Ohio State: Get To Know Your E-Board!

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October 25-29
Philadelphia, PA
Registration is due
$75 by Sept. 26
September 18, 2013
If youre interested in
gaining writing experience
and expanding your
portfolio, sign up to
be on the Newsletter
You will be able to write
anything and everything
about PR, internship
experiences and interview
or resume tips.
Talk to Christina WIlkerson
to get started!
Get to know your
Megan loying
Vice President
!"#$: Senior
%#&'$()*+'$: Strategic
Communication, minor in
Proessional \riting
,'- /'+0 1'234" 5""+ *+
67889: 2 years
,'55*":: Moies, reading,
listening to music
;*<":: 1rael, a good book and a
great cup o coee
=*:/*<":: People who don`t like
>-*??"$ @#+A/": megshoying
B@#? )#A" 1'2 -#+? ?' &'*+
I wanted to learn more about public
relations and meet people who also
wanted to go into the Feld
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All o the great opportunities and
,'- @#: *? @"/E"A 1'2C
PRSSA helped me better understand
the PR Feld and deelop my skills.
1his past summer, I landed my Frst
internship at a non-proFt organization that proides
training or wastewater treatment operators about
new technology in the Feld, innoatie ideas,
and also helped them to become licensed. 1he
internship description called or someone interested
in communications, so I applied, interiewed,
and was oered the position. I was apprehensie
about accepting-I didn`t know how I elt about
wastewater treatment-but I went or it anyway.
In the Frst ew weeks I realized quickly that
I wasn`t going to be learning exactly what I had
been hoping to learn. I wasn`t going to be gien the
opportunity to help with their social media or to do
much work with their members, but instead I was
doing more o the basic Frst internship duties, Fling
paperwork, addressing enelopes, taking out the
recycling, etc. Slightly disappointed, I continued my
day-to-day duties.
In the middle o the summer, I was asked
to go to the our-day annual conerence that the
organization held. At this conerence I met hundreds
o wastewater treatment proessionals, engineers, and
equipment deelopers. \hile I was only managing the
ront desk, I realized I could learn much more rom this
internship than I thought.
\hile I didn`t gain as much public relations
experience as I was hoping or, I learned so much about
the career these people hae and how important it is
to each o our daily lies! I had neer thought about
what happens to the water that goes down our drains,
or the water that nows into the sewer when it rains.
\here does it go low do they clean it \hat are
OUR duties and obligations to help sae that important
resource It had always been out o sight, out o
mind` or me-until this job.
My takeaway rom this internship at the end o
the summer was more than I eer thought it would be.
1his internship taught me real lie inormation that has
gien me a new perspectie on water. I am conFdent
that some day, i I meet someone in the proessional
world who deals with wastewater treatment, I will be
able to hae an intelligent conersation with them
because o my ery Frst internship.
September 18, 2013
YOUR exPeRience
PRSSA member Mary Stank|ew|cz refects on her most recent
|nternsh|p w|th a non-proft organ|zat|on. A|though the |nternsh|p
was not what she expected, she realizes the importance of
simply gaining experience and learning new things, regardless of
the type of internship you have.

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