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eindia 2013


eINDIA 2013
Convened with the theme of Building a Knowledge Society, eINDIA 2013 Summit was held on 23-24 July, 2013, at Hyderabad International Convention Centre, Hyderabad. The Summit was divided into three parallel thematic tracks on Governance, Education and Health. The eINDIA 2013 was inaugurated by the N Kiran Kumar Reddy, Chief Minister, Government of Andhra Pradesh.

L to R: Sanjay Jaju, Secretary, Information Technology & Communications Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh; N Kiran Kumar Reddy, Chief Minister, Andhra Pradesh; Ponnala Lakshmaiah, Minister - IT, Government of Andhra Pradesh; J Satyanarayana, Secretary, Department of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India; K S Rao, Union Minister for Textiles, Government of India The eINDIA 2013 was held with the sole objective of offering a networking platform for discussions between key government ofcials, industry experts, stakeholders, decision makers and private players on the essential issue of ICT implementation in governance, education and healthcare. Inclusive growth can only become a reality when the government takes some signicant initiatives for deployment of ICT in all the major areas - this is the clear message that emerged from the eINDIA 2013 Summit. The Summit offered a unique, leisurely environment for experts and key decision makers from across the nation to come together and ponder over the most important issues that the nation faces today. In the pages that follow we have done the coverage of the eINDIA 2013 through a series of pictures and texts.


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Building a Knowledge Society

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Inaugural Session
Information technology has evolved much in the past 25 years. It is very important that technology must be cheap and affordable. It should be within the reach of common man and must change their life. For a government, it is very essential that any citizen of the state must get government services which he requires in an easy, accessible and corruption free manner. The concept of Mee Seva was initiated in a review meeting where I expressed the need for a system which could deliver services to the citizens in just 15 minutes. N Kiran Kumar Reddy, Chief Minister, Andhra Pradesh

Mee Seva, from a very modest beginning of 100 centres, 10 services, and one district, has now got 7000 centres, 150 services across the state of Andhra Pradesh. We have covered more than 2 crore 35 lakh transactions in the last one year.

Last year, we crossed 108 million dollars nationally in terms of the turn over of IT sector and now we are looking to cover 300 million dollars by 2020. The National ICT policy of 2012 aims to take the IT in India to the next level. We want that India should rule the world in terms of product manufacturing. J Satyanarayana Secretary, Department of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India

Youth are the biggest power and asset of India. Talent has wiped out the barriers between the rich and the poor. I want to make Hyderabad a synonym for letter H. We want to make Hyderabad a global leader in Information Technology. World Bank rated Hyderabad as the best metro city in India.

Sanjay Jaju Secretary, Information Technology & Communications Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh

Ponnala Lakshmaiah Minister - IT, Government of Andhra Pradesh

The reasons which I believe that are ill for the society are red tapism, in-decision, and corruption. All these are spoiling the progress of the entire country. But at the same time, I am very happy to see Andhra Pradesh government taking IT initiatives which have checked these ill practices. Today one can get government certicates in just 15 minutes through these e-Centres. I honestly admire the youths of the country who are rendering their services for the society. K S Rao, Union Textiles Minister, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India

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ICTs in Financial Inclusion

There has been a great thrust in last four to ve months from the Department of Financial Services, Government of India, to put a lot of energy into the system of nancial inclusion and to direct transfer of benets. The backend computerization and the backend digitization of the department of social welfare in J&K government have already started and it is going on. Bipul Pathak, Commissioner/Secretary, Science & Technology and Information Technology Department, Government of Jammu & Kashmir

Ministry of Urban Development has taken lots of initiatives in the area of e-Governance and our ministry is guiding the states/UTs and urban local bodies for creating fully edged IT Infrastructure which is creating transparency, speed, visibility of the benets for the citizen at large. approved under JNNURM. Out of 65 Mission cities, 37 Mission cities have implemented e-Governance reform. Prem Narayan Director (JNNURM), Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India

Central Bank of India is one of the pioneer banks in both the nancial inclusion and in direct benet transfers. We have covered nancial inclusion in around 200 villages. Central Bank of India is undertaking various nancial inclusion activities in around 377 districts throughout India.

