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Lake County Healthy Lake Sales Tax Measure Draft Expenditure Plan #1

October 2013

Note: This is a DRAFT expenditure plan to illustrate the potential uses of funds generated by a sales tax measure for Lake related programs. This draft plan has not been reviewed or approved by the Board of Supervisors and is intended simply to illustrate potential funding options

Lake County Healthy Lake Sales Tax Measure Draft Expenditure Plan #1
October 2013 Water Quality Monitoring Program $275,000 This program will consist of three separate Monitoring efforts. They include stream monitoring ($100,000), Lake monitoring for nutrients and cyanoBacteria toxins ($145,000) and Lake sediment monitoring ($30,000). These efforts will be coordinated with State staff for compliance With TMDL and NPDES permit requirements Algae Abatement $25,000 This expenditure would provide additional floating Boom materials for placement around the lake to protect The shoreline from nuisance algae. Staff time will be covered with Existing Department revenue Middle Creek Marsh Restoration Project This expenditure would be placed in a contingency Fund for the future matching funds needed for Project delivery $400,000

Lake County Healthy Lake Sales Tax Measure Draft Expenditure Plan #1
October 2013

Using the projected total revenue expected from a -cent sales tax of $2,400,000, the breakdown of funds is as follows: Weed Abatement Modifies the existing weed abatement program to Include areas in Nice and Lucerne coupled with Additional herbicide treatment of mechanically Harvested areas Quagga Mussel Prevention Program This amount would fund the development of Mechanical ramp controls at approximately Of the public access ramps around the County With the remaining ramps to be modified in year 2 $350,000


Lake County Healthy Lake Sales Tax Measure Draft Expenditure Plan #1
October 2013 Water Quality Project Burns Valley Creek $250,000 This expenditure would fund the dredging of the Mouth of Burns Valley Creek to remove built-up Sediment. This sediment not only presents a navigation Hazard, it is believed to contribute to the poor water Conditions in the cove to the north. Removal of the sediment Will reduce nutrients in the lake as well as promote water currents. Water Quality Project CL Keys $100,000 This expenditure would fund the purchase of Property for the creation of a wet-land adjacent To the east canal of the Clearlake Keys. The outfall of the large Drainage ditch adjacent to the highway would be re-routed from the canal to this new wetland.

Lake County Healthy Lake Sales Tax Measure Draft Expenditure Plan #1
October 2013

Existing Programs that are modified

Weed Abatement Expands an existing program currently funded by the General Fund. GF monies are slowly being exhausted and this will provide a stable, sustainable source of funds for the life of the measure; Quagga Mussel Prevention Program Expands the existing program to provide mechanical ramp control. Water Quality Monitoring Program This program would expand significantly from the current limited water quality and sediment testing to monitoring of stream flows, increased lake monitoring for nutrients and cyanobacteria toxins, and increased sediment monitoring. Monitoring and reports will help comply with NPDES and TMDL requirements. Middle Creek Marsh Restoration Revenues from the proposed sales tax would fund annual contributions to a reserve fund for future funding needs for the Middle Creek Project. Though listed under an Existing Program, no funds are currently being appropriated for the future needs of the project.

Lake County Healthy Lake Sales Tax Measure Draft Expenditure Plan #1
October 2013

New Programs that would be created

Water Quality Project Burns Valley Creek and CL Keys Localized projects such as these have been candidates for various grants and have failed to be funded. A portion of the sales tax revenue is proposed to fund these important projects. Having available funding for grant match will also expand the types of grants that can be applied for.

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