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Item P-209 Crushed Aggregate Base Course

DESCRIPTION 209-1.1 This item consists of ! se co"#se com$ose% of c#"she% &&#e& tes const#"cte% on $#e$ #e% co"#se in cco#% nce 'ith these s$ecific tions n% in confo#mit( to the %imensions n% t($ic ) c#oss sections sho'n on the $) ns* +,TERI,-S 209-2.1 AGGREGATE* ,&&#e& tes sh )) consist of c)e n. so"n%. %"# !)e $ #tic)es of c#"she% stone. c#"she% &# /e). o# c#"she% s) & n% sh )) !e f#ee f#om co tin&s of c) (. si)t. /e&et !)e m tte#. n% othe# o!0ection !)e m te#i )s n% sh )) cont in no c) ( ! ))s* Fine &&#e& te $ ssin& the No* 1 21*75 mm3 sie/e sh )) consist of fines f#om the o$e# tion of c#"shin& the co #se &&#e& te* If necess #(. fine &&#e& te m ( !e %%e% to $#o%"ce the co##ect &# % tion* The fine &&#e& te sh )) !e $#o%"ce% !( c#"shin& stone. &# /e). o# s) & th t meet the #e4"i#ements fo# 'e # n% so"n%ness s$ecifie% fo# co #se &&#e& te* The c#"she% s) & sh )) !e n i#-coo)e%. !) st f"#n ce s) & n% sh )) h /e "nit 'ei&ht of not )ess th n 70 $o"n%s $e# c"!ic foot 21*12 +&/c"!ic mete#3 'hen teste% in cco#% nce 'ith ,ST+ C 29* The co #se &&#e& te $o#tion. %efine% s the m te#i ) #et ine% on the No* 1 21*75 mm3 sie/e n% ) #&e#. sh )) cont in no mo#e th n 15 $e#cent. !( 'ei&ht. of f) t o# e)on& te% $ieces s %efine% in ,ST+ D 593 n% sh )) h /e t )e st 90 $e#cent !( 'ei&ht of $ #tic)es 'ith t )e st t'o f# ct"#e% f ces n% 100 $e#cent 'ith t )e st one f# ct"#e% f ce* The #e of e ch f ce sh )) !e e4" ) to t )e st 75 $e#cent of the sm ))est mi%section ) #e of the $iece* 6hen t'o f# ct"#e% f ces #e conti&"o"s. the n&)e !et'een the $) nes of f# ct"#es sh )) !e t )e st 30 to co"nt s t'o f# ct"#e% f ces* The $e#cent &e of 'e # sh )) not !e &#e te# th n 15 $e#cent 'hen teste% in cco#% nce 'ith ,ST+ C 131* The so%i"m s")f te so"n%ness )oss sh )) not e7cee% 12 $e#cent. fte# 5 c(c)es. 'hen teste% in cco#% nce 'ith ,ST+ C 88* The f# ction $ ssin& the No* 10 20*12 mm3 sie/e sh )) h /e )i4"i% )imit no &#e te# th n 25 n% $) sticit( in%e7 of not mo#e th n 1 'hen teste% in cco#% nce 'ith ,ST+ D 1318* The fine &&#e& te sh )) h /e minim"m s n% e4"i/ )ent / )"e of 35 'hen teste% in cco#% nce 'ith ,ST+ D 2119* a. Sampling and Testing* ,&&#e& tes fo# $#e)imin #( testin& sh )) !e f"#nishe% !( the Cont# cto# $#io# to the st #t of $#o%"ction* ,)) tests fo# initi ) &&#e& te s"!mitt )s necess #( to %ete#mine com$)i nce 'ith the s$ecific tion #e4"i#ements 'i)) !e m %e !( the En&inee# t no e7$ense to the Cont# cto#* S m$)es of &&#e& tes sh )) !e f"#nishe% !( the Cont# cto# t the st #t of $#o%"ction n% t inte#/ )s %"#in& $#o%"ction* The s m$)in& $oints n% inte#/ )s 'i)) !e %esi&n te% !( the En&inee#* The s m$)es 'i)) !e the ! sis of $$#o/ ) of s$ecific )ots of &&#e& tes f#om the st n%$oint of the 4" )it( #e4"i#ements of this section* In )ie" of testin&. the En&inee# m ( cce$t ce#tifie% st te test #es")ts in%ic tin& th t the &&#e& te meets s$ecific tion #e4"i#ements* Ce#tifie% test #es")ts sh )) !e )ess th n 5 months o)%* S m$)es of &&#e& tes to chec9 &# % tion sh )) !e t 9en !( the En&inee# t )e st t'o $e# )ot* The )ot 'i)) !e consistent 'ith cce$t !)e s m$)in& fo# %ensit(* The s m$)es sh )) !e t 9en f#om the in-$) ce. com$ cte% m te#i )* S m$)in& sh )) !e in cco#% nce 'ith ,ST+ D 75. n% testin& sh )) !e in cco#% nce 'ith ,ST+ C 135 n% ,ST+ C 117*

