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Department of Mechanical Engineering Process Planning and Cost Estimation First Series Test Time: 1.30hrs. Date: 03.08.

.2012 Max. Marks: 0 Marks

PART-A (5 x 2 = 10 marks) Ans er A!! "#estions

1. 2. 3. ). . ,.80-

Define !osting. "hat are the o#$ecti%es of estimating& "hat shall #e the effect of 'n(er estimating on an enterprise& Disting'ish #et*een (irect an( in(irect material. "hat (o +o' mean #+ a realistic estimate&
PART-$ (% x 10 = %0 marks) Ans er An& 'o#r "#estions

Descri#e (ifferent metho(s of !osting. Dra* the Estimate Form an( /'tline a proce('re for estimating the cost of an in('strial pro('ct. Explain ma$or elements of !ost. 1 lot of 000 pieces of an item *as fa#ricate( an( the follo*ing costs *ere inc'rre(:
/ffice on4cost 2 2 5 on factor+ cost Selling expenses 2 205 on cost of pro('ction Factor+ on 8 cost 2 1 05on la#o'r

Material cost 2 3s. 1000 6a#o'r !ost 2 3s. 1100 !ost of tools7 etc 2 3s. 12

"hat sho'l( #e the profit or loss if the selling price of each item is fixe( at 3s. 1.20& 10- 1 , mm hole is to #e ma(e in a n'm#er of pieces of mm thick steel sheets. This ma+ #e (one #+ la+ing o't the position of the holes *ith (i%i(ers an( centre p'nches an( then (rilling. 9n this metho( a *orkman *hose *age rate is 3s 2 per ho'r can complete 2 pieces per min'te. 1n alternati%e metho( is to make a (rill $ig at a cost of 3s. 3)7 for (rilling the holes. 9f the (rill $ig is 'se(7 a *orkman *hose *age rate is 3s. 1. 0 per ho'r can complete ,00 pieces per ho'r. For *hat total pro('ction *ill the $ig pa+ for itself if all other costs of the t*o metho(s are consi(ere( e:'al&

Department of Mechanical Engineering Process Planning and Cost Estimation First Series Test Time: 1.30hrs. Date: 03.08.2012 Max. Marks: 0 Marks
PART-A (5 x 2 = 10 marks) Ans er A!! "#estions


Define !osting. "hat are the o#$ecti%es of estimating& "hat shall #e the effect of 'n(er estimating on an enterprise& Disting'ish #et*een (irect an( in(irect material. "hat +o' mean #+ realistic estimate&.
PART-$ (% x 10 = %0 marks) Ans er An& 'o#r "#estions

Descri#e (ifferent metho(s of !osting. Dra* the Estimate Form an( /'tline a proce('re for estimating the cost of an in('strial pro('ct. Explain ma$or elements of !ost. 1 lot of 000 pieces of an item *as fa#ricate( an( the follo*ing costs *ere inc'rre(:
Material cost 2 3s. 1000 6a#o'r !ost 2 3s. 1100 !ost of tools7 etc 2 3s. 12 /ffice on4cost 2 2 5 on factor+ cost Selling expenses 2 205 on cost of pro('ction Factor+ on 8 cost 2 1 05on la#o'r

"hat sho'l( #e the profit or loss if the selling price of each item is fixe( at 3s. 1.20& 10- 1 , mm hole is to #e ma(e in a n'm#er of pieces of mm thick steel sheets. This ma+ #e (one #+ la+ing o't the position of the holes *ith (i%i(ers an( centre p'nches an( then (rilling. 9n this metho( a *orkman *hose *age rate is 3s 2 per ho'r can complete 2 pieces per min'te. 1n alternati%e metho( is to make a (rill $ig at a cost of 3s. 3)7 for (rilling the holes. 9f the (rill $ig is 'se(7 a *orkman *hose *age rate is 3s. 1. 0 per ho'r can complete ,00 pieces per ho'r. For *hat total pro('ction *ill the $ig pa+ for itself if all other costs of the t*o metho(s are consi(ere( e:'al&

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