Bittersweet Jul 16 2013

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!ITTE" S#EET by Erica Arthur

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (

Cha*ter ' + Introduction ,ames - saturday Created march (-th (.'. -/01/.- P2 #aiters in cris* white dinner 3ac4ets and matchin5 white 5 o6es, bu77ed around the room mo6in5 swi)t y )rom tab e to tab e ad3ustin5 each 4ni)e and )or4 to *er)ection8 Scu *ted bou9uets o) b ushin5 white roses adorned the center o) each o) the three hundred and )i)ty tab es that )i ed the rece*tion ha at the !i tmore :ote 8 Sasha inha ed the )ami iar scent o) rousin5 antici*ation and e;citement that wei5hed hea6y in the air8 "e5ard ess o) the count ess times she had e;*erienced iteach tim she cou dn<t he * but succumb to the in)ectious ener5y that a**rehended her senses8 It was this ener5y that Sash used as ins*iration when desi5nin5 her a ways care)u y con structed and meticu ous y decorated ca4es8

Chairs were *ositioned e9uidistance a*art, cham*a5ne set to chi , The e e5ant ) o ra themed tab esca*e )i ed the coo air-conditioned room with the warmth o) summer8 Count ess tab es adorned with bou9uets o) b ushin5 white roses )i ed the coo air-conditioned room with the warmth o) summer8 At the head tab e an army o) white inen co6ered chairs tied with si 6er or5an7a sashes stood at attention e9uidistance a*art, awaitin5 their e;*ected occu*ants8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & = !ehind the )abric dra*ed wa s the )ami iar c an4 o) dishes cou d be heard amon5st the hust e and bust e as the 4itchen sta)) scurried to *re*are and *resent o6er three hundred hors d<oeu6res and coc4tai s8 In on y a )ew hours the * ace wou d be trans)ormed into a *arade o) con)etti co ored 5owns *eacoc4in5 a5ainst the bac4dro* o) their tu;edo c ad escorts8

#ith care)u hands, Sasha de icate y to**ed her master*iece with its crownin5 5 ory> the 5 eamin5 bride and 5room8 This *articu ar master*iece was a three tiered white a mond ca4e with si 6er satin trim and so)t *in4 mar7i*an roses8 She stood bac4 to ensure that e6erythin5 had been set to *er)ection8 Ne;t to the bride, the weddin5 ca4e demanded a si5ni)icant amount o) the s*ot i5ht, sub3ect to a myriad o) *raise and scrutiny8 A thou5h, Sasha herse ) was the tou5hest critic o) them a 8 She was a *er)ectionist, *ayin5 the c osest o) attention to e6ery detai 8 It was a must as )ar as she was concerned8 Each time she wa 4ed away )rom a ca4e she was ea6in5 her re*utation with it8 A)ter count ess ad3ustments and read3ustments she was )ina y satis)ied to ea6e her *rice ess wor4 o) art in the trusted hands o) the caterers8

#ith o6er three hundred 5uests e;*ected to be in attendance they were in )or a busy e6enin58 Sasha<s e6enin5 on the other hand wou d be a star4 contrast

Sasha on the other hand headed bac4 to the sho* to )inish u* the remainder o) the a)ternoon8 Sasha A e;ander owned and o*erated Alexanders Pastry Shop8 It was a modest sho* ocated in the 9uiet uni6ersity town o) westbrid5e8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0 The town was home to a number o) s*ecia ity sho*s and co))ee houses, and a * ethora o) uni6ersity students8 !y sheer uc4 and 5ood timin5, Sasha mana5ed to secure a *rime corner s*ot ad3acent a *i77a sho* and a busy bus sto*8 The ocation had done wonders )or her wa 4 in business, and once word 5ot around, orders started ro in5 in on a dai y basis8 Now two years on the b oc4, business had increased to a e6e that she was stru55 in5 to maintain a one8 Today she had to c ose the sho* )or an hour to assemb e the ca4e )or the )enton weddin5, and this wasn<t the )irst time8 She cou dn<t 4ee* u* this *ace )or much on5er She had hired a de i6ery 5uy )or the wee4ends, but what she rea y needed was an assistant behind the counter8 This wou d he * )ree u* her time to 5et more ba4in5 done, which is what she rea y o6ed, as we as more time )or orders that re9uired her *ersona touch8 As Sasha ro ed o6er the sma brid5e connectin5 the downtown core to westbrid5e, she *romised herse ) that she wou d ma4e time to )ind an assistant8

Sasha *u ed u* to the curb in )ront o) the sho* and shouted a 9uic4 he o to her nei5hbor ?ior5io be)ore headin5 in8 ?ior5io owned the *i77a sho* ad3oinin5 A e;ander<s and was a**ro*riate y named Giorgios Pizza Shop but was more o)ten re)erred to as a *i77a @bar< because it he d on y about ( tab es com)ortab y, and the rest o) the dinin5 area consisted o) a stand u* bar that wra**ed around the entire outer ed5e o) the sho*8 As a ways his sho* door was *ro**ed o*en and ?ior5io cou d be s*ied sittin5 at one o) his two tab es readin5 the news*a*er which was a common site once the unch time rush was o6er8 ?ior5io res*onded with his usua 5reetin5, a thumbs u*, and a smi e8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 1 ?ior5io had one 5enera mood8 ?ood8 In )act, in the two years they had been nei5hbors, Sasha had on y once seen his mood chan5e8 It was the time she had )or5otten to ma4e him a bo; o) canno is8 They had an arran5ement that he wou d 5i6e Sasha a com* imentary *i77a in e;chan5e )or a bo; o) her canno is8 It started out as a 3o4e, but ?ior5io<s wea4ness )or canno is 9uic4 y became e6ident and it soon turned into a wee4 y tradition8 That *articu ar day Sasha had )or5otten to *ut aside a bo; )or him8 The norma y 3o6ia man had wi ted to a chi d i4e state at the disa**ointin5 news8 Since that day Sasha made sure to ha6e a bo; ready )or him e6ery Sunday8 She a ways 5a6e him enou5h canno is )or the )ami y, but )rom the si7e o) his waist ine, she doubted 6ery much that the entire bo; e6er made it a the way home8

Sasha entered her sho* to the we comin5 tune o) the 3in5 in5 sho* be s and immediate y ) i**e the Ac osedAsi5n to B :er sho* was not much bi55er than ?ior5io<s, but )e t a ot more s*acious because it did not house the wra* around bar that ?ior5io<s did8 And instead o) the ar5e bo;y tab es, Sasha had o*ted )or two sma bistro tab e tuc4ed ad3acent to the window, ea6in5 a s*acious *athway )rom the door to the dis* ay counter8

As she made her way to the 4ithen, sasha smi ed a si ent he o to the *icture o) her )ather that sat on the windowsi ne;t to the re5ister8 CCCe aborateCC

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & D #hi e it was 9uiet, Sasha decided she wou d 5et started with Sundays orders8 En the ist was a white butter cream christenin5 ca4e, a heart sha*ed red 6e 6et birthday ca4e, and a three ayer choco ate ha7e nut anni6ersary ca4e8 Custom tric4ed in that a)ternoon which a))orded Sasha the time to ba4e8 !y c osin5 she had a a ei5ht ca4es ba4ed and ready )or the coo in5 rac4 As she * aced the ast ca4e on the rac4, she heard the sho* be 3in5 e8 F?ood timin5G, she thou5ht to herse )8 #hen she emer5ed )rom the bac4, she was sur*rised, but at the same time not so sur*rised to see her e;, ,ames , standin5 be)ore her 5rinnin5 i4e the Cheshire cat8 :e had de6e o*ed a we cra)ted habit o) showin5 u* une;*ected y8 :e ca ed it bein5 s*ontaneous, Sasha ca ed it bein5 mani*u ati6e8 Since their brea4-u* two months a5o, Sasha was doin5 her best to a6oid ,ames, whi e he was doin5 his best to *re6ent her8 :e 4new that she wou d not return any o) his *hone ca s or emai s8 Showin5 u* unannounced was his on y way o) 5ettin5 what he wanted8 E) course it was a ways dis5uised as @dinner< or @drin4s<, but the under yin5 5oa was a ways the same8 :e 4new that once they were standin5 )ace to )ace, it wou d be di))icu t )or her to re)use him8 F:ey8G :e he d his arms out, as thou5h e;*ectin5 her to 3um* into them8 She didn<t mo6e8 F#hat are you doin5 here ,amesHG FI wanted to see you8 In )act I wanted to in6ite you to dinner at my * ace8 I 5ot these shrim*, I swear they<re the si7e o) my handIG FI don<t t thin4 that<s a 5ood idea,G she cut him o))8 :e too4 her hand, natura y, as i) time and i words had not trans*ired between them8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & J FI don<t see why we can<t sti be )riends8 I 3ust want to ta 48 I miss you Sasha8G Sasha *u ed her hand away8 F,ames, I to d you, it<s o6er, we ha6e nothin5 more to ta 4 about8G FI<6e done a ot o) thin4in58 At east hear me out8 That<s a I as48G :e coc4ed his head s i5ht y to the e)t8 :e had a * eadin5 oo4 that Sasha )ound hard to resist8 She re a;ed her con)rontationa stance8 :e was 5ettin5 in, a5ain8

Physica y, ,ames embodied e6erythin5 Sasha wanted in a man8 Ta , handsome, we dressed, )it, not to mention, a 5reat o6er8 Each time she saw him, she )ound herse ) doubtin5 her decision to end the re ationshi*8 She had to remind herse ) to oo4 *ast his *hysica charm, and remember the side o) him that was not so charmin58 The crac4s in their re ationshi* be5an to sur)ace si; months ear ier when ,ames sur*rised Sasha with two tic4ets to The Caymen Is ands8 2ost women wou d ha6e 3um*ed at the o**ortunity, and so wou d Sasha i) the timin5 hadn<t been so terrib e8 !usiness was better than e6er8 :er c iente e was 5rowin5, tons o) orders were comin5 in, and she had 3ust secured a contract with the oca su*ermar4et8 It 3ust wasn<t the ri5ht time )or her to ea6e the business )or a wee48 She tried to e;* ain that to ,ames but he re)used to acce*t it8 At )irst he was )air y i5ht hearted about the who e thin58 :e did some * ay)u be55in5 and teasin5, tryin5 to tem*t her with 5ra*hica y descri*ti6e )antasies awaitin5 them on the tro*ica is and8 #hen Sasha re)used to bud5e, the * ay)u ness turned to )rustration and e6entua y )u b own an5er8 :e 5ot 6ery nasty

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & when thin5s didn<t 5o accordin5 to his * an8 That was the side o) him that Sasha )ound the east attracti6e8 :e became 6ery arro5ant and condescendin5 when he 5ot an5ry8 :e )e t that she didn<t a**reciate a o) the time and e))ort, not to mention money that he *ut into * annin5 such a bi5 tri*8 And she )e t that he did not res*ect her commitment to 5rowin5 her business8 In the end, they a5reed to disa5ree and Sasha ended the re ationshi*8 She no on5er wanted to be on the recei6in5 end o) his tem*er tantrums8 :e, on the other hand sti hadn<t come to terms with the )act that it was o6er8 This was e6ident in his *ursuit to chan5e her mind8

Kes*ite e6erythin5, she sti had )ee in5s )or him8 They rose to the sur)ace the moment he touched her hand8 She missed him as we 8 :e did ha6e a wonder)u y a))ectionate side when he wanted to8 Since he had been tryin5 to woo her bac4 she saw it more and more8 :e *romised to ta4e her business more serious y, and to res*ect her )ee in5s and a the other thin5s that o6ers *romise when they want you bac48 FE4, but 3ust dinner8G She heard herse ) say8 She 4new it was a mista4e the moment she a5reed to it8 !ut somethin5 inside o) her wou dn<t et her wa 4 away8 2aybe it was one iness8 2aybe it was the ease o) his )ami iarity8 2aybe it was him, standin5 in )ront o) her * eadin5 with his eyes8 #hate6er it was, it ead her bac4 to his * ace8 #here she swore she wou d ne6er be a5ain8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & L :e owned a to* ) oor condo with a ar5e terrace o6er oo4in5 the city8 It was hi5h u* enou5h that the street noise didn<t *ermeate the tran9ui ity o) his i6in5 s*ace, but sti c ose enou5h to be *art o) the action8

Sasha entered hesitant y, ma4in5 her way throu5h the dim y it entrance8 :e too4 her hand and 5uided her8 She )e t an uneasiness mo6e throu5h her, i4e *rey bein5 ured into the *it o) the ions den8 She too4 a dee* breath and reminded herse ) to stand )irm in her decision8 Ence inside, the city i5hts ) ooded the room, re) ectin5 in ri** es o)) the dar4 wood ) oors and tracin5 the corners o) the dar4 eather )urniture8 It was a too )ami iar to her8 :ow had she )ound herse ) bac4 in this *osition a5ain8 #ithin minutes so)t music )i tered the hea6y si ence, cand e i5ht ) ic4ered a on5 the wa s in harmony and Sasha was bein5 handed a 5 ass o) wine8 As a ways, ,ames was we *re*ared8 :er best )riend Casey, who made no secret o) her dis i4e )or ,ames, o)ten 3o4ed about him bein5 a *ossib e seria 4i er8 :is c ose attention to detai and stea th i4e mo6ements made him the *er)ect candidate in her o*inion8 Sudden y Sasha was be5innin5 to see her *oint8

The mea he *re*ared oo4ed de icious, and tasted de icious, )rom what Sasha cou d te o) the two bites she had ta4en8 She cou dn<t eat8 :er stomach was )i ed with enou5h an;iety to satiate her hun5er )or days8 She did her best to drown the uneasiness with the wine8 So )ar it was wor4in58 She was ab e to re a; enou5h to isten to him * ead his case8 %istin5 a the ways in which he had chan5ed and a o) the thin5s that he shou d ha6e, wou d ha6e, and cou d ha6e done di))erent y8 She istened intent y, secure in the )act that his words wou d not ma4e her wai6er8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '.

A)ter dinner she stood at the counter in si ence, watchin5 as he c eaned u* the dishes8 She cou dn<t he * thin4in5 that he oo4ed so harm ess and adorab e in his domestic ro e8 S ee6es ro ed u*, dish towe tuc4ed into his be t8 It was attracti6e8 2aybe he rea y had chan5ed8 F#hatHG :e oo4ed o6er his shou der sensin5 her eyes watchin5 She hesitated )or a moment, unsure whether or not to share her thou5hts with him8 FI don<t 4now, it<s 4ind o) cute to see you in the 4itchen i4e this8G A bi5 smi e came across his )ace8 FI don<t reca e6er seein5 you in the 4itchen, other than when you were ma4in5 co))ee8 #e used to eat out *ractica y e6ery ni5ht8G FYa, you<re ri5ht8 !ut I to d you, I<6e chan5ed, this is the new me8G :e came around the counter and s a**ed her behind with the towe 8 #hen she tried to mo6e away he *u ed her in c ose and ti5ht8 :e eaned o6er and whis*ered in her ear, FI sti want you Sasha8G She cou dn<t res*ond, she didn<t 4now how to res*ond8 :is words had cau5ht her o)) 5uard, wea4ened her, *unctured her armor o) resistance8 She cou dn<t he * herse ), she threw her arms around him, yearnin5 to )ee him c ose8 FI miss you tooG, she mana5ed to utter be)ore his i*s were u*on hers *u in5 at them hun5ri y8 Sasha bro4e )rom the embrace, tryin5 to catch her breath8 :er head was s*innin5, she needed to s ow down8 She was osin5 contro 8 :e et her brea4 )ree, on y momentari y, 4nowin5 that she wanted him as much as he wanted her8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '' #ithout sayin5 a word, he too4 her hand, natura y, as i) time and i words had not trans*ired between them and ead her down the )ami iar ha way into his air8 In the bedroom, cand es were it, so)t music ) owed throu5h a s*ea4er on the wa 8 The ni5ht i5hts cre*t throu5h the *artia y c osed b inds, tracin5 the out ine o) the bed in the center o) the room, re) ectin5 in ri** es across the b ac4 si 4 du6et that ay in wait8 !e)ore Sasha cou d ste* a the way in, he sto**ed and turned around to )ace her8 A 6ictorious 5rin it u* his )ace8 The 5nawin5 uneasiness returned to the *it o) Sasha<s stomach8 She i5nored it8 :e reached o6er her shou der to c ose the door behind her, remainin5 with one arm eaned a5ainst the door, tra**in5 her where she stood8 At that moment Sasha 4new there wou d be no turnin5 bac48 She wanted him8 :e *ressed his entire body into hers, *ushin5 her u* a5ainst the door8 :e in5ered in the moment, his )ace on y inches )rom hers, the heat o) his ra*id y increasin5 breaths *enetratin5 her s4in8 She bit at her ower i* in an e))ort to bite bac4 the desire bui din5 inside o) her, but it was no use8 She c osed her eyes, 4nowin5 she wou d )ee his i*s u*on hers at any moment8 :is i*s, coo , so)t, moist, *ressed a5ainst hers with a yearnin5 so intense, Sasha was ta4en by sur*rise when a sudden rush o) warmth we ed u* between her e5s8

She threw her head bac4 * easin5 y, e;*osin5 her nec4 to him8 :e too4 )u ad6anta5e, buryin5 his )ace in her, inha in5 her scent, a6ishin5 her with 4isses8 :is hand tra6e ed down to her breasts, his i*s )o owin5 c ose y behind8 :e *u ed bac4 her b ouse e;*osin5 her na4ed breast to him, her ni** es erect, be55in5 to be touched8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '( :e ro ed the taut ba s o) ) esh between two )in5ers, be)ore ta4in5 a hand)u o) her breast into his mouth, *u in5 at her ni** e teasin5 y each time he re eased her8 Sasha tu55ed at his be t, ea5er to re ease his sti)) bu 5e )rom its con)ines8 She cou dn<t wait to )ee him in her hands, to )ee him inside o) her8 :is *ants dro**ed to the ) oor8 :e ste**ed out o) them con)ident y, standin5 )u y erect be)ore her8 :e thrust his hi*s thrust )orward, in6itin5 Sasha to ta4e ho d o) him8 She com* ied wi in5 y, watchin5 his e;citement 5row as she stro4ed him8

She et her dress dro* to the ) oor in a *oo around her an4 es8 She s id herse ) down the en5th o) his body e6er so s ow y, unti she was on her 4nees be)ore him, )ace to )ace with his erection8 In s ow on5 *u s she drew him into her mouth, tu55in5 at him hun5ri y, her i*s 5 idin5 e))ort ess y u* and down the su** e s4in that co6ered his sha)t8 :e threw his head bac4 moanin5 e6en ouder8 F2mm I miss that mouthG She ro ed her eyes u* at him, de i5htin5 in his com* iment, *u in5 him dee*er into her mouth8 She 4new e;act y how to * ease him, and he 4new how to * ease her8 That was what made stayin5 away so di))icu t8 !etween the sheets ,ames was e6erythin5 Sasha wanted in a man8 :e was stron5 and master)u , his *assion raw and untamed, brou5ht Sasha to new hei5hts e6ery time they were to5ether8 Their *rob ems on y sur)aced once they were outside the bedroom8 Since their brea4 u* it was a ways se; that brou5ht them bac4 to5ether8 %ate y this *attern had be5un to ma4e Sasha )ee more i4e a se; ob3ect than a se; *artner8 Toni5ht was no e;ce*tion8 Kes*ite the warnin5s ree in5 in her head, she surrendered herse ) to the cra6in5 o) her tin5 in5 ) esh8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '=

She stood u* to 5i6e him more o) her mouth, the taste o) his manhood sti

in5erin5 on her i*s8

They tu55ed at each others i*s 6oracious y, their na4ed bodies 5rindin5 a5ainst one another in unison8 #ithout )reein5 her i*s, he 5uided her bac4ward towards the bed8 She )e bac4 )ree y onto the mattress, )u y e;*osed to him now8 :e stood u* in )ront o) her watchin5 her writhe a5ainst the si 4 du6et, * eadin5 )or him to ta4e her8 :e s*read her e5s wider a*art, stro4in5 himse ) harder as her 5 istenin5 )o ds came into )u 6iew8 She wanted to 5et u* and 5rab him and *u him down on to* o) her8 !ut she wou dn<t8 This was a *art o) the cat and mouse 5ame they * ayed with each other8 She teased him, s ow y runnin5 her )in5ers u* and down her s it, now s i**ery with her 3uices8 Eccasiona y dartin5 a )in5er in and out, writhin5 and moanin5, enticin5 him to come to her8 :e continued to stro4e himse ), harder and )aster unti he cou d no on5er resist her8 #ithout warnin5 he was on to* o) her, and with one 9uic4 thrust, he was inside o) her8 Sasha screamed with * easure8 She had ne6er )e t better than she did in that moment8

Si; hours ater Sasha wo4e u* a one, in her own bed8 She ay starin5 u* at the cei in5 countin5 the beams o) sun i5ht strea4in5 throu5h the window8 She counted si; beams, a most the same number o) times she had to d herse ) that she wou d ne6er 5o bac4 to ,ames8 The 5nawin5 )ee in5 sti churned uncom)ortab y in her stomach8 She )e t an indescribab e em*tiness inside8 She swore to herse ) that that wou d be the ast ni5ht she wou d e6er s*end with ,ames8 This time she meant it8

Cha*ter ( + Casey&2i5ue at the sho* - sunday

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '0 Sasha ro ed out o) bed a7i y, a b an4et o) disa**ointment wei5hin5 hea6i y on her shou ders8 She cou d bare y )ace herse ) in the mirror, embarrassed that she had et herse ) )a )or the same o d 5ame a5ain8 A 5ame she had 5rown tired o) * ayin5, with ,ames, and with herse )8 And on to* o) her in3ured se ) res*ect she had a *oundin5 headache8 The doubt that she had tried to drown with a coho the ni5ht be)ore had now trans)ormed into re5ret )i ed throbbin58

She decided to ta4e a s ow eisure y dri6e into the sho* ho*in5 that time and the )resh mornin5 air wou d he * c ear her head8 "ather than 3ettin5 across the Mairmount hi5hway she wou d ta4e in the *ictures9ue 6iews a on5 the one and a ha ) mi e stretch o) road that ran ad3acent to the *ier8 The hote and restaurant ined harbour was a *o*u ar tourist han5 out, and boasted the best ni5ht i)e in the city8 !ut at si; thirty on a Sunday 2ornin5, the * ace was a 5host town8 Sasha<s car en5ine *urred 5ent y down the abandoned road, on y hun5ry sea5u s roamed the streets in a race to sca6en5e what they cou d be)ore the street c eaners came a on58 It was sa)e to say three 9uarters o) the city was sti as ee*, and wou d remain in that state unti around ten o<c oc4 when e6ery brea4)ast s*ot and co))ee 3oint wou d be descended u*on by hun5ry crowds8 The harbor area o*ened u* onto the main streets o) the downtown 9uarter8 A e;ander<s was about a ten minute dri6e outside the center o) town in the uni6ersity 6i a5e o) #estbrid5e, o)ten re)erred to as @The !rid5e8< A sma brid5e, which cou d be considered more o) an o6er*ass, connected the downtown core to the 6i a5e8 Sasha<s norma route wou d ha6e ta4en her )i)teen minutes, but this mornin5 comin5 o6er the brid5e had ta4en her c ose to )orty )i6e minutes which she hadn<t minded at a 8 !y the time she

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '1 arri6ed at the sho* her head had c eared u*, and so had most o) her an;iety about s ee*in5 with ,ames8 Sasha *u ed u* in )ront o) the sho*, )or the moment hers was the on y car on the b oc48 The !rid5e area came to i)e at an e6en s ower *ace than the rest o) the city on a Sunday mornin5, i) at a 8 2any o) the sho*s that ined the streets in the brid5e norma y o*ened at noon on Sundays and some not at a , inc udin5 A e;ander<s8 Sunday<s was meant to be Sasha<s day o)), but more o)ten than not she s*ent at east ha ) the day at the sho* *re*arin5 )or the comin5 wee48 Sasha had *ur*ose y ta4en on more orders than usua to 4ee* busy a)ter her brea4 u* with ,ames8 Now she was runnin5 herse ) ra55ed tryin5 to 4ee* u*8 A thou5h somehow she had sti mana5ed to )ind enou5h time to s ee* with him a5ain, she sco ded herse )8 A short ree o) their ni5ht to5ether 9uic4 y * ayed throu5h her mind8 She dismissed it 3ust as 9uic4 y, and instead )ocused on the ast minute order she had ta4en on )rom a )rantic mom who needed two do7en Shir ey tem* e cu*ca4es )or an ei5ht year o ds< birthday *arty8 That, on to* o) the other ei5ht ca4es she had to ice wou d ta4e her the 5reater *art o) the mornin58 Sasha oo4ed at the c oc48 It was 9uarter *ast se6en8 I) a went accordin5 to * an she wou d be done by e e6en thirty, ha6e e6erythin5 de i6ered by twe 6e thirty, 5i6in5 her enou5h time to ma4e her one o<c oc4 date with her mom8 S*endin5 Sunday a)ternoons at the mo6ies with her mom had become a re5u ar tradition a)ter her dad died8 Initia y Sasha<s dad had be5un ta4in5 her mom on Sunday a)ternoon dates when he retrired8 They had done it )or years, as re5u ar as c oc4wor48 The )irst Sunday a)ter her dad<s

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'D death, the on y thin5 her mom wanted to do was to 5o see a mo6ie8 Sasha decided to 3oin her and they ha6e been doin5 it e6er since8

In no time Sasha was e bow dee* in )rostin5 and s*rin4 es, mo6in5 s ow but de iberate as she *i*ed *in4 Shir ey Tem* e )rostin5 onto cu*ca4e a)ter cu*ca4e8 Sin4in5 into the tran9ui ity o) the mornin5, her thou5hts dri)ted, ine6itab y windin5 u* bac4 onto ,ames8 #hat had *ossessed her to 5o o6er to his * ace, 4nowin5 how it wou d endH As Sasha descended into se ) e;amination, a )aint ratt in5 sound in the distance intruded her thou5hts8 It too4 a moment to re5ister that some was ratt in5 the door4nob8 Sasha made her way to the door *re*ared to dismiss whome6er it was8 #hen she saw her 5ir )riend Casey at the window wa6in5 )rantica y, she 9uic4 y remo6ed her 5 o6es and un oc4ed the door8 Casey was the ast *erson she e;*ected to see ear y on a Sunday mornin58 In )act, she was the ast *erson Sasha e;*ected to see *eriod8 It had been at east si; months since the two saw each other, and e6en on5er since Casey had been at the sho*8 FCaseyNG !e)ore Sasha cou d 5et the door )u y o*ened, Casey b ew in i4e the wind, instant y *er)umin5 the air8 She threw her arms o*en en6e o*in5 Sasha in her wayward Pashmina shaw 8 FSashaN Eh my 5od, it<s so nice to see youNG FYou tooN #hat on earth are you doin5 hereH And so ear y in the mornin5HG FI had no idea you wou d e6en be here, I was 3ust dri6in5 by, on my way to the hairdresser be ie6e it or not, and I saw your car8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'J Sasha, sti sur*rised to see Casey, cou dn<t ma4e sense o) what she was sayin58 F!ut it<s i4e se6en )i)teen in the mornin5,G Sasha ushered Casey in, c osin5 the door behind her8 FI 4nowN A 5ir )riend o) mine 5ot me in ast minute at this * ace and se6en )orty )i6e was the on y time they cou d )it me inN Can you be ie6e itH I rea y needed my hair cut today thou5h, oo4 at this8G She *u ed at the on5 strands o) hair that i5hted across her shou der8 She had a rec4 ess head o) hair that re9uired constant tamin5 to maintain the standards o) *er)ection that Casey re9uired8 FI<6e 5ot a coc4tai *arty thin5 with "obert toni5ht and my usua hairdresser doesn<t wor4 on Sundays, can you be ie6e that shitH Anyway, I had no choice but to ta4e it, e6en thou5h as you 4now, I<m not e;act y a mornin5 *erson,G she ro ed her eyes8 FYa I 4nowNG Sasha au5hed ha6in5 e;*erienced Casey<s mornin5 *ersona )irst hand when they shared cam*us 9uarters8 F#e it turned out to be a 5ood thin5 in the end, otherwise another si; months may ha6e *assed by be)ore we saw each other8G FYou<re ri5htNG Casey and Sasha had 4nown each other 5oin5 on thirteen years, e6en more i) you counted )rom the year they )irst met in cheer eadin5 c ass when they were si;teen8 That encounter hadn<t resu ted in a )riendshi* since Casey was *art o) the @it< crowd and Sash was not8 !ut years ater their *aths crossed a5ain at co e5e and none o) that mattered8 They were both in the business *ro5ram and both des*erate y needed to )ind a roommate be)ore c asses be5an8 At the time the choice made sense8 They were both )rom the same town and 4new they wou dn<t 5et in each others way so a union was )ormed8 One;*ected y that union 5rew into an e;treme y c ose )riendshi* that has stood the test o) time8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '-

FI can<t be ie6e it ta4es a hair a**ointment to 5et you to come to this *art o) town8G Sasha mo6ed towards the dis* ay counter8 Casey )o owed c ose behind, her hee s c ic4in5 a5ainst the terracotta ti es as she stro ed across the room, her matchin5 handba5 c utched sty ish y under her arm8 FI<m terrib e, I 4now8 I<6e been meanin5 to 5et down here )ore6er, but you 4now how it is, anyway, hey I<m here nowNG FE;act yNG FThe * ace oo4s nice Sash,G Casey said, sur6eyin5 the room8 FThan4s,G A dPcor com* iment comin5 )rom Casey was bi58 Interior desi5n was her business, )rom the 5round u*, cabinets, ) oorin5, )i;tures, she too4 char5e o) it a 8 A thou5h a e;andar<s, woudn<t be on her c ient ist, she * ayed with the bi5 wi5s8 :ote s, restaurants and cor*orate bui din5s were her )ocus8 FI don<t thin4 I<6e been here since the weddin58G FYou ha6en<t8G F#ow, I can<t be ie6e it<s been that on5, a ready8G F2e neither8G

@The weddin5< Casey was re)errin5 to was her own8 Sasha cou dn<t be ie6e it when Casey to d her the news8 Casey cou d bare y be ie6e it herse )8 Anyone who 4new Casey wou d not ha6e

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'L *e55ed her as the marryin5 4ind8 !ut she met her match when she met "obert and he certain y met the cha en5e he was oo4in5 )or when he met Casey8 The two met when con6inced "obert to hire her itt e 4nown )irm to redesi5n one o) his o))ice bui din5s8 She was sti )resh out o) desi5n schoo , and had more *a*ers than e;*erience but she didn<t et that sto* her8 #ith an im*ressi6e *ort)o io and unwa6erin5 con)idence, Casey itera y ta 4ed her way into 5ettin5 the contract8 "obert was so im*ressed with her con)idence and

tenacity des*ite her ac4 o) e;*erience, he as4ed her out to dinner on the s*ot to si5n the dea and sea it with a 4iss8 A 4iss that ed to marita b iss and instant reco5nition in the desi5n industry8

Casey<s weddin5 natura y was no sma underta4in58 She had a 5uest ist o) three hundred and ei5hty )i6e *eo* e, a 9uarter o) which consisted o) business contacts that Casey went out o) her way to im*ress8 Sasha was maid o) honor, and was a so res*onsib e )or creatin5 the weddin5 ca4e and caterin5 the entire dessert menu8

FI<6e been so damned busy ate y, but thin5s are startin5 to 9uiet down, so we< de)inite y ha6e to 5et to5ether more o)ten8G FI<m ho din5 you to that8G FI<m serious8 It<s time )or a itt e ess wor4 and a itt e more * ay8 #e deser6e it8G FI cou dn<t a5ree more8 Ko you ha6e time )or a co))eeHG Somewhere buried amon5st her ban5 es was a watch which Casey consu ted be)ore answerin58 FYa o4, maybe 3ust a 9uic4 one8G F?reatNG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (. Sasha ed Casey into the 4itchen8 F#hat are you ba4in5 u* this mornin5HG FNot ba4in5, decoratin58G Casey<s )ace it u* as she rounded the corner into the 4itchen and disco6ered rows o) *in4 cu*ca4es inin5 the counters8 FEh my 5od, they oo4 so de iciousNG Casey<s mouth watered8 FToo bad I<m on a diet8G F,ust one wou dn<t hurt,G Sasha ur5ed8 FEh yes it wi 8 Es*ecia y when I<m on the treadmi tomorrow tryin5 to burn it o))N I<m sti tryin5 to burn o)) the weddin5 ca4eNG E) a the weddin5 ca4es Sasha had made o6er the years, Casey<s was her )a6orite to ma4e, because it was so *ersona 8 She too4 into account Casey<s o6e a))air with choco ate, and created a )i6e tiered !e 5ium Choco ate and I6ory weddin5 ca4e, which Casey o6ed8 %ater she con)ided in Sasha that she o6ed it so much she had eaten an entire tier by herse )8 FSo are you e6er 5oin5 to te me which tier you ateHG FNe6erNG Sasha ro ed her eyes au5hin5 as she maneu6ered around Casey with a tray o) cu*ca4es8 F:ey, not a o) us are b essed with 5ood 5enetics you 4now, I swear, your )i5ure hasn<t chan5ed since we were in co e5e8G Casey was ri5ht on that count8 Sasha was one o) those rare breed o) women who cou d eat whate6er she wanted, and as much as she wanted without 5ainin5 a *ound8 FI<6e 5ot my mom to than4 )or that8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (' "ose, i4e her dau5hter had maintained her wai) i4e )i5ure her entire i)e, e6en a)ter 5i6in5 birth to Sasha, she immediate y went bac4 to her ori5ina si7e8 F:ow<s your mom doin5 by the wayHG FShe<s doin5 5ood, busier than e6er be ie6e it or notG FI shou d rea y *ay her a 6isit, the ast time I saw her was at the weddin58 I can<t be ie6e that woman is se6enty three, she doesn<t oo4 a day *ast si;ty8G FI 4now, and she<s 5ot the ener5y o) a twenty year o d8 I 3ust ho*e I a5e that 5race)u y8G Ene by one Sasha care)u y s id the trays o) com* eted cu*ca4es into the re)ri5erator8 F%et me 5et the rest o) these in the )rid5e and then we< ha6e a co))ee8G F2a4e mine b ac48 ,ust one tab es*oon o) cream has twenty ca ories, can you be ie6e itHG FI 4now e;act y how many ca ories are in cream, trust me8 #hen I ha6e c ients that re9uest ow ca desserts it<s a cha en5e to 4ee* the ca orie count down and sti ma4e it taste 5ood8G F2aybe I shou d 5et you to ma4e me some ow ca desserts once in a whi e,G Casey said eyein5 the *in4 mounds ho*in5 they cou d be re*roduced in a ow ca orie 6ersion8 FNo *rob em, but remember, it<s on y ow ca i) you eat one s ice o) ca4e, not the entire ca4eNG FI<m ne6er doin5 that a5ain,G She said au5hin5 throu5h her embarrassment8 FI sti can<t e6en be ie6e I did thatNG FThat<s twiceN "emember the time in co e5e you ate an entire Kuncan :ines ca4e because you were stressed about the e;amsHG FEh yeah, I 4ind o) )or5ot about that one8G F#e I didn<t, I tied your hair bac4 whi e you threw u* the ne;t mornin5, rememberH

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (( FP ease don<t remind me8 Anyway, I can<t a))ord to do to that anymore, I don<t ha6e the body I used to bac4 then8 !ac4 then, a I had to do to burn o)) an entire ca4e wou d be to ha6e one ni5ht o) 5reat se; and boom, I<d ha6e my body bac4NG FYa, one ni5ht o) 5reat se;,G Sasha echoed bitin5 at her ower i* to su**ress the rush o) remorse that sur)aced8 FI 4now what you mean8G Casey<s eyes )o owed the cu*ca4es c ose y )rom the counter to the )rid5e, seemin5 y ob i6ious to Sasha<s wonderin5 train o) thou5ht8 F%oo4 how on5 its ta4in5 me to ose the wei5ht I 5ained )rom the weddin5NG F#hat are you ta 4in5 about, you oo4 5reat8G FEn y because I wor4 out i4e a demon e6eryday, it ta4es a ot o) hard wor4 to oo4 this 5or5eous,G she au5hed8 F%et me 5et out o) your way,G Casey o))ered, tired o) eyein5 the *in4 c ouds o) tem*tation8 FEut o) si5ht out o) mind,G she muttered on her way out8 !e)ore ta4in5 a seat at one o) the bistro tab es she wondered around the sho* obser6in5 the im*ro6ements Sasha had made8 F#here is this hairdresser you<re headin5 to anywayHG Sasha emer5ed )rom the 4itchen ho din5 two cu*s8 FIt<s around here somewhere, its ca ed Silk, do you 4now itHG FI do8 It<s about two b oc4s )rom here, on the ri5ht, 6ery trendy8G Sasha rubbed her thumb and inde; )in5er to5ether indicatin5 that it was 6ery *ricy as we 8 FI<m not sur*rised8 The 5ir in my Pi ates c ass that su55ested it wou d ne6er sett e )or anythin5 ess than the best8 She has the most beauti)u hair, you shou d see it, 5or5eousN :er name is ,ade, she<s Mrench and she *ronounces it F,adG whate6er,G Casey ro ed her eyes, FI 3ust ca her

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (= ,ade i4e e6eryone e se8 She is a itt e bit snobby, but she<s 5ot the hair I want, and you shou d see the way she dressesN She<s 5ot sty es that you can<t 3ust )ind anywhere8 I 3ust want to 5o sho**in5 with her a )ew times and )ind out where she sho*s8G FYou<re 4iddin58G FNo, I<m not8G Casey si**ed bac4 her co))ee casua y8 Sasha 4new Casey we enou5h to 4now that she wasn<t 4iddin58 It had been the same in co e5e8 Casey a ways had to ha6e the atest oo4 and a ways mana5ed to a i5n herse ) with those who had it8 FThis is 5ood co))ee,G Casey said ta4in5 a dee* 5u *8 FI needed it8 I didn<t ha6e time to ha6e one this mornin58 I was * annin5 to ha6e one at the sa on8 ,ade, said they ha6e @*eo* e< that brin5 you co))ee and croissants whi e you 5et your hair done8 I mi5ht 3ust switch to this * ace *ermanent yNG FThat wou d be 5reat, then I wou d see you a the time, the amount o) time you s*end at the hairdresserNG F:eyNG Casey 3o4in5 y s a**ed her arm8 F#ith my 3et set i)esty e I<6e 5ot to oo4 my best,G she teased8 FE) course you do8 A thou5h you oo4 *retty damn 5od to me ri5ht now8G FYou<re so sweet8G FSerious y8 It<s so nice to see you, I mean actua y see you in *erson and not 3ust read your te;ts and emai s8G FI 4now what you mean8G FI swear, a)ter you 5ot married it was i4e you dro**ed o)) the )ace o) the earth8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (0 FIt<s been cra7yN Admitted y, I was in the honey moon *hase )or a whi e, but then I 5ot so wra**ed u* in the hos*ita *ro3ect and then I too4 on a restaurant redesi5n, I ha6en<t sto**ed8 You shou d see the end resu ts thou5h8 Ama7in5N Sometimes I e6en sur*rise myse )NG FI<m so ha**y e6erythin5 is wor4in5 out )or you8G FThan4 you sweetie8 E6erythin5 oo4s i4e it<s wor4in5 out we )or you too8G F#e , business has been 5reat, I can bare y 4ee* u*8G Sasha si**ed her co))ee s ow y, en3oyin5 the une;*ected brea4 and contem* atin5 brin5in5 u* ,ames8 F2y *ersona i)e on the other hand is an entire y di))erent story8G F#hy, what ha6e I missedHG F%et<s 3ust say we<6e 5ot a ot o) catchin5 u* to do8G Sasha wanted to te her about ,ames, but the )u e;* anation wou d re9uire at east three hours and a bott e o) wine8 F#e certain y do8 %isten, why don<t you come to the *arty toni5htH Then we can rea y catch u*8G Sasha considered it )or a ) eetin5 moment, but the truth was, she was not in the most sociab e mood8 She had * ans to 5o home, *ut her )eet u* and ree6a uate her i)e8 FI thin4 I< *ass on the *arty, but maybe ater in the wee4 i) you<re )ree we< do dinner or drin4s or somethin58G FAw, c<mon, it< be )un8 #hat e se ha6e you 5ot to do on a Sunday ni5htHG @#a ow in se ) *ity< was what she wanted to say, but didn<t8 FI don<t 4now, I<m 3ust not )ee in5 6ery sociable and I<m de)inite y not in the mood to be )i;ed u* with another one o) "oberts a ready married c ients8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (1 F#ho said anythin5 about )i;in5 you u*HG Casey smi ed8 En more than one occasion, e6en whi e she was datin5 ,ames, there was a ways someone at these *arties that Casey wanted her to @meet< in ho*es that they wou d hit it o))8 FAnd i) you<re re)errin5 to that %awrence 5uy we didn<t 4now he was married8 :e wasn<t wearin5 a weddin5 rin5NG %awrence Tay or was one o) "oberts *resti5ious c ients, and the catch o) the century accordin5 to Casey8 #ea th, *ower, 5ood oo4s, he had it a , inc udin5 a wi)e in another city8 2ost o) "obert<s business *arties were com*rised o) married men, who ta 4ed business )or about an hour, then s*ent the rest o) the e6enin5 5ettin5 drun4 and hittin5 on the waitresses8 FI won<t try to )i; you u* with anyone I *romise8G FI<m 3ust not u* )or it toni5ht8 I<m not e6en in the mood to 5et a dressed u*8 I 3ust want to 5o home and *ut my )eet u* ater to be honest with you8G FE4 then, how about I come by )or a 9uiet drin4 a)ter, I on y ha6e to han5 around these thin5s )or a cou* e o) hours anyway8 C<mon,G she said seein5 Sasha<s hesitation8 F#e<re ne6er 5oin5 to ha6e time i) we don<t ma4e time8G FYou<re ri5ht, o4, why not8G She surrendered8 FThen I can )i you in on the atest drama with ,ames8G Thou5hts about ,ames had been wei5hin5 so hea6i y on her mind, Sasha cou dn<t he * but b urt out his name8 Casey<s eyes near y *o**ed out o) her head8 F,amesNG She cho4ed out8 FYou two aren<t bac4 to5ether are youHG FNo, de)inite y not and ne6er wi be8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (D FThan4 5odN !ecause that was one mista4e I wasn<t wi in5 to et you ma4e a5ain8G FYou don<t ha6e to worry, a)ter ast ni5ht I )ina y 5ot my head on strai5ht8G FE;cuse meH %ast ni5htHG Casey<s eyes *o**ed e6en )urther out o) her head this time8 F#hat ha**ened ast ni5htHG F2e and ,ames8G Sasha s9uea4ed out a most shame)u y, antici*atin5 Casey<s imminent sco din58 FAre you seriousHG F:e 3ust showed u* out o) the b ue yesterday8G FA5ainH You<re 4iddin5 meN The 5uy doesn<t 5et the messa5e does heH I can<t understand why you 4ee* 5oin5 bac4 to him8G FIt was 3ust )or the se;8 You 4now how he is8 :e 3ust shows u*, and then one thin5 eads to another8G FYou ha6e to sto* ettin5 him do that8 !esides, you don<t need him )or se;, a you<6e 5ot to do is ste* outside your )ront door8 E6en i) you<re wearin5 your *eriod *ants, 5uys wou d be inin5 u* )or youNG They both burst out au5hin5 hysterica y8 They hadn<t ta 4ed about or e6en owned a rea *air o) *eriod *ants since co e5e8 Each a ways 4new when the other was on her *eriod, because they wou d be wearin5 their trademar4 *eriod *ants8 The most com)ortab e, o6ersi7ed, worn out *air o) 3o55ers, usua y with the word sexy or hot written across the bac4side8 Sasha sti secret y owned a *air o) *eriod *ants that she *u ed out o) retirement e6ery once in a whi e8 Mor s*ecia occasions, i4e a)ter her brea4 u* with ,ames8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (J FYou<re ri5ht8G Sasha had a ready made u* her mind that this time it was rea y o6er with ,ames, ta 4in5 with Casey 3ust he *ed so idi)y her decision8 FYou<re beauti)u Sash, sto* wastin5 your time with ,ames8 It<s time to mo6e on, )ind yourse ) a rea man and a rea re ationshi*8G !e)ore Sasha cou d res*ond she heard the door 4nob ratt in5, a reminder that she had not oc4ed the door a)ter ettin5 Casey in8 as the door *ushed o*en Sasha and Casey both turned in unison to see the broad )rame o) a man stoo* throu5h the doorway8 Sasha<s was re ie6ed when she saw 2i5ue her new de i6ery 5uy8 :e ste**ed inside, care)u to a6oid the han5in5 be and 5reeted both women with a smi e8 Casey instant y returned his smi e with an e6en bi55er one, intri5ued with the une;*ected 6isitor8 F:ey 2iss Sasha, sorry to interru*t,G he said c osin5 the door behind him8 Sasha crin5ed whene6er he re)erred to her as FmissG, it made her )ee o d, and ha6in5 Casey there to witness it made it e6en more uncom)ortab e8 #hen they had met at the uni6ersity, Sasha was stru55 in5 u* the stairs ba ancin5 a ca4e bo; in one hand and se6era ba5s o) *astries in the other8 :e had a**roached her and said> F2ay I he * you 2issHG FSashaG she had res*onded, Fand yes I cou d use a itt e he *8G E6er since then he ca ed her @2iss Sasha<, a thou5h she was ne6er rea y sure whether it was a cu tura thin5 or i) it was sim* y a 3o4e that had 5one on too on58 Sasha )umb ed to 5et u* as he mo6ed towards the tab e8 She hadn<t e;*ected to see him, not today, she had no de i6eries ined u* )or him8 F2i5ue ,G Sasha smi ed, her eyebrows )urrowed s i5ht y, 9uestionin5 his sur*rise 6isit8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (FI was 3ust *assin5 by to dro* o)) the 4eys8 F :e had a noticeab e but indistin5uishab e accent that made the most ordinary words sound se;y8 At east to Sasha anyway8 A word as sim* e as @4eys< came out soundin5 i4e @4iss<, and e6ery time he said it Sasha<s eyes in6o untari y went to his i*s8 F"i5ht, o4, than4s8G Sasha searched )or her words, more uncom)ortab e with their interaction than usua , aware that Casey was watchin5 i4e a haw48 She 4new that a thou5h 2i5ue mi5ht not ha6e been aware o) her s i5ht discom)ort, Casey who 4new her better than anyone, wou d certain y *ic4 u* on it8 FI *assed by yesterday but you were a ready 5one soIG FYa, I c osed u* a itt e ear y yesterday8G In truth, she had com* ete y )or5otten about the 4eys8 #hen ,ames had dro**ed by to whis4 her o)), the ast thin5 on her mind were the 4eys to the de i6ery 6an8 FYou 4now, you can a ways *ut them throu5h the mai s ot i) I<m not here8G FI 4now, but I *re)er to 5i6e them to you in *erson, 3ust to be on the sa)e side you 4now8G FYou<re ri5ht,G she said ta4in5 the 4eys )rom his hand, Casey cast a 5 ance her way, eyebrows raised, si ent y 9uestionin5 her8 F#e than4 you 2i5ue , I a**reciate it8 %owerin5 her tone a bit, she added> Fand I to d you, you can sto* ca in5 me 2iss, 3ust Sasha is )ine8G F"i5ht,G he said smi in5 a ha ) smi e8

Casey, who rare y waited )or an introduction, stuc4 her hand out and introduced herse )8 F:i, I<m Casey8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (L F2i5ue G, he said ta4in5 her hand8 F2y * easure8G She et her hand in5er im* y within his as she si7ed him u*8 :e was youn5, ate twenties she 5uessed8 :e oo4ed i4e he had 3ust ste**ed o)) o) the co6er o) an Urban Style ma5a7ine, and he had the *ersona ity to match8 Coo , aid bac4, and 6ery charmin58 :e stood smi in5 at her, noticeab y amused by her ob6ious e;amination o) him8 She turned to Sasha raisin5 an eyebrow, 5rinnin5 mischie6ous y8 FAnyway,G he said )reein5 his hand )rom Casey<s 5ri*8 FI<m on my way to the ibrary so I better 5et 5oin58G FThan4s8 So I wi see you ne;t wee4end then8G FE4 Sasha,G he said, this time enunciatin5 her name s ow y and c ear y8 FNice to meet you Casey,G he nodded8 F%i4ewise8G She smi ed8 :e nodded courteous y to both women a5ain and made his way out8 Casey<s eyes )o owed his rear end a the way out the door unti it s ammed shut in her )ace8 Immediate y she whi**ed her head around towards Sasha, her mouth 5a*in5 wide8 F#hen were you 5oin5 to )i me in on this dirty itt e secretHG F#hatH :e<s my new de i6ery 5uy,G Sasha o))ered noncha ant y8 FI )i5ured that much,G Casey eaned in ea5er y, Fbut you ne6er to d me he oo4ed i4e thatNG F"ea yHG Sasha * ayed it coo 8 FI thou5ht I mentioned him the ast time we s*o4e8G FYou didn<t, trust me, I wou d ha6e rememberedNG FAnyway there<s nothin5 to te rea y, I needed e;tra he * )or the summer, I ha6e a ton o) weddin5s and anni6ersaries comin5 u*, and he o))ered his ser6ices8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =. FI bet he didNG She e bowed Sasha, FSo where did you )ind this 5uyH Kid you *ut out an ad )or @hot youn5 stud wanted<H cause he is some serious eye candyNG Sasha cou dn<t ho d bac4 her au5hter8 Casey was ri5ht, he was some serious eye candy, but Sasha tried not to see him in that i5ht8 FIt was nothin5 i4e that, Sasha ro ed her eyes, I met him by chance actua y, o6er at the uni6ersity8 I was de i6erin5 desserts )or an a umni *arty, and he saw me stru55 in5 and o))ered to he *8 #e 5ot ta 4in5 and I ha ) 3o4in5 y said, what are you doin5 ne;t wee4end, I cou d use your he * a5ain8 Ne;t thin5 you 4now, he<s 4noc4in5 at my door8G F,ust i4e thatH F,ust i4e that8G F#e he can 4noc4 on my door anytimeN Kid you see that assH< Sasha burst out au5hin5, sha4in5 her head to herse )8 E6en thou5h Casey had sett ed down, her hormones de)inite y hadn<t8 FCan you 5et your mind out o) the 5utterNG FAre you 4iddin5 meH I<m in my *ea4, my mind i6es in the 5utterN That<s where yours shou d be tooN Kon<t te me you didn<t notice how hot he isHG Sasha had more than noticed, )rom the moment their eyes met on the uni6ersity stairs, but she had not a owed herse ) to entertain the thou5ht )or more than a second8 FE) course I noticed, but )or one thin5, he oo4s i4e he<s about twenty )i6e, and he<s a student8 And now he<s wor4in5 )or me so I de)inite y can<t 5o there8G FSo whatH A5e doesn<t matter8 "obert is se6en years o der than me, and I was wor4in5 )or him when we startin5 datin58G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =' FIt<s not the same thin58G F%oo4, I<m not sayin5 marry the 5uy, 3ust ha6e some )un with him, instead o) wastin5 your time with ,ames8 I) not )or yourse ), do it )or me8 I<m dyin5 to 4now i) he oo4s as 5ood na4ed as he does with c othes onNG The two burst out au5hin58 FYou<re cra7yNG FI<m serious8 Is he sin5 eHG FI don<t 4now, I ne6er as4ed him8 :e<s on y been wor4in5 )or me )or about a month8 #e ne6er rea y ta 4 about anythin5 *ersona 8 I to d you, it<s strict y a wor4 re ationshi*8 Anyway, I doubt that he<s sin5 e, oo4 at himNG FYou ne6er 4now8 You shou d ) irt a itt e and see how he res*onds8G Sasha ro ed her eyes8 FA I<m sayin5 is you ne6er 4now, 3ust 4ee* you o*tions o*en8G Casey 5 anced at her ban5 e aden wrist8 FShitN I<m 5oin5 to be ate )or Andre8 I don<t want to *iss him o)) or he mi5ht )uc4 u* my hairNG She scurried to 5u * down the ast o) her co))ee, ad3ust her wra* and ocate her 4eys a within one 5esture8 She 5a6e Sasha a 9uic4 4iss on the chee4 and e;ited as noisi y as she had entered8 FI@ see you toni5ht then sweetie8 I< ca youNG she mana5ed to ye be)ore the door swun5 shut8 FI<m oo4in5 )orward to it8G Sasha ye ed throu5h the diminishin5 crac48