Item P-209 C#"she% ,&&#e& te : se Co"#se


150/5370-10F 09/30/2011 b. Gradation Requirements* The &# % tion 20o! mi73 of the fin ) mi7t"#e sh )) f )) 'ithin the %esi&n # n&e in%ic te% in T !)e 11. 'hen teste% in cco#% nce 'ith ,ST+ C 117 n% ,ST+ C 135* The fin ) &# % tion sh )) !e contin"o"s)( 'e)) &# %e% f#om co #se to fine n% sh )) not / #( f#om the )o' )imit on one sie/e to the hi&h )imit on n %0 cent sie/e o# /ice /e#s * 6he#e en/i#onment ) con%itions 2tem$e# t"#e n% / i) !i)it( of f#ee moist"#e3 in%ic te $otenti ) % m &e %"e to f#ost ction. the m 7im"m $e#cent of m te#i ) !( 'ei&ht of $ #tic)es sm ))e# th n 0*02 mm sh )) !e 3 $e#cent 'hen teste% in cco#% nce 'ith ,ST+ D 122* ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 6hen )o'e# $e#cent &e of m te#i ) $ ssin& the No* 200 sie/e is nee%e% to cont#o) the $e#cent &e of $ #tic)es sm ))e# th n 0*02 mm. m 7im"m )imit of 5 $e#cent is #ecommen%e%* ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Table 1 Requirements For Gradation O Aggregate
Sie!e Si"e 2 in 250*0 mm3 1-1/2 237*0 mm3 1 in 225*0 mm3 3/1 in 219*0 mm3 No* 1 21*75 mm3 No* 30 20*50 mm3 No* 200 20*075 mm3 #esign Range $er%entage b& 'eig(t 100 95-100 70-95 55-85 30-50 12-30 0-8 )ob *i+ Toleran%es $er%ent 0 </- 5 </- 8 </- 8 </- 8 </- 5 </- 3

The 0o! mi7 to)e# nces in T !)e 1 sh )) !e $$)ie% to the 0o! mi7 &# % tion to est !)ish 0o! cont#o) &# %in& ! n%* The f")) to)e# nce sti)) 'i)) $$)( if $$)ic tion of the to)e# nces #es")ts in 0o! cont#o) &# %in& ! n% o"tsi%e the %esi&n # n&e* The f# ction of the fin ) mi7t"#e th t $ sses the No* 200 20*075 mm3 sie/e sh )) not e7cee% 50 $e#cent of the f# ction $ ssin& the No* 30 20*50 mm3 sie/e* CONSTR=CTION +ET>ODS 209-,.1 $RE$AR-.G /.#ER01-.G 2O/RSE* The "n%e#)(in& co"#se sh )) !e chec9e% n% cce$te% !( the En&inee# !efo#e $) cin& n% s$#e %in& o$e# tions #e st #te%* ,n( #"ts o# soft (ie)%in& $) ces c "se% !( im$#o$e# %# in &e con%itions. h ")in&. o# n( othe# c "se sh )) !e co##ecte% t the Cont# cto#?s e7$ense !efo#e the ! se co"#se is $) ce% the#eon* + te#i ) sh )) not !e $) ce% on f#o@en s"!&# %e* 209-,.2 *-3-.G* The &&#e& te sh )) !e "nifo#m)( !)en%e% %"#in& c#"shin& o$e# tions o# mi7e% in $) nt* The $) nt sh )) !)en% n% mi7 the m te#i )s to meet the s$ecific tions n% to sec"#e the $#o$e# moist"#e content fo# com$ ction* 209-,., $0A2-.G* The c#"she% &&#e& te ! se m te#i ) sh )) !e $) ce% on the moistene% s"!&# %e in ) (e#s of "nifo#m thic9ness 'ith mech nic ) s$#e %e#*


