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Submitted To:Sarabjeet Kaur

Submitted By: Navjot Si !" Ro## o$ %&'('()(*+

Title of the Project Certificate Acknowledgement Banking Profile Software And Hardware Requirements Introduction to Visual Basic !" Introduction to #S$Access S%stem &e'elo(ment )ife C%cle Sna(shots *f +ser Interface , Coding Bi-liogra(h%





This is to CERTIFY that this Project Report Titled Banking System submitted by Su hji!a" Si"#h stude"t o$ %PT& Lear"i"# Ce"tre'(')uest I"$oSys' *$$iliated To PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Jala"dhar a+ard o$ PGDCA ,I"$ormatio" Tech"olo#y- is a bo"$ires piece o$ Project Report carried out by him u"der our #uida"ce a"d super!isio". The /uality o$ +or $airly $ul$ills all the re/uireme"ts related to the abo!e said 0e#ree.

So"ia Sharma Project 1uide


2e e3press our si"cere tha" s a"d deep 1ratitude to all those people +ho e3te"ded their +holehearted cooperatio" a"d has helped us i" completi"# this project success$ully. 2e e3press our humble 1ratitude to #$s% S&nia S'a$ma $or pro!idi"# me opportu"ity to lear" a"d +or o" 4isual 5asic 6 7S8*ccess a"d $or pro!idi"# moral support throu#hout the Project. 2e +ould li e to tha" PTU Lea$ning Cent$e ()est In*&sys $or use$ul #uida"ce a"d perso"ally i"specti"# our +or . The i"stitute has bee" the ey $actor a"d moti!atio" $orce i" the success$ul completio" o$ the project. 2e +ould also li e to Tha" s our Frie"ds a"d Fello+ Stude"ts $or ta i"# ee" i"terest i" our project a"d #i!i"# !aluable su##estio"s. 2e e3press deepest 1ratitude to out pare"ts +ho pro!ided the moral support( the e"coura#eme"t that has ept us all the times i" our li$e. S)k'+i,an Sing'-PGDCA.

CO7P&TERI9*TIO: o$ Banking System i" Vis)a/ Basi0 1%2 3 #S4A00ess%







UNIVERSITY5 JALANDHAR i" partial Ful$illme"t $or the *+ard o$ 0e#ree i" B%SC -In*&$mati&n Te0'n&/&gy. Sessio" September ;<<=.



5a" i"# is !ery use$ul i" huma" li$e that he ma e $i"a"cial tra"sactio"s +ith it. There are 5a" s are pro!ides the $acility to sa!e ma">s mo"ey i" a ba" a"d ma"y more. 5ut it +ould be complicated

+he" these tra"sactio" ma e ma"ually. So this problem is sol!ed +ith Computeri?ed o$ 5a" i"# Systems that pro!ides the i"$ormatio" o$ all about customers a"d his accou"t o" o"e clic o$ mouse. It is easy a"d $ast +ay to access the customer>s accou"t a"d ma e the tra"sactio".



To de!elop the Project +e "eed DB#S S&*t7a$e . So +e ha!e used VISUAL BASIC 1%2 3 #S4A00ess a"d o" applicatio" o$ so$t+are to #i!e docume"tatio" to the user so +e use 7icroso$t 2ord @P +hich is o"e applicatio" o$ 7S8OFFICE @P. 2e re/uired o" 2i"do+s Operati"# System o" +hich 4isual 5asic ca" ru" a"d +e use 2i"do+s Operati"# System. I$ +e +a"t to #et a"y i"$ormatio" $rom the Banking System5 i.e. about the Customer ha!i"# the accou"t i" the ba" ( CashAChe/ue +ithdra+ $rom the accou"t( CashAChe/ue deposit i" the ba" accou"t( Employee e3its i" the ba" i"# system( the" +e ha!e to co"sult the e"/uiry o$ Receptio" o$ the Hostel( +hich has "o computer. So Receptio"ist ca">t #i!e us /uic respo"se about them i.e. it ca">t #i!e us the details o$ Stude"ts i" the Hostel( Sta$$ a!ailable etc. Receptio" has all this i"$ormatio" stored i" $iles but retrie!i"# i"$ormatio" $rom the $iles is !ery Time Co"sumi"#. 7oreo!er it is di$$icult to prepare !arious Reports "eeded accordi"# to the re/uireme"t o$ the ma"a#eme"t. 0ue to all these 0isad!a"ta#es +e desi#" the %CO7P&TERI9*TIO: OF 5*:BI:1 SYSTE7'. It #i!es complete i"$ormatio" about the 5a" ers( Customers a"d a"y other i"$ormatio" re/uired. I$ also help us to ha"dle the e"tire database a"d prepari"# di$$ere"t reports "eeded accordi"# to the re/uireme"ts.


The System is de!eloped by usi"# the $ollo+i"# Hard+are 6 So$t+areC

Processor R*7 H00 Speed


Pe"tiumD ;EF75 D<15 ;.;G7e#ahert? EH;B5 C08R2 41* or 7o"ochrome Laser( I" jet or 0ot 7atri3.

Cache 7emory C C00C 7o"itorC Pri"terC


Introduction 4isual 5asic is a hi#h le!el pro#rammi"# la"#ua#e e!ol!ed $rom earlier 0OS !ersio" called 5*SIC. It is $airly pro#rammi"# la"#ua#e to lear". 4isual basic is a tool that allo+s us to de!elop +i"do+s ,1raphic &ser I"ter$ace I1&I- applicatio"s. 4isual basic is e!e"t

dri!e"( mea"i"# code remai"s idle u"til called upo" to respo"d to some e!e"t ,butto" pressi"#( me"u selectio"J-. 4isual basics #o!er"ed by a" e!e"t processor. :oti"# happe"s +he" a" e!e"t is detected. O"ce e!e"t is detected( the code correspo"di"# to that e!e"t is e3ecuted. Pro#ram is the" retur"ed to the e!e"t processor. *ll +i"do+ applicatio"s are e!e"t dri!e". For e3ample( "othi"# happe"s i" K2ord> u"til +e clic o" a butto"( select a me"u optio"( or type some te3t. Each o$ this actio" is e!e"t. Features of Visual Basic

Full set o$ co"trols8+e dra+ the applicatio". Lost o$ ico"s 6 pictures $or our use. Respo"d to mouse 6 eyboard actio" Clipboard 6 pri"ter access. *rray o$ mathematical stri"# 6 other $u"ctio"s. Ca" ha"dle $i3ed 6 dy"amic !ariable 6 co"trol arrays. Se/ue"tial 6 ra"dom access $ile support. &se$ul debu##er 6 error ha"dli"# $acilities. Po+er$ul database access tools. *cti!e @ support Pac a#e 6 de!elopme"t +i?ard ma es applicatio" simple.

User Interface &ser I"ter$ace speci$ies +hat the user actually sees a"d i"teracts +ith( +he" the user +ill use the applicatio". 5e$ore you be#i" to +rite a"y code( you must desi#" +hat is called the user i"ter$ace. The user i"ter$ace is the +ay the user commu"icates +ith our computer.

An Project (Application) is made up of: Forms8 2i"do+s that +e create $or user i"ter$ace. Co"trols8 1raphical $eatures dra+" o" $orms to allo+ user i"teractio". Properties8 E!ery characteristics o$ $orm or co"trol is speci$ied by a property. E3ample properties i"clude "ames( captio"( si?e( color etc. Properties ca" be cha"#ed at desi#" time or ru" time. 7ethods8 5uilt i" procedure that ca" be i"!o ed to impart some actio" to particular object. 4e"t procedure8 Code related to some object. This is the code that is e3ecuted +he" a certai" e!e"t occurs. 1e"eral procedures8 Code "ot related to objects. This code must be i"!o ed by the applicatio". 7odules8 Collectio" o$ #e"eral procedures( !ariable declaratio"( co"sta"t de$i"itio" used by the applicatio".

D$a7ing t'e Use$ Inte$*a0e

Vis)a/ 8asi0 !9e$at&$s in t'$ee #&:es

H. ;. L.

0esi#" mode used to build applicatio". Ru" mode used to ru" applicatio". 5rea "ote applicatio" halted 6 debu##er is a!ailable.

6&//&7ings "in:&7s a$e A99ea$s t& sta$t Vis)a/ Basi0

The T&&/8&; co"tai"s the objects a"d co"trols( +hich you>ll add to the $orm to create the user i"ter$ace $or your Project. Co"trols li e Comma"d 5utto"s( Te3t 5o3es( Radio 5utto"s( Chec 5o3es are Objects pro!ided by Co"trol Compo"e"ts( also "o+" as .OC@ $iles. The 6&$m Designe$ "in:&7 co"tai"s the $orm o" +hich the co"trols a"d objects are #oi"# to be placed. *" applicatio" ca" ha!e more tha" o"e $orm. The P$&+e0t E;9/&$e$ "in:&7 sho+s all $iles you ha!e used i" your applicatio". The collectio" o$ $iles ma es a project. The P$&9e$ties 7in:&7 lists the properties o$ the selected $orm or co"trol o" the $orm. Properties li e Hei#ht( *ppeara"ce( clout etc. are the character tics o$ a" object. The 6&$m Lay&)t "in:&7 allo+s you to !isually positio" the $orms at the desi#" timeM all the $orms that are !isible i" E"!iro"me"t are displayed. You ca" positio" the $orm to the locatio" +here you +a"t it to appear at ru" time. The C&:e E:it&$ "in:&7 ope"s( +here you double8clic o" the $orm. You ca" ha!e a Code Editor 2i"do+ $or each $orm i" the applicatio". *"y code or co"trols you "eed to attach to the $orm you "eed to type i" the code editor +i"do+M a code +i"do+ has drool do+" list bo3es at the top. The list bo3 o" the le$t side displays a list o$ objects placed o" the $orm. The list bo3 o" the ri#ht side displays all the e!e"ts associated +ith the objects selected o" le$t side list bo3. The mai" +i"do+ co"sists o$ the title bar( me"u bar( 6 tool bar. *ll other $i!e +i"do+s are co"tai"ed +ithi" the mai" +i"do+.

Setting P$&9e$ties At Design Time :

Each $orm 6 co"trol has properties assi#" to it by de$ault +he" +e start up a "e+ project. The property list is directly belo+ the object bo3. I" this list( +e ca" scroll throu#h the list o$ properties $or the selected object. 2e may select property clic i"# o" it. Typi"# a "e+ !alue or choosi"# list $rom prede$i"ed setti"#s ca" cha"#e properties.
Setting P$&9e$ties At R)n Time :

2e ca" also set or modi$y property +ile our applicatio" is ru""i"#. To do this( +e must +rite some code. The code $ormat isC Object"ame.propertyN:e+!alue Such a $ormat is re$erred to as dot "otatio". For e3ample( to cha"#e the bac color property o$ a $orm $rmstar( +e>d typeC Frmstart.5ac colorN4bblue
"$iting C&:e

The last step i" buildi"# a !isual basic applicatio" is to +rite code usi"# the basic la"#ua#e. This is the most time co"sumi"# tas i" a"y !isual basic applicatio". The co"trols are "eeded to a $orm( !isual basic

automatically builds a $rame+or o$ all the e!e"t procedures +e +a"t our applicatio" respo"d to. *"d( i$ "eeded( +e +rite #e"eral procedures.