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =( A)ter the dust sett ed, Sasha returned to her *i*in5 in si ence, thou5hts o) ,ames now re* aced by thou5hts o) 2i5ue * ayin5 throu5h her mind8 Casey had 6erba i7ed what Sasha had been thin4in5 )or wee4s8 2i5ue was de)inite y attracti6e, there was no doubt about that8 And Sasha was de)inite y attracted to him, there was no doubt about that either8 She )e t it the moment she set eyes on him8 The on y doubt ayin5 in her mind was whether or not he had e6en noticed her8 Really noticed her8 :e hadn<t 5i6en Sasha any indication that he was interested in her8 :e was a ways courteous and )riend y and a itt e ) irtatious, a thou5h Sasha sti cou dn<t deci*her when he was bein5 ) irtatious and when he was sim* y bein5 )riend y8 She had com*rised a menta ist o) a the reasons why there cou d ne6er be anythin5 between them, and u* unti today it had a made sense8 Casey *uttin5 it out there had caused the s*ar4 o) interest to resur)ace and now had Sasha com*osin5 a new ist o) what i)<s8


[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & == Cha*ter = + CrRme Carame

y one A82 be)ore Sasha )ina y 5ot to bed, i5hter and more c ear headed a)ter a tand a cou* e o) bott es o) wine8 Catchin5 u* with Casey was 3ust what she needed to 5et her bac4 on trac4, which is where she intended to stay8 Mirst on her a5enda was to meet with ,ames and *ut an o))icia end to their on a5ain o)) a5ain re ationshi*8 The initia brea4 u* had come about a)ter a heated ar5ument which cu minated in Sasha stormin5 o)) in a hu)) screamin5 Fthis re ationshi* is o6erNG It was no wonder that ,ames hadn<t ta4en her entire y serious y, wa5erin5 on the i4e ihood that once she had coo ed down she wou d be ri5ht bac4 in his bed8 And she was, time and time a5ain, but this time it wou d be di))erent8 Mor the *ast cou* e o) days, she had been a6oidin5 s*ea4in5 to him or returnin5 his te;ts, ho*in5 that he wou d sim* y 5o away, but she 4new that i) she wanted to a6oid another une;*ected 6isit, she wou d ha6e to )ace him sooner or ater8 That a)ternoon she a5reed to meet him )or unch8 Casey had enthusiastica y 6o unteered to accom*any her, so that she Fwou dn<t do anythin5 stu*idG were Casey<s e;act words8 She meant we , but it was somethin5 Sasha decided, that she had to do on her own8 She assured Casey and herse ) that this time there wou d be no dan5er o) her wa6erin5 in her decision8

#hen Sasha arri6ed ,ames was a ready sittin5 at a tab e with a 5 ass o) wine and a news*a*er which he )o ded away neat y as soon as he 5 im*sed her in the doorway8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =0 :e was dressed in )u business attire, ha6in5 3ust sto en away )rom the o))ice8 :e oo4ed undeniab y shar* in his tai ored suit, care)u y se ected tie and )resh y *o ished desi5ner shoes8 That was the way he had oo4ed when Sasha initia y set eyes on him at the business ban9uet she had been caterin58 She was in her white caterin5 uni)orm, hair tuc4ed away neat y under her che)<s beanie, and 6ery itt e ma4eu*, but sti he had noticed her8 :e had in5ered on5er at her tab e than any o) the others and returned numerous times be)ore e6entua y as4in5 her out8 That was a water under the brid5e now she decided, and wou dn<t et it detract )rom her decision8

:e stood u* to 5reet her, smi in5 con)ident y8 It was ob6ious that he was e;*ectin5 they wou d be *ic4in5 u* where they had e)t o))8 Sasha reminded herse ) that he was a man that cou d stea away )rom the o))ice )or the entire a)ternoon i) he so chose, which )rom the oo4 in his eyes was *robab y on the to* o) his a5enda8 :e *u ed out her chair then made a motion to the waiter be)ore eanin5 in )or a *re ca cu ated 4iss8 F:ey baby8G Sasha turned her head s i5ht y, causin5 his 4iss to and on her chee4 rather than her i*s8 Kisturbed by her actions, but not deterred, he 5ent y * aced the *a m o) his hand a on5 the center o) her bac4 and 5uided her into her seat8 The heat o) his touch went ri5ht throu5h Sasha as it a ways did, but this time she wou d not et herse ) me t into his arms i4e a *u**et8 She remained ri5id and co d, unyie din5 to his charm8 :e *u ed his chair in c ose and reached )or Sasha<s hand, which she re)used to et in5er within his on5er than a second8 :is con)ident smi e soon turned to a )rown at her reaction towards him8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =1 #ithout 5i6in5 him a chance to s*ea4, Sasha be5an8 She remained ca m, )ocused, and determined to 5et out e6erythin5 she had to say be)ore he had a chance to interru*t8 :e istened 9uiet y, eanin5 bac4 in his chair, c ear y ta4en abac4 by her words8 Sasha maintained her stanch com*osure as she s*o4e, arms )o ded, e5s crossed, sittin5 as )ar away )rom the tab e as *ossib e ma4in5 certain to a6oid any sense o) intimacy between them8 #hen she was done, she immediate y 5ot u*, and without any e;itin5 )orma ities, wa 4ed out o) the restaurant without oo4in5 bac48 ,ames hadn<t uttered a word the entire time8 :e didn<t ca a)ter her or e6en try to come a)ter as she wa 4ed away, which *art y re ie6ed Sasha and disa**ointed her at the same time8 She had )u y e;*ected that she wou d ha6e a bit o) a )i5ht on her hands, that he wou dn<t et her wa 4 out o) his i)e that easi y, but she had been wron58 She headed bac4 to the sho* and 5eared herse ) u* )or an a)ternoon o) *hone ca s and unre entin5 te;ts8 !ut there was nothin58 A5ain she had been wron58 As the day tric4 ed on, it was e6ident to Sasha that she had accom* ished what she had set out to do8 She was ha**y she su**osed, a thou5h it didn<t 9uite )ee the way she had e;*ected it to )ee she was * eased with herse ) )or bein5 stron5 and )o owin5 her heart, but a so s i5ht y saddened by the end o) somethin5 that at one time had brou5ht her so much 3oy8 #hen she ca ed Casey with an u*date, Casey on the other hand was e ated and ready to hit the bars )or a ce ebratory drin48 Sasha dec ined, main y because she didn<t rea y )ee i4e ce ebratin5, but a so because she a ready had * ans to meet Christo*he8 P ans she had made a wee4 ear ier, and thou5h she )e t i4e cance in5 wou dn<t dare, 4nowin5 how sensiti6e Christo*he cou d be8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =D Christo*he was Sasha<s cu inary *artner in crime, as she o)ten re)erred to him8 The two, whi e attendin5 c asses at The Culinary nstitute became )ast )riends once they disco6ered that they had simi ar ba4in5 and icin5 techni9ues8 That, and the )act that Christo*he had a s i5ht crush on Sasha8 A thou5h, it too4 Sasha a whi e to rea i7e it, 5i6en that she had the im*ression he was 5ay8 That was, unti he started ) irtin5 with her, and as4in5 her out to dinner or brea4)ast, or unch, or anythin5 that wou d resu t in @yes< as a res*onse8 In the end, Sasha a5reed to dinner, on y because she )ound him charmin58 !ut she 4new there wou d ne6er be anythin5 more between them than a )riendshi* and she et him 4now that ear y on8 :e was handsome, courteous, )unny, but 3ust not Sasha<s ty*e8 Kes*ite their )ai ure to aunch in the romance de*artment, the two sti mana5ed to de6e o* and maintain a c ose )riendshi*8 #hi e they were in schoo to5ether they o)ten s*ent Mriday ni5hts a on5side each other in the 4itchen tryin5 to come u* with the ne;t 5reat dessert reci*e8 #hat o)ten resu ted was a mediocre dessert but an e;treme y )un )i ed e6enin58 A thou5h those days were behind them, on occasion they sti consu ted each other to test new reci*es or e;chan5e ideas8 Toni5ht was one such occasion8 Part o) the mystery surroundin5 Christo*he<s *hone ca in6o 6ed a new reci*e, but e6en that was to be 4e*t a secret unti they met8 #hen he had ca ed Sasha, he said there was somethin5 6ery im*ortant that he wanted to discuss, but he wou dn<t say much more than that8 Mor that reason a one, Sasha cou dn<t e6en consider cance in58

Sasha made it home 3ust in time to meet Christo*he<s arri6a 8 :e was oaded down with ba5s in e6ery sha*e and si7e8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =J FSashaNG he announced, arms wide o*en ba5s dan5 in5 )rom each arm8 #ith his s i5ht 5ut, he resemb ed an o d )ashioned ba ance sca e8 FChrisNG Sasha<s )ace it u* as soon as she saw him8 It was hard not to be in)ected by Chris<s ener5etic nature, it transcended her me ancho y state and instant y a tered her mood8 FYou oo4 5reat dar in5NG :e eaned in )or his customary 5reetin5, a 4iss on each chee4, a custom he c aimed he inherited )rom the one 9uarter Mrench inea5e that ran throu5h his b ood8 FIt<s been too on5NG FYou<re te in5 meN 2uch too on58G Sasha he *ed him in with the ba5s, and nosi y *o4ed throu5h them to see what 5oodies he brou5ht8 FSo, what<s with a the secrecyHG FPatience dar in58G :e au5hed, s a**in5 her hand away )rom the ba5s8 FAt east et me 5et my 3ac4et o)) )irst8G FE4, E4, she surrendered8 F:ow ha6e you beenH You<re oo4in5 5ood8G :e had 5ained a bit o) wei5ht since Sasha ast saw him, *articu ar y around the waist, but )or the most *art he oo4ed hea thy and ha**y8 As a ways he was dressed meticu ous y8 :is shoes matched his be t, his shirt and *ants )resh y ironed, and his hair and sma beard 5roomed to *er)ection8 :e was a b atant @2etro se;ua < and made no a*o o5ies about it8 2atched with his ) amboyant *ersona ity, it was easy to see how Sasha mistoo4 him )or a @:omo< se;ua 8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =FThan4 you, dar in5, but oo4 at you, you oo4 ama7in5N I can see that you ha6en<t been 5ettin5 into the *astries as much as I ha6e8G :e said rubbin5 his mid section8 FYou<re so sweet,G she smi ed, Fbut you 4now I<6e 5ot 5ood 5enes to than4 )or that8G Eh * ease, sto* ma4in5 e;cuse )or oo4in5 )abu ous, I 4now I don<tG :e hi5h )i6ed Sasha to sea his *oint8 &&mo6e this mdown FShe<s 5ood, busy as e6er, you 4now how she is8G %i y and Christo*he met on the o*enin5 day o) A e;ander<s Pastry8 They 5ot ta 4in5 about inens and dra*eries and somehow Christo*he ended u* on her s*eed dia 8 FYou shou d brin5 her by the restaurant, I ha6en<t seen her in 9uite some time8 You 4now I<m head *astry che) at !a"boo now ri5htHG FYes, I ha6en<t had a chance to o))icia y con5ratu ate you in *erson8G Sasha reached )or Chris and 5a6e him a bi5 hu58 GCon5ratu ationsN I<m so ha**y )or you8G FThan4 you, than4 you8 I o6e it, but I<m busy busy busy, you 4now how it is, it<s cra7yN #hen are you 5oin5 to come downH I<6e been there a most se6en months now, and you sti ha6en<t *aid me a 6isit8 Come, I< whi* you u* a Christo*he s*ecia NG F,ust i4e you I<6e been busy busy busy8 I *romise I< come soon, maybe I< brin5 Casey, remember herHG Sasha said 5rinnin58 Christo*he ro ed his eyes8 FA itt e too we 8G %ast time Christo*he saw Casey they were out )or a ce ebratory drin4 to mar4 the one year anni6ersary o) the o*enin5 o) A e;ander<s8 Casey had had )ar too much to drin4 and started rubbin5 Christo*he<s e58 She said she wanted to *ro6e to Sasha that he was 5ay, because she

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =L was sure he wou dn<t 5et a hard on8 She 5ot a itt e carried away, and somehow her hand )ound its way to his crotch8 :e et out a hi5h *itched scream i4e a woman who 3ust had her hand ba5 sto en and 3um*ed about three )eet in the air8 Casey and Sasha were cho4in5 with au5hter8 Christo*he on the other hand hadn<t )ound it too amusin58 %ater in the bathroom Casey to d Sasha that her curiosity was 3ust 4i in5 her, she was dyin5 to see i) he was hard, and to see how bi5 he was o) courseN She determined that he must be 5ay because he didn<t 5et an erection, and un)ortunate y due to that )act, she was unab e to te how bi5 he was8 That was a to5ether )ar more in)ormation than Sasha needed, and the three than4)u y ne6er s*o4e o) the incident a5ain8 FI wou d ha6e *re)erred your mom, but what the he N You want to brin5 her, brin5 herN As on5 as you come, I don<t careNG Christo*he mo6ed busi y around the room oo4in5 )or * aces to *ut thin5s8 %itt e bo;es, *ans and 3ars and utensi s8 F#hat is a this stu))HG FYou< see, *atience my dar in58G FI cou d ha6e come to you i) I had 4nown there wou d be so much *re*aration in6o 6ed8G :e ta**ed the ti* o) his nose, with his )ore)in5er, FAnna wou d be sus*icious8G Sasha )urrowed her brow, *u77 ed as to why Anna<s *resence wou d ha6e made any di))erence8 Anna was Christo*he<s current 5ir )riend whom Sasha had yet to meet, but had heard an aw)u ot about8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0. E))erin5 no )urther e;* anation, Christo*he continued ta 4in5 as he mo6ed )rom counter to counter8 FSo, how about you, how<s the businessHG F!usiness is 5ood, s ow but steady8 I ha6e a )ew re5u ars now, and the caterin5 side has rea y ta4en o))8 I e6en had to hire e;tra he * )or the wee4ends, es*ecia y this time o) year, brida showers, en5a5ement *arties, weddin5s i4e cra7yN FI 4now what you mean, which brin5s me to my itt e sur*rise8G :e s ow y reached into a sma b ue *a*er ba5 and too4 out a tiny white ca4e bo; the si7ewra**ed with a cute *in4 bow8 :e he d it out to Sasha8 FIndu 5eG he said enticin5 y8 FMor moiHG She said sarcastica y * acin5 her hand o6er her heart8 FYou shou dn<t ha6eG Sasha o*ened the bo; de icate y, un6ei in5 a tiny c oud o) coconut s*rin4 es and white choco ate sha6in5s, sittin5 ato* a *er)ect y rounded CrRme Carame 8 FNow, ta4e your time, and te me what you thin48G Sasha too4 Christo*he<s ad6ice and indu 5ed, ta4in5 tiny bites, ettin5 the ) a6ors min5 e in her mouth, whi e Christo*he oo4ed on intent y8 She tasted the sweetness o) the choco ate me tin5 on her ton5ue )o owed by an in)usion o) *inea** e, ba anced out by 6e 6ety smooth carame , )inishin5 with a in5erin5 trace o) coconut8 FCoconut, white choco ate, *inea** e, and o) course carame 8G F!ra6oNG he e;c aimed e;cited y, the *itch o) his 6oice increasin5 se6era octa6es It<s Pinea** e Coconut cream ) an s*rin4 ed with white choco ate sha6in5s, carame i7ed *inea** es and carame sauce8 I ca it #e $elice Tropicale8 Now here<s the rea y bi5 sur*rise, I<m 5oin5 to *ro*ose to Anna and I<m 5oin5 to *ut the rin5 in this ) anNG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0' Sasha near y cho4ed on the remainder o) her ) an8 FIt<s her )a6orite dessert8G :e ro ed his eyes s i5ht y8 FIma5ine that, I<m a master *astry che), and my 5ir )riend<s dessert o) choice is somethin5 as sim* e as ) an8G F#hatNG Sasha mana5ed to cho4e out, Fyou<re 5oin5 to *ro*oseH Kid I hear you ri5htHG FYou heard ri5ht, I<m 5oin5 to *ro*ose to Anna8G F!oy, it rea y has been a on5 time, when did a this ha**enH I had no idea you 5uys were so serious8G F#e<6e been datin5 )or near y two years now, and des*ite my *hysica a**earance,G he ran his )in5ers de icate y a on5 the contour o) his body, FI<m not 5ettin5 any youn5er,G he win4ed8 F#ow,G was a Sasha cou d mana5e to 6erba i7e8 F#hat can I say, she ma4es me ha**y8 It<s time, I<m ready to sett e down and ha6e a )ami y, and I 4now she is too, so that<s it8 That<s the bi5 sur*rise8G F#e it is a sur*rise a ri5ht, but a 5ood sur*rise8 It oo4s i4e con5ratu ations are in order a5ain8G Sasha he d her arms out and Christo*he s i**ed cheer)u y into her embrace8 FThan4 you sweetie8G FNow I de)inite y ha6e to meet her8 #e shou d * an an e6enin5 out8G FYes we must8 I<6e s*o4en about you many times and she is oo4in5 )orward to meetin5 you as we 8G FSo when are you * annin5 to *o* the 9uestionHG FNe;t Saturday8 I con6inced her to come to the restaurant Saturday e6enin5 under the *retense that I want her to see the 3a77 band that wi be * ayin58 She thin4s that I< be wor4in5, but I wi

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0( be in the bac4 waitin5 to sur*rise her with my dessert du 3our8 And I ha6e arran5ed to ha6e the band * ay her )a6orite son5 3ust as I<m 5ettin5 down on one 4nee8G FThat is so romantic, she<s a 6ery uc4y woman, and she<s 5oin5 to o6e it I<m sure8G FI ho*e so8 This time ne;t year I wi be a married man,G he smi ed o*timistica y8 FThat is, *ro6idin5 she says yes, and doesn<t embarrass me in )ront o) a restaurant )u o) *eo* e8G Christo*he<s eyes sudden y widened at the thou5ht, he too4 a dee* breath and 5ri**ed his chest8 F"e a; Chris,G Sasha said sensin5 an imminent *anic attac48 FE) course she< say yes,

es*ecia y a)ter she sees a the troub e you<6e 5one to8 !esides, oo4 at that )ace, who cou d say no to thatHG :is rounded )eatures hid an incredib e bone structure, his eyes it u* with a twin4 e as he s*o4e and he had a smi e that en5a5ed you to smi e bac4 whene6er you witnessed it8

FEhem,G he c eared his throat sarcastica y8 F#hat are you ta 4in5 aboutHG Sasha au5hed, 4nowin5 a too we that he was re)errin5 to the no ess than ten times she herse ) had turned down his ad6ances8 FP ease, don<t ma4e me 5o there 5ir NG :e sna**ed his )in5ers8 They bent o6er with au5hter8 FYes, * ease don<t 5o thereNG That as*ect o) their re ationshi* was a ancient history, but sti a 5ood source o) au5hter between the two o) them8 F#e , it sounds i4e you<6e rea y thou5ht this throu5h8 I cou dn<t be ha**ier )or you8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0= A thou5h her air o) ha**iness was 5enuine, Sasha cou dn<t he * the twin5e o) 3ea ousy that ba ed u* inside o) her, 4nowin5 that it easi y cou d ha6e been her that he was 5oin5 to such 5reat en5ths )or i) she had returned his )ee in5s8 It wasn<t that she had any re5rets8 !ut sometimes the 6a ue o) a discarded suitor sudden y rises when they mo6e on8 That and the )act that the timin5 cou dn<t ha6e been worse8 :earin5 o) Christo*he<s en5a5ement on y hours a)ter o))icia y endin5 her own re ationshi* was a ot to swa ow8 At that moment she wou d ha6e 5 ad y chan5ed * aces with Anna8 FAre you sure about *uttin5 it in the ) an thou5h, I mean what i) she accidenta y swa ows itHG FI< ma4e sure she doesn<t,G he cut his eyes at her sarcastica y, Fbut it is 5oin5 to be a itt e tric4y 5ettin5 it in there without actua y ba4in5 it in there, and without ma4in5 an ob6ious incision8G Christo*he rubbed his chin, *er* e;ed, ob6ious y not ha6in5 thou5ht out that *art o) the * an care)u y8 FKid you brin5 the rin5HG Sasha as4ed, the en6ious side o) her womanhood curious to see what she *ossib y missed out on8 FNo, it<s at the 3ewe ers, I *ic4 it u* Mriday8G Christo*he was sti distracted tryin5 to )i5ure out the best way to concea the rin58 FThat<s cuttin5 it c ose8G F#hy cou dn<t her )a6orite dessert be somethin5 easier to wor4 with i4e choco ate ca4e, or my *ri7e winnin5 TiramisuHG Sasha<s brows raised FPri7e winnin5H %et<s not 5et cra7y8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 00 Christo*he had a 4nac4 )or e;a55eratin5, es*ecia y when it came to his *astry ta ent8 And Sasha had no 9ua ms about ca in5 him on it e6ery time he 5ot bi5 headed about it8 FYes dar in5, *ri7e winnin58G Sasha<s attem*t to cha en5e his cu inary s4i s 9uic4 y brou5ht his )ocus bac48 FI to d you, it won me a tic4et to #e Pro"enade Gour"and8G FYou won a tic4et to the #e Pro"enade Gour"andeH I don<t be ie6e itNG FIt<s true8 I ne6er to d you the storyH I<m sure I to d you the story, I te e6eryone the story8G F#e you ha6en<t to d me, and I don<t thin4 I ha6e e6er tried your @)amous< Tiramisu either come to thin4 o) it8G F#e that<s why you must come to the restaurant, it<s one o) or best se ers8G F#hen did this ha**enH I can<t be ie6e you ne6er to d me about this, I ha6e been dyin5 to 5o to #e Pro"enade e6er since I heard about it when I was a itt e 5ir NG FMirst o) a , et me say that it was the e;*erience o) a i)etime8 "ea y Sasha, i) you e6er ha6e the o**ortunity, you sim* y must 5o8 A thou5h the tic4ets are 6irtua y im*ossib e to 5et, and you ha6e to reser6e your s*ot at east a year in ad6ance, and *ay a sma )ortune to secure it8 !ut it is we worth it to ha6e the o**ortunity to come so c ose to *er)ection8G FI swear I wou d 5i6e my ri5ht arm to be ab e to attend, but it<s such an e;c usi6e tour8 You either ha6e to be )i thy rich or hi5h y reco5ni7ed to be ab e to 5et on that tour8G FEr hi5h y s4i ed i4e moi,G Christo*he said in his most snobbish tone8 FYou are itera y standin5 within a )ew )eet o) the masters o) the *astry wor d witnessin5 them construct 6irtua master*ieces )rom scratchN !ut )irst et me te you how I 5ot the tic4et8G FYes, I<6e 5ot to hear this8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 01 FYou won<t be ie6e this,G his tone *ic4ed u* *ace as he re i6ed the e;*erience8 FI was wor4in5 as a *astry che) at a 6ery *resti5ious hote in %ondon8 #e were to d that there was a 6ery im*ortant 5uest stayin5 at the hote , and he wou d be dinin5 in the main ha the )o owin5 ni5ht8 :e re9uested his Fre*asG in ad6ance8 I can sti remember his order c ear y8 Mi et 2i5non medium rare with red #ine !ee) ,us, roasted as*ara5us and *atates nou6eau8 Mor dessert he said he wou d et it be the che)s choice8 You can ima5ine my de i5htN I too4 it u*on myse ) to *re*are a u;urious *each brandy Tiramisu 5arnished with brandy whi**ed cream and Cointreau 5 a7ed *each s ices8 F2y mouth is waterin58 #e shou d ma4e that to5ether sometime8G FThen I wou d ha6e to 5i6e away my secrets,G he win4ed8 FAnyway, a )ew days ater, I recei6ed an en6e o*e with my name on it8 The return address was #e Cordon !leu8 A**arent y, the s*ecia 5uest I ser6ed that ni5ht was "o and Passat, a 2aster Che) at e cordon b eu8 I had heard rumors that e6ery year a ro5ue che) )rom the schoo wou d )re9uent restaurants in search o) the ne;t u* and comin5 ta ent8 I) you were ab e to tanta i7e his taste buds, then your reward was one o) the most sou5ht a)ter tic4ets in the industry8 A)ter years and years as a master che), you can ima5ine he must ha6e tasted e6erythin5, *re*ared e6ery way ima5inab e8 F#e e6ident y he had ne6er tasted your tiramisuNG FE) course,G he ) uttered his eye ashes with 5reat esteem8 FNow I ser6e it at !amboo re5u ar y, and it itera y ) ies o)) the she 6es8G G I bet8 You shou d attach a itt e ta5 with the story o) how it came to be,G Sasha said ha ) 3o4in58 FKon<t worry, that<s a ready been ta4en care o)8 There<s a itt e write u* on the bac4 o) the menu8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0D FE) course8G This was no sur*rise to Sasha8 She 4new Christo*he wou d not miss an o**ortunity to boast about such an e;*erience, and neither wou d she i) she had the chance8 FThat is tru y an ama7in5 story, I<m 3ea ous8G FKon<t hate dar in58 I) you boo4 now and sa6e u* )or another two years you mi5ht be ab e to 5et a s*otNG FSery )unny8G FE4, bac4 to business, the ) an, what did you thin4HG FKe icious8 The white choco ate and the coconut 5o nice y to5ether8 The *inea** e adds a tanta i7in5 ) a6or, and combines nice y with the coconut to 5i6e it a tro*ica )ee , and the carame , *er)ection o) course8 !utTG FA ways a but with youG, he said smac4in5 her on the but with a wooden s*oon8 FIt<s missin5 somethin5 correctH That @,e ne sais 9uoi< that wou d ta4e it to the ne;t e6e ,G he said whi str rumma5in5 throu5h one o) the ba5s8 I thou5ht maybe addin5 more coconut mi 4 or maybeIF FI thin4 I ha6e 3ust the thin5,G she cut him o))8 She 9uic4 y disa**eared into the i6in5 room and returned wa6in5 a bott e8 FI bet this wi add that itt e e;tra wowN It<s coconut rum )rom The Cayman Is ands8G FEoh, sounds tanta i7in58G F"emember the tri* with my e; that didn<t ha**enH Anyway, he 5a6e it to me as a sou6enir s ash reminder o) how I )uc4ed him o6er by not 5oin5 on the tri*8 I ha6en<t e6en o*ened it yetN I thin4 it wou d add that e;tra tro*ica *unch to your master*iece8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0J FKar in5, I thin4 you mi5ht 3ust be a 5eniusN :e reached o6er the counter and 5a6e he a hu5e 4iss on the chee48 FI 4new I came to the ri5ht *erson8G FToo bad we didn<t 4now each other when you were wor4in5 in %ondon, maybe I cou d ha6e ta55ed a on5 on the tri*8G FThat, my dear wou d ha6e been the icin5 on the ca4eNG

:e ined u* a the necessary in5redients on the counter8 :e handed Sasha a measurin5 cu* and said Gstart measurin5G8 F2aybe we shou d start with about ( tab es*oons o) the i9ueurG8 F2aybe we shou d start by tryin5 the i9ueur )irst,G Sasha su55ested8 A thou5h she was sti reco6erin5 )rom the wine, the ni5ht be)ore, she )i5ured one 5 ass o) the )ruity stu)) wou dn<t hurt8 FNow you<re ta 4in5G8 #ithin seconds Sasha 5ot ( 5 asses and )i ed them with ice8 FCheersN To your *endin5 en5a5ementNG they he d u* their 5 asses in sa ute8 Christo*he too4 sma si*s ana y7in5 the ) a6ors whi e Sasha 4noc4ed hers bac4 in dee* swa ows8 The mere mention o) the tri* with ,ames had a55ra6ated her mood8 F2mm,,G Christo*he ic4ed his i*s, Fthat is 9uite nice, the coconut ) a6or is 6ery *ronounced, I thin4 it wi wor4 nice y8G #e< try a )ew di))erent 9uantities, one to three tab es*oons8 FI a5ree8G #hi e Christo*he mi;ed, Sasha continued to si*8 FSo te me a about this tri* that ne6er ha**ened8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0FYou 4now how I to d you ,ames i4ed to sur*rise me8 Osua y it was sma thin5s i4e dinner or tic4ets to a show or somethin58 #e , this time he sur*rised me with se6en day 6acation in The Caymen Is ands8G FAnd that was a bad thin5HG FIt was bad timin58G Sasha *aused to ta4e another ar5e si* o) her drin48 FThat<s where the troub e be5an8 :e didn<t seem to understand that I cou dn<t 3ust dro* e6erythin5 and ta4e o)) )or a wee4, es*ecia y when my business was sti in its 5rowin5 *hase8 :e *estered me re ent ess y tryin5 to chan5e my mind8 E6entua y his be55in5 turned to )rustration and then )u b own an5er8 #e didn<t s*ea4 )or days a)ter that8G FYou<re 4iddin5 meNG Christo*he mo6ed around busi y measurin5 and stirrin5 whi e Sasha on the other hand eaned a5ainst the counter, 5 ass in hand, recountin5 the detai s o) her brea4 u*8 FIn the end, he 5a6e the tic4ets to his brother, who by the way is to than4 )or brin5in5 bac4 this o6e y bott e o) rum8G FAt east some 5ood came o) itNG Christo*he au5hed8 !e)ore Sasha 4new it, Christo*he had si; indi6idua ) ans in their rame4ins ready )or the o6en, whi e she was busy *ourin5 her third 5 ass o) rum and ice bare y ta4in5 notice o) his measurements8 FThese two ha6e one tab es*oon, these ha6e two, and these ha6e three8G A)ter de icate y tuc4in5 away each ) an in the o6en, Christo*he 3oined Sasha in another 5 ass o) the )ruity i9uor8 They made their way o6er to the couch where Sasha * o**ed c umsi y into the

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0L cushions, be)ore *ourin5 what wou d now be her )ourth 5 ass o) rum8 The sub3ect o) ,ames had caused unwanted emotions to sur)ace, emotions she had ho*ed the rum wou d drown out8 Christo*he had a concerned oo4 on his )ace as he watched Sasha )i her 5 ass we *ast the ha )way *oint8 FTa4e it easy there sweetieG, he 3o4ed8 F#hat do you meanH It<s not i4e I<m dri6in5NG She au5hed an ina**ro*riate y oud au5h, c ear y be5innin5 to )ee the e))ects o) the a coho 8 FI need you sober enou5h, and with your taste buds in tact so that you can 3ud5e the ) an *ro*er y8G FKon<t worry Chris, I< be )ine, re a;8G F#hat<s 5oin5 on with you, I<6e ne6er seen you drin4 i4e this be)ore8G FThere<s a ot you don<t 4now about me dar in5G she said, tryin5 her best to mimic his sometimes *retentious 6oice, then eaned into him au5hin58 FSerious y,G he too4 her by the shou ders and *ee ed her o)) o) him into an u*ri5ht *osition8 FI don<t 4now, it<s been a rea y on5 day, I bro4e u* with ,ames a5ain today )or what was *robab y the tenth time,G she au5hed8 FAnd this rum is so sweet, it<s i4e drin4in5 3uice8 F#e it<s not 3uice, I can assure you, so ta4e it easy8G FE4 o))icerG she sa uted him sarcastica y8 FSo that<s it, now you<re sin5 e a5ain8 A sin5 e 5ir on the town8G FI wou dn<t e;act y say @on the town<8 It<s not i4e I<m oo4in5, and besides, sometimes it<s more troub e than it<s worth anyway8G FNot i) you meet the ri5ht *erson8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 1. FThat<s easy )or you to say, now that you<re en5a5ed8 ?oin5 throu5h tons o) the wron5 *eo* e whi e tryin5 to )ind that ri5ht *erson is the hard *art8 I don<t ha6e time or the *atience )or a that ri5ht now8G The )ina i7ation o) her re ationshi* *aired with the a coho had e)t her in a raw emotiona state8 FThis man has c ear y 4i ed your )aith in o6e,G Christo*he shoo4 his head8 FYou 4now, maybe you shou d try on ine datin5, did you e6er consider thatHG FEooh,G Sasha swished the rum around in her mouth be)ore swa owin5 a dee* 5u *8 FNo than4 you8G F#hy notH That way you can )i ter throu5h a the wron5 *eo* e without e6en ha6in5 to ea6e your house8G FYou meet a 4inds o) weirdoes on ine,G Sasha )rowned oo4in5 down at the em*ty bottom o) her 5 ass, FI meet enou5h o) those in rea i)eNG FThat<s what I thou5ht, unti I met Anna8G FYou met Anna on ineHG She ha ted sober y )or a moment, and *ut o)) re)i in5 her 5 ass8 FYou ne6er to d me that8G FEh there<s so much you don<t 4now about me my dear8G FE6ident yN :ow come you ne6er to d me you were into thatHG FYou ne6er as4ed8G FMair enou5h8G FAnd )or the record, it wasn<t somethin5 that I was @into<, it was an a6enue that I decided to e;* ore since I wasn<t ha6in5 much uc4 with the more traditiona a**roach8G FYou<re te in5 me that *eo* e are actua y out there oo4in5 )or serious re ationshi*s on ineHG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 1' FI<m i6in5 *roo),G he he d out his arms *roud y8 FI<m sure you<re 3ust one o) a sma hand)u o) *eo* e,G FKon<t be so cynica 8 You wou d be sur*rised how many one y *eo* e there are out there oo4in5 )or o6e8 You rea y shou dn<t 4noc4 it un ess you<6e tried it8G FI don<t thin4 I ha6e to try it to 4now that it<s not )or me8 !esides, I<m not one y, I<m 3ust bitterNG She 5i55 ed uncontro ab y as she 5u *ed bac4 more o) the )resh y *oured rum8 FP us, I *re)er meetin5 my men the o d )ashioned way8 You 4now, eyes meet across a crowded room and a that other stu))8G FEh * ease, that<s not rea istic dar in58 Nobody )a s in o6e i4e that, not in rea i)e anyway8G FI be5 to di))erG, Sasha cha en5ed8 FKo you mean to te me that you ha6e ne6er )a en )or someone 3ust )rom one oo4HG FNot without 5ettin5 to 4now them a itt e bit )irst8G FEh rea yHG She eaned into him ) irtatious y, F"emember when we met, you bare y 4new my name be)ore you were as4in5 me out8G :er words, ubricated by the rum ) owed so easi y out o) her mouth, she hadn<t 5i6en any consideration to how ina**ro*riate the timin5 mi5ht ha6e been, considerin5 he had 3ust announced his en5a5ement on y moments ear ier8 FIt<s not the same thin58G FE4 then what was itHG FA that doesn<t matter now, a I<m sayin5 is that i) you<re waitin5 )or that storyboo4 romance you<re 5oin5 to ha6e to wait a on5 time8G F2aybe, maybe not8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 1( F#hat<s that su**osed to meanHG FNothin58 I<m 3ust sayin5, it cou d ha**en, that<s a 8G She 5rinned out o) the side o) her mouth as she brou5ht the 5 ass to her i*s8 FCou d ha**en or did ha**enH C<mon Sasha, is there somethin5 you<re not te in5 meH You<6e 5ot that oo4 on your )ace8G F#hat oo4HG she said 5rinnin5 e6en wider, ma4in5 no attem*t to concea the mischie6ous nature o) her words8 FIt oo4s i4e you<re ho din5 bac4 somethin58 Kid you meet someoneHG F#e TG, she be5an hesitant y, *ur*ose y *ausin5 to ta4e a on5 s ow si* o) her drin4 whi e she decided whether or not to di6u 5e what ay behind her smi e8 Onder norma circumstances she wou dn<t ha6e e6en broached the sub3ect o) a *otentia o6e interest with Chris, not un ess there had actua y been somethin5 to te 8 !ut the rum had 5one strai5ht to her head and oosened u* her ton5ue and the dormant 5reen eyed monster at the base o) her be y ed her strai5ht to the sub3ect o) 2i5ue 8 It was as thou5h she wanted to *ro6e to Christo*he, or more accurate y to herse ) that she was not one o) those des*erate one y woman with no *ros*ects on the hori7on who wou d turn to internet datin58 F?o on,G Christo*he eaned in, i4e a re*orter ea5er to and the )irst scoo*8 Mee in5 5iddy and unusua y ta 4ati6e she went on8 FYou 4now I said business was *ic4in5 u*, and I had to hire e;tra he *8 #e , I hired this de i6ery 5uy )or the wee4endsG FAndHG FAre you sure you rea y want to hear about thisHG FE) courseN This sounds 3uicy8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 1= Christo*he, un i4e most men, re6e ed in stimu atin5 5ossi* and tanta i7in5 drama8 That was *art o) what made their )riendshi* so much )un8 #hen they weren<t ta 4in5 *astries, a most e6ery other sub3ect was )air 5ame, at times it was 3ust i4e ta 4in5 to a 5ood 5ir )riend8 She considered that *erha*s a ma e *ers*ecti6e on the matter wou d he * c ari)y thin5s8 F#e , it<s not 3uicy, not in rea ity anyway8G She smi ed to herse ) reca in5 the not so *ure thou5hts that had so o)ten )re9uented her mind8 F:is name is 2i5ue 8 :e<s a student at the uni6ersityG Christo*he raised an eyebrow8 Fuh huh8G FThe *rob em is he<s 5or5eousN I )ind myse ) thin4in5 about him a the time8G FAnd that<s a *rob em becauseTG F!ecause )or one thin5 he<s youn5er than me, a thou5h I<m not sure e;act y how o d he is, but how o d can he beH :e<s sti in schoo 8G FSo whatHG F#hat do you mean so whatH I can<t be )antasi7in5 about this 5uy8 !esides that he<s wor4in5 )or me, and more im*ortant y I doubt that he )ee s the same way, he *robab y doesn<t e6en 4now I<m a i6e8G F#e I<m sure he 4nows you<re a i6e, you<re si5nin5 his *aychec4s aren<t youHG Christo*he chuc4 ed to himse )8 Sasha )ormed her eyes into a s it be)ore s a**in5 him on the arm8 FSerious y I<6e 5ot to 5et these thou5hts out o) my head or it<s 3ust 5oin5 to be aw4ward wor4in5 with him8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 10 FMirst o) a honey, ha6e you oo4ed in the mirror ate yH You<re 5or5eous, there<s no way he hasn<t noticed you8G FAw Chris, you a ways 4now 3ust what to say8G That was 3ust the con)idence boostin5 remar4 she needed at the moment8 FI) you weren<t *o**in5 the 9uestion to Anna this wee4end I mi5ht---F :e immediate y *ut his hand u* to her )ace,G you<re too ate honey, you missed your chance8G FEh )ine,G she said moc4in5 )rustration8 FAnyway, I<m sure he has a 5ir )riend8 I mean he<s 5or5eous8 A thic4 head o) *er)ect y tous ed hair,G she started, reca in5 with * easure e6ery detai that had been etched in her mind, Fdee* dar4 bedroom eyes with the on5est ashes I<6e e6er seen on a man be)ore, and a body thatIF FE4 o4, I 5et it,G he said *remature y cuttin5 her o))8 F:e<s a *retty boy8 I shou d ha6e 4nown that was your ty*e,G he mumb ed into his 5 ass as he brou5ht it to his i*s8 FEh sto* it8 It<s so much more than his oo4s8G FSure8G FIt<s the way he ta 4s and the way he oo4s at me, he<s 5ot this se; a**ea 5oin5 on8 I can<t e;* ain it, there<s 3ust somethin5 about him8G F#e i) you want my ad6ice, there<s on y one way to )ind out i) he<s interested8 It<s sim* e, 3ust as4 him out8G FI cou dn<t8G F#hy notH 2en o6e a woman that is con)ident enou5h to a**roach them8G F#hat i) he turns me downHG Sasha<s )ace wrin4 ed into a crin5e 3ust thin4in5 about the *ossibi ity8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 11 FIt<s not the end o) the wor d trust me8G The timer cou dn<t ha6e cut into their con6ersation at a more *er)ect time8 Christo*he 9uic4 y scurried o6er to the o6en8 Sasha a55ed behind )ee in5 the e))ects o) the rum e6en stron5er once she tried to stand u*8 FKon<t worry honey, I< brin5 them to you8G Sasha s ouched bac4 onto the couch with itt e e))ort8 Christo*he *rom*t y returned with the tray )u o) ) ans and a 5 ass o) water8 F:ere, drin4 this8 C ean your *a ette a bit8G #ithin minutes he had the ) ans out o) their rame4ins, cut into ha 6es and ined u* on the tab e8 FThis one has one teas*oonIG FShhh,G Sasha ordered8 F,ust et me taste them b ind y and then I wi 5i6e you my o*inion8G They too4 sma sam* es o) each and si ent y sa6ored their creation8 E6en in her s i5ht y inebriated state, Sasha was sti ab e to deci*her the di))erent ) a6ors within the ) an8 A)ter a )ew moments, they both he d u* the ) an containin5 two s*oon)u s and dec ared in unison, FI thin4 we ha6e a winnerN F

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 1D Cha*ter 0 + Uuinta Ko No6a V (..= 6inta5e In retros*ect Sasha cou dn<t be ie6e that she had b athered on to Christo*he about 2i5ue 8 She )e t i4e a )oo ish schoo 5ir with an unre9uited crush8 A thou5h Christo*he had )ound the who e thin5 9uite amusin5 he to d her the )o owin5 wee4 when he ca ed to u*date her on the success o) his *ro*osa 8 #hen Anna du5 into the ) an he 5ot down on one 4nee in )ront o) a restaurant )u o) *eo* e and dec ared his o6e8 To his re ie) she said yes, but there was a moment her said, when she sim* y )ro7e and he be5an to *anic because he wasn<t 9uite sure which direction she wou d 5o in8 !ut a)ter the initia shoc4 wore o), she 5racious y acce*ted the rin5 be)ore brea4in5 down into tears8 They were a ready ma4in5 * ans )or a ,une weddin5 the )o owin5 year8 Sasha cou dn<t be ha**ier )or Chris, she e6en o))ered to ba4e the weddin5 ca4e8 !ut o) course Christo*he, e6er the *er)ectionist courteous y dec ined8 :e said he was Freser6in5 that tas4 )or the master wor4in5s o) his own hands8G Sasha<s e5o was unscathed, she )i5ured that she mi5ht ha6e had a uc4y esca*e when she rea i7ed how di))icu t it wou d be to desi5n anythin5 that wou d * ease Christo*he On ess he was the one res*onsib e )or the center *iece o) their e6enin5, he wou d a ways )ind )au t8

#hen Sasha *ut down the *hone she had a me ancho y )ee in5 *u in5 at her8 she was 5enuine y ha**y )or Chris, but as he trotted o)) into marita b iss, Sasha cou dn<t he * bein5 reminded o) the 5a*in5 ho e that was her o6e i)e8 A thou5h she had ne6er been one o) those 5ir s who started * annin5 their weddin5 day )rom the moment they earned to s*ea4, she had sti a ways assumed that one day she wou d 5et married8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 1J Years a5o that day had seemed wra**ed u* in an end ess amount o) time, but as the years s i**ed by one day was a**roachin5 )aster and )aster, and )rom the oo4s o) thin5s moi5ht *ass Sasha by com* ete y8

It was in these moments that she )ound herse ) 9uestionin5 whether or not she had made the ri5ht decision endin5 her re ationshi* with ,ames8 In her 5ut she 4new that she had8 !ut in her heart, her heart which sti he d remnants o) her emotiona bond with him, the 9uestion sti in5ered8

Near y two wee4s had *assed since that day in the restaurant, and there had been no si5n o) him since8 No te;ts, no ca s and no sur*rise 6isits8 Either she had se6ere y bruised his e5o, or he had sim* y chosen to mo6e on8 In any case it a**eared that she wou d ne6er ha6e that 9uestion answered, nor did she need to8

At the moment she decided to 4ee* her mind )ocused on thin5s she did ha6e contro o6er8 %i4e the mu titude o) orders that had been streamin5 in on a re5u ar basis8 O* to now she had been mana5in5 o4 and hadn<t been )orced to turn down any orders, but her days were becomin5 on5er and on5er and stretchin5 into the ni5hts8 #atchin5 the s ow tric4 e o) *eo* e stro *ast the sho* window, she decided to c ose u* ear y and head home )or the e6enin58 Custom had been s ower than usua )or a Saturday a)ternoon, i4e y due to the Internationa !eer Mesti6a ha**enin5 on the other side o) town8 In any case she wou dn<t com* ain, ate y she we comed any chance she 5ot )or a re*rie6e8 Ea5er to sin4 into the com)ort o) her couch and 5et o)) her )eet, she 9uic4 y *ac4ed away the counter, swe*t the ) oors and strai5htened u* the chairs8 She ) i**ed the si5n to dis* ay <C osed<

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 1and *roceeded to oc4 the door, but the door4nob turned in her hand be)ore she cou d secure the oc48 The door *ushed a5ainst her, stubbin5 her toe8 FEuchN Sorry, I<m c IG To her sur*rise, 2i5ue ste**ed into 6iew 3ust as she be5an to s*ea48 F2i5ue G, she 9uestioned and dec ared at the same time8 F:ey8 Sorry did I 5et your toeHG FA bit8G She ste**ed bac4 a owin5 the door to o*en wide enou5h )or him to s i* throu5h8 :er )urrowed brow and an5ered tone 9uic4 y so)tened8 F#hat are you doin5 hereHG F%oo4s i4e I a most missed you8G FA most8 Are you done with the de i6eries a readyHG FYa, I cou dn<t be ie6e it, there was i4e no tra))ic on the roads today8 E6eryone<s *robab y o6er in "iccarton at the !eer Mest8 Anyway, so I thou5ht I wou d try to catch you be)ore you e)t8 !ut it oo4s i4e I cau5ht you snea4in5 o)) ear y8G FI 5uess you cou d say that8G FTa4in5 o)) ear y to e;* ore the !eer )estHG F2eHG She b urted out 9uic4er than intended, her sur*rise ob6ious8 It had been years since she had been to any o) the summer )esti6a s, due to both ac4 o) time and ac4 o) interest rea y8 And the beer )esti6a was certain y not at the to* o) her ist o) one<s to 5o to8 FYa, why not8 I<m 5oin5 to head down there ater myse )8G FNo, not me than4s8 I was c osin5 u* ear y because business has been s ow, then headin5 home )or an ear y ni5ht8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 1L FYou shou d *ass by and chec4 it out8 It<s more than 3ust a bunch o) 5uys 5u77 in5 beer i) that<s what you thin48G FI 4now,G she said, when in )act that was e;act y what she had been thin4in58 FIt<s 3ust not rea y my thin58G FThat<s too bad8G That was a he said8 #ith a s i5ht smi e on his )ace8 #as she su**osed to read somethin5 into thatH Er was she sim* y tryin5 to read more into it than there actua y was8 She sensed that he was 5oin5 to say somethin5 more, or may be she was 3ust ho*in5 that he wou d8 Somethin5 i4e, Fmaybe we shou d 5o to5etherG8 !ut he hadn<t, a thou5h he sounded 5enuine y disa**ointed, at east she thou5ht he did8 :er mind was a o6er the * ace8 E6er since Casey it the )ire she )ound herse ) turnin5 into a 5iddy schoo 5ir whene6er he came around8 There was a ner6ous bo t o) ener5y that ran throu5h her body and somehow interru*ted the norma si5na s to her brain8 %uc4i y her common sense stayed in tact8 She was ab e to remain *ro)essiona and 4ee* thin5s strict y business8 FActua y, it turns out to be a 5ood thin5 that you sto**ed by8 I<6e been meanin5 to ta 4 to you about doin5 more hours8G FI<m 5ame8G F#e that was easy,G Sasha said ta4en abac4 by his 9uic4 res*onse8 FKo you want to 4now what the hours wi beHG FSure, o) course8G :e *u ed u* a stoo )rom the corner8 Sasha sat at hers behind the counter8 She 5ot the sense that no matter what the hours were, his answer wou d remain the same8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & D. FSince business has been *ic4in5 u* )or the summer, I< need you Saturdays and Sundays, )or the rest o) the summer, and an occasiona Mriday as we 8 At east unti Se*tember,G FThat wor4s )or me8 I cou d use the e;tra money, and any e;cuse to 5et out o) studyin5 is a ways a * us8G FThat<s 5reatN That was much easier than I e;*ected8G FI can be here e6ery Mriday i) you want me8G F%es &ant you,G ran throu5h her mind be)ore res*ondin58 FI< FNo *rob em8G FNow this means that you mi5ht as we 4ee* the s*are set o) 4eys on you8 You don<t ha6e to return them to me, I<6e 5ot my own set8G FYou<re sureHG FE) course I<m sure, it ma4es more sense8G As )ar as Sasha was concerned he had *ro6en that he was res*onsib e and trustworthy8 She was secure in the )act that he cou d be trusted to use the 6an )or de i6eries and nothin5 e se8 FThan4s8 You 4now you can trust me,G he said with a win4 corroboratin5 her thou5hts8 FI 4now,G Sasha smi ed bac48 FSo I 5uess I wi 3ust *ut these away then8G :e 5a6e the 4eys a twir be)ore *uttin5 them bac4 in his *oc4et8 FI< sti need you to ea6e the 6an *ar4ed here thou5h, incase I<6e 5ot a ar5e de i6ery durin5 the wee48G FNo *rob em8G et you 4now about Mridays8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & D' FE4 then,G Sasha *aused, tryin5 to brin5 the con6ersation to an end natura y8 FSo I 5uess I< see you ne;t wee4 then8G FYe*8 You said you don<t need me tomorrow ri5htHG FYa, I did say that8G FYou sure you don<t need meH !ecause you don<t sound too sure8 I can do a cou* e o) hours tomorrow i) you need a hand8G F"ea yHG :er eyes it u* at his o))er8 FYou see, I 4new you cou d *robab y use some he *,G 2i5ue au5hed at her8 F#e initia y when I to d you I didn<t need you, I rea y didn<t8 !ut now my mom as4ed me to he * her out with this adies uncheon tomorrow which 4ind o) throws a wrench in my * ans8 I<6e 5ot a de i6ery a the way o6er in In5 ewood, and a )ew others oca y8 I) you cou d do the de i6ery in In5 ewood that wou d rea y he * me out8G FI cou d do a o) them i) you i4e8G :er eyes it u* a5ain8 FI cou dn<t as4 you to do that8G F#hy notH It<s my 3ob8G FAre you sureH It<s such short notice8G FIt<s no *rob em, rea y8G She cou d ha6e 3um*ed into his arms and 5i6en him a bi5 4iss o) 5ratitude at that moment, but she 4new that i) she e6er 5ot that c ose to him she wou d ne6er be ab e to sto* at 3ust one 4iss8 FThan4 you so much, you ha6e no idea how much this he *s me out8G FI<m ha**y to he *8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & D( A*art )rom the ob6ious, his attracti6e *hysica a**earance and his charmin5 *ersona ity, Sasha was disco6erin5 that he had a 5enuine 5ood nature about him8 Cut )rom the same c oth as ?ior5io, he was 5enerous, carin5 and hard wor4in58 E6en thou5h the 3ob didn<t *ay much he too4 *ride in his wor48 She was 5rate)u that she had bum*ed into him that day8 FSo what time do you want me here tomorrowHG FThe usua 8 I< *ac4 e6erythin5 u* and ha6e it ready )or you8G F?reat8G

Sasha resumed c earin5 u*, *uttin5 cu*ca4es and *astries into the )rid5e, wi*in5 down the counters e;*ectin5 that he wou d be ma4in5 his way out any minute8 !ut he was ma4in5 no mo6e to ea6e8 Instead, he eaned his e bows on the counter and admired the tru)) es and tarts in the dis* ay case8 Sasha continued to mo6e around the room, straitenin5 chairs, wi*in5 the tab es, aware that his eyes now )o owed her around the room8 'hat is he &aiting (or) She tried to act a oo), a the whi e 5rowin5 uncom)ortab e with the aw4ward si ence and his une;*ected in5erin5, She decided to ma4e an attem*t at sma ta 4 i) on y to brea4 his concentrated 5a7e that seemed to )o ow her e6erywhere she went8 F!y the way how did the de i6eries 5o todayHG Thou5h she didn<t say so, Sasha was wonderin5 s*eci)ica y about the bache orette de i6ery8 She sus*ected that it mi5ht ha6e been interestin5 i) he had encountered the same two 5ir s that came in to order the ca4e8 They were youn5, )eisty, and c ear y oo4in5 to stir u* troub e8 They bo d y

