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ENV 6519

Chapter 4 HW Part 2 (#12-#25) June 14, 2006

David E. MacNevin

2.5*10-7 mole of NH3(aq) and 2.5*10-7 mole NaOH are added to 1 liter of distilled water at 25C. What is the pH if =0? Charge Balance + Na + + NH 4 + H + = OH

] [

] [ ] [

This condition is satisfied where pH=7.77

3 4 5 6 7 pC 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 2 4 6 8 pH 10 12 14 16

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ENV 6519

Chapter 4 HW Part 2 (#12-#25) June 14, 2006

David E. MacNevin

10-2 moles NH4Ac and 10-2 moles NaOH are added to 1 liter of water at 25C. What is the pH if =0?

Charge Balance + Na + + NH 4 + H + = OH + Ac

] [

] [ ] [

] [ ]


4 pC
` `

9 0 2 4 6 pH 8 10 12 14

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ENV 6519

Chapter 4 HW Part 2 (#12-#25) June 14, 2006

David E. MacNevin

4-14 pH of a Solution Having Two Bases by Graphical Method

What is the pH of a 25C solution containing 10-3 moles NaHCO3 and 2x10-3 mole NH3 per liter if =10-2? Write the proton condition, where proton reference levels are HCO3- and NH3 [H 2CO3 ] + NH 4+ + H + = OH + CO32

] [ ] [

] [

The equilibrium constants need to be adjusted for ionic strength. New equilibrium constants based on concentration, cK, may be calculated. For =10-2, from Fig 3-4 find the activity coefficients using the Gntelberg Approximation. 1=0.9; 2=0.66

K w = H + OH = H + H + OH OH
For the carbonate system

{ }{

[ ]


Kw =

H + OH
2 3


1014 = 1013.91 0.9 0.9

K a1

{H }{HCO } = [H ] =
{H 2 CO3 }
+ 2 3 3
3 +
2 3

H CO [H 2 CO3 ]
2 CO3


[HCO ]
2 3

H CO K a1 1 106.3 = 10 6.2 K a1 = = H OH 0.9 0.9



{H }{CO } = [H ] [CO ] = [HCO ] {HCO }


Ka2 =

HCO K a 2 H CO
+ 4

2 3

0.9 1010.3 = 1010.1 0.9 0.66

For the ammonia system + H + {NH 3 } H + H NH 3 [NH 3 ] = K a1 = + NH 4 NH + NH 4+

{ } { }

[ ]

K a1 =

NH K a1 H NH
+ 3

0.9 109.3 = = 10 9.3 0.9 1

Construct the appropriate pC-pH diagram using these modified coefficients, note CT,CO3=10-3M and CT,NH3=2*10-3M To find the solution pH, make the simplifying assumptions, [NH4+]>>[H2CO3]>>[H+] which
reduces the proton condition to

[NH ] = [OH ] + [CO ]

+ 4 2 3

Find the ammonium concentration to intersect the sum of the hydroxyl ion and carbonate ion concentration at
pH = 9.85

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ENV 6519

Chapter 4 HW Part 2 (#12-#25) June 14, 2006

David E. MacNevin

0 1 2 3 4 pC
` `

5 6 7 8 9 0 2 4 6 pH 8 10 12 14

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ENV 6519

Chapter 4 HW Part 2 (#12-#25) June 14, 2006

David E. MacNevin

A nitric acid solution, pH=2.7, results from NOx removal from a stack gas. Neglect ionic strength effects and the temperature is 25C. a. How much Na2CO3 must be added to neutralize this solution prior to discharge? (The final pH is 8.3. Assume that no weak acids are present in the scrubber water.) Hint: What is the predominant carbonate species at pH 8.3?) b. What is the buffer intensity of the final solution? At pH 2.7, almost all of CT,NO3 is present as NO3-. Therefore, the neutralization reaction is CO32-+H+HCO3-. a. Calculate the quantity of H+ to be neutralized, H+=10-2.7-10-8.3=10-2.7
Add 10-2.7 moles Na2CO3 per liter of discharge

b. Calculate the buffer intensity, , of the final solution using Eq 4-99

= 2.3([H + ] + [OH ] + 01CT ,CO 3 + 1 2CT ,CO 3 )

