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MOTIVATION IDEAS & Interview Questions

IMPACT AREA Punctuality / Attendance IDEA INDIVIDUAL RECOGNITION 1. Supervisor to hand out breakfast tickets to first 5 employees that are at their work stations 15 minutes before start time once or twice per shift on randomly selected days. 2. Give out phone cards / a week of free lunches in cafeteria / supermarket or restaurant gift cards to employees with perfect attendance in the month. 3. For every month of perfect attendance, provide employee with ticket to participate in quarterly raffle of small household appliances and at the end of the year annual raffle of large household appliances such as TV / Stove / Refrigerator, etc. This raffle can be done every 3 to 6 months. 4. For administrative employees with perfect attendance during 2 months, organize a lunch breakfast or dinner and raffle items such as theater tickets, gift certificates, small household appliances, agendas, polo shirts or promotional items with company logo. TEAM RECOGNITION 5. Each team member receives a ticket to participate in raffle at end of month and a free meal for each week the team has perfect attendance. Items in raffle could be small appliances such as, bicycles, grocery baskets, etc. 6. Themed Party outside plant (beach, sports, western, typical, movies), outings to water parks, movie tickets, etc. for teams that reaches monthly goals of Quality, Efficiency, Production Compliance, Security and Absenteeism. 7. Employees select team member that has helped others most during month / that embodies company values. Present selected employees with recognition letter with copy in file and gift. 8. Appreciation Day: Provide free ice cream, popcorn, snack, lunch, breakfast, candy bar to employees in company as a surprise served by plant staff. On that day each manager and supervisor will present to employee a handwritten thank you card. (This type of event can also be carried out by individual department once or twice a year). 9. On first day of shift, Plant Staff/HR Staff /Supervisors/ Middle Management takes turns greeting employees at production entrance with welcome t-shirts. 10. Whenever an employee has an outstanding performance present him with a RAISIN the bar card (pre-printed card with handwritten note signed by supervisor and manager along with a box of raisins). Ask employee to save card. At the end of the year present a trophy for the RAISIN employee of the year.

1 GROUP BENEFITED Hourly and admin employees

Productivity Teamwork / Company Values Leadership / Engagement

Production Teams Hourly and admin employees All employees

MOTIVATION IDEAS & Interview Questions

IMPACT AREA Production Support Compliance IDEA 11. Department must have perfect assistance and comply with quarterly goals and manager will receive gift certificate to take family to (dinner/movie / waterpark, etc.) and promotional article such as (personalized polo shirt/lunch bag/water bottle, etc.) and employees will have a pizza / hamburger / cake and ice cream / coke and popcorn day. 12. On a monthly basis, production supervisors vote to select department that provides best support during calendar month. Employees from selected department receive recognition and has enlarged group picture published in plant. GROUP BENEFITED Production Support Area

Important Aspects to Consider for a Successful Motivation Program Annual budget assignation managed by HR Manager Management support and involvement Adequate HR structure Adequate sound and communication system with wireless microphone and alternate microphone preferably connected to telephone system
a. Yes, I am.

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