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & D= as4ed Sasha i) she cou d ma4e a ca4e sha*ed i4e a *enis8 F2a4e it oo4 as rea istic as *ossib e,G they had s*eci)ied8 Sasha com* ied ha**i y8 It was the )irst time she had recei6ed that ty*e o) re9uest, but she 4new she cou d *u it o))8 2i5ue on the other hand, had no idea what was inside the bo;8 FSmooth as usua 8G :e *aused8 FE;ce*t )or the bache orette *arty8G Sasha smi ed to herse ) secret y8 F"ea yH #hat ha**enedHG They as4ed me i) I was the mode )or the ca4e, and some o) them thou5ht I was the entertainmentNG FYou<re 4iddin5NG FI<m serious, why didn<t you warn me about the ca4eH I had to run )or my i)e to 4ee* them o)) o) me8G FThat must ha6e been terrib e )or you,G Sasha au5hed8 FIt was aw)u , but they did 5i6e me a rea y bi5 ti*8 And by the way )rom what I saw, you did a *retty 5ood 3ob on the ca4e8 FThan4 you8G Sasha smi ed mischie6ous y8 FThey wanted it to oo4 @as rea as *ossib e<8G So I did my best8G F#e it oo4ed 6ery accurate to me8G :e had a bi5 smi e on his )ace now8 Sasha wanted to say that she had a ot o) e;*erience with that *art o) the ma e anatomy, but somehow she 4new it wou dn<t come out soundin5 ri5ht8 Instead she 3ust smi ed and said than4 you8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & D0 FI) you e6er need a mode )or one o) your ca4esIG The moment he be5an, her eyes made a direct *ath to his crotch8 Embarrassed she 9uic4 y oo4ed away ho*in5 that he hadn<t noticed8 :e ti ted his head to the side oo4in5 o)) in the distance and )ramed his chin between his thumb and )ore)in5er8 Sasha )ound his attem*t at a mode es9ue *ose 9uite amusin58 :e had )ramed his )ace, but it certain y wasn<t his )ace Sasha wanted him to mode 8 FI<m a6ai ab e )or that too8G A o) the b ood in Sasha body rushed to her )ace8 !roachin5 such an a urin5 sub3ect with him was too much )or her8 :er mind 5rew c ouded with ima5es o) his na4ed body intertwined with hers8 :er *a ms 5rew c ammy, her u**er i* moistened and her s4in tin5 ed with )irewor4s8 She )ou5ht to i5nore the se;ua y char5ed thou5hts see*in5 throu5h the crac4s o) her norma y who esome mind scramb in5 to smother them as soon as they cau5ht i5ht8 FI< 4ee* that in mind,G she smi ed coo y des*ite the tornado o) ust swir in5 around her mind8 F:ey is that a bott e o) Uuinta Ko No6a H< 2i5ue *ointed behind the re5ister8 "e ie6ed by the chan5e o) sub3ect, Sasha reached )or the bott e and brou5ht it to the counter8 She had * aced it behind the re5ister so that she wou d remember to brin5 it home, but somehow she had sti )or5otten about it8 It was a than4 you 5i)t )rom a cou* e that she had made a rather uni9ue weddin5 ca4e )or8 It was a three tiered choco ate horseshoe ca4e8 They were both horse enthusiasts and wanted a ca4e that re) ected their i)esty e8 Sasha had not e6en oo4ed at the abe 8 !ein5 on y somewhat o) a socia drin4er she wou dn<t be ab e to te the di))erence between an e;*ensi6e bott e o) wine and a su*ermar4et *urchase8 FI didn<t e6en oo4 at the name o) it to be honest8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & D1 FYou mean you bou5ht this without 4nowin5 what it wasHG 2i5ue had a s i5ht smir4 on his )ace8 Sasha a ways )ound his e;*ressions con)usin58 She was ne6er 9uite sure whether or not he was serious or *o4in5 )un at her8 Throu5h his hea6y accent, his words sounded serious, but the i5ht hearted 5rin across his )ace said otherwise8 FNo, it was a 5i)t,G she said matchin5 his sarcasm8 FNice 5i)t,G he said reachin5 )or the bott e8 :e turned the bott e around in his hands a )ew times, e;aminin5 the abe c ose y8 FUuinta Ko No6a ,G he read out oud8 FIt<s a Portu5uese dessert wine8 You<re 5oin5 to en3oy it8G FSo you 4now a ot about wine do youHG FA bit8 2y )ather used to ma4e his own wine8 Er shou d I say tried to ma4e his own wine8 It was ne6er 6ery 5ood, but I did earn a ot about the art o) wine ma4in5 )rom him8 ?rowin5 u* my )ather o)ten dran4 this a)ter su**er8 #hen we were 6ery youn5, he wou d sometimes et us ha6e a taste8G Sasha<s mind instant y too4 o)) in a new direction8 Sudden y a i5ht with curiosity and an ea5erness to earn more about him, the tornado 9uieted8 :e said FusG which indicated that he had a sib in5 or sib in5s8 And his )ather i4ed Portu5uese wine8 2aybe he was Portu5uese8 That wou d e;* ain the dar4 hair and dar4 eyes com* ete with on5 dar4 eye ashes which Sasha studied c ose y whi e he studied the wine8 FSo your dad was a bi5 wine drin4erHG F#e , I wou dn<t say bi58 Not by Portu5uese standards anyway8G FEh is he Portu5ueseHG She as4ed innocent y, ha6in5 a ready deduced that )act8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & DD FYes8 I<m ha ) Portu5uese and ha ) Mrench8 I was born in Portu5a , but I s*ent most o) my years 5rowin5 u* in Mrance8G That wou d e;* ain why she was ne6er ab e to *in*oint his accent8 :er mind bounced around )ittin5 *u77 e *ieces to5ether8 FI<6e a ways wanted to 6isit Mrance8G FYou shou d, it<s 6ery beauti)u 8 I i6ed there since I was se6en8 That<s when my *arents s* it8 2y mom too4 me and my sister and mo6ed bac4 to Mrance and my dad stayed in Portu5a 8G Sasha tried to hide her e;citement as she re ished in the new in)ormation8 It was the )irst time he had s*o4en about his )ami y8 In )act, it was the )irst time they had had a con6ersation that asted on5er than ten minutes and didn<t re6o 6e around de i6eries8 FA)ter that I came here to 5o to schoo when I was nineteen8G Sasha<s mind instant y 3um*ed to )i5urin5 out his current a5e8 She 5uessed twenty-si; or twentyse6en8 She wondered i) he wou d di6u 5e that in)ormation to her as we 8 FYou say that you are not a wine drin4er, but once you try this wine, I bet you chan5e your mind8G F!e ie6e me, it wou d be wasted on me8 #hy don<t you ta4e itHG she o))ered8 FIt sounds i4e you wi a**reciate it more than I wi 8 To be honest with you, it wi *robab y end u* in the bac4 o) my re)ri5erator8G Either that or she wou d e6entua y end u* brin5in5 it o6er to Casey<s one ni5ht8 FThat wou d be a shame8 !y the way, this ty*e o) wine is better at room tem*erature, you shou dn<t re)ri5erate it8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & DJ F"ea yH You see, I to d you it wou d be wasted on me8 I didn<t e6en 4now that it shou dn<t be re)ri5erated8G FIn )act, this wine is the *er)ect tem*erature )or drin4in5 ri5ht now8G 2i5ue oo4ed u* at her raisin5 an eyebrow in6itin5 her to cons*ire with him to sa6e the wine )rom a i)e o) one iness at the bac4 o) her re)ri5erator8 F"i5ht nowH I cou dn<t,G she res*onded, a thou5h he ne6er o))icia y 6erba i7ed the 9uestion8 FI<6e had a on5 day, and I to d you, I<m not much o) a wine drin4er8 ,ust ta4e it with you8G FE4, i) you insist I ta4e it, then I< ta4e it8 !ut )irst I want you to try it8 I wou d )ee terrib e ta4in5 this )rom you without you ha6in5 e6en tried it8 %et<s ca it a ce ebratory drin4, we< ce ebrate my *romotionNG

2i5ue had ta4en Sasha by sur*rise with his )riend iness8 She didn<t<t 9uite 4now what to ma4e o) it8 2aybe she was ma4in5 too much o) it8 Either way she was inc ined to *ass on his o))er8 A thou5h she didn<t 4now why8 :ere was an o**ortunity )or her to 5et to 4now him better, to mo6e their re ationshi* to a more socia e6e , yet she was doin5 her best to a6oid it8 She *u ed down the ast o) the b inds and turned o)) the main i5hts8 FI wou dn<t e;act y ca it a *romotion8 I 5a6e you more hours, I mean its not i4e I 5a6e you a raise8G The moment the words ea*t o)) o) her i*s she wanted to suc4 them bac4 in8 They hadn<t come out the way she had * anned8 It was meant to be a 3o4e, but instead sounded s i5ht y condescendin58 There<s no better way to emascu ate a man than to remind him that you ho d the *ower8 She c enched her teeth waitin5 )or his reaction8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & DFCome to thin4 o) it I<6e been meanin5 to ta 4 to you about that he au5hed8G She was re ie6ed8 :e wasn<t bothered by her remar48 :e *eered o6er the counter8 FKo you ha6e any 5 assesHG :e had a ready *ee ed o*en the bott e8 It was ob6ious that he wou dn<t be ta4in5 no )or an answer8 #hat was she a)raid o)H Ene drin4 wou dn<t hurt8 She 5a6e u* her inner batt e and 3ust decided to 5o with the ) ow8 I don<t ha6e any 5 asses but I ha6e co))ee cu*s8 FSasha, * ease, don<t insu t the wine8G :e au5hed8 FYou must ha6e at east one 5 ass in this * ace8G She did ha6e one 5 ass8 E;act y one8 She 4e*t it by the sin4 in the bac4 )or water8 FI< be ri5ht bac48G She disa**eared into the 4itchen and 9uic4 y returned with a )resh y washed water 5 ass8 F:ere you 5o8 It<s the on y one I<6e 5ot8G FThat<s E4, It<s much better than drin4in5 out o) a co))ee cu*, trust me8 #e can share this 5 assG !utter) ies i5hted across Sasha<s stomach as he s*o4e the words8 Ne6er had she thou5ht she wou d be sharin5 a 5 ass o) wine with 2i5ue 8 A thou5h the settin5 was not e;act y romantic, the idea o) it sti was8 FI wi teach you how to a**reciate the uni9ue ) a6ors and aromas in the wine8 A)ter, I bet you won<t want to 5i6e it away8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & DL F#e< see8G Sasha cou d care ess about the wine or ) a6ors or aromas, she was 3ust en3oyin5 the moment8 :e *oured the wine into the 5 ass, swir ed it 5ent y, and inha ed a on5 dee* breath8 FAaah reminds me o) home8G Then he he d the 5 ass out to her8 !e)ore )u y ettin5 5o o) the 5 ass he said, FMirst breath in the wine and et the aroma awa4en your senses8 Then you si* it8 Wee* it in your mouth )or a moment and et it ro around on your ton5ue, a owin5 it to come in contact with a o) your taste buds8G Sasha )o owed his instructions8 FCan you taste the )ruitinessHG She thou5ht she cou d detect some ty*e o) )ruity ) a6or8 E6era , it was 6ery sweet with a rea y * easin5 a)tertaste8 FYes, I thin4 so, she said unsure y8G FThis time try it with one o) those tru)) es8G :e *ointed to a sma round tray o) dar4 choco ate tru)) es that were in the dis* ay case8 FEh, that<s not necessary, I 5ot the 5enera idea8G She 9uestioned why she was so 9uic4 to dismiss his su55estion8 FTo rea y en3oy the ) a6ors o) a dessert wine i4e this, you ha6e to try it with some dessert8 Trust me8 Those wou d be *er)ect8G Mear o) crossin5 an ima5inary ine that she had created was ho din5 her bac48 Norma y she wou d ha6e wi in5 y en5a5ed in a ) irtatious dance, but now she was )ra5i e, easi y im*ressionab e, and not to mention 5rowin5 hornier by the minute8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & J. ,ust 5o with the ) ow she reminded herse )8 Ke)eated by his *ersistence, she reached down and too4 out the tray8 FTa4e 3ust one bite o) the choco ate, and then one si* o) the wine, and et the ) a6ors me t to5ether on your ton5ue be)ore you swa ow8G She did as she was to d8 F2mm, you<re ri5htG she said, sur*risin5 e6en herse ), The taste o) the choco ate )usin5 to5ether with the wine was intense y sweet8 FKo you mindHG he said reachin5 )or the 5 ass8 FNo, no, 5o aheadG :e 5rabbed one o) the tru)) es and )inished o)) the remainder o) the wine in the 5 ass8 Then he be5an to re)i ed the 5 ass, )u er this time8 :e didn<t )ai to notice the sur*rised oo4 on her )ace8 FI<m sorryG, he said, Fam I 4ee*in5 youHG :e wasn<t 4ee*in5 her, but she hadn<t e;*ected him to in5er so on5 either8 Ence she had sam* ed the wine, she was e;*ectin5 him to ta4e the remainder o) the bott e and 5o8 FNo, it<s 3ust,G she stumb ed o6er her words8 GKidn<t you say you had * ansHG :e a**eared amused by her aw4wardness8 :is con)idence made her ner6ous8 FNot unti much ater8 !ut i) you want me to 5o, I< 5o8G A thou5h she was inc ined to say yes, her curiosity countered8 She wanted to 4now more about him, and was actua y en3oyin5 their con6ersation once she was ab e to bury the tornado inside8 FNo, stay8G :e smi ed, and continued *ourin58

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & J'

As the a coho ) owed, so did the con6ersation8 Sasha istened intent y as he s*o4e, mesmori7ed more by the sound o) his 6oice, than his words8 :is 6oice had a dee* rhythmica ) ow that drew her in as he s*o4e8 She en3oyed the rise and )a o) his accent, and the subt e inaccuracies o) his s*eech8 She mana5ed to *ay enou5h attention to earn that he was born in a sma town ca ed E i6en7a on the border between Portu5a and S*ain8 :e s*o4e )our an5ua5es8 :is *arents met when his dad was wor4in5 in Mrance8 :is mom married his dad and mo6ed to E i6en7a, where they had him and his sister8 :e was studyin5 Phi oso*hy with a minor in En5 ish %iterature and he i6ed ha ) mi e o)) cam*us in the new o)t con6ersions8 She made sure to record e6ery detai in her mind )or ater re6ision and ana ysis8 As the ni5ht went on Sasha 5rew more at ease and sur*rised herse ) with her own ta 4ati6eness8 She s*o4e )ree y about her *arents, and her dad<s death8 :er dream o) becomin5 a *astry che) and her stru55 es with the business in the ear y days8 :e was easy to ta 4 to and a 6ery 5ood istener8 She disco6ered what she had a ready sus*ected, that his *ersona ity was as attracti6e as his *hysica a**earance8 En se6era occasions she cau5ht herse ) starin5 at him8 Studyin5 his i*s as he s*o4e, his eyes as he oo4ed around the room8 The way his hands wra**ed around the bott e as he *oured 5 ass a)ter 5 ass8 Three hours ater, they had 5one throu5h the entire tray o) tru)) es, and *o ished o)) the entire bott e o) wine8 F%oo4s i4e I didn<t ea6e you much to ta4e home8G She said *eerin5 throu5h the now trans*arent bott e8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & J( FI to d you you wou dn<t be so ea5er to 5i6e it away once you had tried it8G :e 5rinned trium*hant y then casua y oo4ed down t his watch88 FIs that the time a readyHG :e 3um*ed o)) the stoo , his 5 oatin5 cut short8 FI@6e 5ot to 5et 5oin58 I was su**osed to meet a )riend at nine8G :e said )riend Sasha noted, not 5ir )riend, was it an admittance or de iberate she wondered8 Now that she had )ina y re a;ed, she didn<t want the e6enin5 to end 8 E6ery ounce o) her wanted more8 2ore o) his stories, more o) his time, more o) him8 FE4,G she murmured tryin5 to hide her disa**ointment8 The hastiness in his 6oice and his actions 9uic4 y brou5ht her bac4 to rea ity8 F#ow time rea y ) ies,G she said 5 ancin5 at her own wrist watch8 FYes it does8G :e made an e))ort to s ow his *ace momentari y, but it was ob6ious to Sasha that his mind was a ready in another * ace8 FIt was rea y nice ta 4in5 with you missTI mean Sasha8 #e shou d do it a5ain sometime8 F FYes, you too8G FSorry to rush o)) but I<m a ready ten minutes ateG he hurried y mo6ed towards the door, whi e *o4in5 around his *oc4ets )or his *hone8 Sasha stood u* to wa 4 with him to the door8 Stumb in5 s i5ht y she 5rabbed ho d o) his arm8 En y then did she rea i7e that she was s i5ht y ti*sy8 A thou5h she cou dn<t be certain whether the into;icatin5 e))ect she was )ee in5 was brou5ht on by the a coho or his rich eathery co o5ne8

2i5ue on the other hand, a**eared com* ete y una))ected by the a coho and seemed amused by Sasha<s unba ance8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & J= FAre you 5oin5 to be o4HG he au5hed s i5ht y8 FI< be )ine8G She ) ushed embarrassed8 F!oy, you weren<t 4iddin5, you<re rea y not much o) a drin4er are youHG This on y embarrassed Sasha )urther8 FYou<re sure you<re o4HG :e he d on to her, ma4in5 sure not to et 5o too soon8 FYes I<m sure8G FE48G :e said, sti smi in58 I< see you tomorrow8G :e eaned in )or what Sasha thou5ht was a hu5, but he too4 her o)) 5uard and 4issed her 9uic4 y on each chee48 FSee you tomorrow8G S*eech ess she sim* y smi ed and c osed the door behind him8 :er e5s wobb y with uncontro ab e e;hi aration, she eaned a5ainst the door )rame )or su**ort unti he was out o) si5ht8 She inha ed a dee* ca min5 breath une;*ected y ca*turin5 the subt e scent o) him that sti in5ered in the air This sent her *u se racin5 a5ain, she didn<t reco5ni7e the )ee in5 that washed

o6er her, but she 4new that she i4ed it8 She re6e ed in it )or the moment that it asted, ettin5 it wash o6er he entire body8 #hen she 5athered herse ) enou5h to ma4e her way to the 4itchen and made herse ) a soberin5 b ac4 co))ee8 She sat starin5 into the dar4ness re* ayin5 the entire e6enin5 throu5h a microsco*ic ens in her mind8 She cou d no on5er deny it, she i4ed him8 i4e a schoo 5ir with a secret crush8 She had no intention o) 5ettin5 her )ee in5 ra**ed u* a5ain so soon8 ,ames had done enou5h dama5e to set 4ee* her heart incased in an iron c ad bo; )or a whi e8 !ut 2i5ue e6o4ed *hysica sensations in her that she ne6er e6en 4new e;isted, e6en more so now that she had s*ent three who e hours with him8 The 9uestion turnin5 o6erin her

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & J0 mi4nds was now whatH, what wou d she do nowH Nothin5H A)ter a nothin5 had rea y chan5ed between them8 Nothin5 tan5eab e anyway8 Kee* dee* down sash9 4new that somethin5 had chan5ed inside o) her, bet she re)used to ac4now ed5e it8 She re)use dto et it sur)ace and 5row and *ossib y ta4e com* ete contro o6er her8 Onre9uited )ee in5s are the worst o) a 8 She traced her )in5erti*s a on5 the contour o) her chee48 She cou d sti )ee the dam* o) his 4iss, at the moment &ondering was be5innin5 to )ee i4e the worse )ee in5 in the wor d

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & J1

Cha*ter 1 +!rea4)ast w&casey - she 6isits her mom V adies uncheon

Sasha was u* bri5hter and ear ier than e6er the ne;t mornin58 She was burstin5 with an une;*ected e;hi aration that had 2i5ue written a o6er it8 She decided to ma4e an ear y start )or the sho*8 #hy not she thou5ht, she had a that *ent u* ener5y, mi5ht as we *ut it to 5ood use8 Sudden y 5ettin5 to the sho* was aced with a sense o) ur5ency8 The moment she ste**ed throu5h the doorway her mind )i ed with 6i6id ima5es o) his smi e, his hands around the bott e, his i*s a5ainst the 5 ass8 She 5 anced at the c oc48 It was D/=.8 It wou d be hours be)ore he wou d be in to *ic4 u* the de i6eries8 Time seemed to dra5 on i4e ne6er be)ore and sudden y seemed bounti)u 8 Cou* ed with her sudden e;orbitant amount o) ener5y, she mana5ed to com* ete her wor4 in record time8 !y nine o<c oc4 she was star6in5 and sti burstin5 with what e;act y she didn<t 4now but there was an ener5y dancin5 around inside o) her that needed to be re eased8

F:e oHG Came a 5ro55y 6oice on the other end o) the *hone8 FCasey, it<s me, I need to ta 4 to you, are you u* )or brunchHG F#hat time is itHG FIt<s mornin5 time8 Come on, 5et u*, I<m a ready at the sho*8 In )act I<6e been here )or the ast two and a ha ) hoursG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & JD FAre you seriousH It<s on y nine o<c oc48 That<s insane8G She s*o4e s ow y and so)t y8 FI didn<t 5et to bed unti )our am this mornin58 2y head is sti *oundin58G FA )ew cu*s o) co))ee wi sto* the *oundin58 Come on, I<6e 5ot to te you about 2i5ue 8G F2i5ue HG F2y de i6ery 5uy8G FEh, the hot de i6ery 5uy8 Kid you s ee* with himHG FNoTbut we had a rea y 5ood ta 48 I< te you a about it o6er brea4)ast, so c<mon8G FE4ay, E4ay8 ?i6e me ha ) an hour8 #hat time is it nowHG FMi6e a)ter nine8G F:ow about TenG FTen is 5ood8 *ack and *illsHG F?reat8 See you ater8G

#hen Sasha arri6ed at their )a6orite haunt, she was sur*rised to see Casey who cou d bare y 5et out o) bed on y ha ) hour ear ier, a ready sittin5 si**in5 on a cu* o) co))ee ) i**in5 throu5h a ma5a7ine8 She oo4ed u* on5 enou5h to see Sasha ta 4in5 to the hostess and *ointin5 towards her tab e8 She ea5er y wa6ed her o6er, at the same time si5na in5 to the hostess to brin5 o6er another cu* o) co))ee8 Casey ) i**ed the ma5a7ine c osed and bounced u* ener5etica y to 5reet Sasha with a hu58 F:ow the he did you 5et here be)ore meHG FI needed ci5arettes, so I e)t a itt e ear y8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & JJ FE) course, you can 5et your ass out o) bed )or your smo4es, but I ha6e to be5 you to come meet me )or brea4)astNG F#hat can I sayHG Casey res*onded noncha ant y8 FActua y you did me a )a6or, I *robab y wou d ha6e s e*t ti noon, and I<m su**osed to be oo4in5 at some new *atterns today8G FSee you shou d be than4in5 me8 I he *ed you 5et your smo4es nice and ear y and 5et a head start on your day8G FTe me about it8 A cou* e more o) these and I< be ri5ht as rain8G Casey too4 a si* o) the steamin5 cu* in )ront o) her8 she eyed Sasha u* and down as she s i**ed into her seat8 Fyou oo4 a )resh and bri5ht eyed this mornin58G Casey eyed her sus*icious y8 FA itt e o6erdressed )or the sho* but you oo4 rea y 5ood8G FI ha6e this uncheon thin5 with my mom ater8G Ence Sasha was com)ortab y in her seat a waitress *rom*t y a**eared with a )resh co))ee )or Sasha and a re)i )or Casey8 The moment the waitresse<s bac4 was turned Casey eaned in and whis*ered, FAre you sure you didn<t ha6e se; ast ni5ht because you<re *ractica y 5 owin58G FI swear I didn<tNG Sasha au5hed8 FSo then, te me what ha**ened with 2i5ue HG Casey tried to enunciate his name in her se;iest S*anish accent8 FCan I ta4e a si* o) my co))ee )irstHG Sasha *aused de iberate y8 F:a ) an hour a5o you cou dn<t wait to )i me in, so )i inN #hat ha**ened did he hit on youH Kid he try anythin5H Kid you 4iss himH #hatHG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & JFNo, no and no8 !ut we did s*end = hours, 3ust talking8G Sasha said c ear y and concise y8 FAnd eatin5 tru)) es and 5ettin5 drun4 o)) o) Portu5uese dessert wineNG FYou s utN :ow did that ha**enH And what ha**ened to @it<s strict y a business re ationshi*, I intend to 4ee* it strict y on a *ro)essiona e6e H< #hat ha**ened to a that ta 4 ehHG FI don<t 4now it 4ind o) a went out the window a)ter a cou* e 5 asses o) wine8 Not to mention the tru)) es8 Those thin5s are i4e an a*hrodisiacNG FI don<t thin4 the tru)) es are the a*hrodisiac, more i4e his hot bodyNG Sasha 5ri**ed Casey<s arm and bit at her ower i*, FYou<re so ri5htNG They both burst out au5hin58 FI<m te in5 you Sasha that 5uy is on )ireN I don<t 4now how you cou d s*end three hours a one with him and not wind u* na4ed8 #hat did you 5uys ta 4 about )or three hours anyway that was so mind b owin5HG F#e )irst o) a , I was c osin5 u* the sho* and he showed u* to return the 4eys8G F"i5ht, the @4iss,G Casey mimic4ed his *ronunciation8 FE;act y8 Then he han5s around and starts ta 4in5 to me about this wine I had on the counter, and ne;t thin5 I 4now we<re sharin5 a 5 ass and eatin5 tru)) esG Foh my 5od, this is hot8 Kid he )eed them to youHG No, it wasn<t i4e that, a thou5h I tota y wish it wasN I don<t thin4 he wou d be ab e 5et his )in5ers out o) my mouth i) he e6er 5ot that c oseNG The two burst out au5hin5 so oud, a cou* e o) tab es 5 anced o6er8 FAnyway, we ta 4ed about a 4inds o) stu))8 I )ound out he<s ha ) Mrench and ha ) Portu5uese8G FEoh that<s *retty much a 5uarantee that he< be a 5ood o6er8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & JL FAnd his *arents are di6orced8 :is mom i6es in Mrance and his dad i6es in Portu5a 8 :e<s 5ot a youn5er sister, and he<s a Phi oso*hy ma3or8G FSo )ar so 5ood, I<m im*ressed8 Casey si**ed bac4 the ast o) her co))ee8 As i) on cue, the waitress *rom*t y a**eared with a re)i 8 FA *hi oso*hy ma3or ehH That means he<s dee* and he<s *robab y into rea y smart women8G FYou thin4HG FYa *robab y8 They<re a smart8G FYa most o) the time, e;ce*t when he<s around, I end u* sayin5 some rea y stu*id thin5s8G FThat<s because you i4e him, do you thin4 he i4es youHG FAre we in hi5h schoo H 2aybe I shou d 3ust write it on a *iece o) *a*er @and 5et him to circ e the answerNG FI< do itNG Sasha shoo4 her head at Casey8 FWnowin5 you, you *robab y wou d8G Casey 5rinned ac4now ed5in5 y FSerious y, it<s so hard to te i) he<s interested or not, I mean was he 3ust bein5 )riend yH Er did he 3ust han5 around )or the wineH I<m not rea y sure what to thin48G F#e I<m *retty sure he didn<t 3ust han5 around )or the )ree wine8 Eb6ious y he wanted to ta 4 to you, and 5et to 4now you better, otherwise why wou d he han5 around )or three hoursN You don<t s*end three hours ta 4in5 to someone un ess you )ind them interestin58 FYou<re ri5ht I su**ose8 Te me what to do Case8G Sasha said s9uee7in5 Casey<s hand ti5ht y, I can<t be attracted to this 5uy, he<s too youn58G i4e that8 !ut you don<t ha6e anythin5 to worry about, you<re hot and

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & -. F:ow o d is heHG FMunni y enou5h we ne6er 5ot around to the sub3ect o) a5e8G FSo how do you 4now he<s too youn5H %isten Sash, I say who )uc4in5 cares about a5e, in )act, the youn5er the better I sayN Es*ecia y i) you want to 5et aid rea y 5oodN You want me to te you what to doH I< te you what to do, )uc4 himN Muc4 the shit out o) him and ha6e the time o) your i)eN You deser6e it a)ter the ast year you<6e had with ,ames8 You need to )uc4 ,ames out o) your system, I<m te in5 you, you<re 5oin5 to )ee so much better a)terwards8G Sasha too4 in Casey<s words with a 5rain o) sa t8 On i4e Casey she didn<t be ie6e that se; was the answer to a her *rob ems8 So many obstac es ro ed around in her head8 FI) on y it were that easy8 And besides, he wor4s )or me, I don<t want to be doin5 my de i6ery 5uy, that 3ust sound<s tac4y8 FThen )ire him, and then )uc4 him8G FCan you 5i6e me some rea *ers*ecti6e here CaseHG FThat is rea *ers*ecti6e, my *ers*ecti6e anyway )rom where I<m standin58 %isten, I 4now you<re sti 5ettin5 o6er ,ames and e6erythin5 so you<re a itt e bit )ra5i e, but you<6e 5ot to a ow yourse ) to ha6e some )un8 "i5ht now I<m sure you<re not ready )or anythin5 serious anyway, so 3ust be o*en to ha6in5 )un8 "emember what that<s i4eH You<6e been *uttin5 too much time into the sho* and not enou5h time into yourse )8G FYou<re so ri5ht Case8G FYou need to 5et out o) this rut8G FI<m not in a rut8 I 3ust don<t want to 3um* into anythin5 too soon that<s a 8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & -' FYou<re not @3um*in5 into anythin5<, 3um*in5 into bed with a hot 5uy maybe, but who says it has to be anythin5 more than thatH You 3ust need to et oose a bit, that<s a I<m sayin58 I) you thin4 this 5uy is hot then 5o )or it, no strin5s attached8G FI can<t8 I 5enuine y i4e him8 A ot8 And I don<t 3ust want a 9uic4 )uc48 Not with this 5uy anyway8 And remember, he wor4s )or meH That mi5ht not be a *rob em )or you, but it is a bi5 *rob em )or me8 F#hy does it ha6e to be a or nothin5 with youH 2i5ue is uc4y I<m not sin5 e anymore, because I<m te in5 you, I wou d be a o6er himNG I<m tired o) 3ust )uc4in5 around, I rea i7ed that when I was with ,ames8 I i4e ha6in5 someone s*ecia , and bein5 s*ecia to someone8 %i4e you and "obert ha6e you 4now8 The ne;t 5uy I 5et in6o 6ed with at east has to ha6e so"e on5 term *otentia 8 This 5uy is a student, that doesn<t scream on5 term8 A thou5h the se; wou d *robab y be ama7in5, it doesn<t ha6e the *otentia to 5o anywhere8 Not that I wou d want that ri5ht now anyway8G FAre you te in5 me that or yourse )HG F!oth8 I don<t e6en 4now why I<m thin4in5 about a this, it<s not i4e he as4ed me out or anythin58 A thou5h he did as4 me i) I was 5oin5 to the beer )esti6a , and when I said no, he said @that<s too bad<8 #hat do you thin4 that meansHG FI thin4 it means he wants to )uc4 you8G Casey si5na ed the waitress o6er be)ore Sasha cou d res*ond8 FI<m star6in5, and I need a ot more co))ee8 #hat are you 5onna ha6eHG Sasha hadn<t e6en oo4ed at the menu, and didn<t rea y ha6e an a**etite )or anythin5 other than 2i5ue 8 She unconscious y re5ur5itated Casey<s order )or wa)) es and sausa5es and 5 ad y

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & -( acce*ted the com* imentary co))ee re)i 8 She had bare y tasted the )irst co))ee 5on5 down, a o) her senses had been o6erwhe med ta 4in5 about 2i5ue 8 FI<m ne6er 5oin5 to ose wei5ht eatin5 i4e this, Casey whis*ered, but their wa)) es are unbe ie6ab e8G FYa,G Sasha res*onded robotica y8 FSasha, you<re not e6en istenin5 to me8G FSorry8G FSerious y Sash, how are you 5oin5 to meet @2r8 ri5ht< i) you don<t *ut yourse ) out thereH ,ust 4ee* your o*tions o*en and you ne6er 4now, you mi5ht ha6e some )un a on5 the way8 @Mun< is the 4ey word8G I hear what you<re sayin5, but my idea o) *uttin5 myse ) out there is a itt e di))erent than yours8 !asica y I don<t thin4 I<m 5oin5 to )ind what I<m oo4in5 )or in 2i5ue <s *antsNG FYa but you wou d sure ha6e a ot o) )un tryin5NG FTe me about itNG The two were in hystericsN FE4,G Casey surrendered at ast8 maybe you<re ri5ht, he<s not the idea choice to to 5et you bac4 in the 5ame, but you do need to 5et bac4 out there and start ha6in5 some )un8 Casey<s eyes sudden y it u*8 F%isten, I<6e 5ot a 5reat idea8 "emember my )riend So*hia that 3ust 5ot marriedHG FThe one with the three thousand do ar weddin5 dressHG FThat<s the one8 :er and her husband too4 %atin dance c asses )or their weddin5, they were ama7in5N They too4 them at a * ace ca ed shhan5ri a I thin48 She said the teachers there are the

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & -= best you can )ind8 I<m si5nin5 us u*8 I<6e been wantin5 to ta4e essons )ore6er, not to mention it wi he * me shed a )ew *ounds8G FSerious yHG FYes serious y8 #e<re 5oin5 to 5et you bac4 on the mar4et and I<m 5oin5 to 5et myse ) bac4 into sha*e8 It< be )un8G F!ac4 on the mar4etH #hat am I a *iece o) meat nowHG FYes, and we need to )ind you a nice hot butcherN I< ca u* Nina and ,a77 and see i) they want to 3oin us8 C<mon, it< be )unN Sasha didn<t ta4e much con6incin5, Casey was ri5ht, she needed to 5et her mind o)) o) 3ames, and e6en more so o)) o) 2i5ue 8 Kon<t thin4 about it, 3ust say yes8 E4 yesN !ri iantN Kon<t worry about a thin5, I< 5et e6erythin5 or5ani7ed8 A you<6e 5ot to do is show u* with your hee s onN :ot atin men here we comeNG F#on<t "obert mind you rubbin5 5roins with a those hot %atin menHG FAre you 4iddin5 meH isten, i) I<m ha**y, "obert is ha**y, and besides, he 4nows that he can<t tame me, that<s what he o6es about me, I 4ee* him on his toes8 And when I do a *ri6ate dance )or him in my sna**y itt e sa sa out)it, he< o6e itNG

Mour Co))ee<s and two strawberry wa)) es ater, they had e;hausted the sub3ect o) 2i5ue

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & -0 she is bac4 at the sho* waitin5 )or 2i5ue , but ?ior5io *o*s in and doesn<t ea6e them a one so they don<t ta 48 They ne6er discuss that e6enin5 V he 4ee*s the 4eys so he no on5er needs to dro* by in the e6enin58

not 5oin5 to a mo6ie V 5oin5 to the adies uncheon Sasha neat y stac4ed the care)u y wra**ed *in4 bo;es with bur5undy si 4 bows, admirin5 her )resh y manicured nai s at e6ery turn8 She cou dn<t wait )or 2i5ue to see them8 She cou dn<t wait to see 2i5ue 8 A thou5h she had decided that he was o)) imits, she cou dn<t he * the 3ittery antici*ation that coursed throu5h her body8 2aybe it was the e;cessi6e amount o) ca))eine in her system8 She had the sense that today was a )resh start8 To her 5ettin5 her socia i)e 5oin5 a5ain, to a new e6e o) )riendshi* with 2i5ue 8 She 4new that when she saw him, she wou d see him di))erent y somehow8 In )act she a ready had8 Mor the *ast cou* e o) months he had been her @de i6ery 5uy<, now he was 2i5ue 8 I) nothin5 e se, she wou d i4e a res*ect)u )riendshi* with him8 :e was an interestin5 5uy with a ot o) stories to te 8 That wou d ha6e to be enou5h8 Sasha )e t her heart s4i* a beat when she heard the sho* door o*en8 She strai5htened her hair be)ore emer5in5 )rom the 4itchen8 F:ey SashaNG ?ior5io be owed8 F?ior5io, hi8G FYou didn<t )or5et my canno is ehHG As a matter o) )act she had )or5otten8 F?ior5io, I<m so sorry8G :is mouth 5a*ed o*en e;a55erated y8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & -1 FI<6e been busy *re*arin5 )or this adies uncheon thin5 that my mom is throwin5, and it 3ust s i**ed my mind8G FYou can<t do this to me8G FI< ma4e it u* to you I *romise8 Ne;t wee4 I< ma4e you doub e8G A hu5e smi e came across his )ace8 FNow you<re ta 4in58G Sasha 4e*t one eye on the door the entire time, e;*ectin5 2i5ue to a**ear at any moment8 ?ior5io *u ed out a chair )rom one o) the tab es and too4 a seat8 The *etite bistro chair disa**eared underneath his ar5e )rame8 FAre you 5oin5 to be here )or a whi eHG :e in9uired8 FYa, a bit8 I<6e 5ot some de i6eries and then I<m meetin5 my mom8G F?ood8 %et<s ha6e a co))ee8G The ast thin5 Sasha wanted was another co))ee, or ?ior5io sittin5 in her sho* whi e she waited )or 2i5ue 8 Any other time sure, but not at that moment8 FSure8 I< ma4e one )or you, but I 3ust 5ot bac4 )rom brea4)ast and I<m a co))ee<d out8 FNo *rob em8G :e sat bac4 in the chair i4e a 4in5 on his thrown8 Chest *u))ed u*, arm s )o ded, e5s s*read territoria y wide8 Sasha 5ritted her teeth as she made her way to the bac4 to *re*are the co))ee8 She shou d ha6e )ound a *o ite way to as4 him to ea6e she sco ded herse )8 F%oo4s i4e it<s 5oin5 to be another 9uiet day,G he ye ed into the 4itchen8 #ithin minutes Sasha emer5ed with the co))ee8 The )aster he starts drin4in5, the )aster he ea6es, she thou5ht to herse )8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & -D F:ere you 5o8G FThan4 you, than4 you8G Than4 5od today is the ast day )or the beer )est8 It<s 4i in5 my business8 %oo4 at this, it<s a most unch time and nobody8G FI<m in the same boat ?ior5io8 #e not today, but you 4now what I mean8G She 4e*t u* the *o ite con6ersation, her eyes ne6er strayin5 )u y )rom the door8 And then (inally she saw his )rame in the door way8 :er heart s4i**ed a beat and e6erythin5 ?ior5io said a)ter that disso 6ed into thin air8 F:ey8G 2i5ue ste**ed in8 :e oo4ed as sur*rised to see ?ior5io sittin5 there as Sasha was when he showed u*8 !ut was he disa**ointedH F:i 2i5ue 8G F:i I<m ?ior5io8G ?ior5io stuc4 out his hand8 F#e ne6er o))icia y met, but I see you around here a the time8 You used to come in my sho* a the time, I don<t see you no more8 #hat ha**ened, you don<t i4e *i77a no moreH En y *astries now ehHG 2i5ue au5hed oud y, his tone sudden y am* i)ied to match ?ior5io<s8 Sasha )ound her eyes 5 ued to his mouth8 She had ne6er seen him au5h i4e that be)ore, )u on, toothy8 Their con6ersation became 6ery man to man and dra55ed on )or what seemed i4e an eternity8 ?ior5io had that e))ect on e6eryone he came into contact with8 :is *ersona ity was so bi5 it o6erwhe med you, en5u )ed you in it<s co ossa ness and s*it you bac4 out trans)ormed into a 5ior5io)ied 6ersion o) yourse )8 FYou 4now a new *i77a * ace o*ened u* around the corner )rom the uni6ersity,G 2i5ue said a most a*o o5etica y8 FE) course it<s not better than yours, on y c oser8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & -J FYa I heard about that * ace8G ?ior5io )id5eted uncom)ortab y in his chair8 Fthere<s no way it can be better that mine8 I<6e beern in the business twenty )i6e years,G he be owed )or a to hear8 F:ey 2i5ue did you 5o o6er to the beer )esti6a HG FYa, it was rea y 5ood8 Sasha I<m te in5 you, you missed a 5ood e6enin58G 2i5ue turned to Sasha as thou5h sudden y rememberin5 she was there8 !e)ore Sasha had a chance to res*ond ?ior5io 3um*ed in8 FCan you te me what a the commotion is aboutH Cause ha ) the town seems to be there8G ?ior5io *u ed out the other chair )or 2i5ue to ta4e a seat8 :e handed his em*ty cu* to Sasha8 FI< ha6e a re)i i) its not too much troub e8G Sasha returned to the 4itchen a5ain8 This time she too4 her time8 She cou d o6erhear 2i5ue )i in5 in ?ior5io on the detai s o) the beer )est and ?ior5io schoo in5 him in on the su*eriority o) Ita ian beer8 She )inished stac4in5 the bo;es and abe in5 them8 She ser6ed ?ior5io his re9uested re)i and *rom*t y returned to the 4itchen to )etch the bo;es8 En y when 2i5ue made a mo6e to he * Sasha with the bo;es did ?ior5io rea i7e *erha*s it was time he 5ot bac4 to wor48 :e o))ered a hand with the bo;es e6en thou5h the he on y had one )ree hand since the other was bein5 occu*ied by Sasha<s co))ee mu58 :e )o owed them out to the 6an, o))erin5 no re*rie6e )orm his be owin5 durin5 the transition8 Sasha ne6er rea i7ed how much o) a ta 4er ?ior5io was8

Sasha oaded the *astries )or the adies uncheon into the sma er 6an whi e the two continued to con6erse8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & -:ey et me he * yu with those 2i5ue o))ered once he had c osed u* his 6an8 No no I< he * her ?ior5io ste**ed in8 you shou d *robab y 5et o)), I<6e 4e*t you ta 4in5 on5 en*u5h don<t you thin4, ?ior5io au5hed8 Ya you<re ri5htN 2i5ue au5hed8 Sti in ?ior5io mode he shouted to Sasha be)ore 3um*in5 in the 6an8 F I< dro* the 6an o)) toni5htN, see you ne;t wee48 :e wa6ed a hand outthe window and *u ed o))8 Sasha was 9uiet8 :e<s a nice 5uy that 5uy, he 4nows his stu))8 F"ea y8G Sasha res*onded indi))erent y8 She had ne6er )ound )au t with ?ior5io be)ore, but today she cou d ha6e 4i ed him8 FAnyway, I better 5et bac4 to wor48 Can<t trust those bu))oons a one too on5 with nothin5 to do, someone mi5ht catch the * ace on )ire a5ain8G Chow, Sasha you ha6e a 5ood a)ternoon, he *atted her on the bac4, and hey, don<t )or5et the canno is ne;t time ehHG F I won<t ?ior5io, don<t worry8G FSasha dro6e to the uncheon a wound u* ba o) )rustration8 She oo4ed at her )resh y manicured nai s c enched i4e a 6ice 5ri* o6er the steerin5 whee and et out a oud histerica au5h8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & -L Cha*ter D + Sweet Sa sa&dessert at Christ*h<s&mom ca s

Sasha ne6er did 5et the )o ow u* moment to their *er)ect e6enin5 that she had been ho*in5 )or8 The )o owin5 wee4end e6erythin5 was bac4 to norma 8 :e *ic4ed u* the orders, they chit chatted brie) y, and he was o)) a5ain8 She wou d be yin5 i) she said she wasn<t a itt e disa**ointed, but at the same time *art o) her was re ie6ed that nothin5 had chan5ed8 2ore accurate y that he had not noticed a chan5e in her8

intent on re)ocusin5 her ener5y a itt e )urther away )rom home and 4ee*in5 it there, 2onday e6enin5 she rushed home to 5et chan5ed )or her 6ery )irst sa sa esson8 Casey had )o owed throu5h on her *romise to si5n them u*8 E6ery 2onday e6enin5 )rom ei5ht to nine thirty they wou d be on the dance ) oor8

2onday e6enin5 Sasha rushed home to scour her c oset )or sa sa a**ro*riate c othin58 Casey had )o owed throu5h on her *romise, which rea y hadn<t sur*rised Sasha8 Ence Casey 5ot an idea into her head, it didn<t i4e y ea6e her unti she had *ursued it )u y, on y this time she was ta4in5 Sasha a on5 )or the ride8 It was the )irst ni5ht o) essons and Sasha was e;cited, ner6ous, an;ious, a ro ed into one8 She had )a en into such a routine with ,ames o6er the *ast cou* e o) years, it )e t stran5e to be 5oin5 out on the town as a sin5 e woman a5ain8 !esides that, Sasha had ne6er been 6ery 5ood at )o owin5 someone e se<s ste*s, she was more o) a )ree s*irit when it came to dancin58 FI) I ma4e a )oo out o) myse ), I< 4i CaseyG she said a oud, e;aminin5 herse ) in the mirror8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & L. A thou5h Casey had ne6er ta4en any )orm o) *ro)essiona dance essons, either she did date a !ra7i ian bartender a )ew years bac4 who had 5i6en her *ri6ate essons in the dance o) o6e, both 6ertica y and, hori7onta y8 That 5a6e her a e5 u* in Sasha<s o*inion8

She tried on se6era out)its8 The short b ac4 dress, the ) irty red dress, the ow cut one *iece Xa de)inite no, she cou dn<t e6en be ie6e she sti had it8Y E6entua y she sett ed on a snu5 )ittin5 *air o) b ac4 *ants, and a b ac4 wra* around to*8 She dusted o)) her hi5h hee s, which she rare y wore anymore, s i**ed her )eet in and *racticed her strut wa 4in5 bac4 and )orth in )ront o) the mirror, ye* she sti had it8 Casey had made a *oint to remind her to wear hea s FNot the ) at shit you wear at wor4G were her e;act words8 Accordin5 to Casey, to ha6e the *ro*er *osture when dancin5 Sa sa, you must ha6e the *ro*er shoes8 Sasha sus*ected that she had sim* y been re5ur5itatin5 ad6ice that her !ra7i ian o6er had 5i6en her, but she thou5ht she wou d wear them 3ust in case8

Sasha had arran5ed to meet Christo*he at !a"boo a)ter the c ass, which Casey wasn<t too enthusiastic about, but a5reed to ta5 a on5 anyway *ersuaded by the )act that she wou d ha6e an e;cuse to sin4 her teeth into a se ection o) mouth waterin5 desserts8

She too4 one ast oo4 in the mirror and strutted out the door8 !ein5 that it was 2onday ni5ht, the roads were em*ty, and )indin5 *ar4in5 in town was a two minute e))ort as o**osed to the ha ) hour ordea she wou d ha6e )aced on a Mriday ni5ht8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & L' A )ew e;i ed smo4ers hudd ed in 5rou*s outside o) restaurants

As she wa 4ed towards the c ub, she heard a )ew he o<s )rom a 5rou* o) e;i ed smo4ers, and )rom a 5uy *ro**in5 u* his Camaro she 5ot8 Fwhere are you o)) to toni5ht beauti)u HG nowhere with you she wanted to res*ond, but instead she 3ust smi ed and 4e*t wa 4in58

She 3ust 4e*t wa 4in5, tryin5 to s*ot the c ub8 She oo4ed u* and saw the name8 when she oo4ed down she was )ace to )ace with a ar5e man, stu))ed inside a b ac4 suit who was ho din5 o*en a red ro*e, in6itin5 her in8 FSashaN E6er here8G Came a 6oice )rom the doorway8 It was Casey, 3ust inside the entrance, a drin4 in one hand, and a doorman in the other8 FYou mean you cou dn<t e6en wait to 5et inside to start ) irtin5HG Sasha 6oiced as she made her way in8 FStart as you mean to 5o on I a ways say,G she win4ed at the doorman8 F:a6e a nice ni5ht adies,G he smi ed be)ore s i**in5 away8 Eh, don<t worry, we wi N Casey ca ed as he rounded the corner8 FKid you see that bodyHG F:ow cou d I miss it, he *ractica y too4 u* the entire doorwayN So are Nina and ,a77 comin5 tooH Sasha said brin5in5 her bac4 down to earth8 No, Nina is out o) town this wee4, and ,a77, we you 4now ,a77, nobody e6er rea y 4nows what the he she<s u* to8 She 3ust said she<s 5o too much 5oin5 on ri5ht now, so it oo4s i4e its 3ust 5oin5 to be the two o) us8 C<mon8G she too4 Sasha by the hand and *roceeded u* a on5 ) i5ht

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & L( o) stairs8 At the to* ) the stairs was an entrance to a dim y it room, the a6era5e si7e o) any dance studio8 2ost o) the i5htin5 came )rom a sma but we it bar o)) to the ri5ht8

There were a ready at east twe 6e *eo* e standin5 around the room8 A youn5, ob6ious y en5a5ed cou* e in their twenties, who stood ad3acent to a cou* e who a**eared to be in their )i)ties who, sur*risin5 y, were the ones that cou dn<t 4ee* their hands o)) o) each other8 There #as a so an o der cou* e, about her mom<s a5e8 #hich 5ot Sasha thin4in5, she cou d de)inite y see her mom doin5 somethin5 i4e this, she wou d ha6e a b ast8 She remembered her mom mentionin5 that she wou d i4e to earn Sa sa, but she re)used to ta4e the @Sa sa )or Seniors< c ass at the church8 FI<m not a senior8G She insisted8 I don<t want to be dancin5 with men who need to ean on me )or su**ort,G was her e;act ar5ument8 To the e)t was a sma 5rou* o) sin5 e 5ir s, which is the direction in which Casey and Sasha be5an to 5ra6itate8 FNot e;act y the crowd I was ho*in5 )or8G Casey whis*ered F:e o, I<m Er andoG said a man as he emer5ed )rom behind the bar8 :e had a sma stature, but wa 4ed ta 8 :e was dressed com* ete y in b ac4 )rom head to toe8 FAre you here )or the essonsHG he said throu5h a thic4 S*anish accent8 FYes we are8G FE4 then, et<s 5et startedNG he said c a**in5 his hands8 !y the end o) the esson, Sasha had ta4en a turn dancin5 with *retty much e6eryone in the room, inc udin5 the instructor, which she didn<t mind at a 8 It turned out to be 9uite )un, e6eryone was 6ery easy 5oin5, and were a ab e to ease the aw4wardness with au5hter8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & L= En y when Sasha sat down was she ab e to )ee her )eet throbbin58 Swo en )rom their 6enture into uncommon territory8

It had been 9uite some time since she had worn hi5h hee s that hi5h, et a one s*ent an hour dancin5 in them8 As they are ea6in5 the bouncer tries to con6ince them to stay8 :e said the c ub wou d be o*ened in about ha ) an hour8 FYou adies can 5o ta4e a seat in the oun5e, and ha6e a drin4 on the house8G FEooh, I wish we cou d8G Casey said, s9uee7in5 Sasha<s arm8 Sasha 4new she meant it, but Sasha on the other hand cou dn<t wait to 5et o)) her )eet8 F#e a ready ha6e * ans, and besides, I don<t thin4 my )riend can ta4e much more dancin5, but maybe ne;t time8 FI didn<t 4now the c ub was o*en on a 2onday ni5ht8 That<s 5reat, ne;t time a)ter the c ss, we can 5o try out our mo6es on the dance ) oor8 I wou d ha6e hu5 around )or a bit, 3ust to 5et a )ee o) the * ace, but I 4now your )eet are 4i in5 you8G Ya, that and the )act that we are meetin5 Christo*he8G FYa that too8G C9asey said unenthusiastica y8 Sasha 4new that Casey wou d ha6e b own o)) meetin5 Christo*he to stay at the c ub in a heartbeat8 She had on y a5reed to accom*any Sasha so that she cou d chec4 out the desi5n o) the * ace8 They were meetin5 Chris at !a"boo )or dessert8

F:i ChrisNG They embraced and 4issed twice on the chee4s8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & L0 FYou remember my )riend Casey8G FE) course, how cou d I )or5et8G :e smi ed and embraced her n3ust as warm y as he did Sasha FSo, we come to my restaurant, )ina yN #hat do you thin4H It was interestin5 to see Christo*he in his *ro)essiona mode :e was the *astry che), which FIt<s your restaurant8 #e< et you su55est somethin58G