[H+]=10-8.3 [OH-]=10-5.7 CT,CO3=10-2.7

For the carbonate system at pH=8.3 0=0.01 1=0.98 2= 0.01 Neglect H+ as insignificant

= 2.3(105.7 + 0.01 0.98 102.7 + 0.98 0.01 102.7 ) = 9.5 105

=9.5*10-5M This is the buffering capacity of the solution

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ENV 6519

Chapter 4 HW Part 2 (#12-#25) June 14, 2006

David E. MacNevin

4-16 Neutralization of a Strong Acid with a Strong Base

How much soda ash, Na2CO3, in moles/liter is required to neutralize a pickle liquor solution containing 10-1 mole H2SO4/liter? Assume that the H2SO4 will react only with the Na2CO3 and that the pH after neutralization is 8.3. The neutralization reaction is H++CO32-HCO3H+=2*10-1M and will be practically 100% neutralized in being reduced to 10-8.3M, therefore,
2*10-1M Na2CO3 Supply this much soda ash

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ENV 6519

Chapter 4 HW Part 2 (#12-#25) June 14, 2006

David E. MacNevin

4-17 pH Buffer for Breakpoint Chlorination

An experiment is to be conducted on breakpoint chlorination (the oxidation of ammonia by chlorine) in which it is desired to maintain the pH constant within 0.5 units of the initial pH of 8. Make the assumption that all of the ammonia is in the NH4+ form (a reasonable assumption since the pKa of NH4+ is 9.3 and the pH of interest is pH 8). The breakpoint reaction between Cl2 and NH3 proceeds as follows: + 3Cl 2 + 2 NH 4 N 2( g ) + 8 H + + 6Cl The maximum amount of ammonia that will be used in the experiments is 12.5 mg as N/liter (0.89*10-3 moles/liter). Select an appropriate acid-conjugate base pair and determine the concentration of it that will control the pH to within 0.5 units of 8.0 during the reaction. Neglect ionic strength effects; the temperature=25C. Determine the buffer intensity of this solution. (Note: There is a detailed discussion of the breakpoint chlorination reaction in Chapter 7.) a. Select the dihydrogen phosphate (H2PO4-), monohydrogen phosphate ion (HPO42-) pair, as it has the closest pKa to 8.0 of species in Table 4-1, excluding hypochlorite. Now, to determine the quantity of the acid-base pair to add to provide the desired control. The worst case condition is when 8.9*10-4M of NH4+ are added, producing 3.56*10-3M H+. So, find CT, that will absorb that many equivalents of H+, given the knowledge of the species of phosphate at pH 7.5 and 8.0. 2, pH =7.5 CT 2, pH =8 CT = 3.56 10 3

(0.86 0.67 ) CT

= 3.56 10 3

Solve for CT CT=1.87*10-2M Add this much phosphate salt (as HPO42-) to buffer pH, adjust to pH=8.0 to obtain proper starting distribution of species. b.Calculate Use Eq 4-99 = 2.3( H + + OH + 01CT ,CO 3 + 1 2CT ,CO 3 )

[ ] [

2=0.863 At pH=8.0 0=0 1=0.137 Neglect all terms as insignificant, except the last one = 2.3(0.137 0.863 1.87 10 2 ) =5.09*10-3 M
=5.09*10-3 M