Code is placed i" the code +i"do+. *t the top o$ code +i"do+ are t+o bo3es( the object list 6 procedure list. Select a" object a"d the correspo"di"# e!e"t procedure. * bla" procedure +ill appear i" +i"do+ +here +e +rite a basic code. Ste9s In:e,e/&9ing A99/i0ati&ns H. The !isual basic de!elopme"t e"!iro"me"t ma e as buildi"# o" applicatio" strai#ht$or+ard process. There are three primary steps i"!ol!ed i" buildi"# 4isual basic applicatio"C 0ra+ the user i"ter$ace by placi"# co"trols o" the $orm. *ssi#" properties to co"trols. *ttach code to co"trol e!e"ts. These same steps are $ollo+ed +hether +e are buildi"# a !ery simple applicatio" or o"e i"!ol!i"# ma"y co"trols a"y ma"y li"es o$ code. The e!e"t dri!e" "ature o$ !isual basic allo+ us to build our applicatio"s i" sta#es 6 test i" each sta#e. ;. There is a se/ue"tial approach to build a !isual basic applicatio". 5uild a title( test a tile( modi$y a title 6 test a#ai".

C$eating Stan: A/&ne A99/i0ati&n

A::ing #en)s T& An A99/i0ati&n :

7e"us are used to pro!ide a user +ith choices that co"trol the applicatio". 7e"us are easily i"corporated i"to !isual basic pro#rams usi"# the me"u editor. 7e"u structure is co"sidered as a hierarchical lust o$ comma"d butto"s that o"ly appear +he" item( some actio" is ta e". Li e comma"d butto"s( me"u item are "amed( ha!e captio"s( a"d ha!e properties.
C$eating Vis)a/ Basi0 E;e0)ta8/e 6i/es :

The #oal o$ creati"# a" applicatio" is to let others ,+ithout !isual basic- use it. This is accomplished by creati"# a" e3ecutable !ersio" o$ the applicatio". The e3ecutable $ile +ill ha!e the e3te"sio" e3e. To create a" e3e $ile $or your applicatio"( select ma e ,project "ame- e3e $rom !isual basic>s $ile me"u. This +ill ma e E@E $ile dialo# bo3( +ee you "ame the e3e $ile. To ope" the optio"s bo3( clic that butto". The optio"s dialo# bo3 +ill appear. 2e>ll co"cer" resol!es +ith three pieces o$ i"$ormatio" i" this bo3C Title( Ico" a"d 4ersio" :umber( the Title is the "ame that +e +a"t to #i!e our applicatio". It does "ot ha!e to be the same s Project "ame. The ico" is selected $rom ico"s assi#"ed to $orm i" our applicatio". The selected ico" is used to ide"ti$y the applicatio" e!ery+here it is "eeded i" +i"do+s. Each "e+ly created e3ecutable $ile should ha!e a u"i/ue !ersio" "umber. 2he" +i"do+s is tryi"# to determi"e +hether to o!er+rite a" e3isti"# $ile( is uses "umber !ersio" to ma e the decisio". I$ the !ersio" "umber o$ e3isti"#

$ile is lo+er( it +ill be o!er+ritte" by the "e+ !ersio". Chec i"# the auto8i"creme"t $u"ctio" i"sures you #et a "e+ !ersio" each time you create a" e3ecutable.

AD! DATA C&nt$&/

The *0O ,*cti!e @ data object- data co"trol is the primary i"ter$ace bet+ee" 4isual 5asic applicatio" a"d a database. It ca" be used +ithout +riti"# may code at all or( it ca" be a ce"tral part o$ a comple3 database ma"a#eme"t system. This ico" may "ot appear i" your !isual basic toolbo3( i$ it does">t select project $rom the mai" me"u( the" clic compo"e"ts. The compo"e"ts +i"do+ +ill appear. Select 7icroso$t *0O 0ata co"trol( the" clic OB( co"trol +ill be added to your toolbo3. The data co"trol ca" be used to per$orm the $ollo+i"# tas sC Co""ect to a database. Ope" a speci$ied database table. Create !irtual table based o" a database /uery. Pass databases $ield to other !isual basic tools( $or display or editi"#. Such tools are bou"d tools or database a+are. *dd "e+ records or update a database. Trap a"y errors that occur +hile accessi"# data. Close the database. *$ter placi"# a data co"trol o" a $orm( you set the co""ectio" stri"# property. The *0O data co"trol ca" co""ect to a !ariety o$ database types. There are three +ays to #et co""ect to a databaseC usi"# a data li" ( usi"# a" O05C data source( or usi"# a co""ectio" stri"#.

O"ce the *0O data co troll is co""ected to a database. 2e "eed to assi#" a table to that co"trol. Recall each data co"trol is attached to a si"#le table. 2hether it is a table i"here"t to a database or the !irtual that +e discussed. *ssi#"i"# a table is do"e !ia the record source property. Tables are assi#"ed by ma i"# /ueries o$ the database. The la"#ua#e used to ma e a /uery is S)L. Setti"# the record source property also establishes the record set property. The relatio"ship bet+ee" the data co"trol a"d its to+ primary properties.

Data C&nt$&/
O"ce +e ha!e #o"e to all troubles o$ de!elopi"# a"d ma"a#i"# a database( it is "ice to ha!e the ability to obtai" pri"ted or displayed i"$ormatio" $rom your data. The process o$ obtai"i"# such i"$ormatio" is "o+" as creati"# o$ data report. There are t+o steps to create a data report. First +e "eed to create data e"!iro"me"t. The data e"!iro"me"t is a po+er$ul co"cept i"troduced +ith !isual basic F.<( it ca" actually replace the data co"trol. It is desi#"ed +ithi" the !isual basic a"d is used to tell the data report +hat is i" the database. Seco"d( +e create the data e"!iro"me"t a"d data report $iles the" become part o$ the !isual basic. The data e"!iro"me"t a"d data report

$iles the" become a part o$ the !isual basic project de!eloped s a database ma"a#eme"t system.

VB #)/ti9/e D&0)ment Inte$*a0e -#DI.< 4isual basic actually pro!ides a system $or mai"tai"i"# multiple $orm applicatio"s( "o+" as the multiple $orms +ithi" a si"#le co"tai"er $orm. *" 70I applicatio" allo+s the user to display ma"y $orms at the same time. The co"tai"er +i"do+ is called the pare"t $orm( +hile the i"di!idual $orms +ithi" the pare"t are the child $orms. 0esi#"8time( child $orms are "ot restricted to the area i"side the pare"t $orm. 2e ca" add co"trols( set properties( +rite code a"d desi#" the $eatures o$ child $orms a"y+here o" the des top. 2e ca" determi"e +hether * $orm is * child( by e3ami"atio" its 70I child property( or by e3ami"i"# the project +i"do+ !
R)n time *eat)$es &* #DI *&$ms :

*t ru"8time( the pare"t a"d child $orms ta e o" special characteristics a"d abilities. Some o$ these areC *t ru"8time all child $orms are displayed +ithi" the $orm>s i"ter"al area. 2he" a child is mi"imi?ed( its ico" appears o" the 70I pare"t $orm i"stead to the users des top. 2he" the pare"t $orm is

mi"imi?ed( a si"#le ico" represe"ts the e"tire applicatio". 2he" restored( all $orms are displayed as they +ere. 2he" a child $orm is mi"imi?ed( its captio" is combi"ed +ith the pare"t $orm>s captio" a"d displayed i" the pare"t title bar. 5y setti"# the *uto sho+ childre" property( you ca" display child $orms automatically +he" $orms are loaded( or load child $orms are hidde". The acti!e child $orm>s me"us are displayed o" the pare"t $orm>s me"u bar( "ot the child $orm. The pare"t $orm>s acti!e $rom property i"dicated +hich child $orm is curre"tly acti!e. The arra"#e comma"d ca" be used to determi"e ho+ the child $orms a"d their ico"s are displayed.

"'y Vis)a/ Basi0= The 4isual 5asic e"!iro"me"t i"creases the producti!ity o$ the pro#rammer by pro!idi"# the tools "ecessary to de!elop e3tremely sophisticated applicatio"s. &"li e other +i"do+s pro#rammi"# e"!iro"me"t li e 4isual COO( 4isual 5asic pro#rams are !ery simple a"d easy to +rite. The !ery purpose o$ the pare"t la"#ua#e 5*SIC( +hich is to teach compute pro#rammi"# to a be#i""er( has bee" retai"ed i" 4isual 5asic also. 4isual basic $ollo+s the sta"dard sy"ta3 o$ 5*SIC( e3cept that some "e+ la"#ua#e $eatures ha!e bee" added to it #i!es more $le3ibility to the pro#rammer. 4isual basic relies !ery hea!ily o" the +i"do+s user i"ter$ace. There$ore o"ly the prere/uisite to +or i" !isual basic e"!iro"me"t is to ha!e a $irm u"dersta"di"# o$ ho+ to use mouse( +i"do+s pull do+" me"us a"d dialo# bo3es. St$)0t)$e &* VB 9$&+e0t

The project $ile is simply a list o$ all the $iles a"d objects associated +ith the project( as +ell as i"$ormatio" o" the e"!iro"me"t optio"s you set. This i"$ormatio" is updated e!ery time you sa!e the project. *ll o$ the $iles a"d objects ca" be shared by other projects as +ell. +he" you ha!e completed all the $iles o$ project i"to a" e3ecutable $ile. The project co"sists o$C

O"e project $ile that eeps trac o$ all the compo"e"ts ,.!bp-. O"e $ile $or each $orm ,.$rm-. Optio"ally( o"e $ile $or each class module ,.cls-. Optio"ally( o"e $ile $or each sta"dard module ,.bas-. Optio"ally( o"e or more $iles co"tai"i"# acti!e @ co"trols ,.oc3-.

"&$king 7it' Vis)a/ Basi0< The +or i"# e"!iro"me"t i" 4isual 5asic is o$te" re$erred to as the i"te#rated de!elopme"t e"!iro"me"t or I0E because it i"te#rates ma"y di$$ere"t $u"ctio"s such as desi#"( compili"# ad debu##i"# +ithi" a commo" e"!iro"me"t. I" most traditio"al de!elopme"t tools( each o$ these $u"ctio"s +ould operate as a separate pro#ram( each +ith its o+" i"ter$ace. VISUAL BASIC T!!LBAR
T&&/8&; C&nt$&/

Toolbo3 is a collectio" o$ butto"s( represe"ti"# the co"trols that ca" be i"cluded i" the pro#rams. The "umber o$ pro#rams displayed i" the toolbo3 depe"ds o" the !ersio" o$ !isual basic. 5ut the most commo"ly used co"trols are label( tool bo3( list bo3( picture bo3 a"d combo bo3( chec butto"( ratio butto"( $rame( $ile list bo3( shape etc.

C'e0k B&;

* chec bo3 co"trol displays a" @ +he" selectedM the @ disappears +he" the chec bo3 is cleared. &se this co"trol to #i!e the user a trueA$alse or yesA"o optio". You ca" use chec co"trols i" #roup i" displays multiple choices $rom +hich the user ca" select the o"e or more. You ca" also #et the !alue o$ a chec bo3 pro#rammatically +ith the !alue property. * chec bo3 is used to to##le bet+ee" to states( such a True ,T- a"d $alse,F- or Yes or :o. 2he" a co"ditio" is true a" @ appears i" the chec bo3.

C&m8& B&;

* combo bo3 co"trol combi"es the $eatures o$ te3t bo3. This co"trol allo+s the user to select a" item either by typi"# i"to the combo bo3( or by selecti"# the user to select it $rom the list combo bo3 prese"ts a list o$ choices to the user. I$ the "umber e3ceeds +hat ca" be displayed i" the combo bo3( scroll bar +ill automatically appear o" the co"trol. The user ca" the" scroll up a"d do+" or le$t to ri#ht throu#h the list.

