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Electromagnetic Induction Hp: 9620 7426 / Mr Tan Kheng Siang

Magnetic flux and the weber Wb The magnetic flux through a small plane surface is defined as the product of the magnetic flux density normal to the area and the area of the surface.
= (B cos )( A )

Lenzs law Lenz's law states that the direction of the induced current is such as to produce an effect that opposes the change of the magnetic flux that gives rise to it. The minus sign in the equation E = -

d (N) dt

expresses the Lenzs law.

Lenzs law is an example of the principle of the conservation of energy.

t NBA cos E = t B : A :

Normal B B cos B sin

N : E=
(BA cos )N t

or = (B sin )( A )

Faradays Law of EMI: E =

To induce emf, the numerator cannot be zero, hence at least one of the four quantities (N, B, A, ) must be a variable.
(cos ) :

Magnetic flux linkage () If a coil of N turns and area A is placed in a magnetic field of flux density B with its axis along the field, the total flux, known as flux linkage, is given by =N = N B A cos , where N: Number of turns of the coil The laws of electromagnetic induction Faradays law The magnitude of the induced electromotive force is directly proportional to the rate of change of flux linkage or the rate of flux cutting Induced e.m.f, | E |
d dt

E= (NA cos )B


(NB cos )A t
B (into page)


(NBA )(cos ) t

B (into page)

Force Force

where is the flux linkage

d E=dt

Exerting a force on two ends of the coil, thus reducing the number of turns of the coil, N.

Removing the coil out of the B-Field, i.e. Bf = 0





The minus in the equation indicates the direction of the induced e.m.f. opposes the change of flux linkage. (Lenzs Law) For certain Calculations, Faradays law is expressed as
E =



, where : change t

Eddy Current Small, circulating, unwanted currents generated by a magnetically induced electromotive force in a closed conductive path, such as a large metal plate, resulting in a waste of energy. If a large metal plate is moved through a magnetic field which intersects perpendicularly to the sheet, the magnetic field will induce small circulating current which will actually create internal magnetic fields opposing the change, thus slowing the object down. (Lenzs Law) In effect, the kinetic energy will go into driving small currents inside the metal which will give off that energy as heat as they push through the metal.

Bar magnet

For cutting of flux by a metal rod, E = BLv

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