FE4 then, how about cheeseca4eH #e ha6e an ama7in5 )ruit )usion cheeseca4e that I<m sure you<re 5oin5 to o6e8G FThat sounds de icious8 ,ust brin5 one hu5e *iece and Casey and I wi share8G FPer)ect8G :e c as*ed his hands and bowed towards them s i5ht y8 FI< be ri5ht bac48G FThis is a nice * ace8G Casey scoured the room, admirin5 the dPcor8 FThey must ha6e had a 5ood desi5ner8 I wonder who did it8 I i4e their choices o) co ors and sha*es8 It 5i6es the * ace a rea y warm and in6itin5 ambiance8G FI a5ree8 F:e doesn<t own the * ace does he FNo, he 3ust thin4s he does8 :e *retty much runs the entire 4itchen, so in his eyes there wou d be no restaurant without him8 F?ot it8< FSo you weren<t doin5 too bad out there on the dance ) oor ehH You oo4ed i4e you were ha6in5 a 5ood time8G FI wasN I o6e the music, and it wasn<t as hard to )o ow the ste*s as I thou5ht it wou d be8G FI to d you8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & L1 F:ere you 5o adies8G FEooh, that oo4s de iciousN ! ue and red berries cascaded o6er the cheeseca4e into a *oo o) dee* red twir s and swir s that surrounded the e;tra ar5e s ice o) ca4e8 I< say one thin5 )or him, he certain y 4nows what he<s doin5 in the 4itchen Casey muttered as she eaned in to scoo* u* her second mouth)u 8 FThis is de icious Christo*he, I<m rea y im*ressed8 I can<t be ie6e I ha6en<t been here be)ore8G FI a ways in6ited Sasha, and I to d her to brin5 her )riends, but I don<t 4now what too4 her so on5NG F#e I<m here now I<m now, and now that I )ina y 5ot to see the * ace, I wi de)inite y be bac48 I) )or no other reason than to 5et another *iece o) this cheeseca4eN This is de icious Chris, rea y8G FThan4 you8G :e bowed8 FKon<t bother as4in5 me to di6u 5e my secrets, a master che) ne6er te s8G I wasn<t 5oin5 to as48 Sasha said coi y No, you are 3ust 5oin5 to 5o home and see i) you can du* icate it8 #e I<m te in5 you, don<t bother8 You 4now it ta4es more than the in5redients to du* icate a master*iece, I<6e 5ot ma5ic in these hands, that<s somethin5 you can<t du* icate dar in58 Sasha was amused8 Casey on the other hand was distracted by the dPcor8 F#ho decorated this * aceH It<s 6ery taste)u y done8G FI be ie6e it was the owner<s wi)e8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & LD F"ea yHG Casey was ta4e n by sur*rise8 She was sure it had been done by *ro)essiona 8 FIs she a desi5nerHG FNo, not that I 4now8 I thin4 this was 3ust a itt e hobby )or her8G Casey<s nose )o ded into ri** es, ob6ious y insu ted that Christo*he cou d reduce the art o) interior desi5nin5 to @a itt e hobby8< Casey oo4ed around the room now with new disdain8 FI wou d ha6e desi5ned it com* ete y di))erent y,G she muttered to no one in *articu ar8 Christo*he, ob i6ious to the e))ects o) his words, e;cited y mo6ed on to his en5a5ement8 FSo, did Sasha te you my bi5 newsHG FYes she did as a matter o) )act8 Con5ratu ationsN FThan4 you8G FSo you see I<m not 5ay, as some may ha6e sus*ected8G :e cast a 5 ance in Casey<s direction8 Casey decided to by*ass that sub3ect a to5ether8 F:ow did you two meetH :er name is Anna ri5htHG Casey tried to ta4e a 5enuine interest8 FYes8 She<s a teacher, and we met on ine actua y8G FEn ineHG Casey made a )ace8 FYes, it<s a bit uncon6entiona , but hey, i) the traditiona methods aren<t wor4in5, you mi5ht as we try somethin5 new8 FI 3ust don<t be ie6e two *eo* e can )a in o6e on ine8G F#e didn<t )a in o6e on ine, we )e in o6e in *erson8 #e on y met on ine8 F#e I cou d ne6er see myse ) doin5 that8G Christo*he sudden y remembered why he has dis i4ed Casey the )irst time they met8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & LJ FYou don<t ha6e to see yourse ) doin5 that8 You<re a ready married rememberHG Sasha 3um*ed in8 FI<m 3ust sayin58G FAnyway Chris, I<m ha**y )or you, and it doesn<t matter how you met her8 You<re ha**y ri5htHG F:a**ier than e6er8 You shou d consider it Sasha, now that you<re sin5 e a5ain8G Casey was sha4in5 her head, c ear y su**ressin5 the words that were )i5htin5 to ea* out o) her mouth8 FEn ine datin5 si5hts are not )or me8G Casey et out a si5h o) re ie)8 FI don<t thin4 datin5 *eriod, is )or me ri5ht now8G FEh * ease, don<t et that moron ,ames turn you o)) o) menN Ne;t thin5 you 4now, you< be a esbianG FI didn<t say I don<t i4e men anymore, I said I<m ta4in5 a brea4 )rom men8G F#hate6er you say8 At east you<re 5ettin5 out a5ain8 I had a ot o) )un toni5ht8G FYa, me too8G FYou shou d ha6e seen her out there on the dance ) oor8 She<s a natura 8 Ne;t time I<m 5ettin5 the 5ir s and we< stay )or the @a)ter *arty<8 You shou d come too8G Casey motioned to Christo*he8 FAnd brin5 Anna, I wou d o6e to meet her8G F#e< see8G :e smi ed8 Casey returned his smi e, both 4nowin5 that her o))er was as em*ty as his res*onse8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & L-

ZZThe ne;t mornin5 Sasha turned o6er a7i y in her bed8 She oo4ed at the c oc4, it was si; )orty )i6e8 :er body ached s i5ht y8 She had used musc es that she hadn<t used in a 6ery on5 time8 She admitted to herse ) that she did ha6e a 5ood time, and was than4)u that Casey dra55ed her out8 At se6en o<c oc4 the *hone ran58 Fhe oHG Fhi honey, I was tryin5 to catch you be)ore you went in to the ba4ery8G FmomH is e6erythin5 a ri5htG Sasha was sur*rised to hear )rom her mom so ear y in the mornin58 Fyes, I<m )ine,, I<m 3ust ha6in5 a itt e troub e 5ettin5 out o) bed this mornin58G Fwhat do you mean a itt e troub eHG FKon<t worry honey , I must ha6e 3ust s e*t in an aw4ward *osition, now I<m a itt e sti)) that<s a 8 i) you cou d 3ust *ass by on your way in I wou d rea y a**reciate it8 Sasha hasti y 5ot dressed and made her way o6er to her mothers8 A thou5h her mother had said not to worry, Sasha cou dn<t he * but worry8 It wasn<t i4e her mother to ca to as4 )or he *, un ess somethin5 was terrib y wron58 #hen Sasha arri6ed, she had to use her 4ey to 5et in8 she was 4ed in to )ind her mother sti in bed8 Sbe rushed o6er to er8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & LL Fmom are yu o4H, what<s the matterH Are you in *ainHG Fno, I<m not in *ain, I<m 3ust ha6in5 a itt e troub e 5ettin5 my body to coo*erate this mornin58 ,ust he * me into the i6in5 room and ma4e me a cu* o) tea and I shou d be )ine/G Fmom you<re not )ine, I<m ca in5 the doctorG Kon<t be si y honey, I don<t need a doctor, I 3ust need a 5ood stretch and I< be )ine8 "ose was a ways 6ery inde*endent and 6ery stubborn8 Sasha did as she as4ed, then went to wor4 V ater in the day she ca ed her and she was )ine8 FI wo4e u* this mornin5 and I )e t a itt e i5htheaded8 I )ee much better now8 2aybe it was 3ust a touch o) 6erti5o8G F2om, I 4ee* te in5 you, you<6e 5ot to s ow down8 You do too much8G I<m a)raid hat i) I s ow down, I mi5ht ne6er start u* a5ain8 She au5hed Sasha o)ten wished that her mom wou d sett e into o d a5e i4e most e der y *eo* e, and ta4e u* a 9uiet hobby i4e 5ardenin5 or 4nittin5 !ut that was not somethin5 she cou d e6er see her mom doin58 FI<m not o d, I<m 3ust o der than you< she o)ten reminded Sasha whene6er Sasha su55ested that bshe shou d s ow down in her o d a5e8 In )act rather than s owin5 down, she had actua y been s*eedin5 u*8 #hi e Sasha<s dad was a i6e, her mom was a itt e more sedentary8 !ut a)ter his death, her mom a**eared to be re3u6enated with new )ound ener5y8 An ener5y that was )ue ed by the desire to 4ee* busy enou5h so as to a6oid the burnin5 one iness her husband had e)t behind8 Ne;t wee4end I<m ta4in5 her to the s*a, Sasha thou5ht to herse )8 && &&2id wee4 she chec4s u* on her>

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '.. F2mmm8G She inha ed the sweet sme o) the a** e tart, sti warm )rom the o6en8 FThat<s why you<re y )a6orite dau5hter8G She reached u* and cu**ed Sasha<s chee4s with both hands8 2om, I was thin4in5, how wou d you i4e to 5o to a s*a this wee4endHG FA s*aH I don<t need a s*a8G FI 3ust want you to re a;8 It<s my treat8G FI<m re a;in5 ri5ht now8 I<6e 5ot my )eet u*, eatin5 a de icious s ice o) a** e tart, chattin5 with my )a6orite dau5hter8 I cou dn<t *ossib y be more re a;ed8G F#e then do it )or me8 I cou d de)inite y use a day at the s*a, and you cou d come a on5 to 4ee* me com*any8G FI wou d o6e to 5o with you honey, but this wee4end is the adies au;i iary uncheon8 You 4now I can<t miss that8G F"i5ht8G FYou didn<t )or5et did youH !ecause e6eryone is e;*ectin5 your usua s*read8G FI 4now 2om, I didn<t )or5et8G The truth was, she had )or5otten8 She had a ot o) thin5s on her mind ate y, and the %adies Au;i iary %uncheon wasn<t one o) them8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '.'

Cha*ter J + mom-church&#ine tastin5 2ay Thirtieth, the ast Sunday o) the month, mar4ed another meetin5 o) the %adies au;i iary8 Mor Sasha meant ba4in5 about thirty cu*ca4es and about )i)ty odd assorted *astries8 No di))icu t tas4 rea y, and it made her mom ha**y, so she was ha**y to do it8 This 5rou* was 3ust one o) the many 5rou*s and associations that her mom be on5ed to8 A thou5h Sasha was not rea y sure what any o) the 5rou*s actua y did, but it 4e*t her mom busy8 %i y was not a 6ery re i5ious woman, un i4e her youn5er sister "uby8 She attended ser6ices occasiona y, and was e6en the member o) a )ew di))erent churches8 !ut )or the most *art she en3oyed the socia as*ect o) church 5oin58 She wou d a ways 3um* at the chance to or5ani7e a ba4e sa e or a boo4 )air or a c othin5 !a7aar8 She was 6ery we 4nown in her community, and than4s to Sasha, she a so became 4nown )or *ro6idin5 the best desserts at e6ery e6ent8 :er mom cou d easi y )o ow a reci*e, but ac4ed her )athers creati6ity when it came to icin58 Another bus *assed8 !ein5 ocated ne;t to a bus sto* de)inite y had it<s ad6anta5es, but it a so had some disad6anta5es8 #hich Sasha seemed to ta4e notice o) main y on 9uiet Sunday mornin5s such as today8 Kurin5 the wee4 the dronin5 sounds o) the hea6y bus en5ine b ended into to the

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '.( mu titude o) city noises in the bac4dro*8 !ut on a 9uiet Sunday mornin5 it )e t intrusi6e and disturbin58 Sasha *eered out the window thin4in5, how many *eo* e are e6en on the bus at this time anyway8 She oo4ed out sur*rised to see how many *eo* e were disembar4in5, most y uni6ersity student, but at second 5 ance one o) them was her mother8 She 9uic4 y rushed to the door8 F2om, what are you doin5 hereH I thou5ht I was meetin5 you at the church8G FYou were, but I was a itt e an;ious to 5et out o) the house so I thou5ht I< 3ust ta4e the bus down, then we cou d 5o to the church to5ether8 F#hy didn<t you 3ust ca meH I wou d ha6e *ic4ed you u*8G FEh, that<s o48 I en3oyed the bus ride8 It<s beauti)u out today8G FI 5uess you<re )ee in5 a ot better thenHG Xear ier in the wee4 she ca s sashabecause she cant 5et out o) bed8 FYes, much better8 I to d you it was *robab y nothin5, 3ust )ati5ue8 I notice the de i6ery 6an is 5oneHG %i ian oo4ed throu5h the window tryin5 to *eer u* and down the street8

,ust as The 3in5 e o) the sho* be distracted them8 Emer5in5 throu5h the doorway was 2i5ue 8 %i ian had a bi5 smi e on her )ace8 Sasha on the other hand was a itt e worried8 F2i5ue , you<re bac48 Is somethin5 wron5HG FYes, the !ranson brunch *arty says I am missin5 one bo;8 Sasha 9uestioned her mu))in count, be)ore usherin5 to the bac4 to chec4 the )rid5es8 %i ian a**roached 2i5ue 8 She stuc4 her hand out8F:i, I<m %i ian, Sasha<s mom8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '.= Nice to meet you he said cu**in5 her hand warm y8 I<m 2i5ue 8 You must be Sasha<s new de i6ery 5uy8 Yes, that<s me8 Sasha has to d mea bit about her )ami y8 Eh did sheH Yes, but she did not te me you were so beauti)u 8 !ut o) course I shou d ha6e 4nown, because your dau5hter is 6ery beauti)u and dau5hters a ways 5et their beauty )rom their mothers8 Sasha cou d hear the entre con6ersation )rom the 4itchen8 She 5u *ed but cou d bare y swa ow when she heard him say that he thou5ht she was beauti)u 8 FI )ound the missin5 bo;8 It was in the wron5 )rid5e, it<s my )au t, I )or5ot to mo6e it o6er8G That<s o4, I< head bac4 there )irst be)ore I continue with the other de i6eries8G So that<s him8 %i ian 5rinned Yes that<s him, a thou5h I<m not sure what that 5rin is about mom8 I sus*ect he<s the reason )or the twin4 e in your eye ate y8 F#hatN, #hat are you ta 4in5 aboutH You don<t 4now what you<re ta 4in5 about mom8G FKid I hit a ner6eHG No you did not hit a ner6e8 It<s ob6ious that you two i4e each other8 The way you dance around each other8 :onest y mom, I ha6e no idea what you<re ta 4in5 about8 %ate y I<6e noticed that you<6e been a ot ha**ier than you ha6e been in a whi e8 Now I see why8 :e<s a 5ood oo4in5 youn5 man8 #hate6er you say mom8 I<6e been ta4in5 sa sa essons with Casey,that<s why I<m ha**ier ate y8 And I<6e been redecoratin5 my a*artment and u*datin5 my wardrobe8 I<m )or5ettin5 about

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '.0 ,ames and mo6in5 on with my i)e8 That<s a there is to it mom8 Now et<s 5et these ca4es down to the church be)ore the adies send out a search *artyNG E4 honey8 I<m 3ust sayin5, I 4now chemistry when I see it8 "ea yH F"ea y honey8G :esitant y Sasha turned to her mom re in9uishin5 her de)ense8 FKo you rea y thin4 he<s interested in me mom8G I can te honey8

They dro6e most o) the way in si ence8 :er mom sat bac4 en3oyin5 the warm bree7e a5ainst her s4in, she did not say another word about 2i5ue , meanwhi e, Sasha cou d thin4 o) nothin5 e se, but 2i5ue and whether or not her mother was ri5ht8

As a ways, the adies were de i5hted with Sasha<s se ection o) desserts8 And as a ways they in6ited her to stay, an in6itation she rare y acce*ted8 S*endin5 Sunday a)ternoon at the women<s au;i iary meetin5 was not e;act y her cu* o) tea, itera y and )i5urati6e y8 At east her mom was ha**y, that<s a that mattered8 This time , instead o) wonderin5 throu5h the ma or meetin5 ,ames, which was o)ten *art o) her routine, she wou d 5o home, *ut her )eet u* and watch a mo6ie8 She had rented a mo6ie ca ed T&in +la"e, about a woman torn between two twin brothers8 It sounded 3uicy, so Sasha *ic4ed it u*8 She was tryin5 to 4ee* her mind in the 5utter

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '.1 as Casey su55ested Mirst, she had to tidy u* a )ew thin5s bac4 at the sho*, and she cou dn<t )or5et ?ior5io<s Canno is8

She *o**ed her head into ?ior5io<s be)ore headin5 into the sho*8 FCome o6er when you<re )ree8G :e res*onded with a thumbs u*8

Sasha didn<t e6en oo4 u* when she heard the sho* be

3in5 e8 She 4new it wou d be ?ior5io,

mouth waterin5, countin5 the seconds be)ore the Canno is hit his i*s8 F:ey,G came a 6oice that was not ?ior5io<s8 Sasha oo4ed u* and was * easant y sur*rised to see 2i5ue standin5 in )ront o) her8 :e had the 4eys to the 6an in his hand :e twir ed them around in his )in5ers be)ore settin5 them down on the counter8 F2i5ue , what are you doin5 bac4 here a5ainH #hat<s the matterH Can<t 5et enou5h o) meHG she wanted to ta4e the words bac4 as soon as she had said them, a thou5h it was intended as a 3o4e, Sasha )eared that he wou d see the des*erate yearnin5 in her eyes to hear him res*ond F%es, ,ust had to see you again-. :e smi ed and e6aded her rhetorica 9uestion8 F!y the way, it was nice meetin5 your 2other, that was a sur*rise8G FIt was a sur*rise )or me too, but that<s my mom, a ways )u o) sur*rises8G FIt<s ob6ious you 5ot your beauty )rom your mother8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '.D Sasha<s )ace it u*, then ) ushed with heat8 She was embarrassed, but * eased that he thou5ht she was beauti)u 8 FThan4 you,G she said as modest y as *ossib e8 8 Try to keep it pro(essional she cautioned herse )8 Kid e6erythin5 5o o4 with the de i6eriesH I didn<t e;*ect to see you unti ne;t wee4end did it sound i4e she wou d be countin5 the days she wondered8 The de i6eries went )ine, no *rob ems8 I was dro**in5 o)) the 6an ear y and I saw ?ior5io8 :e to d me to stic4 around because you wou d be bac48 a**arent y you owe him some canno is Yes o) course8 That sti didn<t answer the 9uestion as to why he was there, @stic4in5 around8< FA)ter the other ni5ht, I rea i7ed how itt e you 4now about wines8G She au5hed throu5h embarrassment8 ZZA so she can earn about i9uors she can incor*orate into her ba4in5 FSo are you here to 5et me drun4 a5ainHG FNo8G :e au5hed8 I<m here to o))er to ta4e you on an educationa tour o) the wor d o) wines8 The internationa #ine and S*irits show is on at The 'indsor this wee4end8G FE4G, Sasha said somewhat hesitant y, not sure whether or not he was as4in5 her out8 F?reatNG he smi ed e6en broader now8 The sho* be 3in5 ed a5ain8 ?ior5io entered noisi y, rubbin5 his hands to5ether and ic4in5 his i*s8 F#here are my babiesHG he said ho din5 his hands out8 They were sittin5 ri5ht on the counter ready and waitin58 F:ere you 5o8G Sasha handed him the bo;

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '.J FThan4 you, than4 you he too4 the bo; as thou5h it were made o) 5 ass, ho din5 it with both hand he inha ed dee* y tryin5 to draw out a scent o) the canno is be)ore c utchin5 it under his arm 8 En y once he had the *ac4a5e secured ti5ht y in his 5ras*, did he ac4now ed5e 2i5ue 8 They e;chan5ed 5reetin5s, then ?ior5io made his way cheer)u y out the door8

FSo8G 2i5ue turned bac4 to Sasha8 FSha we 5et 5oin5HG FNowHG she b urted out8 FYa, un ess you a ready ha6e * ans8 Today is the ast day o) the show8G FI don<t ha6e * ans, but I can<t 5o now8 Not i4e this, I ha6e to )reshen u*8G FYou oo4 *retty )resh to me8G :is o)) the cu)) com* iment brou5ht a smi e to Sasha<s )ace8 FThan4 you8 !ut I ha6en<t eaten, and I sme i4e the *astry sho*G

She searched )or reasons not to 5o8 She wanted to 5o, but his *ro*osa had ta4en her so o)) 5uard, she )e t un*re*ared8 Sasha had their entire @)irst date< * anned out *er)ect y in her )antasy8 She wou d be wearin5 somethin5 short and ti5ht ,and hi5h hee s, *er)ume, a the necessary too s to ma4e her irresistib e to him8 A thou5h this wasn<t o))icia y a @date< it wou d be the )irst time that they wou d be out socia y to5ether8 F<You worry too much Sasha8 You oo4 )ine, and you sme )ine, and there wi be a 4inds o) e;*ensi6e a**eti7ers )or you to indu 5e inG Sasha 4new that he wou dn<t ta4e no )or an answer8 Part o) her didn<t want him to8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '.-

She et 5o o) her )antasy o) the *er)ect date and 5a6e in8 She made a 9uic4 tri* to the bathroom to )reshen u* her ma4e u*, and to )i; her ) attened hair that was sti reco6erin5 )rom bein5 tra**ed under a hair net ear ier that mornin58 She ro ed down the s ee6es o) shirt and smoothed it neat y around her waist8 As she stood oo4in5 at herse ) in the mirror, she cou d not su**ress the smi e that beamed across her )ace8

They arri6ed at the hote to the hust e and bust e o) on oo4ers, amateur wine ma4ers and wine connoisseurs8 Immediate y u*on arri6in5, Sasha )e t at ease8 She didn<t )ee underdressed, and she was ha**y because she was with 2i5ue 8 FMirst we wi start where we e)t o)), Portu5a NG he announced They made their way o6er to the Portu5uese tab e They were treated to a tray o) se ect so)t cheeses to *air with the wine8 2i5ue wa 4ed her throu5h the ) a6ors crossin5 her *a et8 Sasha honest y cou d not deci*her the ) ora aromas )rom the citrus notes, but she nodded accordin5 y8 :e 5a6e her a brie) history o) wine ma4in5 in Portu5a be)ore headin5 o6er to the Mrench "e5ion8 At the Mrench tab e they o))ered a * atter o) crudite that 2i5ue insisted she try with the wine8 There was certain y more than enou5h )ood to * acate her hun5er and a thou5h she is star6in5, but the ba s o) e;citement and butter) ies e)t no room in her stomach )or )ood8 :e shows her a brochure with a *icture o) a 6ineyard in Mrance, that he says he has 6isited8 :e te s sasha not o eat too many o) the a**eti7ers because it wi inter)ere with the taste o) the wine8 As the e6enin5 went on she )ocused more on the wines than on the a**eti7ers8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '.L :a )way throu5h the e6enin5 Sasha noticed herse ) becomin5 a itt e ti*sy8 A o) the wines be5an to taste the same, and )ran4 y she was more interested in the co o5ne 2i5ue wore, than what re5ion a *articu ar wine was )rom and what ty*e o) 5ra*es it was made )rom8 E6ery time he stood c ose to her she inha ed his u;urious scent8 It suited him we , i4e a cris* breath o) )resh air with a subt e earthy undertone o) amber8 Not on y was she becomin5 into;icated by the wine, she was a so becomin5 into;icated with his scent8 :is sme turned her on8 E6erythin5 about him turned her on8 The way he s*o4e, his charm, his wit, and his sur*risin5 y e;tensi6e 4now ed5e o) wine8 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ I ne6er thou5h o) you as a wine connaiseur8 I wou dnAt ca yse ) a connaseur,F2y )ather was the connoisseur8 At east that<s what he ca ed himse )8 A thou5h he dran4 as much wine as he made8 ) it himse ) )or that matter8 That was *art o) the reason my *arents di6orced8 2y )athers o6e o) wine8 I thin4 u timate y he o6ed his wine more than he o6ed my mother8G FEuchNG, Sasha stumb ed and eaned into 2i5ue 8 :e *ut his arms around her bac4 to steady her FAre you a ri5htHG FYes, I thin4 a the wine must be 5oin5 to my head a itt e8G Throu5hout the e6enin5 she had done a ot o) drin4in5 and 6ery itt e eatin58 F2aybe you shou d stic4 to water )or the rest o) the e6enin5G FI thin4 you mi5ht be ri5ht8G She was a itt e embarrassed but she was ha**y8 She wou dn<t et anythin5 ruin this so )ar *er)ect e6enin58 They sat in the oun5e area whi e Sasha si**ed bac4 her water and tried to 5et her bearin5s8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ''. She oo4ed at her watch8 FE e6en o<c oc4N Is that the time a readyH :a6e we been here that on5HG Fyes we ha6e, time ) ies when you<re with 5ood com*any8 So he considered her 5ood com*any she smi ed on he inside8 Than4 you8 You<re 5ood com*any too8 Sasha was s ow y becomin5 c ear headed a5ain, and was wishin5 she hadn<t et herse ) 5et so ti*sy8 It was the second time now that he was seein5 her in this state8 I) there was e6er a chance )or anythin5 between them, she was sure that he had b own it8 FAnyway, I shou d be 5ettin5 home,G Now that she had started to sober u* a bit she started to 9uestion her beha6ior8 :ad she made herse ) too com)ortab e with himH #as she ) irtin5 too muchH The 9uestions were comin5 out o) nowhere8 Not unti sasha sat down did she rea i7e how tired and hun5ry she was8 It was de)inite y time to head home8 I<6e 5ot an ear y start tomorrowG F#e , since you@re in no condition to dri6e yourse ) home, I 5uess I wi ha6e to do the honors8 @ FNo, I can<t as4 you to do that8 She was a ready embarrassed that she had et herse ) 5et so carried away with the wine8 To ha6e him dri6e her home wou d 3ust add to her humi iation8 FI can ca a ta;i8G F#hy wou d you do that when you<6e 5ot meHG 2i5ue twir ed the 4eys in his hands 5rinnin5 at her a**arent y amused by her re uctance8 F%et<s 5o8G :e stood u* and reached out his hand to he * her u*8 She surrendered8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ''' The car ride home was no *icnic8 The motion o) the car made her )ee nauseous8 She sco ded herse ) )or ettin5 herse ) 5et in that state8 :e he *ed her out o) the car8 She he d on to him wa 4in5 c umsi y8 FThan4 you )or 5ettin5 me home sa)e y8 I<m )ine )rom here8G She )umb ed to )ind her 4eys8 F%et me he * you with that8G :e 6o unteered8 2i5ue o*ened the door eadin5 her into the obby o) her bui din58 A5ain she tried to encoura5e him to ea6e8 She was ner6ous about the *ossibi ity o) him comin5 u* to her a*artment8 She wanted to a6oid any )urther uncom)ortab e moments8 Oncom)ortab e )or her anyway8 She 4new that i) they were to5ether much on5er it wou d be hard )5or her to resist 4issin5 him, es*ecia y in the ad6enturous state she was in8 FI< 3ust wa 4 you to your door to ma4e sure you 5et in sa)e y8G :e *ersisted :er a*artment was one ) i5ht u*8 :e *roceeded to s ow y he * her u* the stairs FouchG She stumb ed on the stairs and stubbed her toe8 #ithout warnin5 he swe*t her u* in his arms - and *roceeded to carry heru* the stairs8 FI thin4 this is our sa)est bet, ho d on8G Sasha 5ri**ed one arm around his nec4 and the other across his chest, she was in hea6en8 :er )ace was inches away )rom his8 Sure y he cou d )ee her breath on her chee48 :er eyes )i;ated on his i*s V She was drawn to them i4e a ma5net8 She wondered what it wou d be i4e to 4iss him8 she rea y wanted to 4iss him8 She eaned in c oser but he turned his head to oo4 )or her a*artment and her )ace somehow 5ot buried in his nec4 V he didn<t seem to rea i7e8 :e brou5ht her into the a*artment and *ut her down on the couch8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ''( \Ko you ha6e co))ee, I< ma4e some8 Sasha ne6er 5ot to drin4 that cu* o) co))ee8 #hen he returned, she was )ast as ee*8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ''= Cha*ter - + Sa sa with 2i5ue &nina and 3a77 - monday &&Sasha considers as4in5 2i5ue out because o) her mom<s ad6ice in cha*ter 1

X2onday mornin5 V when he sto*s by with co))ee, she mentions that she has sa sa that ni5ht8 2ornin5 a)ter wine tastin5, she is a bit hun5 o6er V 2i5ue so*s by with co))ee #hen she *u ed u* to the sho* 2i5ue stood eaned a5ainst the doorway ba ancin5 two ar5e cu*s o) co))ee in one hand8 :e had a bi5 cheery smi e on his )ace FYou<re ateNG he ca ed8 It<s on y )i6e a)ter nine8 FI was here at nine8G :e said with a *roud 5rin8 FI thou5ht you mi5ht need this8G :e handed her the ar5er o) the two co))ees8 :e was ri5ht8 She had a ready had one that mornin5, but certain y we comed a second one8 Es*ecia y )rom 2i5ue 8 :e oo4ed 6ery studious with his eather boo4 ba5 s un5 across the shou der o) his 5reen hoodie8 FI ha6e a ate c ass this mornin5 so I )i5ured I wou d sto* by to see how you<re doin58 :ow<s you headHG FSti *oundin5 a bit, but this shou d ma4e it better8G She he d the co))ee c ose8 The warmth *enetrated her s4in intermin5 in5 with the warmth that had ) ooded throu5h her body the moment she saw 2i5ue 8 Since you *assed out be)ore you haad a chance to drin4 your co))ee ast ni5ht I thou5ht I wou d brin5 you one this mornin58

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ''0 Than4 you, I rea y a**reciate it8 Sasha wanted to )or5et a about the ni5ht be)ore8 FSo did you ha6e a 5ood timeHG FYes I did8G Mee in5 s i5ht y embarrassed8 She cou d on y ho*e that she hadn<t made a bad )irst im*ression8 The @date< neither started nor ended the way she had )antasi7ed8 FThan4 you, by the way8 Mor ta4in5 me home8 That was a itt e embarrassin58G F#hyH It<s better to be sa)e8 I didn<t mind at a 8 Nice a*artment by the way8G FYa, sorry about that8G Part two o) her embarrassment, )a in5 as ee*, or to be more accurate, *assin5 out8 That was a scene that had de)inite y not been *art o) her )antasyG FKon<t worry about it8 I had a rea y 5ood time8 #e shou d do it a5ain sometime8G FYes, sure, de)inite y we shou d8G I) there was a @ne;t time< she wou d ma4e sure that it wou d be much di))erent8 FI<6e 5ot to 5o, but I< see you Saturday nine A82 shar*8G :e said sarcastica y8 You shou d be cau5ht u* on your s ee* by then8G She au5hed8 FI thin4 so8 A thou5h I<6e 5ot another ate ni5ht toni5ht, so I can<t 5uarantee it8 FAnother ate ni5htH I ne6er thou5ht you were the *arty anima ty*e8G FI<m not8 I started ta4in5 Sa sa essons down town at Santa5ria8 2y 5ir )riend Casey dra55ed me into it, remember herH Foh yesG FShe<s de*endin5 on me to 5o8 I can<t et her down8G FEooh, you<re 5oin5 to be in bad sha*e tomorrow8G FYou<re not 4iddin58 #e<re meetin5 a cou* e o) )riends there a)ter the essons, so I 4now I won<t be in bed be)ore three8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ''1 F2aybe I shou d brin5 more co))ee tomorrow8 I thin4 you<re 5onna need it8G :e au5hed8 She smi ed bac4 at him, wishin5he wou d de i6er on h3is *romise8 FAnyway, I better 5et 5oin58G :e 5rabbed his co))ee o)) the counter8 FSee you same time tomorrowH I) you<re in the area, she res*onded8 Sasha si**ed her co))ee smi in5 as she watched him ma4e his way out8 She cou d de)inite y )a )or him8

At the end o) the day Sasha dra55ed her tired body home unenthusiastic about another *endin5 ate ni5ht8 Toni5ht they had * ans to meet 3a77 and Nina a)ter the essons, when the c ub o*ened u*8 :ad it not been )or that )act, she wou d ha6e sim* y accom*anied Casey )or the essons, then returned home )or an ear y ni5ht8 She downed another cu* o) co))ee in an attem*t to re6ita i7e her ener5y8 A)ter a coo shower and some ener5y boostin5 music, she )e t )u y re6ita i7ed8 Sasha arri6ed 3ust as the essons were be5innin58 Casey on the other hand had been there 9uite a bit on5er, she was a ready y on her second coc4tai 8 3oinin5 them ater8

Nina and 3a77 a so come that ni5ht V describe nina and 3a77 V *hysica a**earance&)riendshi* history V bac45round touched on in cha*ter D They wa 4 into the c ub Xatmos*here descri*tionY and sit at a tab e 2i5ue dances with her, ater she sees him dancin5 with a youn5 hottie V she is 3ea ous

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ''D

Casey ) irted with the doorman a5ain8 A)ter their esson, they 5rabbed one o) the tab es inin5 the sta5e8 Nina and ,a77 wou d be The moment they sat down a waiter amb ed o6er with two strawberry mar5aritas8 FCom* iments o) the bar8G FEoh, now that<s what I ca ser6ice8G Casey au5hed as she s i**ed the waiter a ti*8 FThis is so 5ood8G She said si**in5 on her mar5arita8 See sometimes ) irtin5 *ays o))8G FI can<t drin4 too much o) this8 I was 5oin5 to order somethin5 nona coho ic8G F#hat are you ta 4in5 aboutH It<s adies ni5ht so drin4 as much as you can8 !esides, you 4now they<re watered down, so it<s not as i) you<re 5oin5 to 5et drun48G FI<m sti reco6erin5 )rom drin4in5 ast ni5ht8G Casey<s interest *ea4ed8 F ast ni5htHG FI went to the wine tastin5 show with 2i5ue G FE;cuse meH :ow did that ha**enH #as it a dateH Kid he )ina y as4ed you outHG FNot rea y, it was a 4ind o) a s*ur o) the moment thin58 :e 3ust *o**ed in as I was c osin5 u* and as4ed me i) I wanted to 5o to the show8 :e said it was because o) my ac4 o) 4now ed5e about wines8G F,ust an e;cuse to as4 you out without actua y as4in5 you out, incase he 5ets re3ected8G F#hat are you ta 4in5 aboutHG FYou 4now how men are, they i4e to *retend they<re not interested8 GI didn<t ha6e that *rob em with ,ames8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ''J F#e , we a 4now that ,ames was a bit o) a *syco, so he doesn<t count8 I<m te in5 you, the 5uy mi5ht be intimidated by you, a se;y o der woman who owns her own business, c<mon that cou d be a itt e threatenin5 to a youn5 5uy8G FThat<s the same theory my mother has, but I don<t 4now8 t de)inite y means that he<s interested in you8G F2aybe8G Sasha si**ed her mar5arita8 F2aybeN #hat are you ta 4in5 about8 :e<s de)inite y interested, why e se wou d he as4 you to 5o with him, when he *robab y cou d ha6e as4ed any number o) 5ir s8G FI don<t 4now i) I can trust your 3ud5ment8 You and "obert are sti in your honeymoon sta5e, e6erythin5 oo4s i4e o6e throu5h your eyes ri5ht now8G FThat is so not true8 I thin4 that because o) your e;*erience with ,ames, you don<t 4now how to reco5ni7e when someone actua y i4es you )or you8 F2aybe you<re ri5ht8 I don<t what to thin4 anymore8 Sometimes I thin4 he<s interested, and then other times I @m com* ete y ost8 %i4e ast ni5ht he he d my hand a )ew times8G FPhysica contact, another ob6ious si5n8G FYa, but it was more i4e he was ho din5 me u* than ho din5 my hand8 :e had to dri6e me home, it was so embarrassin58 Then he had to carry me u* the stairs because I 4e*t stumb in5, and whi e he was ho din5 me, I thin4 I tried to 4iss him8 A I remember is that I was starin5 at his i*s and thin4in5 how se;y they were and then I remember eanin5 in towards them, but somehow my )ace ended u* buried in his nec48 Ne;t thin5 you 4now, I wa4e u* on my couch at two A82 and he<s 5oneN I) he was interested, don<t you thin4 he wou d ha6e tried somethin5HG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ''FSasha, you were drun48 I thin4 Iwou d ha6e been dissa*ointd i) you to d me that he hd tried somethin58 That<s more ,ames< sty e, ta4in5 ad6anta5e o) someone when they<re too drun4 to say no8 maybe this 5uy is 3ust a 5ent eman who actua y res*ects women, un i4e your e;8 FYa you<re ri5ht8 I don<t thin4 I wou d ha6e e6en remembered the se; i) it did ha**en8 !ut he did ea6e me a note that said @5ood ni5ht<, that<s it8 In *re*aration )or the ni5ht scene, the music sudden y went u* about ten decibe s, drownin5 out their con6ersation8The i5hts dimmed, ma4in5 way )or the strobe i5hts to i5ht u* the dance ) oor8 Casey )ound herse ) ye in5 in order to o6er*ower the music8 F#ere your c othes sti onHG F#hatHG Sasha ye ed bac4 The two mo6ed in c oser8 F#ere your c othes sti on when you wo4e u*HG FYes they were onG8 Sasha ro ed her eyes8 FA thou5h *art o) me a most wishes that they weren<t, because i) he too4 ad6anta5e o) me, at east that wou d mean he thou5ht I was hot8 FThe )act that your c othes were sti on means he is a 5ent eman8 #ait, there wasn<t anythin5 missin5 was thereHG FNo, he didn<t bur5 e my a*artment Casey, honest y, the stu*id shit you say sometimesN I %i4e it better when you<re a romantic, instead o) a )uc4in5 detecti6eNG GI<m 3ust co6erin5 a the basis8G Casey smi ed8 She threw her head abc4 and drained the ast o) her mar5arita8 She *rom*t y si5na ed the bartender to brin5 them another round a thou5h Sasha was on y ha ) way throu5h hers8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ''L FKrin4 u*NG Casey ushered8 Tryin5 to 4ee* u* with her )riend, Sasha downed the remainder o) her drin4 in one 5u *, which sent a rush o) warmth coursin5 throu5h her body8 FThis mornin5 he sto**ed by with co))ee and mu))ins8 :e said that he wanted to chec4 on me8 I was so embarrassedN F FSee, he rea y is a 5ent eman8 I<m te in5 you, the 5uy i4es you Sash8G The ni5ht craw ers s ow y be5an to tric4 e in8 Amon5st them, Sasha s*otted Nina and ,a778 ,a77 was a ways easy to s*ot, she was usua y the ta est in any 5rou*8 She had a statues9ue )i5ure, and *robab y cou d ha6e been a mode i) she wanted to be8 !ut anyone who 4new ,a77, 4new that that was the ast thin5 she wou d e6er want to do8 ,a77 had a 9uiet con)idence about her, and didn<t necessari y en3oy bein5 the center o) attention8 2aybe it stemmed )rom the )act that her hei5ht natura y commanded attention on its own merit8 ?rowin5 u* it was de)inite y a soar s*ot )or her8 Mee in5 aw4ward and out o) * ace, she )ound so ace in the bac45round8 A thou5h she was sti one to 4ee* a )air y ow *ro)i e, the days o) )ee in5 shy and aw4ward were on5 5one8 Emer5in5 )rom the crowd was a ta con)ident se;y woman8 She was wearin5 snu5 )ittin5 b ac4 tu;edo *ants, and a si 6er cow )ront b ouse that was sure to draw her some attention that e6enin58 Mo owin5 c ose y behind was Nina, who a ways brou5ht a breath o) )resh air with her whene6er she wa 4ed in the room8 She had wis*y shou der en5th hair that ) owed )ree y as she wa 4ed8 I) ,a77 was ni5ht, Nina was de)inite y day8 2ornin5 to be more accurate8 She a ways oo4ed )resh and cris*, i4e those women in aundry deter5ent commercia s8 Toni5ht she was wearin5 a bei5eT to* that )e oose y aound her hi*s,

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '(.

Casey wa6ed them o6er8 F:ey you 5uys made itNG They e;chan5ed the customary 5reetin5s8 F I see you 5uys started without us8G Ya, you 5uys ha6e a ot o) catchin5 u* to do8 @This is a nice * aceG ,a77 said8 oo4in5 around Fthis is the )irst time I<6e e6er been in here8 Too bad I don<t 4now how to dance to this music8 E) course you doN #hat are you ta 4in5 about8 "emember our Cancun tri* )i6e years a5oH You were tearin5 u* the dance ) oorNG Casey reminded her8 #e I remember a ot o) bum*in5 and 5rindin5 but 6ery itt e dancin5N Nina reminded e6eryone e se8 They a au5hed8

FYou shou d come ta4e essons with us8G FYa, I mi5ht come too Nina added8 Sma 5rou*s had be5un to )orm in dar4 corners8 The once em*ty tab es were a most a occu*ied by other 5rou*s ) women such as themse 6es, youn5 o6ers, o d o6ers, or 5rou*s o) students who were there to mono[*o i7e on the 2onday ni5ht two )or one s*ecia 8 The men )or the most *art stood around sur6eyin5 their o*tions, or *ro**in5 u* the bar chattin5 u* the bartender8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '(' FI<m sur*rised how crowded it is in here )or a 2onday ni5ht8 I mean who *arties o a 2onday ni5htHG Eb6ious y ots o) *eo* e8 Students, tourists, usN They a au5hed and c an4ed their 5 asses cheers8

I ca ed Syd but o) course she cou dn<t ma4e it8 E) course not, she<s 5ot two 4ids, and a husband who is sti a 4id so what do you e;*ect8 I don<t care, she needs to 5et out8 Ne;t time we<re 5oin5 to * an it we , and ha6e a 5ood 5ir s ni5ht out8 I a5reeN

Sasha s ow y s id into a s um* in her chair8 The a coho had intensi)ied her )ati5ue, drainin5 her o) any enthusiasm to continue the ni5ht8 FI thin4 I<m 5oin5 to 5et 5oin58G She attem*ted to ye o6er the *oundin5 music F#hatHG She eaned in c oser to Casey, oo4in5 u* momentari y, but on5 enou5h to notice a )i5ure emer5e )rom the crowd and mo6e towards their tab e8 Instant y Sasha sat u* strai5ht, 5ras*in5 ho d o) Casey<s e5 with a )irm 5ri* FEuchN #hat the IF

FSasha 5estured discreet y towards the a**roachin5 )i5ure8G Seein5 sasha<s reaction, 3a77 and nina both turned to see 2i5ue wa 4in5 towards them They both eaned in8 #ho is thatH Ko you 4now himH

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '(( Sasha cou dn<t res*ond8 She tried to si5na to them with her eyes to sto* as4in5 9uestions ad ma4in5 ob6ious remar4s8 As he a**roached casey whis*ered to the others don<t worry, I< )i you in ater8 Foh my 5odN, s*ea4 o) the de6i 8 It<s 4arma I te youN !y the way, you can et 5o o) my e5 now And can you et 5o o) my e5NG :e wa 4ed o6er smi in5 con)ident y8 :e too4 Casey<s hand and 4issed it V nice to see you a5ain he said bowin5 s i5ht y8 Sasha he said noddin5 and ta4in5 her hand8 Not ettin5 5o as 9uic4 y as he had et 5o o) caseys8 ,a77 and Nina sat smi in5 waitin5 )or their introduction8 Seemin5 y out o) nowhere a ta an4y 5uy *o**ed his head out )rom behind 2i5ue 8 :e was

we dressed and had a charismatic smi e8 F:e o adies, I<m Andrew This is nina and 3asmine, she said s i**in5 her hand )rom between his and 5esturin5 towards her two )riends8 Nice to meet you adies he nodded8 A5ain he too4 sasha<s hand Fwou d you i4e to danceH :e he d out his hand8 Casey bum*s her with her 4nee which was her subt e way o) sayin5 F5o )or itNGSasha 5ot u* s ow y, hesitant y8 She )e t the heat tra6e )rom the ti*s o) her toes a the way u* her s*ine tic4 in5 her nec4 and into her head8 The heat wasn<t the on y thin5 5oin5 to her head, the two cosmo*o itans she had ear ier had a so 5one to her head8 :e ead her to the dance ) oor hand in hand8 Nina and 3a77 watched, eyes wide with curiosity8 FSo what are you adies drin4in<HG The an4y )e ow who<s name they had a )or5otten as4ed8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '(= FSan5ria, than4s, umG Casey hesitated, wishin5 she had *aid attention to his name at the inteodudtion FAndrew8G :e smi ed8 FI< be ri5ht bac48G The second he was out o) ear shot the two eaned in c ose y ea5er y awaitin5 the detai s )rom casey Fwho, was, thatHG nina was the )irst to 3um* in8 You 5uys te me I<m secreti6eN, 3a77 chimed in, but I see Sasha has been 4ee*in5 secrets o) her her ownN Casey )i ed them in on e6ery detai , inc udin5 the most recent de6e o*ment o) the wine show8 The )our o) them had 4nown each other )or so many years now, casey 4new that sasha wou dn<t mind her ta4in5 the iberty to )i them in8

Andrew returned )o owed by a waitress with a tray o) drin4s8 A)ter a bit o) chit chat, h e6entua y as4ed ,a77 to dance, which she acce*ted8 It was more because o) her hei5ht than because they hit it o))8 They 3oined Sasha and 2i5ue on the dance ) oor, each cou* e ) ashin5 the other enthusiastic smi es8

Sasha cou d not ha6e sto**ed smi in5, e6en i) she wanted to8 !ein5 in 2i5ue <s arms, so c ose, so intimate, it too4 e6ery ounce o) se ) contro to sto* her )rom 3um*in5 a o6er him8 The music s owed to a !atchata rhythm8 Sasha 4new this rhythm much better than sa sa V it

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '(0 :e * aced the *a m o) his hand in the center o) her bac4, )irm y, *u in5 her into him, c oser, ti5hter8 :er body rubbed a5ainst his, their hi*s mo6ed in unison )rom e)t to ri5ht Their hi*s mo6ed in unson to the beat8:er body rubbin5 a5ainst his, the heat o) his breath descendin5 u*on her nec4, her sweatin5 *a ms stic4in5 to his :e nu77 ed his chin a5ainst her )orehead,she cou d )ee the rou5hness o) his stubb e, and she cou d )ee the heat o) his breath wash o6er her, She inha ed his scent8 She en3oyed bein5 so c ose to him, but at the same time she was a)raid, a)raid o) her attraction )or him, a)raid o) her 5rowin5 desire8 She wanted him, she cou d no on5er deny it8 She had ne6er been this c ose to him be)ore, and now that she was, she cou dn<t deny the e ectri)yin5 ener5y that *u sed throu5h her body8 She wanted him8 2ore than she had wanted him be)ore8

Sasha didn<t 4now how on5 they had been dancin5, but it )e t i4e time had stood sti A)ter the dance he returned he to her tab e, 4issed her hand once a5ain and sim* y said, FThan4 you )or the dance8G Nice to meet you adies8 Then he was 5one8 Sasha cou dn<t s*ea4 )or the )irst )i6e minutes a thou5h 9uestions were bein5 thrown at her )rom e6ery direction8 The who e thin5 )e t so surrea 8 &&mi5ht mo6e or remo6e !e)ore Sasha e6en had a chance to res*ond, Casey 3um*ed ri5ht in and too4 the reins8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '(1 FThe dea is, the 5uy wor4s )or her, and she is tota y hot )or him, but she<s a)raid to admit it8G FThan4s Casey8G Sasha said in an o6er y sarcastic tone8 :e does wor4 )or me, he<s the new de i6ery 5uy I hired8G Nina 3um*ed in, F#e can you send him to my * ace anytime, I thin4 I<m 5oin5 need a ca4e de i6eredN At east once a wee4, *re)erab y on Mriday ni5htsNG The )our roared with au5hter8 FCheers to thatNG Casey he d her 5 ass u* in sa ute8 The other three )o owed suit8 FI<m not<hot< )or him8G Sasha continued8 I de)inite y thin4 he<s hot, but our re ationshi* is strict y *ro)essiona 8G F"i5ht8G ,a77 3eered8 It certain y didn<t oo4 *ro)essiona out there on the dance ) oor8 I thin4 I saw some 5rindin< 5oin5 on8G

%et<s 5o 5et co))ee, she su55ested8 I can<t thin4 with this oud music8 && They bare y 5ot onto the street be)ore the 9uestions be5an to ) y a5ain FSo Sash, what<s the dea with this 5uyHG ,a77 was the )irst to 3um* in with the 9uestions8 && The bri5ht city i5hts and the )resh air a5ainst her s4in, brou5ht her bac4 to rea ity8

FI sti can<t be ie6e he showed u*NG FKid he 4now you were 5oin5 o be thereHG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '(D F#e , I did mention that I was ta4in5 essons there on 2onday ni5htsG FSo you thin4 he showed u* on *ur*oseHG FI don<t 4now, maybe8 :e to d me he<s been there be)ore, so maybe he 3ust ha**ened to be there that ni5ht8G FEr maybe he showed u* because he 4new you were 5oin5 to be there8G FI a5ree with ,a778 You two oo4ed *retty co7y out there o the dance ) oor8G Nina 3um*ed in8 And s*ea4in5 o) oo4in5 co7y, you and that Andrew oo4ed i4e you were 5ettin5 *retty c ose out there8 ,a77 au5hed, dismissin5 Nina<s sus*icions8 F:is hands were wonderin5 a o6er the * ace8 :e was i4e a horny teena5er8 I had to remind him that it<s ca ed Sa sa not )ore* ayN Can you be ie6e he 5a6e me his numberH :e<s a nice 5uy, but de)inite y not my ty*e8 E;cuse me 3a77, but what e;act y is your ty*e anywayH You<6e been sin5 e i4e )ore6er, what are you oo4in5 )orH Nina e bowed Casey, FI 4now what she<s oo4in5 )or8G She win4ed8 F#hat<s that su**osed to meanHG FI<m 3ust sayin58 #eren<t you datin5 Waren S*encer when we were in co e5eH 2aybe you can<t )ind the ri5ht 5uy because dee* down you<re oo4in5 )or the ri5ht 5ir 8G

F#e weren<t datin5, we had i4e one drun4en wee4 durin5 s*rin5 brea48G FI<m 3ust sayin5IF

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '(J F%isten, I don<t 4now what I<m oo4in5 )or but when the ri5ht *erson crosses my *ath I@ 4now it8 Chan5e o) sub3ect * ease8G

FSee, you said the ri5ht @*erson< not the ri5ht @5uy<8G Sasha added more )ue to the )ire8

F)uc4, is that 2i5ue an ama7in5 dancerN #ho 4newN, FI 4nowHN, we he is ha ) S*anish you 4now8G Fwe that e;* ains it, so te me e6erythin5, how was itH, you oo4ed i4e you were in hea6en out there on the dance ) oor8 FI was, be ie6e meN, un)ortunate y there<s nothin5 to te 8 #e danced, he made my *anties wet, and then we said our 5ood byes8 The two burst out au5hin58 FC<mon, you two oo4ed *retty co7y, he<s so into you, you can te , 3ust the way he oo4s at youG Fyou<re cra7yN It was 3ust a dance, that<s it, but damn, it was a 5reat dance8 I don<t 4now what it is about himG FI< te you what it is about him, he<s se; on e5s that<s what it is, I<m te in5 you, i) I wasn<t with "obert, he wou dn<t stand a chanceN FI<6e 5ot to sto* this, my head 4ee*s te in5 me it<s a bad ideaG

#e maybe that<s your *rob em, you<re so se; star6ed, no wonder you<re ustin5 a)ter 2i5ue 8 I) you i4e this 5uy, then 5o )or it,maybe you< 5et it out o) your system, then you can ha6e some se ) contro around 2i5ue 8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '(2aybe you<re ri5ht8 I shou d )ocus on what<s be)ore me instead o) )antasi7in5 about somethin5 that wi ne6er ha**en8

Cha*ter L + 2om to hos*ita &ar5ument with 2i5ue - )riday

Sasha was o)) to a s ow start8 :er s ee* de*ri6ed body was *unishin5 her )or 5oin5 out so ate the ni5ht be)ore8 !ut her se;ua y aroused hormones were than4in5 her8 She smi ed to herse ) as she reminisced o6er the dance with 2i5ue 8 She cou d sti hear the music * ayin5 in her head, and the sme o) his co o5ne8 She rubbed her hand a on5 the side o) her nec4 where the heat o) his breath had tic4 ed her8