* $rame co"trol pro!ides a" ide"ti$iable #roupi"# $or other co"trols. You ca" also use a $rame to subdi!ide a $orm $u"ctio"ally8$or e3ample(

to separate #roup o$ optio"s butto" co"trols. Frame co"trols are used to pro!ide a"d ide"ti$iable #roupi"# $rom other co"trols. For e3ample you ca" use $rame co"trols to subdi!ided a $orm $u"ctio"ally to separate #roups o$ optio" butto" co"trols. I" most cases( you +ill use the $rame co"trol passi!ely8to #roup other co"trols8a"d +ill ha!e "o "eed to respo"d to its e!e"ts. You +ill( ho+e!er( most li ely cha"#e its "ame( captio" or $o"t properties. 2he" usi"# the $rame co"trol to #roup other co"trols( $irst dra+ the $rame co"trol( a"d the" dra+ the co"trols i"side o$ it. These e"ables you to mo!e the $rame a"d the co"trols it co"tai" to#ether.
La8e/ C&nt$&/

* label co"trol is a #raphical co"trol you ca" use to display te3t that a user ca""ot cha"#e directly. Label co"trols are used to display te3t a"d ca""ot be edited by the user. They are used to ide"ti$y the objects o" a $orm a"d pro!ide a descriptio" o$ +hat a certai" co"trol +ill do i$ clic ed( $or e3ample8or ru" time( they ca" display i"$ormatio" i" respo"se to a" e!e"t or process i" your applicatio". Labels are used i" ma"y i"sta"ces( $or ma"y di$$ere"t purposes. 7ost commo"ly( they are used to label co"trols that do "ot ha!e their o+" properties. For e3ample( you ca" use the label co"trol to add descripti!e te3t to a $orm( $or e3ample( to pro!ide the user +ith help i"$ormatio".

List B&;

* list bo3 co"trol displays a list o$ item $rom +hich the user ca" select o"e or more. I$ the "umber o$ items e3ceeds the "umber that ca" be displayed( a scrollbar is automatically added to the list bo3 co"trol. I$ "o item is selected( the list i"de3 property !alue is8H. The $irst item i" the list is list i"de38<( a"d the !alue o$ list Cou"t Property is al+ays o"e more tha" lar#est list i"de3 !alue.
!9ti&n B&;

*" optio" butto" co"trol displays a" optio" that ca" be tur"ed o" or o$$.
Pi0t)$e B&;

The picture bo3 co"trols #raphics( to act as a co"tai"er $or other co"trols( a"d to display output $rom #raphics methods or te3t the pri"t method. The picture bo3 co"trol is similar to the ima#e co"trol i" that each ca" be used to display #raphics i" your applicatio" each support the #raphic $ormats. The picture bo3 co"trols( ho+e!er co"tai"s $u"ctio"ally +hich the ima#e co"trol a"d support $or #raphics methods. The picture bo3 co"trol ca" be display picture $ile i" a"y o$ the $ollo+i"# $ormatsC
Bit !"#$ C%&#'&$ I(')$ M*t!+i,*$ '& !# JPEG '& GIF +i,*#.

Picture ca" be loaded i"to the picture bo3 co"trol at desi#" time by selecti"# the picture property $rom the properties +i"do+( or at ru" . time by usi"# the picture property a"d the load picture $u"ctio"

Time$ C&nt$&/

The Time Co"trol ca" e3ecute code at re#ular i"ter!als by causi"# a Timer e!e"t to occur. They are i"depe"de"t o$ the user( a"d you ca" pro#ram them to ta e actio"s at re#ular i"ter!als. * typical respo"se is chec i"# the system cloc to see i$ it is time to SO&RCE per$orm some tas . Timer also are use$ul $or other i"ds o$ bac #rou"d processi"#.
C&mman: B)tt&n

The Comma"d 5utto" co"trol to be#i"( i"terrupt or e"d a process. 2he" clic ed( it i"!o es a comma"d that has bee" +ritte" i"to its clic procedure. 7ost !isual basic applicatio"s ha!e comma"d butto"s that allo+ user to simply slic them to per$orm actio". 2he" the user chooses the butto"s( it "ot o"ly carries out the appropriate actio"( is also loo s as i$ it>s bei"# pushed i" a"d is there $or sometime re$erred to as the %push' butto" !
Te;t B&;

* te3t bo3 co"trol( sometimes called a" edit $ield or edit co"trol( display i"$ormatio" e"tered a desi#" time( e"tered by the user( or assi#"ed to the co"trol i" the code at a ru" time. DATABASES 0atabase is a set o$ data. 7S8*ccess pro!ides the ability to store a"d access data i" a ma""er co"siste"t +ith a de$i"ed model "o+" as the relatio"al model. 5ecause o$ this( 7S8*ccess( is re$erred to as a database ma"a#eme"t system. 7ost re$ere"ces to a %0atabase' re$er

"ot o"ly to the physical data but also to the combi"atio" o$ physical( memory a"d objects. 0ata i" a database is stored i" tables. Relatio"al tables are de$i"ed by their colum"s( a"d are #i!e" a "ame. 0ata is the" as ro+s i" table. Tables ca" be related to each other( a"d the database ca" be used to e"$orce these relatio"ships. 2hether +e use relatio"al structures or OO structures( a" 7S8*ccess database stores its data i" $iles. I"ter"ally( there are database structures that pro!ide a lo#ical mappi"# o$ data to $iles( allo+i"# di$$ere"t types o$ data to be stored separately. These lo#ical di!isio"s are called table spaces.


#i0$&s&*t A00ess Des0$i9ti&n 7icroso$t *ccess is a po+er$ul pro#ram to create a"d ma"a#e your databases. It has ma"y built i" $eatures to assist you i" co"structi"# a"d !ie+i"# your i"$ormatio". *ccess is much more i"!ol!ed a"d is a more #e"ui"e database applicatio" tha" other pro#rams such as 7icroso$t 2or s. First o$ all you "eed to u"dersta"d ho+ 7icroso$t *ccess brea s do+" a database. Some ey+ords i"!ol!ed i" this process areC Database File, Table, Record, Field, Data-type. Here is the Hierarchy that 7icroso$t *ccess uses i" brea i"# do+" a database. Data8ase 6i/e < This is your mai" $ile that e"compasses the e"tire database a"d that is sa!ed to your hard8dri!e or $loppy dis . E3ample- ba" .mdb Ta8/e< * table is a collectio" o$ data about a speci$ic topic. There ca" be multiple tables i" a database. E3ample PH- :e+ac E3ample P;- Lo#i" 6ie/:< Fields are the di$$ere"t cate#ories +ithi" a Table. Tables usually co"tai" multiple $ields. E3ample PH- *ccou"t :ame E3ample P;- *ccou"t :umber

Dataty9es <0atatypes are the properties o$ each $ield. * $ield o"ly has H datatype. Field:ame- *ccou"t :ame 0atatype- Te3t

C$eate a :ata8ase )sing t'e Data8ase "i>a$: 2he" 7icroso$t *ccess $irst starts up( a dialo# bo3 is automatically displayed +ith optio"s to create a "e+ database or ope" a" e3isti"# o"e. I$ this dialo# bo3 is displayed( clic A00ess Data8ase "i>a$:s5 9ages5 an: 9$&+e0ts a"d the" clic ! % I$ you ha!e already ope"ed a database or closed the dialo# bo3 that displays +he" 7icroso$t *ccess starts up( clic Ne7 Data8ase o" the toolbar. O" the Data8ases tab( double8clic the ico" $or the i"d o$ database you +a"t to create. Speci$y a "ame a"d locatio" $or the database. Clic C$eate to start de$i"i"# your "e+ database

C$eate a :ata8ase 7it'&)t )sing t'e Data8ase "i>a$: 2he" 7icroso$t *ccess $irst starts up( a dialo# bo3 is automatically displayed +ith optio"s to create a "e+ database or ope" a" e3isti"# o"e. I$ this dialo# bo3 is displayed( clic B/ank A00ess Data8ase( a"d the" clic ! . I$ you ha!e already ope"ed a database or closed the dialo# bo3 that displays +he" 7icroso$t *ccess starts up( clic Ne7 Data8ase o" the toolbar( a"d the" double8clic the B/ank Data8ase ico" o" the Gene$a/ tab. Speci$y a "ame a"d locatio" $or the database a"d clic C$eate.

P$ima$y ey O"e or more $ields ,colum"s- +hose !alue or !alues u"i/uely ide"ti$y each record i" a table. * primary ey does "ot allo+ :ull !alues a"d must al+ays ha!e a u"i/ue !alue. * primary ey is used to relate a table to $orei#" eys i" other tables. N!TE< You do "ot ha!e to de$i"e a primary ey( but itQs usually a #ood idea. I$ you do"Qt de$i"e a primary ey( 7icroso$t *ccess as s you i$ you +ould li e to create o"e +he" you sa!e the table. For our tutorial( ma e the S&0 Se0 ? $ield the primary ey( mea"i"# that every stude"t has a social security "umber a"d "o ; are the same. o To do this( simply select the Soc Sec P $ield a"d select the primary ey butto" o *$ter you do this( Sa!e the table

S7it0'ing Vie7s To s+itch !ie+s $orm the datasheet ,spreadsheet !ie+- a"d the desi#" !ie+( simply clic the butto" i" the top8le$t ha"d cor"er o$ the *ccess pro#ram. 0atasheet 4ie+ 0esi#" 4ie+

0isplays the !ie+( +hich allo+s you to 0isplays the !ie+( +hich allo+s you to e"ter ra+ data e"ter $ields( data8types( a"d descriptio"s i"to your database table. i"to your database table. #ani9)/ating Data
A::ing a ne7 $&7

o Simply drop do+" to a "e+ li"e a"d e"ter the i"$ormatio" U9:ating a $e0&$: o Simply select the record a"d $ield you +a"t to update( a"d cha"#e its data +ith +hat you +a"t De/eting a $e0&$: o Simply select the e"tire ro+ a"d hit the 0elete Bey o" the eyboard

Re/ati&ns'i9s *$ter youQ!e set up multiple tables i" your 7icroso$t *ccess database( you "eed a +ay o$ telli"# *ccess ho+ to bri"# that i"$ormatio" bac to#ether a#ai". The $irst step i" this process is to de$i"e relatio"ships bet+ee" your tables. *$ter youQ!e do"e that( you ca" create /ueries( $orms( a"d reports to display i"$ormatio" $rom se!eral tables at o"ce. * relatio"ship +or s by matchi"# data i" ey $ields 8 usually a $ield +ith the same "ame i" both tables. I" most cases( these matchi"# $ields are the primary ey $rom o"e table( +hich pro!ides a u"i/ue ide"ti$ier $or each record( a"d a $orei#" ey i" the other table. For e3ample( accou"tid ca" be associated +ith the tra"sactio" theyQre respo"sible $or by creati"# a

relatio"ship bet+ee" the accou"tQs table a"d the tra"sactio"Qs table usi"# the accou"tid $ields.