Item P-209 C#"she% ,&&#e& te : se Co"#se

09/30/2011 150/5370-10F The m 7im"m %e$th of com$ cte% ) (e# sh )) !e 5 in 2150 mm3* If the tot ) %e$th of the com$ cte% m te#i ) is mo#e th n 5 in 2150 mm3. it sh )) !e const#"cte% in t'o o# mo#e ) (e#s* In m")ti-) (e# const#"ction. the ! se co"#se sh )) !e $) ce% in $$#o7im te)( e4" )-%e$th ) (e#s* The $#e/io"s)( const#"cte% ) (e# sho")% !e c)e ne% of )oose n% fo#ei&n m te#i ) $#io# to $) cin& the ne7t ) (e#* The s"#f ce of the com$ cte% m te#i ) sh )) !e 9e$t moist "nti) co/e#e% 'ith the ne7t ) (e#* 209-,.4 2O*$A2T-O.* Imme%i te)( "$on com$)etion of the s$#e %in& o$e# tions. the c#"she% &&#e& te sh )) !e tho#o"&h)( com$ cte%* The n"m!e#. t($e. n% 'ei&ht of #o))e#s sh )) !e s"fficient to com$ ct the m te#i ) to the #e4"i#e% %ensit(* The moist"#e content of the m te#i ) %"#in& $) cin& o$e# tions sh )) not !e !e)o'. no# mo#e th n 2 $e#cent &e $oints !o/e. the o$tim"m moist"#e content s %ete#mine% !( ,ST+ 5 6* 209-,.7 A22E$TA.2E SA*$0-.G A.# TEST-.G FOR #E.S-T1* ,&&#e& te ! se co"#se sh )) !e cce$te% fo# %ensit( on )ot ! sis* , )ot 'i)) consist of one % (?s $#o%"ction 'he#e it is not e7$ecte% to e7cee% 2100 s4 (% 22000 s4 m3* , )ot 'i)) consist of one-h )f % (?s $#o%"ction 'he#e % (?s $#o%"ction is e7$ecte% to consist of !et'een 2100 n% 1800 s4 (% 22000 n% 1000 s4 m3* E ch )ot sh )) !e %i/i%e% into t'o e4" ) s"!)ots* One test sh )) !e m %e fo# e ch s"!)ot* S m$)in& )oc tions 'i)) !e %ete#mine% !( the En&inee# on # n%om ! sis in cco#% nce 'ith st tistic ) $#oce%"#es cont ine% in ,ST+ D 3555* E ch )ot 'i)) !e cce$te% fo# %ensit( 'hen the fie)% %ensit( is t )e st 100 $e#cent of the m 7im"m %ensit( of ) !o# to#( s$ecimens $#e$ #e% f#om s m$)es of the ! se co"#se m te#i ) %e)i/e#e% to the 0o! site* The s$ecimens sh )) !e com$ cte% n% teste% in cco#% nce 'ith ,ST+ 5 6* The in-$) ce fie)% %ensit( sh )) !e %ete#mine% in cco#% nce 'ith ,ST+ D 1555 o# D 2157* If the s$ecifie% %ensit( is not tt ine%. the enti#e )ot sh )) !e #e'o#9e% n%/o# #ecom$ cte% n% t'o %%ition ) # n%om tests m %e* This $#oce%"#e sh )) !e fo))o'e% "nti) the s$ecifie% %ensit( is #e che%* ******************************************************************** ** The Engineer shall specify A T! " #9$ for areas designated for aircraft %ith gross %eights of #0&000 pounds '2( 200 )g* or less and A T! " +,,( for areas designated for aircraft %ith gross %eights greater than #0&000 pounds '2( 200 )g********************************************************************* ** In )ie" of the co#e metho% of fie)% %ensit( %ete#min tion. cce$t nce testin& m ( !e ccom$)ishe% "sin& n"c)e # & "&e in cco#% nce 'ith ,ST+ D 5938 * The & "&e sho")% !e fie)% c )i!# te% in cco#% nce 'ith Section 120 n% ,ST+ st n% #%s* C )i!# tion tests sh )) !e con%"cte% on the fi#st )ot of m te#i ) $) ce% th t meets the %ensit( #e4"i#ements* 6hen "sin& the n"c)e # metho% ,ST+ D 5938 sh )) !e "se% to %ete#mine the moist"#e content of the m te#i )* The c )i!# tion c"#/e f"#nishe% 'ith the n"c)e # & "&es sh )) !e chec9e% in cco#% nce 'ith ,ST+ st n% #%s* The c )i!# tion chec9s sh )) !e m %e t the !e&innin& of 0o! n% t #e&") # inte#/ )s* If n"c)e # & "&e is "se% fo# %ensit( %ete#min tion. t'o # n%om #e %in&s sh )) !e m %e n% /e# &e% fo# e ch s"!)ot* 209-,.8 F-.-S9-.G* The s"#f ce of the &&#e& te ! se co"#se sh )) !e finishe% !( !) %in& o# 'ith "tom te% e4"i$ment es$eci ))( %esi&ne% fo# this $"#$ose*

