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Metrobank-MTAP-DepEd Math Challenge 2013, Fourth Year, Category A Solutionb 1.

. One of two complementary angles added to one-half the other yields 62. Find the measures of the two angles. Solution: Let x = measure of the angle Let 90-x = measure of the complement x+ = 62 2x + 90 x = 124 2x x = 124 90 x = 34 Since x is needed to get the complement and x is equal to 34, then 90 34 = 56 Answer: 34 and 56. 2. Find the amplitude and period of the function y = -3 sin . 3. Find the equation of the line passing through (3, -10) and whose slope is half the slope of the line 4x 2y + 1 = 0. Solution: To get the slope in standard or general form: m1 =

6. Find the exact value of cos 75. Solution: cos 75 = cos(45 + 30) cos 75 = cos 45 cos 30 - sin 45 sin 30 cos 75 = [ / 3/ ] [ / (1/2)] cos 75 = / - / or - / Answer:

7. Simplify ( Solution:


3 -3 -

)3 = (

)3 = ( Answer:

)3 =

8. How many 5-digit even numbers can be formed out of the digits 2, 4, 5, 8, and 9 (without repetition)? Solution:
2 or 4 or 8; 9, 5 2 or 4 or 8; 5 2 or 4 or 8 2 or 4 or 8 2 or 4 or 8

= 2, m1 = 2

m2 = m1/2 = 2/2 = 1, m2 = 1 y = mx + b -10 = 1(3) + b -10 = 3 + b b = -13, so y = x 13. Answer: y = x 13. 4. A closed rectangular box is of uniform thickness x inches. The box has outer dimensions 6 inches, 4 inches, and 3 inches and it has an inside volume of 30 cubic inches. Find x. Solution: Volume = LWH Inside Volume = 30 cubic inches Inside Volume = (L 2x) (W 2x) (H 2x) 30 = (6 2x) (4 2x) (3 2x) 30 = (24 20x + 4x2) (3 2x) 30 = 72 108x + 52x2 - 8x3 8x3 52x2 + 108x 42 = 0 (2x 1) (8x2 48x + 84) = 0 Since 2x 1 is a factor of 8x3 52x2 + 108x 42 = 0, then 2x = 1, x = . Answer: x = . 5. Find the center and radius of the circle x2 4x + y2 + 14y + 47 = 0. Solution: By completing the square, x2 4x + y2 + 14y + 47 = 0 x2 4x + 4 + y2 + 14y + 49 = -47 + 4 + 49 (x 2)2 + (y + 7)2 = A B R Answer: Center: (2, -7), Radius: .

Answer: 72 numbers. 9. Find the inverse of y = log3 (5x + 2). Solution: Change logarithmic to exponential. y = log3 (5x + 2) 5x + 2 = 3y Interchange x and y 5y + 2 = 3x 5y = 3x 2 y = (3x 2)/5 Answer: y = (3x 2)/5 10. In parallelogram RSTU, angle R is (3x+y), angle S is (y-4), and angle T is (4x-8). Find angle U. R U Solution: First Equation: S T Since S + T = 180, Then, y 4 + 4x 8 = 180 Therefore, 4x + y = 192 Second Equation: Since R + S = 180, Then, 3x + y + y 4 = 180 Therefore, 3x + 2y = 184 Systems of Linear Equation 3(4x + y = 192) 12x + 3y = 576 4(3x + 2y = 184) - 12x + 8y = 736 - 5y = - 160 y = 32 Since we need to find the value of angle U, and U = S are alternate interior angles, then: U = S = (y 4) U = (32 4) U = 28 Answer: U = 28

11. Suppose f(t) = A 20.02t represents the bacteria present in a culture t minutes from the start of an experiment. Give an expression for the number of minutes needed for the bacteria to double. Solution: Let x = number of bacteria, x = A 20.02t Let 2x = number of bacteria being doubled 2x = A 20.02t = og = og
og ) og

3 -

3 -

-1 + 2x

3 ,

3 -2 Answer: {x: -

= og =
( ( ) og ) og

17. Find the two points that divide the segment joining (-2, 5) and (4, -7) into three equal parts. 18. If f (

= (0.02)(t) log 2 ( og (

find f( )

