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AP Physics

Semester 1 Final Exam Review Available for home use by download only.
The graph below represents the motion of a body that is moving with
a) decreasing acceleration b) constant speed c) increasing speed d) increasing acceleration
According to the graph which !uantity related to the motion of the body is constant"
a) displacement b) speed c) acceleration d) velocity
The diagram below shows a graph of distance as a function of time for an ob$ect in straight%line motion.
According to the graph the ob$ect most li&ely has
a) a decreasing acceleration b) an increasing speed c) a decreasing mass d) a constant momentum
(se this graph for !uestions '%).
*hich of the following graphs best represents the displacement vs. time data for this graph"
a) b) c) d)
*hat is the displacement of the ob$ect for the entire 2+ second interval"
a) '+ m b) 1) m c) #+ m d) 1+ m
The graph below shows the relationship between speed and time for two ob$ects A and -.
.ompared with the acceleration of ob$ect - the acceleration of ob$ect A is
a) three times as great b) one third as great c) twice as great d) the same
*hich pair of graphs represents the same motion"
*hich graph best represents the relations between velocity and time for an ob$ect which accelerates uniformly for 2 seconds then
moves with a constant velocity for one second and finally decelerates for # seconds"
The graph below represents the motion of an ob$ect traveling in a straight line as a function of time. *hat is the average speed of
the ob$ect during the first four seconds"
a) 1 m2s b) +.) m2s c) + m2s 2 m2s
The distance 3time graph shown below represents the position of an ob$ect moving in a straight line. *hat is the speed of the
ob$ect during the time interval t%2.+ seconds to t 4 '.+ seconds"
a) +.+ m2s b) ).+ m2s c) /.) m2s d) 1+. m2s
The displacement%time graph below represents the motion of a cart along a straight line. (se this diagram for !uestions 11%12.
5uring which interval was the velocity of the cart 4 +"
a) A- b) -. c) .5 d) 56
*hat is the average speed of the ob$ect between A%5"
a) 1+. m2s b) /.+ m2s c) ).+ m2s d) 2.) m2s
The graph below represents the relationship between distance and time for an ob$ect.
*hat is the instantaneous speed of the ob$ect at t4 ).+ seconds"
a) 2.+ m2s b) '.+ m2s c) + m2s d) ).+ m2s
The graph below represents the relationship between distance and time for and ob$ect in motion.
5uring which interval is the speed for the ob$ect changing"
a) A- b) 56 c) .5 d) -.
A roc& hits the ground at a speed of %1+. m2s and leaves a hole 2) cm deep. *hat is the magnitude of the average acceleration of
the roc&" 7The 3 sign is used to indicate downward direction)
a) 2)+ m2s
b) 1+. m2s
c) 2.+ 8 1+
d) 12. m2s
A $et accelerates from rest at a rate of ,.++ m2s
over the length of a )++. m runway. *hat is the ta&e off speed of the $et at the
end of the runway and how much time did it ta&e the $et to achieve this speed"
a) //.) m2s 12.1 s b) ,+++ m2s 1+++ s c) 1.2 m2s 1.2 s d) #++ m2s )+ s
A locomotive starts from rest and accelerates at +.12 m2s
to a speed of 2.' m2s in 2+. s. This motion could be best described as
a) increasing acceleration and constant velocity
b) increasing acceleration and increasing velocity
c) constant acceleration and constant velocity
d) constant acceleration and increasing velocity
1+. *hich statement about the movement of an ob$ect with 9ero acceleration is true"
a) the ob$ect may be in motion
b) the ob$ect may be at rest
c) the ob$ect may be speeding up
d) the ob$ect may be slowing down
e) a : b
A $ogger accelerates at a constant rate as she travels ).+ meters along a straight trac& from point A to point - as shown in the
diagram below.
If her speed was 2.+ meters per second at point A and will be #.+ meters per second at point - how long will it ta&e her to go
from A to -"
a) 2.+ s b) #.) s c) 1.+ s d) '.2 s
A ball is thrown vertically upward from a height of 1.++ m above the ground with an initial velocity of
2.++ m2s. *hat ill be the position of the ball with respect to the ground after +.)+ seconds from the time
the ball is released" 7assume acceleration due to gravity is %1+m2s
a) +.)+ m b) ).++ m c) +./) m d) 1.++ m
The displacement 8 of an ob$ect moving along the 8-a8is is shown above as a function of time t. The acceleration of this ob$ect
must be
7A) 9ero 7-) constant but not 9ero 7.) increasing 75) decreasing 76) e!ual to g
An ob$ect is released from rest on a planet that has no atmosphere. The ob$ect falls freely for #.+ meters in the first second. *hat
is the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity on the planet"
7A) 1.) m s
7-) #.+ m2s
7.) ,.+ m2s
75) 1+.+ m2s
76) 12.+ m2s
The graph above represents position x versus time t for an ob$ect being acted on by a constant force. The average speed during
the interval between 1 s and 2 s is most nearly
(A) m!s (") # m!s ($) % m!s (&) ' m!s (E) ( m!s
Which ticker tape dot set(s) could be produced when the tape is pulled
to the right with a uniform speed?
(you may select more than one)
a) d)
b) e)
Use this diagram for questions 24-25.
Which ticker tape dot set(s) could be produced when the tape is pulled to the right with a uniform acceleration?
(you may select more than one)
a) b) c) d) e)
*hich of the following pairs are vector !uantities"
a) speed and velocity b) distance and time c) velocity and distance d) acceleration and displacement
*hich of the following are scalar !uantities"
a) speed and velocity b) distance and speed c) velocity and distance d) acceleration and displacement
%% meters!second east
*hat is the magnitude of the measurement described above"
a) east b) meters2second c) )) meters2second d) )) meters2second east
)se this dia*ram for +uestions ,-./.
;iven c and

determine the altitude a of the triangle.

a) c sin

b) c cos

c) c tan

d) c2b
;iven . and

determine the base b of the triangle.

a) c sin

b) c cos

c) c tan

d) c2b
;iven a and b and c determine the angle



c) sin
c d) cos
*hich of the following operations would you use to determine the height < of the building"
a) 5sin

b) 5tan

c) 5cos

d) 5

The damselfly flies along the blac&%line
path shown below. (se this diagram for
!uestions ##%#).
*hich of the following vectors best represents the resultant displacement of the
a) b) c) d)
*hat is the magnitude of the resultant displacement of the damselfly from its starting position"
a) #m c) )m e) 2)m
b) 'm d) 1m
*hat is the direction of the resultant displacement"
a) #/= east of north c) )#=east of north e) 1+=east
b) )1= east of north d) )1= south of east
*hat is the component of the yellow $ac&et>s
velocity in the northerly direction"
a) #m2s c) ).2m2s e) ,m2s
b) #,m2s d) #.) m2s
*hile the yellow $ac&et 7a type of wasp) shown below is flying due north it
encounters a westbound crosswind that blows it off course. Its resultant
velocity is ,m2s at an angle of #+= west of north.
(se this diagram for !uestions #,%#0.
*hat is the magnitude of the westbound wind"
a) #m2s c) ).2m2s e) ,m2s
b) #,m2s d) #.)m2s
?uppose the yellow $ac&et were to fly along the
@actual velocity@ path for one minute. <ow far
would the wind have carried the insect off of its
intended northbound path in that time"
a) #m c) ).2m e) #12m
b) 10+m d) 21+m
*hich vector below represents the resultant of the concurrent vectors A and - in the diagram above"
A river flows due east at 1.) meters per second. A ship leaves the north shore of the river and heads due south at 2.+ meters per
second as shown in the diagram below.
*hich vector best represents the resultant velocity of the ship relative to the riverban&"
An ob$ect is released from rest on a planet that has no atmosphere. The ob$ect falls freely for #.+ meters in the first
second. *hat is the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity on the planet"
a) l .) m2s
b) #.+ m2s
c) ,.+ m2s
d) 1+.+ m2s
e) 12.+ m2s
(se this diagram for !uestions '2%'#.
The ob$ect described by this graph starts with a
displacement 4 + and
velocity 4 + at time 4+.
*hat is the acceleration of the ob$ect from t4+ to t41+ seconds"
a) 'm2s