6&$ms * $orm is "othi"# more tha" a #raphical represe"tatio" o$ a table. You ca" add( update( delete records i" your table by usi"# a $orm. N!TE< *lthou#h a $orm ca" be "amed di$$ere"t $rom a table( they both still ma"ipulate the same i"$ormatio" a"d the same e3act data. He"ce( i$ you cha"#e a record i" a $orm( it +ill be cha"#ed i" the table also. * $orm is !ery #ood to use +he" you ha!e "umerous $ields i" a table. This +ay you ca" see all the $ields i" o"e scree"( +hereas i$ you +ere i" the table !ie+ ,datasheet- you +ould ha!e to eep scrolli"# to #et the $ield you desire.

C$eate a 6&$m )sing t'e "i>a$: It is a !ery #ood idea to create a $orm usi"# the +i?ard( u"less you are a" ad!a"ced user a"d "o+ +hat you are doi"#. 7icroso$t *ccess does a !ery #ood job o$ creati"# a $orm usi"# the +i?ard. The $ollo+i"# steps are "eeded to create a basic $ormC H. S+itch to the 0atabase 2i"do+. You ca" do this by pressi"# FHH o" the eyboard. ;. Clic o" the 6&$ms butto" u"der !8+e0ts o" the le$t side o$ scree" L. 0ouble clic o" C$eate 6&$m Using "i>a$: D. O" the "e3t scree" select the $ields you +a"t to !ie+ o" your $orm. 7ost o$ the time you +ould select all o$ them. E. Clic :e3t F. Select the layout you +ish G. Clic :e3t

=. Select the style you desire...HINTC i$ you pla" o" pri"ti"# your $orm( I su##est you use a li#ht bac #rou"d to sa!e o" pri"ter to"er a"d i" R. Clic :e3t H<. 1i!e you $orm a "ame( a"d select !9en t'e 6&$m an: ente$ in*&$mati&n HH. Select 6inis' ./. You should see your $orm. To adjust the desi#" o$ your $orm( simply hit the desi#" butto" ,same as +ith the tables-( a"d adjust your $orm accordi"#ly

Re9&$ts * report is a" e$$ecti!e +ay to prese"t your data i" a pri"ted $ormat. 5ecause you ha!e co"trol o!er the si?e a"d appeara"ce o$ e!erythi"# o" a report( you ca" display the i"$ormatio" the +ay you +a"t to see it. C$eate a Re9&$t )sing t'e "i>a$: *s +ith the Form( it is a !ery #ood idea to create a report usi"# the +i?ard( u"less you are a" ad!a"ced user. 7icroso$t *ccess does a !ery #ood job usi"# the +i?ard to create reports. H. S+itch to the 0atabase 2i"do+. You ca" do this by pressi"# FHH o" the eyboard. ;. Clic o" the Re9&$ts butto" u"der !8+e0ts o" the le$t side o$ scree" L. 0ouble clic o" C$eate Re9&$t Using "i>a$: D. O" the "e3t scree" select the $ields you +a"t to !ie+ o" your $orm. 7ost o$ the time you +ould select all o$ them. E. Clic :e3t F. Select i$ you +ould li e to #roup your $iles. Beep repeati"# this step $or as ma"y #roupi"#s as you +ould li e. G. Clic :e3t =. Select the layout a"d the paper orie"tatio" you desire R. Clic :e3t

H<. Select the style you desire...HINTC i$ you pla" o" pri"ti"# your report( I su##est you use a li#ht bac #rou"d to sa!e o" pri"ter to"er a"d i" HH. Clic :e3t H;. 1i!e you report a "ame( a"d select P$e,ie7 t'e Re9&$t HL. Select 6inis' HD. You should see your report. To adjust the desi#" o$ your report( simply hit the desi#" butto" ,same as +ith the tables-( a"d adjust your report accordi"#ly



@%6easi8i/ity Study A# #'+t0!&* i# !,0!1# '+ ! ,!&2* #1#t* 3'& 4%#i)*##5$ 0'&6 4*2i)# 41 e,tab#i,"i ! t"e re-uireme t, +'& !,, #1#t* *,* *)t# !)7 t8*) !,,'(!ti)2 #' * #%4#*t '+ t8*#* &*9%i&* *)t# t' #'+t0!&*. T8i# #1#t* :i*0 i# *##*)ti!, 08*) t8* #'+t0!&* %#t i)t*&+!(* 0it8 't8*& *,* *)t# #%(8 !# 8!&70!&*$ "*'",* !)7 't8*& &*#'%&(*#. S1#t* i# t8* 4!#i( !)7 :*&1 (&iti(!, &*9%i&* *)t +'& t8* *;i#t*)(* '+ #'+t0!&* i) !)1 *)tit1. S' i+ t8* #1#t* i# )'t i) ",!(*$ t8* ,y,tem ,"ou#d be e !i eered a d .ut i .#a/e. I) #' * (!#*#$ t' *;t&!(t t8* !;i % '%t"%t$ t8* #1#t* #8'%,7 4* &**)2i)**&*7 !)7 #"&%(*7 %". O)(* t8* i7*!, #1#t* i# *)2i)**&*7 '& t%)*7$ t8* 7*:*,'" *)t t*! #t%7i*# t8* #'+t0!&* &*9%i&* *)t +'& t8* #1#t* .

A%S&*t7a$e Requirement Analysis T8i# "&'(*## i# !,#' 6)'0) !# 0ea,ibi#ity ,tudy. I) t8i# "8!#*$ t8* 7*:*,'" *)t t*! :i#it# t8* (%#t' *& !)7 #t%7i*# t8*i& #1#t* . T8*1 i):*#ti2!t* t8* )**7 +'& "'##i4,* #'+t0!&* !%t' !ti') i) t8* 2i:*) #1#t* . B1 t8* *)7 '+ t8* +*!#i4i,it1 #t%71$ t8* t*! +%&)i#8*# ! 7'(% *)t t8!t 8',7# t8* 7i++*&*)t ,.e/i0i/ re/omme datio , 0or t"e /a didate ,y,tem. It !,#' i)(,%7*# t8* "*&#'))*, !##i2) *)t#$ ('#t#$ "&'<*(t #(8*7%,*$ t!&2*t 7!t*# *t(.... T8* &*9%i&* *)t 2!t8*&i)2 "&'(*## i# i)t*)#i+i*7 !)7 +'(%##*7 #"*(i!,,1 ') #'+t0!&*. T' %)7*&#t!)7 t8* )!t%&* '+ t8* "&'2&! 3#5 t' 4* 4%i,t$ t8* #1#t* *)2i)**& '& =A)!,1#t= %#t %)7*&#t!)7 t8* i)+'& !ti') 7' !i) +'& t8* #'+t0!&*$ !# 0*,, !# &*9%i&*7 +%)(ti')$ 4*8!:i'&$ "*&+'& !)(* !)7 i)t*&+!(i)2. T8* *##*)ti!, "%&"'#* '+ t8i# "8!#* i# t' +i)7 t8* )**7 !)7 t' 7*+i)* t8* "&'4,* t8!t )**7# t' 4* #',:*7.

B% System Ana/ysis an: Design I) t8i# "8!#*$ t8* #'+t0!&* 7*:*,'" *)t "&'(*##$ t8* #'+t0!&*># ':*&!,, #t&%(t%&* !)7 it# )%!)(*# !&* 7*+i)*7. I) t*& # '+ t8* (,i*)t?#*&:*& t*(8)','21$ t8* )% 4*& '+ ti*&# )**7*7 +'& t8* "!(6!2* !&(8it*(t%&*$ t8* 7!t!4!#* 7*#i2)$ t8* 7!t! #t&%(t%&* 7*#i2) *t(... !&* !,, 7*+i)*7 i) t8i# "8!#*. A #'+t0!&* 7*:*,'" *)t '7*, i# t8%# (&*!t*7. A a#y,i, a d 1e,i! are very /ru/ia# i) t8* 08',* 7*:*,'" *)t (1(,*. A)1 2,it(8 i) t8* 7*#i2) "8!#* ('%,7 4* very e2.e ,ive to ,o#ve i t"e #ater ,ta!e '+ t8* #'+t0!&* 7*:*,'" *)t. M%(8 (!&* i# t!6*) 7%&i)2 t8i# "8!#*. T8* ,'2i(!, #1#t* '+ t8* "&'7%(t i# 7*:*,'"*7 i) t8i# "8!#*.

Code Generation

T8* 7*#i2) %#t 4* t&!)#,!t*7 i)t' ! !(8i)*-&*!7!4,* +'& . T8* ('7* 2*)*&!ti') #t*" "*&+'& # t8i# t!#6. I+ t8* 7*#i2) i# "*&+'& *7 i) ! 7*t!i,*7 !))*&$ ('7* 2*)*&!ti') (!) 4* !((' ",i#8*7 0it8'%t %(8 (' ",i(!ti'). P&'2&! i)2 t'',# ,i6* /om.i#er,3 i ter.reter,3 debu!!er, *t(... !&* %#*7 t' 2*)*&!t* t8* ('7*. Di++*&*)t 8i28 ,*:*, "&'2&! i)2 ,!)2%!2*# ,i6* 4B3 C3 C553 Java !&* %#*7 +'& ('7i)2. Wit8 &*#"*(t t' t8* t1"* '+ !"",i(!ti')$ t8* &i28t "&'2&! i)2 ,!)2%!2* i# (8'#*). !

O)(* t8* ('7* i# 2*)*&!t*7$ t8* #'+t0!&* "&'2&! t*#ti)2 4*2i)#. Di++*&*)t t*#ti)2 *t8'7','2i*# !&* !:!i,!4,* t' %)&!:*, t8* 4%2# t8!t 0*&* (' itt*7 7%&i)2 t8* "&*:i'%# "8!#*#. Di++*&*)t t*#ti)2 t'',# !)7 *t8'7','2i*# !&* !,&*!71 !:!i,!4,*. S' * (' "!)i*# 4%i,7 t8*i& '0) t*#ti)2 t'',# t8!t !&* t!i,'& !7* +'& t8*i& '0) 7*:*,'" *)t '"*&!ti')#.



T8* #'+t0!&* 0i,, 7*+i)it*,1 %)7*&2' (8!)2* ')(* it i# 7*,i:*&*7 t' t8* (%#t' *&. T8*&* (!) 4* !)1 &*!#')# +'& t8i# (8!)2* t' '((%&. C8!)2* ('%,7 8!""*) 4*(!%#* '+ #' * %)*;"*(t*7 i)"%t :!,%*# i)t' t8* #1#t* . I) !77iti')$ t8* (8!)2*# i) t8* #1#t* ('%,7 7i&*(t,1 !++*(t t8* #'+t0!&* '"*&!ti')#. T8* #'+t0!&* #8'%,7 4* 7*:*,'"*7 t'

!((' '7!t* (8!)2*# t8!t ('%,7 8!""*) 7%&i)2 t8* "'#t i ",* *)t!ti') "*&i'7.


