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11i Replenishment Fundamentals

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

After completing this module, you should be able to do the following: Perform Forecasting Perform Reorder point planning Perform !in ma" planning Perform replenishment counting #enerate $anban cards %et up available to promise &A'P( Perform A'P chec$s %et up inventory planning profile options )dentify )mplementation *onsiderations

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Overview Forecasting Performing Reorder point planning Performing !in ma" planning Performing replenishment counting #enerating $anban cards %etting up available to promise &A'P( %etting up )nventory profile values )dentify )mplementation *onsiderations %ummary

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Replenishment !ethods Available %upply Reorder point Available to Promise !in ma" Planning setup Replenishment counting +anban replenishment

Planning profile options

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Overview Forecasting Performing Reorder point Planning Performing !in ma" Planning Performing replenishment counting #enerating $anban cards %etting up available to promise &A'P( %etting up )nventory profile values )dentify )mplementation *onsiderations %ummary

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Focus Forecasting

Forecast , actual demand in the same period of the previous year -"ample: .emand for April /000 , .emand April 1111

Forecast , actual demand in the previous period this year -"ample: .emand for April /000 , .emand for !arch /000

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Focus Forecasting &continued(

Forecast , &actual demand in previous period this year 2 actual demand two periods ago this year( 3 / -"ample: .emand for April /000 , &!arch /000 2 February /000( 3 /

Forecast , actual demand in the same period last year 5 &actual demand in the previous period this year 3 actual demand in the previous period before the same period last year( -"ample: .emand for April /000 , .emand in April 1111 5 &!arch /000 3 !arch 1111(

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Focus Forecasting &continued(

Forecast , actual demand in the previous period this year 5 &actual demand in previous period this year 3 actual demand two periods ago this year( -"ample: .emand for April /000 , .emand for !arch /000 5 &.emand for !arch /000 3 .emand for February /000(

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

8sing Focus Forecasting

<ast =ear .emand :an //0 Feb /10 !ar /70 Apr /;0

'his =ear .emand :an />0 Feb /77 !ar /10 Apr ???

Focus forecasting assumes that the forecasting method that wor$ed best the previous period will wor$ best for the current period9

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Focus Forecasting -"ample

Actual demand history for years /000 and /001

Forecast =ear /000 /001

:anuary //0 />0

February /10 /77

!arch /70 /10

April /;0 ???

@uestion: 8sing Focus forecasting methods, what is the forecast for April /001?

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

%tatistical Forecasting
%tatistical forecasting uses e"ponential smoothing to e"trapolate demand from previous periods9 'he statistical forecast methods that you can use with Oracle )nventory include the following: -"ponential smoothing forecast &-%F( 'rend enhanced forecast &'-F( %eason enhanced forecast &%-F( 'rend and %eason enhanced forecast &'%-F(

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

-"ponential %moothing Forecast &-%F(


, -%Ft1 2 5 & At 1 A -%Ft 1 ( , 5 At1 2 & 1 A ( 5 -%Ft1

Bhere: -%Ft -%Ft 1 At At 1 , Primary smoothing factor &0 C , C , 1( , %moothed forecast at the end of period t , %moothed forecast at the end of previous period t-1 , Actual demand for period t = Actual demand for the previous period t-1

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

'rend -nhanced Forecast &'-F(

Dt Rt '-Ft Bhere: , Primary smoothing factor &0 C , , 'rend smoothing factor &0 C , C , 1) C , 1) , 5 At1 2 & 1 ( 5 '-Ft 1 , 5 & Dt Dt 1 ( 2 &1

( 5 Rt 1

, Dt + Rt

At 1 Dt Rt '-Ft1

, Actual demand of the previous period t-1 , Dase value computed at the end of period t , 'rend value computed at the end of period t , 'rend enhanced forecast computed at the end of the previous period t-1
Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

%eason -nhanced Forecast &%-F(

Dt %t %-Ft Bhere: At 1 Bt Bt 1 St St 1 %-Ft , Primary smoothing factor &0 C , C , 1) C , 1) , %easonal inde" smoothing constant &0 C , , Actual demand for the previous period t-1 , Dase value computed at the end of period t , Dase value computed at the end of period t-1 , Adjusted seasonal inde" for period t, one period ago , Adjusted seasonal inde" for period t-1, one period ago , %eason enhanced forecast for period t
Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

5 & At 1 3 % t 1 ( 2 & 1 ( 5 D t 1

, 5 &At 3 Dt( 2 & 1 A ( 5 %t 1 , Dt 5 %t1

'rend and %eason -nhanced Forecast &'%-F(

St Bt Rt , , , 5 EAt 3 &Dt 2 Rt (F 2 E& 1 ( 5 St 1 F 5 &At1 3 %t 1 ( 2 & 1 ( 5 & Bt 1 2 Rt 1 ( 5 & Bt Bt 1 ( 2 & 1 ( 5 Rt1 Bhere: C , 1)