c) A m2s
d) B m2s
*hat is the displacement of the ob$ect after 2+ seconds"
a) 1+ m b) 2.) m c) 1) m d) %2.)m
The graph above shows the velocity versus time for an ob$ect moving in a straight line. At what time after
t 4 + does the ob$ect again pass through its initial position"
7A) -etween + and 1 s 7-) 1 s 7.) -etween 1 and 2 s 75) 2s 76) -etween 2 and # s
A truc& traveled '++ meters north in 0+ seconds and then it traveled #++ meters east in /+ seconds. The magnitude of the
average velocity of the truc& was most nearly
7A) 1.2 m2s 7-) #.# m2s 7.) '., m2s 75) ,., m2s 76) 1.# m2s
Above a flat horizontal plane, an arrow, A, is shot
horizontally from a bow at a speed of 50 meters
per second, as shown in the diagram below. A
second arrow, B, is dropped from the same height
and at the same instant as A is fired
Neglecting air friction, compared to the amount of time A
takes to strike the plane, the amount of time B takes to
strike the plane is
A) less
) the same
!) greater
A roc& of mass m is thrown hori9ontally off a building from a height h as shown above. The speed of the roc& as it leaves the
thrower>s hand at the edge of the building is v0.
<ow much time does it ta&e the roc& to travel from the edge of the building to the ground"
A) hv
6) 2h g AP
Questions 46 and 47 refer to the following:
"he diagram below shows a ball pro#ected
horizontally with an initial velocity of $0. meters
per second east, off a cliff %00. meters high.
&Neglect air resistance.'
(ow many seconds does the ball take to reach the ground)
A) $.0 s ) *.5 s !) +., s -) $0. s
-uring the flight of the ball, what is the direction of its acceleration)
A) eastward ) westward !) upward -) downward
"he diagram below represents a bicycle and rider
traveling to the right at a constant speed. A ball is
dropped from the hand of the cyclist.
.hich set of graphs best represents the horizontal motion
of the ball relative to the ground) &Neglect air
Questions 49 through 50 refer to the following:
An ob#ect is thrown horizontally off a cliff with an initial
velocity of 5.0 meters per second.
"he ob#ect strikes the ground /.0 seconds later.
(ow far from the base of the cliff will the ob#ect
strike the ground) &Neglect friction.'
A) %5 m ) +., m !) ** m -) $.+ m
.hat is the horizontal speed of the ob#ect %.0 second after it is released) &Neglect friction.'
A) %5 m0s ) %0. m0s !) /0. m0s -) 5.0 m0s
A bloc& rests at the edge of a platform that is 1+ meters above level ground. The bloc& is launched hori9ontally from the edge of
the platform with an initial speed of # meters per second. Air resistance is negligible. The time it will ta&e for the bloc& to reach the
ground is most nearly
7A) +.# s 7-) 1.+ s 7.) 1.' s 75) 2.+ s 76) #.+ s
A diver initially moving hori9ontally with speed v dives off the edge of a vertical cliff and lands in the water a distance d from the
base of the cliff. <ow far from the base of the cliff would the diver have landed if the diver initially had been moving hori9ontally
with speed 2v"
A) d -)
.) 2d 5) 4d 6) can>t be determined without &nowing the height of the cliff
A ball is fired vertically upward at 5.0 meters per
second from a cart moving horizontally to the right
at $.0 meters per second.
.hich vector best represents the resultant velocity of the
ball when fired)
A pro#ectile is fired a velocity of %50. meters per second at an angle of /0 with the horizontal. .hat is the
magnitude of the vertical component of the velocity at the time the pro#ectile is fired)
A) $$5 m0s ) %50. m0s !) %/0. m0s -) 15.0 m0s
A pro$ectile is fired with initial velocity

at an angle

the hori9ontal and follows the tra$ectory shown above.
*hich of the following pairs of graphs best represents the vertical
components of the velocity and acceleration v and a
respectively of the pro$ectile as functions of time t "
Questions 56 and 57 refer to the following:
<ow do the speeds of the ball at the three points compare"
7A) vP C vQC vD 7.) vQ C vD C vP 76) vP 4 vD C vQ
7-) vD C vQ C vP 75) vQ C vP 4 vD AP
*hich of the following diagrams best shows the direction of the acceleration of the ball at point E "
2ro#ectiles are fired from different angles with the
same initial speed of %* meters per second. "he
graph below shows the range of the pro#ectiles as a
function of the original angle of inclination to the
ground, neglecting air resistance.
"he graph shows that the range of the pro#ectiles is
A) the same for all angles
) greatest for an angle of +0.
!) greatest for an angle of *5
-) the same for angles of $0. and ,0.
"he diagram below represents a ball being kicked by
a foot and rising at an angle of /0. from the
horizontal. "he ball has an initial velocity of 5.0
meters per second. &Neglect friction.'
.hat is the magnitude of the horizontal component of the
ball3s initial velocity)
A) 5.0 m0s
) ,.1 m0s
!) *./ m0s
-) $.5 m0s
A cannon with a muzzle velocity of 500. meters per second fires a cannonball at an angle of /0.D above the
horizontal. .hat is the vertical component of the cannonball3s velocity as it leaves the cannon)

A) 500. m0s ) $50. m0s !) 0.0 m0s -) *// m0s
A cannon elevated at an angle of /5 to the
horizontal fires a cannonball, which travels the path
shown in the diagram below.
&Neglect air resistance and assume the ball lands at
the same height above the ground from which it was
4f the ball lands 1.0 x %0
meters from the cannon %0.
seconds after it was fired, what is the horizontal
component of its initial velocity)
A) 10. m0s
) 1.0 m0s
!) /5 m0s
-) *+ m0s
)se this exam0le for +uestions '-'#.
1ou 0ush a salt sha2.er so that it slides across the table and comes to a sto0.
*hich of the diagrams best represents the forces e8erted on the salt sha&er in A"
a) I b) II c) III d) IF e) F
*hich of the diagrams best represents the forces e8erted on the salt sha&er in -"
a) I b) II c) III d) IF e) F
*hich of the diagrams best represents the forces e8erted on the salt sha&er in ."
a) I b) II c) III d) IF e) F
A bo8 rests on the smooth bed of a truc& that is moving at a constant velocity to the right.
If the truc& were to suddenly stop the bo8 would probably...
A) remain at rest in the bac& of the truc& -) slide to the right .) slide to the left
A table e8erts a 2.+%newton force on a boo& lying on the table.
The force e8erted by the boo& on the table is
A) + G -) +.2+ G .) 2.+ G 5) 2+. G
*hich graph best represents the motion of an ob$ect that has no unbalanced force acting on it"
An ob$ect of weight * is suspended from the center of a massless string as
shown above.
The tension at any point in the string is
7A) 2*cos
7-) B*cos
7.) *cos
75) *272cos )
76) *2cos
The diagram below represents two concurrent forces acting on a point.
*hich vector best represents their resultant"
A force of ,.+ newtons north and a force of 0.+ newtons east act concurrently on an ob$ect.
The magnitude of the resultant of the two forces is
A) 1'. G -) 2.+ G .) 1.# G 5) 1+. G
A ball of mass m is suspended from two stringH of une!ual length as shown
The tensions T1 and T2 in the strings must satisfy
which of the following relations"
7A) Tl 4 T2
7-) T1 I T2
7.) T1 C T2
75) Tl J T2 4 mg
76) T1%T2 4 mg
The diagram below represents a force acting at point P.
*hich pair of concurrent forces would produce e!uilibrium when added to the force acting at point P"
A lawnmower is pushed with a constant force F as shown in the diagram
As angle between the lawnmower handle and
the hori9ontal increases the hori9ontal component
of F
A) decreases
-) remains the same
.) increases
The handle of a lawn roller is held at ')5 from the hori9ontal. A
force F of 20.+ newtons is applied to the handle as the roller is
pushed across a level lawn as shown in the diagram below.
*hat is the magnitude of the force moving the roller forward"
A) 11.0 G -) /.++ G .) #1.+ G 5) 1'.+ G
The diagram below shows a person e8erting a #++.%newton force on the handle of a shovel that ma&es an angle of ,+.+ with the
hori9ontal ground.
The component of the #++.%newton force that acts perpendicular to the ground is appro8imately
A) #)+. G -) 2,+. G .) #++. G 5) 1)+. G
A push broom of mass m is pushed across a rough hori9ontal floor by a
force of magnitude T directed at angle as shown above. The
coefficient of friction between the broom and the floor is .
The frictional force on the broom has magnitude
7A) 7mg J Tsin )
7-) 7mg%Tsin )
7.) 7mgJ Tcos )
75) 7mg%Tcos )
76) mg