Item P-209 C#"she% ,&&#e& te : se Co"#se


150/5370-10F 09/30/2011 In no c se 'i)) the %%ition of thin ) (e#s of m te#i ) !e %%e% to the to$ ) (e# of ! se co"#se to meet &# %e* If the e)e/ tion of the to$ ) (e# is 1/2 in 212 mm3 o# mo#e !e)o' &# %e. the to$ ) (e# of ! se sh )) !e sc #ifie% to %e$th of t )e st 3 in 275 mm3. ne' m te#i ) %%e%. n% the ) (e# sh )) !e !)en%e% n% #ecom$ cte% to !#in& it to &# %e* If the finishe% s"#f ce is !o/e $) n &# %e. it sh )) !e c"t ! c9 to &# %e n% #e#o))e%* 209-,.: S/RFA2E TO0ERA.2ES* The finishe% s"#f ce sh )) not / #( mo#e th n 3/8 in 29 mm3 'hen teste% 'ith 15 ft 21*8 m3 st# i&hte%&e $$)ie% $ # ))e) 'ith o# t #i&ht n&)es to the cente#)ine* ,n( %e/i tion in e7cess of this mo"nt sh )) !e co##ecte% !( the Cont# cto# t the Cont# cto#?s e7$ense* 209-,.; T9-2<.ESS 2O.TRO0* The com$)ete% thic9ness of the ! se co"#se sh )) !e 'ithin 1/2 in 212 mm3 of the %esi&n thic9ness* Fo"# %ete#min tions of thic9ness sh )) !e m %e fo# e ch )ot of m te#i ) $) ce%* The )ot si@e sh )) !e consistent 'ith th t s$ecifie% in $ # &# $h 3*5* E ch )ot sh )) !e %i/i%e% into fo"# e4" ) s"!)ots* One test sh )) !e m %e fo# e ch s"!)ot* S m$)in& )oc tions 'i)) !e %ete#mine% !( the En&inee# on # n%om ! sis in cco#% nce 'ith $#oce%"#es cont ine% in ,ST+ D 3555* 6he#e the thic9ness is %eficient !( mo#e th n 1/2 in 212 mm3. the Cont# cto# sh )) co##ect s"ch #e s t no %%ition ) cost !( e7c / tin& to the #e4"i#e% %e$th n% #e$) cin& 'ith ne' m te#i )* ,%%ition ) test ho)es m ( !e #e4"i#e% to i%entif( the )imits of %eficient #e s* 209-,.9 *A-.TE.A.2E* The ! se co"#se sh )) !e m int ine% in con%ition th t 'i)) meet )) s$ecific tion #e4"i#ements "nti) the 'o#9 is cce$te%* E4"i$ment "se% in the const#"ction of n %0oinin& section m ( !e #o"te% o/e# com$)ete% $o#tions of the ! se co"#se. $#o/i%e% no % m &e #es")ts n% $#o/i%e% th t the e4"i$ment is #o"te% o/e# the f")) 'i%th of the ! se co"#se to /oi% #"ttin& o# "ne/en com$ ction* The Cont# cto# sh )) #emo/e )) s"#/e( n% &# %e h"!s f#om the ! se co"#ses $#io# to $) cin& n( !it"mino"s s"#f ce co"#se* +ET>OD OF +E,S=RE+ENT 209-4.1 The 4" ntit( of c#"she% &&#e& te ! se co"#se to !e $ i% fo# 'i)) !e %ete#mine% !( me s"#ement of the n"m!e# of 5square &ards =square meters>6 5%ubi% &ards =%ubi% meters>6 of m te#i ) ct" ))( const#"cte% n% cce$te% !( the En&inee# s com$)(in& 'ith the $) ns n% s$ecific tions* 5On indi!idual dept( measurements? t(i%@nesses more t(an 1A2 in =12 mm> in e+%ess o t(e design t(i%@ness s(all be %onsidered as t(e spe%i ied t(i%@ness? plus 1A2 in =12 mm> in %omputing t(e number o %ubi% &ards =%ubi% meters> or pa&ment.6 :,SIS OF P,A+ENT 209-7.1 P (ment sh )) !e m %e t the cont# ct "nit $#ice $e# 5square &ard =square meter>6 5%ubi% &ard =%ubi% meter>6 fo# c#"she% &&#e& te ! se co"#se* This $#ice sh )) !e f")) com$ens tion fo# f"#nishin& )) m te#i )s. fo# $#e$ #in& n% $) cin& these m te#i )s. n% fo# )) ) !o#. e4"i$ment too)s. n% inci%ent )s necess #( to com$)ete the item* P (ment 'i)) !e m %e "n%e#B Item P-209-5*1 C#"she% ,&&#e& te : se Co"#se-$e# Cs4" #e ( #% 2s4" #e mete#D Cc"!ic ( #% 2c"!ic mete#3D