Banking and nancial inclusion needs technology. Financial Inclusion is somewhat different from traditional banking, it has very basic characteristic which will have to address will take the nancial inclusion forward. The few of characteristic are convenience, security, exibility and at low cost, in examining this characteristic. I think ICT can help in extending these services. B R G Upadhyay Chairman, Deccan Grameen Bank

Ashok Kumar CGM, Central Bank of India

Technology is the key to provide low cost nancial services. It has the potential to address the issues of outreach and create delivery of the twin objects of nancial inclusion initiatives. The outreach is expected to cover the poor, under privileged, uneducated sections of the society which is more prevalent in rural areas causing nancial exploitation. Some of the challenges need to overcome with technologies intervention in the areas of distance and reach. Raveendranath Hebbar DGM, (Agri, SME, OPS & Financial Inclusion) Corporation Bank, Mangalore


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When I was heading a sub division in the state of Jammu & Kashmir, we were facing problems in enhancing condence level in government ofcials to launch various new initiatives. To overcome it, we started undertaking various exercises like automation of bank branches, introduction of insurance schemes, building network of mobile towers and organization of MSME workshop. Various initiatives are taken to bring the rural masses to the mainstream governance system like e-Chopal. Amit Sharma, Additional Secretary, Revenue Department, Government of Jammu & Kashmir

e-Governance: Changing Expectations

Today e-Governance is a whole sea of change in the governance sector both in government and private sector. All the governance initiatives basically targeted to improve service delivery today have reduced corruption and have increased transparency in the entire service delivery system. These initiatives have increased revenue in taxation department. J Raymond Peter Principal Secretary, Social Welfare, Government of Andhra Pradesh

Citizen centricity is the ultimate feature of any e-Governance initiative. We are looking to make our internal transactions more transparent and efcient, but our key idea is to improve the life of the citizens. When we started Mee Seva, we wanted to include services which were directly linked with citizens. Sanjay Jaju Secretary, Information Technology & Communications Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh

The subsidy provided under Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas accounts to about Rs 1, 80,000 crores. A large percentage of scal decits are due to subsidies. The role of IT becomes very important to improve the efciency of supply chain. We have taken initiatives to encourage indigenous market and reduce our dependency on imports. Dr Neeraj Mittal Joint Secretary (Marketing), Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India

One of the most important aspects of UID is the accuracy in the database. It is happening for the rst time when the database is speaking to other database. Whenever we match any database with the UID, all the fake registrations get vanished. We have now ventured into newer areas where in we have linked our data with the database of various other departments to verify the authenticity and credentials of people applying for various government certicates. Rajesh Aggarwal Secretary IT, Government of Maharashtra

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Today the mobile penetration has increased tremendously in the country. Governments have now started to focus on m-Governance. We have developed a mobile based application under Home Ministry for border areas. It is a very successful project as it includes around 5,000 schemes varying from small to medium which are directed by the Home Ministry. It is replicated by the Government of India and can be used in the other border states of the country. Bipul Pathak, Commissioner/Secretary, Science & Technology and Information Technology Department, Government of Jammu & Kashmir

It is very important to enhance capacity building in the system as per as the implementation of any e-Governance is concerned. Capacity building has to be improved in both the segments; the people who are in governance and the people who are going to use the services. Dr Ashwini Kumar Sharma Managing Director, National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT)

We have introduced the concept of e-Auction through MSTC. We have emerged as a major player in the country for promoting e-commerce. It has presented with e-Auction portal namely, which has become an immensely popular tool for transacting business over the internet in a most transparent and fair manner. B B Singh Director (Commercial), MSTC Ltd

Today Government is trying to focus on social delivery of services. There are major challenges in the management of the schemes in both the nancial and physical terms. Identication of correct beneciaries, awareness among the beneciaries, and the outreach are the issues which we need to enhance. All of us agree that technology is the great enabler. Dr Gautam Bose Deputy Director General National Informatics Centre

Speakers at the session on e-Governance : Changing Expectations

L to R : Sanjay Jaju, Dr Ashwini Kumar Sharma, Dr Gautam Bose


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ICICI BankAd P-51

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Railway IT
Indian Railway is efciently using ICT technique to increase the efciency of service delivery system. Indian Railways has been a pioneer in the use of IT, as applications for interaction with the customers. Railway has taken various landmark initiatives which have changed the concept of travelling in the country. The best example of IT in railways is the Passenger Reservation System, which enables us to manage the reservation of millions of travelers in a seamless and efcient manner. Muktesh Pardeshi Joint Secretary and CPO, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India

Indian Railway has been pioneer in the use of ICTs for its various businesses. It was being used for operating statistic, payroll and inventory management. We want to eliminate delay & red tapism which is the biggest barrier in the functioning of the government and also we want to have higher revenue realization through the usage of IT. Shailesh Tiwari Director E/C&IS, Railway Board