She headed into the sho* with a new bounce in her ste*8 She was consumed with 6isions o) 2i5ue <s arms wra**ed around her8 :s sme , his warm breath on he nec4, the music *oundin5 in the bac45round8 She bare y remembered *u in5 into the *ar4in5 s*ot in )ront o) the sho*8 :er body was on auto*i ot, but her mind was on 2i5ue 8 She cau5ht herse ) in5erin5 in the car, smi in5 into the )resh mornin5 air8 The mornin5 )e t warmer than usua , and the sun seemed bri5hter8 F?ood mornin5G boomed a 6oice )rom a distance8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '(L She oo4ed o6er to see ?ior5ioi swee*in5 his )ront entrance wa6in5 to her with a bi5 smi e on his )ace8 F?ood mornin5,G she ca ed8 FYou<re in ear y8G F?ot a de i6ery comin58G FCome o6er )or a co))ee ater, I<6e 5ot some Canno is in the )rid5e8G :is )ace it u* immediate y and he shot her a thumbs u* and a win48 She s4i**ed into the sho* with an e6en bi55er smi e on her )ace8 She was oo4in5 )orward to a chat with ?ior5io, a thou5h )or no *articu ar reason8 She had so much ener5y and enthusiasm burstin5 out o) her8 She 4new it wou d be a whi e be)ore she sett ed into ba4in58 The adrena ine rush )rom the ni5ht be)ore sti had not subsided8 In )act it seemed to be increasin58 She oo4ed around the sho*, tryin5 to decide what to do )irst8 E6en the sho* oo4ed a itt e di))erent this mornin58 En to* o) her e;hi aration )rom the ni5ht be)ore, she was a so e;cited about he u*comin5 wee4end8 Casey he *ed and her the caterin5 contract )or the annua Yor4 commerce ban9uet8 This was a hu5e o**ortunity )or Sasha8 She cou d ma4e a ot o) new contacts, not to mention )ree *ub icity8 I) her *astries were a hit she wou d be sure to doub e her business within the ne;t year8 #hich wou d mean hirin5 the much needed counter he * she had been wantin58 The *ros*ect was e;citin58 The Thou5hts o) the wee4end, ed her once a5ain to thou5hts o) 2i5ue 8 The moment he *o**ed into her head a5ain, the *hone ran58 It was him8 F:ey8G @:ey, 2i5ue HG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '=. Sasha res*onded uncertain y to the une;*ected y in)orma 5reetin58 No, hi it<s 2i5ue , or @5ood mornin5<, sim* y <:ey<8 A thou5h she 4new instant y that it was 2i5ue , she sti *osed the 9uestion8 FYes, it<s me8 I<m 3ust ca in5 to see i) you made it home E4 ast ni5ht8 FYes I did, and I mana5ed to ma4e it in E4 this mornin5 too8G FI<m im*ressed8G Sasha ha ted, did he mean that he was im*ressed that a woman o) her a5e cou d 5o out to *arty two ni5hts in a row and sti ma4e it in to wor48 #hy was she e6en ettin5 these thou5hts enter her mind she 9uestioned herse )8 :er 6oice o) reason 9uic4 y ste**ed in and *ut thin5s bac4 into *ers*ecti6e8 FA thou5h I was e;*ectin5 to 5et a stron5 cu* o) co))ee de i6ered this mornin5, but no such uc4, I actua y had to ma4e my own8G :e au5hed8 I wou d ha6e o6ed nothin5 more than to be sharin5 a co))ee with you ri5ht now8 !ut I had an ear y c ass this mornin58 In )act, I<m technica y sti in the c ass8 I<m on a brea4, so I thou5ht I wou d 5i6e you a 9uic4 ca 8 She wanted to as4 him i) he had a 5ood time, and was it 3ust a coincidence that he showed u* at the c ub, and was he thin4in5 about her as much as she was thin4in5 about him8 Instead she said, F#e ha6e busy wee4end comin5 u*8G FEh yeahHG FYes, I<6e 5ot three weddin5s, and the Yor4 ban9uet &downtown8G FThat<s 5reat, I<m assumin5 I 5et the downtown de i6eries8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '=' FNatura y8G She was thin4in5 that she wou d o6e to su55est meetin5 him )or a drin4 downtown, but she wou dn<t dare8 She didn<t want to a**ear o6er an;ious8 She wished he wou d su55est it8 In the mean time to *re6ent herse ) )rom sayin5 somethin5 stu*id, she ta 4ed, and ta 4ed and ta 4ed about insi5ni)icant wor4 thin5s8 FCasey mana5ed to 5et me the caterin5 contract8 She desi5ned their cor*orate o))ices8 She became )riend y with the ri5ht *eo* e in the ri5ht * aces, as she o)ten does8 Anyway, she hi5h y recommended me to cater this years e6ent, and they a5reed8 I<m rea y e;cited about this8 It<s a rea y 5ood o**ortunity )or me, it cou d ead to a ot more business8 And There is a so a doub e weddin5 on Saturday8 Twin sisters8 They re9uested two identica ca4es, but in di))erent co ors8 I thin4 that is so ori5ina 8 I a ways wished I had a twin sister so that we cou d do thin5s i4e that8G She )ound herse ) ramb in5, which she 4new was the resu t o) ner6es8 :er ner6es a ways e;hibited themse 6es in one o) two ways8 Either *re6entin5 her )rom )ormin5 a coherent sentence, or )ai in5 to cease her incessant ta 4in58 That<s 5reat8 You<re 5oin5 to be 9uite busy this wee48 FYou<re not 4iddin58 Yor4 wants a re* ica ca4e o) it<s atest bui din58 That<s 5oin5 to be a cha en5e, but I< )i5ure it out8G ---he mi;es u* this ca4e with one o) the twin weddin5ca4es8 --she has the ba4ed,iced and in the bo; on Mriday8 She didn<t abe the bo;es, she was 5oin5 to do that Saturday mornin5 FI<m con)ident that you wi 8G Sasha smi ed on the other end8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '=( FI better 5et 5oin5 FEn3oy the rest o) your day8G FThan4 you, you too, and don<t wor4 too hard8G She didn<t 4now why she added the don<t wor4 too hard, it was the )irst thin5 that *o**ed into her head8 Perha*s she shou d ha6e said don<t study too hard, that wou d ha6e made more sense8 Perha*s she shou d ha6e 3ust said than4 you8 FYou either8G :e *aused8 Sasha ha6in5 said more than enou5h, waited )or him to say 5oodbye8 F!y the way, I rea y en3oyed dancin5 with you ast ni5ht8G Ence a5ain he had ta4en her o)) 5uard8 F2e too,G was a she cou d mana5e to mutter8 :er ner6es too4 o6er a5ain, this time ea6in5 her s*eech ess8

!y the end o) the wee4, Sasha had ba4ed =.. cu*ca4es, nine ca4es, tru)) es, tartes8etcT on to* o) her usua counter items8 !y )ar, the most cha en5in5 was the yor4 o))ice bi din58 She was e;haused, but it was worth it8 She was oo4in5 )orward to the wee4end8 She was oo4in5 )orward to seein5 2i5ue 8 E6en i) it wou d on y be )or a brie) moment8 It was nine o<c oc4 be)ore Sasha headed home8 She went o6er the chec4 ist in her head8 E6erythin5 had been ba4ed, iced and bo;ed8 She cou dn<t wait to 5et home and *ut her )eet u*8 Kri6in5 home her ce ran5 #hen she heard her *hone rin5, instant y she *er4ed u*8 :o*in5 it wou d be 2i5ue , ca in5 to su55est 5oin5 )or a drin4 maybe8 She hadn<t heard )rom him since Tuesday8 A thou5h the thou5ht o) ca in5 him had entered her mind many times that wee48 !ut she wasn<t ab e to come

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '== u* with any emer5ency de i6ery re9uirements that wou d e;* ain her ca in5 him out o) the b ue8 I) he wanted to meet )or a drin4 she was sure she wou d man5e to )ind the ener5y8 She *u ed o6er and scramb ed throu5h her *urse )or her rin5in5 *hone8 She cou dn<t a))ord to miss his ca , i) it was him8 F:e oHG She answered 9uic4 y, ho*e bui din5 inside o) her that the 6oice on the other ine wou d be 2i5ue s8 FSashaHG It wasn<t8 F2omH There was on5 *ause8 what<s wron5H 2omHG Sasha hun5 u* the *hone and immediate y turned around and headed bac4 towards her mothers house8 The *re6ious )ee in5 o) e;citement had been re* aced by a churnin5 uneasiness in her stomach8 She 4new somethin5 was wron58 :er mom rare y ca ed her on her ce , and es*ecia y not at that time o) ni5ht8 :er 6oice, it sounded so wea48 The uneasy )ee in5 turned to worry8 She had been so busy with her *re*arations )or the ban9uet, and so consumed with thou5hts o) 2i5ue , she didn<t e6en rea i7e that the entire wee4 had 5one by and she hadn<t chec4ed in to see how her mom was doin58 #hen she arri6ed, her mom was sittin5 u* in a chair but 6ery sti))8 She was breathin5 hea6i y and stru55 in5 to say somethin5, but te words on y came out in 5runts8

%ater that e6enin5, the doctor<s con)irmed that she had had a stro4e8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '=0 She s*ent the entire ni5ht by her moms bedside8 A thou5h the doctors ur5ed her to 5o home and return in the mornin5, Sasha re)used to ea6e her bedside8 It wasn<t unti she )e t someone brush *ast her e5 that she rea i7ed she had do7ed o))8 The room that a**eared so dar4 and so em on y hours be)ore, was now )i ed with a bri5ht stream o) i5ht that was re) ectin5 o)) o) the meta ic hos*ita stu))8you shou d F:er 6ita si5ns are oo4in5 better8G The nurse said to her, whi e she 3otted down somethin5 on a chart8 She wi *robab y be as ee* )or a whi e yet8 You shou d *robab y 5et some rest and come bac4 in a )ew hours8 Sasha re)used8 She hadn<t been there when she needed her, but she wou d be there now8 Instead o) 5oin5 home, she went downstairs to 5et a 6endin5 machine co))ee8 It wasn<t unti she oo4ed o6er at the row o) *ub ic *hones inin5 the wa that she thou5ht o) the time, and the sho* and the de i6eries8 She oo4ed at her watch8 It was nine thirty 8 ShitN She thou5ht to herse )8 She ca ed ?ior5io and as4ed him to *ut a si5n on the sho* door8 C osed due to )ami y emer5ency or somethin5 to that e))ect8 She ca ed 2i5ue and to d him that he wi ha6e to do a o) the de i6eries, e6en the weddin5s8 Then she ca ed Casey, then 2i5ue 8 F2i5ue 8G F:ey, Sasha8 This is a nice sur*rise8G Twe 6e hours a5o, those words wou d ha6e made her heart s4i* a beat8 Now the on y thin5 on her mind was her mother8 This time she was not at a oss )or words8 F2y mother had a stro4e ast ni5ht8 I<m at the hos*ita now8G FEh, I<m so sorry8 :ow is she doin5HG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '=1 FShe<s stab e8 "estin58G Sasha didn<t )ee much i4e ta 4in5, and cou dn<t thin4 o) anythin5 other than 5ettin5 bac4 to her mothers bedside8 F:o w are you doion5H Are you o4H FI<m o4, but I won<t be comin5 into the sho* today8 In that moment she rea y a**reciated the 6a ue that ha6in5 an assist wou d brin58 I<m 5oin5 to need you to ta4e care o) a o) the de i6eries today8 A o) the bo;es are in the )rid5e8 They shou d be abe ed8 FSure, o) course8G FAs4 )or "oman at the ban9uet ha , he< 4now what to do with the ca4e8 Mor the weddin5s, )ind whoe6er is head o) the waitin5 sta)) and instruct them to assemb e the ca4es8G Sasha didn<t i4e the idea o) someone e se assemb in5 her ca4es, but she )e t that she had no other o*tion8 She wou dn<t ea6e her mom<s side8 #hen she wo4e u*, Sasha wanted to be there8 She had wor4ed with "oman many times so she was con)ident that he wou d be ab e to dis* ay her ca4e nice y8 She cou d on y ho*e that the weddin5s wou d 5o as smooth y8 FThan4 you8G FE4, ta4e care8 I ho*e your mother 5ets better8G :is ast words bare y re5istered to Sasha be)ore she hun5 u* the *hone8 :er mind was a ready on to the ne;t ca she wou d ha6e to ma4e8 :er Aunt "uby8 Mor years there had been tension between her mom and her Aunt "uby8 A**arent y it was somethin5 carried )orward )rom chi dhood8 The two were *o ar o**osites8 :er mom was care)ree and ad6enturous, whereas her Aunt was 6ery conser6ati6e and went on to become an inter5ra *art o) a re i5ious community8 The two ne6er saw eye to eye, and the resu t was that

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '=D they rare y 4e*t in touch, and saw each other on y at weddin5s and )unera s8 The two sisters Xher mom and auntY ha6e ne6er rea y been c ose8 a o) her aun

A most a )u twenty )our hours ater Sasha surrendered to the )ati5ue8 :er mom sti had not wo4en u* and accordin5 to the doctors it mi5ht be another day or two be)ore she did8 Sasha was re uctant about ea6in5 her mom<s side, but she 4new that her bac4 wou dn<t sur6i6e another ni5ht on the hos*ita chair8 She wou d be o) no use to anyone i) she didn<t 5et some rest8 :er body e;hausted, on5in5 )or a hot shower and a com)ortab e bed, she made her way out to her car that had been deserted )or near y a )u )orty ei5ht hours8 She care ess y tossed her *urse into the car, be)ore s um*in5 into the dri6ers seat8 Mor a moment she 3ust sat in si ence, 5earin5 herse ) u* )or the dri6e home8 The tears we in5 u* in her eyes, an5st ridden by the thou5ht o) oosin5 her mother8 She oo4ed at the dishe6e ed contents o) her The i5hts )rom the *ar4in5 ot She oo4ed at the dishe6e ed contents o) her *urse s*i ed out onto the *assen5er seat8 At the moment her *urse mirrored her i)e which )e t i4e it had been turned u*side dA own8 her *hone amon5st the rubb e which reminded her that she hadn<t ca ed Case yet8 She cou d rea y use Casey ri5ht now to *ut thin5s into *ers*ecti6e8 She 4new she wou d be ab e to ean on Casey<s stren5th )or su**ort8 She 5rabbed her *hone, and was sur*rised to see that there were e e6en messa5es waitin58 :er *hone had been switched o)) the entire time she had been at the hos*ita , she hadn<t e6en thou5ht to chec4 her messa5es8 Mirst it was "oman ca in5 )rom the ban9uet ha , )o owed by someone named Ame ie )rom the *orter weddin5, )o owed by a second ca )rom "oman, )o owed by another ca )rom someone

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '=J at the *orter weddin58 2essa5e a)ter messa5e )o owed suit8 She )e t the b ood drain )rom her )ace8 2i5ue had messed u* the de i6eries8 A ho owness )ormed in the *it o) her stomach8 A)ter the ast twenty )our hours she had had, her reaction was ham*ered most y by )ati5ue8 This was the ast thin5 she needed8 #hen the rea ity o) the issue )ina y san4 in, Sasha became in)used with a new ener5y8 She had to s*ea4 to 2i5ue to )ind out what ha**ened8 :er )in5ers mo6ed o6er the 4ey*ad as )ast as they cou d8 :er heart *ounded whi e she waited im*atient y )or 2i5ue to answer8

#hen he *ic4ed u*, Sasha cou d hear what sounded i4e music and ta 4in5 in the bac45round8 She cou d bare y hear him say he o8 F2i5ue NG F:e oHG he said )or a second time, *ractica y ye in5 now8 :is 6oice was bein5 drowned out by the bac45round noise8 Sudden y the noise was reduced to a mu)) e8 AA F2i5ue 8 Are you thereHG she said im*atient y8G FYes I<m here8 Sorry about that8 I<m at a *arty8 2y )riend is 5oin5 away--G F I don<t care about any o) that8G She cut him o))8 :er )ati5ue had e)t itt e room )or *atience8 FI want to 4now what ha**ened with the de i6eriesHG FThe de i6eries ha6e been de i6ered8G :e chuc4 ed at his c e6erness8 :is stu*id res*onse a erted Sasha to the )act that he was drun48 FYou messed u* two o) the de i6eriesNG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '=F#hatHG The Yor4 order and the *orter weddin58 No way8 I 5ot e6erythin5 de i6ered on time8 :is casua tone and noncha ant attitude on y an5ered Sasha )urther8 The yor4 ca4e and one o) the twin weddin5 ca4es, you mi;ed them u*N No wayN She heard 5i55 es emer5e )rom the bac45round and them 9uic4 y disa**ear8 which )urther in)uriated her8 She )e t a sudden sur5e o) ener5y, )ue ed by an5er that star4 y contrasted the ist ess mood that hun5 o6er her ear ier8 :ow cou d you ha6e screwed u* the orderN This ma4es me oo4 so un*ro)essiona N I<m sure you<6e 3ust cost me two c ients, not to mention a o) the *otentia c ients that wi ta4e their business e sewhere i) anyone mentions this8G FI<m so sorry8 It was 3ust a sim* e mista4e8G FA care ess mista4e you mean8 I<m sure this is 3ust a itt e wee4end 3ob that you don<t ta4e 6ery serious y, but this is my career8 I<6e s*ent years bui din5 re ationshi*s with my c ients, and bui din5 a re*utation )or myse )8 you mana5ed to mess that u* in one day, and ma4e me oo4 i4e an idiot in 3ust a matter o) hours8 She )e t the *reassure )rom her on5 day we u* in her eyes8 I don<t 4now how you mana5ed to mess it u*8 It<s a sim* e tas48 Kid you e6en bother to 6eri)y the addresses, or #ere you so an;ious to 5et to whate6er *arty you<re at, that you cou dn<t be bothered to be e))icientH I ea6e

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '=L you on your own one time, and you screw u*8 :onest y, do I need to be there to ho d your hand e6ery 5od dammed timeH The stress on to* *) the )ati5ue had a come crashin5 down8 *artyin5 and became a itt e more res*onsib e with your )e @I e6en to d you to doub e chec4 the orders on the com*uter8 Kid you do thatH< FYes I did, butIF @So how did you mana5e to mess it u*8 Sasha 4new that a o) this an5er was comin5 )rom )ati5ue, stress, and on some e6e V she turned her se;ua )rustration with him, to 3ust * ain )rustration8 F:ey I said I<m sorryG Kon<t you thin4 it<s time you sto**ed bein5 sorry and started bein5 a itt e more res*onsib e and actin5 a itt e,e more mature instead o) runnin5 around *artyin5 with 5ir s a ni5ht8 #hat e se do you w ant me to sayH o4 I screwed u*, it won<t ha**en a5ain8 FMrom the sound o) thin5s you won<t be in any condition to come in tomorrow so don<t botherN In )act, to 5uarantee it won<t ha**ened a5ain don<t bother comin5 in at a N !e)ore he cou d res*ond, she hun5 u* the *hone8 FEh my 5od8 I can<t be ie6e I 3ust did that8G She * aced her hands o6er her eyes8 Pressin5 bac4 the tears, but hey came anyway8 :er hands were hot, her )ace was hot, her breath hea6y She too4 on5 dee* breaths tryin5 to ca m herse ) down8 She had )ina y re eased the stress o) the ast twenty )our hours8 ]]]end o) cha*ter]]]

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '0.

Cha*ter '. - Sunday m-at-sho*&ruby comes&5oes&&Casey 6isits

The )irst thin5 on Sasha<s mind that mornin5 was to ma4e the necessary *hone ca s in an order to sa 6a5e what was e)t o) her re*utation8 She was )ear)u when she saw the ) ashin5 i5ht on her ce *hone, that it mi5ht be yet another an5ry ca )rom one o) the twin brody 5ir s8 There was a messa5e )rom 2i5ue , and se6era te;ts )rom 2i5ue , but nothin5 more )rom the weddin5 *arty or T8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '0' uday mornin5 she wa4es u* to a te;t )om 2i5ue 2i5ue te;ts her an a*o o5y which shi5nores an then shows * at the sho* but she can<t tQ 4 - she does her bes to a6oid him8 :e shows u* sun morn when she is on her way out to meet her aunt8 She threw her *urse o6er her shou der and 5rabbed her 4eys o)) o) the counter8 #he she oo4ed u* 2i5ue was on his way throu5h the door8 :e was the ast *erson she wanted to see8 Mor so many reasons8 A thou5h she was in no mood Sasha decided to head in to the sho* and *re*are orders8 She had chec4ed with the hos*ita in the mornin5 and they said her mom was restin5 but her 6ita si5ns had im*ro6ed o6er ni5ht8 I) a went we she wou d be home ater that e6enin58

She sto*s at the hos*it7 then 5oes to the sho* It<s niuce and 9uiet because it<s Sunday8 ?ior5io is not in yet8 !e)ore she cou d c ose the door 2i5ue * owed in behind her8 FSashaN I<m so sorry about ast ni5ht I don<t 4now what ha**ened8 Is your mom a ri5htH She wi be :ow about youH :ow are you doin5H I< be o48 She 4e*t her eyes *ointed at the ) oor )or most o) the con6ersation8 Seein5 his )ace brou5ht her harsh word rushin5 bac4 )o owed by a 9uic4 ) ash o) their dance and endin5 with the sin4in5 )ee in5 she )e t when she heard a woman<s 6oice in the bac45round8 She was )ar too emotiona at the moment to thiun ab*ut it8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '0( I ha6e to 5et 5oin5, I<m *ic4in5 u* my aunt sister at the air*ort8 I don<t want to be ate8 E4, no *rob em8 Are there any de i6eries you want me to ta4e care o) )or you todayH Sasha wasn<t e6en thin4in5 about the de i6eties, a she wanted to o was to *ut a 9uic4 end to their con6ersations8 I 5uess we can ta 4 ater in the wee4 Xthey don<t bcause her aunt is there - he te;ts her but she doesn<t answer8

?ior5io interru*s their con6o8 Sorry ?ior5io, no canno is today Sasha shouted, ha**y )or a distraction I<m not here )or canno is, you he stretched out his arms, how are you, and your momH is she 5onna be o4H Yes sasha tears soa4ed the shou der o) 5ior5io<s chec4ered shirt8 Your 5uy,2i5ue , he to d me yesterday, I said whatN I cou dn<t be ie6e itN 2e neither8 I<m on my way o6er to the hos*ita now, I 3ust wanted to chec4 u* on a )ew thin5s8 Kon<t thin4 about wor4 at a time i4e this eh 5ir H

She 5oes to hos*ita

Sasha<s Aunt "uby too4 the )irst ) i5ht out the ne;t mornin5, and was schedu ed to arri6e ater that e6enin58 In the meantime, Sasha made her way bac4 to the hos*ita 8 She recei6ed 5ood news )rom the doctors8 :er mom wou d be ab e to 5o home in a day or two8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '0= Sasha )e t the tension in her nec4 and shou ders drain8 She cou dn<t ha6e recei6ed better news8 They said that it a**eared that she had a mi d stro4e, but there was no serious dama5e8 She wou d need a ot o) rest, and a ot o) he * )or the ne;t cou* e o) months8 Sasha was re ie6ed8 She had been te in5 he mother to s ow down )or months, now she wou d ha6e no choice8 FYou 5a6e me 9uite a scare mom8G FI 4now I 5a6e myse ) 9uite a scare8G F:ow do you )ee HG FTired8 It must be the medication they ha6e me on8 I wou d o6e to 5et out o) this bed and 5et some )resh air8G FTa4e it easy mom8 You< be home in a cou* e o) days8 And remember what the doctor said, you need * enty o) rest8 FI 4now, I 4now8G FAunt "uby is on her way8G F#hatH You ca ed "ubyHG %i y said, strainin5 to 5et the words out8 F#e she is your sister8G

FEn y by b ood8 She hasn<t been a sister to me in years8G Kes*ite her mother<s norma y *ositi6e attitude, the chi dhood wounds between her and her sister ne6er hea ed8 Sasha was ne6er *ri6y to a o) the detai s o) their )eud, but she 4new that it re6o 6ed around her )ather8 As the story 5oes, "uby a**arent y had her sites set on !en3amin, be)ore %i y swoo*ed in and sto e him )rom her8 "uby re)used to 5o to their weddin5 or to ha6e anythin5 more to do

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '00 with her sister8 Since that time the two sisters 5rew a*art, and bare y s*ea4 to each other to this day8 F2om, rea y, is this a time )or an5erHG FYou<re ri5ht sweetie,G she conceded8 F!esides, I didn<t 4now what to do8 I was so scared, I 3ust thou5ht I better ca her,G Sasha *aused, F3ust in case8G Sasha<s eyes )i ed with tears8 :er mom s9uee7ed her hand reassurin5 y8 They were interru*ted by ta**in5 on the door8 It was Aunt "uby8 I thou5ht I was *ic4in5 you u* at the air*ortH I mana5ed to 5et an ear ier ) i5ht8 I didn<t want to be any bother so I too4 a ta;i Sasha stood u* to 5reet her Aunt8 She embraced Sasha :ow are you doin5H I<m )ine8 The doctor 5a6e us 5ood news this mornin58 She< be home in a day or two8 FThat<s wonder)u newsNG She turned towards i y with her arms oustretched8 Instant y i yss eyes )i ed with tears, which 5ot Sasha 5oin5, and ri5ht behind her was "uby8 The two sisters embraced sobbin5 on each others shou ders8 Sasha stood in the corner wi*in5 bac4 her own tear8

2onday mom is a owed to 5o home8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '01

Aunt "uby stayed )or the entire wee4 and waited on "ose hand and )oot8 2aybe out o) 5ui t )or a the years o) resentment she harbored8 #hate6er it was, Sasha we comed her dedication8 She didn<t ha6e to worry about her mom bein5 a one whi e her Aunt was there8 And it 5a6e the two sisters a chance to re*air their dama5ed re ationshi*8 Ence Aunt "uby returned home, Sasha *ic4ed u* where she e)t o)), *ractica y mo6in5 into her mother<s house on a )u time basis8 "ose<s reco6ery was s ow, much s ower than e;*ected8 She was wea4 and ethar5ic most o) the time and had 6ery itt e a**etite8 The doctors said that a s ow reco6ery was to be e;*ected at her a5e8 Sasha didn<t thin4 that a** ied to her mother8 The "ose A e;ander that Sasha new, wou dn<t et anythin5 4ee* her down )or on58

Casey 6ists here That e6enin5 Casey came by to 4ee* Sasha com*any, and to 6isit her mom8 To Sasha<s sur*rise Casey showed u* with a hu5e bou9uet o) ) owers and a 5i)t ba58 FCasey, honest y, you didn<t ha6e to do a this8G FI wanted to8 !esides, I ha6en<t seen your mom since she 5ot out o) the hos*ita 8 :ow<s she doin5HG

FShe<s on the mend8 Come in8G Sasha ushered her in and too4 the 5i)t ba5 and ) owers8 F#here is sheHG FShe<s in the i6in5 room8 She<s watchin5 her murder mystery *ro5ram8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '0D F:i %i y8G Casey said in her 5ent est 6oice8 She didn<t 4now why she )e t she sudden y had to reduce her s*ea4in5 6oice *ractica y to a whis*er, but it )e t a**ro*riate8 Perha*s it was the 6isib y wea4ened a**earance o) the once 6ibrant se6enty )our year o d8 The o6ersi7ed rec iner and the hea6y b an4et wra**ed around her made her wei5ht oss e6en more *ronounced8 F#hy on earth are you whis*erin5H I didn<t ose my hearin5NG I don<t 4now 2rs8 A, I 5uess I was tryin5 not to disturb you8 I<m not a )ra5i e o d ady yet you 4nowN I 4now8 I brou5ht you a itt e somethin5, some ) owers and these8 She *u ed out a u;urious y so)t *in4 robe and matchin5 s i**ers8 FI) you wra* yourse ) in this a)ter you bath, you< swear you<6e died and 5one to hea6en8 I ha6e the same one at home8 They<re o6e y8 Perha*s I shou d 5et sic4 more o)ten, I<m 5ettin5 the roya treatmentN I ha6e ne6er had so many ) owers in my house be)ore, I )ee i4e I<m in a 5arden8 I see she hasn<t ost her enthusiasm, Casey nud5ed Sasha8 So how ha6e you been 4ee*in5H FAnd how<s "obertHG F:e<s 5reat, sti wonder)u as e6er8G FThat<s 5ood8 It<s nice to see you8 Mrom the oo4s o) thin5s marria5e has been 4ee*in5 you hea thy8 She he d Casey<s hand in her, ad then *roceeded to s9uee7e her )orearm8 Sasha was one o) the )ew women e)t in the word who thou5ht it was a 5ood thin5 )or a woman to ha6e a bit o) wei5ht on her8 Casey cast Sasha a concerned oo48 Sasha smi ed, because she 4new that her mothers comment wou d cause her to immediate y doub e u* on her Pi ates c asses8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '0J FThan4 you 2rs8 AG Casey occasiona y sti re)erred to "ose as 2rs8 A8 It was instincti6e8 #hen Casey and Sasha met when they were ei5ht years o d8 !ac4 then it was mrs A e;ander, or 2a<am8 #hen they 5ot to hi5h schoo , it was coo er to say 2rs8 A8 It was on y since they 5raduated )rom co e5e that she insisted that they ca her rose8 !ut Casey )ound the habit hard to brea4, es*ecia y durn5 a moment when she was treatin5 casey i4e her own dau5hter that she was tryin5 to )atten u*8 FSo, when are the babies comin5HG FNot yet8G And *robab y not e6er Sasha thou5ht to herse )8 Sasha si5na ed her o6er to the 4itchen8 Sa6in5 her )rom more 9uestions8 F#ow, I see your mom hasn<t ost her s*un48G FTe me about it8G F!ut she has ost a ot o) wei5ht8G FI 4now8 I<m tryin5 to 5et her to eat more, but her a**etite 3ust isn<t the same8 She<s de)inite y stron5er than she was be)ore8 The doctor said I shou d 5i6e it a )ew months8 Ence the medication is in )u e))ect and she 5ets a ot o) rest she shou d be bac4 to her o d se ), or c ose to it8G FThat<s 5ood to hear8 #hat about youH how ha6e you been doin5HG FI<m o4ay8 Thin5s are better now that she<s hoe F?uess where I< be in a cou* e o) wee4sH The Sir5in Is andsNG F%uc4y youN Is "obert ta4in5 you on a second honeymoon a readyHG FNo8 Actua y this wi be a wor4in5 ho iday8 I anded a contract with one o) "obert<s business contacts8 :e<s bui din5 a u;ury hote o6er there, and I 5et to desi5n two o) the suitesNG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '0FYou<re 4iddin5 me, how did you and thatHG F?ood P", she win4ed8 I 4now how to se myse )8 They want each suite to be uni9ue so they<re 5oin5 to use se6era di))erent desi5ners8 #hi e Casey is there Chris ca s - Sasha says she wi ca him bac48 :ey SashaN Chris, how<s it 5oin5H The moment Casey heard the name Chris she immediate y tuned out8 Sasha obser6ed her b an4y whi e she rea** ied her i* 5 oss and ) u))ed her hair8 F?ood 5ood sweetie8 %isten do you ha6e a momentHG Not ri5ht this second, I<6e 5ot Casey sittin5 across )rom me Sasha turned to Casey FChris says hiG Casey courteous y res*onded with a su*er)icia hi88 FI won<t 4ee* you, but ma4e sure you ca me bac4, toni5ht i) you can8G FE4ay8G FCa in5 to ta 4 about weddin5 * ans a5ainHG I don<t 4now, most i4e y8 Isn<t it su**osed to be the woman that ma4es the )uss o6er the weddin58 Ya, but Christo*he isn<t i4e most 5uys You can say that a5ain Sasha a6oided encoura5in5 her8 Anyway, you were sayin5H

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '0L #e had to submit two desi5n ideas )or the room, and o) course they o6ed mineN In )act, they o6ed both o) my ideas so much they decided they wanted to use both o) them, so now I 5et to desi5n two roomsN The other desi5ners are 5oin5 to be so 3ea ousN Now I< be 5oin5 there once or twice a month to wor4 on thin5s8G FCan you brin5 a )riendHG Sasha 3o4ed8 Ene is 5oin5 to be ca ed @The Easis "oom<8 It<s 5oin5 to ha6e a tro*ica re a;in5 )ee , and the other is @The Phoeni; "oom< This one is 5oin5 to ha6e dee* reds and 6e 6ets etcT i4e a o6ers den 4ind o) )ee 8 Casey noticed Sasha was no on5er istenin5 F%isten to me ramb e on8 You<re mi es away8G She *ut her arm arounde Sasha and rubbewd her shou der 5ent y8 FYour mom is 5oin5 to be o4 you 4now8G FI 4now8 Actua y I was thin4in5 about 2i5ue 8G F2i5ue HG F#e had a hu5e )i5ht ast wee48G FEoh, your )irst )i5ht a readyHG FIt was nothin5 i4e that, be ie6e me8G F#hat ha**enedHG F:e com* ete y )uc4ed u* two o) my bi55est orders8 The day a)ter I too4 my mom to the hos*ita 8 I had s*ent the entire ni5ht at the hos*ita and by the time I s*o4e to him , I was com* ete y burnt out, and I 3ust ost it on him8G FAre you seriousH #hat did you say to himHG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '1. FMirst o) a , I didn<t chec4 my *hone unti I 5ot out o) the hos*ita , so I had no idea that anythin5 went wron5, unti I heard the messa5es )rom my c ients8 That was the ast thin5 I needed a)ter the twenty )our hours I<d had8 So I ca ed him u* and aid into him8 :e was at a bar or somethin5, and he was ha ) drun4 which on y made it worse8 I to d him he was 3u6eni e and irres*onsib e8 And I thin4 I ca ed him an idiot8 I was so mad that ni5ht, I don<t remember ha ) o) the thin5s I said8 Anyway, I to d him not to bother comin5 in the ne;t wee4end, and I ha6en<t s*o4en to him since8G F:e hasn<t ca ed youHG F:e tried to ca me bac4 a cou* e o) times that ni5ht, which I i5nored8 Then the ne;t mornin5 he e)t an a*o o5y on my machine, but I ne6er ca ed him bac48G F#ow you<re harsh8G F #hy am I harshH It<s my *ro)essiona ima5e at sta4e8 I can<t et some irres*onsib e co e5e student mess u* what I<6e s*ent years bui din58G FAre you sure you<re not b owin5 it out o) *ro*ortionH :e made a mista4e8 You shou d at east ta 4 to him8G FThere<s nothin5 to say8 I shou d ne6er ha6e hired him in the )irst * ace8G Are you sure you<re not 3ust oo4in5 )or an e;cuse not to *ursue himH I mean we both 4now how attracted to him you are--8G Casey, this time you<re wron58 The truth is, I 3ust don<t ha6e the ener5y to dea with him and his 3u6eni e shit ri5ht now8 I<6e 5ot more im*ortant thin5s to thin4 about8 A he<s 5ot to thin4 about is his ne;t *arty8G FI) you say so, but I sti don<t thin4 you<re 5i6in5 the *oor 5uy enou5h credit8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '1' That incident 3ust con)irmed what I a ready 4new8 It wou d ne6er wor4 between us8 #here are you o)) to anywayH I<6e 5ot to 5o o6er some )ina * ans with the *ro3ect coordinator be)ore I ta4e o))8 Ence Casey e)t Sasha had a ni5ht ca* with her mom be)ore rose retired o her room to watch t68 It was on y nine o<c oc4 but Sasha was e;hausted

Near y three wee4s had 5one by and there hadn<t been much chan5e in "ose<s hea th8 %on5 days o) runnin5 between the sho* and her mom<s house, rare y s*endin5 one ni5ht in her was bed was be5innin5 to ta4e it<s to on Sasha8 "ose wasn<t bouncin5 bac4 the way Sasha had e;*ected and re9uired more he * than she had antici*ated8 The sho* was 4ee*in5 her busier than usua , es*ecia y now that she was one set o) hands down when it came to de i6eries8 She didn<t want to start turnin5 down orders, but she )eared she mi5ht ha6e to i) she wanted to a6oid com* ete e;haustion8 Current y, Sasha<s days consisted o) ma4in5 an ear y brea4)ast )or her mom, mornin5s at the sho*, then a 9uic4 brea4 at unch to chec4 on her mom, then bac4 to the sho*, and e6entua y home8 At east the * ace she had been ca in5 home )or the *ast )ew wee4s, the sewin5 room which a so doub ed as a 5uest room at her mom<s8 In between a the chaos she was sti mana5in5 the de i6eries a on her own8 Ear y in the wee4 wasn<t so bad, but when the end o) the wee4 a**roached, Sasha rea y )e t the need )or another set o) hands8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '1( As she stac4ed bo; a)ter bo; in the 6an, Sasha considered that *erha*s she had been too hasty in dismissin5 2i5ue 8 In )act she 4new she had been, the moment she had *ut down the *hone that e6enin58 It had been such an emotiona y e;haustin5 day, and Sasha 3ust didn<t ha6e anythin5 e)t to hand e the situation mature y8 That was true8 !ut it was the une;*ected in)usion o) 3ea ousy that o6ertoo4 her when she heard a 5ir s 6oice in the bac45round, that she was most ashamed o)8

She wanted to a*o o5i7e, but cou dn<t brin5 herse ) to do it8 Sasha a owed him to a*o o5i7e a5ain and a5ain 4nowin5 that she was the one that shou d ha6e been a*o o5i7in58 :e had ca ed and te;ted her numerous time be)ore she e6entua y res*onded8 Ence her mom was home )rom the hos*ita and thin5s had sett ed down, she sent him a te;t to et him 4now that her mom was )ine8

Since her mother had been home )rom the hos*ita he bac4ed o))8

Now she 3ust cou dn<t ca him u*, i) )or no other reason than to ho d on to what itt e *ride she had e)t8 She had been e;hausted that ni5ht8 That was true8 !ut she was a so hurt and thou5h she hated to admit it, she was o6erta4en by 3ea ousy when she heard a 5ir s 6oice in the bac45round8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '1= :e hadn<t contacted her since her mom )irst came home )rom the hos*ita 8 A)ter Sasha e6entua y res*onded to his ast te;t, he bac4ed o))8 She to d him that she acce*ted his a*o o5y and that the business and her and her mom were a )ine8 And that was it8 F:ey et me he * you there,G ?ior5io threw his ci5arette to the 5round when he saw Sasha 3u55 in5 a *i e o) bo;es in one hand ma4in5 her way to the 6an8 Than4s ?ior5io %oo4 at you, you oo4 e;hausted8G ?ior5io )ocused on the dar4 circ es under her eyes I<m )ine8 It<s 3ust been a rea y on5 day E6eryday seems to be a on5 day )or you ate y8 that<s true8 I<m ta4in5 care o) her at ni5ht and runnin5 this * ace a day8 I 5uess it<s 3ust startin5 to ta4e it<s to 8 :ow is she, is she doin5 any betterH !it by bit, you 4now, one day at a time8 FThat<s 5ood to hear, you 3ust 5otta 4ee* han5in5 in there8G FI<m doin5 my best8G F!ut you 5otta remember to ta4e care o) yourse ) too, otherwise you< be no use to anybody8 2y wi)e did the same thin5 when her mother was sic4, ran herse ) ra55ed8 #ho ended u* ta4in5 care o) her when she cou dn<t 5et out o) bed one mornin5H #ho e se, I had to ste* u*8G FYou<re ri5ht8G F2y wi)e didn<t wanna isten to me, but you shou d, I<m te in5 you8 I< ta4e your ad6ice ?ior5io, I *romise8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '10 :ow come you<re doin5 this a by yourse ) anywayH #here<s the 5uy that used to dri6e the other 6anH I ha6en<t seen him around ate y8 FThin5s weren<t wor4in5 out so we , so I had to et him 5o8G F"ea yH n he seemed i4e a nice 5uy8G The ast thin5 Sasha wanted to ta 4 about was what a nice 5uy 2i5ue was8 Ya but I<m mana5in5 o4 by myse ) )or now8 Koesn<t oo4 i4e it )rom where I<m standin58 Sasha n4new that ?ior5io meant we , but at the moment shewished he wou d 3ust mind his own business8 The mention o) 2i5ue had made her want to *ut a 9uic4 end to the con6ersation8 FI< 5et around to hirin5 someone soon8 I 3ust ha6en<t had the time8 E) course you don<t ha6e the time8 You<re tryin5 to do e6erythin5 yourse )8 Sometimes that<s what comes with runnin5 your own business8 %isten, I can 5et you he * i) you want8 2y sister<s boy Antony8 You<6e seen him around the sho*, he does my de i6eries when my re5u ar 5uy is out8 FYa I remember him, but I don<t 4now8 It doesn<t *ay muchG :e<s not oo4in5 )or a 3ob, but he needs a 3ob8 :e too4 time o)) schoo to wor4 he says, but so )ar a he<s been doin5 is sittin5 on the couch and * ayin5 6ideo 5ames whi e he eats my sister out o) house and home8 That doesn<t e;act y sound i4e a 5 owin5 recommendation8 :e<s a 5ood 4id, 3ust a bit a7y sometimes8 :e needs to 5et o)) his ass as do some *hysica wor4 i4e a man, *ut some meat on is bones8 :e<s as s4inny as a stic48 %i)tin5 ca4e bo;es is hard y hard abour8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '11 #e at east he< be out )rom under my sisters )eet8 She codd es that boy too much8 I can ha6e him here tomorrow mornin5 on the dot, e6en i) I ha6e to dra5 him by the ears8 :e<s a 5ood 4id8 Kon<t worry8 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

Cha*ter '' Antony starts&Chris co))ee

The ne;t mornin5, true to his word 5ior5ios ne*hew was at her door I 4now you two a ready 4inda 4now each other, but ets ma4e it o))icia 8 Sasha, Antony, Antony, Sasha8 A ri5ht, 5ood8 Now Tony, do e6erythin5 she te s you and don<t 5i6e her a hard time, or e se your momma<s 5onna hear about itN

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '1D FA ri5ht unc e ?, chi 8G F?ood uc4,G he win4ed at Sasha8 FThan4 you,G she mouthed o6er her shou der8 So this is it, the head9uarters I ha6e been in the store be)ore8 Eh yeah, that<s ri5ht I )or5ot8 #e u* the orders8 FCoo 8G et me show you the 4itchen then where you wi be *ic4in5

I on y ha6e one de i6ery, ear y in the wee4 it<s *retty s ow, but I to d your today but that<s a 5ood thin5 because then I can 5o a on5 with you, whi e you 5et )ami iar with the 6an8 She thou5ht, she had ne6er 5one throu5h this with 2i5ue , she ne6er rea y )e t the need to8 Antony wasn<t e6en e5a drin4in5 a5e yet, which was a 5ood thin58 Sasha wanted to see how he hand ed himse ) on the road and how we he 4new the city8

FNo *rob em, but there<s no need8 I can dri6e anythin5 with )our whee s, and I 4now my way around e6ery inch o) the city8I<6e 5ot a bui t in ?PS8 :e ta**ed the side o) his head8 Not to mention I<m the eadin5 on ine cham*ion o) deathrace two8 E4ayTI thin4 I< ride a on5 3ust in case8 F#hate6er8 #here<re we headed )irstHG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '1J Nowhere ri5ht now8 Mor now I< 3ust show you around the 4itchen, where you< *ic4 u* the orders8 #hen I c ose u* we< head down to crescent st8 there<s a *ri6ate *arty at one o) the c ubs8 Nice, there<s some hot chics that han5 around crescent street8 I<m startin5 to i4e this 3ob a readyN

A)ter showin5 antony around, Sasha handed him the )resh y cut 4eys to the 6an8 2i5ue sti had not returned his set8 Nor was Sasha wi in5 to as4 )or them, a thou5h it was the common sense thin5 to do8 F%et<s 5oG The ride with Antony to say the east was entertainin58 !ut ?ior5io was ri5ht, underneath a the bra6ado and smooth ta 4, he was a nice 4id8 !y her obser6ations he wasn<t a7y at a as ?ior5io had im* ied8 In )act he was 9uite the o**osite, a rumb in5 ba o) ener5y8 :e hust ed the bo;es in and out o) the 6an 9uic4 y, he s*o4e 9uic4 y, and he e6e n dro6e 9uic4 y, which Sasha did not a**reciate, but o6era he did a 5ood 3ob8

The one thin5 that needed some wor4 was 4ee*in5 his eyes o)) the adies and on the road8 :e was e;treme y *ersonab e and )riend y E6ery beauti)u 5ir cou d be his ne;t 5ir )riend8

:ey :oney, how are thin5sH ChrisH Eh my 5od I ha6en<t s*o4en to you )or so on5N

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '1I 4now I ha6e so much to te you, and I need your o*inion on somethin58 Are you u* )or co))ee aterH FChris, I didn<t ha6e a chance to te you about my mom8G Chris ca s to 5o )or co))ee and 5et her ad6ice on dessert choices )or weddin58 She te s him the news and he sto*s by then ta4es her out and ta 4s about site8 F:i "ose, how are you )ee in5 sweet heartH Christo*he a**roached her 5ent y, as thou5h a**roachin5 a )ra5i e baby bird8 :e had in his hand a bas4et co6ered with a b ue chec4ered c oth8 :e *ee ed bac4 the c oth re6ea in5 ha ) a do7en mu))ins sti warm )rom the o6en8 The air instant y )i ed with a wonder)u bou9uet o) a** e and cranberry8 FI made you some hea thy ow )at mu))ins8 F FThan4 you Christo*he8 That<s so thou5ht)u o) you< FI wish that we were meetin5 under di))erent circumstancesG FI 4now, un)ortunate y we ne6er 4now what i)e is 5oin5 to throw at us< FI< 5o *ut these in the 4itchen and et you rest, ZZIn the Witchen

FShe has rea y ost a ot o) wei5ht8G Christo*he had a concerned oo4 on his )ace8 FI 4now8 The doctors say that she<s doin5 better, she 3ust has to 4ee* ta4in5 her medication8G And what about youH You oo4 e;hausted8 FI am8 !etween runnin5 the sho* and s*endin5 e6ery e6enin5 here and doctor<s a**ointments, I<m burnt out8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '1L FYou can<t )or5et to ta4e care o) yourse ) sweetie8G FYou need a ni5ht out sweetie8 You<re not doin5 yourse ) or your mother any )a6ors by runnin5 yourse ) into the 5round8 Come to the restaurant and ha6e dessert with Anna and me8 I rea y want you to 5et to 4now her better8 I<m not )ee in5 6ery sociab e these days8 And besides, I don<t want to ea6e my mom a one too much8 I understand that, but I<m 3ust sayin5, a cou* e o) hours out wou d do you a wor d o) 5ood8 :ow about 3ust me and you then8 No *ressure to socia i7e8 You don<t e6en need to chan5e8 -------she a5rees to 5o out )or co))ee and dessert, and he te s her about site8 :e mentions that ho*e)u y she wi ha6e a date )or his weddin5, that<s how they 5et ta 4in5 about site8 FThan4s )or dra55in5 me out Chris8 You were ri5ht, it was e;act y what I needed8G FI<m sure the tri* e choco ate cheeseca4e he *s8G FYou<re not 4iddin5NG She too4 a mouth)u o) the ca4e8 This ca4e is ama7in5N I thin4 it may be the best cheeseca4e I<6e e6er had8G FEhem,G he c eared his throat8 FE) course it<s sti not better than yours8 :ow come I<6e ne6er heard o) this * aceHG FIt<s new8 That<s why I wanted to come here8 I wanted to chec4 out my com*etition8 I ha6e to say, so )ar I<m im*ressed8 !ut I sti thin4 our Tiramisu is the best in the city8G FSo you had an a ternati6e moti6e )or dra55in5 me out toni5ht ehHG FNo, o) course not8 I wanted you to come out because I thou5ht you needed it8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'D. FI 4now8 I<6e been )ee in5 4ind o) coo*ed u* ate y8 I 4now my mom needs me, so it<s *retty much wor4 and home e6eryday8 And it doesn<t he * that I 4ind o) )ired my de i6ery 5uy, so )or now I<6e 5ot to do a o) he de i6eries myse ) as we , I<m e;haustedG F#hatH #hy did you do thatHG F#e had a hu5e ar5ument because he messed u* two rea y im*ortant de i6eries, and basica y I to d him not to bother comin5 bac48G FYou<re 4iddin58 Kidn<t you two ha6e a itt e thin5 5oin5 onHG FI wou dn<t 9uite ca it a @thin5<8 There was a itt e ) irtin5 but it ne6er went )urther than that8 It ne6er wou d ha6e wor4ed anyway8

FSo that<s it )or this 5uy thenHG FYe*8G FI thou5ht he was so hot no woman cou d resist himHG There was a twin5e o) sarcasim in his 6oice8 F#e , sometimes it ta4es more than 5ood oo4s8 I<m done with men )or now, it<s too com* icated8 Since ,ames I ha6en<t met anyone that I<6e serious y been interested in8G In her 5ut 4ic4ed her as her e5o ied to Christo*he and herse )8 She had met some she was serious y interested in, he 3ust wasn<t interested in her8 F2aybe you 3ust ha6en<t been oo4in5 in the ri5ht * aces8G

F Now I de)inite y don<t ha6e the time or ener5y )or datin58G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'D' FI<m te in5 you, you shou d consider chec4in5 out the site You shou d 5o to the site where I met anna8 It<s a serious site, 6ery mature *eo* e8 You don<t e6en ha6e to dae anyone, not ri5ht away8 You can 3ust chat8 There are a ot o) interestin5 *eo* e out there8 You wou d be sur*rised8 !esides, you<re stayin5 in watchin5 T8S e6ery ni5ht anyway8 F2aybe the women you met were norma , but I doubt I can e;*ect the same )rom the men8G :ey, I<m a man, and I<m norma , and I was on there8 Than4 5od Anna didn<t ha6e your attitude, otherwise we ne6er wou d ha6e met8G FNo o))ense, but I don<t thin4 it<s )or me8G FYou ne6er 4now ti you try8 At the 6ery east you< 5et an o**ortunity to meet new *eo* e8 I 3ust don @t see myse ) meetin5 awho e bunch o) stran5ers "emember, a stran5er is on y a )riend you ha6en<t made yet, 4ee* an o*en mind8 Since you<re not 5oin5 out to meet anyone, why not meet *o* e on ineH And you don<t ha6e to 3um* ri5ht into a re ationshi* either8 You set the boundaries8 I) you say you<re on y oo4in5 )or )riendshi* then you wi be matched with someone who<s oo4in5 )or the same thin58 This way there<s ess *ressure8G FYou<re re ent ess8 Anyway, I can<t be bothered to sit there and tic4 o)) a who e bunch o) bo;es, and try to ma4e myse ) sound interestin58G :onest y, you ha6e an e;cuse )or e6erythin58 It<s not as com* icated as you ma4e it sound8 I can he * you set e6erythin5 u*8G FThan4s but no than4s8G FYou can be so stubborn sometimes8G Sasha he d u* her cu* in a sa ute8 FCheers to that8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'D( @Christo*he shoo4 his head ho*e ess y, and )o owed suit8 FCheers sweetie8G

Cha*ter '( + Chris sets u* site

#ith antony he *in5 out she is ess stressed8 he e6en startin5 ta4in5 o6er the cash She as4s 2i5ue )or the 4eys

F:i sweetie8 :ow are youHG :is 6oice sounded as thou5h it were bein5 s9uee7ed throu5h a ba oon8 FI<m )ine8 #hy do you sound i4e thatHG FYou<re 5oin5 to 4i me8G :e *aused8 F#hyHG FI set u* an account )or you on the site I to d you about8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'D= :e waited uneasi y )or her res*onse8 FAre you seriousH #hy did you do thatHG FI 4now I said I wou dn<t, but I set it u* 3ust incase you chan5e your mind8 At east chec4 it out8 Then i) you sti hate it I< ea6e you a one8G