A force of 1++. newtons is applied to an ob$ect at an angle of #+5 from the hori9ontal as shown in the diagram below.
*hat is the magnitude of the vertical component of this force"
A) )+.+ G -) 1++. G .) + G 5) 0,./ G
A bloc& of weight * is pulled along a hori9ontal surface at constant speed v by a force K which acts at an angle of with the
hori9ontal as shown above.
The normal force e8erted on the bloc& by the surface has magnitude
7A) * % K cos 7-) *%Ksin 7.) * 75) * J Ksin 76) * J Kcos
A 2%&ilogram bloc& slides down a #+= incline as shown above at a constant speed. *hich diagram best represents the forces
e8erted on the bloc&"
A bloc& is at rest on an inclined plane as shown in the diagram below.
As angle is increased the component of the bloc&Ls weight parallel to the plane
A) increases -) decreases .) remains the same
(se this diagram for !uestions 01%02.
A plane ) meters in length is inclined at an angle of #/= as shown above.
A bloc& of weight 2+ newtons is placed at the top of the plane and allowed
to slide down.
The mass of the bloc& is most nearly
7A) 1.+ &g
7-) 1.2 &g
7.) 1., &g
75) 2.+ &g
76) 2.) &g
A copper coin resting on a piece of cardboard is placed on a
bea&er as shown in the diagram below. *hen the cardboard is
rapidly removed the coin drops into the bea&er.
5uick"ime6 and a
"477 89:.) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
The two properties of the coin which best e8plain its fall are its
weight and its
A) electrical resistance
-) inertia
.) volume
5) temperature
The graph below shows speed as a function of time for four
cars A B C and D in straight%line motion.
5uick"ime6 and a
"477 89:.) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
*hich car e8perienced the greatest average acceleration
during this ,.+%second interval"
A) car A
-) car B
.) car C
5) car D
*hich two graphs represent the motion of an ob$ect on which the net force is 9ero"
5uick"ime6 and a
"477 89:.) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
5uick"ime6 and a
"477 89:.) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
An 0++%newton person is standing in an elevator. If the upward force of the elevator on the person is ,++ newtons the
person is
A) accelerating downward .) moving downward at constant speed
-) accelerating upward 5) at rest
Questions 0,%0/
A plane ) meters in length is inclined at an angle of #/ as
shown above. A bloc& of weight 2+ newtons is placed at the
top of the plane and allowed to slide down.
The mass of the bloc& is most nearly
7A) 1.+ &g
7-) 1.2 &g
7.) 1., &g
75) 2.+ &g
76) 2.) &g

*hen the frictionless system shown above is accelerated by
an applied force of magnitude the tension in the string
between the bloc&s is
7A) 2K 7-) K 7.)
K 75)
K 76)
A uniform rope of weight )+ newtons hangs from a hoo& as
shown above. A bo8 of weight 1++ newtons hangs from the

*hat is the tension in the rope"
7A) )+ G throughout the rope
7-) /) G throughout the rope
7.) 1++ G throughout the rope
75) 1)+ G throughout the rope
76) It varies from 1++ G at the bottom of the rope to 1)+ G at
the top.
The displacement 8 of an ob$ect moving along the 8-a8is is
shown above as a function of time t.
The acceleration of this ob$ect must be
7A) 9ero
7-) constant but not 9ero
7.) increasing
75) decreasing
76) e!ual to g
1+. A bloc& of mass #m can move without friction on a hori9ontal table. This bloc& is attached to another bloc& of mass m by
a cord that passes over a frictionless pulley as shown above. If the masses of the cord and the pulley are negligible
what is the magnitude of the acceleration of the descending bloc&"
7A) Mero 7-) g2' 7.) g2# 75) 2g2# 76) g
A rope of negligible mass supports a bloc& that weighs #+ G as
shown above. The brea&ing strength of the rope is )+ G.
The largest acceleration that can be given to the bloc& by
pulling up on it with the rope without brea&ing the rope is most
7A) , m2s

7-) ,./ m2s

7.) 1+ m2s

75) 1) m2s

76) 1,./ m2s
The figure shows an ob$ect of mass +.' &g that is suspended
from a scale and submerged in a li!uid.If the reading on the
scale is # G then the buoyant force that the fluid e8erts on
the ob$ect is most nearly
7A)1.# G 7.) +./) G 76) +.2) G
7-)1.+ G 75) +.## G
The cart of mass 1+ &g shown above moves without frictional
loss on a level table. A 1+ G force pulls on the cart hori9ontally
to the right. At the same time a #+ G force at an angle of ,+
above the hori9ontal pulls on the cart to the left.
*hat is the magnitude of the hori9ontal acceleration of the
(A) /.% m!s

(") 1.' m!s

($) ./ m!s

(&) .% m!s

(E) .' m!s

An ob$ect of mass m is initially at rest and free to move without friction in any direction in the xy%plane. A constant net force of
magnitude F directed in the Jx direction acts on the ob$ect for 1 s. Immediately thereafter a constant net force of the same
magnitude F directed in the Jy direction acts on the ob$ect for 1 s. After this no forces act on the ob$ect.
*hich of the following vectors could represent the velocity of the ob$ect at the end of # s assuming the scales on the x and y
a8es are e!ual"
A force K1 and a 2++.%newton force K2 are applied simultaneously to the same point on a large crate resting
on a frictionless hori9ontal surface. *hich diagram shows the forces positioned to give the crate the greatest acceleration"
5uick"ime6 and a
"477 89:.) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
5uick"ime6 and a
"477 89:.) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
5uick"ime6 and a
"477 89:.) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
5uick"ime6 and a
"477 89:.) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
5uick"ime6 and a
"477 89:.) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
The diagram below represents a bo8 shown sliding down an
incline plane.
Toward which point will the force of friction on the
bo8 be directed"
A) A -) - .) . 5) 5
A bo8 decelerates as it moves to the right along a hori9ontal surface as shown in the diagram below.
5uick"ime6 and a
"477 89:.) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
*hich vector best represents the force of friction on the bo8"
5uick"ime6 and a
"477 89:.) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
5uick"ime6 and a
"477 89:.) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.

5uick"ime6 and a
"477 89:.) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.

5uick"ime6 and a
"477 89:.) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
-loc& A is pulled with constant velocity up an incline as shown in
the diagram below.
5uick"ime6 and a
"477 89:.) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
*hich arrow best represents the direction of the force of friction
acting on bloc& A"
5uick"ime6 and a
"477 89:.) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.

5uick"ime6 and a
"477 89:.) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
5uick"ime6 and a
"477 89:.) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.

5uick"ime6 and a
"477 89:.) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
A constant unbalanced force of friction acts on a 1).+%&ilogram mass moving along a hori9ontal surface at 1+.+ meters per
second. If the mass is brought to rest in 1.)+ seconds what is the magnitude of the force of friction"
A) 1'/ G -) 1++. G .) 1)+. G 5) 1+.+ G
In the graph below the acceleration of an ob$ect is plotted
against the unbalanced force on the ob$ect.
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"477 89:.) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
*hat is the ob$ectLs mass"
A) 2 &g
-) 1 &g
.) +.) &g
5) +.2 &g
Two forces are applied to a 2.+%&ilogram bloc& on a
frictionless hori9ontal surface as shown in the diagram
5uick"ime6 and a
"477 89:.) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.