We have also started working on computerization of the works of the manufacturing units. Our coach factory in Chennai has completed the rst phase of modern ERP system in factory which will improve its efciency. We are taking various initiatives throughout India. S S Mathur General Manager, Centre for Railway Information Systems (CRIS)

IRCTC has registered user database of more than three crores and our annual nancial transaction were around `13000 crores. Out of 31 crore booking last year, Railway counter booking was 55 percent and e-ticketing through IRCTC was ranging around 45 percent, out of this 45 percent, 37 percent individuals directly making the tickets through website. Sunil Kumar GGM, Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC)

L to R : Shailesh Tiwari, Muktesh Pardeshi, S S Mathur , Sunil Kumar

S S Mathur addressing the session on Railway IT


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Smart Cities: Creating High-Tech Urban Infrastructure

In India, 2001 census says that 70 percent population in coming future is going to become urbanized. Hence we can take steps to make our cities smarter by analyzing the errors, which we made in the past. Smart cities must be more and more energy efcient and citizen friendly. Ensuring the safety of people which are living in cities becomes important. Technology can really help in ensuring the citizen centricity and can make our cities safer. S K Joshi, Principal Secretary, Municipal Administration and Urban Development, Government of Andhra Pradesh

Technology is really as essential as the three utilities- water, gas and electricity. We have started various initiatives like issuance of Smart ID cards to the residents with the RFID for smart monitoring, entry and exit in the Presidents Estate. We have also launched of e-Management of Visitors System (e-MVS) for citizens to visit the Rashtrapati Bhavan. Suresh Yadav Ofcer on Special Duty to the President, Presidents Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhavan

Centre for Good Governance (CGG) undertakes action research, provides advice, and conducts change management programmes for government departments and agencies to help them implement their reform agenda successfully. We are involved in delivery of services by providing backend solutions. K Ramakrishna Rao Director General & Executive Director, Centre for Good Governance, Government of Andhra Pradesh

We are working on the concept of smarter cities for last ve years. IBM has undertaken various initiatives in the area of operations, transportations, and water. We are working with many governments and cities across the globe. IBM has solutions which improve operational efciency within each of these sectors. Naval Khosla Client Solutions Professional Manager, IBM Software Industry Solutions, India/ South Asia

Motorola enables Mobile workers with Rugged Hand held devices that can access, enter data and complete tasks right from the eld thereby increasing productivity & efciency through Workforce Mobility. Motorola has successfully initiated trafc management system called as e-Challans. It enables Law Enforcement Agencies to capture standard citation data like a paper Trafc Ticket electronically and transmit that data via a GPRS connection to a Central Server. Biometric Identity Management solution can be used to determine any persons previous arrest records. Manish Khanna, National Head - Government Business, Motorola

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Information Technology has transformed our lives in a big way. If there was single biggest game changer in the past 30 years, then it would be surely Information Technology. It is also not exaggeration to say that information technology has also changed urban lives. Right from running trafc signal to running metro lines, from water supply lines run through micro processor, IT has played a very important role. Sanjay Jaju, Secretary, Information Technology & Communications Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh

New Dimensions in e-Governance Lessons and Steps

We have initiated Passport Seva Project as there was a massive increase in the demand for passport and related services. We wanted to meet the expectations and demands of the citizens. Our vision was to deliver all Passportrelated services to the citizens in a timely, transparent, more accessible and reliable manner. Muktesh Pardeshi Joint Secretary and CPO, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India

State Employment mission is the subsidiary body of ETET. Odisha State Employment Mission Project strives for bringing speed and transparency into the system. We have developed Online Recruitment for Odisha State Employment Mission (e-Nijukti). Dr. Chandrashekhar Kumar Commissioner Cum Seceratry, Employement & Technical Education & Training Dept, Government of Odisha

Apart from the initiatives started by the bureaucracy themselves or by the citizens, political commitment is required. Transparency can check the level of corruption which is mixed in the entire service delivery system at various levels. It empowers people and they can make the governments accountable. Transparency is maintained in every aspect of governance. R Damodar Secretary, Legal Affairs, Government of Andhra Pradesh

Several new initiatives have been taken in the forefront of e-Governance. Over years, citizen centric has gained importance. Every department under central or state administration is giving importance to services which can bring a positive change in the lives of citizens. In past few years, many state governments passed acts to give right to public services which made it mandatory for governments to deliver services in a time bound manner. IT made public ofcials more accountable towards the citizens.

