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1. Define solid waste management. 2. State t e !e" #a!ita solid waste gene"ation in India. $. %ist t e f&n#tional element of solid waste management s'stem. (. Mention an' two !&)li# awa"eness !"og"amme wit "ega"d to SWM. *. W at a"e t e +a"io&s onsite !"o#essing to #olle#t solid waste. ,.W at is # &te..W at is #om!osting/.%ist t e o)0e#ti+e of going fo" onsite !"o#essing of solid waste. 1.W at do 'o& mean )' off "o&te in solid waste Management12.%ist o&t t e diffe"ent e3&i!ment &sed fo" !"o#essing solid waste. 11.Disting&is )etween t"ansfe" and t"ans!o"t of solid waste. 12.W at a"e t e diffe"ent t'!es of #olle#tion se"+i#e fo" solid waste1$.W at a"e t e fa#to"s affe#ting t e #om!osting !"o#ess1(.%ist o&t t e ! 'si#al and # emi#al !a"amete"s #onside"ed fo" ene"g' "e#o+e"' f"om MSW. 1*.W at is meant )' 4'"ol'sis1,.W at is t e signifi#an#e of "e#'#ling1..%ist t e ad+e"se effe#ts of o!en land d&m!ing of solid waste. 1/.5ow is lea# ate !"od&#ed11.W at a"e t e fa#to"s to )e #onside"ed fo" site sele#tion of landfill22.W at a"e t e fa#to"s w i# affe#t !"od&#tion of lea# ate and landfill gas21. Define t e te"m Ref&se.

22. State t e !e" #a!ita solid waste gene"ation in India. 2$. Mention an' two !&)li# awa"eness !"og"amme wit "ega"d to SWM. 2(. Define t e te"m R&))is .

2*. Name t e mate"ials &sed fo" #ontaine"s to #olle#t solid waste. 2,. W at a"e t e +a"io&s onsite !"o#essing to #olle#t solid waste. 2.. W at is onsite seg"egation of solid waste state its ne#essit'. 2/. %ist t e o)0e#ti+e of going fo" onsite !"o#essing of solid waste. 21. W at is #omm&nit' )in s'stem- State t e )in #a!a#it' "e3&i"ement. $2. %ist o&t t e diffe"ent e3&i!ment &sed fo" !"o#essing solid waste. $1. W at a"e t e diffe"ent t'!es of #olle#tion se"+i#e fo" solid waste$2. %ist t e +a"io&s t'!es of +e i#les &sed in se#onda"' #olle#tion. $$. W at do 'o& &nde"stand )' t e te"m 64"o#essing of waste7 $(. W"ite t e me"its and deme"its of in#ine"ation. $*. W at is #om!osting$,. %ist o&t t e diffe"ent e3&i!ment &sed fo" !"o#essing solid waste. $.. %ist t e ad+e"se effe#ts of o!en land d&m!ing of solid waste. $/. W at is meant )' 8%ea# ate management9$1. W"ite t e t'!i#al #om!osition of m&ni#i!al solid waste lea# ate. (2. 5ows a"e landfills #lassified-


1.E:!lain t e fa#to"s infl&en#ing solid waste gene"ation "ates.

2.Dis#&ss in detail t e met ods of sam!ling and # a"a#te"isation. $.E:!lain t e fa#to"s to )e #onside"ed in e+al&ating on ; site !"o#essing. (.E:!lain t e t'!es< mode of a#tion< and a!!li#ations of e3&i!ment &sed fo" #om!onent se!a"ation. *.E:!lain t e "ole of t"ansfe" station in solid waste management. ,.W at a"e t e t'!es of #ontaine"s and #olle#tion +e i#les &sed fo" t e #olle#tion of solid wasteDis#&ss.

..5ow does in#ine"ation el! in t e management of solid waste. Des#"i)e in detail t e in#ine"ation te# nologies and ai" emissions and its #ont"ol. /.E:!lain t e #lassifi#ation of #om!osting te# nologies and dis#&ss )"iefl' t e )asi# ste!s in+ol+ed in #om!osting !"a#ti#e. 1.E:!lain t e +a"io&s ! ases of m&ni#i!al solid waste de#om!osition in a #losed landfill #ell. 12.Identif' t e ad+e"se effe#ts of landfill lea# ate and its a!!"o!"iate #ont"ol meas&"es.

solid waste is gene"ated wit in t e #omm&nit' f"om se+e"al so&"#es< not

0&st t e o&se old. %ist and dis#&ss t ese so&"#es. 12.%ist and e:!lain t e f&n#tional elements of solid waste management wit flow # a"t. 1$.Dis#&ss in detail t e diffe"ent onsite sto"age met od ado!ted in India. 1(.E:!lain t e t'!es< mode of a#tion< and a!!li#ations of e3&i!ment &sed fo" #om!onent se!a"ation. 1*.Use of s "edde"s in solid waste management. 1,.W at a"e t e fa#to"s t at s o&ld )e #onside"ed in #olle#tion of solid waste. 1..W at a"e !"ima"' and se#onda"' ai" !oll&tant in m&ni#i!al solid waste #om)&sto" and its &se.
1/.5ow does in#ine"ation el! in t e management of solid waste. Des#"i)e in detail t e in#ine"ation te# nologies and ai" emissions and its #ont"ol. 11.%ist t e fa#to"s infl&en#ing t e site sele#tion fo" solid waste dis!osal. 22.E:!lain t e t"en# met od of sanita"' landfilling. 21.E:!lain t e eme"ging te# nologies fo" t e t"eatment of lea# ate

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