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The Floating-Point Unit of the Jaguar x86Core AIM: The main aim of the project is to design The Floating-Point

Unit of the Jaguar x 86 Cores. A !T"ACT: The AMD Jaguar x86 core uses a fully-synthesized, !8-"it nati#e floatingpoint unit $%&'( "uilt as a co-processor model) The Jaguar %&' supports se#eral x86 *+A extensions, including x8,, MM-, ++. through ++./)!, A.+, 01M'1, A2-, and % 60 instruction sets) The front end of the unit decodes t3o complex operations per cycle and uses a dedicated renamer $45(, free list $%1(, and retire 6ueue $47( for in order dispatch and retire) The %&' issues to the execution units 3ith a dedicated out-of-order, dual-issue scheduler) .xecution units source operands from a synthesized physical register file $&4%( and "ypass net3or8) The "ac8 end of the unit has t3o execution pipes9 the first pipe contains a #ector integer A1', a #ector integer M'1 unit, and a floating-point adder $%&A(: the second pipe contains a #ector integer A1', a store-con#ert unit, and a floating-point iterati#e multiplier $%&M() The implementation of the unit focused on lo3-po3er design and on #ectorized single-precision $+&( performance optimizations) The #erification of the unit re6uired complex pseudo-random and formal #erification techni6ues) The Jaguar %&' is "uilt in a !8nm 0M;+ process)

K.Aravind Reddy (Director) 9652926926, 9640648

Cell No:

#$C% &IA'"AM:

%ig9 Jaguar %&' <loc8 Diagram)

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K.Aravind Reddy (Director) 9652926926, 9640648

Cell No:

The AMD Jaguar x86core is a fully synthesized, t3o-3ide, out-of-order superscalar core implemented in a !8nm 0M;+ process, targeted at lo3 po3er, lo3-cost form factors) Jaguar is the next-generation architecture of the AMD <o"cat x86 core, supporting many x86 *+A extensions, including the floating-point specific sets x8,, MM-, ++. through ++./)!, A.+, 01M'1, A2- and % 60) "*F*"*(C*!: 4upley, J), >AMD?s @Jaguar?9 A next generation lo3 po3er x86core,A Bot 0hips !/) AMD, <*;+ and Cernel De#eloper Duide $<CDD( for AMD %amily 6h Models EEh-E%h &rocessors, http9FF333)amd)com +ingh, T): <ell, J): +outhard, +): >Jaguar9 A 5ext-Deneration 1o3- &o3er x86-6/ 0ore,A *++00 !E G, pp) !- G) <urgess, <): 0ohen, <): Denman, M): Dundas, J): Caplan, D): 4upley, J): ><o"cat9 AMDHs 1o3-&o3er x86 &rocessor,A *... Micro, pp) 6-!I) A) +cherer, M) Dolden, 5) Juffa, +) Meier, +) ;"erman, B) &arto#i, %) Je"er, >An out-of-order three 3ay superscalar multimedia floating point unit,A in Digest of Technical &apers, *... *nt) +olid-+tate 0ircuits 0onf)

K.Aravind Reddy (Director) 9652926926, 9640648

Cell No:

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