= og

= og og

Answer: t

12. One side of a rectangle is 6 cm, and its adjacent side measures one-third of the rectang es perimeter Find the dimensions of the rectangle. Solution: First Equation: Let x = adjacent side of the rectangle Let P/3 = adjacent side of the rectangle So, x = P/3 and P = 3x Second Equation: Since P = 2L + 2W Then, P = 2(6) + 2x, so P = 12 + 2x 3x = 12 + 2x 3x 2x = 12 x = 12 Answer: 6 cm and 12 cm. 13. If the area of a rectangle is 6x 2x3 + 4, and its width is 2 x, find its length. Solution: - Synthetic Division 2 -2 0 6 4 -4 -8 -4 -2 -4 -2 0 Answer: 2x2 4x 2 14. The diameter of a basketball is 9 inches. If it is completely submerged in water, how much water will be displaced? Give your answer in terms of Solution: Vo ume of Sphere = r3)/3 V=[ ]3/3 V= 3)/3 3 V = cubic inches Answer: 3 cubic inches 15. Find all sin x = 6. *

19. Workers A and B, working together, can finish a job in 8 hours. If they work together for 6 hours after which Worker A leaves, then Worker B needs 9 more hours to finish the job. How long does it take Worker A to do the job alone? 20. Find the coefficient of the term involving x2 in the expansion (x + 3x-2)8. Solution: (x + 3x-2)8 = (x4+12x+6x6+36x2+36x3+9x8)2 Since 12x is the only term that when squared results to a coefficient involving x2, then 122 = 144 Answer: 144 21. In the figure, arc RS = 115, arc RT = 80, and angle O = 5. Find arc TU. Solution: Angle O = (arc RT arc SU) 5 = (80 - arc SU) 10 = 80 arc SU - 80 + 10 = - arc SU Arc SU = 70 Since All Arcs of Circle is equal to 360, then, Arc RT + Arc RS + Arc SU + Arc TU = 360 80 + 115 + 70 + Arc TU = 360 265 + Arc TU = 360 Arc TU = 360 - 265 Arc TU = 95 Answer: Arc TU = 95 22. In the figure BC is simi ar to DB If AD = 3 and AB = 8, find AC. Solution: = D C =3 C (8)2 = [ 3 C ]2 64 = 3(AC) AC = 64/3 Answer: AC = 64/3 23. In the figure, concentric circles with radii 4 and 5 have center P. Find AC, given that it is tangent to the inner circle and is a chord of the outer circle. Solution: BP is the radius of the smaller circle, BP = 4 Draw an imaginary line from point P to point C. PC serves as radius of the larger circle, PC = 5

+ such that 3 cos2 x + 10

16. Solve the inequality | Solution: - Disjunction:

Since, tangent AC is perpendicular to BP, Then, triangle PBC is a right triangle. To find BC, use Pythagorean Theorem. C = PC 2 (BP)2 C = 2 (4)2 C= 16 C = BC = 3 AC = AB + BC AB = BC AC = 2(BC) AC = 2(3) AC = 6 Answer: AC = 6 24. If a fair coin is tossed five times, find the probability that exactly three tosses show heads. Solution: HH HT HT TT All Heads - 1 H HHH HHT HHT HTT Outcome - 8 T HHT HTT HTT TTT P(3H) = 1/8 Answer: P(3H) = 1/8 25. Find the value of a so that points (-1, -2), (6, a), and (-10, 2) lie on a straight line. Solution: Slope of (-1, -2) and (-10,2) = - 4/9 y y1 = m(x x1) y + 2 = (-4/9)(x + 1) y + 2 = (-4x 4)/9 9y + 18 = - 4x 4 4x + 9y + 22 = 0 Substitute (6, a) 4(6) + 9a + 22 = 0 24 + 9a + 22 = 0 9a = -46 a = -46/9 Answer: a = -46/9 26. Find the product of the roots of the quadratic equation 3x 5x2 + 1 = 0. Solution: Product = c/a 1/-5 Answer: -1/5 27. Miranda trained consistently, so that she can finish a race in 1 hour. During the race, she ran at the rate of 8 kph. However, upon reaching the halfway point of the race, she realized she needed to run faster so she increased her speed to 10 kph. If she reached her goal just in time, how long was the race? Solution: Let x = distance traveled by Miranda Let x/2 = halfway point Let y = time Miranda used on the first half Let 1 y = time Miranda used on the second half First Equation: Second Equation: =

