun club stocked a few
'II ', ,': j I ' ' - ,., I
. . .J
in the foothills near Boise in the early 1920's. There is no record of
the introduction of bullheads, perch, crappies or bass in Idaho, but in
1912, 100,000 big mouth bass from northern Idaho were planted at the Barber
dam near Boise, In the game warden's report of 1914 it was stated "in the
lower Boise, Payette and Weiser
caught," so they were _evidently
rtvers many thousands of black bass are
stocked in southwestern Idaho before 1912.
There is no record of the intruductmon of the notorious German
carp, but the legislature in 1899 listed them anong the fish which were to be
given no protection, so their planting here
must have preceded or closely followed the state's admission to statehood.
l.:utant pheasants and chukar partridges were brought to the Lapwai game farm
in 1930,
From a perusal of available records it becomes apparent that
most of the introduced species, both those which proved beneficial, and the
less desirable forms such as carp and English sparrows, were first brought
into the state by private individuals rather by the state game department.
Fifty-thousand German browh trout were brought into the state
in 1915, Part of these were planted in Mink creek in Bannock county by
L. A. Lehrbas. deputy game warden at Pocatello. It is interesting to note
history--page 5
719 8TK AVENU!i SO
that this year, 25 years later, smme of the descendents of these original
bro1ms were taken from !.:ink creek by Lehrbas' brother and that;f Lehrbas
himself is still working for the Game De!)artment; thus setting the longest
sefvice record of any nan in the department and probably in state employe.
Charles H. Arbuckle
Thomas W. Bartley
W. Van Irons
w. N. Stephens
Ben R. Gray
Frank M. Kendall
1913--July 1914 o. H. Barber
J, !), Gowen
Leroy C. Jones
w. H. Thorp
Otto l!. Jones
Otto K. Jones
R. E. Thomas 't
rtl\!:' 1 1"" 1) '' "''H'I'tJ R. E. Thomas
R. E. Thonas
R, E. Thomas
1.:. P. <>ailey >
Amos H. Eckert
Amos H. Eckert
Amos H. Eckert
VI. Rm r.:crntype' ,
Owen 'i. Morr 1 s
f), G pAVk_; - r
- o:vt.. 1f J.

I ey L/ 7
"/1G 6TH A'JENU!l SO.

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