This is the buffering capacity of the solution

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ENV 6519

Chapter 4 HW Part 2 (#12-#25) June 14, 2006

David E. MacNevin

An industrial wastewater is to be discharged to a receiving stream with a pH of 8.3 and a total alkalinity =2*10-3 eq/liter. The wastewater contains 5*10-3 M H2SO4, and the pH of the stream should not be permitted to drop below 6.3. a. What is the maximum dilution ratio (volume waste/volume stream water) that can be used for discharge of the wastewater? b. What is the buffer intensity of the solution at pH 6.3? a. At pH=8.3, nearly all the carbonates are in the form of HCO3-. So [HCO3-]=2*10-3M. At pH 6.3, (pKa1), the carbonates would be half H2CO3 and

half HCO3-). So, 1*10-3M of bicarbonate would be neutralized. Thus, 1*10-3M of H+ can be added per liter of stream water. The wastewater is a strong diprotic acidconcentrated at 5*10-3M. Thus, it has 1*10-4M H+.Thus, no more than 100 ml of wastewater should be added per liter of stream water. The dilution ratio is 0.1

b. The buffer intensity is calculated according to Eq 4-99 = 2.3( H + + OH + 01CT ,CO 3 + 1 2CT ,CO 3 )

[ ] [

At pH=6.3, neglect H+ and OH-, 2 is also negligible. = 2.3( 0 1CT ,CO 3 )

= 2.3(0.5 0.5 2 10 3 )


This is the buffering capacity of the solution

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ENV 6519

Chapter 4 HW Part 2 (#12-#25) June 14, 2006

David E. MacNevin

A sample of natural water contains 1*10-3 M CO32- and 3*10-3 M HCO3-. a. As the pH is lowered during the alkalinity titration, at which pH is the CO2 in solution in equilibrium with atmospheric CO2? b. What is the pH of the total alkalinity equivalence point, pHCO2? (Neglect dilution effects.) Give your answer to the nearest 0.1 pH unit. c. If 50 percent of the CO2 formed during the titration escapes, what is the new pH of the total alkalinity equivalence point? a. This would be the pH where [H2CO3]=10-5M. 1 [H 2CO3 ] = o CT ,CO3 = 4 10 3 = 10 5 6.3 6.3 10.3 10 10 10 1+ + + 2 H H+

[ ]

[H ]=1.12*10 M pH=8.9 b. pHCO2=0.5*(pKa1+pCT,CO3) pCT,CO3=-log(1*10-3M+3*10-3)=2.40 pHCO2=0.5*(6.3+2.4)=4.35



[ ]

c. Recalculate pCT,CO3=-log(0.5*4*10-3)=2.70 pHCO2=0.5*(6.3+2.7)=4.50


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ENV 6519

Chapter 4 HW Part 2 (#12-#25) June 14, 2006

David E. MacNevin

A sample of natural water that has been equilibrated with CaCO3(s) is isolated from its surroundings. Indicate whether the addition of small quantities of the following will increase, decrease, or have no effect on the total alkalinity or total acidity and state very briefly why. Neglect ionic strength effects. a. b. c. d. e. HCl FeCl3 Na2SO4 CO2 Na2CO3 Total Alkalinity Decrease Decrease No effect No effect Total Acidity Increase Increase No effect Increase No effect Comment H+ is a strong acid Ferric iron is a strong acid Sulfate a very weak base CO2 is the TAlk endpoint, therefore cannot include in the expression CO32- is the TAcid endpoint, therefore cannot include in the expression

Species HCl FeCl3 Na2SO4 CO2

Na2CO3 Increase

For example, when carbonic acid (CO2(aq)) is added to water it has no net affect on total alkalinity, because it produces a hydrogen ion and bicarbonate ion. Each cancels the effect of the other.

CO2 + H 2 O H 2 CO3 + H 2 O H + + HCO3

It can similarly be shown, that soda ash when added to water has no net effect on total acidity.