Item P-209 C#"she% ,&&#e& te : se Co"#se



TESTINE REF=IRE+ENTS ,ST+ C 29 ,ST+ C 88 ,ST+ C 117 ,ST+ C 131 ,ST+ C 135 ,ST+ D 75 ,ST+ D 122 ,ST+ D 593 ,ST+ D 598 ,ST+ D 1555 ,ST+ D 1557 ,ST+ D 2157 ,ST+ D 2119 =nit 6ei&ht of ,&&#e& te So"n%ness of ,&&#e& tes !( =se of So%i"m S")f te o# + &nesi"m S")f te + te#i )s Fine# th n 75 Gm 2No* 2003 Sie/e in +ine# ) ,&&#e& tes !( 6 shin& Resist nce to De&# % tion of Sm ))-Si@e Co #se ,&&#e& te !( !# sion n% im$ ct in the -os ,n&e)es + chine Sie/e ,n )(sis of Fine n% Co #se ,&&#e& tes S m$)in& ,&&#e& te P #tic)e Si@e ,n )(sis of Soi)s C#"she% ,&&#e& te fo# + c % m P /ements +oist"#e-Densit( Re) tions of Soi)s n% Soi)-,&&#e& te +i7t"#es =sin& 5*5)! 22*19-9&3 R mme# n% 12 in 2305 mm3 D#o$ Densit( of Soi) in P) ce !( the S n%-Cone +etho% Test fo# - !o# to#( Com$ ction Ch # cte#istics of Soi) =sin& +o%ifie% Effo#t Densit( n% =nit 6ei&ht of Soi) in P) ce !( the R"!!e# : ))oon +etho% S n% E4"i/ )ent H )"e of Soi)s n% Fine ,&&#e& te

,ST+ D 5938 ,ST+ D 3555 ,ST+ D 1318

In-P) ce Densit( n% 6 te# Content of Soi) n% Soi)-,&&#e& te !( N"c)e # +etho%s R n%om S m$)in& of Const#"ction + te#i )s -i4"i% -imit. P) stic -imit. n% P) sticit( In%e7 of Soi)s


Item P-209 C#"she% ,&&#e& te : se Co"#se


150/5370-10F 09/30/2011

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Item P-209 C#"she% ,&&#e& te : se Co"#se

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