Private Sub /md6uit7C#i/89: E d E d Sub Private Sub M1I;orm7<oad9: Ca## /o e/t1ataba,e E d Sub

Private Sub Too#bar=7Butto C#i/89By4a# Butto Se#e/t Ca,e Butto $I de2 Ca,e =: 0rmCu,tomer,$S"o> Ca,e ): 0rm1e.o,it,$S"o> Ca,e %: 0rm?it"dra>a#$S"o> Ca,e =(: 0rmTra ,a/tio ,$S"o> E d Se#e/t E d Sub

A, MSCom/t#<ib$Butto :

Private Sub Too#bar=7Butto Me uC#i/89By4a# Butto Me u A, MSCom/t#<ib$Butto Me u: Se#e/t Ca,e Butto Me u$Key Ca,e @a//7ty.e@ 0rmA//Ty.e,$S"o> Ca,e @/u,tomer@ Set r.tCu,tomer,$1ataSour/e A Not"i ! Set r.tCu,tomer,$1ataSour/e A r,Cu,tomer, r.tCu,tomer,$S"o> Ca,e @de.o,it@ Set r.t1e.o,it,$1ataSour/e A Not"i ! Set r.t1e.o,it,$1ataSour/e A r,1e.o,it r.t1e.o,it,$S"o> Ca,e @>it"dra>@ Set r.t?it"dra>a#,$1ataSour/e A Not"i ! Set r.t?it"dra>a#,$1ataSour/e A r,?it"dra>a# r.t?it"dra>a#,$S"o> E d Se#e/t E d Sub

Pri!ate Sub cbo*ccTypeSClic ,Set rsTemp N :e+ *0O05.Recordset rsTemp.Ope" TSelect U FRO7 tbl*ccTypes 2HERE *ccou"t:ameNQT 6 cbo*ccType.Te3t 6 TQT( c"5a" ( adOpe"Beyset( adLoc Optimistic 2ith rsTemp I$ .RecordCou"t V < The" lbl7i" N W7i"5ala"ce Else

E3it Sub E"d I$ E"d 2ith E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cbo*ccTypeSBeyPress,Bey*scii *s I"te#erI$ Bey*scii N HL The" t3t*ccou"t:o.SetFocus E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cboCo"tactTitleSBeyPress,Bey*scii *s I"te#erBey*scii N *sc,&CaseX,ChrX,Bey*scii--I$ Bey*scii N HL The" t3tI0:O.SetFocus E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmd*ddSClic ,:e+Record N True cmd*dd.E"abled N False cmdSa!e.E"abled N True cmd0elete.E"abled N False cmdCa"cel.E"abled N True cmdEdit.E"abled N False cmd)uit.E"abled N False Call &"Loc SFormSCo"trols,7eCall clearSFormSCo"trols,7eCall 1e"erate:e+CustomerCode t3tCustomerI0.Loc ed N True t3tFirst:ame.SetFocus E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmdCa"celSClic ,cmd*dd.E"abled N True cmdSa!e.E"abled N False cmd0elete.E"abled N True cmdCa"cel.E"abled N False cmdEdit.E"abled N True cmd)uit.E"abled N True 2ith rsCustomers I$ :e+Record N True The" .Ca"cel&pdate :e+Record N False Else .Ca"cel&pdate E"d I$ Call 0isplayCustomers,rsCustomersE"d 2ith

Call Loc SFormSCo"trols,7eE"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmd0eleteSClic ,cmd*dd.E"abled N True cmdSa!e.E"abled N False cmd0elete.E"abled N True cmdCa"cel.E"abled N False cmdEdit.E"abled N False cmd)uit.E"abled N True 2ith rsCustomers I$ .5OF N True *"d .EOF N True The" 7s#5o3 T:othi"# to deleteT( !bI"$ormatio" cmd0elete.E"abled N False E3it Sub E"d I$ .0elete Call clearSFormSCo"trols,7e.7o!eFirst I$ .5OF N True Or .EOF N True The" cmd0elete.E"abled N False E3it Sub E"d I$ Call 0isplayCustomers,rsCustomersE"d 2ith E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmdEditSClic ,:e+Record N False cmd*dd.E"abled N False cmdSa!e.E"abled N True cmd0elete.E"abled N False cmdCa"cel.E"abled N False cmdEdit.E"abled N False cmd)uit.E"abled N False Call &"Loc SFormSCo"trols,7eE"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmdFirstSClic ,Call 7o!eToFirst,rsCustomersCall 0isplayCustomers,rsCustomerslblStatus.Captio" N CStr,TRecord CT 6 rsCustomers.*bsolutePositio" 6 T o$ T 6 rsCustomers.RecordCou"tE"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmdLastSClic ,-

Call 7o!eToLast,rsCustomersCall 0isplayCustomers,rsCustomerslblStatus.Captio" N CStr,TRecord CT 6 rsCustomers.*bsolutePositio" 6 T o$ T 6 rsCustomers.RecordCou"tE"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmd:e3tSClic ,Call 7o!eTo:e3t,rsCustomersCall 0isplayCustomers,rsCustomerslblStatus.Captio" N CStr,TRecord CT 6 rsCustomers.*bsolutePositio" 6 T o$ T 6 rsCustomers.RecordCou"tE"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmdPre!iousSClic ,Call 7o!eToPre!,rsCustomersCall 0isplayCustomers,rsCustomerslblStatus.Captio" N CStr,TRecord CT 6 rsCustomers.*bsolutePositio" 6 T o$ T 6 rsCustomers.RecordCou"tE"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmd)uitSClic ,&"load 7e E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmdSa!eSClic ,I$ t3tFirst:ame.Te3t N TT The" Call 7essa#er t3tFirst:ame.SetFocus E3it Sub E"d I$ I$ t3tLast:ame.Te3t N TT The" Call 7essa#er t3tLast:ame.SetFocus E3it Sub E"d I$ I$ cboCo"tactTitle.Te3t N TT The" Call 7essa#er cboCo"tactTitle.SetFocus E3it Sub E"d I$

I$ t3tI0:O.Te3t N TT The" Call 7essa#er t3tI0:O.SetFocus E3it Sub E"d I$ I$ t3t*ccou"t:o.Te3t N TT The" Call 7essa#er t3t*ccou"t:o.SetFocus E3it Sub E"d I$ I$ t3t*ddress.Te3t N TT The" Call 7essa#er t3t*ddress.SetFocus E3it Sub E"d I$ I$ t3tPostalCode.Te3t N TT The" Call 7essa#er t3tPostalCode.SetFocus E3it Sub E"d I$ I$ t3tLocatio".Te3t N TT The" Call 7essa#er t3tLocatio".SetFocus E3it Sub E"d I$ I$ t3tPho"e:o.Te3t N TT The" Call 7essa#er t3tPho"e:o.SetFocus E3it Sub E"d I$ I$ t3t7obile:o.Te3t N TT The" Call 7essa#er t3t7obile:o.SetFocus E3it Sub E"d I$ I$ t3tEmail.Te3t N TT The" t3tEmail.Te3t N T:A*T t3tEmail.SetFocus E3it Sub

E"d I$ I$ t3tOpe"i"#5al.Te3t N TT The" Call 7essa#er t3tOpe"i"#5al.SetFocus E3it Sub E"d I$ I$ cbo*ccType.Te3t N TT The" Call 7essa#er cbo*ccType.SetFocus E3it Sub E"d I$ I$ CCur,t3tOpe"i"#5al.Te3t- Y CCur,lbl7i".Captio"- The" 7s#5o3 TOpe"i"# bala"ce should be atleast T 6 lbl7i".Captio" 6 T $or this type o$ *ccou"tT( !bI"$ormatio" Call selectTe3tCo"trol,t3tOpe"i"#5alE3it Sub E"d I$ 2ith rsCustomers I$ :e+Record N True The" .*dd:e+ WCustomerI0 N t3tCustomerI0.Te3t WFirst:ame N t3tFirst:ame.Te3t WLast:ame N t3tLast:ame.Te3t WCo"tactTitle N cboCo"tactTitle.Te3t WI0:O N t3tI0:O.Te3t W*ccou"t:o N t3t*ccou"t:o.Te3t W*ddress N t3t*ddress.Te3t WPostalCode N t3tPostalCode.Te3t WLocatio" N t3tLocatio".Te3t WPho"e:o N t3tPho"e:o.Te3t W7obile:o N t3t7obile:o.Te3t WEmail N t3tEmail.Te3t W0ateJoi"ed N t3t0ateJoi"ed.4alue WOpe"i"#5ala"ce N t3tOpe"i"#5al.Te3t W*ccou"tType N cbo*ccType.Te3t .&pdate .Re/uery E"d 2ith 2ith rs5ala"ces I$ :e+Record N True The" .*dd:e+ WCustomerI0 N t3tCustomerI0.Te3t W*ccou"t:o N t3t*ccou"t:o.Te3t

W5ala"ce N t3tOpe"i"#5al.Te3t .&pdate E"d 2ith cmd*dd.E"abled N True cmdSa!e.E"abled N False cmd0elete.E"abled N True cmdCa"cel.E"abled N False cmdEdit.E"abled N True cmd)uit.E"abled N True Call Loc SFormSCo"trols,7eE"d Sub

Pri!ate Sub FormSLoad,QCustomer 0etails Call co""ect0atabase cmd*dd.E"abled N True cmdSa!e.E"abled N False cmd0elete.E"abled N True cmdCa"cel.E"abled N False cmdEdit.E"abled N True cmd)uit.E"abled N True 2ith cboCo"tactTitle .*ddItem T7R.T .*ddItem T7RS.T .*ddItem T7ISS.T .*ddItem T0R.T .*ddItem TPROFF.T .*ddItem TSIR.T .*ddItem TRE4.T .*ddItem TFR.T E"d 2ith 2ith rs*ccTypes For @ N H To .RecordCou"t cbo*ccType.*ddItem W*ccou"t:ame .7o!e:e3t :e3t @ E"d 2ith Call 0isplayCustomers,rsCustomersCall Loc SFormSCo"trols,7e-

lblStatus.Captio" N CStr,TRecord CT 6 rsCustomers.*bsolutePositio" 6 T o$ T 6 rsCustomers.RecordCou"tE"d Sub Public Sub 1e"erate:e+CustomerCode,0im last"umber *s Lo"#( "e+"umber *s Lo"# QChec i$ there are records i" the $ile 2ith rsCustomers I$ .5OF N True *"d .EOF N True The" last"umber N ;<<D<<< Else .7o!eLast last"umber N WCustomerI0 E"d I$ Q1e"erate :e+ :umber "e+"umber N last"umber O H t3tCustomerI0.Te3t N "e+"umber E"d 2ith E"d Sub Public Sub 0isplayCustomers,myRs *s Recordset2ith myRs I$ .5OF N True *"d .EOF N True The" E3it Sub O" Error Resume :e3t t3tCustomerI0.Te3t N WCustomerI0 t3tFirst:ame.Te3t N WFirst:ame t3tLast:ame.Te3t N WLast:ame cboCo"tactTitle.Te3t N WCo"tactTitle t3tI0:O.Te3t N WI0:O t3t*ccou"t:o.Te3t N W*ccou"t:o t3t*ddress.Te3t N W*ddress t3tPostalCode.Te3t N WPostalCode t3tLocatio".Te3t N WLocatio" t3tPho"e:o.Te3t N WPho"e:o t3t7obile:o.Te3t N W7obile:o t3tEmail.Te3t N WEmail Qt3t0ateJoi"ed.7as N TT t3t0ateJoi"ed.4alue N W0ateJoi"ed t3tOpe"i"#5al.Te3t N WOpe"i"#5ala"ce cbo*ccType.Te3t N W*ccou"tType E"d 2ith E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub FormS&"load,Ca"cel *s I"te#erCall disco""ect0atabase E"d Sub