Sasha et out a de)eated si5h8 Mine, I @ try it, then wi you ea6e me a oneHG FI *romise8G F?ood8G F Is your mom a ready in bed )or the ni5htHG FYe*8 She went in about ha ) an hour a5o8G F E48 ?o 5et your a*to*8< FYou want to do this nowHG FYes, 5o 5et it8 There<s a )ew thin5s I want to wa 4 you throu5h8G FEh my 5od, this a ready sounds com* icated8G FKon<t worry, it won<t be8 I a ready tic4ed o)) a the bo;es )or you, so you don<t ha6e to worry about any o) that stu))8G F:ow cou d you tic4 o)) my bo;esHG FYou said you cou dn<t be bothered with a that stu)), so I did it )or you8 I thin4 I 4now you we enou5h to tic4 o)) your bo;es8G FEh you do you, we< see how we you 4now me in a minute8 FYour username and *assword are both Sasha8 Incase you didn<t want your name to show on your *ro)i e, I made a di))erent *ro)i e name )or you8 It<s Sweet *ea8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'D0 FSweet PeaH "ea y, cou dn<t you ha6e come u* with somethin5 a itt e better than thatH ,ust )rom that name a one I can te you don<t 4now me 6ery we 8G FKon<t worry, you can chan5e it ater8G #hen Sasha o55ed on, she was sur*rised to see that her inbo; a ready had )i6e messa5es8 Ene was the standard we come to the site emai , and the other )our were )rom men8 FEh my 5od, I a ready ha6e messa5es8 #hen did you set this u*HG F%ast ni5ht a)ter I e)t your * ace8G F:ow do I a ready ha6e )our messa5esHG FThere are a ot o) *eo* e out there oo4in5 )or o6e8G FI<m not so sure it<s o6e they<re oo4in5 )or8G FKon<t be so ne5ati6e %et me 3ust e;* ain a cou* e o) thin5s and then you can ta4e your time and *o4e around the site8 #hat e se are you 5oin5 to do toni5ht8 Ma as ee* in )ront o) the t6 a5ainH #hy not browse a cata o5ue o) 5ood oo4in5 men8

Christo*he was ri5ht, it )e t i4e browsin5 a cata o5ue a ri5ht, e;ce*t it wasn<t )u o) 5ood oo4in5 men, that was )or sure8 A cou* e o) hours *assed and sasha sti )oundherse ) on the site browsin5 *ro)i es and readin5 emai s, it was addicti6e and he *ed her *ass the time8 CCadd some chat with date ^'

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'D1

Cha*ter '= + Kate ^'&Pushes 2i5ue away&&ta 4s to mom about on ine datin5 She 5i6es antony a bit more res*onsibi ity - occasiona y ettin5 him c ose u* so she can ea6e ear y8 :e was ta , an4y and e;treme y we dressed8 :is *icture hadn<t done him 3ustice8 :e smi ed

Sasha s*ent the ne;t two wee4s browsin5 the site e6ery ni5ht be)ore bed8 She didn<t 4now why or what she oo4in5 )or, it 3ust became a habit8 In )act, it had re* ace her ni5ht y chane sur)in5 as a means o) entertainment8 :er inbo; had at east ten new messa5es a day8 #hich she )ound interestin5, considerin5 there wasn<t e6en a *icture ne;t to her *ro)i e8 A thou5h many did re9uest a *hoto in their emai 8 Mor the most *art, the men a ways *ro6ided a *hoto8 The )unny thin5 was that she was recei6in5 emai s )rom ei5hteen year o ds a the way u* to si;ty two year o d8 Sasha started thin4in5 that Chris had no idea what he was ta 4in5 about when he said it was a serious site8 Ence she )i tered throu5h a o) the wrec4a5e, there were a )ew that stood out8 She 4e*t them in her Inbo;, sti undecided as to what, i) anythin5, she was 5oin5 to do about them8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'DD ------------------------chris ca s her u* at the sho*8 She is on the site at the sho* Xthis ties into how 2i5ue saw her on there V she accidenta y ea6es it o*en8 ---------------------FA e;ander<s *astry8< FSasha it<s me8G San5 the 6oice on the other ine8 FChris, how are youHG FI<m 5ood, how about youHG F I<m 5ood8G FAnd your momHG FShe<s 5ettin5 stron5er8 F FThat<s 5reat8 So what<s been 5oin5 on with youH :a6e you been bac4 on the site since the ast timeHG FAs a matter o) )act, yes I ha6e8G F"ea yH, I to d you it<s addicti6e isn<t itHG F #e , it<s certain y entertainin5 that<s )or sure8 You shou d see some o) the emai s I 5etNG F:a6e you chatted with anybody yetHG FNo, not yet8 I<m not e6en sure I @m 5oin5 to 5o that )ar8G F#hy notH I<m sure there must be at east one interestin5 5uy on there8 You ne6er 4now ti you try8G FI admit, there re a )ew interestin5 candidates8 FThen 5o )or it8 ,ust ha6e )un8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'DJ A)ter she *ut down the *hone she stood *onderin5 Chris<s ad6ice8 The store was 9uiet so she decided to snea4 in the bac4 to scro throu5h her emai s a5ain8 She read the *ro)i es o) the 5uys that interested her, but doesn<t res*ond8 ,ust then she heard the be o) the sho* door8 She 9uic4 y c osed the site and made her way to the counter8

That e6enin5 Sasha hesitant y too4 Chris<s ad6ice and decided to res*ond to an emai )rom a 5uy who had sent her a rather attracti6e *icture in his emai 8 :is name was 2i4e8 :e was a com*uter ana yst, he i4ed on5 wa 4s, dinin5 out, mo6ies, the usua stu))8 :e sounded *retty norma , and he oo4ed *retty norma 8 So Sasha too4 a dee* breath and a ea* o) )aith and *ressed the send button8 The ne;t day she was re ie6ed and ha**y to see an emai )rom him8 Mirst she )i tered throu5h the other )i)teen be)ore readin5 his8 She was a itt e a**rehensi6e about o*enin5 it, so she e)t it )or the ast8 She sti cou d not be ie6e how many messa5es she was recei6in58 2aybe Chris was ri5ht a)ter a , there were a ot o) *eo* e out there oo4in5 )or o6e8 #hen she )ina y 5ot to it, she was * easant y sur*rised8 :e was courteous and charmin5 and )unny8 Sasha actua y )ound herse ) ha6in5 )un8 She s*ent the entire wee4 chattin5 with 2i4e8 She earned a ot more about him and about herse )8 She was ama7in5 at how o*en she cou d be with a com* ete stran5er8 It was )un, but ner6e rac4in5 at the same time8 She cou dn<t he * wonder i) he was bein5 as honest with her as she was with him8 #hi e at the sho* she waits )or a 9uiet moment to chec4 her emai 8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'DShe )e t her heart s4i* a beat when she o*ened her emai and saw that he su55ested that they meet in *erson8 She immediate y ca s Chris8 FChris, it<s me8G FSasha sweetieN, how are youHG FI<m o48 Ko you ha6e a momentH FI ha6e a )ew minutes8 I was on my way to meet my )iancPe )or and ear y unch8G F#hat<s u*H You sound a 3ittery8G FI<m ner6ous8 I 3ust 5ot an emai )rom this 5uy that I @6e been ta 4in5 to )or about a wee4 now, and he wants to meet8 and I don<t 4now what to do8 F#hat<s the *rob emHG FI don<t 4now i) I shou d, I mean what i) he<s a *sychoHG FI) he was a *sycho you wou d 4now it by now8 ,ust ma4e sure you meet in *ub ic * ace8 And meet )or co))ee or somethin5, not dinner8 This way you can 4ee* it short it you<re not interested8G FIs that what you didHG FYes8 I must ha6e 5one on at east )i)teen dates be)ore I met Anna8 Trust me, I 4now what I<m ta 4in5 about8G FI<m so ner6ous8 #hat i) I<m not what he e;*ectedH #hat i) he<s not what I e;*ectHG FThat<s the chance you ha6e to ta4e8 !esides this way you can see i) there<s any chemistry ear y on, be)ore you s*end any more time ta 4in5 to him8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'DL FYou<re ri5ht8 E4, I<m 5oin5 to do it8G This way she cou d ho*e)u y 5et rid o) that uneasy )ee in5 about ta 4in5 to a com* ete stran5er on ine8 Than4s )or the ad6ice Chris8 I< FP ease do sweetieN ?ood uc4NG FThan4s I thin4 I@ need it8G et you 4now how it 5oes8G

It too4 Sasha two hours to decide on an out)it8 She had ne6er ta4en so on5 to 5et ready in her i)e8 The internet thin5 added a who e new s*in on thin5s8 En a o) her *re6ious F)irst datesG she had a ready met the *erson at a *arty or somethin58 The )irst im*ression had a ready been made8 An attraction a ready estab ished be)ore the date *ro*osa 8 Now they were both 5oin5 in b ind8 There was interest, sure, but wou d there be *hysica attractionH She tried to ta 4 herse ) out o) it many times, unsuccess)u y8 :er ad6enturous 6oice ste**ed in and *ut thin5s into *ers*ecti6e8 ,ust 5o ha6e )un8 She decided to meet mi4e at a sma co))ee sho* at e e6en o<c oc4 on Sunday mornin58 It was a 9uiet * ace they both 4new we 8 2eetin5 be)ore the unch rush wou d ma4e it easier )or them to )ind each other8 A so they wou d a6oid ha6in5 an audience )or a *otentia y aw4ward meetin58 ---she ta 4s to 2i5ue , te s him to dro* the 4eys o)) ne;t wee48 ,ust be)ore she was about to wa 4 out the door V the *hone ran5 V it was 2i5ue , ca in5 about the 4eys, te s him s i* them throu5h the door, but he wants to meet and ta 4, she says no8 ater cha*ter she )inds the 4eys and a note

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'J.

Ta 4in5 to 2i5ue ma4es her com*are the 5uy to 2i5ue Vm and she is disa**ointed8 Sasha arri6ed ear y8 En *ur*ose8 This wou d 5i6e her a chance to ca m her ner6es, and ha6e a cu* o) co))ee by herse ) be)ore he 5ot there8 As she si**ed on here co))ee, 5 ancin5 casua y at the door )rom her corner tab e, she thou5ht maybe it wou d ha6e been a better idea to meet )or a drin48 At the moment, on y a stron5 drin4 cou d ca m her ner6es8 The ne;t time she oo4ed u* )rom her ma5a7ine e, there he was8 ! ue 3eans and a bei5e sweater, 3ust i4e he said8 :er )irst res*onse was disa**ointment )o owed by re ie)8 She cou dn<t e;* ain the atter8 2aybe because now that she had seen him in *erson, it re ie6ed the *ressure she had *ut on herse ) to im*ress a tota stran5er8 The )ormer was easi y e;* ained8 :is *ro)i e said that he was )i6e e e6en, in *erson he oo4ed c oser to )i6e nine8 And the F)itG body ty*e he se ected, was a bit o) a stretch8 It was ob6ious that he hadn<t seen the inside o) a 5ym )or 9uite some time8 The *icture he dis* ayed seemed to contain a much )u er head o) hair than he did in *erson8 She wa6ed him o6er8 :o*e)u y his *ersona ity was e9ua y as charmin5 as his emai s8 She stood u* s i5ht y to 5reet him8 The moment he stuc4 his hand out, she 4new instant y8 There wou d be no second date8 Ene im*ortant su*er)icia *hysica )eature that Sasha re9uired in a man, was nice hands8 %ar5e stron5 mascu ine hands8 She had no rationa e;* anation )or it, but it was a ways one o) the )irst thin5s she noticed8 Some women notice shoes or hair, or *er)ect teeth8 Mor Sasha it was hands8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'J' :is hands )it snu55 y in the center o) hers8 And they were warm and sweaty8 To be )air, so were hers, initia y, but she had had enou5h time to brin5 her adrena ine dri6en body tem*erature bac4 to a norma state8 :i, SashaH Yes, 2i4eH Ye*8 :e *u ed out his chair and sat down, restin5 his e bows on the tab e8 Sasha cou dn<t sto* starin5 at his hands8 It was thou5h *art o) her had ho*ed that they wou d a**ear bi55er once he was seated8 So8 It<s nice to )ina y meet each other )ace to )ace8 Yes it is8 &I<6e ne6er done anythin5 i4e this be)ore8 It was my )riends idea, Sasha ramb ed8 #hene6er she was ner6ous and didn<t 4now what to say she 3ust said the )irst thin5s that *o**ed into her head8 %uc4i y the waitress interru*ted her ramb in5 on5 enou5h )or her to com*ose herse ), whi e 2i4e ordered8 She was secret y ho*in5 that he wou dn<t order somethin5 to eat since it wou d on y *ro on5 their meetin58 She heard him mention a sanwhich, so she 4new that she was in )or a on5er co))ee date than she had * anned8 I) Casey were there she wou d say V atrm east you 4now he<s into you, because he didn<t 3ust order a co))ee8 #hich is o) itt e com)ort when the )ee in5 isn<t mutua 8 She sat throu5h about an hour o) mediocre con6ersation and three co))ees be)ore standin5 u* to once a5ain sha4e his itt e hands8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'J( -she ca s christo*he at some *oint to te him about the date, but he te s her not to 5et discoura5ed8 --chris te s her to meet him at the restaurant )or dessert and they chat8 Mirst she 5oes home and 5ets her moms su**er etc88 -------------This is the second time at the restaurant V went with casey in cha*ter D Christo*he had in6ited Sasha to meet him at !amboo a)ter wor48 :e wanted a the 3uicy detai s o) her 6ery )irst internet date8 Sasha arri6ed to a 9uieted down 6ersion o) the norma y 6ibrant y a i6e restaurant8 The i5hts were ow, so)t music * ayed in the bac45round8 En y a tric4 in5 o) sta)) sti in5ered8

2ost o) the tab es had been c eaned and *re**ed )or the ne;t day, e;ce*t )or two8 Ene where a )ew waiters sat di6idin5 u* their ti*s, and another where Christo*he sat *ensi6e y starin5 at the menu8 Christo*he wa6ed her o6er8 You oo4 5oodN So do you8 And he did8 Christo*he was a man who s*ared no e;*ense in the wardrobe de*artment8 So, you<re sti a i6e, at east that means the 5uy wasn<t an a;e murder8 FSery )unny8G FI can<t wait to hear a o) the detai s8 !ut )irst, I *re*ared somethin5 s*ecia )or you8G FEooh, I can<t wait to see what it is8G #hate6er it was, she 4new it wou d be 5ood8 FI need somethin5 sweet to remo6e the bad taste that the date e)t in my mouth8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'J= FC<mon, it cou dn<t ha6e been that bad8G F#e , it wasn<t horrib e, 3ust a disa**ointment8G FThat, I can understand8 You ha6e no idea how many disa**ointin5 dates I went on be)ore I met Anna8G F#e , I don<t 4now i) I ha6e the same stamina you ha6e8G FTrust me, this wi ma4e e6erythin5 better8G :e si5na ed to a waiter, who *rom*t y ushered o6er with two beauti)u y decorated * ates8 Kustin5 o) coco and icin5 su5ar car*eted the * ate8 In the A storm o) coco dust decorated the * ate and in the midd e, sat the *er)ect *ieced o) Tiramisu8 FIs thatIF FYes it is8G :e too4 a dee* breath )or dramatic e))ect8 F2y )amous Tiramisu, recreated to *er)ection8G I )ina y 5et to try the ca4e that 5ot you a tic4et to %e *romenade 5ourmand8G Sasha * ay)u y too4 her time8 S ow y s icin5 throu5h the moist ayers, swee*in5 a *ath throu5h the coco dustin58 She s ow y s id it in her mouth, c osed her eyes and sa6oured it unti it me ted away in her mouth8 F2mm88G, she moaned8 She oo4ed at Christo*he8 FI thin4 I 3ust had an or5asm8G She said ca m y8 Christo*he burst out au5hin5, and started c a**in58 FI to d you it was 5ood ehHG FIt<s ama7in58 You ha6e to 5i6e me this reci*eNG :e 3ust smi ed and shoo4 his head8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'J0 FNow you see, i) the 5uy I met cou d ma4e ca4e i4e this then nothin5 e se wou d matterNG F:ey, I<m the one who made this ca4e and you sti didn<t want to 5o out with me8GH F#e , I didn<t 4now you cou d ma4e ca4e i4e this bac4 then8G FSo te me, what was so bad about this 5uyHG :e was a nice 5uy, but abso ute y no chemistry8 It<s so )unny how on *a*er someone can seem i4e such a 5reat catch, but in *erson it<s a who e other storyG FI 4now what you mean8G F:is *icture was more attracti6e than he was in *erson8 And anther thin5, he had these itt e hands8G FSoHG F#hat do you mean @soH< :is hands were *ractica y sma er than mine8G FSo, who caresH Koes that matterHG FE) course it mattersNG :e oo4ed down at his own hands8 FEhTso that<s why you ne6er wanted to 5o out with me eh, my hands weren<t bi5 enou5hNG :e he d u* his hand )acin5 his *a m to Sasha 8 She brou5ht her hand to meet his8 It )it neat y in the center , her outstretched )in5ers not ab e to reach his )in5er ti*s8 F#e at east it<s bi55er than mine8G She said sarcastica y8

FSo, a*art )rom his ac4 o) ade9uate hand si7e, was he a nice 5uy at eastHG FYa, but not my ty*e, and there was 7ero chemistry, es*ecia y because o) the sma hand issue8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'J1 FI can<t be ie6e you8 You 4now, contrary to *o*u ar be ie), sma hands doesn<t necessari y mean a sma member8 I) you 4now what I mean8 ,ust as4 Anna8G :e 5rinned *roud y8 Sasha au5hed8 That<s not why his hands turned me o))N It<s because I i4e it when a 5uy ho ds my hands and they<re bi5 and mascu ine, it ma4es me )ee )eminine and de icate8 So what you<re sayin5 is bi5 hands are a measure o) mascu inity8 Yeah, somethin5 i4e that8 FI don<t ha6e the ar5est hands, but I<m mascu ine8G Sasha oo4ed at him, ob6ious y ho din5 bac4 a smi e8 She 9uic4 y stu))ed some more ca4e into her mouth, sti cho4in5 bac4 a au5h8

F#ou d it 4i you to 5i6e me a com* imentHG F#hat are you ta 4in5 aboutH I to d you your Tiramisu 5a6e me an or5asmNG Sasha de6oured the ast o) her ca4e8 Seein5 this, Christo*he automatica y s id the remainder o) his ca4e in )ront o) her8 F#e , at east that<s somethin58 :ow many men can say they ha6e 5i6en a woman an or5asm without e6en touchin5 her8G FE;act yNG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'JD Serious y Sasha, 5i6e it a )ew more tries be)ore condemnin58 This was your )irst time, you ne6er 4now, the ne;t one mi5ht ha6e bi5 handsN I @ thin4 about it8

Cha*ter '0 + Kate ^(&"embrandt

She thou5ht about it8 And a wee4 ater she )ound herse ) schedu in5 another date8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'JJ :er mom starts to do worse, that<s< why she 3ust wants to stay in and chat instead o) wastin5 her time on dates8

Sasha decided to ta4e Christo*h<s ad6ice ad try a5ain A wee4 ater, she )ound herse ) schedu in5 another date8

She wou d be meetin5 ?re5 on Tuesday )or co))ee8 ?re5 was a )inancia ana yst, oo4in5 )or )riendshi* and maybe more8 :e didn<t say anythin5 earth shatterin5 in his *ro)i e, but he did ha6e a 6ery attracti6e *ro)i e *icture8 Sasha on y ho*ed that this time the rea i)e 6ersion didn<t stray too )ar )rom the *hoto8 Eccasion ?re5 was actua y the one that chose the ocation8 A * ace ca ed Mu7ion8 In the 6i a5e *ortion o) the downtown area8 She had dri6en throu5h the area once or twice, but she had ne6er noticed the bistro8 The area was com*rised most y o) students and youn5 *ro)essiona s and cor*orate adder c imbers8 %ater that wee4 she ca s him to te him to *ic4 u* his *ay and ea6e the 4eys8 :e 5oes to 5o *ic4 u* his *ay and ea6e the 4eys V This is the day he 5oes to meet date number two8 She ea6es ri5ht a)ter wor4 and doub e chec4s the address on ine be)ore she ea6es and accident y ea6es the com*uter on Xsomeone come to the door when she<s in the midd e o) chec4in5 V this distracts her and she )or5ets about it8 the this is when he see the com*uter e)t on8 V he *ur*ose y went ear y that day to try to ta 4 to her, but she is a ready 5one Xit is 9uarter to )i6eY

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'JSash 5 anced at the c oc4 an;ious y, her stomach doin5 ) i* ) o*s8 She subconscious y crossed her )in5ers that this 5uy wou d be better than the ast, but she didn<t want to 5et her ho*es u*8 She 5 anced out the widow, the streets *re6ious y teemin5 with sho**ers had now s owed to a7 tric4 e8 She 9uic4 y darted into the bac4 to ta4e one ast 5 ance at the 5uys *icture to remind herse ) why she had a5reed to meet him in the )irst * ace8 And he seemed rea y inte i5ent ant articu ate e in his other emai s8 her subconscious y crossed )in5ers now twisted into a not as their meetrin5 time a**roached8 She

Eh yeah, he was su*er hot she sudden y remembered when his *icture *o**ed u* on screen8 She was be5innin5 to re5ret not 5oin5 home to chan5e )irst, but a)ter *uttin5 in so much e))ort the ast time, )or abso ute y nothin5, she decided to 3ust 4ee* it casua this time8 !esides she sti oo4ed *retty )etchin5 in her tan Ca*ri<s and white button down camiso e8 And i) he was trhe ri5ht man )or her he wou d be more interested in her *ersona ity than her c othes anyway8 She a** ied some i* 5 oss, )ace *owder and s*rit7ed herse ) with a dose o) her )a6orite *er)ume8 The )ami iar sound o) the sho* be stirred her )rom her re6erie8 KamnN She 5 anced at the c oc4, it was 9uarter to )i6e, her schedu ed de*arture time8 KamnN she shou d ha6e ) i**ed the si5n o6er ear ier8 She emer5ed )rom the 4itchen a smi es to 5reet a )ami y o) )i6e who had come to *ic4 u* somethin5 s*ecia )or dessert ,, Sasha waited *atient y watchin5 the hands o) the c oc4 out o) the corner o) her eye8 !y the time they had )ina y sett ed on a choice e6eryone cou d a5ree with it was )i6e a)ter )i6e8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'JL Sasha 5rabbed her *urse, too4 a 9uic4 oo4 in the mirror and darted *ut the door an;ious y8

She meets him at D/=. V ri5ht a)ter wor4 V she didn<t bother to *ut as much e))ort in this time V to 5o home and chan5e8

The bistro was on the corner o) an intersection8 It didnAt oo4 i4e a traditiona bistro8 The e;terior was made o) some sort o) )au; meta ic materia 8 It reminded Sasha o) the side o) a subway car8 The subway theme continued inside8 The seats were cream co ored 6iny , made to oo4 i4e eather8 There were more booths than tab e and chair seatin58 Sasha oo4in5 around, ho*in5 to )ind a nice sec uded booth near a window8 As she stood in the )oyer oo4in5 around the room, the door o*ened behind her as another *atron entered8 She 5 anced around to )ind a ta broad shou dered man wearin5 a on5 b ac4 tweed coat, a business suit and sun5 asses8 She immediate y turned abac4 around, and )e t her )ace ) ush8 She thou5ht it oo4ed i4e crai5, but she didnAt 5et a on5 enou5h oo48 Shou d she turn around and as4 whether or not he was crai5, but what i) he wasnAt then it wou d be ob6ious she was on a b ind date8 Then a5ain, she cou d be on a 3ob inter6iew or somethin5, that seemed i4e a o5ica e;* anation )or as4in5 a com* ete stran5er his name8 She too4 a dee* breath, turned around and too4 a better oo48 Throu5h his sun5 asses, she cou dn<t te i) he was oo4in5 bac4 at her or oo4in5 )or a tab e8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '-. F:i, are you ?re5HG she b urted out8 FSashaHG Ye*8 at her, a sma indent a**eared on his chee4 :er heart instant y 3um*ed at the *ros*ect be)ore her8 Chanti yH Sasha, she smi ed !rian, he too4 her hand co6erin5 it with both o) his, nice to )ina y meet you You too8 :e sme ed as 5ood as he oo4ed, Sasha cou dn<t ho d bac4 her smi e Perha*s Christo*he was ri5ht8 Perha*s there rea y was ho*e o) )indin5 mr ri5ht on ine, it was 3ust a matter o) weedin5 out the undesireab es The con6ersatioin ) owed easi y ZZ :is hands were suited )or ho din5 cham*a5ne 5 asses and s ee4 si 6er *ens8 They were on5 and wiry, wee4 by a abourers standards, but *ower)u in the wor d o) con5 omerates and cor*orations8 :ad she not been studyin5 his hands so intent y, she mi5ht not ha6e noticed the e6er so )aint trace that cou d easi y be missed in the 5 are o) the i5ht8 The thin *a e ine that encirc ed his rin5 )in5er8 F:a6e you e6er been marriedHG she as4ed, ho*in5 that his res*onse wou d be yes, recent y di6orced, [ :e *aused a moment, a moment too on58 No8 ha6e youHQ No8 Sasha turned co d8 :er sus*icions risin58 She sensed that he wasn< tbein5 entire y truth)u , and she determined that she wou d ne6er 4now the truth, and had no interest in stic4in5 around to )ind out8 ZZ The * ace wasn<t too crowded ,but sasha ho*ed des*erate y that no one had o6erheard their e;chan5e8 Sasha )e t that her ner6ousness wou d be ob6ious to any on oo4ers8 :e stuc4 out his hand, instant y she breathed a si5h i) re ie)8 :e had nice hands8 She had studied them c ose y on his *ro)i e *icture where he was sittin5 on to* o) a motorcyc e8 Mrom the way he 5ri**ed the hand e bars she cou d te that his hands were ar5e8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '-' %et<s 5rab a seat8 :e ed her o6er to a 9uiet booth in the corner by the window,which, ironica y was the one she had decided on much ear ier8 FSo, come here o)tenHG he 3o4ed :a )way throu5h their co))ee sasha noticed that he had sti not remo6ed his shades8 There was a bit o) a 5 are )rom the window, but not too much8 You oo4 much better in *erson than you do on your *ro)i e8 Than4s, I 5uess8 It was 4ind o) a doub e entendre com* iment8 It<s a com* iment, trust me, not that you didn<t oo4 5ood on your *ro)i e, otherwise I wou dn<t e6en be here, but now that I 5et to see you, it<s better than I e;*ected8 #hat about me, do I oo4 i4e I do on my *ro)i eH #as he )ishin5 )or a com* imentH :e was 6ery attracti6e, but not sasha<s usua ty*e8 :e was a itt e too s ic48 S ic4 e;teriors, o)ten meant s ic4 interiors8 Ta4e o)) your shades so I can 5et a 5ood oo48 :e too4 o)) his shades, re6ea in5 i5ht brown eyes8 :e b in4ed at her ) irtatious y )or a moment then instant y *ut them bac4 on8 Is the i5ht botherin5 youH, because we cou d mo6e8 No, I<m )ine E48 Sasha didn<t want to mention his shades a5ain8 Come to thin4 o) it he was wearin5 shades in his *ro)i e *ictures too88 Sasha sus*ected that his shades were *art o) his oo4 o) the day8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '-( A)ter he )inished his drin4 he oo4ed at his watch8 I wou d o6e to stay on5er, but un)ortunate y I ha6e a meetin5 to 5et to8 %uc4i y I wor4 = b oc4s )rom here8 !ut isten, I wou d o6e to see you a5ain8 #hat are you doin5 ater toni5htH Toni5htN Sasha )ound the who e thin5 to be mo6in5 too )ast8 I 3ust bou5ht one o) the :yat street condos8 The 6iew is awesome, you 5et a 5reat 6iew o) the city without a the noise8 It wi 5i6e us a chance to 5et to 4now each other better, Toni5ht is not 5ood )or me8 I< emai you8 It was o6e y to meet you8 :e cu**ed her hand between both o) his man hands, then eaned in and 5a6e her a 4iss on the chee48 %oo4in5 )orward to hearin5 )rom you8 It )e t i4e Sasha did actua y 3ust ha6e a 3ob inter6iew8 A**arent y she 5ot the 3ob, the 3ob bein5, 5oin5 bac4 to his * ace and bein5 his * aythin5 )or the ni5ht8 That was it, she went home and decided internet datin5 was not )or her8 c She cre*t inside as 9uiet y as *ossib e ho*n5 not to wa4e her mother8 #hen she ) ic4ed on the ha way i5ht she saw her mother )ast as ee* on the couch She 5uide her bac4 to her room )ee in5 5ui ty )or ha6inb5 e)t her inb the )irst * ace8 #hat a com* ete waste o) an e6enin5 she thou5ht, annoyance at Christo*he rose to the sur)ace8 I) it hadn<t been so ate she wou d ha6e ca ed him and b asted him )or e6er settin5 her u* on the site8 Instead she )ired o)) an emai to him8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '-= /i Chris, $ate 01, bigger hands but bad personality- This is not (or "e- Call you to"orro&-

Ne;t on her to do ist was to remo6e herse ) )rom the site a to5ether8 Sasha scanned the screen )or the words, de ete, remo6e, cance , anythin5 that wou d resu t in 5ettin5 rid o) her account8 #hen a messa5e bo; *o**ed u* obstructin5 her 6iew she became irritated8 "embrandt says/Z :e o Chanti y She cou d ha6e sworn that she had turned o)) the instant messa5in5 )eature the ast time she was on8 At this *oint it didn<t matter anyway8 In a )ew minutes her account wou d no on5er e;ist8 She c osed the *o* u* bo; and resumed *o4in5 around ho*in5 to )ind an ob6ious button mar4ed @Cance Account<, but no such uc48 ,ust i4e her *hone * an, si5nin5 u* was sim* e, but cance in5 your account is near im*ossib e8

'st chat A5ain a *o* u* bo;8 "embrandt says/Z Chanti yTThe aceH The Chateau or the Kessert creamH Sasha creased her brow8 That<s interestin5 she thou5ht8 That he wou d 4now Chanti y the dessert cream and not 3ust assume she was re)errin5 to the ace i4e a o) the other men on the site8 And a chateau, e6en she hadn<t heard o) the chateau8 "embrandt says/Z Are you thereH

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '-0 Thou5h her instinct to d her to i5nore his messa5es, her brain be55ed )or a brea4 as her )rustration mounted8 #hy not she decided as she hit re *y8 Chanti y says/Z There<s a ChateauH "embrandt says/Z Yes, in Mrance8 "embrandt says/Z I 5uess I can cross that one o)) Eh he<s a smi e-)ace 5uy Sasha smir4ed8 She had encountered enou5h smi ey-)aced 5uys on the site to 4now to be weiry8 They were the ty*e that thou5ht they cou d s i* anythin5 into a con6ersation as on5 as it had a smi ey )ace on the end o) it8 So how bi5 are your titsH #hat<s your )a6orite se;ua *ositionH 2y )riends ca me !I? Ed8 Ye*, she had seen it a , with a smi ey )ace attached, and 9uite )ran4 y didn<t care to see anymore8 "embrandt says/Z So is it the dessert cream or the aceH Er is it your rea nameH Sasha au5hed at the idea o) her rea name bein5 Chanti y, and une;*ected y the tension in her body re a;ed8 "embrandt says/Z Are you thereH Chanti y says/Zyes "embrandt says/Z I<m 5oin5 to ta4e a 5uess8 Sasha )ocused inn on the b in4in5 cursor, sure that the word lace wou d a**ear at any moment8 "embrandt says/Z Is it the creamH

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '-1 Sasha<s brows raised, a thou5h the odds were *retty easy his res*onse sti came as a sur*rise8 Chanti y says/Z You<re ri5ht, 5ood 5uess8 "embrandt says/Z I o6e the cream8 A so your *ro)i e says you wor4 in the *astry industry, so it was an educated 5uess8 There was that smi ey )ace a5ain8 Sasha o)ten wondered i) *eo* e who used smi ey )aces so ibera y on ine, actua y smi ed that much in *erson8 "embrandt says/Z I ha6e a so been to the chateau in Paris, and the ace, we T /ere &e go, the sexual innuendo, cle2erly punctuated &ith a s"iley (ace"embrandt says/Z I i4e your *ro)i e, and your *icture8 You are 6ery beauti)u 8 That damned *ro)i e8 Sasha sometimes )or5ot that her )ace was u* on dis* ay )or *ub ic 6iewin58 Another reason why she wanted to de ete her account8 At east he had ta4en the time to actua y read her *ro)i e be)ore contactin5 her which was more than cou d be said o) the ma3ority o) men she had chatted with in the *ast8 Chanti y says/Z Than4 you8 A sudden im*u se dri6en by curiosity ur5ed her to chec4 out his *ro)i e8 Sasha 9uic4 y 3um*ed )rom the administrati6e *a5e to his *ro)i e *a5e8 To Sasha<s disa**ointment it re6ea ed itt e more about him than she a ready 4new8 :e had not *osted a *icture and had e)t the ma3ority o) the 9uestions b an48 "embrandt says/Z :a6e you been on the site on5H Sasha stared at the b in4in5 cursor hesitant y8 She didn<t want to become ensnared in yet another unwanted con6ersation which was an easy tra* to )a into on the site8 A she wanted to do was de ete her account8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '-D "embrandt says/Z I ha6en<t8 That e;* ained the s*arse *ro)i e8 "embrandt says/Z Are you thereH $ont bother ans&ering is what her mind was te in5 her, but in5rained *o iteness )orced her hand8 Chanti y says/Z Yes8 As a matter o) )act I am current y tryin5 to 5et o)) o) the site8 Ko you 4now how to de ete an accountH "embrandt says/Z #hy do you want to de ete your accountH Chanti y says/Z I chan5ed my mind about this who e thin58 "embrandt says/Z "ea yH Not a 5ood e;*erienceH Chanti y says/Z Somethin5 i4e that8 "embrandt says/Z Eh that<s too bad , we were 3ust 5ettin5 to 4now each other, and you semed so nice8 :ow he cou d *ossib y te that she was nice )rom a two minute con6ersation, Sasha had no idea8 I) there was one thin5 she hated more than se;ua come-ons, it was su*er)icia com* iments, which she i5n>ored e9ua y8 Chanti y says So do you 4now how to de ete an accountH "embrandt says/Z I don<t 4now how8 Sorry Xnot rea y Y I<m new to the site8 I<m not sure how on5 I wi be on either, but so )ar I am not im*ressed8 "embrandt says/Z The )irst *erson I s*ea4 to on the site and she<s ea6in58 She wanted to te him, it<s not you, it<s me8 Kon<t et my e;*erience a))ect your o*inion o) the site8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '-J 2y c ose )riend )ound true o6e here8 !ut not youH Not e6en c ose

Kon<t 5i6e u* It was too ate )or that Sasha thou5ht with a bitter taste in her mouth, es*ecia y a)ter the ni5ht she had had8 I wou d ha6e i4ed to 5et to 4now you better8

Sasha did not want to 5o down the road the con6ersation was ta4in5 her8 she had been down that )ar too many times in the ast )ew wee4s8 And it a ways ended at the same im*ass, do you want to meetH This time she a ready 4new the answer be)ore the 9uestion was 5i6en a chance to be as4ed8 And the answer was a resoundin5 no8 she decided to *ut an abru*t end to their con6ersation8 A thou5h she wou d h6e o6ed to 3ust c ic4 ; and ma4e him disa**ear, her en5rained *o iteness )orced her to show some common courtesy8

Than4 you8 I<m sorry but I ha6e to 5et 5oin58 She had a ready wasted too much time tryin5 to end the con6ersation8

It was nice ta 4in5 to you8 I ho*e you meet someone nice on here

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '-I ha6e a ready met someone nice 8 She considered )or a ) eetin5 moment the *ossibi ity o) 5oin5 bac4 in one more time8 Ssthen 9uic4 y dismissed the idea, remindin5 herse ) that they a seem nice and norma at )irst, but when they ste**ed )rom behind the com*uter, it was an entire y di))erent story8 I) he wou d ha6e *o**ed u* two wee4s a5o when Sasha was a bri5ht eyed newbie, he wou d ha6e de)inite y made her short ist8 There was somethin5 re)reshin5 about him8 he was courteous, i4e most, but his words seemed to ac4 the e6er so subt e trace o) se;ua ea5erness that she had come to reco5ni7e o6er the *ast )ew wee4s8 Are you thereH Sasha didn<t rea y want to res*ond8 She wou d ne6er 5et out o) the con6ersation i) she did8 #e , I tried8 It was nice ta 4in5 to you8 #ou d ha6e been nice to ta 4 more8 I 5uess i) i don<t see you on the site tomorrow then it means you were success)u in de etin5 your account8 I ho*e you chan5e your mind That<s hi5h y un i4e y Sasha thou5ht to herse )8 She c osed the com*uter without res*ondin58 Tomorrow she wou d )i5ure out the who e de etin5 thin5, or more i4e y 5et Chris to do it since he was the one that 5ot her into the entire mess to be5in with8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & '-L Cha*ter '1 + )inds 4eys&note )rom 2 & #hen she wa 4ed into the sho* the ne;t day, did sdhe rea i7e that she had e)t it in disarray rushin5 out to her atest disa**ointin5 date8 She had not wi*ed down the counters or strai5tened the ch7irs8 #hen she 5 anced at the counter she rea i7ed that it had an en6e o*e that she didn<t remember ea6in5 there8 In the en6e o*e were the 4eys to the 6an and the sho*, and a note )rom 2i5ue 8 I am 6ery sorry Sasha8 I am sorry about your mom8 I wou d i4e to see you8 Can we ta 4H --2i5ue

In her scurry to 5et to her disa**ointin5 date she had )ai ed to remember that he was su**osed to return the 4eys8 ---ne;t day she 5oesw into the sho* and )inds the 4eys and a note )rom 2i5ue 8

She *ic4ed u* the 4eys and crum* ed u* the note8 She was sorry too8 Sorry that she had e6er met him, sorry that she had e6er hired him, and most o) a she was sorry that she had e6er et herse ) entertain the thou5ht that there cou d e6er be anythin5 between them8 She oo4ed down at the 4eys she he d in her hand, unconscious y caressin5 them The numerous times 2i5ue he d those 6ery 4eys, tuc4ed them in his shirt *oc4et c ose to his chest or stu))ed them in the )ront *oc4et o) his 3eans c ose to his-Sasha 9uic4 y sto**ed herse ) in her trac4s, tears we in5 u* in her eyes8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'L. :ow cou d she ha6e been so stu*id8

She had e)t Christo*he a messa5e about remo6in5 her account but he sti hadn<t 5otten bac4 to her8 The ne;t e6enin5, she returned to her )ami iar e6enin5 routine o) 5ettin5 out her a*to* ad a co))ee8 And 5ettin5 ready to chec4 her emai 8

#hen she o55ed on she saw that Chris had not remo6ed her account8 &&6e)ri)y when she as4s Chris to remo6e acct - in cha* 'J she 5ets an emai )rom Chris s ayin5 he was out o) town etcT ] instructions on de etin5 acct8 Christo*he said he wou d ta4e care o) itr )or her when he 5ot a chanc, whene6er that wou d be8 In the meantime, she 3ust wanted to remo6eher *icture andherse ) )rom o5 in5 eyes8 s This time se wou dn<t e6en bother to oo4 at her emai s she to d herse ), she wou d 3ust 5et on )i5ure out the de ete thin5 and )ind a new hobby to occu*y her e6enin5s8 She o55ed into her account8 Mi)teen emai s, oo4s i4e it was another busy day )or horny 5uys she thou5ht bias y8

(nd chat - he sends *ic o) chateau they chat )or = hours ?rud5in5 y she 5 anced at the ist o) emai s8 amon5st the names i4e we hun5DL and bi5boy01 stood out the name "embrandt8 :e had sent her an emai and it had a *a*er c i* net to it, indicatin5 that there was an attachment8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'L' #ith the antici*ation o) a chi d on chrismas mornin5, Sasha 9uic4 y manoe6ered to his emai and c ic4ed on the attachment8 Thou5h she hated to admit it, a dim 5 immer o) ho*e ined the bottom o) Sasha<s be y8 she be5an to bar5ain with herse ) whi e she waited )or the attachment to o*en8 I) he was attracti6e, then maybe she wou d consider 3ust one date, she to d herse )8 #hen the ima5e a**eared on the screen Sasha<s mouth dro**ed o*en in disa**ointment8 It wasn<t a *icture o) him at a , it was a *icture o) a chateau8

To; <Chantilly> From; <Rembrandt>

Hi Chantilly, if you are reading this then I hope it means that you have changed your mind about deleting your account If you have never seen it, I have attached a picture of the chateau Chantilly in France I really en!oyed our chat yesterday better I "ould love to get to #no" you

A man practices the art of adventure when he breaks the chain of routine and renews his life through reading new books, traveling to new places and making new friends. Wilfred Peterson

Hoping to have made a new friend


[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'L( :is emai e)t her e6en more dumb)ounded than the disa**ointin5 *icture8 It was actua y nice8 :e actua y seemed nice, and inte i5ent, and inte ectua , and most sur*risin5 y didn<t seem to be a)ter se;8 2aybe he was 3ust better at dis5uisin5 his intentions than other men8 She wasn<t sure what to thin48 #ho was this 5uy and what did he want Sasha wondered *er* e;8 #hy wou d he send a *icture o) a chateau instead o) his coc4 i4e ha ) o) the other 5uys on the site8 No, I can<t 5o there she shoo4 her head as the )ami iar e;*ectant ho*e)u )ee in5 be5an to sur)ace8 She ta**ed on the 4eyboard i5ht y wa6erin5 o6er her decision8 I< 3us t send him a than4 you emai and that<s it, a)tera he too4 the time to send me the *hoto8 :i "embrandt,she be5an Thann4 you )or the beauti)u *hoto8 I ha6e ne6er been to Paris, but-A bo; *o*s u* on screen8 "embrandtZ :e o Chanti y8 #ou d you i4e to chatH Shit, she ne6er )i5ured out how to shut o)) that instant messa5in5 thin58 Chic4ma5net saysZ he o Chanti y S y)o;DL says he o chanti y, chec4 out my *ic8 Eh 5od i<6e 5ot to 5et o)) o) this site she thou5ht8 FEh my 5od, he<s on ine,G she thou5ht8 FAnd he 4nows I<m on ine8G She 9uic4 y rea i7ed that her *anic was un)ounded8 A)ter a , she didn<t ha6e to res*ond8 !ut she did8 She c ic4ed on "embrandt name which brin5s u* a se*arate bo;8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'L= Chanti y says :i :i, so you<re sti on I see Yes but not de iberate y8 I 5ot your emai 8 Than4 you )or the *ic8, it was 6ery beauti)u 8 I was 3ust sendin5 you an emai Eh *erha*s i shou d ha6e waited Then i was 5oin5 to de ete my *ro)i e Eh8 I see I ha6en<t mana5ed to sway your decision8 On)ortunate y not8 "embrandt says/Z Can I as4 you a 9uestionH Sure !ut I can<t *romise to answer it she wanted to add8 "embrandt says/Z #hat are you oo4in5 )orH "embrandt says/Z En this siteH "embrandt says/Z In a manH #owN that was une;*ected and bewi derin58 E6en i) it had been e;*ected she wou d ha6e sti been bewi dered8 #hat was she su**osed to say to that 9uestion8 Mor starters she wasn<t e6en saure she 4new what she wanted in a man8 was oo4in5 )or in a man Ta dar4 and handsome I am ta ish,dar4ish, handsomish You sound *er)ect

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'L0 I) she had a *icture o) him she wou d 4now i) any o) that was actua y true8 SoH :e rea y w #e i4e my *ro)i e says )riendshi* and maybe more, but )riendshi* is )oremost8

I a5ree, that<s what I want too8 So why can<t we be )riendsH I to d you I was 5oin5 o)) the site !ut you<re sti on Not )or on58 E4 Mine, but whi e you<re sti on can we ta 4H As )riendsH #e<re ta 4in5 now Two can * ay the smartass 5ame Sarcastic, I i4e it8 ZZZshe thin4s about whether or not to continue the con6o and decides to as4 him a )ew 9uestions So what about youH #hy are you on the site and not out cruisin5 the bars I<m not a bar cruisin5 4ind o) 5uy8 I don<t thin4 I wi )ind the ty*e o) woman I am oo4in5 )or in a bar8 And what ty*e wou d that beH Ene who ba4es *astries, i4es to 5o dancin5, doesn<t smo4e, wou d i4e to ha6e a )ami y one dayT :e shame ess y re5ur5itated the aundry ist o) )ie ds Sasha had tic4ed o)) in her *ro)i e8 You<re )unny

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'L1 like that-

Their con6ersation continued )or hours unti midni5ht etcTshe does not as4 )or a *ic this time at the end o) the ne;t con6o8

I ha6e been there many times Is that why ou chose the name rmbrandtH E r is that your rea nameH she returned his ismi ey )ace8 %o no, it is not my rea name8 i 3ust o6e art8 Are you an artistH I dea in art a bit8 I *aint )or * easure8 #hat about youH She ta**ed the 4eyboard i5ht y touchin5 the 4eys, but not ty*in58 She rea y did not wnt to5et into yet another con6ersation with a *redictab e outcome8 She rea y 3ust wanted to than4 him )or the *icture8 At east that<s what she to d herse )8 I don<t *aint #hat do you doH She was at an im*ass X)or4 in the roadY a5ain8 I<m a *astry che)8 Kessert is my wea4ess8 Es*ecia y Chanti y cream Sasha cou dn<t he * but au5h8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'LD --e aborate on this con6ersation--------------------she as4s )or *ic in =rd con6oH - or insert another con6o here on another ni5htwhere she as4s )or *ic

!e)ore she 4new it it was midni5ht It was so nice ta 4in5 And you I ho*e i ha6e con6inced you not to ea6e the site They chatted )or what seemed i4e an hour, but when Sasha oo4ed at the c oc4 it was a ready mind i5ht, = hours had 5one by8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'LJ

Cha*ter 'D + 2i5ue ca s +more "embrandt Sasha sti )e t a itt e )o55y when she dra55ed herse ) to the sho*the en;t mornin58 She norma y didn<t stay u* ate durin5 the wee4 es*ecia y 4nowin5 that she wou d ha6e to 5et u* ear y nto tend to her mother8 on to* o) that, she hadn<t done that much ty*in5 since co e5e8 :er mind was tired8 She hadn<t ta 4ed about so many to*ics in one ni5ht since the days when her and Casey had time to sit in a co))ee sho* )or 1 hours8 And there was 3ames, in the ear y days when they wou d s*end hours on the *hone ate at ni5ht8 A thou5h 3ames ran5e o) con6ersation was not as broad as this 5uy and his contained numerous se;ua connotations un i4e ", which Sasha )ound re)reshin58 They ta 4 aboutTT8 :e hadn<t as4ed about meetin5 She was en3oyin5 the anonymity o) their )riendshi*8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'LNe;t day8 2i5ue ca s her at the sho*8 2i5ue , she tries to hide her sur*rise, but meanwhi e her heart is in her throat

Sasha heard the )ami iar The moment she o*ened the door as i) on 9ueue the sho* *hone ran58 She mo6ed aw4ward y 9uic4 y to the counter to *ut down the bo;es o) su** ies8 She mana5ed to catch the *hone on the third rin58 A e;anders *astry :i Sasha :i It<s mi5ue I 4now8 :ow are youH I<m )ine8 YouH ?ood8 Than4 you )or dro**in5 o)) the 4eys8 I miss you :er heart s4i**ed a beat, did he say what she thou5ht he said8 his accent combined with the ow tone o) his 6oice was dece*ti6e8 #hatH I missed you yesterday8 I came ear y but you were a ready 5one8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 'LL Eh, ya8 Kid you 5et my noteH Ye* :ow is your momH She<s doin5 better8 I<m 5 ad to hear that8 :ow aboutH :a6e you been o4H Ya, 3ust busy you 4now, wor4in5 and ta4in5 care o) my mom8 ?ior5io to d me his ne*hew is he *in5 you out now8 That<s 5ood )or you8 Ya it<s been wor4in5 out *retty we 8 %isten Sasha, I rea y want to te you how sorry I am8 2i5ue , now is not a 5ood time )or me8 I 3ust wa 4ed in the door, and it<s a ready a)ter Nine so I shou d rea y 5et 5oin58 #hen can I ca you bac4H 3e2er, she wanted to say8 She didn<t want to ta 4 to him8 Not about anythin58 She was embarrassed by the way she had o6erreacted that ni5ht8 And by the way she had so ob6ious y usted a)ter him )or months and by the way her stomach turned into a boy scout 4not when she heard a 5ir s 6oice in the bac45round8 That was a )ee in5 she did not we come a5ain8 The who e thin5 was 3ust embarrassin58

I thin4 it<s *robab y best i) we 3ust ea6e thin5s the way they are ri5ht now8 #hat does that meanH :is 6oice sudden y 5rew ouder and dee*er8 You don<t e6en want to ta 4 to meH

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (.. Admitted y :earin5 his 6oice reminded her o) how much she had wanted him8 she swa owed bac4 a um* in her throat that sti wanted him8 but ri5ht now88 Sasha what did I doH 2i5ue sorry, I<6e rea y 5ot to 5o8 Sasha wait8 There<s a customer standin5 in )ront o) me, sorry8 !ye8 She ied8 There was no one standin5 in )ront o) her8 En y her e5o8

Throu5hout the rest o) the day thou5hts o) 2i5ue see*ed throu5h the crac4s o) Sasha<s seemin5 y so id stone e;terior8 her snu55 in5 u* to his nec4, and 5rindin5 a5ainst him on the dance ) oor had been ) ashin5 throu5h her mind the entire day8 8 !y the end o) the day her mood was sour8 :er heart had a hea6y )ee in5 that wou dn<t 5o away8 She was an5ry with herse ), with him and with the who e stu*id situation8 She wished she had ne6er heard his 6oice8

:oney are you o4ayH %i y *ic4ed u* on her dau5hters mood the moment she entered the door8 I<m )ine mom, it<s 3ust been a rea y on5 day8 Are you sure that<s a it isH Ya, I<m 3ust a itt e tired that<s a 8 %et me ma4e you a cu* o) tea8 No, no I< do that, you 3u3st re a;8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (.' I<6e been re a;in5 a day, e6ery day, and 9uite )ran4 y it<s startin5 to 5et a itt e borin58 I<m not an in6a id you 4now, I can certain y sti ma4e my dau5hter a cu* o) tea8 Sasha saw a 5 im*se o) the o d %i y returnin58 She smi ed at nher mom and mouthed the words than4 you be)ore s ouchin5 down on the couch and *utti5 her )eet u*8 %i y brou5ht the tea and set it on the tab e ne;t ot sashsa8 So are you 5oin5 to te me what a o) this is about thenH I s*o4e to 2i5ue today, Sasha si5hed8 Eh I shou d ha6e 4nown8 #hy do you ha6e to say it i4e thatH You ha6en<t had a smi e on your )ace since you two sto**ed ta 4in58 And )or the i)e o) me I sti can<t )i5ure out why you a aren<t ta 4in5 to each other Its com* icated8 It<s on y com* icated i) you ma4e it com* icated honey8 #hy don<t you two 5o out )or a nice dinner or somethin5 and ha6e a on5 ta 48 You don<t ha6e to sit here and babysit me e6ery ni5ht you 4now8 :ow her mom cou d a ways see thin5s in such a sim* istic way, Sasha cou d ne6er understand8 I) on y it was that easy to 3ust ca him u* and say ets 5o )or a nice dinner, and ma5ica y e6erythin5 wou d be *er)ect8 :er stubbornness was one o) her most be o6ed 9ua ities8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (.( Sometimes distraction is the best medicine8 She turned on the com*uter and considered chattin5 to a tota stran5er instead o) de etin5 her account8 Mirst she chec4ed her emai - there was a messa5e )rom "embrandt,

=rd chat- she 5ets 3un5 9uote -end o) con6o as4s )o *ic She o*ens it 9uic4 y 4The "eeting o( t&o personalities is like the contact o( t&o che"ical substances5 i( there is a reaction, both are trans(or"ed-.

