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Definition of Lateral Seismic Load per IS:1893 (Part 1) 2002

Static Analysis M ethodology The desi gn base shear i s computed by STA A D i n accordance wi th the I S: 1893 (Part 1) -2002 equati on 7.5.3.


A h. W

where, A h =

Note: A l l symbol s and notati ons i n the above equati on are as per I S: 1893(Part 1)-2002. STA A D uti l i zes the f ol l owi ng procedure to generate the l ateral sei smi c l oads. See Section 1. User provi des sei smi c zone co-ef f i ci ent and desi red " 1893(Part 1)-2002specs" through the DEFI NE 5.32.12 1893 L OA D command. 2. Program cal cul ates the structure peri od (T). 3. Program cal cul ates Sa/g uti l i zi ng T. 4. Program cal cul ates V f rom the above equati on. W i s obtai ned f rom SEL FWEI GHT, JOI NT WEI GHT(s) and M EM BER WEI GHT(S) provi ded by the user through the DEFI NE 1893 L OA D command. 5. The total l ateral sei smi c l oad (base shear) i s then di stri buted by the program among di f f erent l evel s of the structure per the I S: 1893 procedures. General format: DEFINE 1893 LOAD ZONE f 1 1893-spec



v1 v2 v3

1893-Spec= {RF f2, I f3, SS f4, (ST f5), DM f6, (PX f7), (PZ f8), (DT f9)}

where, Zone f1 = Seismic zone coefficient Refer Tabl e 2 of I S:1893(Part 1)-2002. RF f 2 = Response reducti on f actor. Ref er Tabl e 7 of I S: 1893 (Part 1) -2002. I f3 = I mportance f actor dependi ng upon the f uncti onal use of the structures, characteri zed by hazardous consequences of i ts f ai l ure, post-earthquake f uncti onal needs, hi stori cal val ue, or economi c i mportance. Ref er Tabl e 6 of I S: 1893(Part 1)-2002.

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SS f 4 ST f 5 DM f 6 PX f 7 PZ f 8 DT f 9

Cl ause 6.4.5 of I S: 1893 (Part 1) -2002. = Opti onal val ue f or type of structure (=1 for RC f rame bui l di ng, 2 f or Steel f rame bui l di ng, 3 f or al l other bui l di ngs). I f thi s parameter i s menti oned the program wi l l cal cul ate natural peri od as per Cl ause 7.6 of I S:1893(Part 1)-2002. = Dampi ng rati o to obtai n mul ti pl yi ng factor f or cal cul ati ng Sa/g f or di f f erent dampi ng. I f no dampi ng i s speci f i ed 5% dampi ng (defaul t val ue 0.05) wi l l be consi dered correspondi ng to whi ch mul ti pl yi ng f actor i s 1.0. Ref er Tabl e 3 of IS:1893(Part 1)-2002. = Opti onal peri od of structure (i n sec) i n X di recti on. I f thi s i s def i ned thi s val ue wi l l be used to cal cul ate Sa/g f or generati on of sei smi c l oad al ong X di recti on. = Opti onal peri od of structure (i n sec) i n Z di recti on. I f thi s i s def i ned thi s val ue wi l l be used to cal cul ate Sa/g f or generati on of sei smi c l oad al ong Z di recti on. = Depth of f oundati on bel ow ground l evel . I t shoul d be def i ned i n current uni t. I f the depth of f oundati on i s 30 m or bel ow, the val ue of A h i s taken as hal f the val ue obtai ned. I f the f oundati on i s pl aced between the ground l evel and 30 m depth, thi s val ue i s l i nearl y i nterpol ated between A h and 0.5A h . = j oi nt wei ght associ ated wi th l i st = speci f i es a uni forml y di stri buted l oad wi th a val ue of v 1 starti ng at a di stance of v 2 (f rom the start of the member) and endi ng at a di stance of v 3 (f rom the start of the member). I f v 2 and v 3 are omi tted, the l oad i s assumed to cover the enti re l ength of the member.