Solution: r = (1 + s)(2s r) r = 2s r + 2s2 rs r + r + rs = 2s + 2s2 2r + rs = 2s + 2s2 r(2 + s) = 2s + 2s2 r= Answer: r =

s s s

29. The expression x3 + ax2 + bx + 6 has the same remainder when divided by x + 1 or by 2 x. If the remainder when the expression is divided by x + 3 is -60, find a and b. Solution: - Remainder Theorem First Equation: (x)3 + a(x)2 + b(x) + 6 = (x)3 + a(x)2 + b(x) + 6 (-1)3 + a(-1)2 + b(-1) + 6 = (2)3 + a(2)2 + b(2) + 6 -1 + a b + 6 = 8 + 4a + 2b + 6 3a + 3b = -9 Second Equation: (x)3 + a(x)2 + b(x) + 6 = -60 (-3)3 + a(-3)2 + b(-3) + 6 = -60 -27 + 9a 3b + 6 = -60 9a 3b = 39 Systems of Linear Equation: 3a + 3b = -9 3a + 3b = -9 + 9a 3b = -39 3(-4) + 3b = -9 12a = -48 -12 + 3b = -9 a = -4 b=1 Answer: a = -4, b = 1 30. A square is inscribed inside a circle of radius 10 cm. Find the perimeter of the square. Solution: Diameter of a circle = 20 cm. 20 cm Diagonal of a square = 20 cm. 45 - 45 - 90 Triangle Hypotenuse = side Side = / = / = P= = = cm Answer: 40 cm. 31. Write (log37)(log43)(log76) as single logarithm. Solution: log3 4/ log7 3 log7 6 Answer: log4 6 32. A bookshelf has 8 history books and 10 cooking books. You will select 10 books 2 history books and 8 cooking books to bring on a trip. How many choices are possible? Solution: nCr = n! / [(n - r)! r!] 8C2 = 8! / [(8 - 2)! 2!] 8C2 = (876!)/(6! 2) 8C2 = (87)/2 8C2 = 28 nCr = n! / [(n - r)! r!] 10C8 = 10! / [(10 - 8)! 8!] 10C8 = (1098!) / [2 8!] 10C8 = (109)/2 10C8 = 45 45 x 28 = 1260 choices Answer: 1260 choices

x/2 = 8y x/2 = 10(1 y) x = 16y x = 20 20y x 16y = 0 x + 20y = 20 Systems of Linear Equation: 16(x + 20y = 20) 16x + 320y = 320 20(x 16y = 0) + 20x 320y = 0 36x = 320 x = 320/36 or 80/9 Answer: 80/9 km 28. Solve for r in terms of s, where
r s-r