The acceleration of the bloc& is
A) #.+ m2s2 to the left
-) ).+ m2s2 to the left
.) ).+ m2s2 to the right
5) #.+ m2s2 to the right
The graph below represents the velocity%time relationship for a
2.+%&ilogram mass moving along a hori9ontal frictionless
5uick"ime6 and a
"477 89:.) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
The net force on the mass during interval BC is
A) 2.+ G
-) 1.+ G
.) + G
5) '.+ G
The students drawn above are holding bathroom scales. They push against one another as the picture shows. If the scale on
the left reads 2+.G the scale on the right will read...
a) ;reater than 2+. newtons.
b) Ness than 2+. newtons.
c) It depends on whether or not the people move.
d) 2+. newtons.
The large truc& drawn above collides with the small car on the right. The si9e of the push e8erted by the truc& on the car will
a) smaller than the si9e of the push e8erted by the car on the truc&.
b) greater than the si9e of the push e8erted by the car on the truc&.
c) 9ero.
d) the same si9e as the push e8erted by the car on the truc&.
A bug smashes into the window of a
speeding car.
The si9e of the force e8erted by the car on the bug is...
a) smaller than the si9e of the force e8erted by the bug on the car.
b) greater than the si9e of the force e8erted by the bug on the car.
c) 9ero.
d) the same si9e as the push e8erted by the bug on the car.
A car runs into a deer on a mountain road. The )+. &g deer e8periences an acceleration of 2m2s
. *hat force is e8erted by the
deer on the car"
a) )+. G c) 2.+ G
b) 2) G d) 1++ G
One of the students in this class ma&es the following statementP
"If a big football player runs into a little cameraman on the side of the field, the football player has to exert the biggest
force. It's because he weighs so much more."
This statement is supported by
a) Gewton> first law c) Gewton>s third law
b) Gewton>s second law d) Gone of Gewton>s laws
Two bloc&s shown above are pushed along a hori9ontal frictionless surface by a force of 12G to the left as shown above. The
force that the 2 &g bloc& e8erts on the '&g bloc& is...
a. 12G to the right c. +G
b. 12G to the left d. 'G to the left e. 'G to the right
(se diagram for /%0.
Tim has a mass of ,+&g and is riding an elevator of mass 2'+&g.
Tim and the elevator have a net upward acceleration of # m2s
The normal force acting on Tim is...
a. 1#),G b. 002+G c. #0'+G d. /,0G e. 2#01G
The tension in the cable supporting the elevator in the figure above must be...
a. 2#)2G b. 21'+G c. #0'+G d. /,0G e. +G
Qour weight is the result of the gravitational force of the earth on your body. *hich of the following describes the reaction
a) The gravitational force you e8ert on the earth
b) The normal force e8erted on you by the ground
c) The friction force e8erted on you by the ground.
d) none of the above
If you step off a ledge you accelerate noticeably toward the earth because of the gravitational interaction between you and the
earth. 5oes the earth accelerate towards you as well"
a) Qes and it is easily measurable.
b) Qes but the inertia of the earth ma&es it difficult to detect.
c) Go.
*hen a high $umper leaves the ground what is the source of the upward force that accelerates her"
a) gravity accelerates her upward once she as left the ground
b) friction accelerates her upward once she has left the ground
c) normal force accelerates her upward once she has left the ground
d) no force accelerates her upward once she has left the ground
*hat force significantly affects her once her feet are no longer in contact with the ground"
a) gravity c) normal force
b) friction d) no force
A bicycle and a massive truc& have a head%on collision.
(pon which vehicle is the impact force greater"
A) the bicycle b) the truc& c) the forces are the same
*hich vehicle undergoes the greater change in its motion"
A) the bicycle b) the truc& c) they e8perience the same change in motion
The spring is released and both carts are allowed to move freely. R42&g.
*hich cart will e8perience a greater force"
a) cart m c) neither cart will e8perience a force
b) cart 2m d) the force e8erted on each cart will be the same
?uppose the only two forces acting on an elevator are tension in its supporting cable and the elevatorLs weight 7i.e. the elevator
is empty). *hen the elevator is moving upwards at constant speed what can you say about these two forces"
a) The tension is greater than the weight.
b) The tension is the same as the weight.
c) The tension is less than the weight.
A ball is hanging from a string attached to the ceiling of an elevator. 5uring a trip down from the /th to the 1st floor when is the
tension in the string greatest"
a) between floors / and , when the elevator is starting to move downwards 7and thus increasing its speed)
b) between floors , and 2 when the elevator moves downwards with constant speed
c) between floors 2 and 1 when the elevator slows to a stop
d) after the elevator stops at the 1st floor
e) The tension is the same at all times.
Qou are sleeping on a train in a car with no windows 7sleeper car). The room light turns on and off by a thin fle8ible pull cord
with a &nob at the end that hangs from the ceiling. *hen you awa&e you notice that the pull cord is not hanging straight down.
Instead it is angled towards the bac& of the train. Assuming that the pull cord is not charged or magnetic select the best
a) The car is stationary.
b) The car is moving forward at a uniform velocity.
c) The car is moving bac&ward at a uniform velocity.
d) The car is accelerating forward.
e) The car is accelerating bac&ward.
Qou are driving down the interstate when a bug smashes against your windshield. *hy is the outcome of this collision so much
worse for the bug than for your car"
a) S-ecause the force of your car on the bug is much larger than the force of the bug on your car. This is due to the significant
difference in the mass of the bug versus the car.T
b) SIn this case the force that the car and the bug e8erted on each other are the same. ItLs $ust that the bug has less mass
compared with the car and thus it is unable to retain its shape under the tremendous acceleration.T
c) SThe bug suffers in this collision due to the soft nature of its body. The windshield is much harder.T
A gun recoils when it is fired. The recoil is the result of action%reaction force pairs. As the gases from the gunpowder e8plosion
e8pand the gun pushes the bullet forwards and the bullet pushes the gun bac&wards. The acceleration of the recoiling gun is
a) greater than the acceleration of the bullet.
b) smaller than the acceleration of the bullet.
c) the same si9e as the acceleration of the bullet.
Doc&ets are unable to accelerate in space because ...
a) there is no air in space for the roc&ets to push off of.
b) there is no gravity is in space.
c) there is no air resistance in space.
d) ... nonsenseH Doc&ets do accelerate in space.
Two ice s&aters are standing opposite each other If the female s&ater who has a mass of /+ &g pushes against the male
s&ater who has a mass of 1++&g with a force of 2)G find the acceleration of each s&ater. Assume there is no friction.
a) Kemale s&ater %2.0 m2s
U Rale s&ater J'm2s
b) Kemale s&ater %+.#, m2s
U Rale s&ater J+.2)m2s
c) Kemale s&ater %+.1)m2s
U Rale s&ater J+.1)m2s
d) Geither will e8perience acceleration on the frictionless ice
A pac&ing crate slides down an inclined ramp at constant velocity. Thus we can deduce that
a) a frictional force is acting on it.
b) a net downward force is acting on it.
c) it may be accelerating.
d) it is not acted on by an appreciable gravitational force.
*hen you sit in a chair the sum of all the forces acting on you while you sit
a) is up
b) is down
c) depends on your weight
d) is 9ero
If you blow up a balloon and then release it the balloon will fly away. This is an illustration of
a) GewtonLs 1st law
b) GewtonLs 2nd law
c) GewtonLs #rd law
d) the law of gravity
A mass is suspended from the ceiling by means of a string. The 6arth pulls downward on the mass with the weight force of the
mass e!ual to 0 G. If this is the @action@ force of the #rd law what is the @reaction@ force"
a) the string pulling upward on the mass with an 0 G force
b) the ceiling pulling upward on the string with an 0 G force
c) the string pulling downward on the ceiling with an 0 G force
d) the mass pulling upward on the 6arth with an 0 G force
If the acceleration of an ob$ect is always directed perpendicular to its velocity
a) then the ob$ect is speeding up
b) then the ob$ect is slowing down
c) the the ob$ect is changing its direction of motion
d) then the velocity remains constant
Two spheres with masses m and 2m respectively are connected by a light string and suspended
at rest. The system is released and falls freely as shown in the figure.

If g is the acceleration due to gravity what is the tension in the string as the system falls"

a) + b) mg c) 2mg d) #mg
*hich of the following is true for a system consisting of a mass oscillating on the end of an ideal spring"
a) The &inetic and potential energies are e!ual at all times.
b) The &inetic and potential energies are both constant.
c) The ma8imum potential energy is achieved when the mass passes through its e!uilibrium position.
d) The ma8imum &inetic energy and ma8imum potential energy are e!ual but occur at different times
Krom the top of a high cliff a ball is thrown hori9ontally with initial speed v0. *hich of the following graphs best represents the
ballLs &inetic energy K as a function of time t"
a) b) c) d) e)
(se this diagram for !uestions 1#2%1#'.
A bloc& oscillates without friction on the end of a spring as shown above. The minimum and ma8imum lengths of the spring as
it oscillates are respectively 8min and 8ma8 The graphs below can represent !uantities associated with the oscillation as
functions of the length 8 of the spring.
*hich graph can represent the total mechanical energy of the bloc&-spring system as a function of 8 "
a) c) e)
b) d) AP
*hich graph can represent the &inetic energy of the bloc& as a function of 8 "
a) A b) - c) . d) 5 e) 6
Vames Voule did much to establish the value of the
7A) universal gravitational constant 7.) mechanical e!uivalent of heat 76) specific heat capacity of helium
7-) speed of light 75) charge of an electron
(se diagram for !uestions 1#)%1#,.
A ball swings freely bac& and forth in an arc from point I to point IF as shown above. Eoint II is the lowest point in the path III is
located +.) meter above II and IF is l meter above II. Air resistance is negligible.
If the potential energy is 9ero at point II where will the &inetic and potential energies of the ball be e!ual"
7A) At point II 7.) At point III 76) At point IF
7-) At some point between II and III 75) At some point between III and IF
The speed of the ball at point II is most nearly
7A) #.+ m2s 7.) 1.0 m2s 76) 2+ m2s
7-) '.) m2s 75) l' m2s
An ideal spring obeys <oo&eLs law K 4 - &8. A mass of +.)+ &ilogram hung vertically from this spring stretches the spring +.+/)
meter. The value or the force constant for the spring is most nearly
7A) +.## G2m 7.) ,., G2m 76) ,, G2m
7-) +.,, G2m 75) ## G2m
The figure above shows a rough semicircular trac& whose ends are at a vertical height h. A bloc& placed at point E at one end of
the trac& is released from rest and slides past the bottom of the trac&. *hich of the following is true of the height to which the
bloc& rises on the other side of the trac&"
7A) It is e!ual to h22 .
7-) It is e!ual to h2'.
7.) It is e!ual to h22.
75) It is e!ual to h.
76) It is between 9ero and hU the e8act height depends on how much energy is lost to friction.
A plane ) meters in length is inclined at an angle of #/ as shown above. A bloc& of weight 2+ newtons is placed at the top of the
plane and allowed to slide down.
The wor& done on the bloc& by the gravitational force during the )-meter slide down the plane is most nearly
7A) 2+ V 7.) 0+ 76) 1#+ V
7-) ,+ V 75) 1++
A roc& of mass m is thrown hori9ontally off a building from a
height h, as shown above. The speed of the roc& as it
leaves the throwerLs hand at the edge of the building is
*hat is the &inetic energy of the roc& $ust before it hits the
m c) mgh e)
m mgh
m mgh + d) mgh m