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ENV 6519

Chapter 4 HW Part 2 (#12-#25) June 14, 2006

David E. MacNevin

4-21 Alkalinity Titration, and pH of Buffered Water Receiving Strong Base Waste
A natural water has the following partial analysis: pH=8.3 [Ca2+]=5*10-4M -3 [HCO3 ]=3*10 M [Mg2+]=1*10-4M -5 [CO2(aq)]=3*10 M [SO42-]=1*10-4M a. What volume of 0.02N H2SO4 is required to titrate a 100-ml sample to the total alkalinity endpoint? What is the total alkalinity in eq/liter and in mg/liter as CaCO3? b. A waste containing 10-2 moles NaOH/liter is to be discharged to this water. The pH cannot be raised above 9.5. What is the maximum number of liters of waste that can be added to each liter of the natural water? a. Total alkalinity consists of titrating all bases. In the given water, HCO3-, is the only significant base present for total alkalinity. Sulfate is far too weak a base and would not neutralize before the total alkalinity endpoint.
Alk = 3*10-3eq/liter = 150 mg/l as CaCO3

The volume of 0.02eq/liter H2SO4 required per liter to provide 3*10-3 eq is

3 *10 3 eq eq 1 = V 0.02 l l 100 ml

Add V=15 ml of 0.02 N H2SO4 to titrate to the total alkalinity endpoint b. At pH=8.3, nearly all the carbonates are in the form of HCO3-. So CT,CO3=3*10-3M. At pH 9.5, [HCO3-]=1*CT,CO3=0.863*3*10-3=2.59*10-3M

The amount of bicarbonate neutralized by base is then, 3*10-3-2.59*10-3=4.1*10-4M This is the number of equivalents of base that may be added per liter of natural water. Use this information to find the volume of waste.
1 l waste eq l waste = 0.041 l natural 0.01 eq l natural V= 41 ml of waste per liter of natural water 4.1 10 4

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ENV 6519

Chapter 4 HW Part 2 (#12-#25) June 14, 2006

David E. MacNevin

4-22 Acidity and Alkalinity

A partial water analysis is given as follows: CO2 = 44 mg/liter [Cl-]=1*10-3M [HCO3-]=2*10-3M [SO42-]=1*10-4M a. What is the solution pH and CO32- concentration? b. What is the caustic, carbonate, and total alkalinity (in eq/liter and in mg/liter as CaCO3)? c. What is the mineral, CO2, and total acidity (in eq/liter)? d. What is the pH if 5*10-4 mole OH- (as NaOH) are added per liter of the above sample? a. CO2 = 44
CT ,CO 3

mg mmol = 1 10 3 M l 44mg = [CO2 ] + HCO3 = 1 10 3 + 2 10 3 = 3 10 3

[CO2 ] = 110 3 M =
0 =
1 3

1 1 CT ,CO 3 = 3 10 3 = 1 10 =3 6.3 K 10 1+ a 1+ + H H+

[ ]

[ ]


K a1 K a 2

[CO ] =
2 3

2 CT ,CO 3 =

[H ]

+ 2

K 1 K a1 K a 2 1 + a+ + 2 H H+

CT ,CO 3 = 1.33 10 4 3 10 3

[ ] [ ]

[CO32-]= 3.99*10-7M

b. From Tb 4-11 Caustic Alkalinity Kw 10 14 + H CT ,CO 3 ( 1 + 2 0 ) = 6.6 10 6.6 3 10 3 (0.33 + 2 0.67 ) + H 10 Caustic Alkalinity = negative therefore = 0, reasonable since pH < 10.3 Carbonate Alkalinity K 10 14 + 3 4 ( ) H = + 10 6.6 CT ,CO 3 ( 2 0 ) + w 3 10 1 . 33 10 0 . 33 + 6.6 H 10 Carbonate Alkalinity = negative therefore = 0, reasonable since pH < 8.3

[ ] [ ]

[ ] [ ]

Total Alkalinity
CT ,CO 3 ( 1 + 2 2 ) +

[ ] [ ]