33. Factor completely: 2x6 + 3x5 8x4 12x3. Solution: x5(2x + 3) 4x3(2x + 3) (x5 4x3)(2x + 3) x3(x2 4)(2x + 3) x3(x + 2)(x 2)(2x + 3) Answer: (x + 2)(x 2)(2x + 3) 34. In parallelogram ABCD, AC meets BD at O. Suppose that OA = 3x 2, OC = 13 6x, and OB = 3x + 2. Find OD. Solution: 3x 2 = 13 6x 6x + 3x = 13 + 2 9x = 15 x = 15/9 OB = OD = 3(15/9) + 2 = 7 Answer: OD = 7 35. Solve for x: log(x 4) + log(x 7) = 1. Solution: log(x 4)(x 7) = 1 x2 11x + 28 = 10 x2 11x + 18 = 0 (x 9)(x 2) = 0 x = 9 Answer: x = 9 If ( ) = y = 16, find the possible values of x and y. Solution: 2)4 = y-1 = 16 x2 = 1/y = 16 x2 = 16 x = 4 1/y = 16 1 = 16y y = 1/16 Answer: x = 4, y = 1/16 37. If f(x) = 3 and g(x) = 1/(x + 1), find the domain of (f o g)(x). Solution: f = 3 [ / ]3 f = / 3 2 3x 3/x + 1 f = 1 3x /x + 1 D: - /3 < -1 Answer: D: {- / < -1} 38. The angles of a quadrilateral are in the ration 4:2:6:3. Find measure of the largest angle. Solution: Add all ratios 4 + 2 + 6 + 3 = 15 Divide 360 by 15 = 24 Since 6 is the largest in the set of ratios, Multiply 24 by 6 = 144 Answer: 144 39. Suppose that P(x) is a polynomial such that the remainder of P(x) (x 2) is -5 and the remainder of P(x) (x 3) is 7. Is it possible for P(x) to have (a) exactly one root between 2 and 3? (b) two roots between 2 and 3? (c) no root between 2 and 3? Answer: Yes, Yes, No 40. Simplify to a single fraction: a a a Solution: [ 3 ] a a a
2 4 -1

3 [ 3 3 = 3

] ] 3

3 Answer:

aa a

41. The dial on a combination lock contains three wheels, each of which is labeled with a digit from 0 to 9. How many possible combinations does the lock have if digits may not be repeated? Solution: 10 x 9 x 8 = 720
98765 43210 98765 4321 98765 432

Answer: 720


42. Find and identify the asymptote of the graph of y = 4x 1 + 3. Solution: Let x = 0 y = 4x 1 + 3 y = 40 1 + 3 y = 4-1 + 3 y = + 3 y = 3 Answer: y = 3 43. Solve for x: ( - ) ( - ) Solution: Let u = x 3/x u2 + u 6 = 0 (u 2)(u + 3) = 0, u = -3, 2 Since u = x 3/x, substitute the values of u u = x 3/x 2 = x 3/x 2x = x2 3 x2 2x 3 = 0 (x 1)(x + 3) = 0 x = 1, -3 u = x 3/x -3 = x 3/x -3x = x2 3 x2 + 3x 3 = 0 = =
-3 3 ( -3 c



Answer: x = 1, -3,

44. Let C be a circle of radius 8 inches, having a chord of length 3 inches. Find the central angle opposite this chord. Solution: C = r C = Since he chord i 3 inche , divide 3 Conver o degree , /3 = To get the length of an arc, S = r . 960 = 8 / == Answer: 120 45. If p = log 2, q = log 5, and r = log 7, express log 50 + log 70 log2 7 in terms of p, q, and r. Solution: log 50 = log(2)(5)(5) p + q + q

log 70 = 2 log(2)(5)(7) 2(p + q + r) log2 7 = log(7)/2 r/2 p + q + q + 2p + 2q + 2r r/2 3p + 4q + 2r r/2 Answer: 3p + 4q + 2r r/2 46. If four-number codes are formed randomly from the digits 0 to 9, what is the probability that the two middle digits are the same? 47. For what value/s of k does the graph of y = 3x2 kx + k have a minimum value of 3? Solution: k = (4ac b2)/4a 3 = [4(3)(k) k2]/4(3) 3 = (12k k2)/12 36 = 12k k2 k2 12 k 36 = 0 (k 6)(k 6) = 0, k = 6 Answer: k = 6 48. Find the domain of the function f( ) ( )/ ( 8). Answer: D: { > and -3} 49. The x- and y-intercept of a line are -9 and 6 respectively. Find the point on the line whose ordinate is 5. Solution: y = mx + b 0 = -9m + 6 -6 = -9m m = 2/3 5 = 2x/3 + 6 -1 = 2x/3 -3 = 2x x = -3/2 Answer: (-3/2, 5) 50. Suppose that an airplane climbs at an angle of 30. If its speed is maintained at 550 kilometers per hour, how long will it take to reach a height of 15 kilometers? Solution: Let x = time travelled with a height of 15 km. Speed = Distance/Time 60 550/1 = 30km/x 30 km 550x = 30 15 km x = 30/550 x = 3/55 hr. 30 Answer: 3/55 hr.

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