A sphere of mass m1 which is attached to a spring is
displaced downward from its e!uilibrium position as shown
above left and released from rest. A sphere of mass m2
which is suspended from a string of length l is displaced to
the right as shown above right and released from rest so
that it swings as a simple pendulum with small amplitude.
Assume that both spheres undergo simple harmonic motion.
*hich of the following is true for both spheres"
a) The ma8imum &inetic energy is attained as the sphere passes
through its e!uilibrium position.
b) The ma8imum &inetic energy is attained as the sphere reaches
its point of release.
c) The minimum gravitational potential energy is attained as the
sphere passes through its e!uilibrium position.
d) The ma8imum gravitational potential energy is attained when
the sphere reaches its point of release.
e) The ma8imum total energy is attained only as the sphere
passes through its e!uilibrium position.
The graph below shows the force exerted on a block as a
function of the block's displacement in the direction of the

How much work did the force do in displacing the block 5.0
A) 0 J
B) 20. J
C) 4.0 J
D) 0.80 J
A 2.2-kilogram mass is pulled by a 30.-newton force through a distance of 5.0 meters as shown in the diagram below.
What amount of work is done?
A) 330 J B) 150 J C) 11 J D) 66 J
A student pulls a block 3.0 meters along a horizontal
surface at constant velocity. The diagram below shows the
components of the force exerted on the block by the
How much work is done against friction?
A) 30. J
B) 42 J
C) 18 J
D) 24 J
In the diagram below, 55 joules of work is needed to raise
a 10.-newton weight 5.0 meters at a constant speed.
How much work is done to overcome friction as the weight is
A) 50. J
B) 5 J
C) 5.5 J
D) 11 J
A 1.0-kilogram mass falls a distance of 0.50 meter causing
a 2.0-kilogram mass to slide the same distance along a
table top, as represented in the diagram below.
How much work is done by the falling mass?
A) 4.9 J
B) 9.8 J
C) 14.7 J
D) 1.5 J
Once joule is equivalent to one




Which mass has the greatest potential energy with respect to the floor?
A) 2-kg mass 10 meters above the floor
B) 10-kg mass 2 meters above the floor
C) 50-kg mass resting on the floor
D) 6-kg mass 5 meters above the floor
Which graph best represents the relationship between potential energy (PE) and height above ground (h) for a freely falling
object released from rest?
a) b) c) d)
As an object falls freely in a vacuum, its total energy
A) increases B) remains the same C) decreases
A box weighing 1.0 x 102 newtons is dragged to the top of an incline, as shown in the diagram below.
The gravitational potential energy of the box at the top of the incline is approximately
A) 6.0 x 10
J B) 1.0 x 10
J C) 1.0 x 10
J D) 8.0 x 10
Three people of equal mass climb a mountain using paths A, B, and C shown in the diagram below.
Along which path(s) does a person gain the greatest amount of gravitational potential energy from start to finish?
A) C, only B) A, only C) B, only D) The gain is the same along all paths.
A train of mass M on a frictionless track starts from rest at
the top of a hill having height h 1, as shown in the diagram
What is the kinetic energy of the train when it reaches the top of
the next hill, having height h 2?
A) Mg(h2-h3)
B) Mg(h1-h2)
C) 0
D) Mgh1
Which cart shown below has the greatest kinetic energy?
A) B) C) D)
Questions 36 and 37 refer to the following:
The graph below represents the velocity-time relationship
for a 2.0-kilogram mass moving along a horizontal
frictionless surface.
The kinetic energy of the mass is greatest during interval
Which graph best represents the relationship between the kinetic energy (KE) of a moving object as a function of its velocity (v)?
A) B) C) D)
Questions 157 through 159 refer to the following:
The diagram below represents a frictionless track. A 10-
kilogram block starts from rest at point A and slides along
the track.
As the block moves from point A to point B, the total amount of
gravitational potential energy changed to kinetic energy is
A) 5 J
B) 500 J
C) 20 J
D) 50 J
What is the approximate speed of the block at point B?
A) 50 m/s B) 100 m/s C) 1 m/s D) 10 m/s
What is the approximate potential energy of the block at point C?
A) 200 J B) 300 J C) 20 J D) 500 J
"he product of an ob#ect3s mass and velocity is e;ual to
A) weight ) force !) momentum -) kinetic energy
"he momentum of an ob#ect is the product of its
A) force and distance !) mass and acceleration
) mass and velocity -) force and displacement
"he product of the average net force e<erted on an ob#ect, and the time that the force is e<erted is
A) energy ) force !) work -) impulse
A * kg ob#ect e<periences the impulse described by this graph.
-etermine the velocity of this ob#ect after $0 seconds.
a) *5 m0s
b) =0 m0s
c) $$.5 m0s
d) %%./ m0s
A. -.
"hese impulse profiles were obtained for two
different airbags being tested by a car manufacturer.
>elect the airbag 8with the best e<planation) that
would best protect the passenger.
a) A ? the time the force is e<erted is much smaller
b) A ? the total impulse is less
c) ? the average force is less for the same impulse
d) ? the total impulse is less
A $.0@kilogram toy cannon is at rest on a frictionless surface. A remote triggering device causes a 0.005@
kilogram pro#ectile to be fired from the cannon. .hich e;uation describes this system after the cannon is fired)
A) velocity of cannon A velocity of pro#ectile B 0
) momentum of cannon A momentum of pro#ectile B 0
!) mass of cannon A mass of pro#ectile B 0
-) speed of cannon A speed of pro#ectile B 0
A $.0@kilogram ball traveling north at *.0 meters per second collides head on with a %.0@kilogram ball traveling
south at ,.0 meters per second. .hat is the magnitude of the total momentum of the two balls after collision)
A) ,.0 kgm0s ) 0 kgm0s !) %= kgm0s -) /$ kgm0s
A $.0@kilogram rifle initially at rest fires a 0.00$@kilogram bullet. As the bullet leaves the rifle with a velocity of
500 meters per second, what is the momentum of the rifle@bullet system)
A) $.0 kgm0s ) 0 kgm0s !) 0.5 kgm0s -) $.5 kgm0s
A %.0@kilogram mass changes speed from $.0 meters per second to 5.0 meters per second. "he change in the
ob#ect3s momentum is
A) $+ kgCm0sec ) $% kgCm0sec !) +.0 kgCm0sec -) /.0 kgCm0sec
4f a net force of %0. newtons acts on a =.0@kilogram mass for ,.0 seconds, the total change of momentum of the
mass is
A) *,0 kgm0s ) =0. kgm0s !) *, kgm0s -) ,0. kgm0s
4n a baseball game, a batter hits a ball for a home run. !ompared to the magnitude of the impulse imparted to
the ball, the magnitude of the impulse imparted to the bat is
A) less ) the same !) greater
A force of $0. newtons is e<erted on a cart for %0. seconds. (ow long must a 50.@newton force act to produce the
same impulse)
A) 5.0 s ) $.0 s ! ) %0. s - ) *.0 s
A tennis ball of mass m rebounds from a rac!uet
with the same speed v as it had initially as shown
The magnitude of the momentum change of the ball is
7A) +
7-) mv
7.) 2mv
75) 2mv sin
76) 2mv cos
*hich of the following is true when an ob$ect of mass m moving on a hori9ontal frictionless surface hits and stic&s to an ob$ect of
mass R I m which is initially at rest on the surface"
7A) The collision is elastic.
7-) All of the initial &inetic energy of the less%massive ob$ect is lost.
7.) The momentum of the ob$ects that are stuc& together has a smaller magnitude than the initial momentum of the
less-massive ob$ect.
75) The speed of the ob$ects that are stuc& together will be less than the initial speed of the less%massive ob$ect.
76) The direction of motion of the ob$ects that are stuc& together depends on whether the hit is a head-on collision
Two puc&s are attached by a stretched spring and
are initially held at rest on a frictionless surface as
shown above. The puc&s are then released
If puc& I has three times the mass of puc& II which of the following
!uantities is the same for both puc&s as the spring pulls the two puc&s
toward each other"
7A) ?peed
7-) Felocity
7.) Acceleration
75) Winetic energy
76) Ragnitude of momentum
Two ob$ects having the same mass travel toward each other on a flat surface each with a speed of 1+ meter per second relative
to the surface. The ob$ects collide head-on and are reported to rebound after the collision each with a speed of 2+ meters per
second relative to the surface. *hich of the following assessments of this report is most accurate"
7A) Romentum was not conserved therefore the report is false.
7-) If potential energy was released to the ob$ects during the collision the report could be true.
7.) If the ob$ects had different masses the report could be true.
75) If the surface was inclined the report could be true.
76) If there was no friction between the ob$ects and the surface the report could be true.
A railroad car of mass m is moving at speed v when it collides with a second railroad car of mass M which is at rest. The two
cars loc& together instantaneously and move along the trac&. *hat is the speed of the cars immediately after the collision"



( +)