I really en3oyed our ta 4 ast ni5ht8 :ow about youH -"-----------------------------------------Interestin5 Sasha thou5ht8 She had en3oyed their con6ersation, thou5h she hated to admit it8 She wou dn<t say that she had been trans)ormed,but it was re)reshin58 :er i*s cur ed in reaction to the unwe come twin5e o) ho*e that stirred in her be y8 She re)used to et herse ) 5et carried away in the romanticism o) the idea o) this *er)ect stran5er, who, she had to remind herse ), she had yet to see a *icture o)8 :o*in5 to ha6e that *iece o) the *u77 e com* ete, she chec4ed his *ro)i e a5ain and a5ain was disa**ointed to see that he sti had not *osted a *icture o) himse )8 !ut she did see the itt e 5reen circ e ne;t to his name indicatin5 that he was on ine and ready to chat8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (.= Tem*tation itched at her )in5ers but uncertainty he d them bac48 She sat *ensi6e y starin5 at the b an4 ima5e and em*ty )ie ds that re*resented the man named "embrandt8 #hy hadn<t he *osted his *hoto yetH Er at east sent her one, i) he was as @interested< in her as he said he was8 A thou5h he intri5ued her, Sasha cou dn<t a ow herse ) to )ee anythin5 more than 5rowin5 sus*icion8 :er inner 6oice was te in5 her to )o ow her 5ut, and at the moment her 5ut was te in5 her to be weary8 :i Chanti y, I am on ine wou d you i4e to chatH -"-

etcT She contem* ates res*ondin5 to his emai e6en thou5h no m*ic - but he *o*s u* on ine whi e she is thin4in58 You ha6en<t been on ine, I ho*e e6erythin5 is o48 I wou d i4e to ta 4 to you a5ain8 A)ter recei6in5 this emai she is contem* atin5 ta 4in5 to him - he *o*s u* on ine She )i5ured out how to hide when she is on ine but she doesn<t 4now that he has a read recei*t on his emai s mto her ZZinsert con6o about how he a ways 4nows she is on ine8

"embrandt says/Z I thou5ht I scared you o))

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (.0 Are you thereH You didn<t scare me o)), I was distracted8 Thin4in58 AboutH :e o Chanti y &&mo6e this to =rd chat KamnN #as he a ways on ine she wonderedH And was he a ways chec4in5 to see i) she was on ineH Are you a ways on ineH No I 4now it must seem i4e it I<m not sta 4in5 you8 I 5et a messa5e when you o*en my emai That sounded a itt e sta 4er-ish to Sasha8 I i4e ta 4in5 to you8 !ut I don<t want to bother you8 A5ain a )or4 in the road8 You<re not botherin5 me8 I 3ust )ound it weird that you *o* u* on ine as soon as I do8 I don<t want to )rea4 you out8 #hatH Kid he 4now she was si5ned inH :ow did he 4now she was si5ned inH Sasha had 5i6en herse ) a *at on the bac4 when he )ina y )i5ured out how to turn o)) the )eature that a owed others to see when she was on ine8 !ut some how he seemed to 4now she was si5ned in, or was

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (.1 he 3ust 5ras*in5 at straws8 There was no way he cou d 4now )or sure that she was si5ned in she conc uded, which meant that she didn<t ha6e to res*ond8

Chanti y says he o "embrandt says/Z he o Kid you 4now that I was si5ned inH Yes :owH I 5et a messa5e when you o*en my emai Eh I) you *re)er - I wi contact me8 I<m 5 ad you acce*ted my o))er 6e too, she )e t, but wou dn<t say8 Kid you s ee* we Yes I did, youH Ene o) the best ni5hts I ha6e had in a on5 time8 I thou5h about our con6ersation a ot8 I wo4e u* with a smi e on my )ace8 So did I she wanted to say but wou dn<t8 she didn<t 4now what it was but there was somethin5 that transcended T8 Thou5h they were on y words on a screen there was somethin5 so 5enuine and com)ortin5 that came across8 ast ni5htH et you contact me i) you want to ta 4 - but I<m a)raid that you mi5ht ne6er

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (.D ZZthey ta 4 )or another = hours and then be)ore the end o) the co6o she as4s )or a *ic So )ar ta 4in5 = ni5hts in a row She needed to see the )ace behind the words, i) )or no other reason than to *re6ent herse ) )rom 5ettin5 attached to the ima5e o) the ?ree4 5od that had be5un to )orm in her mind8 I notice your *ro)i e doesn<t ha6e a *icture Er much in)ormation )i ed out8 As4 me anythin5 you want to 4now and I wi te you8 I don<t be ie6e you can rea y 5et to 4now much about a *erson throu5h a series o) *re-manu)actured 9uestions8 'hat about the picture) As )or the *icture, I ha6e many *hotos o) beauti)u andsca*es and e e5ant chateaus, but 6ery )ew o) myse )8 I wi send one as soon as I )ind a 5ood one8 E4, then how about a descri*tion o) yourse )H E4, i) you were to *ic4 an actor, who wou d you most say that you oo4 i4eH Ka6id :ass eho)) Is that a serious answerH #hy, don<t you thin4 he is attracti6eH =. years a5o maybe8 #hen you see my *icture you can te me what you thin48 And &hen &ill that be)

Anythin5 e se you want to 4nowH I<m thin4in58

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (.J She wasn<t sure whether or not she be ie6ed that he cou dn<t )ind a *icture o) himse )8 :e was on a datin5 site a)ter a 8 And he had an ad6anta5e, he 4new what she oo4ed i4e8 A )ami iar uneasiness churned in her stomach8

Chanti y says/Z I ha6e a ot o) *ersona thin5s 5oin5 on ri5ht now8 Chanti y says/Z I am 3ust oo4in5 )or )riendshi* I 5uess8 I) anythin58 Chanti y says/Z I don<t want to meet8 Chanti y says/Z ,ust chat8 There she said it8 She re eased a on5 breath she hadn<t e6en rea i7ed she was ho din5 in8 why was she so ner6ousH :e was a tota stran5er a)tera 8 That<s o4 I i4e chattin5 with you8 She added without thin4in58 #hat was she doin58 She wanted to discou ra5e him, not encoura5e him8 it was a ast minute * un5e commaded by her emotions8 It hit her une;*ected y8 Chattin5 with him had been such a breath o) )resh air8 A sma *art o) her didn<t want it to end8 Thou5h she hated to admit it t herse ), She was ho din5 on to a itt e *iece o) ho*e that he didn<t want it to end either8 I i4e out ta 4s too :e *ut a smi ey )ace, that<s a 5ood si5n, Sasha smi ed re ie6ed8 #e don<t ha6e to meet8 I don<t want our ta 4s to end8 I thin4 maybe I 3ust need someone to ta 4 to too8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (.-

a itt e )aster than usua 8 En a subconscious e6e , she was an;ious to see i) "embrandt wou d be on ine8 A)ter )i;in5 a sma dinner )or her mother and s*endin5 some time ta 4in5 about her day8 As ei5ht o<c oc4 a**roached, her mother started to do7e o))8

They e;chan5ed messa5es bac4 and )orth )or what seemed i4e an hour, but when Sasha oo4ed at the time, c ose to three hours had 5one by8 She cou dn<t be ie6e it8 The con6ersation had ) owed between them e))ort ess y8

:e ta 4ed about a ) the * aces he had tra6e ed to8 A)ter numerous s messa5es bac4 and )ourth, she earned that he was an art dea er, ne6er been married, i6ed on the other side o) town, and was on the site because he wasn<t meetin5 the ty*e o) women he wou d i4e to meet8 ----------------------------------------

She had to 5o tend to her mother8 They wou d o)ten ha6e a ni5ht ca* to5ether and watch the news8 She contem* ated te in5 him about her current situation with her mother, but she o*ted not to8 Instead, she sim* y to d him that she was 5oin5 to be8 E6en thou5h it was so nice ta 4in5 to him, she didn<t want to di6u 5e too much about herse )8 At this *oint she wasn<t e6en sure they wou d end u* s*ea4in5 a5ain8 Onti he res*onded to her 5oodni5ht messa5e with>

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (.L --*hi oso*hica 9uote FToday brou5ht a bree7e o) 3oy into my i)e, I can<t wait to see what tomorrow brin5s8G Sasha c osed her com*uter with a smi e on her )ace8

Cha*ter 'J +Casey is bac4 + They ta 4 about V"- V 'st time Cbccasey su55ests r cou d be antony #hat about that 4id you hiredH AntonyH No, I don<t see antony

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ('. &&wi *robab y remo6e - #hat had he meant by he needs someone to ta 4 to Sasha wondered8 The ni5hts that )o owed were *retty much a carbon co*y o) the )irst8 !y ei5ht E<c oc4 2om was in bed, Sasha snu55 ed u* with a b an4et and a stron5 cu* o) co))ee8 :e was a ways on ine waitin5 )or her, and he was a ways the )irst to say he o8 She sti had not recei6ed a *hoto o) him, and didn<t want to 4ee* as4in5 and somehow stran5e y it didn<t matter a that much - she had no intention o) meetin5 him, and he didn<t seem interested in 5oin5 down hat route either Each ni5ht they s ow y *ee ed bac4 a new ayer o) their i6es, and itt e by itt e, inched their way towards more intimate con6ersation8 On i4e with the ma3ority o) the 5uys on the site, se; had not been the )irst to*ic o) con6ersation8 In )act it had yet to come u*8 Sasha 4new that it was on y a matter o) time be)ore they entered that arena8 She )e t it in the under yin5 tone o) some o) his messa5es8 In the mean time she was en3oyin5 their con6ersations about e6erythin5 and anythin58 :e was witty and )unny at times8 Ether times dee* and *hi oso*hica 8 :e was a man that had tra6e ed a ot and seen a ot o) thin5s which was e6ident in his *onderin5s on i)e8 -------------------------------------------------------

--she as4ed r )or a *ic a )ew ni5hts ear ier the ni5ht be)ore8 Ta 4in5 to c - she ur5es her to 5et a *ic and *uts doubts in her mind8 Sasha ana y7es " ----------------

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ('' Sasha *re)erred the anonymity o) their )riendshi*8 She was not ready to ta4e it beyond the e6e that it was current y at8 At the moment, a she needed and wanted was a sym*athetic ear8 Seein5 him wou d *ossib y de) ated the romantici7ed ima5e o) him that she had created in her mind8 Part o) her en3oyed the mysterious nature o) the man behind the words8 Perha*s )or him it was the same8 :e seemed content to continue their con6ersations as they were8 Sasha decided that )or the time bein5 she wou d sim* y en3oy their ta 4s, and 5i6e no thou5hts to meetin5 him or seein5 him, or e6en ha6in5 a *hone con6ersation with him, which at one time she had considered8 She 4new that e6entua y the a ure o) their )riendshi* wou d e6entua y )i77 e and the two o) them wou d mo6e on with their i6es8 She had no interest in *ursuin5 anymore internet dates, or any dates )or that matter8 That was the ast thin5 on her mind8

They meet )or unchH Casey<s * aceH Sasha<s * aceH V sasha is at her * ace to tidy u* chec4 mai etc88 she s*ends a cou* e ni5hts a wee4 at home8

The ni5hts that )o owe were a carbon co*yT88

Toni5ht howe6er, there wou d be a brea4 in Sasha<s routine8 Casey was bac4 in town a)ter s*endin5 a most an entire month in !ra7i desi5nin5 suites )or a new u*sca e hote 8 She insisted they meet )or drin4s by the harbor so she cou d so she cou d show o)) her tan and )ee i4e she was sti on the southern coast in bra7i 8 !rin5s her bac4 a *air o) earin5s

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ('(
Twisted Gold Hoop Earrings by Brazilian jewelry designer, Marcia Moran. Exquisitely draped chains inished with turquoise and pearl beads !a"e these unique hoop earrings supre!ely gla!orous.

Eh my 5od, I ha6e so much to te you8 The tri* was ama7in58 The hote , 5or5eousN #hen it<s done I<m te in5 you, e6eryone is 5oin5 to want to stay there8 I too4 a ton o) *icturesN I saw some o) the other desi5ns )or the rooms, some were 5ood, but I sti thin4 mine are the best8 Serious y, wait unti they see the )urniture I * an to im*ort8 2y rooms are 5oin5 to be the hi5hest *riced, watch and see8G Casey<s e;citement e)t her breath ess8 She was )orced to s ow down on y due to ac4 o) o;y5en8 That<s ama7in5 Case, I cou dn<t be ha**ier )or you8 Than4 you8 I swear I was in hea6en o6er there8 I thin4 this is the most e;citin5 *ro3ect I<6e e6er wor4ed onN She too4 a bi5 5u * o) wine to satiate the thirst she had bui t u* ta 4in5 at what seemed i4e a hundred mi es a minute8 So how about youH Casey rumma5ed throu5h her o6ersi7ed *urse noisi y, ho*in5 to *roduce a camera8 #hat@s been 5oin5 on whi e I<6e been in *aradiseH Nothin5 that to*s your ad6enture8 Thou5h she tried, Sasha<s cou dn<t e e6ate her ener5y to mirror Casey<s8 2y mom is on the mend8 I e6en mana5ed to 5et her out to a mo6ie ast wee4end8G Casey et out a si5h, her demeanor chan5in5 6isib y as she e;ha ed8 It was ob6ious that in her e;hi aration she had o6er oo4ed the )act that 3ust be)ore she e)t, %i y hadn<t been doin5 so we 8 #e that<s 5ood to hear8 I< dro* by and see her soon8 You e6en oo4 better, ess stressed, ess tired8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ('= I@6e 5ot ?ior5io<s ne*hew Antony he *in5 me out now8 :e<s a nice 4id8 :e thin4s he<s some 4ind o) Casano6a, but he<s harm ess8 So you and 2i5ue ne6er *atched thin5s u* thenH no F"ea yHG It 3ust wasn<t 5oin5 to wor48 Are we ta 4in5 *ersona y or *ro)essiona yH !oth That<s too bad8 :e was hot, and I de)inite y thin4 he was interested in you, but you et the who e a5e, em* oyee&em* oyer thin5 5et in the way8 #e , you<re entit ed to your o*inion, but )or the record I thin4 you<re wron58 Initia y, Sasha cou dn<t wait )or Casey to return so that se cou d )i her in on her internet datin5 e;*erience8 !ut now that the o**ortunity was there she )ound herse ) a itt e hesitant8 The sti5ma associated with on ine datin5 was hard )or Sasha to sha4e8 She 4new it was de)inite y not somethin5 Casey wou d do, but she was not sure what her reaction wou d be when she )ound out she was doin5 it8 Anyway, I<6e mo6ed on8 Casey raised both eyebrows, s4e*tica Actua y, Sasha hesitate), I<6e been datin5 a ot whi e you<6e been 5one8 Eh rea yH who<s the 5uyH F?uys actua y8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ('0 F?uysHG Casey 5rinned, Fyou s ut, when did a this ha**enH Kid I miss somethin5H #e ob6ious y I didN S*i N She eaned in ea5er y "emember Chriso*he-Casey abru*t y 5rabbed Sasha by the arm and s9uee7ed hard, her eyes wide and stern8 You ha6en<t been datin5 Christo*he ha6e youH No Casey re a;, Sasha ro ed her eyes and annoyin5 y twisted her arm )ree8 Sometimes Casey too4 such a motherin5 tone with her it was e;as*eratin58 As I was sayin5, Christo*he si5ned me u* on the datin5 site where he met Anna8 FYou<re internet datin5HG she s*at the words out as thou5h they tasted raw in her mouth8 Ye*8 Sasha waited )or Casey<s reaction to subside8 #e I dated two 5uys that I met on ine, but that was it8 F#hyHG #hatH It wasn<t that bad8 #e it wasn<t that 5ood either, but it was )un )or a whi e8 It too4 my mind o)) o) thin5s and he *ed *ass the time whi e I was stuc4 inside e6ery e6enin5 FI can<t be ie6e you actua y went out with someone you met on ine8 You<re cra7yN #ere there a bunch o) weirdo<s on there i4e I to d youH FI<m not 5oin5 to ie, there were de)inite y some weirdo<s on there, you shou d ha6e seen some o) the emai s I 5ot8G I 5ot one )rom one 5uy that ca ed himse ) @#e -:un5< and another one )rom a 5uy named cunni in5usN8 I swear I<m not 3o4in5, I didn<t e6en bother o*enin5 those onesN FNo 4iddin5NG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ('1 !ut the two that I went out with were )air y norma 8 And I use the term oose y8 Ene 5uy was tota y on y a)ter se;8G FThere<s a sur*rise8G Casey<s eyes ro ed to the bac4 o) her head whi e she dabbed her i*s with 5 oss8 FAnd the other 5uy was )uc4in5 marriedN I wou dn<t ha6e e6en rea i7ed i) I hadn<t been studyin5 his disa**ointin5 y sma hands8 FCasey immediate y burst out au5hin58G The si7e o) a man<s hands was one thin5 they both a5reed on when it came to their taste in men8 FAre you seriousHG FYes, I was so turned o))8 It was the on y thin5 I cou d thin4 about the entire time8 The moment he shoo4 my hand, I wanted to turn around and ea6e8G Casey cou dn<t contain her au5hter8 So I<m starin5 at his itt e hands, and I notice the tan ine )rom his rin58 No way Ye*8 So I as4ed him i) he was married, and he said he was, but we cou d sti ha6e a discreet re ationshi*8 Casey<s mouth dro**ed o*en8 F#hat an assho eNG Te me abut it8 I 3ust said no than4s and 5ot u* and e)t8 FI sti can<t be ie6 you8 You can<t be that des*erate sashaG It was more boredom than des*eration8 Anyway, a)ter those two e;*eriences I decided that the who e thin5 was not )or me8 FThan4 5oodnessNG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ('D Seein5 Casey<s ob6ious re ie) made Sasha re uctant to mention her con6ersations with rembrand t8 she wanted to brin5 it u* because she needed another *oint o) 6iew, another o*inion, a rea ity chec4 basica y8 F!ut--G, Sasha hesitated, 4nowin5 the imminent ecture that ur4ed FI<m ta 4in5 to this 5uy ri5ht now, she continued, but 3ust ta 4in58 I<m not * annin5 on 5oin5 to meet him or anythin58G FSo what<s the *ointHG FI 3ust )ind him interestin58 I was about to de ete my account, then I 5ot an emai )rom this 5uy8 :e ca s himse ) @"embrandt<8 Anyway, somethin5 about his emai *ea4ed my interest8 So we<6e been chattin5 a most e6ery ni5ht )or the *ast )ew wee4s8G FYou<re cra7y8 Is he 5ood oo4in5 at eastHG Factua yT8she )e t )oo ish as she heard the words comin5 out o) her mouth, I don<t 4now what he oo4s i4e8 Are you seriousH Casey oo4ed at Sasha in awe8 A thou5h Casey didn<t 6erba i7e her thou5hts, Sasha cou d c ear y see them written in a bubb e abo6e her head> 7ho& stupid can you be) Sasha 9uic4 y 3um*ed to her own de)ense8 #e I wasn<t rea y * annin5 to 4ee* ta 4in5 to him so it didn<t e6en matter what he oo4ed i4e at )irst8 but I don<t 4now, he 3ust seemed i4e a rea y interestin5 5uy and ne;t thin5 you 4now we<re ta 4in5 e6ery ni5ht8 It beats sittin5 around my mom<s house watchin5 her s ee* whi e her 5ame show * ays in the bac45round8 And the )act that I don<t 4now what he oo4s i4e is a most a bonus8 Sasha continued be)ore Casey cou d 5et a word in8 !ecause I<m not interested in datin5 anyone )or a whi e anyway, so this is i4e an anonymous )riendshi*8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ('J FEh my 5od, now I 4now you<re cra7yN Can<t you )ind a 5ood boo4 to read or somethin5, i) you<re that bored8 FYou<re rea y ta4in5 a chance there Sasha8 :e cou d be a *sycho*ath or a ra*ist, or it cou d be a twe 6e year o d 4id )or a you 4now8G FI thin4 I wou d be ab e to te i) I were ta 4in5 to a twe 6e year o d8 !esides, no matter what, you<re ta4in5 a ris48 I mean, how much did you rea y 4now about "obert when you went on your )irst dateHG F#e I 4new what he oo4ed i4e )or startersN And I 4new that he had a 3ob, and didn<t s*end a his time sittin5 around on ine a day8G I as4ed him )or a *icture ast ni5ht, but I ha6en<t chec4ed my emai yet so et<s 3ust wait and see8 !ut I understand what you<re sayin5 Case8 You don<t ha6e to worry, I<m bein5 cautious, I<m a bi5 5ir 8 And besides, it<s 3ust innocent )un, i5ht entertainment8 F#hate6er you say8G It<s weird, I 3ust )ee rea y com)ortab e ta 4in5 to this 5uy, its i4e we<6e 5ot some 4ind o) connection8 "i5ht8 Casey said ) at y, uncon6inced8 You 4now what they say, sometimes it<s easier to o*en u* to a com* ete stran5er than to those c ose to you8 I thin4 that on y a** ies when you<re ta 4in5 to a shrin4 or somethin58 Anyway, at east 5et a *icture o) the 5uy, that is i) he sends you his rea *icture8 Mor a you 4now it cou d be Christo*he tryin5 one ast time be)ore he ties the 4not8 :e<s such a weird itt e man8G FI hi5h y doubt that8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ('#e it wou dn<t sur*rise me8 !esides you said he<s the one that set e6erythin5 u* )or you, so it wou d be *retty easy )or him to * ay with you a bit8 Christo*he wou d ne6er do thatN Sasha 9uic4,y ran throu5h the time o) ni5ht she had been on ine with "8 besides Chris doesn<t ha6e time )or that sor o) thi3n5, he<s at the restaurant a the time8 So he say<s Casey raised an eyebrow sarcastica y So*N Sasha smac4ed her arm FI<m 3ust sayin5, he had a serious crush on you rememberH So who 4nows F:ad, a crush on me8 I thin4 it<s *retty ob6ious that he has mo6ed on8 FEr, maybe he ne6er rea y 5ot o6er you8 FNow you<re the one ta 4in5 cra7yNG FSash I<m 3ust worried because I thin4 that you<re 3ust 6u nerab e ri5ht now8 #ith e6erythin5 that<s been 5oin5 on with your mother understandab y you<re 6ery emotiona y )ra5i e8G FA I<m sayin5 is be care)u , and don<t waste too much o) your time ta 4in5 to these on ine osers8 As soon as I<m done with this *ro3ect, we<re hittin5 the town, I<m 5ettin5 you out o) this *athetic s um* that you<re in and I<m )indin5 you some rea men8 To be honest, )indin5 a @rea man< is *robab y the )urthest thin5 )rom my mind ri5ht now8 #e , whate6er, I<m 5oin5 to 5et you out o) this s um*, e6en i) I ha6e to come o6er there and sit and * ay board 5ames with you e6ery ni5htN

A)ter Casey e)t Sasha started to thin4 about what Casey had said8 :ow many men 4now more about a dessert cream than a ace8 She dismissed the thou5ht the moment it entered her head8 Christo*he wou d ne6er do somethin5 i4e that8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ('L A)ter Casey ea6es, she chec4s he emai Nothin5 )rom "embrandt, but there is an emai )rom Christo*he8 Sasha<s heart 3um*ed8 #hy wou d Christo*he snd her a messa5e there, on the siteH Sure y he wasn<t sti on there8 :e cou d ha6e 3ust te;ted he or ca ed8 She was hesitant to o*en his emai 8 She swa owed hard be)ore o*enin5 it, ho*in5 Casey had been wron58 :ey sweetie , 5ot your messa5e about de etin5H Sorry I didn<t 5et bac4 to you sooner, I<6e been in ,a;en settin5 u* the new !amboo branch - here are the ste*s to de ete i) you sti want to, a thou5h I thin4 you shou d stic4 it out on5er8 Come by the restaurant, 2iss you sweetie Chris ;; [[[[[[[[[ ---she thin4s twice about the *ossibi ity that it cou d be Chris then she decides se wi not ta 4 to him unti she recei6es a *ic--------------------------------------------------------------

-----------end o) cha*ter

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ((.

Ta4es a brea4 )rom chat to thin4 thin5s throu5h 2o6e this to con6o a)ter she as4s )or *ic a)ter she ta 4s to casey She recei6es another emai with a 9uote

#hatH She s*o4e the em*ty room8 #hat about the *ictureH She 6erba i7ed a5ain direct y to he com*uter screen this time8 She re-read his messa5e and tried to ma4e sense o) it8 Tryin5 to ma4e sense o) why there was no *icture attached as *romised, and why there was no mention o) said *icture8 Sh had thou5ht about nothin5 e se but seein5 what he oo4ed i4e )or the ast twenty )our hours8 #as it on *ur*oseH Kid it matterH The )act that he 4new what she oo4ed i4e whi st she sti had no idea what he oo4ed i4e wasn<t sittin5 we in her stomach8 She cou d hear Casey<s 5as* in her head 5oin5 o)) i4e a red ) a58 #hy hadn<t he sent his *ictureH #as he hidin5 somethin5H She had on y as4ed him the ni5ht be)ore, maybe he didn<t ha6e a chance toT She heard Casey wa6in5 the read ) a5 o) warnin5 a5ain, i) he si5ned u* )or a datin5 site, he shou d ha6e had a *icture ready8 She was ri5ht, her Casey 6oice was ri5ht8 !ut what i) she was wron58 She decides not to o*en his emai X9uoteY

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ((' :e sends a second emai - which says you ha6enAt been on ine is e6erythin5 o4 She doesn<t o*en that one ri5ht away because o) the read recei*t8

Cha*ter '- - ( ni5hts *ass - ta 4s to syd etc88 5ets emai )rom " she is sti wonderin5 i) it cou d be Chris - she chec4s her emai the ne;t ni5ht but nothin5 mshe 9uic4 y 5oes o)) ine8 She decided she wi not 5o on ine to chat unti she recei6es a *ic8 - (nd ni5ht - sti no *ic - sh5e 6chats to Sydney and reds a boo4 etc88 =rd ni5ht there is an emai )rom him, noticed u ha6en<t been on ine etcTho*e I didn<t scare u o)) - she doesn<t re*ind because there is no *ic8 0th ni5ht 37me shows u* and she st7rts wondein5 5o on ine unti a)ter the )unera 8

She was rea y en3oyin5 ta 4in5 t him without any o) the *hysica *ressures8 !ut, she did want to see the )ace behind the beauti)u words8 She had be5un to con3ure u* a sorts o) ima5es o) who mi5ht be on the other end o) those words8 Some o) the ima5es were 5ood8 "ea y 5ood8 A)ter a , how cou d a man who can be so e o9uent and romantic with his words, not be e9ua y as romantic and e o9uent in *erson8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ((( !ut then some o) them were rea y bad8 2aybe "embrandt s*ent his entire i)e oc4ed away readin5 romantic sonnets but has ne6er actua y dated anyone8 2aybe he was a )i6e )oot ta ba din5 )i)ty year o d man8

She chec4ed her emai )irst thin5 in the mornin5 which is somethin5 she rare y e6er did because her con6ersations with "embrandt were restricted to the e6enin5s, but on this occasion she was an;ious to see i) he had secnt the *hoto as *romised8 --wi *robab y remo6e this------

She doesn<t 5o on ine )or about ( ni5hts - because o) the doubts Casey *ut in her head Kurin5 that time he sends her an emai A)ter ta 4in5 to Casey she chec4s - no memai m- on y emai )rom Chris Ne;t ni5ht she chec4s - no emai - ta 4s to syd Ne;t ni5ht no emai - ta 4s to 3a77 Ne;t ni5htQ emai m- but no *ic ------------she decides she won<t ta 4 to him a5ain unti he sends the *icure8 the ne;t cou* e o) days Sasha )ound "embrandt cree*in5 into her thou5hts8 2aybe it was the romantic in her, or maybe she was 3ust bored, but )or some reason she wasn<t ab e to 5et him out o) her mind8 It didn<t ma4e sense8 She had on y s*o4en to him )or about )i6e minutes, but she sensed that he was di))erent than the other men who had contacted her8 And she was im*ressed that he hadn<t tried to *ressure her into ta 4in5 with him8or as4 )or her *ic or send her a *icture

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ((= o) his coc48 Eh 5od had her standards di**ed so owH 2aybe that was it8 2aybe because he hadn<t *ressured her it made him more interestin58 !ut she had mad u* her mind and she wou d stic4 to her decision8 She )ound herse ) a5reein5 with Casey8 2eetin5 someone on ine is nothin5 com*ared to the rea thin58

The )o owin5 ni5hts Sasha id ed away her time on the couch read a boo4 or in bed cudd ed u* ne;t to her mom whi e they watched 5ame shows and soa* o*eras8 :er mom was on the mend, but sti needed Sasha<s he * to some e;tent8 !ut Sasha 4new that it was her com*any more than anythin5 that made her mom ha**y8 !y the time ei5ht o<c oc4 ro ed around, her mom was usua y )ast as ee*, and wou dn<t wa4e u* a5ain unti e e6en )or a cu* o) tea8 Sasha s*ent a )ew ni5hts en5rossed in the atest best se er, Pali"ino $ri2e which 4e*t her mind occu*ied tem*orari y8 !ut the moment she *ut it down, she )ound her thou5hts dri)tin5 to "embrandt8 She wei5hed the idea o) 5i6in5 internet datin5 one more try8 A thou5h the antici*ation o) her ast cou* e o) dates was more e;citin5 than the dates themse 6es, at east she was ha6in5 )un drained and e;hausted8 She hadn<t been ab e to s ee* we )or the *ast cou* e o) wee4s8 !oth because she was rac4ed with worry about her mom, and )ee in5s o) 5ui t and con)usion o6er the way thin5s ended with 2i5ue 8 Not to mention, the bed in her moms 5uest room was e;treme y uncom)ortab e and didn<t end itse ) to a 5ood ni5hts s ee*8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ((0 Toni5ht she decided that she wou d catch u* with her 5ir )riends8 Casey was sti out o) town, but sure y Sydney wou d be home and wou d ha6e a ready *ut the 4ids to bed8 Sydney was *art o) their *arty crowd, but o) ate she was @mia< due to the )act that she was now the *roud mother o) )i6e year o d Zane and three year o d Sabrina8 Sydney, who a ways ta 4ed a hundred mi es a minute, mana5ed to )it si; months worth o) drama and 5ossi* into a )orty )i6e minute con6ersation8 In the end, She 5ot cau5ht u* on a o) the atest achie6ements and misha*s inn the dai y i)e o) a mother8 Zane 3ust started 4inder5arten and o6es it8 :e a so recent y earned to tie his shoes a by himse )8 Sabrina a so started *re-schoo and cried )or the )irst wee4, but has since sett ed into the routine8 On i4e Sydney, ,a77 did not ta 4 a mi e a minute, but she sti mana5ed to )it three month o) materia into a ha ) hour con6ersation8 %ater that e6enin5 she s*o4e to ,a77 and )ound out that she had 3ust won an award )or most contem*orary )urniture desi5n and some o) her *ieces wou d be )eatured in an u*comin5 issue o) ---mi5ht use a7ure as name o) c ub in Paris8 Azure 6agazine8 That was the )unny thin5 about ,a778 She had this hu5e news, but 4e*t it *retty 9uiet8 2ost o) us wou d be on the *hone to our 5ir )riends ma4in5 sure they a bou5ht hundreds o) co*ies o) our issue8 !ut not ,a778 She was a 6ery ow 4ey *ri6ate *erson8 To this day, no one was rea y sure whether or not she was 5ay or bi or strai5ht8 E) course we a 4new that i) we as4ed her direct y, she wou d *robab y te us the truth, but no one wanted to as48 #e were a 4ind o) waitin5 )or her to @come out< on her own8 And then o) course there was the aw)u thou5ht, what i) she wasn<t 5ay, wou d she be insu ted i) we a thou5ht she wasH #e o)ten 3o4ed about it, but at the end o) the day she ne6er 5a6e a de)inite answer8 At the end o) both con6ersations they had a *romised to 5et to5ether soon

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ((1 Tomorrow she wou d 5i6e nina a ca 8so she decdided to see what Nina was u* to8 was a ways di))icu t to catch at home, and Nina, Nina was Nina8 As usua , drama surrounded Nina8 That

was the thin5 about Nina8 She was stron5 wi ed and stood )irm on her be ie)s, but then e6ery once in a whi e she wou d do or say somethin5 that was tota y out o) character8

Cha*ter 'L + ast chat be)ore mom *asses A**ro; -th chat - as4s )or *ic a5ain se; ta 4 be5ins he *romises *ic ne;t day - but mom dies --------------------------------i) it cou d be 3ames8 - does not chat a5ain or Sasha saw that rembrant<s status was @on ine<8 -she contem* ates contactin5 him8 She decides to o*en his emai s 4nowin5 he wi 4now she is on ine 'st emai is a *oem

You came to me In a dream ast ni5ht So beauti)u and a urin5 I cou d bare y be i6e my si5ht A *i*e dream o) a o6e stri4en )oo *er maybe !ut o) a the sensations that coursed throu5h my 6eins

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ((D the stron5est is the desire that it be rea ity8 -------------------------(nd emai - :i Chanti y, you ha6en<t been on ate y, I e6erythin5 o4H -------------------------------------She browsed her emai )or entertainment *ur*oses on y She cou dn<t be ie6e she was actua y waitin5t around )or him --*robab y remo6e She wasn<t sure e;act y how to res*ond to his emai , or i) she shou d res*ond at a 8 Yes she had thorou5h y en3oyed their con6ersation8 It was a breath o) )resh air, butTshe didn<t want to continue ta 4in5 to himH I5norin5 his emai wou d send a c ear messa5e, but res*ondin5 wou d be o*enin5 the door, to yet another disa**ointment as )ar as Sasha was concerned8 She wou dn<t answer ri5ht away she decided8 She needed some time to thin48 :e ends u* *o**in5 u* on ine8 -he o Chanti y

Kid you 5et my emai H -------------------------------------------------She twidd ed her )in5ers on the 4eyboard, *ensi6e8 Sasha cou dn<t he * )ee in5 that she was at some sort o) im*asse, and she had to ma4e a decision 9uic48 She had been en3oyin5 their e6enin5 ta 4s, it certain y too4 her mind o)) o) thin5s8 P us he was rea y )unny8 !utTthere was that three etter word a5ain that carried so much wei5ht8 I) she were to be honest with herse ) she rea y didn<t ha6e any interest in 6enturin5 out on another disa**ointin5 Fb ind dateG8 she decided that this was the )un *art, chattin5 ) irtin5 XmaybeY she

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ((J cou d be chattin5 to someone on the other side o) the wor d Xwhich wou d *robab y be a better ideaY it didn<t matter8 She had mo6ed the who e internet datin5 thin5 into the bo; mar4ed F i5ht entertainmentG instead o) *otentia *artner )indin5 too 8 It was ob6ious that "embrandt had reached his F)riendshi*G imit i4e a men on the site, and now he wanted more8 She was sure the ne;t 9uestion comin5 wou d be Fcan we meetHG a thou5h tem*tation and curiosity were tu55in5 at her, common sense cautioned her that he wou d not )it the *er)ect ima5e con3ured u* in her head, it was sure to be a disa**ointment8 You a ready 4now that I did8 That<s true8 Is e6erythin5 o4 with youH Yes, I<6e 3ust been a itt e busy8 #ith your motherH yes She re5rets te in5 him such *ersona thin5s8 what about the *icH Kid you )or5et about the *icH No *ic 8 Sasha tried se6era ways to say the same thin5 an bac4s*aced o6er each on o) them Sasha didn<t want to as4 but it was at he )ore )ront o) her mind8 She was ho*in5 that he wou d ha6e brou5ht it u* by now, but he hadn<t - was it an innocent a*se in memory or a de iberate o6ersi5ht8 So, what e6er ha**ened to that *icture you *romised meH You mean the ta dar4 handsome oneH Yes that<s the one8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ((I ha6en<t had time to search throu5h a o) my *hotos - and be ie6e me there are * enty8 I *romise toni5ht I wi ma4e the time - tomorrow I *romise n- 5ood or bad I wi send you whate6er I )ind8 I ho*e you won<t be disa**ointe i) I<m not as ta and dard and handsome as you e;*ect8 To be ho*nest I don<t rea y ha6e any e;*ections8 E6 en as she ty*ed it she 4new it was a *artia ie8 E) course she had ho*ed that he wou d be asy on the eyes, but who wou dn<t8 I understand your *osition - iu 4now what you oo4 i4e but you ha6e no idea what I oo4 i4e8 -he *romises a *ic the ne;t ni5ht8 and is an;ious to 5o home to see itT3ames shows u*&mom dies V

She *romised herse ) and Casey, indirect y that she wou d not continue ta 4in5 to him unti se recei6ed the *icture, but yet here she was, a5ain en5a5ed in dee* con6ersation with a )ace ess stran5er8 #hat was she thin4in58 So whate6er ha**ened to the *icture you *romised Sasha stared at the b in4in5 cursor )or what seemed i4e an eternity8 It mo6ed too )ast )or to 4ee* count, but i) she cou d she was sure she wou d ha6e hit the 1.. mar4 be)ore he )ina y res*onded8 I<m searchin5 )or a 5ood one $oes he really expect "e to belie2e that) Could belie2e it) t is possible that hes telling truthI can understand your uneasiness Ko you be ie6e that you can de6e o* )ee in5s )or someone without e6er ha6in5 met them in *ersonH #here was he 5oin5 with this, did he want to meetH

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ((L I don<t 4now, maybe Ko you thin4 chemistry can on y be measured *hysica yH #hat don you mean I mean, I thin4 we ha6e 5ood 6erba chemistry8 Kon<t youH Yes !utH I can hear a @but< comin58 !ut that doesn<t a ways trans ate to 5ood *hysica chemistry That<s true butTit can be the same the other way around too8 That<s true !esides, didn<t you say that you weren<t interested in meetin5H I did say that !utH I 5uess I wou d 3ust i4e to see the )ace behind the words ( the (ace has the sa"e e((ect on "e as the &ords then " in troubleYou wi 8 I *romise8 I understand that it is not )air to be in your *osition so I wi )ind somethin5 )or you toni5ht and send it to you tomorrow8 To be honest I am a itt e ner6ous8 kne& it, " sure hes been putting o(( sending a picture because8because Casey is probably right#hyH

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (=. !ecauseTwe I a ready 4now what you oo4 i4e and I a ready 4now that I )ind you e;treme y attracti6e8 And our ta 4s has made me 5row e6en more attracted to you8 I) we were to5ether in the same room I m con)ident that there wou d be chemistry8 I<m ) attered did you i4e the *oem I sent youH Yes it was rea y sweet, who wrote itH I did8 About you8 'hat99 "ea yH Yes rea y8 And I rea y had a dream about you that ni5ht8 Eh Ko you want to hear itH E4 Are you sureH I ha6e to warn you, it mi5ht be a itt e 5ra*hic8 I<m o4 with that8 %ets see how his mind wor4s8 E4There 5oes8 #e were on a date, at a restaurant, and you were wearin5 a 6ery re6ea in5 dress, I cou dn<t 4ee* my hands o)) o) you8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (=' #e were )eedin5 each other oysters8 E6erythin5 was rea y wet and s i**ery and you accidenta y dro**ed one on my a* whi e tryin5 to )eed me8 Are you sti with meH Ye*8 Ko you want me to continueH She wanted to but at the same time didn<t want to, but in the moment curiosity was winnin5 out o6er her sensib eness8

P ease8 E48 A)ter you dro**ed the oyster in my a*, you 9uic4 y 5rabbed a na*4in and be5an wi*in5 my *ants8 Your touch instant y caused me to become aroused8 In no time my i*s were on yours, my hands were tra6e in5 u* your thi5hs and e6eryone in the restaurant sudden y seemed to disa**ear8 E6eryone e;ce*t the inter)erin5 waiter that is8 ,ust when I s id my hand u* your thi5h and disco6eredT that you weren<t wearin5 any *anties, the waiter came o6er and interru*ted us with a bu77er8 That bu77er actua y turned out to be my a arm 3o tin5 me bac4 to rea ity8 Then I wo4e u*, 6ery aroused and 6ery disa**ointed8 'o&9 Sasha<s heart was in her throat, and s4i**in5 mu ti* e beats8

Sasha cou dn<t be ie6e he was actua y te in5 her this8 Admitted y simi ar )antasies had cre*t into her mind but she wou d ne6er dare admit it8 Each time she en6isioned a di))erent 5or5eous 5uy * ayin5 the ro e o) "embrandt *ressin5 his i*s a5ainst hers8 As thri in5 as it was, she had

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (=( to *re6ent herse ) )rom becomin5 o6er y se ) de usiona 8 A)ter a she was certain that no matter what the rea "embrandt oo4ed i4e, he wou d ne6er i6e u* to any o) the men in her re*ertoire o) )abricated Adonises8 Sti thereH Sasha didn<t 4now how to res*ond how shou d she res*ond8 Mirst she had to ca m herse ) down and not et herse ) 5et too wra**ed u* in his )antasy8

Yes I<m here SoH That was 6ery interestin58 So it wasn<t too much )or youH /e is so trying to gage "y sexual li"its Too muchH #e 88 Are you shoc4edH Kis5ustedH8888aroused maybeH Aroused de(initely9 Can I on y *ic4 one o) those threeH %o N8 It )ee s i4e a mu ti* e choice test8 No, you are )ree to come u* with your own, but I wou d i4e to 4now what you thou5ht, honest y8 I )ound it e;treme y arousin58 me too I<m not sure recountin5 the story was a 5ood idea either

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (== :h "y god9 need to see &hat this guy looks like, please let hi" be gorgeouscant continue

do&n this path unless kno& &hat he looks likeNow I rea y need a )ace to *ut to the words 2aybeTwe shou d meet in *ersonH At a restaurant) So you can try to li2e out your (antasy) dont think so2eetin5 in *erson was one o) the )irst thin5s she had to d him was not on her a5enda, had he )or5otten a ready or was it another *art o) his anatomy that was doin5 the a4in58 I<m rea y not ready )or that I understand, I 3ust thou5ht that i) we met, in *erson, it wou d be easier )or us to ta 4 )ace to )aceTinstead o) hidin5 behind our com*uters8 /iding) 'hos hiding, " certainly not hiding anything I to d you, I wasn<t oo4in5 to 5o on another b ind dateTI<m sorry but it<s 3ust timin5, bad timin58 I ha6e a ot 5oin5 on ri5ht now, and datin5 3ust doesn<t )it in ri5ht now8 I understand8 I rea y en3oy our ta 4s, but that<s as )ar as I<m wi in5 to 5o ri5ht now, 3ust ta 4in58 I 5uess it<s natura that you wou d want to mo6e to the ne;t e6e , but I thou5ht you understood my imitations8 I do understand8 I) you<re oo4in5 )or a *hysic re ationshi*, I rea y can<t o))er that ri5ht now, but I com* ete y understand I) you need to mo6e on and )ind hat you<re oo4in5 )or8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (=0 I thin4 I ha6e a ready )ound what I<m oo4in5 )or8 I don<t mean to be *ushy, it<s 3ust I didn<t e;*ect thin5s to 5o this way, that it wou d be so easy to ta 4 to you this way, I 5uess I 3ust wanted to ta 4 to you in *ersonTto ma4e it rea I 5uess8 !ut I understand8 I en3oy our ta 4s a ot and I don<t want them to sto*Tso, a *icture then, tomorrow, I *romise8 E4 This guy is getting kid o( hea2y kind o( (ast- !ut think like hi"like- Please let hi"be gorgeous It<s 5ettin5 ate, so I thin4 I better 5et some beauty s ee*8 Y ou don<t need any8 Than4 you Sweet dreams You too8 need to kno& &hat he looks

ChQa*ter (. + ,ames shows u*&mom hos*ita

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (=1

She ne6er oo4s at the *icture unti wee4 ^( a)ter )unera 8

I *romise8 She wo4e u* with the words sti

in5erin5 in her mind8 The )irst thi5 she id be)ore

ro in 5 out o) bed, )or her mrnin5 *ee, be)ore brushin5 her teeth was reach )or her new bedmate, her a*to*8 Ea5er and e;cited i4e a schoo 5ir she reac hed )or her a*to* and 9uic4 y o55ed on to the site8 She was disa**ointed but not com* ete y sur*rised to )ind that there was nho messa5e )rom him She had ho*ed that he had stayed u* a ni5ht tryin5 to )ind the *er)ec;t *icture )or her i) that was in)act the reason he hadn<t sent one be)ore8 That day at the sho* )e t i4e the on5est day e6er8 She must ha6e chec4ed her emai at east '.. times, and she actua y )ound herse ) 5ettin5 annoyed when customers came in and disturbed her emai sur6ei ance8

!y 1/..n sti nothin58 She was 5rowin5 a itt e wearyu and be5innin5 to wonde i) cadey had been "i5ht8 !OT m- she to d herse ) that he *robab y hadn<t e6en been on ine a day - and wou d *robab y on y 5et around to it at ni5ht when he o55ed on to ta 4 to her8 She was a ho*e ess romantic - caey on the other hand wou d ha6e a ready written him o)) )or ma4in5 her wait so on58

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (=D

She is thin4in5 about 5ettin5 home to ta 4 to "embrandt that e6enin5 and chec4 i) he sent a *ic yet V but she doesn<t see his *ic or start ta 4in5 to him unti a)ter the )unera 8 2onday e6enin5, the 9uietest e6enin5 o) the wee4 )or Sasha8 It was nearin5 si; o<c oc4, and the *rocession o) *eo* e mo6in5 *ast her sho* window, had now dwind ed to a tric4 e8 She decided to ca it a day8 She was an;ious to 5et home to see i) "embrandt had sent the *icture8 Sasha oc4ed the doors o) the sho* )or another day8 #hen she turned around, there in )ont o) her with a hu5e 5rin on his )ace was ,ames8 :e was sittin5 in his b ue con6ertib e, one hand on the whee and one hand across the bac4 o) his white eather seats8 F,um* in8G he sad motionin5 )or her to 5et in8 Sasha stood arms )o ded8 FI<m headin5 home, I<m e;hausted8G C<mon, I want to ta 4 to you8 there<s this 5reat new restaurant I<6e been wantin5 try8 You< crabs e5s anywhere8 That was the thin5 about ,ames8 :e a ways had e6erythin5 wor4ed out in ad6ance8 "estaurant chosen, reser6ations made, wine se ected8 :e ne6er e6en seemed to )actor in the *ossibi ity that she mi5ht say no8 In the *ast she a most a ways 5a6e in to his coercin58 !ut this time she said no8 She 4new that the ni5ht they s*ent to5ether was the ast time they wou d e6er be to5ether8 Casey was ri5ht8 It was time )or her to mo6e on8 She had tried to con6ey that to ,ames, but ob6ious y he hadn<t 5otten the messa5e8 o6e it8 I heard they ha6e the best

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (=J F%oo4 ,ames, I don<t want to 5o to dinner with you, and I wish you wou d sto* showin5 u* i4e this8G I wanted to see you8 I heard about your mom I wanted to see how you were doin58 I<m )ine than4s )or as4in58 #hyH #e<6e ta 4ed about this be)ore - it<s o6er I ha6 e somethin5 To te you X his news is that he is en5a5ed but he wanted he to hear it )rom himY #hate6er it is, I don<t want to hear it8 "ea y Sasha, you don<t ha6e to be i4e that8 I was ho*in5 that we cou d sti be )riends, and t east be ci6i to each other8 You<re ri5ht, I<m sorry it<s 3ust been 7 rea y on5 day and I<6e rea y 5ot to 5et home to my mom - maybe some other time, we< schedu e unch or somethin5 o4H E4 but--Sasha<s n*hone interru*ts them, it<s Casey SoH #as I ri5htH was he a short )at ba din5 5uyH #hatH Your 5uy, "embrandt, wasn<t he su**osed to send the *ic today8 Ya, no I mean it didn<t ha**en8 #hatH :o d on cae ,ames sorry, it<s rea y not a 5ood time, ne;t time ca )irst o4 - Sasha wa 4ed o)) be)ore he cou d 5et another word out, ha**y that cadey ca ed when she did Kid I hear ri5htH wad that 3amesH

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (=YesN Sasha dri6es away and *ar4s nearby then ca s csasey bac4 )rea4in5 ouyt, he said he had somethin5 to te me maybe it was him a a on5N I thin4 it<s 3ust better i) we don<t see each other8 She 5ot into her car and then it struc4 her V what i) t was ,ames V she hadn<t heard )rom him in months, now out o) the b ue he 3ust shows u*8 She dro6e to the dri6e throu5h to *ic4 u* chic4en and mashed *otatoes )or su**er8 She wasn<t in the )rame o) mind to coo48 Not a)ter seein5 ,ames8 A)ter her *anic stric4en thou5hts o) what i) "embrandt was rea y 3ames, she wasn<t e6en in the mood to eat rea y8 At east her mom wou d ha6e a 5ood dinner8

So what did that assho e wantH FCasey, can you be ie6e ,ames 3ust showed u* outside o) the sho*G @You<re 4iddin5 me8 #hat did he wantH< Fo) course he wanted me to 5o to dinner with him, as i) nothin5 ha**ened8 :e a ways shows u*, e;*ectin5 me to be ha**y to see him8< Fwhat is that 5uys *rob emG FThen I started thin4in5 what i) the 5uy I<m ta 4in5 to on ine, "embrandt is rea y ,ames8 Am I cra7yHG FYes that sounds *retty cra7y, how wou d he e6en 4now you<re on the site8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (=L F"emember I to d you that some thin5s this 5uy says sounded )ami iar, 4ind o) weird i4e he 4ind o) 4nows me8 I don<t 4now, the )ee in5 o) )ami iarity with this 5uy is weird8 Wnow what I meanHG FI 4now, but ,amesHG FI 4now you 4ee* 3o4in5 that it<s *robab y Christo*he but Chris wou d ne6er do somethin5 i4e that tor me8 ,ames on the other hand wou d8 :e<s snea4y and conni6in58 :e wou d do whate6er it ta4es to 5et what he wants88 FYou rea y thin4 he wou d do somethin5 i4e thatH I mean, I 4now he<s an assho e, but is he that much o) an assho eH And besides, how wou d he e6en 4now you were on the site anywayHG I don<t 4now, aren<t there ways trace were you<re ocated8 Ya, I su**ose8 !ut ,ames is a stoc4 bro4er, he<s not a hi5h tech e;*ertG FYa but he<s 5ot )riends that are tech 5uys8G FI don<t 4now Sash, that sounds 4ind o) out there, I thin4 you<re 3ust o6er thin4in5 thin5s now because he showed u*8 !esides, I doubt he cou d )a4e bein5 nice, e6en in writin58G FI<m 3ust sayin5, don<t you )ind it weird that he 3ust shows u* out o) the b ue a)ter a these monthsHG FNo8 Not rea y8 :e a ways shows u* out o) the b ue8 That<s one o) the thin5s you hated about him rememberHG FYa, you<re ri5ht8 I thin4 I<m o6erreactin58 2y head is a o6er the * ace these days8 I thin4 I<m 3ust e;hausted8 Anyway, I better et you 5o8 I<m on my way to my mom<s8G

Fo48 :ow<s she doin5 anywayHG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (0. FShe<s doin5 o48 I don<t thin4 she wi e6er 5o bac4 to her o d se ) thou5h8G F#e at east she<s not 5ettin5 worse8 So that<s a b essin58 FYou<re ri5ht8G @Say he o to her )or me8 And don<t waste any more time thin4in5 about ,ames8G FThan4s Case8G

A)ter 6entin5 to Casey, she )e t much better8 She rea i7ed that she had *robab y been o6erreactin58 It was *robab y 3ust the stress o) ta4in5 care o) her mother8 She sat in her car a )ew minutes on5 and too4 out her )rustration on her chic4en bur5er be)ore headin5 o6er to her moms8

ZZwhen she 5ets to her moms house, her mom is on the ) oor8 She is rushed to hos*ita and *asses away in the midd e o) the ni5ht8

#hen she wa 4ed in8 her mom was no tin her usua s*ot8 :er days o) ate consisted o) mornin5s in her bedroom, and e6enin5s in the i6in5 room in )ront o) he t68 F2omH I<m here8 I brou5ht you home some o) that 6e5etab e sou* )rom the co))ee * ace that you i4e so much8 As sasha wa 4ed around to he )ront o) the couch she sto**ed dead in her trac4s when she saw her mom yin5 on the ) oor8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (0' Instant y she dro**ed the ba5 in her hand, com* ete y )or5ettin5 that it contained sou*, which was now s*i in5 a o6er the ) oor8 In a *anic she tried to sha4e her awa4e, but she was not res*ondin58 She )ro7e )or a moment8 Tryin5 not to *anic48 There were some *eo* e who instant y 4new what to do in a crisis, and som *eo* e who )ro7e8 Sasha was a )ree7er8 She didn<t 4now i) this was an inheited taite or i) it had to do with the )act that she had so )ew crisis situations in her i)e, that she sim* y hadn<t de6e o*ed ha6e the *ro*er s4i s8 A)ter )ree7in5, She was sudden y brou5ht bac4 to rea ity and 4new that she h7ad to ca the ambu ance instant y8 She ca ed an ambu ance8 She 4ne t by her mothers side, crad in5 her head in her a*, )i5htin5 bac4 the tears whi e she waited )or the ambu ance8 She re)used to et herse ) cry8 Cryin5 meant 5i6in5 u*8 Cryin5 was an a))irmation that e6erythin5 was not o48 As on5 as she didn<t cry, e6erythin5 wou d be o48 She wasn<t sure how on5 the ambu ance too4 to 5et there, but it )e t i4e an eternity8 #hen the *aramedics )ina y arri6ed they chec4ed a o) her 6ita si5ns8 They were wea4, but she wou d be o4 once they made it to the hos*ita 8 The ambu ance sirens re*etiti6e twan5 ran5 o6er and o6er in her head re ent ess y as she sat by her mothers side in the bac4, ho din5 her hand *reyin58 Sasha was ne6er one to *rey, but i4e many *eo* e, at a time when you are the most *ower ess, *rayer o)ten seems to be the on y thin5 e)t that you actua y can do8 O*on arri6a at the hos*ita , Sasha was 9uic4 y ushered out o) the way and to d that there was no need )or her in the room at the moment, other than to )i out the necessary *a*er wor4 and wait *atient y8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (0( E6entua y they et her in the room8 A**arent y she had another stro4e8 This one brou5ht on by hi5h b ood *ressure8 They to d her that this time i) she a)ter she came around she wou d not be the same8 Not that she had been the same a)ter the ast incident8