Pri!ate Sub t3t*ccou"t:oSBeyPress,Bey*scii *s I"te#erBey*scii N *sc,&CaseX,ChrX,Bey*scii--I$ Bey*scii N HL The" t3tOpe"i"#5al.SetFocus E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub t3t*ddressSBeyPress,Bey*scii *s I"te#erI$ Bey*scii N HL The" t3tPostalCode.SetFocus E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub t3t0ateJoi"edSBeyPress,Bey*scii *s I"te#erI$ Bey*scii N HL The" t3t*ddress.SetFocus E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub t3tEmailSBeyPress,Bey*scii *s I"te#erBey*scii N *sc,LCaseX,ChrX,Bey*scii--E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub t3tFirst:ameSBeyPress,Bey*scii *s I"te#erBey*scii N *sc,&CaseX,ChrX,Bey*scii--Select Case Bey*scii Case *sc,T TCase FE To R< Case RG To H;; Case L; Case HL Case = Case H;G Case Else 7s#5o3 TI"!alid I"putT( !bOBO"ly O !bE3clamatio" Bey*scii N < E"d Select I$ Bey*scii N HL The" t3tLast:ame.SetFocus E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub t3tI0:OSCha"#e,I$ Le",,t3tI0:O.Te3t-- V = The" 7s#5o3 TLimited to = :umericsT( !bI"$ormatio" Call selectTe3tCo"trol,t3tI0:OE3it Sub E"d I$ E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub t3tI0:OSBeyPress,Bey*scii *s I"te#er-

I$ Bey*scii N HL The" cbo*ccType.SetFocus E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub t3tLast:ameSBeyPress,Bey*scii *s I"te#erBey*scii N *sc,&CaseX,ChrX,Bey*scii--Select Case Bey*scii Case *sc,T TCase FE To R< Case RG To H;; Case L; Case HL Case = Case H;G Case Else 7s#5o3 TI"!alid I"putT( !bOBO"ly O !bE3clamatio" Bey*scii N < E"d Select I$ Bey*scii N HL The" cboCo"tactTitle.SetFocus E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub t3tLocatio"SBeyPress,Bey*scii *s I"te#erBey*scii N *sc,&CaseX,ChrX,Bey*scii--Select Case Bey*scii Case *sc,T TCase FE To R< Case RG To H;; Case L; Case HL Case = Case H;G Case Else 7s#5o3 TI"!alid I"putT( !bOBO"ly O !bE3clamatio" Bey*scii N < E"d Select I$ Bey*scii N HL The" t3tPho"e:o.SetFocus E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub t3t7obile:oS1otFocus,Call select7as Co"trol,t3t7obile:oE"d Sub Pri!ate Sub t3t7obile:oSBeyPress,Bey*scii *s I"te#erI$ Bey*scii N HL The" t3tEmail.SetFocus E"d Sub

Pri!ate Sub t3tOpe"i"#5alSBeyPress,Bey*scii *s I"te#erI$ Bey*scii N HL The" t3t*ddress.SetFocus E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub t3tPho"e:oS1otFocus,Call select7as Co"trol,t3tPho"e:oE"d Sub Pri!ate Sub t3tPho"e:oSBeyPress,Bey*scii *s I"te#erI$ Bey*scii N HL The" t3t7obile:o.SetFocus E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub t3tPostalCodeSCha"#e,I$ Le",,t3tPostalCode.Te3t-- V E The" 7s#5o3 TLimited to E :umericsT( !bI"$ormatio" Call selectTe3tCo"trol,t3tPostalCodeE3it Sub E"d I$ E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub t3tPostalCodeSBeyPress,Bey*scii *s I"te#erI$ Bey*scii N HL The" t3tLocatio".SetFocus E"d Sub

0im curr5ala"ce *s Curre"cy Pri!ate Sub cboCustomer:oSClic ,-

Set rsTemp N :e+ *0O05.Recordset rsTemp.Ope" TSelect U FRO7 tblCustomers 2HERE CustomerI0NQT 6 cboCustomer:o.Te3t 6 TQT( c"5a" ( adOpe"Beyset( adLoc Optimistic 2ith rsTemp I$ .RecordCou"t V < The" t3t*ccou"t:o.Te3t N W*ccou"t:o t3t:arratio".SetFocus Else 7s#5o3 TI"!alid Customer CodeT( !bI"$ormatio" t3t*ccou"t:o.Te3t N TT E3it Sub E"d I$ .Close E"d 2ith Set rsTemp N :e+ *0O05.Recordset rsTemp.Ope" TSelect U FRO7 tbl5ala"ces 2HERE CustomerI0NQT 6 cboCustomer:o.Te3t 6 TQT( c"5a" ( adOpe"Beyset( adLoc Optimistic 2ith rsTemp I$ .RecordCou"t V < The" lbl5ala"ce.Captio" N W5ala"ce Else E3it Sub E"d I$ .Close E"d 2ith E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cboCustomer:oSBeyPress,Bey*scii *s I"te#erI$ Bey*scii N HL The" Call cboCustomer:oSClic E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmd0epositSClic ,:e+Record N True Call clearSFormSCo"trols,7eCall 1e"erate:e+Tra"sactCode cboCustomer:o.SetFocus E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmd)uitSClic ,&"load 7e E"d Sub

Pri!ate Sub cmdSa!eSClic ,I$ t3tTra"sactio"I0.Te3t N TT The" 7s#5o3 TPlease E"ter the Tra"sactio" I0.T( !bI"$ormatio" t3tTra"sactio"I0.SetFocus E3it Sub E"d I$ I$ cboCustomer:o.Te3t N TT The" 7s#5o3 TPlease E"ter the Customer I0T( !bI"$ormatio" cboCustomer:o.SetFocus E3it Sub E"d I$ I$ t3t*ccou"t:o.Te3t N TT The" 7s#5o3 TPlease E"ter the *ccou"t :o.T( !bI"$ormatio" t3t*ccou"t:o.SetFocus E3it Sub E"d I$ I$ t3t:arratio".Te3t N TT The" 7s#5o3 TPlease E"ter the :arratio".T( !bI"$ormatio" t3t:arratio".SetFocus E3it Sub E"d I$ I$ t3t*mou"t0eposited.Te3t N TT The" 7s#5o3 TPlease E"ter the *mou"t to 0eposit.T( !bI"$ormatio" t3t*mou"t0eposited.SetFocus E3it Sub E"d I$ I$ t3t7ode.Te3t N TT The" 7s#5o3 TPlease select Tra"sactio" 7ode.T( !bI"$ormatio" t3t7ode.SetFocus E3it Sub E"d I$ I$ t3tChec :o.Te3t N TT The" 7s#5o3 TPlease E"ter the Chec :o.T( !bI"$ormatio" t3tChec :o.SetFocus E3it Sub E"d I$ 2ith rs0eposit

I$ :e+Record N True The" .*dd:e+ WTra"sactio"I0 N t3tTra"sactio"I0.Te3t WCustomerI0 N cboCustomer:o.Te3t W*ccou"t:o N t3t*ccou"t:o.Te3t W:arratio" N t3t:arratio".Te3t W*mou"t0eposited N t3t*mou"t0eposited.Te3t W7ode N t3t7ode.Te3t WChec :O N t3tChec :o.Te3t W0ated N t3t0ated.4alue .&pdate E"d 2ith curr5ala"ce N ,CCur,lbl5ala"ce.Captio"- O CCur,t3t*mou"t0eposited.Te3t-2ith rsTra"sactio"s .*dd:e+ WCustomerI0 N cboCustomer:o.Te3t W*ccou"t:o N t3t*ccou"t:o.Te3t W:arratio" N t3t:arratio".Te3t WChec :O N t3tChec :o.Te3t W0ated N t3t0ated.4alue W0ebit N t3t*mou"t0eposited.Te3t W7ode N t3t7ode.Te3t WCredit N T<<T W5ala"ce N curr5ala"ce .&pdate E"d 2ith Set rsTemp N :e+ *0O05.Recordset rsTemp.Ope" TSelect U FRO7 tbl5ala"ces 2HERE CustomerI0NQT 6 cboCustomer:o.Te3t 6 TQT( c"5a" ( adOpe"Beyset( adLoc Optimistic 2ith rsTemp W5ala"ce N curr5ala"ce .&pdate .Re/uery .Close E"d 2ith Qrs5ala"ces.Ope" T&P0*TE tbl5ala"ces SET 5ala"ce NQT 6 curr5ala"ce 6 TQ 2HERE CustomerI0NQT 6 cboCustomer:o.Te3t 6 TQT( c"5a" ( adOpe"Beyset( adLoc Optimistic E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub FormSLoad,Call co""ect0atabase

2ith rsCustomers For @ N H To .RecordCou"t cboCustomer:o.*ddItem WCustomerI0 .7o!e:e3t :e3t @ E"d 2ith t3t0ated.4alue N 0ate E"d Sub Public Sub 1e"erate:e+Tra"sactCode,0im last"umber *s Lo"#( "e+"umber *s Lo"# QChec i$ there are records i" the $ile 2ith rs0eposit I$ .5OF N True *"d .EOF N True The" last"umber N H<<< Else .7o!eLast last"umber N WTra"sactio"I0 E"d I$ Q1e"erate :e+ :umber "e+"umber N last"umber O H t3tTra"sactio"I0.Te3t N "e+"umber E"d 2ith E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub optCashSClic ,t3tChec :o.Te3t N T:A*T t3tChec :o.Loc ed N True t3t7ode.Te3t N TC*SHT E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub optChe/ueSClic ,t3t7ode.Te3t N TCHE)&ET t3tChec :o.Te3t N TT t3tChec :o.Loc ed N False t3tChec :o.SetFocus E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub optOthersSClic ,t3tOther.Te3t N TT t3t7ode.Te3t N TT t3tChec :o.Te3t N T:A*T t3tChec :o.Loc ed N True t3tOther.SetFocus E"d Sub

Pri!ate Sub t3t*ccou"t:oSCha"#e,t3t:arratio".SetFocus E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub t3t*mou"t0epositedSBeyPress,Bey*scii *s I"te#erCall 4alid:umeric,Bey*sciiI$ Bey*scii N HL The" optCash.SetFocus E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub t3tChec :oSBeyPress,Bey*scii *s I"te#erI$ Bey*scii N HL The" cmdSa!e.SetFocus E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub t3t7odeSLostFocus,I$ t3t7ode.Te3t N TT The" 7s#5o3 TSelect the 7ode o$ Tra"sactio"T( !bI"$ormatio" E"d I$ E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub t3t:arratio"SBeyPress,Bey*scii *s I"te#erBey*scii N *sc,&CaseX,ChrX,Bey*scii--I$ Bey*scii N HL The" t3t*mou"t0eposited.SetFocus E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub t3tOtherSLostFocus,t3t7ode.Te3t N t3tOther.Te3t E"d Sub

0im curr5ala"ce *s Curre"cy Pri!ate Sub cboCustomer:oSClic ,-

Set rsTemp N :e+ *0O05.Recordset rsTemp.Ope" TSelect U FRO7 tblCustomers 2HERE CustomerI0NQT 6 cboCustomer:o.Te3t 6 TQT( c"5a" ( adOpe"Beyset( adLoc Optimistic 2ith rsTemp I$ .RecordCou"t V < The" t3t*ccou"t:o.Te3t N W*ccou"t:o t3t:arratio".SetFocus Else 7s#5o3 TI"!alid Customer CodeT( !bI"$ormatio" t3t*ccou"t:o.Te3t N TT E3it Sub E"d I$ .Close E"d 2ith Set rsTemp N :e+ *0O05.Recordset rsTemp.Ope" TSelect U FRO7 tbl5ala"ces 2HERE CustomerI0NQT 6 cboCustomer:o.Te3t 6 TQT( c"5a" ( adOpe"Beyset( adLoc Optimistic 2ith rsTemp I$ .RecordCou"t V < The" lbl5ala"ce.Captio" N W5ala"ce Else E3it Sub E"d I$ .Close E"d 2ith E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cboCustomer:oSBeyPress,Bey*scii *s I"te#erI$ Bey*scii N HL The" Call cboCustomer:oSClic E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmd)uitSClic ,&"load 7e E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmdSa!eSClic ,I$ t3tTra"sactio"I0.Te3t N TT The" 7s#5o3 TPlease E"ter the Tra"sactio" I0.T( !bI"$ormatio" t3tTra"sactio"I0.SetFocus E3it Sub E"d I$