An open cart on a level surface is rolling without
frictional loss through a vertical downpour of rain
as shown above. As the cart rolls an appreciable
amount of rainwater accumulates in the cart.
The speed of the cart will
a) increase because of conservation of momentum
b) increase because of conservation of mechanical energy
c) decrease because of conservation of momentum
d) decrease because of conservation of mechanical energy
e) remain the same because the raindrops are falling perpendicular to the
direction of the cartLs motion
Two ob$ects of mass +.2 &g and +.1 &g respectively move
parallel to the 8-a8is as shown above. The +.2 &g ob$ect
overta&es and collides with the +. 1 &g ob$ect. Immediately
after the collision the y-component of the velocity of the +.2
&g ob$ect is 1 m2s upward.
*hat is the y-component of the velocity of the +.1 &g ob$ect
immediately after the collision"
7A) 2 m2s downward
7-) +.) m2s downward
7.) + m2s
75) +.) m2s upward
76) 2 m2s upward
Two people of une!ual mass are initially standing still on ice with negligible friction. They then simultaneously push each other
hori9ontally. Afterward which of the following is true"
7A) The &inetic energies of the two people are e!ual.
7-) The speeds of the two people are e!ual.
7.) The momenta of the two people are of e!ual magnitude.
(D) The center of mass of the two-person system moves in the direction of the less massive person.
76) The less massive person has a smaller initial acceleration than the more massive person.
An empty sled of mass R moves without friction
across a fro9en pond at speed vo. Two ob$ects are
dropped vertically into the sled one at a timeP first
an ob$ect of mass m and then an ob$ect of mass
2m. Afterward the sled moves with speed v1.
*hat would be the final speed of the sled if the ob$ects were dropped into
it in reverse order"
(A) vf ! .
(") vf !
($) vf
(&) vf
(E) . vf
Two ob$ects A and - initially at rest are
@e8ploded@ apart by the release of a coiled spring
that was compressed between them.
As they move apart the velocity of ob$ect A is ) m2s
and the velocity of ob$ect - is %2 m2s.
The ratio of the mass of ob$ect A to the mass ob$ect - mA2m- is
(A) #!%
(") !%
($) 1!1
(&) %!
(E) %!#
The two bloc&s of masses M and 2M shown above
initially travel at the same speed v but in opposite
directions. They collide and stic& together.
<ow much mechanical energy is lost to other forms of energy during the
(A) 3ero
(") 1! 4v

($) .!# 4v

(&) #!. 4v

(E) .! 4v

An ,0.@kilogram skater and a =0.@kilogram skater stand at rest in the center of a skating rink. "he two skaters
push each other apart. "he =0.@kilogram skater moves with a velocity of %0. meters per second east.
.hat is the velocity of the ,0.@kilogram skater) &Neglect any frictional effects.'
A) 1.5 m0s west ) %0. m0s east !) %/. m0s east -) 0.%/ m0s west
"wo disk magnets are arranged at rest on a
frictionless horizontal surface as shown in the
diagram below. .hen the string holding
them together is cut, they move apart under
a magnetic force of repulsion
.hen the %.0@kilogram disk reaches a speed of /.0 meters per
second, what is the speed of the 0.5@kilogram disk)
A) 0.50 m0sec
) =.0 m0sec
!) /.0 m0sec
-) %.0 m0sec
"he diagram below represents two identical
carts, attached by a cord, moving to the right
at speed V.
4f the cord is cut, what
would be the speed of cart A)
A) 0 .) F
) $V -) V
"he diagram below shows two carts on a
horizontal, frictionless surface being pushed
apart when a compressed spring attached to
one of the carts is released. !art A has a mass
of /.0 kilograms and cart B has a mass of 5.0
kilograms. "he speed of cart A is 0.// meter
per second after the spring is released.
4f the carts are initially at rest, what is the appro<imate speed
of cart B after the spring is released)

A) 0.55 m0s
) 0.$0 m0s
!) 0.%$ m0s
-) 0.// m0s
A =0.@kilogram adult and a /0.@kilogram child are
passengers on a rotor ride at an amusement park. .hen
the rotating hollow cylinder reaches a certain constant
speed, v, the floor moves downward. oth passengers stay
DpinnedD against the wall of the rotor, as shown in the
diagram below.
"he magnitude of the frictional force between the
adult and the wall of the spinning rotor is F. .hat
is the magnitude of the
frictional force between the child and the wall of
the spinning rotor)
A) F
) $F
!) E F
-) F F
A racing car is moving around the circular trac& of radius #++
meters shown above. At the instant when the carLs velocity is
directed due east its acceleration is directed due south and has a
magnitude of # meters per second s!uared.
*hen viewed from above the car is moving
A) cloc&wise at #+ m2s
-) cloc&wise at 1+ m2s
.) countercloc&wise at #+ m2s
5) countercloc&wise at 1+ m2s
6) with constant velocity
Gse this information for %,+@
"he diagram below shows a
student spinning a 0.%0@
kilogram ball at the end of
0.50@meter string in a
horizontal circle at a constant
speed of %0. meters per
second. &Neglect air
.hich is the best description of the force keeping the ball in the circular path)
A) perpendicular to the circle and directed toward the center of the circle
) tangent to the circle and directed opposite to the direction that the ball is
!) perpendicular to the circle and directed away from the center of the circle
-) tangent to the circle and directed in the same direction that the ball is
"he magnitude of the centripetal force re;uired to keep the ball in this circular path is
A) $0. N ) %0. N ! ) 5.0 N - ) $00 N
4f the magnitude of the force applied to the string by the student3s hand is increased, the magnitude of the
acceleration of the ball in its circular path will
A) decrease ) remain the same ! ) increase
The hori9ontal turntable shown above rotates at a constant
rate. As viewed from above a coin on the turntable moves
countercloc&wise in a circle as shown.
*hich of the following vectors best represents the direction of
the frictional force e8erted on the coin by the turntable when
the coin is in the position shown"
A steel ball supported by a stic& rotates in a circle of radius r shown above. The direction of the net
force acting on the ball when it is in the position shown is indicated by which of the following
Gse this information for %+*@%+1.
"he diagram below shows a 5.0@kilogram
cart traveling clockwise in a horizontal circle
of radius $.0 meters at a constant speed of
*.0 meters per second.
At the position shown, the centripetal acceleration of the cart is
directed toward point
A) Q
) P
!) S
-) R
.hat is the magnitude of the centripetal force acting on the cart)
A) *0. N ) $0. N ! ) 50. N - ) ,.0 N
At the position shown, the velocity of the cart is directed toward point
A) S ) R !) Q -) P
4f the mass of the cart was doubled, the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the cart would be
A) halved ) doubled !) unchanged -) ;uadrupled
An automobile moves at constant speed down one hill and up another hill along the smoothly curved surface shown
above. *hich of the following diagrams best represents the directions of the velocity and the acceleration of the
automobile at the instant that it is at the lowest position as shown.
A satellite of mass R moves in a circular orbit of radius D at a constant speed v. *hich of the following must be true"
I. The net force on the satellite is e!ual to

and is directed toward the center of the orbit.

II. The net wor& done on the satellite by gravity in one revolution is 9ero.
III. The velocity of the satellite is constant.
7A) I only
7-) III only
7.) I and II only
75) II and III only
76) I II and III
Gse this information for $00@$0*.
At an amusement park, a passenger whose
mass is 50. kilograms rides in a cage. "he
cage has a constant speed of %0. meters
per second in a vertical circular path of
radius R, e;ual to %0. meters.
.hat is the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the
A) %.0 m0s