Madhusudan Padhi, Secretary IT, Government of Odisha


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MeritTrac offers a wide footprint of services for recruitment of candidates into various positions for government departments, PSUs and PSBs. We design and develop customized tests including content for specic recruitments. We also provide biometric candidate authentication solution to verify the authentication of candidate. We believe in enhancing security and transparency of recruitment through computer based examinations. Daljeet Singh Head Government Business, MeritTrac

Dr Daljeet Singh receiving the speakers momento from Madhusudan Padhi

Our vision is to create participatory, transparent and collaborative environment, accessible and available to everyone. The idea is to truly reinforce the principal of citizen centric governance. For open standards many of the e-Governance initiatives look for an enterprise class open standard solutions. Shashank Tapliyal Director, Enterprisedb

We have launched Centralized unique data repository named AP State Resident Data Hub (APSRDH). It aims in Reduction in cost and time for beneciary selection and service delivery. APSRDH application framework contains a utility to Cleanse departmental database; Seed with Aadhaar Number. Anoop Singh, Special Secretary, Department of IT, Government of Andhra Pradesh

Shashank Tapliyal receiving the speakers momento from Madhusudan Padhi

Speakers at the session on New Dimension in e-Governance Lessons and Steps

L to R : Madhusudan Padhi, Muktesh Pardeshi, Shashank Tapliyal

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Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS): Leveraging Technology

Availability of capacity is an important aspect for ICT in good governance. Skilled and trained IT professional in governance can ensure effective delivery of services in a planned way. But the most prominent challenge which we need to address is to change the existing mindset at every stage of governance. If there are certain rules which are reluctant then there should be a mindset to amend them. Rajesh Aggarwal Secretary, IT, Government of Maharashtra

We need to assess where we stand today. All state governments are at various stages of rolling out many of their services in e form. This is an attempt to move up the spectrum towards good governance. Bipul Pathak Commissioner/Secretary, Science & Technology and Information Technology Department, Government of Jammu & Kashmir

National GIS Programme is highly conceptualized and I think there is a lot of investment pending around GIS technologies. The other areas of our focus are the Ministries and various Government departments. So we are very sharply focused in internal security and defense.

Countrys development is basically dependent on two major areas; education and healthcare. We also focus on defense, internal and external security. We provide technology solution to the defense forces in the country. We also target urban management of various cities. SAP has designed billing software systems for electricity boards.

Arvind Mehrotra President, Asia Pacic, NIIT Technologies

R Shekhar Director Pre Sales, SAP

With comprehensive nancial management system, we have made several innovations inside the department. We have automated the treasury management system and now automated the budget management system to an extent that the expenditure process and accounts generation is now an automated process. These are all bits and pieces; our rst effort is to integrate all the elements of nancial management.

Dr P V Ramesh Principal Secretary Finance, R&E, Government of Andhra Pradesh


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I think we have been very sharply focused in the Government space predominantly because Government business is a very good hedge for the economic turmoil that we are seeing globally. Moreover what makes NIIT Technology somewhat unique is that we have very balanced revenues coming from all our geographical areas.

S Prabhu SAP Practice Head for NIIT Technologies

e-Governance Achievements in Uttar Pradesh

We have underlined three main focuses as far as IT is concerned in Uttar Pradesh. One of the most popular is distribution of laptops to students. It enhances the future potential of the state. We have successfully distributed one crore digitally signed certicates to the citizens in past 14 months. Jiwesh Nandan Principal Secretary, Information Technology & Electronics, Mining & Additional Sources of Energy, Government of Uttar Pradesh

We want to have a well dened IT set up in governance sector. I am very hopeful that in coming future many more cities in the country will cater Bangalore and Hyderabad. It is a great opportunity for us to adopt and apply the best IT practices in the country.

The Corporation was setup with the main objective of promoting IT and Electronics industries in the State of Uttar Pradesh. Electronics Corporation Limited is presently engaged to procure and supply of Computer Hardware, Development of Computer Software and to provide Computer Training to the government employees. Praveen Kumar Senior Manager, UP Electronics Corporation Ltd

Dr P V Ramesh Principal Secretary Finance, R&E, Government of Andhra Pradesh

We are consultant to the Government of Uttar Pradesh. Government of Uttar Pradesh wanted to take IT initiatives to attain inclusive growth in order to make the lives of citizens more vibrant. We advised government that IT units setup in IT Cities / IT Parks on Independent Feeder shall be provided uninterrupted power supply from State Utility. Government directed each department shall earmark a minimum of 2 percent or as per directions of Government of Uttar Pradesh from time to time of its plan budget for IT applications. Shrimant Dash, Senior Consultant, KPMG

