UC Berkeley EECS Dissertation Submission Tips

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Henry’s Dissertation Submission Tips

All the information you need on the steps to submit your thesis can be found in La Shana/Ruth’s
graduation checklist (attached below), and in this guide:


This document provides some useful tips and a checklist of items to be completed. Some requirements
may not be checked carefully by the graduate division/EECS department, but you should follow all the
instructions as best you can. All the checklist items listed in this guide ARE required and checked by the
graduate division/EECS department. Even with this guide, you should read the original dissertation
guide VERY carefully, and plan enough time to make two trips to the graduate division office in Sproul
Hall, in case you make any formatting errors.

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any errors appearing in this document, although if you e-mail me at
henrylin@gmail.com, I will respond to/fix any errors reported to me. These instructions are up to date
for those submitting their thesis in the summer of 2009.

Formatting Tips

Make sure to follow all the formatting instructions listed in the dissertation guide above including:

- Proper margins, font, spacing, title page, approval page, abstract page formatting, etc.

- Proper page numbering, as described on page 7 of the dissertation guide.

- Make sure the name appearing on all pages of your thesis (e.g. title page, approval page, etc.) are the
same as the name you have listed on Bearfacts by the Registrar, including your middle name if you have
one listed.

- Make sure your undergraduate institution is listed in parenthesis on your title page.

- Just because you saw a style/format on someone else's dissertation doesn't mean they still accept it

Other Tips
- Get complete copies of your thesis to your committee well in advance of the day you plan to submit
the thesis, and schedule a time to meet with each committee member to collect the required signatures.
Make sure your advisor also signs the abstract page.

- The instructions below do not require you to make copies of your signed thesis approval page and
abstract page, but if you do make backup copies on a copy machine, do NOT leave the original signed
version(s) in the copy machine after making a copy!

- Remember to breath.

Checklist of items to be completed

Complete these steps first:

1) Make sure you are properly registered on Bearfacts or are on approved filing fee. Note you
need to complete and submit the following paperwork to 318 Sproul Hall to be on filing fee (do
this early to make sure the paperwork goes through in time):
2) Buy special archival paper from the student store (500 sheets of Xerox Image Elite is relatively
3) Buy 3 large clasp envelops, each large enough to hold one copy of your dissertation.
4) (Optional) Buy a folder to hold miscellaneous items like the surveys, extra title pages, etc.
5) Complete the Proquest publishing form by following the link under "Access Proquest Forms on
the Web" on the following webpage:
6) Complete and print the Survey of Earned Doctorates at:
7) Complete and print the Survey of Doctoral Students’ Opinions at:
8) Complete the EECS Exit Survey at: https://buffy.eecs.berkeley.edu/PHP/exitsurvey/startup.php

Read the thesis formatting guidelines carefully, and once you have your final thesis version prepared
and approved by your committee, complete the following steps:

9) Submit a complete final copy of your thesis to the EECS website:

10) Print one copy of your thesis on special archival paper.
11) Print two copies of your thesis on regular copy paper.
12) Print two more copies of your abstract page(s) on regular paper.
13) Print four more copies of your title page on regular paper. Write the words “Library Copy” on
the upper left of one title page, “Proquest Copy” on the upper left of a second title page, “EECS
Copy” on a third title page, and leave the last title page unmarked.
14) Get your advisor to sign one copy of the abstract page printed on archival paper, and one copy
printed on regular paper.
15) Get your advisor and other committee members to sign one copy of the thesis approval page
printed on archival paper, and sign one copy printed on regular paper.

Prepare the following items to be submitted to the graduate division in 318 Sproul Hall:

- One copy of your thesis with signed abstracted and approval pages, all on archival paper, inside
a large clasp envelop, with the title page with the words "Library Copy" on it, taped to the front
of the envelope.
- One copy of your thesis on regular paper with unsigned abstract, and approval page removed,
inside a large clasp envelop, with the title page with the words "Proquest Copy" on it, taped to
the front of the envelope.
- One clean copy of the title page and two unsigned copies of abstract page(s) on regular paper.
- A completed Proquest publishing form (required even if you are not applying for a copyright).
- Two completed surveys (not the EECS one).