I$ cboCustomer:o.Te3t N TT The" 7s#5o3 TPlease E"ter the Customer I0T( !bI"$ormatio" cboCustomer:o.SetFocus E3it Sub E"d I$ I$ t3t*ccou"t:o.Te3t N TT The" 7s#5o3 TPlease E"ter the *ccou"t :o.T( !bI"$ormatio" t3t*ccou"t:o.SetFocus E3it Sub E"d I$ I$ t3t:arratio".Te3t N TT The" 7s#5o3 TPlease E"ter the :arratio".T( !bI"$ormatio" t3t:arratio".SetFocus E3it Sub E"d I$ I$ t3t*mou"t2ithdra+".Te3t N TT The" 7s#5o3 TPlease E"ter the *mou"t to 0eposit.T( !bI"$ormatio" t3t*mou"t2ithdra+".SetFocus E3it Sub E"d I$

2ith rs2ithdra+al I$ :e+Record N True The" .*dd:e+ WTra"sactio"I0 N t3tTra"sactio"I0.Te3t WCustomerI0 N cboCustomer:o.Te3t W*ccou"t:o N t3t*ccou"t:o.Te3t W:arratio" N t3t:arratio".Te3t W*mou"t2ithdra+" N t3t*mou"t2ithdra+".Te3t W0ated N t3t0ated.4alue .&pdate E"d 2ith curr5ala"ce N ,CCur,lbl5ala"ce.Captio"- 8 CCur,t3t*mou"t2ithdra+".Te3t-2ith rsTra"sactio"s .*dd:e+ WCustomerI0 N cboCustomer:o.Te3t W*ccou"t:o N t3t*ccou"t:o.Te3t

W:arratio" N t3t:arratio".Te3t WChec :O N T:A*T W0ated N t3t0ated.4alue W0ebit N T<<T W7ode N T:A*T WCredit N t3t*mou"t2ithdra+".Te3t W5ala"ce N curr5ala"ce .&pdate E"d 2ith Set rsTemp N :e+ *0O05.Recordset rsTemp.Ope" TSelect U FRO7 tbl5ala"ces 2HERE CustomerI0NQT 6 cboCustomer:o.Te3t 6 TQT( c"5a" ( adOpe"Beyset( adLoc Optimistic 2ith rsTemp W5ala"ce N curr5ala"ce .&pdate .Re/uery .Close E"d 2ith Qrs5ala"ces.Ope" T&P0*TE tbl5ala"ces SET 5ala"ce NQT 6 curr5ala"ce 6 TQ 2HERE CustomerI0NQT 6 cboCustomer:o.Te3t 6 TQT( c"5a" ( adOpe"Beyset( adLoc Optimistic E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmd2ithdra+SClic ,:e+Record N True Call clearSFormSCo"trols,7eCall 1e"erate:e+Tra"sactCode cboCustomer:o.SetFocus E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub FormSLoad,Call co""ect0atabase 2ith rsCustomers For @ N H To .RecordCou"t cboCustomer:o.*ddItem WCustomerI0 .7o!e:e3t :e3t @ E"d 2ith t3t0ated.4alue N 0ate E"d Sub Public Sub 1e"erate:e+Tra"sactCode,0im last"umber *s Lo"#( "e+"umber *s Lo"# QChec i$ there are records i" the $ile

2ith rs2ithdra+al I$ .5OF N True *"d .EOF N True The" last"umber N H<<< Else .7o!eLast last"umber N WTra"sactio"I0 E"d I$ Q1e"erate :e+ :umber "e+"umber N last"umber O H t3tTra"sactio"I0.Te3t N "e+"umber E"d 2ith E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub t3t*ccou"t:oSCha"#e,t3t:arratio".SetFocus E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub t3t*mou"t+ithdra+"SBeyPress,Bey*scii *s I"te#erCall 4alid:umeric,Bey*sciiE"d Sub Pri!ate Sub t3t:arratio"SBeyPress,Bey*scii *s I"te#erBey*scii N *sc,&CaseX,ChrX,Bey*scii--I$ Bey*scii N HL The" t3t*mou"t2ithdra+".SetFocus E"d Sub

0im lstItem *s ListItem

Pri!ate Sub cbo*cc:oSClic ,Set rsTemp N :e+ *0O05.Recordset rsTemp.Ope" TSelect U $rom tblCustomers 2here *ccou"t:oNQT 6 cbo*cc:o.Te3t 6 TQT( c"5a" ( adOpe"Beyset( adLoc Optimistic 2ith rsTemp I$ .RecordCou"t V < The" cbo*cc:o N W*ccou"t:o cboCustomerI0 N WCustomerI0 cboFirst N WFirst:ame Else 7s#5o3 TI"!alid customer I0A:ameA*ccou"t :O. Please Try *#ai"T( !bI"$ormatio" E3it Sub E"d I$ .Close E"d 2ith Set rsTemp N :e+ *0O05.Recordset rsTemp.Ope" TSelect U $rom tblTra"sactio"s 2here *ccou"t:oNQT 6 cbo*cc:o.Te3t 6 TQT( c"5a" ( adOpe"Beyset( adLoc Optimistic 2ith rsTemp I$ .RecordCou"t V < The" l!+Tra"sactio"s.ListItems.Clear Call LoadList4ie+,rsTempQcbo*cc:o N W*ccou"t:o QcboCustomerI0 N WCustomerI0 QcboFirst N WFirst:ame Else 7s#5o3 TI"!alid customer I0A:ameA*ccou"t :O. Please Try *#ai"T( !bI"$ormatio" E3it Sub E"d I$ .Close E"d 2ith E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cboCustomerI0SClic ,Set rsTemp N :e+ *0O05.Recordset rsTemp.Ope" TSelect U $rom tblCustomers 2here customerI0NQT 6 cboCustomerI0.Te3t 6 TQT( c"5a" ( adOpe"Beyset( adLoc Optimistic 2ith rsTemp I$ .RecordCou"t V < The" cbo*cc:o N W*ccou"t:o cboCustomerI0 N WCustomerI0

cboFirst N WFirst:ame Else 7s#5o3 TI"!alid customer I0A:ameA*ccou"t :O. Please Try *#ai"T( !bI"$ormatio" E3it Sub E"d I$ .Close E"d 2ith Set rsTemp N :e+ *0O05.Recordset rsTemp.Ope" TSelect U $rom tblTra"sactio"s 2here customerI0NQT 6 cboCustomerI0.Te3t 6 TQT( c"5a" ( adOpe"Beyset( adLoc Optimistic 2ith rsTemp I$ .RecordCou"t V < The" l!+Tra"sactio"s.ListItems.Clear Call LoadList4ie+,rsTempElse 7s#5o3 T:o Tra"sactio"s beari"# this customer I0. Please Try *#ai"T( !bI"$ormatio" E3it Sub E"d I$ .Close E"d 2ith E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cboFirstSClic ,Set rsTemp N :e+ *0O05.Recordset rsTemp.Ope" TSelect U $rom tblCustomers 2here First:ameNQT 6 cboFirst.Te3t 6 TQT( c"5a" ( adOpe"Beyset( adLoc Optimistic 2ith rsTemp I$ .RecordCou"t V < The" cbo*cc:o N W*ccou"t:o cboCustomerI0 N WCustomerI0 cboFirst N WFirst:ame Else 7s#5o3 TI"!alid customer I0A:ameA*ccou"t :O. Please Try *#ai"T( !bI"$ormatio" E3it Sub E"d I$ .Close E"d 2ith Set rsTemp N :e+ *0O05.Recordset rsTemp.Ope" TSelect U $rom tblTra"sactio"s 2here CustomerI0NQT 6 cboCustomerI0.Te3t 6 TQT( c"5a" ( adOpe"Beyset( adLoc Optimistic 2ith rsTemp I$ .RecordCou"t V < The" l!+Tra"sactio"s.ListItems.Clear

Call LoadList4ie+,rsTempElse 7s#5o3 T:o Tra"sactio"s beari"# this customersQ $irst "ame. Please Try *#ai"T( !bI"$ormatio" E3it Sub E"d I$ .Close E"d 2ith E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmdEditSClic ,2ith rsTra"sactio"s .7o!eFirst 2hile :ot .EOF I$ l!+Tra"sactio"s.SelectedItem.ListSubItems,R- N WCode The" $rmTra"sactio".t3tCustomerI0.Te3t N WCustomerI0 $rmTra"sactio".t3t*ccou"t:o.Te3t N W*ccou"t:o $rmTra"sactio".t3t:arratio".Te3t N W:arratio" $rmTra"sactio".t3tChec :o.Te3t N WChec :O $rmTra"sactio".t3t0ated.4alue N W0ated $rmTra"sactio".t3t0ebit.Te3t N W0ebit $rmTra"sactio".t3t7ode.Te3t N W7ode $rmTra"sactio".t3tCredit.Te3t N WCredit $rmTra"sactio".t3t5ala"ce.Te3t N W5ala"ce $rmTra"sactio".t3tCode.Te3t N WCode .7o!eLast .7o!e:e3t Else .7o!e:e3t E"d I$ 2e"d $rmTra"sactio".Sho+ E"d 2ith E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmdO SClic ,Set rsTemp N :e+ *0O05.Recordset rsTemp.Ope" TSelect U $rom tblTra"sactio"s 2here 0ated 5ET2EE: PT 6 dtFrom.4alue 6 TP *:0 PT 6 dtTo.4alue 6 TPT( c"5a" ( adOpe"Beyset( adLoc Optimistic 2ith rsTemp I$ .RecordCou"t V < The" l!+Tra"sactio"s.ListItems.Clear Call LoadList4ie+,rsTempElse