= Rock or soi l si tes f actor (=1 f or hard soi l , 2 f or medi um soi l , 3 f or sof t soi l ). Dependi ng on type of soi l , average response accel erati on coef f i ci ent Sa/g i s cal cul ated correspondi ng to 5% dampi ng. Ref er


CON = speci fi es a concentrated f orce wi th a val ue of v 4 appl i ed at a di stance of v 5 (f rom the start of the member). I f v 5 i s omi tted, the l oad i s assumed to act at the center of the member. Note: By defaul t STA A D cal cul ates natural peri ods of the structure i n both X and Z di recti ons respecti vel y whi ch are used i n cal cul ati on f or base shear. I f , however, PX and PZ are menti oned the program wi l l consi der these val ues f or cal cul ati on of average response accel erati on coef f i ci ent. I f i nstead of PX and PZ val ues ST i s menti oned the program wi l l cal cul ate natural peri od dependi ng upon the empi ri cal expressi on gi ven i n I S: 1893 (Part 1)-2002.

Dynamic Analysis M ethodology The design lateral shear force at each floor in each mode is computed by STAAD i n accordance wi th the I S: 1893 (Part 1) -2002 equati on and

Qik = Ak* ik* Pk* W k and V ik =


Note: A l l symbol s and notati ons i n the above equati on are as per I S: 1893(Part 1)-2002.

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STA A D uti l i zes the f ol l owi ng procedure to generate the l ateral sei smi c l oads.

1. User provi des the val ue f or

as factors for input spectrum

2. Program cal cul ates ti me peri ods f or f i rst si x modes or as speci f i ed by the user. 3. Program cal cul ates Sa/g f or each mode uti l i zi ng ti me peri od and dampi ng f or each mode. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The program cal cul ates desi gn hori zontal accl erati on spectrum A k for different modes. The program then cal cul ates mode parti ci pati on factor f or di f f erent modes. The peak l ateral sei smi c f orce at each f l oor i n each mode i s cal cul ated. A l l response quanti ti es f or each mode are cal cul ated. The peak response quanti ti es are then combi ned as per method (CQC or SRSS or A BS or TEN or CSM ) as def i ned by the user to get the f i nal resul ts.

General format:
SPECT RUM {M ethod} 1893 (T OR) X f1 Y f2 Z f3 ACC (SCAL E f4) (DAM P f5 or M DAM P or CDAM P) (M I S f6) (ZPA f7) SOI L T Y PE f6

The data in the first line above must be on the first line of the command, second line data can be on the first or second line with all bur last ending with a hyphen. The third line (SOIL TYPE parameter) must be in a separate line.

where, M ethod = SRSS or CQC or ABS or CSM or T EN SRSS , CQC, ABS ,CSM and T EN are methods of combi ni ng the responses f rom each mode i nto a total response. SRSS stands f or square root of summati on of squares, CQC f or compl ete quadrati c combi nati on and A BS f or A bsol ute method. CSM i s a cl osel y-spaced modes groupi ng method where the peak response quanti ti es f or cl osel y spaced modes (consi dered to be wi thi n 10 percent of each other) are combi ned by A bsol ute method. Thi s peak response quanti ty f or cl osel y spaced modes i s then combi ned wi th those of wi del y spaced modes by SRSS method. TEN PERCENT method combi nes modal responses as i s publ i shed i n US Nucl ear Regul atory Gui de 1.92 Revi si on 1 of February 1976. Note : CQC, SRSS and CSM Grouping methods are recommended by I S:1893 (Part 1) 2002. Please note that if SRSS is given the pr ogr am will inter nally check whether ther e is any closely spaced modes or not. I f it finds any such modes it will switch over to CSM method. I n CSM method the pr ogr am will check whether all modes ar e closely spaced or not. I f all modes ar e closely spaced it will