Prepare the following items to give to La Shana in Soda Hall, or Ruth Gjerde in Cory Hall, depending on
whether you are CS or EE:

- One copy of your thesis on regular paper with signed abstract and approval pages, inside a large
clasp envelop, with a title page taped to the front of the envelop with the words "EECS Copy” on

Confirm to La Shana or Ruth that you have completed all the steps in the EECS graduation checklist
below like giving your dissertation talk previously, changing your mailing address on Bearfacts, etc., in
addition to all the steps mentioned above. Also, make sure your registration or filing fees get paid, or
your graduation may be delayed. If you have completed all the steps above and the ones listed in the
EECS checklist below, congrats, you’re done!

EECS Ph.D. Graduation Checklist:

1. You must either be registered or on approved Filing Fee. Most

students are registered. For information about Filing Fee, see Graduate

Division's FAQs, http://www.grad.berkeley.edu/policies/faq.shtml.

2. Give a dissertation talk on the principal results of your research.

(TIP: Don't wait until the last week of the semester to schedule & give

your talk. Faculty are VERY busy at the end of the semester!) Advertise

your talk at least one week in advance on the EECS Calendar of Current

Events, http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/cal/. Summer graduates *must* give

the talk in the Spring semester. NO SUMMER TALKS!

**EE students must also complete and submit the EE Thesis Seminar Form,

3. File your dissertation with the Graduate Division *and* the

Department (3b below) by the semester deadline. See below for more details.

3a. Grad. Div. Submission: Dissertations must be submitted to the

Degrees & Petitions Office, 318 Sproul Hall, in acceptable format. You

should consult the publication, Instructions for Preparing and Filing Your

Thesis or Dissertation, http://www.grad.berkeley.edu/policies/pdf/disguide.pdf,

which describes the requirements for preparing the final version of your

dissertation. (TIP: Visit the Degrees & Petitions Office *prior* to the

filling deadline to pick up their required surveys and verify that your

thesis formatting is correct.)

3b. Dept. Submission: A complete, unbound copy (including copies of the

signed approval and abstract pages) of your dissertation must also be

submitted to the Dept. Graduate Assistant. This copy does not have to be

printed on special paper.

4. Submit your dissertation (pdf format required) to the EECS Technical

Memorandum Series,


5. Complete the EECS Exit Survey,


6. Update your address in the Registrar's system through Bear Facts,

http://bearfacts.berkeley.edu/, and, if you were a GSI or GSR and expect

to receive a W2 for the current tax year, also in the Payroll system

through Blu, https://blu.berkeley.edu (go to PEOPLE, the PERSONAL



*Your Soda Hall and/or Cory Hall card key access will be deactivated. If you will need

access after graduation, your advisor must authorize this with the Soda

Hall (393 Soda) and/or Cory Hall (253 Cory) facility coordinator. If you have any

keys, please return them.

*Your EECS email will be removed from the academic matters grad student

alias and may eventually be deactivated. If you find it necessary to

continue to have access into the EECS computing infrastructure, your

advisor may sponsor an alumni access. For details see

https://iris.eecs.berkeley.edu/idsg/. NOTE: You must remove yourself

from the other grad aliases (housing, jobs, misc).


The College of Engineering holds one commencement ceremony each year in

May. This year's commencement is scheduled for Saturday, May 23, 2009.

If you wish to participate in the spring commencement ceremony, visit

the College of Engineering's Commencement website,


If you have any other questions about commencement, please contact Dawn

Kramer, dkramer@berkeley.edu.


Degrees are posted to transcripts approximately 3 months after the

conferral date. Diplomas are available approximately 1 month after

that. For more information, see the Registrar's sites below.

Transcripts: http://registrar.berkeley.edu/?PageID=transcripts.html

Diplomas: http://registrar.berkeley.edu/?PageID=diplomas.html

If you need evidence that you have completed your degree program, prior

to the degree being posted to your transcript, please submit this form:

http://www.grad.berkeley.edu/policies/pdf/certificate_completion.pdf to

the Graduate Division, Degrees & Petitions Office. Before Grad Div can issue

a Certificate of Completion, they must verify that required courses have

grades posted to your transcript; that your registration fees or your Filing Fee has been paid; and that

your department has submitted the Final Report or verification that all requirements have been met.

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