TSEFt , & Dt 2 Rt( 5 St1 At-1 Dt Rt %t

, %moothing constant for the average &0 C ,

, %moothing constant for the trend &0 C ,

C , 1) C , 1)

, %easonal inde" smoothing constant &0 C , , Actual demand for the previous period t-1 , Dase value at the end of period t , 'rend value computed at the end of period t

= Adjusted seasonal inde" for period t, one period ago

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Forecast %etup and !aintenance

Focus and %tatistical forecast setup and maintenance steps

1 / 6 4 7

.efine forecast set .efine forecast rules #enerate forecasts !aintain forecasts 8se forecasts

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

#uided .emonstration Overview: *reating a !anual Forecast

)n this demonstration the instructor illustrates how to create a manual forecast9

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Practice Overview: *reating a !anual Forecast

)n this practice you will learn how to create a manual forecast9

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Overview Forecasting Performing Reorder point Planning Performing !in ma" Planning Performing replenishment counting #enerating $anban cards %etting up available to promise &A'P( %etting up )nventory profile values )dentify )mplementation *onsiderations %ummary

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

8ses of Reorder point Planning

Dy OrganiGation

)ndependent .emand

)tem .efinition

)ne"pensive )tems

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Reorder point Planning: %afety %toc$


Reorder Point %afety %toc$ 'ime

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Reorder Point Planning: <ead 'ime


Reorder Point %afety %toc$

<ead time 'ime

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Reorder Point Planning: Reorder @uantity


Reorder Point %afety %toc$ 'ime

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Reorder @uantity

Reorder Point Planning %teps

-nter item planning attributes9

Forecast item demand9

.efine safety stoc$s9

Run Reorder point report9

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

-ntering )tem Planning Attributes

-ntering item planning attributes includes setting up general planning attributes9 At this point, you also enter the following: #eneral Planning Attributes <ead times %afety stoc$

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

-ntering #eneral Planning Attributes for Reorder point Planning

%elect Reorder point as the inventory planning method9 -nter a carrying cost percent9

-nter an order cost9

%pecify a fi"ed lot siGe multiplier9 &Optional(

%pecify a minimum order Huantity9 &Optional(

%pecify a ma"imum order Huantity9 &Optional(

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

-ntering <ead 'imes

-nter preprocessing lead time9 -nter processing lead time9

-nter postprocessing lead time9

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

-ntering %afety %toc$s


Percentage !ean absolute deviation

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Performing Reorder point Planning


On order Huantity information

Planning )nformation

*reating reHuisitions

Report %ubmission

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

#uided .emonstration: Reorder Point Planning

)n this guided demonstration the instructor will perform reorder point planning9

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Overview Forecasting Performing Reorder point Planning Performing !in ma" Planning Performing replenishment counting #enerating $anban cards %etting up available to promise &A'P( %etting up )nventory profile values )dentify )mplementation *onsiderations %ummary

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

8ses of !in ma" Planning

%tructure )tems

-ntire OrganiGation

)ndependent .emand


'ightly *ontrolled

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

!in ma" Planning

.etermine minimum and ma"imum Huantities -nter minimum Huantity

-nter ma"imum Huantity .o you want specific lot increments? Io Run !in ma" report =es -nter fi"ed lot increments -nter minimum order Huantity -nter ma"imum order Huantity

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

!in ma" Planning: Bhen to Order?

Delow minimumJ

'ime to order

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

!in ma" Planning: Kow !uch to Order?

'he following eHuation represents how much you should order: Order Huantity , &ma"imum Huantity( E&on hand Huantity( 2 &Huantity on order( F

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

!in ma" Planning %teps

-nter item planning attributes9 .efine subinventory level min ma" information &optional(9 Run the !in ma" report9

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

)tem Planning Attributes

)tem planning attributes include setting up general planning attributes for either the organiGation or the subinventory in which you want to use !in ma" planning9

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

!in ma" Planning %etup Procedure

%et up the appropriate profile value for reHuisition approval9 %elect an inventory planning method9

%pecify a planning level &either organiGation or subinventory(9

-nter the following: !in ma" minimum Huantity !in ma" ma"imum Huantity Fi"ed lot siGe multiplier !inimum order Huantity !a"imum order Huantity

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

%electing a Planning <evel

=ou can select !in ma" planning as the inventory planning method for each item9 )f you select the !in ma" planning method for an item, Oracle performs !in ma" planning for that item at both the organiGation and subinventory levels9 'o perform !in ma" planning at both the organiGation and the subinventory levels, you need to enter minimum and ma"imum Huantities for each level9