Kw 10 14 + 3 4 H = + + 10 6.6 3 10 0 . 67 2 1 . 33 10 6.6 + H 10

Neglect pH terms Total Alkalinity = 0.002 eq/liter = 100 mg/l as CaCO3

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ENV 6519

Chapter 4 HW Part 2 (#12-#25) June 14, 2006

David E. MacNevin

c. From Tb 4-11 Mineral Acidity K 10 14 6.6 ( ) C + = 3 10 3 (0.67 + 2 1.33 10 4 ) H+ w 2 10 1 2 T ,CO 3 H+ 10 6.6 Mineral acidity = negative therefore = 0, reasonable since pH > 4.5

[ ] [ ]

CO2 Acidity
CT ,CO 3 ( 0 2 ) + H + K [ ] [H ] = 3 10 (0.33 1.33 10 )+ 10
w + 3 4 6.6

10 14 10 6.6

CO2 acidity=9.9*10-4 eq/liter

Total Acidity
CT ,CO 3 ( 1 + 2 0 ) + H + K [ ] [H ] = 3 10
w + 3

(0.67 + 2 0.33) + 10 6.6

10 14 10 6.6

Total acidity=4*10-3 eq/liter

d. Adding 5*10-4 moles of OH-, the hydroxyl ions react preferentially with CO2 Thus, after neutralization of the added OH[CO2]=1*10-3-5*10-4=5*10-4 [HCO3-]=2*10-3+5*10-4=2.5*10-3 Calculate pH from 0 5 10 4 1 0 = = = 0.167 10 6.3 3 10 3 1+ H+ [H+]=10-7 pH=7.0

[ ]

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ENV 6519

Chapter 4 HW Part 2 (#12-#25) June 14, 2006

David E. MacNevin

4-23 Titration for Species Determination

Fifty ml of a natural water sample is titrated with 0.02 N H2SO4. The titrant volume required to titrate to pH 8.3 is 6 ml and an additional 8 ml is required to titrate to pH 4.3. a. What is the caustic, carbonate, and total alkalinity in meq/liter? b. What is the mineral, CO2, and total acidity in meq/liter? c. What is the CT,CO3? d. What is the pHCO2 and pHCO32- (to the nearest 0.1 pH unit)? e. What is the [H+], [OH-],[CO32-],[HCO3-] and [H2CO3*] in the original sample? Calculate using both the approximate method described in Section 4.13.3 and the exact procedure and compare the results. a. The caustic alkalinity is 0 meq/liter, since Vmo>Vp implying that HCO3- was present in solution. Carbonate alkalinity = Vp*N/V= 6 ml * 0.02 eq/l / 50 ml Carbonate alkalinity = 2.4 meq/l Total alkalinity = Vmo*N/V= 14 ml * 0.02 eq/l / 50 ml Total alkalinity = 5.6 meq/l b. Mineral acidity and CO2 acidity are zero since initial pH>8.3 Total acidity = bicarbonate originally present = (Vmo-Vp)*N/V = (8-6)ml*0.02 eq/l/ 50 ml Total acidity=0.84 meq/l c. The total carbonate concentration is the sum of the bicarbonate and carbonate ions originally present in the solution. Or by Eq 4-118, it is the difference between the total alkalinity and the carbonate alkalinity. The total alkalinity counts CO32- twice, subtracting the carbonate alkalinity corrects for this. 5.6-2.4=3.2 CT,CO3=3.2 meq/l d. pHCO2=0.5*(pKa1+pCT,CO3)=0.5*(6.3+2.49) pHCO2=4.40 pHCO32-=14-0.5*(pKb1+pCT,CO3)=14-0.5*(3.7+2.49) pHCO32-=10.91 e. Approximate Method (Tb 4-9) pH=10.3+log(2.4/0.84)=10.76 pOH=3.24 [CO32-]=2.4*10-3M (from a) [HCO3-]=8.4*10-4M (from b) [H2CO3*] =0 Exact Method CT,CO3=[HCO3 ]+[CO3 ]=3.2*10 M Charge Balance