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We have dened two zones one as core zone and the other as non-core zone. Core Zone (60%) consists of Computer Hardware & Peripheral Units, Software Development Units, Middleware Units, BPO/KPO/ Consulting Units. On the other hand Non-core Zone (40%) consists of Education, Infrastructural Support like Power Generations, Voice & Data Communication, Water & Sewage Management, e-Waste Management, and Healthcare. Adil Zaidi Senior Consultant, Ernst & Young

ICT for Public Safety & Security

Our aim was to position Uttar Pradesh as an attractive & preferred IT/ITES investment destination. We wanted to Promote Tier II & Tier III cities as IT Hubs by setting up stateof the-art infrastructure like IT City, IT Parks etc. we created a portfolio of IT enabled services (Public & Private) for making Intelligent & Smart cities. Uday Singh Senior Consultant, KPMG

We wanted to create a dynamic, world-class model police organization by providing innovative IT solutions that would not only facilitate law enforcement for community safety but would also aim to build crime and criminal information database for effective crime control and deliver citizen centric services in a proactive and efcient manner. Manoj Agarwal Inspector General of Police - SCRB, Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat

There is a big challenge as the volume of digital data is increasing tremendously. There are industry pointers that say eight per cent of information is not in format. It is adding pressure to IT. We need to look solutions which can look into end to end solutions.

Devesh Ranjan Solution Architect, Industry Solutions - Government Sector, India Software Labs

ICT is being used increasingly by the security agencies across the world and in our country for many purposes. Detection & Prevention of crimes, for surveillance, and issues regarding the security in the cyber space, cyber security. There are provisions in the IT Act where the offences committed in the cyber space are punishable. Every state government has the cyber cell department under the police who are looking into the cyber crimes. Madhusudan Padhi Secretary IT, Government of Odisha


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Multi-Stakeholder integrated initiatives that deploy appropriate ICT technologies, to enhance public and private authorities ability to monitor threats and vulnerabilities, provide actionable early intelligence, speedy resolution of security vulnerabilities, incidents, and coordinated response to emergency situations in urban areas. The four major components of the safe city method are: public private partnerships centered on communities and businesses for law-enforcement and enhanced security. Rama Vedashree, Vice President, e-Governance and Domestic IT, NASSCOM

Suresh Kumar Jindal receiving speakers momento from Madhusudan Padhi

IP-Surveillance system is a security system that gives users the ability to monitor and record video, audio over an IP network such as a local area network (LAN) or the Internet. Safe Cities start by integrating and unifying a variety of disparate technologies: Municipal surveillance into one integrated solution, Cameras from private sources. Devraj Dam, VP, SmartLink

Safety involves whatever contributes in maintaining the Steady state of a social and physical structure or place in terms of whatever it is intended to do. Safety connotes stability over time, continuity of function and reliability of structure. Public safety in the ICT parlance is being talked about only in terms of Command and Control Centres and Safe Cities. Suresh Kumar Jindal Director, DRDO, Government of India
Rama Vedashree receiving speakers momento from Madhusudan Padhi

Speakers at the session on ICT for Public Safety and Security

L to R : Suresh Kumar Jindal, Manoj Agarwal, Devraj Dam

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ICT in Telecom, Power and Energy

One important thing which I have learned is the capacity building in the system and one should never feel defeated. Telecom whenever is talked comes to communication challenge whether is a television, postal or mobiles phones. We love to use technology in every sector and hence the challenges increases. ICT today can play a very important role in telecom, power and energy.

Pradeep Chaturvedi Director (IT), Rajya Sabha Secretariat, Government of India

There is lot more to be done in terms of ICT in power sector. It should be used effectively in transmission and distribution of energy. Today there is a need to develop disaster risk management website for the control rooms of our power plants. We must be in identify before hand that what is done wrong then only suitable IT solutions could provided. Suresh Chanda Chairman, AP Transco

Gujarat Info Petro Ltd. (GIPL) is a state owned PSU under the Government of Gujarat. We can broadly divide our services into three categories, software, ISP, and consultancy. We not only give solutions but we also provide manpower to various important projects. We are successfully running various government departments. V K Sharma Director & CEO, Guj Info Petro Ltd (GIPL)

One of the most prominent features of Mee Seva was the catogorisation of G-C services. We made it mandatory that no services would be given without digital signature certicates.We have completed more than 1.60 crore transactions in past one year

Anoop Singh Special Secretary, Department of IT, Government of Andhra Pradesh

Speakers at the session on ICT in Telecom, Power and Energy

Pradeep Chaturvedi receiving Speakers momento

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