7s#5o3 T:o Tra"sactio"s 2ere carried out bet+ee" these 0ates. Please Try *#ai"T( !bI"$ormatio" E3it Sub E"d I$ .Close E"d 2ith E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmdPri"tSClic ,2ith de5a" I$ .rscmdStateme"tS1roupi"#.State N adStateOpe" The" .rscmdStateme"tS1roupi"#.Close .cmdStateme"tS1roupi"# 4al,l!+Tra"sactio"s.SelectedItem.Te3trptStateme"t.Sho+ E"d 2ith QQ0im strS/l *s Stri"# QQQstrS/l N TSELECT tblCustomers.First:ame(tblCustomers.Last:ame(tblCustomers.*ddress(tblCustomers.Postal Code(tblCustomers.Locatio"(tblCustomers.Ope"i"#5ala"ce(tblCustomers.CustomerI0(tblTra "sactio"s.*ccou"t:o(tblTra"sactio"s.0ebit(tblTra"sactio"s.Credit(tblTra"sactio"s.0ated(tbl Tra"sactio"s.7ode(tblTra"sactio"s.Chec :o(tblTra"sactio"s.Code $rom tblCustomers(tblTra"sactio"s +here tblCustomers.CustomerI0NtblTra"sactio"s.CustomerI0 *:0 tblTra"sactio"s.CodeNDQT QQ6 l!+Tra"sactio"s.SelectedItem.ListSubItems,R-.Te3t 6 TQT QQstrS/l N T SELECT tblCustomers.*ccou"t:o( tblCustomers.*ddress(T QQstrS/l N strS/l 6 TtblCustomers.Last:ame( tblCustomers.First:ame(T QQstrS/l N strS/l 6 TtblCustomers.CustomerI0(T QQstrS/l N strS/l 6 TtblCustomers.Locatio"( tblCustomers.Ope"i"#5ala"ce( T QQstrS/l N strS/l 6 TtblCustomers.PostalCode( tblTra"sactio"s.Code( T QQstrS/l N strS/l 6 TtblTra"sactio"s.Chec :o( tblTra"sactio"s.Credit( T QQstrS/l N strS/l 6 TtblTra"sactio"s.0ebit( tblTra"sactio"s.7ode T QQ QQstrS/l N strS/l 6 TFrom tblCustomers( tblTra"sactio"s T QQstrS/l N strS/l 6 T2here tblCustomers.CustomerI0 N tblTra"sactio"s.CustomerI0T QQ QQSet rsTemp N :e+ *0O05.Recordset QQrsTemp.Ope" strS/l( c"5a" ( adOpe"Beyset( adLoc Optimistic QQ2ith de5a" QQQ.Comma"ds,TcmdStateme"tT-.Parameters N l!+Tra"sactio"s.SelectedItem.Te3t QQQ.cmdStateme"tS1roupi"#, (l!+Tra"sactio"s.SelectedItem.ListSubItems,R--N QQ.Comma"ds,TcmdStateme"tS1roupi"#T-.Parameters,TtblCustomersCodeT- N THT QQE"d 2ith Q2ith rsTemp QI$ .RecordCou"t V < The" QSet rptStateme"t.0ataSource N :othi"# QSet rptStateme"t.0ataSource N rsTemp QrptStateme"t.Sho+

QElse Q7s#5o3 T$e+T QE"d I$ QE"d 2ith E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmdPri"t*llSClic ,rptStateme"t.Sho+ E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmd)uitSClic ,&"load 7e E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub 0TPic erHSClic ,E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmdRe$reshSClic ,l!+Tra"sactio"s.Re$resh E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub Comma"dHSClic ,E"d Sub QTe3tH.Te3t N l!+Tra"sactio"s.SelectedItem.Te3t Pri!ate Sub FormSLoad,Call co""ect0atabase Call LoadList4ie+,rsTra"sactio"s2ith rsCustomers I$ .5OF N True The" I$ .EOF N True The" E3it Sub E"d I$ E"d I$ .7o!eFirst For @ N H To .RecordCou"t cboCustomerI0.*ddItem WCustomerI0 cboFirst.*ddItem WFirst:ame

cbo*cc:o.*ddItem W*ccou"t:o .7o!e:e3t :e3t @ E"d 2ith FrameH.E"abled N False E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub l!+Tra"sactio"sSColum"Clic ,5y4al Colum"Header *s S 7SComctlLib.Colum"HeaderQ Sort accordi"# to data i" this colum". I$ l!+Tra"sactio"s.Sorted *"d S Colum"Header.I"de3 8 H N l!+Tra"sactio"s.SortBey The" Q *lready sorted o" this colum"( just i"!ert the sort order. l!+Tra"sactio"s.SortOrder N H 8 l!+Tra"sactio"s.SortOrder Else l!+Tra"sactio"s.SortOrder N l!+*sce"di"# l!+Tra"sactio"s.SortBey N Colum"Header.I"de3 8 H E"d I$ l!+Tra"sactio"s.Sorted N True E"d Sub Public Sub LoadList4ie+,myRs *s Recordset2ith myRs 2hile :ot .EOF Ql!+Tra"sactio"s.ListItems.*dd ( ( WCustomerI0 6 T T 6 W*ccou"t:o Q 6 T T 6 W:arratio" 6 T T 6 W0ated 6 T T 6 W0ebit 6 T T 6 WCredit Set lstItem N l!+Tra"sactio"s.ListItems.*dd,( ( WCustomerI0lstItem.SubItems,H- N W*ccou"t:o lstItem.SubItems,;- N W:arratio" lstItem.SubItems,L- N W0ated lstItem.SubItems,D- N Format,W0ebit( TP(PPP(PP<<.<<TlstItem.SubItems,E- N Format,WCredit( TP(PPP(PP<<.<<TlstItem.SubItems,F- N W7ode lstItem.SubItems,G- N WChec :O lstItem.SubItems,=- N W5ala"ce lstItem.SubItems,R- N WCode .7o!e:e3t 2e"d E"d 2ith E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub l!+Tra"sactio"sS0blClic ,Call cmdEditSClic E"d Sub

Pri!ate Sub Optio"HSClic ,FrameH.E"abled N True E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub Optio";SClic ,FrameH.E"abled N False Set rsTemp N :e+ *0O05.Recordset rsTemp.Ope" TSelect U $rom tblTra"sactio"sT( c"5a" ( adOpe"Beyset( adLoc Optimistic 2ith rsTemp I$ .RecordCou"t V < The" l!+Tra"sactio"s.ListItems.Clear Call LoadList4ie+,rsTempElse 7s#5o3 T0atabase Empty..T( !bI"$ormatio" E3it Sub E"d I$ .Close E"d 2ith E"d Sub

Pri!ate Sub cmdCloseSClic ,&"load 7e E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmdSa!eSClic ,Set rsTemp N :e+ *0O05.Recordset rsTemp.Ope" TSelect U FRO7 tblTra"sactio"s 2HERE CodeNT 6 t3tCode.Te3t 6 T T( c"5a" ( adOpe"Beyset( adLoc Optimistic 2ith rsTemp WCustomerI0 N t3tCustomerI0.Te3t W*ccou"t:o N t3t*ccou"t:o.Te3t W:arratio" N t3t:arratio".Te3t WChec :O N t3tChec :o.Te3t W0ated N t3t0ated.4alue W0ebit N t3t0ebit.Te3t W7ode N t3t7ode.Te3t WCredit N t3tCredit.Te3t W5ala"ce N t3t5ala"ce.Te3t .&pdate E"d 2ith

rsTemp.Close rsTra"sactio"s.Re/uery $rmTra"sactio"s.l!+Tra"sactio"s.Re$resh &"load 7e E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub FormSLoad,Call co""ect0atabase E"d Sub Public Sub 0isplayTra"sact,myRs *s Recordset2ith myRs cboCustomer:o.Te3t N WCustomerI0 t3t*ccou"t:o.Te3t N W*ccou"t:o t3t:arratio".Te3t N W:arratio" t3tChec :o.Te3t N WChec :O t3t0ated.4alue N W0ated t3t*mou"t0eposited.Te3t N W0ebit t3t7ode.Te3t N W7ode t3tCredit.Te3t N WCredit t3t5ala"ce.Te3t N W5ala"ce E"d 2ith E"d Sub

Pri!ate Sub cmd*ddSClic ,:e+Record N True cmd*dd.E"abled N False cmdSa!e.E"abled N True cmdCa"cel.E"abled N True cmdEdit.E"abled N False cmd)uit.E"abled N False Call &"Loc SFormSCo"trols,7eCall clearSFormSCo"trols,7eCall 1e"erate:e+*ccou"tCode t3t*ccou"tI0.Loc ed N True t3t*ccou"t:ame.SetFocus E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmdCa"celSClic ,cmd*dd.E"abled N True cmdSa!e.E"abled N False

cmdCa"cel.E"abled N False cmdEdit.E"abled N True cmd)uit.E"abled N True 2ith rs*ccTypes I$ :e+Record N True The" .Ca"cel&pdate :e+Record N False Else .Ca"cel&pdate E"d I$ Call 0isplayaccTypes,rs*ccTypesE"d 2ith Call Loc SFormSCo"trols,7eE"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmdEditSClic ,:e+Record N False cmd*dd.E"abled N False cmdSa!e.E"abled N True cmdCa"cel.E"abled N False cmdEdit.E"abled N False cmd)uit.E"abled N False Call &"Loc SFormSCo"trols,7eE"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmdFirstSClic ,Call 7o!eToFirst,rs*ccTypesCall 0isplayaccTypes,rs*ccTypeslblStatus.Captio" N CStr,TRecord CT 6 rs*ccTypes.*bsolutePositio" 6 T o$ T 6 rs*ccTypes.RecordCou"tE"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmdLastSClic ,Call 7o!eToLast,rs*ccTypesCall 0isplayaccTypes,rs*ccTypeslblStatus.Captio" N CStr,TRecord CT 6 rs*ccTypes.*bsolutePositio" 6 T o$ T 6 rs*ccTypes.RecordCou"tE"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmd:e3tSClic ,Call 7o!eTo:e3t,rs*ccTypesCall 0isplayaccTypes,rs*ccTypeslblStatus.Captio" N CStr,TRecord CT 6 rs*ccTypes.*bsolutePositio" 6 T o$ T 6 rs*ccTypes.RecordCou"t-

E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmdPre!iousSClic ,Call 7o!eToPre!,rs*ccTypesCall 0isplayaccTypes,rs*ccTypeslblStatus.Captio" N CStr,TRecord CT 6 rs*ccTypes.*bsolutePositio" 6 T o$ T 6 rs*ccTypes.RecordCou"tE"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmd)uitSClic ,&"load 7e E"d Sub Public Sub 1e"erate:e+*ccou"tCode,0im last"umber *s Lo"#( "e+"umber *s Lo"# QChec i$ there are records i" the $ile 2ith rs*ccTypes I$ .5OF N True *"d .EOF N True The" last"umber N H<<< Else .7o!eLast last"umber N W*ccou"tI0 E"d I$ Q1e"erate :e+ :umber "e+"umber N last"umber O H t3t*ccou"tI0.Te3t N "e+"umber E"d 2ith E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub cmdSa!eSClic ,2ith rs*ccTypes I$ :e+Record N True The" .*dd:e+ W*ccou"tI0 N t3t*ccou"tI0.Te3t W*ccou"t:ame N t3t*ccou"t:ame.Te3t W0escriptio" N t3t0escriptio".Te3t WI"trestRate N t3tI"terestRate.Te3t W7i"5ala"ce N t3t7i"5ala"ce.Te3t .&pdate E"d 2ith E"d Sub Pri!ate Sub FormSLoad,Call co""ect0atabase cmd*dd.E"abled N True cmdSa!e.E"abled N False

cmdCa"cel.E"abled N False cmdEdit.E"abled N False cmd)uit.E"abled N True Call Loc SFormSCo"trols,7eCall 0isplayaccTypes,rs*ccTypeslblStatus.Captio" N CStr,TRecord CT 6 rs*ccTypes.*bsolutePositio" 6 T o$ T 6 rs*ccTypes.RecordCou"tCall 0isplayaccTypes,rs*ccTypesE"d Sub Public Sub 0isplayaccTypes,myRs *s Recordset2ith myRs I$ .5OF N True *"d .EOF N True The" E3it Sub t3t*ccou"tI0.Te3t N W*ccou"tI0 t3t*ccou"t:ame.Te3t N W*ccou"t:ame t3t0escriptio".Te3t N W0escriptio" t3tI"terestRate.Te3t N WI"terestRate t3t7i"5ala"ce.Te3t N W7i"5ala"ce E"d 2ith E"d Sub

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