) 5.0 < %0

!) %0. m0s

-) $.0 < %0
.hat does the 50.@kilogram passenger weigh at rest)
A) %=00 N ) 0 N !) *+0 N -) 50. N
.hat is the magnitude of the centripetal force acting on the passenger)
A) 5.0 < %0
N ) 0 N !) 50. N - ) *.+ < %0
.hat is the direction of the centripetal acceleration of the passenger at the instant the cage reaches the highest
point in the circle)
A) up ) to the right !) down -) to the left
As the time taken for a car to make one lap around a circular track decreases, the centripetal acceleration of the
A) decreases ) increases !) remains the same
A compressed spring mounted on a dis& can pro$ect a small ball. *hen the dis& is not rotating as
shown in the view above the ball moves radically outward. The dis& then rotates in a
countercloc&wise direction as seen from above. and the ball is pro$ected outward at the instant the
dis& is in the position shown left.
*hich of the following best shows the subse!uent path of the ball relative to the ground"
In which of the following situations would an ob$ect be accelerated"
I. It moves in a straight line at constant speed.
II. It moves with uniform circular motion.
III. It travels as a pro$ectile in a gravitational field with negligible air resistance.
7A) I only
7-) III only
7.) I and II only
75) II and III only
76) I II and III
A particle oscillates up and down in simple harmonic motion. Its height y as a function of time t is shown in the diagram above. At
what time t does the particle achieve its ma8imum positive acceleration"
7A) 1s 7-) 2s 7.) #s 75) 's 76) Gone of the above because the acceleration is constant
An ob$ect is attached to a spring and oscillates with amplitude A and period T. as represented on the graph above. The nature of
the velocity v and acceleration a of the ob$ect at time T2' is best represented by which of the following"
7A) vI+ a I + 7-) v I + a C + 7.) v I + a 4 + 75) v4+ a C + 76) v 4 + a 4 +
*hen an ob$ect oscillating in simple harmonic motion is at its ma8imum displacement from the e!uilibrium position which of the
following is true of the values of its speed and the magnitude of the restoring force"
?peed Destoring Korce
7A) Mero Ra8imum
7-) Mero Mero
7.) B ma8imum B ma8imum
75) Ra8imum B ma8imum
76) Ra8imum Mero
*hich of the following is true for a system consisting of a mass oscillating on the end of an ideal spring"
7A) The &inetic and potential energies are e!ual at all times.
7-) The &inetic and potential energies are both constant.
7.) The ma8imum potential energy is achieved when the mass passes through its e!uilibrium position.
75) The ma8imum &inetic energy and ma8imum potential energy are e!ual but occur at different times.
If the mass of a simple pendulum is doubled but its length remains constant its period is multiplied by a factor of
7.)1 75)
An ideal spring obeys <oo&eLs law K 4 - &8. A mass of +.)+ &ilogram hung vertically from this spring stretches the spring +.+/)
meter. The value or the force constant for the spring is most nearly
7A) +.## G2m 7-) +.,, G2m 7.) ,., G2m 75) ## G2m 76) ,, G2m
(se for 21#%21'. A sphere of mass m1 which is attached to a spring is
displaced downward from its e!uilibrium position as
shown above left and released from rest. A sphere of
mass m2 which is suspended from a string of length l
is displaced to the right as shown above right and
released from rest so that it swings as a simple
pendulum with small amplitude. Assume that both
spheres undergo simple harmonic motion.
*hich of the following is true for both spheres"
7A) The ma8imum &inetic energy is attained as the sphere passes through its e!uilibrium position.
7-) The ma8imum &inetic energy is attained as the sphere reaches its point of release.
7.) The minimum gravitational potential energy is attained as the sphere passes through its e!uilibrium position.
75) The ma8imum gravitational potential energy is attained when the sphere reaches its point of release.
76) The ma8imum total energy is attained only as the sphere passes through its e!uilibrium position.
If both spheres have the same period of oscillation which of the following is an e8pression for the spring constant"
Kor which of the following motions of an ob$ect must the acceleration always be 9ero"
I. Any motion in a straight line
II. ?imple harmonic motion
III. Any motion in a circle
7A) I only
7-) II only
7.) III that
75) 6ither I or III. but not II
76) Gone of these motions guarantees 9ero
An ob$ect swings on the end of a cord as a simple pendulum with period T. Another ob$ect oscillates up and down on the end of
a vertical spring also with period T. If the masses of both ob$ects are doubled what are the new values for the periods"
Eendulum Rass on ?pring

7-) T


2 2T

2 T

A +.2) &g mass causes a spring to stretch +.2+ m beyond its e!uilibrium length. The mass is displaced )cm beyond its stretched
length and is released. The system moves with simple harmonic motion. The period of the oscillation is most nearly
a) 2 seconds b) +.1 seconds c) +.0 seconds d) ' seconds e) 1 seconds
A spring with a spring constant of #+G2m is stretched to a length of +.) m from its e!uilibrium position along a frictionless
hori9ontal surface. A 2.+ &g mass is attached to the spring. *hat initial acceleration will the mass e8perience"
a) #+ m2s
b) 1) m2s
c) /.) m2s
d) )m2s
e) 2.) m2s
A T%shaped tube with a constriction is inserted in a vessel containing a li!uid as shown above. *hat
happens if air is blown through the tube from the left as shown by the arrow in the diagram"
7A) The li!uid level in the tube rises to a level above the surface of the li!uid surrounding the tube.
7-) The li!uid level in the tube falls below the level of the surrounding li!uid.
7.) The li!uid level in the tube remains where it is.
75) The air bubbles out at the bottom of the tube.
76) Any of the above depending on how hard the air flows
A spring scale calibrated in &ilograms is used to determine the density of a roc& specimen. The reading on the spring scale is
+.') &g when the specimen is suspended in air and +.#, &g when the specimen is fully submerged in water. If the density of
water is 1+++ &g2m
the density of the roc& specimen is
7A) 2.+ 8 1+
7-) 0.+ 8 1+
7.) 1.2) 8 1+
75) '.+ 8 1+
76) ).+ 8 1+
The figure shows an ob$ect of mass +.' &g that is suspended from a scale and submerged in a li!uid. If the
reading on the scale is # G then the buoyant force that the fluid e8erts on the ob$ect is most nearly
7A)1.# G 7-)1.+ G 7.)+./) G 75)+.## G 76)+.2) G
6ach of the bea&ers shown above is filled to the same depth h with li!uid of density . The
area A of the flat bottom is the same for each bea&er. *hich of the following ran&s the bea&ers
according to the net downward force e8erted by the li!uid on the flat bottom from greatest to
least force"
76) Gone of the aboveU the force on each is the same.
The absolute temperature of a sample of monatomic ideal gas is doubled at constant volume. *hat effect if any does this have
on the pressure and density of the sample of gas"
Eressure 5ensity
a) Demains the same Demains the same
b) Demains the same 5oubles
c) 5oubles Demains the same
d) 5oubles Is multiplied by a factor of '
e) Is multiplied by a factor of ' 5oubles
*hich of the following statements is GOT a correct assumption of the classical model of an ideal gas"
a) The molecules are in random motion.
b) The volume of the molecules is negligible compared with the volume occupied by the gas.
c) The molecules obey GewtonLs laws of motion.
d) The collisions between molecules are inelastic.
e) The only appreciable forces on the molecules are those that occur during collisions.
An ideal gas is made up of G diatomic molecules each of mass R. All of the following statements about this gas are true
A) The temperature of the gas is proportional to the average translational &inetic energy of the molecules.
-) All of the molecules have the same speed.
.) The molecules ma&e elastic collisions with the walls of the container.
5) The molecules ma&e elastic collisions with each other.
6) The average number of collisions per unit time that the molecules ma&e with the walls of the container depends on the
temperature of the gas.
An ideal gas confined in a bo8 initially has pressure p. If the absolute temperature of the gas is doubled and the volume of the
bo8 is !uadrupled the pressure is
d) p e) 2p
An ideal gas in a closed container initially has volume F pressure E. and Welvin temperature T. If the temperature is changed to
#T. *hich of the following pairs of pressure and volume values is possible"
7A) #E and F 7.) E and F2# 76) #E and #
7-) E and F 75) E2# and F
If the average &inetic energy of the molecules in an ideal gas at a temperature of #++ W is 6 the average &inetic energy at a
temperature of ,++ W is

/ 2 7.)

2 76) ' 6
7-) 6 75) 2 6
*hich of the following will occur if the average speed of the gas molecules in a closed rigid container is increased"
7A) The density of the gas will decrease.
7-) The density of the gas will increase.
7.) The pressure of the gas will increase.
75) The pressure of the gas will decrease.
76) The temperature of the gas will decrease
A 2%&ilogram bloc& of metal with a specific heat of 1++ $oules per &ilogram Welvin falls from rest through a distance of 1++
meters to the 6arthLs surface. If half of the potential energy lost by the fallen bloc& is converted to internal energy of the bloc&
the temperature change of the bloc& is most nearly
a) 1 W b) ) W c) 1+ W d) 2) W e) ') W
<eat is added at a constant rate to a
sample of pure substance that is initially a
solid at temperature To. The temperature
of the sample as a function of time is
shown in the graph above.
Krom the graph one can conclude that the
a) substance sublimes directly from the solid phase to the vapor phase
b) melting point is T2
c) specific heat is greater for the li!uid phase than for the solid phase
d) heat of fusion and heat of vapori9ation are e!ual
e) specific heat of the solid increases linearly with temperature
Vames Voule did much to establish the value of the
7A) universal gravitational constant
7-) speed of light
7.) mechanical e!uivalent of heat
75) charge of an electron
76) specific heat capacity of helium
A metal rod of length N and cross-sectional area A connects two thermal reservoirs of temperatures T1 and T2. The amount of
heat transferred through the rod per unit time is directly proportional to
7A) A and N 7-) A and l2N 7.) I2A and N 75) I2A and l2N 76)
Questions 2#'%2#)
A piece of metal with a mass of 1.)+ &ilograms specific heat of 2++ V2&g 2 .= and initial temperature of 1++= . is dropped into
an insulated $ar that contains li!uid with a mass of #.++ &ilograms specific heat of 1+++ V2&g X .= and initial temperature of +=
.. The piece of metal is removed after ) seconds at which time its temperature is 2+= .. Geglect any effects of heat transfer to
the air or to the insulated $ar.
The temperature of the li!uid after the metal is removed is
7A) += . 7-) '= . 7.) 0= . 75) 1+= . 76) 2+= .
The average rate at which heat is transferred while the piece of metal is in the li!uid is
7A) '+++ V2s 7-) '0++ V2s 7.) ,+++ V2s 75) 1,++ V2s 76) 1,+++ V2s
An ice cube of mass m and specific heat ci is initially at temperature T1 where T1 C 2/# W. If N is the latent heat of fusion of
water and the specific heat of water is cw how much energy is re!uired to convert the ice cube to water at temperature T2 where
2/# W C T2 C #/# W"
(A) m[c
(273 - T
) + L + c
(373 - T
(B) m[c
(273 - T
) + L + c
- 273)]
(C) c
(273 - T
) + c
- 273)
(D) mL + c
- T
(E) mL +