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switch over to CQC method. 1893 i ndi cates the anal ysi s as per I S:1893(Part 1)-2002procedure. T OR i ndi cates to consi der hori zontal torsi onal moment arri si ng due to eccentri ci ty between the centre of mass and centre of ri gi di ty. I f TOR i s entered on any one spectrum case i t wi l l be used f or al l spectrum cases. X Y Z f1, f2, f3 are the factors for the input spectrum to be applied in X, Y, & Z directions. These are the product of

. Any one or all directions can be input. Directions not provided will default to zero.
ACC indicates Acceleration spectra will be entered. SCALE f4 = Scale factor by which design horizontal acceleration spectrum will be multiplied. This factor signifies that the structures and foundations, at which level base shear will be calculated, are placed below the ground level. Default value is 1.0. DAM P , M DAM P and CDAM P. Select source of damping input. f5 = Damping ratio for all modes. Default value is 0.05 (5% damping if 0 or blank entered). DAMP indicates to use the f5 value for all modes. MDAMP indicates to use the damping entered or computed with the DEFINE DAMP command if entered, otherwise default value of 0.05 will be used. CDAMP is the composite damping of the structure calculated for each mode. One must specify damping for different materials under CONSTANT specification.

M I S f 6 = Use M i ssi ng M ass method. The stati c ef f ect of the masses not represented i n the modes i s i ncl uded. The spectral accel erati on f or thi s mi ssi ng mass mode i s the f 6 val ue entered. I f f 6 i s zero, then the spectral accel erati on at the ZPA f 7 f requency i s used. I f f 7 i s zero or not entered, the spectral accel erati on at 33Hz ( Z er o Per iod Accler ation, Z PA ) i s used. The resul ts of thi s cal cul ati on are SRSSed wi th the modal combi nati on resul ts. I f the M I S parameter i s entered on any spectrum case i t wi l l be used f or al l spectrum cases. Z PA f 7 = For use wi th M I S opti on onl y. Def aul ts to 33 Hz i f not entered. V al ue i s pri nted but not used i f M I S f 6 i s entered. SOI L T Y PE f6 i ndi cates the types of soi l . f 5 i s 1 for rocky or hard soi l , 2 f or medi um soi l and 3 f or sof t soi l si tes. Dependi ng upon ti me peri od, types of soi l and dampi ng, average response accel erati on coef f i ci ent, Sa/g i s cal cul ated. Note: 1. The desi gn base shear V B cal cul ated f rom Response Spectrum method i s compared wi th the base shear V b cal cul ated empi ri cal f ormul a f or f undamental ti me peri od. I f V B i s l ess than V b, al l the response quanti ti es are mul ti pl i ed by V b /V B as per Cl ause 7.8.2. For thi s f ol l owi ng i nput i s necessary bef ore def i ni ng any pri mary l oad case: DEFINE 1893 LOAD ZONE f1 1893-spec

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v1 v2 v3

1893-Spec= {RF f2, I f3, SS f4, ST f5, DM f6, (PX f7), (PZ f8), (DT f9)} The meani ng of the parameters i s descri bed under Definition of Lateral Seismic Load per IS:1893 (Part 1) 2002. Please note that the program will not calculate frequency of the structure. Either ST parameter or PX and PZ parameters will have to be entered. 2. The following interpolation formula is adopted for interpolation between damping values as given in Table 3. Interpolation and/or extrapolation of ground response acceleration for a particular mode has been made for determining the spectrum ordinates corresponding to the modal damping value for use in Response Spectrum analysis. The relationship that shall be used for this purpose is defined by :


where, Sa A, B = = = Spectrum ordinate damping ratio Constants

The constants A and B are determined using two known spectrum ordinates Sa1 & Sa2

corresponding to damping ratios 1 and 2 respectively for a particular time period and are as follows :

where, 1 < < 2 3. The storey drift in any srorey shall not exceed 0.004 times the storey height as per Clause 7.11.1. To check this following input should be given after analysis command. PRINT STOREY DRIFT

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Warning message will be printed if storey drift exceeds this limitation. 4. If any soft storey (as per definition in Table 5 of IS:1893-2002) is detected warning message will be printed in the output.

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