K a2

[H+]=[OH-]+[HCO3-]+2[CO32-] 14 of 19

[H ][CO ] = [HCO ]
+ 2 3 3

K w = H + OH

[ ][

ENV 6519

Chapter 4 HW Part 2 (#12-#25) June 14, 2006

David E. MacNevin

Make substitutions 10 14 H+ = + 1CT ,CO 3 + 2 2 CT ,CO 3 H+ 10 6.310 10.3 10 6.3 2 10 14 H+ H+ + H = + +2 6.3 6.3 10.3 10 6.3 10 6.310 10.3 10 10 10 H+ 1+ 1 + + + 2 2 H+ H+ H+ H+

[ ] [ ]

[ ] [ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[H ]=2.82*10 pH=10.55 pOH=3.45 2[CO3 ]=2*CT,CO3=0.64*3.2*10-3=2.05*10-3 M [HCO3-]= 1*CT,CO3=0.36*3.2*10-3=1.15*10-3 M [H2CO3*] = 0*CT,CO3=2.02*10-5*3.2*10-3=6.46*10-8 M


[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

3 3.2 10

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ENV 6519

Chapter 4 HW Part 2 (#12-#25) June 14, 2006

David E. MacNevin

4-24 Effect of Ionic Strength on Carbonate Equilibrium

A solution has a carbonate alkalinity of 1 meq/liter and a total alkalinity of 6 meq/liter. The ionic strength of the solution is 10-2 M and the temperature is 40C. Calculate [H+], [HCO3-], and [CO32-] neglecting ionic strength effects and compare the values obtained when corrections are made for ionic strength effects. Use the constants given in Tables 42 and 4-7 for your calculations. When =0 and T=40C Kw=2.95*10-14=10-13.53 Ka1=10-6.30 Ka2=10-10.22 For =10-2, from Fig 3-4 find the activity coefficients using the Gntelberg Approximation. 1=0.9; 2=0.66 K w = H + OH = H + H + OH OH

{ }{

[ ]

Kw =

H + OH


2.95 10 14 = 10 13.44 0.9 0.9


For the carbonate system

K a1

{H }{HCO } = [H ] =
{H 2 CO3 }
+ 2 3 3
2 3

H CO [H 2 CO3 ]
2 CO3

[HCO ]

K a1 =

H CO K a1 1 10 6.3 = = 10 6.21 0 .9 0 .9 H OH
2 3


{H }{CO } = [H ] [CO ] = [HCO ] {HCO }

H+ 2 3

K a2 =

HCO K a 2


2 3

0.9 10 10.22 = 10 10.04 0.9 0.66

Calculate the analytical carbon concentration (use Eq 4-118) CT,CO3=Total Alkalinity-Carbonate Alkalinity=6*10-3-1*10-3=5*10-3eq/liter From Tb 4-11 Total Alkalinity=6*10-3M CT ,CO 3 ( 1 + 2 2 ) + In general K a1 K a 2 K a1 2 + H H+ [H ] = 5 10 3 +2 K 1 K a1 K a 2 K 1 K a1 K a 2 1 + a+ 1 + a+ + + 2 2 + H H H H+

[ ]

Kw H+

[ ]

[ ]

[ ] [ ]

[ ] [ ]

Kw + + H+ H

[ ] [ ]

When =0

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ENV 6519

Chapter 4 HW Part 2 (#12-#25) June 14, 2006

David E. MacNevin
10 13.53 H+ + + H

10 6.3010 10.22 10 6.30 2 H+ H+ 2 + TotAlk = 5 10 3 6.30 10 6.30 10 6.3010 10.22 10 6.3010 10.22 1 + 10 1 + + + 2 2 H+ H+ H+ H+

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[H ]=2.82*10


[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ] [ ]


When =0

10 10 9.55 [HCO3-]=1*CT,CO3= 5 10 3 6.30 6.30 10.22 10 10 10 1 + 9.55 + 2 10 10 9.55 [HCO3-]=4.1*10-3M When =0