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

-ntering Planning Attributes

%elect an inventory planning method9 -nter min ma" minimum Huantity9

-nter min ma" ma"imum Huantity9

%pecify a fi"ed lot siGe multiplier9

%pecify a minimum order Huantity9

%pecify a ma"imum order Huantity9

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

%ubmitting the !in ma" Planning ReHuests

%et up item planning attributes

%ubmit concurrent process

#enerate !in ma" planning report

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

#uided .emonstration Overview: !in ma" Planning

)n this demonstration the instructor illustrates how to perform !in ma" Planning9

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Practice Overview: !in ma" Planning

)n this practice you will learn how to perform !in ma" Planning9

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Overview Forecasting Performing Reorder point Planning Performing !in ma" Planning Performing replenishment counting #enerating $anban cards %etting up available to promise &A'P( %etting up )nventory profile values )dentify )mplementation *onsiderations %ummary

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

8ses of Replenishment *ounting




Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Replenishment Planning %teps

%pecify reHuisition approval status9

.efine subinventory9

.efine subinventory replenishment information9

-nter replenishment counts9

Lalidate and process replenishment counts9

*reate reHuisitions9

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

%ubinventories Bindow
=ou utiliGe the %ubinventories window to define subinventories for which you want to perform replenishment counts9

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

)tem %ubinventories Bindow

Access the )tem %ubinventories window to enter minimum and ma"imum Huantities for each item that you store in a subinventory9

!inimum @uantity

!a"imum @uantity

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

)tem %ubinventories: Order !odifier 'ab

)n the Order !odifier tabbed region of the )tem %ubinventories window, you specify the following information: Fi"ed lot siGe multiplier !inimum order Huantity !a"imum order Huantity

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Replenishment *ount Keaders

=ou can enter counts to replenish subinventories9 Oracle )nventory replenishes subinventories according to the method that you use to enter counts9 Oracle )nventory does not store on hand Huantity information for non trac$ed subinventories9

On hand Huantity


Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Replenishment *ount <ines

=ou can select one of three replenishment count types for each item:
On hand @uantity

Order !a"imum

Order @uantity

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Processing Replenishment *ounts

'he replenishment processor performs the calculations that are necessary to verify whether Oracle )nventory should create reHuisitions9 =ou can either choose to process the replenishment counts or save your changes and run the replenishment processor later9

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Practice Overview: Performing a Replenishment *ount 8sing Forms

)n this practice you will learn how to perform a replenishment count using forms9

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Practice Overview: Performing a Replenishment *ount 8sing the !obile Application

)n this practice you will learn how to perform a replenishment count using the mobile application9

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Processing PAR *ounts


%ubinventory PAR count is locator level replenishment count

<ocator 1

<ocator /

<ocator 6

<ocator 4

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Reorder @uantity For PAR *ount

PAR evel !"a#tity

100 25

Co"#t $ype
O#-ha#d !"a#tity

Reorder !"a#tity


&ot applica'le Order PAR




Order !"a#tity 25

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Overview Forecasting Performing Reorder point Planning Performing !in ma" Planning Performing replenishment counting #enerating $anban cards %etting up available to promise &A'P( %etting up )nventory profile values )dentify )mplementation *onsiderations %ummary

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

+anban *ards

Part A +AIDAI Part D +AIDAI %horter lead times Reduced inventory

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

+anban Planned )tems

%et Release 'ime Fence )tem Attribute to +anban

+AIDAI .efine the Pull seHuence and generate new $anban cards

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

+anban *ards

%ubinventory +AIDAI )tem <ocator

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

+anban %upply %tatus

Iew Full +AIDAI Bait )n 'ransit -mpty )n Process

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

+anban Replenishment %ources

)nter Org )ntra Org +AIDAI Production %upplier Flow %chedules 8ser .efined

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

+anban *ard Printing


Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

#uided .emonstration Overview: #enerating +anban *ards

)n this demonstration the instructor illustrates how to generate +anban cards9

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Practice Overview: #enerating +anban *ards

)n this practice you will learn how to generate +anban cards9

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Overview Forecasting Performing Reorder point Planning Performing !in ma" Planning Performing replenishment counting #enerating $anban cards %etting up Available to Promise &A'P( %etting up )nventory profile values )dentify )mplementation *onsiderations %ummary

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Available to Promise
@uantity 1/ 10 M ; 4 / 'ime On hand Hty , 0 Iew supply , 1/ .emand , 1/ On hand Hty , 0 Iew supply , 10 .emand , 16 On hand Hty , 0 Iew supply ,M .emand , 4

Deginning of A'P period

-nd of A'P Period

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

A'P Rules and A'P *hec$s

%etting up items and bills for A'P chec$s includes the following: )tem A'P rule *hec$ A'P attribute A'P components attribute Dill component chec$ A'P attribute