- T
Two bloc&s of steel the first of mass 1 &g and the second of mass 2 &g are in thermal e!uilibrium with a third bloc& of aluminum
of mass 2 &g that has a temperature of '++ W *hat are the respective temperatures of the first and second steel bloc&s"
7A) '++ W and 2++ W
7-) 2++W and '++W
7.) '++ W and '++ W
75) 0++ W and '++ W
76) Gone of the above
A s!uare steel plate with sides of length 1.++ m has a hole in its center +.1++ m in diameter. If the entire plate is heated to such
a temperature that its sides become 1.+1 m long the diameter of the hole will be
7A) +.+1+ m 7-) +.+11 m 7.) +.1++ m 75) +.1+1 m 76) +.11+ m
In time t an amount of heat Q flows through the solid door of area A and thic&ness d represented
above. The temperatures on each side of the door are T2 and T1 respectively.
*hich of the following changes would be certain to decrease Q"
7A) Increasing A only
7-) 5ecreasing d only
7.) Increasing d and T2 % T1 only
75) 5ecreasing A and T2 % T1 only
76) Increasing d. A and T2 % T1
Equal masses of four different solids, A, B, C, and D, are heated at a constant rate. The graph below represents the
temperature of each solid as a function of the heat added to the solid.
Which solid has the greatest specific heat?
A) A B) B C) C D) D
An unknown liquid with a mass of 0.010 kilogram absorbs 0.032 kilojoule of heat. Its temperature rises 8.0 CD, with no change
in phase. What is the specific heat of the unknown liquid?
A) 26 kJ/kgdCD B) 0.0040 kJ/kgdCD C) 0.40 kJ/kgdCD D) 260 kJ/kgdCD
The graph below which represents the temperature of 2.0 kilograms of a material as a function of the heat added to the
During which two intervals shown on the graph is the average potential energy of the molecules of the material increasing?
A) AB and DE B) BC and DE C) CD and DE D) AB and CD
5) The internal energy of water depends on its
A) temperature, only
B) temperature, mass, and phase
C) temperature and mass, only
D) phase, only
A force causes an object on a horizontal surface to overcome friction and begin to move.
As this happens, the object's internal energy will
A) decrease B) increase C) remain the same
2++2-1 71) points) A #.+ &g ob$ect sub$ect to a restoring force F is undergoing simple harmonic motion with a small amplitude. The
potential energy of the ob$ect as a function of distance 8 from its e!uilibrium position is shown above. This particular ob$ect has a total
energy !P of +.' V.
7a) *hat is the ob$ectLs potential energy when its displacement is J' cm from its e!uilibrium position"
7b) *hat is the farthest the ob$ect moves along the 8-a8is in the positive direction" 68plain your reasoning.
7c) 5etermine the ob$ectLs &inetic energy when its displacement is -/ cm.
7d) *hat is the ob$ectLs speed at 8 4 + "
7e) ?uppose the ob$ect undergoes this motion because it is the bob of a simple pendulum as shown above. If the ob$ect brea&s
loose from the string at the instant the pendulum reaches its lowest point and hits the ground at point P shown what is the hori9ontal
distance d that it travels"
2++2-1- 71) points) A 2.+ &g frictionless cart is moving at a constant speed of #.+ m2s to the right on a hori9ontal surface as shown
above when it collides with a second cart of undetermined mass m that is initially at rest. The force F of the collision as a function of
time t is shown in the graph below where t 4 + is the instant of initial contact. As a result of the collision the second cart ac!uires a
speed of 1., m2s to the right. Assume that friction is negligible before during and after the collision.
7a) .alculate the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the 2.+ &g cart after the collision.
7b) .alculate the mass m of the second cart.
After the collision the second cart eventually e8periences a ramp which it traverses with no frictional losses. The graph below shows
the speed v of the second cart as a function of time t for the ne8t ).+ s where t 4 + is now the instant at which the carts separate.
7c) .alculate the acceleration of the cart at t 4 #.+ s.
7d) .alculate the distance traveled by the second cart during the ).+ s interval after the collision 7+ s C t C ).+ s).
7e) ?tate whether the ramp goes up or down and calculate the ma8imum elevation 7above or below the initial height) reached by
the second cart on the ramp during the ).+ s interval after the collision 7+ s C t C ).+ s).
1111-) 71+ pts) A coin . of mass +.++)+ &g is placed on a hori9ontal dis& at a distance of +.1' m from the center as shown above.
The dis& rotates at a constant rate in a countercloc&wise direction as seen from above. The coin does not slip and the time it ta&es
for the coin to ma&e a complete revolution is 1.) s.
a. The figure below shows the dis& and coin as viewed from above. 5raw and label vectors on the figure below to show the
instantaneous acceleration and linear velocity vectors for the coin when it is at the position shown.
b. 5etermine the linear speed of the coin.
c. The rate of rotation of the dis& is gradually increased. The coefficient of static friction between the coin and the dis& is +.)+.
5etermine the linear speed of the coin when it $ust begins to slip.
d. If the e8periment in part 7c) were repeated with a second identical coin glued to the top of the first coin how would this affect the
answer to part 7c) " 68plain your reasoning.
111/-1. A +.2+ &g ob$ect moves along a straight line. The net force acting on the ob$ect varies with the ob$ectLs displacement as
shown in the graph above. The ob$ect starts from rest at displacement 8 4 + and time t 4 + and is displaced a distance of 2+ m.
5etermine each of the following.
a. The acceleration of the particle when its displacement 8 is , m.
b. The time ta&en for the ob$ect to be displaced the first 12 m.
c. The amount of wor& done by the net force in displacing the ob$ect the first 12 m.
d. The speed of the ob$ect at displacement 8 4 12 m.
e. The final speed of the ob$ect at displacement 8 4 2+ m.
f. The change in the momentum of the ob$ect as it is displaced from 8 4 12 m to 8 4 2+ m
111/-2. To study circular motion two students use the hand-held device shown above which consists of a rod on which a spring
scale is attached. A polished glass tube attached at the top serves as a guide for a light cord attached the spring scale. A ball of mass
+.2++ &g is attached to the other end of the cord. One student swings the teal around at constant speed in a hori9ontal circle with a
radius of +.)++ m. Assume friction and air resistance al negligible.
a. 68plain how the students by using a timer and the information given above can determine the speed of the ball as it is revolving.
b. <ow much wor& is done by the cord in one revolution" 68plain how you arrived at your answer.
c. The speed of the ball is determined to be #./ m2s. Assuming that the cord is hori9ontal as it swings calculate the e8pected tension
in the cord.
d. The actual tension in the cord as measured by the spring scale is ).0 G. *hat is the percent difference between this measured
value of the tension and the value calculated in part c. "
e. The students find that despite their best efforts they cannot swing the ball so that the cord remains e8actly hori9ontal.
i. On the picture of the ball below draw vectors to represent the forces acting on the ball and identify
the force that each vector represents
ii. 68plain why it is not possible for the ball to swing so that the cord remains e8actly hori9ontal.
iii. .alculate the angle that the cord ma&es with the hori9ontal.
2++2-,-. 71+ points) A sealed steel canister is being used to store neon gas 7atomic mass 4 2+.2 u). The mass of the steel canister
alone is 12.+ &g and it has an interior volume of 0.++ liters 4 0.++ 8 1+-# m#. There are '.)+ moles of neon gas in the canister and the
temperature of the entire system is #++ W.
Deference informationP
?pecific heat of steel 4 ''0 V &g
?pecific heat of neon 4 12.) V mole-1 W
?pecific heat of water 4 '10, V &g
<eat of fusion of water 4 #.## 8 1+) V &g
5ensity of water 4 1.++ 8 1+# &g m
5ensity of ice 4 +.11/ 8 1+# &g m
7a) 5etermine the pressure within the cylinder.
The sealed cylinder is now placed in a large tan& containing a mi8ture of ice and water at 2/# W. Qou may neglect any change in the
volume of the cylinder.
7b) 5etermine the pressure of the neon gas after the cylinder and its contents have reached thermal e!uilibrium with the ice-water
7c) 5etermine the mass of the ice that melts during the e!uilibration of the cylinder.

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