10 6.3010 10.22

[CO3 ]=2*CT,CO3=


10 10 10 + 9.55 10 10 9.55


[10 ] ] [

9.55 2 6.30 10.22

5 10 3

[CO32-]=9.2*10-4M When =10-2

When =0

10 6.2110 10.04 10 6.21 2 H+ H+ TotAlk = 5 10 3 + 2 6.21 10 6.21 10 6.2110 10.04 10 6.2110 10.04 1 + 10 + + + 1 2 + + + 2 H H H H+

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[H ]=3.98 *10


[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

10 13.44 H+ + + H

[ ] [ ]


When =10

10 10 9.40 5 10 3 [HCO3-]=1*CT,CO3= 6.21 6.21 10.04 10 10 10 1 + 9.40 + 2 10 10 9.40 [HCO3-]=4.1*10-3M When =10-2

10 6.2110 10.04


10 10 10 + 9.40 10 10 9.40


[10 ] ] [

9.40 2 6.21 10.04

5 10 3


When =10-2

Increased ionic strength caused pH to decrease slightly, while HCO3- remained unchanged, and CO32- showed a small increase in concentration.

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ENV 6519

Chapter 4 HW Part 2 (#12-#25) June 14, 2006

David E. MacNevin

4-25 pH of a Poorly-Buffered Lake Receiving Acid Rain

In some regions carbonate-bearing minerals are lacking in the earth and the lakes in these regions have a low alkalinity. Acid rains, resulting from conversion of industrial SO2 emissions to H2SO4 , can cause significant pH depressions in such lakes and may result in fish kills. What volume of acid rain, pH =4.0, is required to lower the pH of a lake to 6.7? The lake has a volume of 20*106 ft3, a pH =7.0, and an alkalinity of 30 mg/liter as CaCO3. Some alkalinity is present in the water. Assume it is all present as bicarbonate alkalinity, since pH<8.3 Assume T=25C. Calculate CT,CO3 at pH=7.0
K a1 10 6.3 10 7.0 H+ = = 0.833 1 = K a1 K a1 K a 2 10 6.3 10 6.310 10.3 1+ + + 1 + 7.0 + 2 2 H 10 H+ 10 7.0

[ ]

CT ,CO 3

[ ] [ ] [ [HCO ] = 6 10 =
3 4

] [


CT,CO3=7.20*10 M Calculate [HCO3-] at pH=6.7 K a1 10 6.3 10 6.7 H+ = = 0.715 1 = K a1 K a1 K a 2 10 6.3 10 6.310 10.3 1+ + + 1 + 6.7 + 2 2 H 10 H+ 10 6.7


[ ]

[ ] [ ]

] [

[HCO3-]=1CT,CO3=0.715*7.20*10-4=5.148*10-4M Thus, in every liter of water the amount of bicarbonate alkalinity destroyed (and corresponding H+ demand) will be 6*10-4-5.14*10-4=8.52*10-5M Note: The reaction of interest for the buffer is, H++HCO3-H2CO3 Also for every liter of water, H+ will be needed to lower the pH. 10-6.7-10-7=9.95*10-8M Together, for each liter of water, the H+ required to change from pH 7.0 to pH 6.7 is 8.52*10-5+9.95*10-8 8.53*10-5M (or N) Now calculate the number of equivalents required over the entire lake

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ENV 6519

Chapter 4 HW Part 2 (#12-#25) June 14, 2006

David E. MacNevin

The lake has volume 2*107ft3, convert to liters. 7.48 gal 3.78l 2 10 7 ft 3 = 5.655 108 l 3 gal ft Over the entire lake that number is (5.655*108)*(8.53*10-5)=4.82*104 equivalents The rain has a concentration 1*10-4 N ft 3 4.82 10 4 eq 8 4 . 82 10 l = 110 4 N 28.27l V=1.71*107ft3

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