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

8ses of A'P in Oracle )nventory



A'P %upply



Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

%teps for *hec$ing A'P

1 / 6 4 7 ;
.efine A'P rules9

%elect a default A'P rule for your organiGation9

Attach A'P rules to each item9 Attach A'P rules to bills of materials in Oracle Dills of !aterial9 8se the A'P )nformation window to perform A'P Hueries9 -nter sales orders in Oracle Order -ntry and reHuest automatic A'P chec$ing9

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

A'P Rules %etup %teps

19 .efine computation options9 /9 %pecify supply time fence9 69 %pecify end of A'P horiGon9 49 %pecify demand time fence9 79 %pecify demand sources9 ;9 %pecify supply sources9

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

.efining *omputation Options

Dac$ward *onsumption

%urplus in a prior period

%hortage in the current period

Forward *onsumption

%hortage in the current period

%urplus in a future period

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

.efining *omputation Options

Accumulate Available Bindow Accumulation options

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

%pecifying %upply and .emand 'ime Fences


'ime Fence

'otal <ead 'ime


Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

%pecifying %upply and .emand 'ime Fences

)nfinite %upply Option

-nd of A'P horiGon Options *umulative manufacturing lead time *umulative total lead time 'otal lead time 8ser defined time fence

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

%pecifying %upply and .emand 'ime Fences

.ay before the ne"t scheduled supply date %upply Period Ie"t scheduled supply date

%cheduled supply date

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

%pecifying .emand %ources

=ou can define demand sources for each A'P rule9 Only those demand sources that you enable are included in the A'P calculation9

.emand %ources

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

%pecifying %upply %ources

=ou can define supply sources for each A'P rule9 Only those supply sources that you enable are included in the A'P calculation9

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

%etting 8p )tem and Dills for A'P *hec$ing

-nable the item for A'P chec$ing

Assign A'P rule to the item

)s item, A'P3P'O only, a parent of an assembly?


)s )tem a component of an A'O3P'O assembly?

-nable components for A'P chec$ing 8pdate A'P chec$ing ability at the bill component level


Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

A'P *hec$ing

-nable *hec$ A'P Attribute

A'P 'est

-nter .emand

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

A'P *hec$ing
=ou can select the A'P *omponents only if you select one of the following attribute values for the item: Assemble to Order Pic$ *omponents Phantom B)P %upply 'ype

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

A'P *hec$ing

Oracle )nventory: A'P *omponents attribute

Oracle Dills of !aterial: *hec$ A'P attribute

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Liewing A'P *riteria

Oracle )nventory calculates A'P Huantities based on the A'P rule that you select in the A'P *riteria window9

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Overview Forecasting Performing Reorder point Planning Performing !in ma" Planning Performing replenishment counting #enerating $anban cards %etting up Available to Promise &A'P( %etting up )nventory profile values )dentify )mplementation *onsiderations %ummary

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Planning and Forecasting Profile Options

Pro3ile Optio# Re/5d 4pdate 2e3a"lt +al"e evels All All Pre-approved Co#c"rre#t Processi#g Co#ti#"e Processi#g *#co-plete

*&+) 0i#-a1 Reorder (es Approval $P) *&+ ,#ter (es Reple#ish-e#t Co"#t .or*&+) Reple#ish-e#t Co"#t i#e .ail"re *&+) Reple#ish-e#t Co"#t Re/"isitio# Approval (es (es

All All

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

%etting 8p the !in !a" %ystem Profile Lalue

)IL: !inma" Reorder Approval =-% or IO

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

%ubinventory %etup Bindows

=ou use the following windows to set up and process subinventories for which you want to enter replenishments counts: %ubinventories )tem %ubinventories Replenishment *ount Keaders Replenishment *ount <ines Process Replenishment *ounts Purge Replenishment *ounts

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Overview Forecasting Performing Reorder point Planning Performing !in ma" Planning Performing replenishment counting #enerating $anban cards %etting up Available to Promise &A'P( %etting up )nventory profile values )dentify )mplementation *onsiderations %ummary

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!in !a" Order 'ype and Order %ource




Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Replenishment !ethod %election

%upplier %ources

.emand %ources


Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Overview Forecasting Performing Reorder point Planning Performing !in ma" Planning Performing replenishment counting #enerating $anban cards %etting up Available to Promise &A'P( %etting up )nventory profile values )dentify )mplementation *onsiderations %ummary

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

=ou should now be able to do the following: Perform Forecasting Perform Reorder point planning Perform !in ma" planning Perform replenishment counting #enerate $anban cards %et up Available to Promise &A'P( Perform A'P chec$s %et up inventory planning profile options )dentify the )mplementation *onsiderations

Copyright 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

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