First Semester Exam: Academic Year:2005-2006 Level: 3 Teachers:Mr. Ka& Mancabou

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Cherif Samsidine Aidara High school

Academic Year :2005-2006


Level : 3me
Teachers :Mr. Ka& Mancabou

First Name/Family Name/Class:

First Semester Exam

There were many young children working on Istiklal, and I grew curious about who they
were. One day I stopped to talk to young girls selling tissues; they asked me to take them
to the restaurant. I dont like restaurants, but they clearly did, so I took them down the
street for a Kids Meal. While they eat, we talked. Nurcan was eight, and Emine was ten.
I told them my name but they ignored it and continued to address me as Abla, or big
sister, which really touched me. When I told them I was from America, they proudly
counted to ten in English.
Which soccer team do you like?, they asked me.
Galatasaray, I said. They were also Galatasaray fans. Actually, I am not very keen on
sports , but I knew about Turkish interest in soccer and it pleased me that they were glad
this American supported their favourite Turkish team.
When they began talking about their families , I realized that Nurcan and Emine were not
the streets kids I had imagined: they live with their families. Their parents send them to
Istiklal everyday to sell tissues because their families need the money. Emine went to
school for four years and proved it by writing her name and Nurcans name on her
napkin. Nurcan, however, had only a year of school and is illiterate. Dinner at a
restaurant was a huge event for them. I photographed them and showed them how to
take picture with my camera, so they could photograph me. When we finished the meal,
they thanked me again, smiled shyly and disappeared. As for me, I stayed for a moment
inside the restaurant wondering about the future of these kids, obliged to work instead of
seeking for education. Childs work is a clear sign of adults failure.


A- Read the text and answer the questions( 04 pts)

1) Who are Nurcan and Emine?

2) What does Abla mean in Turkish language?
3) Are they used to have dinner at the restaurant? Why?
4) Did the young girls know how to take a picture before?

B) Are these sentences true or false? Justify your answer by quoting the text.(02pts)
1) Nurcan and Emine were not interested in soccer
.2) Emine and Nurcan work for their families.
3) Emine has never been a student

4)Emine and Nurcan left after the meal

C Match each word in column A with its meaning in column B(02pts)

1. glad

a. did not pay attention to

2. soccer

b. supporters


c. happy

d. football

5. ignored

e. uneducated

A Complete the sentences with the right form of the verbs.(02pts)
1)The boys will wait until their mother(to come)
2) Ibou would succeed if he..hard (to work)
3) Our teacher made usthe lesson (to recite)
4) He.since this morning (to work) and he .yet ( not to finish)
B Reformulate the sentences as indicated(02pts)
1) Where are you from?, he asked me.
He asked me
2) Open the door, grandmother told Albert
Grandmother told Albert
3) I dont have your number, Rama told Charles
Rama told Charles...
4) The policeman will arrest the thief.
The thief
C Complete the sentences with( , either, neither, so)(1,5pt)
9) I work in Velingarado my colleagues.
10) Doris hasnt got a car. Her father hasnt..
11)You cant speak Chinese..can Fred
D Complete with the right tag
1) They sell tissues in the street,..?
2) The stranger brought some presents,..?
III WRITING. Choose one topic (05 points)
1 The place of children is with their parents, not at work. Do you agree? Why or why not?
2 Someone said that women emancipation should be effective. What do you think of this idea?

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