:er mom was hoo4ed u* to an i6 and o;y5en she oo4ed i4e she was s ee*in5, but not *eace)u y8 E6ery breath she too4 was oud and arduous8

Sasha cou dn<t )i5ht the o6erwhe min5 5ui t that we ed u* inside o) her8 She sco ded herse ) )or stayin5 at the sho* ater than usua and ne5 ectin5 to ca her durin5 the day because she had been so *reoccu*ied with recei6in5 that ndamned *icture o ) "embrandt8 She was an5ry at ,ames )or showin5 u* and de ayin5 her8 Then an5ry at herse ) )or ta4in5 the time to ta 4 to Casey8 2aybe she shou d ca casey8 She oo4edat the time8 It was ate8 A most e e6en o<c oc48 !5ut she needed to ta 4 to someone8 She 4new that her )irst ca shou d *robab y be to her Aunt "uby, but she wasn<t readyto dea with the 9uestions and the ine6itab e emotions that wou d )o ow8 She decided to 5et a co))ee and 5i6e Casey a ca 8

F:e oHG Casey<s 6oice was so)t and 5ro55y8 It was ob6ious she had been as ee*8 Ne6erthe ess, it was com)ortin58 The moment Sasha started to s*ea4, the tears )ina y came8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (0= F2y mom8G were the on y words she mana5ed to cho4e out8 F#hat ha**enedHG @SashaH #hat ha**enedH Are you o4H< She needed a )ew moments to com*ose herse ) I<m at the hos*ita 8G F#hatNG #hen I 5ot to her house she was on the ) oor Are you seriousH #hat ha**enedH It oo4s i4e another stro4e8 She<s in intensi6e care ri5ht now, but tey ha6e to do more tests8 I<m comin5 down No, you don<t ha6e to V I< be o4, FAre you sureHG FYes I<m sure8 !esides, there<s nothin5 much we can do ri5ht now anyway, other than wait8 FYa, but I can wait with you8 You shou dn<t be a one ri5ht now8G FSerious y, I<m o48 I need some time a one anyway, 3ust to 5ather my thou5hts8 I 3ust needed someone to ta 4 to, so than4 you )or thatG8 E4 sweetie8 I) there<s anythin5 you need, and I mean anythin5, 3ust ca me8 No matter what time8 FE48 I< 5i6e you a ca in the mornin58G Sasha *ut down the *hone and 3ust stood starin5 at it )or a moment8 mShe 4new that the ne;t ca she ou d ha6e to ma4e wou d be her Aunt "uby8 Ne;t to the tears, ca in5 her Aunt was another admittance that thin5s were serious8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (00 She was not in the mood to dea with her aunt and a her dramatics, but it had to be done8 She tried to minimi7ed the seriousne;ss o) the situation in an attem*t to 4ee* her aut )rom )rea4in5 out, but at the same time, ettin5 her 4now that she shou d be there8 :er aunt wou d be on the ne;t ) i5ht, and wou d arri6e )irst thin5 in the mornin58

She ditched her co))ee which was sti warm,and she hadn<t been ab e to drin4 anyway8 She returned to her moms bedside8 And he d her hand8 she sat in si ence8 :o din5 her mothers hand8 *rayin58 %istenin5 to the re*teti6e bee*in5 o) the machines and her moms abored breathin58 She 3ust sat, starin5 at her mothers im* body watin5, ho*in5 )or anythin5, a s9uee7e o) her hand, a ) utter o) her eyes, anythin58 Then her mom<s breathin5 chan5ed8 It s*uttered i4e an o d car stru55 in5 to 5et started8 Sasha s9uee7ed her hand e6en harder8 F2omHG She too4 a dee* breath and the e;ha ed8 :er head )e to the side8 That was the ast breath she wou d ta4e8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (01

Cha*ter (' + Sasha<s mom dies

CCmention that her mom dies ri5ht be)ore Christmas - aunt stays durin5 Christmas, or she 5oes away to stay with auntH Sasha sat startin5, )ro7en starin5 at her moms )ace8 Kenyin5 what she 4new was rea She was waitin58 #aitin5 )or somethin5, a thou5h she didn<t 4now what8 An5e s, a 6oice a )ee in5, somethin5, but nothin5 came8 She sat inde)inite y unti her robotic stance was interru*ted by her aunt<s arri6a 8 She hadn<t ca ed the doctors V denyin5 what was in )ront o) her8 SashaH SashaH The sound seemed to be comin5 )rom a )ar o)) distance8 She sensed the *resence o) some one in the room8 A )i5ure standin5 in a on5 dar4 coat She oo4ed u* throu5h a )i m o) tears to see her aunt standin5 be)ore her8 Seein5 her )ace her aunt instant y )e by her moms side, and burst into tears8 E6entua y a doctor whom she had not seen be)ore, wondered in, chart in hand8 :e too4 one oo4 at the machine, which was no on5er bee*in5 and sim* y said8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (0D I<m sorry 2rs8 A e;ander8 :e 9uiet y disconnected the i6 and e6erythin5 e se that was connected and then e)t the room8 :er aunt *u ed herse ) to5ether and )o owed him out8 It was near y noon be)ore he returned to ad6ise them that they wou d be mo6in5 the body down to the mor5 unti )unera arran5ements had been made8 :er aunt *ractica y had to *ry her away )rom her mothers side8

!ac4 at her mothers house, Sasha sat starein5 b an4 y into s*ace whi e her Aunt ur5ed he to 5et some hot tea into her stomach8 FI<m so sorry that I cou dn<t 5et here any sooner8G This was o) itt e conso ation to Sasha8 As a)r as Sasha was concerned, she cou d ha6e been there ear ier8 #ee4s ear ier, months ear ier, years ear ier i) she had bothered to care enou5h8 Anyway, none o) that mattered at the moment anyway8 Sasha )o ded her arms8 She was co d8 The entire house )e t co d, and em*ty8 :er *hone had been 6ibratin5 on and o)) )or the ast ten minutes, but she was ob i6ious to it8 E6entua y her aunt answers it8 It<s casey8 She de i6ers the bad news, Casey immediate y ma4es her way o6er8 En the way she et a o) the 5ir s 4now8 and e6entua y casey and christo*he come o6er8 Sydney and 3a77 and nina a so ca her8 -,ames V he has no c ue he<s ca in5 to as4 Sasha out8- ea so ca s V casey answers and de i6ers the news8 Casey a so ad6ises 2i5ue

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (0J Cha*ter (( + The )unera & 2i5ue is there&3ames is there

2i5ue and ,ames are both at the )unera , a so Casey, Sydney and ,a778 Saturday mornin5 was a somber mornin58E6en thou5h the sun was shinin5, the wor d oo4ed 5rey to Sasha8 She sat across the tab e )rom a cu* o) co))ee and two s ices o) toast that her aunt "uby had *re*ared )or her8 FYou need to 5et somethin5 in your stomach8G She said8 #hy do *eo* e a ways want you to eat when you<re u*set8 Aunt "uby was her moms youn5er sister8 She was 6ery re i5ious so she com* ete y too4 o6er the )unera arran5ements8 The two i6ed )ar a*art and had two di))erent i)esty es8 :er mom ran o)) when she met her dad V and her sister ran o)) to 3oin the church and do missionary wor4 8

starin5 bac4 at her8 Sasha<s Aunt "uby M ies in )or the )unera her husband cou dn<t come because he is not doin5 we at the moment, but he comes ater )or the weddin58 2i5ue comes to the )unera to su**ort her8 She is touched8 #hen the car *u ed u* in )ront o) the church V caseywas standin5 outside waitin5 )or her- she 5a6e her a bi5 hu5

:er Aunt V com* ete y ta4es contro o) the )unera arran5ements, which ta4es the burden o)) o) casey, but a so anno ys her because her aunt hasn<t been there a those years, they end u* ar5uin58 con6inces her to ha6e an o*en cas4et, *robab y stemmin5 )rom her 5ui t o) not ha6in seen her sister )or since her dad<s death8 Sasha tries to wa 4 u* to the co))in with her aunt and

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (0The entire room had a somber hush about it8 The dim ta6ern i4e i5htin5 5a6e a surrea warmth to the atmos*here8 There were on y a )ew *eo* e standin5 around8 Sasha cou d see mouths mo6in5 s*ea4in5 in whis*ers and noddin5 heads, but she heard nothin5 e;ce*t the si ence in her head8 #hen she reached the red car*eted *ath 5uarded by two hea6y wooden doors oomin5 ominous y on either side, she sto**ed8 She )e t Casey s9uee7e her arm8 It was on y then that she rea i7ed that Casey was sti by her side8 She )e t the *ressure be5in to bui d inside o) her8 The emotions that she had *ut away were *u sin5 inside i) her8 :er Aunt "uby had insisted that they ha6e an o*en cas4et8 The ast time Sasha saw her Aunt was at her )athers )unera 8 !e)ore that she 4e*t itt e contact with the )ami y8 To her mothers disa**ointment, a)ter the )unera shewent bac4 to 4ee*in5 6ery itt e contact8 Sasha )e t that *art o) her )e t 5ui ty )or the time shehad et *ass, that<s why she was tryin5 to ma4e u* )or it now8 A)ter s*ea4in5 in hushed tones and head nods with the )unera director, Aunt "uby F,ust ta4e me to my seat8 I can<t do it8G Fo4 sweetie8G :er body was wea48 her *osture de)eated8 Mrom the bac4, the trio oo4ed i4e two women he *in5 a itt e o d ady8 She made her way to her seat, re ie6ed that she esca*ed the 3ob o) 5reetin5 )ami y and )riends8 Than4)u y her aunt had that co6ered8 Casey sat with her in si ence8 "ubbin5 her bac48 Sasha he d her head down8 Starin5 at the ) oor8 #atchin5 the sma *oo o) tears )ormin5 between her )eet8 She )e t an arm rest on her shou der and s9uee7e8 She oo4ed u* to see &christo*he standin5 behind her8 As the row behind her )i ed u* with c ose )riends, se wou d )ee the *rocession o)

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (0L shou de r s9uee7es )rom Sydney,nina, 3a77, and a mu titude o) other )riends who came to *ay their res*ects8

The minister stood u* and be5an to s*ea48 The words s*o4en by the minister seemed 3umb ed to Sasha8 Somewhere in the 3umb ed word she heard her mothers )u name F"ose Wathryn 2anchester A e;ander8 The a itt e ater on she heard her own name FSasha A e;anderG That was the ast thin5 she remembered hearin5 be)ore e6eryone around her stood u* and started to sin58 She *atted her )ace dry and *re*ared )or the wa 4 down the red car*eted *ath8 Sasha sat throu5h the entire ceremony a most com* ete y ob i6ious o) her surroundin5s8 It was not unti she stood u* to ead the *rocession o) the co))in bac4 down the on5 red *ath, that she rea i7ed that the church was )i ed with *eo* e8 The wa 4 seemed to ast )ore6er8 Each ste* she too4, re6ea ed a new )ace8 :er dad<s two brothers, Onc e a cou* e o) her re5u ar c ients with whom she had )ormed a 5ood re ationshi* with, tons o) her moms )riends, and e6en her nei5hbor at the store - ?eor5io She saw ,ames, who reached out )or her hand and s9uee7ed it as she ) oated *ast8 She smi ed and nodded courteous y to e6eryone, than4in5 them in si ence8 She too4 a dee* breath and si5hed a si5h o) re ie) as she saw the end o) the red car*et a**roachin58 In the 6ery ast row, standin5 a one was 2i5ue 8

]]]]End o) cha*ter

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (1.

Cha*ter (= + wee4 ^' a)ter )unera &aunt ruby&Casey comes o6er te s her 3ames is en5a5ed -----------------------The sho* is c osed com* ete y )or the wee4 #ee4 ( antony wor4s at the sho* - Chris ba4es at his restraurant and brin5s to the sho* - no s*ecia orders #ee4 = Sasha ba4es - antony is at the sho* sash ba4es a )ew s*ecia orders ,ames sends ) owers with a note I am sorry )or your oss8 I am here )or you Sasha Ca me8

She 5ets ) owers )rom m5ue with a note, then a *hone ca

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (1' She wanted to throw them in the trash, but didn<t, on y because Aunt "uby had a ready be5an searchin5 )or yet another 6ase8 En y ,ames wou d try to use the o**ortunity to 5et bac4 to5ether with her8 she crum* ed u* the card and threw it in the trash8 ,ames was theast *erson she wanted to ta 4 to at the moment8 the on y *erson who wou d e6er be ab e to soothe the 4ind o) *ain she w9as )ee in5 wou d be her mom 5od she missed her8

Sasha<s A)ter the )unera , she c oses the sho* )or a wee48 :er aunt stays )or about a wee4, and 5oes throu5h her mothers thin5s )or her V when she ea6es sasha )ee s a one and returns to "ewmbrandt8 She continues ba4in5, but does not 5o bac4 to the sho* )or a cou* e o) wee4s She sti hasn<t s*o4en to 2i5ue since )irin5 him8 Xdurin5 this time she ta 4s with "embrandt a ot8Y ,a77 and Sydney he * with de i6eriesH V christo*he comes o6er to he * her ba4e V she has a weddin5 the wee4end a)ter the )unera she is sti emotiona 8 Sydney he *s out V wor4in5 at the sho* so sasha cou d ta4e another wee4 o))8 She ca s u* 2i5ue to do some de i6eries8 he in6ites her to co))ee, to ta 4 or she in6ites him to a*o o5i7e )or ye in5 at him )or messin5 u* the order8 A)ter her aunt returns home, she is one y and turns to "embrandt8

Sasha s ow y ro ed o6er in her bed nest in5 herse ) dee*er into her cocoon o) warmth8 Sti


somewhere between the dream wor d and rea ity8 she o*ened her eyes sti in a s i5ht )o58 She thou5ht she saw a )i5ure standin5 at the )oot o) her bed8 It oo4ed i4e 2i5ue 8 #hay wou d 2i5ue be standin5 at the )oot o) he bed she heard a 6oice say8 ?radua y e6erythin5 around her

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (1( rec aimed it<s natura )or and she rea i7ed that she had been dreamin58 She had 6i6id memories o) 2i5ue standin5 in )ront o) her, but he was not a one8 Sydney, Casey and Christo*he, were a standin5 there as we , ho din5 hands, )ormin5 a circ e around her8 Nina, ,a77 and ?ior5io, com* eted the cir e8 They stood in si ence, e6eryone dressed in on5 b ac4 robes8 That<s when it a came ) oodin5 bac48 :er mom, the )unera , her )riends a dressed in b ac48 She was no on5er dreamin58 :er mom was 5one8 More6er8

She ay in bed )or what seemed i4e an end ess amount o) time8 Onab e and unwi in5 to 5et u*8 :er curtains were sti drawn, the room sti dar4 and somber as the ni5ht8 It wasn<t unti her Aunt "uby 4noc4ed on her door that she rea i7ed that the better *art o) the day had 5one8 FSasha sweetie, it<s 5one we *ast noon, you shou d rea y ha6e somethin5 to eat8G Sasha didn<t res*ond8 FI made some sou* )or unch,G she ca ed throu5h the door8 She must ha6e assumed that Sasha had )a en bac4 as ee* because e6entua y she 5a6e u*8 Sasha cou d hear the *hone rin5 in the distance a )ew times, and cou d hear Aunt "uby s*ea4in5 in ow tones to whoe6er was on the other end on the ine8 Sasha was not u* to ta 4in5 to anyone or seein5 anyone8 A she wanted to do was wa ow in the com)ort o) her sadness8 %ater she heard her Aunt ca throu5h the door to et her 4now that she wou d be 5oin5 out to 5et a )ew 5roceries8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (1= Sasha cou dn<t understand how she cou d e6en thin4 about )ood at a time i4e this8 That was the )urthest thin5 )rom Sasha<s mind8 It was ear y e6enin5 and near y dar4 be)ore Sasha emer5ed )rom her room8 :er Aunt was sittin5 on the couch 9uiet y readin5 a ma5a7ine as i) she didn<t ha6e a care in the wor d, as i) she hadn<t buried her on y sister not ess than twenty )our hours a5o8 FThere<s some *asta on the sto6e, i) you<re u* to eatin58G Sasha 3ust shoo4 her head8 #e how about a nice cu* o) tea then, you shou d 5et somethin5 hot in your stomach8 A thou5h she 4new her Aunt was ri5ht, she was de)iant8 She had no a**etite )or )ood, and no a**etite )or carryin5 on with their i6es as usua 8 She wanted to stay tra**ed in the memories o) her mother whi e they were sti )resh in her mind8 Mocusin5 a o) her ener5y on wi in5 her mother bac4 to i)e8 En y the com)ort her arms wou d be ab e to *u her bac48 She wasn<t ready to mo6e on, she wasn<t )inished with her o d i)e yet8

She muttered a )ew words o) than4s to her Aunt be)ore returnin5 to her room, c osin5 the door behind her8

The ne;t day started out *retty much the same as the one be)ore, and *robab y wou d ha6e continued in its )ootste*s, had it not been )or the hun5er *an5s stabbin5 away at Sasha<s stomach8 The *ain o) the em*tiness in her stomach mirrored the *ain o) em*tiness she )e t in e6ery other *art o) her bein58

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (10 S ow y and unwi in5 y, she dra55ed herse ) out o) bed and made her way to the 4itchen tab e8 #here she 3ust sat, *ensi6e, starin5 at nothin5 in *articu ar8 She had no a**etite )or anythin5, but she was wi in5 to eat whate6er Aunt "uby wou d *ut in )ont o) her8 :er Aunt brou5ht o6er two cu*s o) tea, * acin5 one in )ront o) Sasha8 She sat across the tab e in si ence8 She reached )or Sasha<s hand that ay im* ne;t to her cu* and be5an stro4in5 it reassurin5 y8 F:ow do you do itHG Sasha said ) at y #hat do you meanH :ow do I do whatH :ow do you 3ust carry on i4e nothin5 has ha**ened, i4e she<s not 5oneH I 4now it may not oo4 i4e it, but on the inside I<m hurtin5 3ust as much as you are8 Then how do you do itH 2a4e tea, tidy u*, do the 5roceries8 I didn<t 5et to this a5e without su))erin5 throu5h some tou5h moments myse )8 I<6e earned that it does 5et easier, and that no matter how hard it is to carry on, we ha6e no choice, i)e does not wait around )or us to F)ee betterG it )orces us to mo6e )orward8 It< a *art o) the hea in5 *rocess8 You ma4e it sound i4e there<s a standard *rocess )or 5rie6in5, which you are now some 4ind o) e;*ert on8G Sasha was 5rowin5 annoyed with hr aunt8 %ac4 o) )ood, ac4 o) s ee*, and ac4 o) her mother a contributed to her mountin5 an5er8 She was an5ry that her Aunt was not as immobi i7ed by her mom<s death as she was8 FI wou d thin4 that this time it wou d be a itt e di))erent, since she was your on y sister8G E) course it<s di))erent, but I ha6e 5od8 ?od he *s me 5et throu5h it8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (11 Sasha was in no mood to hear one o) her Aunt<s re i5ious rantin5s8 Sasha was by no means an Atheist, but at the moment she was )indin5 it hard to be ie6e in a ?od that wou d ta4e her mother away at such a youn5 a5e8 So, ?od was aunt "uby<s secret wea*on8 Sasha had no secret wea*on, on y her thou5hts8 Sasha<s Aunt stayed on )or about a wee4 a)ter the )unera 8 A thou5h her and her Aunt had ne6er been c ose, Sasha was 5 ad )or her com*any8 She too4 on the tas4 o) answerin5 the *hone, recei6in5 ) ower de i6eries, and ma4in5 sure Sasha ate8 The ne;t cou* e o) days were more o) the same8 :er aunt )ie ded a o) the ca s and 5racious y si5ned )or a o) the ) owers and 5i)t bas4ets8 The women<s au;i iary had sta5ed a )undraiser and donated it to the stro4e )oundation8 :er aunt had been 5oin5 o6er to he moms house re5u ar y to c ean it out, whi e Sasha s*ent her days under a b an4et8 She was 4nowin5 y a6oidin5 the one tas4 that her Aunt "uby insisted must 5et done8 ?oin5 throu5h her mothers thin5s8 She had neither the *hysica or emotiona stren5th to ta4e on such a tas4 at the moment8 !ut her aunt insisted8 She wou d be returnin5 home on the wee4end, and didn<t want to ea6e Sasha to do it on her own8 She wou d et Sasha be the one to decide what to 4ee* and what to send to charity8 #hen she wa 4ed into the house, it )e t co d and em*ty8 She stood in the doorway, unab e to brin5 herse ) to ste* inside8 En y a )ew days ear ier, Sasha thou5ht that buryin5 her mother was he hardest thin5 she e6er had to do8 !ut now as she sat on her mothers bed, amon5st a o) the @thin5s< that she had

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (1D accumu ated o6er her se6enty se6en years o) i)e, she rea i7ed that *ac4in5 away her mothers e;istence into bo;es was 5oin5 to be e6en harder8 She tied but she 3ust cou dn<t do it8 She too4 the )ew thin5s that she 4new her mom wou d want her to ha6e, and she e)t the rest )or her aunt to sort out8

--Casey comes o6er I saw 2i5ue at the )unera , that was nice o) him to come Ya I a so saw 3ames I 4now, I saw him too8 :e to d me he<s 5ettin5 en5a5ed8 "ea y Sasha said ) at y, he chooses my mom<s )unera to announce that8 #e , it was my )au t rea y, I was 4ind o) te in5 him that you don<t need himcomin5 around botherin5 you, and that you<re o6er him, and he to d me he won<t be botherin5 you anymore because he<s 5ettin5 married8 :e said he wanted you to nhear it )rom him but you wou dn<t ta 4 to him8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (1J Cha*ter (0 + #ee4 ^( a)ter )unera &christo*he&ta 4in5 to "embrandt-sees his *ic

--meets christo*he in the sho* V he he *s her decorate the weddin5 ca4e Saturday mornin5, e;act y one wee4 a)ter the )unera , she was bac4 in the sho*8 It had been c osed the entire wee4 with a si5n on the door written in ?ior5io<s best *enmanshi*> Closed due to a death in the (a"ily8 #hen she saw the state o) her )ront stoo*, it was ob6ious that he had swe*t re5u ar y and *ic4ed u* any 3un4 mai as we 8 She wou d ma4e sure to *o* in and than4 him ater8 Sasha was sti considerin5 ea6in5 the sho* c osed )or another wee48 She wasnAt 9uite ready to )ace the wor d yet8 She was on y in this mornin5 to meet Christo*he8 :e a5reed to he * her with a weddin5 ca4e and a cu*ca4e tier that she had committed to8 She was not u* )or ba4in5, and her thou5hts were so distracted, she doubted that she wou d be ab e to 5et the reci*e ri5ht8 She wou d wa 4 Christo*he throu5h what needed to be one, then *robab y return home8 Aunt "uby wou d be ea6in5 at noon, and it wou d be nice to s*end her ast cou* e o) hours with her8 be returnin5 home ater that day8 The sho* oo4ed di))erent8 E6erythin5 had a 5rayish co or to it8 It was weird, Sasha thou5h that she must ha6e 5one co or b ind8 :er sho* which used to ha6e a bri5ht sunny )ee when6er she wa 4ed in, sudden y had a 6ery du 5rey )ee 8 ?ior5io *o**ed in to chec4 on her8 F I saw your car, you<re bac4 so soonHG FNo ?ior5io8 ,ust in )or a cou* e o) hours8 Than4s )or 4ee*in5 the * ace in order8G FAh, it<s nothin58 Kon<t worry8 I) you need anythin5, or you want me to chec4 on thin5s, no *rob em, 3ust et me 4now8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (1FThan4s ?ior5io8G F!e)ore he e)t, he eaned in and handed her a card8 As he turned to ea6e, christo*he was enterin5 with co))ee and a ba5 o) stu))8 FI *ic4ed u* the stu)) you needed8 And I 5o us a cou* e o) co))ees8 Sasha hadn<t been drin4in5 co))ee at a 8 Co))ee 4e*t her and Sasha didn<t want to be awa4e she 3ust wanted to s ee*8 S ee*in5 meant not thin4in5, not cryin58 She didn<t et on to Christo*he8 She 3ust acce*ted it 5race)u y and set it on the counter8

She tried to chan5e the sub3ect V she was tired o) ta 4in5 about her mother8 FYou 4now, I ne6er ended u* de etin5 my *ro)i e o)) o) that site8 F"ea yHG FIn )act, I 4ind o) ended u* meetin5 someone8 I was a ready to de ete my *ro)i e then I 5ot a messa5e )rom a 5uy8 :e ca s himse ) "embrandt8 #e started ta 4in5 a ot8 :e seemed rea y nice8 F FIs there any chemistryH :ow bi5 are his handsHG It was a wea4 attem*t at a 3o4e, but it made Sasha smi e8 FAs a matter o) )act, I sti ha6en<t met him so I ha6e no idea< FAre you sti ta 4in5 to this 5uy nowHG FI ha6en<t s*o4en to him in the ast cou* e o) wee4s, ob6ious y, but u* unti e6erythin5 ha**ened with my mother8G She too4 a moment to swa ow, to sett e her 9ui6erin5 throat8 FO* unti then, we were ta 4in5 9uite a bit8G She had tried to mo6e the to*ic o) con6ersation as )ar away )rom

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (1L her mother as she *ossib y cou d, but somehow she )ound herse ) ri5ht bac4 in the wor d o) *ain8G FChris, I<m 5oin5 to 5o home8G She cou d bare y 5et the words out8 Christo*he, seein5 her eyes we u*, immediate y mo6ed in and hu55ed her ti5ht y8 FKo you want me to dri6e you homeHG FNo8G She wi*ed away the tears that be5an to ro down her chee4s8 ! in4in5 bac4 more tears8 FI< be )ine8 ,ust hand me that co))ee )or the road8G FYou<re sureHG he he d her by both arms, oo4in5 her in the eyes8 FI<m sure, don<t worry8 I *robab y 3ust need a 5ood ni5ht<s s ee*8 A)ter my Aunt 5oes home, I shou d be ab e to sett e into my o d routine8G FE4, dri6e sa)e8 I< ca you ater and et you 4now how e6erythin5 went8G FThan4 you Chris8 You<re such an an5e to do this )or me8G FP ease, you don<t ha6e to than4 me8 ,ust 5o home and 5et some rest8G

#hen Sasha arri6ed home, Aunt "uby had her ba5 *ac4ed and *ar4ed ne;t to the )ront door8 FYou<re bac4NG She sounded cheery8 FI made us some unch8G She was *robab y 3ust ha**y about 5oin5 home8 ?ettin5 bac4 to her norma i)e8 Sasha 9uestioned the word @norma <8 :ow cou d her i)e e6er be @norma < a5ain now that she had ost both her )ather and her mother8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (D. FThan4 you Aunt "uby8 I<m rea y 5oin5 to miss ha6in5 you here8G It was the truth8 As much as Sasha was oo4in5 )orward to ha6in5 her own s*ace, she wou d miss her Aunt<s materna *resence8 A)ter s*endin5 time with her aunt, Sasha had actua y 5rown to i4e her8 She ne6er 4new what the )eud between the two sisters was a about, it was ne6er addressed8 !ut the seemin5 y co d uncarin5 woman, was neither co d or uncarin58 In )act she was the com* ete o**osite8 She doted on sasha i4e she was a two year o d8 She was stron5, but she had the 4ind o) stren5th that comes )rom *ain8 She was 3ust a woman with her own *rob ems i4e e6eryone e se8 :ers ha6e 3ust been around on5er8 FI wish I cou d stay on5er, but I ha6e to 5et bac4 to ?ordan8G FI understand8 #e<6e a 5ot to 5et bac4 to our i6es, e6en thou5h 2om is 5one8G Two hours ater, she saw her Aunt o)) at the air*ort8 They both 6owed to 4ee* in touch and 6isit more o)ten, since it was 3ust @the two o) them< as she *ut it8

It was the )irst ni5ht she wou d be a one, rea y a one8 She had s*ent count ess ni5hts on her own in that a*artment in the ast )i6e years, but ne6er had it )e t so em*ty, so star4 y dauntin58 Now that her Aunt was 5one her a*artment )e t eeri y 9uiet8 She had i6ed there )or near y )i6e years on her own but it ne6er )e t i4e that be)ore A a one8 It was the )irst time since her mother died8 The one iness was *ro)ound8 A wee4 there had been a steady stream o) 6isitors, not to mention her Aunt "ubyAs round the c oc4 com*any8 She turned to "embrandt8 #hen Sasha o*ened her inbo;, there was an emai )rom "embrandt8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (D' #hen she o*ened it, there it was8 The *icture o) himse ) that he had send wee4s a5o, be)ore that dreaded8 Sasha hadn<t e6en thou5ht o) the *icture since that day8 She stared at the *icture unenthusiastica y8 There was not much to see rea y8 The *icture was ta4en )rom a distance and the 5reater *art o) the *icture was mono*o i7ed by breathta4in5 mountain 6iews8 The )ace o)) the )i5ure standin5 in the *icture was bare y distin5uishab e8 A )ew wee4s a5o she wou d ha6e been disa**ointed with the *icture, but now, none o) it seemed to matter8 -----be)ore this&a)ter the )unera 2i5ue tries to ts 4 to her but she dismisses him because she can<t dea 8

'st chat a)ter mom-sees *ic 'st time

A)ter this chat she 5i6es him her *ri6ate emai address and 5oes o)) the site because she is tired

---------------------------------------!e)ore she had a chance to e))ecti6e y contem* ate whether or not she shou d contact him, there he was8 "embrandtZ :i chanti y Chanti yZ :i8 I ho*e you don<t mind me contactin5 you8 I was on ine, and 5ot a messa5e that you read my emai Tso I thou5ht I wou d say hi8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (D( I don<t mind8 In )act his asserti6eness had ta4en the burden o) ma4in5 a decision out o) Sasha<s hands8 Somethin5 that truth)u y, and unconscious y she had been ho*in5 )or8 Are you o4H Sasha be5an to ty*e yes, then bac4 s*aced o6er it8 She wasn<t o4, not by a on5 shot, and she didn<t 4now i) she e6er wou d be a5ain You ha6en<t been on )or a whi e8 I 3ust wondered i) e6erythin5 was o4 with you8 No actua y8 2y mother *ast away two wee4s a5o8 I am so sorry )or you Sasha8 Sasha) This was the )irst time he had e6er ca ed her by her rea name, or any name come to thin4 o) it8 It was nice8 ----Z in the ear y con6os he mentions that his rea nam is 5or5eH #hich is actua y his midd e name&)athers name Ko you )ee i4e ta 4in5 about itH I) you want me to ea6e you a one, that<s o4, I understand, but i) you want to ta 4 I<m here8 The truth was, she didn<t 4now what she wanted at the moment8 she 3ust wanted e6erythin5 to 5o bac4 to the way it was8 !ac4 to when her mom was sti a i6e8 I wou d i4e that8 To ta 48 Sometimes 3ust ta 4in5 can he *8 It can be 6ery thera*eutic8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (D= The truth was she didn<t ha6e 6ery much to say8 she didn<t 4now what to say8 a she had been ab e to do success)u y )or the ast cou* e o) wee4s was cry uncontro ab y8 :ow ha6e you been ho din5 u*H E4, I 5uess8 It<s been hard8 I understand8 Ko you ha6e )ami y and )riends su**ortin5 you8 Yes, many 5ood )riends8 And my aunt, the on y rea )ami y e)t8 That<s 5ood8 ?ood to 4now you are not dea in5 with this a one8 You ha6e me too8 I 4now I am on y a stran5er to you, but I do care8 I care about you more than you may thin4, as stran5e as that sounds8 It did sound stran5e, but sti the words brou5ht a itt e com)ort to her achin5 heart8 Than4 you8 I ost my 5rand)ather a )ew years a5o8 #e were 6ery c ose8 Tears we ed u* in Sasha<s eyes, b urrin5 the etters on the 4eyboard, immobi i7in5 her )in5ers8 Are you thereH Are you o4H I<m o48 I can )ee the *ain in your si ence8 I don<t want to u*set you8 You<re not u*settin5 me8 I<m sorry it<s 3ust hard8 !ut ta 4in5 he *s, at east it<s better than thin4in58 #hy don<t you te me about your mother8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (D0 It seemed weird, a most b as*hemous to ta 4 about her mother to a com* ete stran5er8 !ut at the same time, because he was a com* ete stran5er wantin5 nothin5 more than to o))er a sym*athetic ear it somehow )e t easy8 She was the best mother anyone cou d e6er as4 )or, )unny, carin5, o6in5,understandin5TI cou d 5o on )ore6er8 I don<t mind i) you do8 Thou5h it was on y an arti)icia smi e it was the )irst she had been ab e to mana5e in a on5 time8 It<s not a burden8 In )act I )ee honored that you are sharin5 these memories with you8 And hey, I made you smi e I wi be on ine tomorrow, same time i) you want to ta 48 Than4 you8 Mor e6erythin58 I won<t be on the site anymore8 She hesitated momentari y be)ore ty*in5 the ne;t ine8 !ut, I can 5i6e you my *ersona emai 8 I wou d i4e that8 #hat had she started, nothin5 more than a )riendshi* she had ho*ed8 She cou dn<t hand e anythin5 more, and on y ho*ed that he understood that8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (D1 I wish I cou d ho d you in my arms ri5ht now and ta4e a your *ain away

&ish you could too

"embrandtZ I<m so sorry to hear that8 :ow are you dea in5 with e6erythin5H Chanti yZ Than4 you 8 It<s been hard8 Sery emotiona 8 ZI 3ust needed someone to ta 4 to8 ZI<m here )or you any time you want to ta 4, but i) not i understand8 Chanti yZ Than4 you8 Ko you ha6e )riends and )ami y he *in5 you throu5h this and )ami y to he * you throu5h this timeH A thou5h he sounded concerned, she cou dn<t he * but thin4 that maybe what he mea7nt was don<t you ha6e anyone e se to ta 4 to8 2aybe she was bein5 too sensiti6e8 2aybe he had mo6ed on, and )ound someone e se8 She didn<t 4now what to thin4 anymore8 !ut she was thinin5 that maybe it was a mista4e to un oad her emotions on a com* ete stran5er who was *robab y oo4in5 )or no more than some innocent on ine ) irtin58 Chanti yZ Yes I do8 I don<t mean to burden you with my troub es8 "embrandtZ It is not a burden at a 8 I )ee honored that you )ee that you can come to me to ta 48 I ho*e you consider me a )riend i) nothin5 e se8 E6en thou5h I cannot be there )or you in *erson, I wou d sti i4e to be here )or you8 You can )ee )ree to ta 4 to me about anythin58

:is words were com)ortin5 and non 3ud5ementa 8 She )e t re ie6ed and re a;ed8 Somethin5 she hadn<t been ab e to )ee in the *ast )ew wee4s8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (DD

Chanti yZ That<s 6ery com)ortin58 :a6e you e6er ost anyone c ose to youH "embrandtZ Mortunate y, I ha6en<t, but I can on y ima5ine how di))icu t it must be )or you8 Chanti yZ di))icu t doesn<t e6en be5in to describe it8 I ha6en<t been ab e to eat or s ee* *ro*er y in wee4s8 You rea y must ta4e care o) yourse )8 :a6e you eaten todayH You sound i4e my mother Immediate y a)ter she ty*ed it, she wanted to ta4e it bac48 It had been a re) e; res*onse8 Now that her mom was 5one, it wasn<t as )unny8 She wou d 5i6e anythin5 at that moment to hear her mom na5 at her to eat8

There was a on5 *ause be)ore he res*onded8

Z I) your mother was oo4in5 down on you ri5ht now, I<m sure she wou d want you to eat8

:e was ri5ht8 She hadn<t been ab e to 4ee* anythin5 down8 :er stomach had been in 4nots )or days8 She had ost )i6e *ounds since the )unera 8 "embrandt Z I 4now this may sound stran5e, but I care about you8 It did sound stran5e, but at the same time it sounded 5enuine8 I) you )ee i4e ta 4in5 tomorrow ni5ht, I wi be on8

I understand, you don<t need to e;* ain8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (DJ

#hy don<t you te me about the ha**y times with your mom

That ni5ht the two continued their con6ersation dee* into the wee hours o) the mornin58 The ne;t ni5ht was the same, as was the ni5ht a)ter that8 Sasha oo4ed )orward to ta 4in5 to him, and had 5rown a most de*endant on their con6ersations to 5et her throu5h the ni5ht8 She hadn<t been ab e to s ee* *ro*er y )or days8 Ta 4in5 to "embrandt was a we come distraction to the thou5hts and ima5es o) her mother that ree ed throu5h her head ni5ht a)ter ni5ht8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (DCha*ter (1 + #ee4^= "embrandt&co))ee with 2i5ue

That ni5ht Sasha had the best ni5htAs s ee* she had had in a on5 time8 "embradts words had been i4e a soothin5 massa5e that *ut her into a dee* rest)u s ee*8 Mor the )irst time in a on5 time she wo4e u* )ee in5 re3u6enated, ho*e)u 8

Their con6ersations were becomin5 on5er and more )re9uent8 Each ni5ht 5rowin5 dee*er and more intimate8 She earned a ot about him o6er the wee4s8 :e was inte ectua and stimu atin5 and )unny8 It wasn<t so much what he said, but the way he said it8 :is words were warm and com)ortin5, and at times e6en s i5ht y arousin58 Sasha )e t herse ) s ow y comin5 bac4 to i)e8 Soon she wou d ha6e to return to the sho*, and carry on with the new rea ity o) her i)e8

Mor some reason she was hesitant about o*enin5 her emai 8 A)raid that he mi5ht ha6e emai ed her, or mi5ht not ha6e emai ed her sh wasn<t sure which )ear carried the 5reater wei5ht8 She had now 6o untari y ta4en their @re ationshi*< outside o) the datin5 site8 A mo6e that both unner6ed her and re ie6ed her in the same breath8 En one hand she was ha**y that she wou d no on5er ha6e to ward o)) the numerous emai s and messa5es )rom se; star6ed *redators, but on the other hand she ho*ed that she had not 5otten "embrandts ho*es u* in any way8 Sasha says/Z Than4 you )or the beauti)u *oem ?or5e says/Z You<re we come It brou5ht tears to my eyes That was certain y not my intention, but I<m 5 ad you i4ed it8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (DL I<m a so 5 ad that you 5ot in touch with me8 I en3oy ta 4in5 to you, our ast ta 4 rea y he *ed8 I<m 5 ad8 I<m 5 ad that can be here )or you, to isten8 Than4 you )or that, and )or the *oem, it was rea y thou5ht)u 8 It said e;act y what I needed to hear8 #here did you )ind itH I wrote it8 Mor you8 Now you<re 5oin5 to ma4e me cry a5ain8 That was so thou5ht)u 8 It<s the east I cou d do8 I) I cou d, I wou d ho d you in my arms and ta4e a o) your *ain away :h "y god, kne& he &ould &ant "oreThat<s sweet o) you to say, but As thou5h sensin5 her *anic he 9uic4 y amended his comment I ho*e you don<t thin4 that iwas su55estin5 anythin5, I was 3ust s*ea4in5 honest y, hy*othetica y8 2aybe one day 2aybe8 No more was said on the sub3ect matter, which was a re ie) to Sasha8 T5heircon6ersation returned to88and stayed that way )or the )o owin5 )ew ni5hts8 !y the end o) the wee4 Sasha )e t i4e a wei5ht had been i)ted o)) o) her shou ders8 It was hard to describe the )ee in5, but it was a most as thou5h she had been in thera*y and a had come out with awho e new *er*ecti6e on hand in5 her mother<s death8 Ta 4in5 to "embrandt was

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (J. di))erent than ta 4in5 to any o) her )riends8 :e was neutra with no emotiona in6o 6ement, much i4e a thera*ist in may res*ects, without the who**in5 bi a)terwards8

2onday she was schedu ed to return to the sho*, and u* to this *oint she didn<t 4now how she wou d ma4e it throu5h the day8 !ut somehow now she )e t ready8 It was time8 A)ter near y three wee4s away she was actua y oo4in5 )orward to returnin5 to her busy schedu in58 Not to mention how much she had missed ?ior5io<s boisterous au5h *enetratin5 the wa between them, and Antony<s e;tensi6e but mis5uided 4now ed5e o) women, and the satis)ied oo4s on her custom ers )aces a)ter sin4in5 their teeth into one o) her choco ate a6a cu*a4es8 I) she stayed away any on5er her sho* was sure to su))er the same )ate as her caterin5 business8 E6eryone had been unbe ie6ab y he *)u and encoura5ed her to ta4e as much time as she needed, !ut now what she needed was to 4ee* busy8 There was no better thera*y than *ourin5 your *ain into your *assion and ho*e)u y comin5 out with somethin5 beauti)u 8

!ut be)ore returnin5 to i)e as usua , there was one thin5 she had to do )irst8 Mace the issue that she had been turnin5 o6er in her mind the entire day8 Ca in5 2i5ue ,

Sincen the )unera , she hadn<t been ab e to 5et the ima5e o) him standin5 at the bac4 o) the church out o) her mind8 !e)ore she wou d return to the sho* there was somethin5 she had to do8 Somethin5 she had subconscious y been *uttin5 o)) )or wee4s8 She had to a*o o5i7e to 2i5ue 8 She had been )ee in5 terrib e )or the way she had treated when her mom was in he thos*ita 8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (J' The ima5e o) him standin5 at the bac4 o) the church stayed with her8 :is *resence meant a ot to her8 Es*ecia y a)ter the way she had treated him8 Today was the day that she decided it was time to c ear the air between them8 She *ic4ed u* the *hone, inha ed a dee* breath and dia ed8

Cha*ter + (D meets 2i5ue )or su**er They arran5ed to meet at se6en o<c oc4 at the Coral !lue restaurant a on5 the harbor8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (J( Sasha wanted to be out o) the atmos*here o) the sho*8 She )i5ured that i) they were 5oin5 to ma4e a )resh start, they shou d start somewhere )resh8 She had *ur*ose y 4e*t the *hone ca short, sim* y te in5 him that she wanted to meet8 She 4new that i) either one o) them said too much she wou d ha6e i4e y chan5ed her mind8 Initia y she had su55ested meetin5 )or a drin4, but it was 2i5ue <s idea to ma4e it dinner instead8 They had ne6er 5one out to dinner be)ore, and the entire idea had e)t Sasha a bit unner6ed8 Krin4s wou d ha6e been 9uic4, in)orma and stress )ree, but sittin5 throu5h a )u en5th mea was an entire y di))erent thin5

She s4immed throu5h her c oset, unenthusiastic about any o) the out)its that stared bac4 at her8 A)ter wearin5 nothin5 but sweats )or the ast three wee4s, sudden y *uttin5 to5ether two matchin5 artic es o) c othin5 seemed to be an insurmountab e )eat8 She didn<t want to try too hard, in )act she didn<t want to try at a i) she was bein5 truth)u 8 The days o) tryin5 to win 2i5ue <s attention had been on5 o6er8 Now her on y 5oa was to c ear the air between them and to than4 him )or showin5 his su**ort at the )unera 8 She )ina y sett ed on a *air o) 3eans, a *in4 button down b ouse, and ) ats8 The entire dri6e Sasha chec4ed and re-chec4ed the mirror e6ery chance she 5ot8 She was ner6ous, thou5h she tried hard to con6ince herse ) that there was no need8 Thin5s were di))erent now8 As she neared the restaurant, her ner6es be5an to doub e in stren5th8 She hadn<t seen 2i5ue since the )unera , and it had been e6en on5er since they had a rea con6ersation8 Now that the rea ity o) seein5 him a5ain was be5innin5 to set in, so was a wea th o) *anic 8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (J= Sasha ro ed u* to the restaurant entrance and immediate y s*otted 2i5ue standin5 outside chattin5 to the 6a et8 :e oo4ed 5ood, rea y 5ood8 E6erythin5 she had to d herse ) on the dri6e o6er sudden y seemed irre e6ant8 She e;amined him )rom head to toe, )ee in5 underdressed in com*arison8 :e was wearin5 a dressy *air o) charcoa 5rey trousers, a casua cotton shirt and a s ee4 b ac4 eather 3ac4et that matched his *o ished Timber ands8 Sasha too4 a dee* breath and ner6ous y o*ened her door8 The 6a et *rom*t y mo6ed to assist her but 2i5ue 9uic4 y interce*ted him and in a ) ash was at her door with his hand out waitin5 )or her to 5rab ho d8 She wanted to te him that he was o6erdressed, that he was treatin5 it too much i4e a date, that he oo4ed too damned 5oodN Instead she 3ust smi ed and too4 his hand8 FThan4 you8G The moment their hands touched, she )e t her an;iety be5in to thaw8 FYou oo4 6ery nice,G he smi ed at her as he escorted her out o) the car8 FThan4 you, so do you8G The words ea*ed out o) her mouth at record s*eed8 :e did oo4 5ood, so 5ood8 Sasha cou dn<t deny it8 E6er the *ast months, thou5hts o) any romantic )ee in5s towards 2i5ue had subsided8 !ut now that she was seein5 him a5ain, she 4new it wou d ta4e a her stren5th to *re6ent those )ee in5s )rom cree*in5 their way out o) hibernation8 !e)ore enterin5 the restaurant her sto**ed and turned to Sasha8 Mrom behind his bac4 he *roduced a sin5 e ye ow rose8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (J0 FEh my 5od, It<s a *eace o))erin5 #hatH A ye ow roses re*resent )riendshi*, and new be5innin5s, and that<s what I<m ho*in5 )or8 That<s so sweet8 That<s what I wou d i4e too8 Sasha buried her nose in the ti* o) the rose, inha in5 the so)t *owdery scent and concea in5 a 6ery content smi e8 As they made their way to the rece*tion, sudden y a o) the ner6es that had coursed throu5h her body ear ier be5an to me t away8 FYe ow roses are my )a6orite8G FI 4now8G FYou doHG Ya, you to d m that once8G :e smi ed a s i5ht 5rin that instant y drew Sasha<s eyes to his mouth8 F!ac4 when you were sti ta 4in5 to me8G :e smi ed wider now, au5hin5 s i5ht y8 Sasha<s bit at her ower i*, bitin5 bac4 the tin5 in5 sensation arisin5 )rom watchin5 him smi e8 She mirrored his smi e unconscious y and au5hed, s i5ht y embarrassed by his remar48 A hostess *rom*t y a**eared and escorted them towards the bac4 o) the restaurant where the tab es o6er oo4ed the marina8 2i5ue * aced his *a m on Sasha<s ower bac4, 5uidin5 her min )ront o) him8 #here he had rested his hand )e t i4e someone had set Sasha<s b ouse on )ire8 The tab e was ad3acent to a cei in5 hei5ht window that o6er oo4ed the harbor8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (J1 FThis is a 5reat s*ot you can see e6erythin58G Sasha *eered out at the boats inin5 the bri5ht y it harbor8 Some settin5 sai , some doc4ed with on board *arties, and numerous others 3ust *assin5 throu5h8 FI as4ed )or this s*ot s*eci)ica y8G F"ea yHG F#e there<s no *oint comin5 to The Coral i) you can<t en3oy the 6iew8G FYou<re ri5ht I 5uess8G She cou dn<t he * bein5 im*ressed by a the e;tra e))ort he had *ut into their meetin5, which was startin5 to )ee more i4e a date8 #ithin minutes a waiter a**eared with a wine ist8 F2ind i) I chooseHG FNot at a 8G Sasha au5hed to herse ) rememberin5 the ni5ht they went to the wine tastin58 Sasha didn<t ta4e her eyes o)) o) him the entire time he was ma4in5 his se ection8 :e chose somethin5 Mrench, then *rom*t y turned his attention bac4 to Sasha8 FSo, Sasha,G he said so)t y8 FIt<s nice to see you8G\ F It<s rea y nice to see you too8G FI ha6e to be honest, I was so ha**y when you ca ed, I thou5ht you were ne6er 5oin5 to s*ea4 to me a5ain8G FI 4now, that<s why I ca ed you8G\ now that the o**ortunity was here, it was harder to )ind the words than she thou5ht8 I wanted to a*o o5i7e-It<s o4 , he cut her o))8 you had a ot to dea with8 I<m 3ust so ha**y that we<re here now8

:e eaned in c oser and * aced his hand on to* o) hers which had been restin5 on the tab e8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (JD It was warm and soothin5 and sensua 8 Sasha breathed it in with an uncom)ortab e )ami iarity8 I<6e been worried about you, but you 4inw, I was tryin5 to 5i6e you some s*ace8 how ha6e you beenH :e as4ed with 5enuine concern I his eyes8 I<6e 3ust been ta4in5 one day at a time, you 4now8 I<m 5oin5 bac4 to the sho* tomorrow, so I thin4 that wi be 5ood )or me, 4ee*in5 busy8 FThat<s 5ood8G The waiter bro4e throu5h the hand ho din5 barricade * acin5 two wine 5 asses in the center o) the tab e8 Sasha was re ie6ed by his interru*tion8 The e6enin5 was 5oin5 as she had e;*ected8 A thou5h she was wuite sure what she e;*ected, but she didn<t antici*ate that the e6eninb5 wou d )ee so com)ortab e, so e))ort ess, and so in6itin58 be)ore )i in5 mi5ue s 5 ass with a sma sam* e )or him to taste8 ,ust i4e at the wine tastin5, he swir ed the wine in the 5 ass, then hre d it to his nose be)ore ta4in5 a si*8 FThat<s *er)ect, than4 you8G Mo owin5 mi5ue s a**ro6a , the waiter )i ed both 5 asses, * aced the bott e on ice and made a stea th disa**earance8 The interru*tion had 5i6en Sasha a moment to re)ocus on \ :e was sha4in5 his head8 You don<t ha6e to a*o o5i7e8 There<s no need8 I to d you,it<s o4, it<s in the *ast8 I 4now, but 3ust et me a*o o5i7e, I owe you that8 I o6ereacted8 I 4now that8 I was rea y emotiona , and I shou d ne6er ha6e s*o4en to you the way I did8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (JJ It<s o4ay Sasha he said in a whis*er8 Tryin5 to shush her8 And when I saw you at the church8we I )e t e6en worse8 I wanted to say than4 you )or comin58 It meant a ot to me seein5 you there8 I wanted to be there )or you Sasha8 Tears be5an to )orm in her eyes8 She tried to b in4 them away8 I 3ust wanted to say than4s )or bein5 there )or me8 Es*ecia y a)ter e6erythin58 You don<t ha6e to than4 me, I wanted to be there8 :e too4 her hand a5ain8 ?ent y caressin5 it, tryin5 to ca m her8

E) course I understood that you were 5oin5 throu5h a tou5h time, you don<t ha6eto a*o o5i7e )or that8 I 3ust wished you wou d ha6e et me in8 he a**eared *ensi6e, a thou5h considerin5T8 Sasha hadn<t e6en 5i6en any thou5ht to how he may ha6e )e t a)ter she b ew u* at him8She had 3ust assumed that he sim* y returned to his i)e as usua 8 but

Sasha 9uic4 y remo6ed her hand )rom beneath his, and too4 ho d ) her wine

Serious y Sasha8 I 4new you were 5oin5 throu5h a tou5h time #e , I didn<t 4now what was 5oin5 on8 You weren<t rea y ta 4in5 much, so, I didn<t 4now what to e;*ect8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (J:e cu**ed his hand on to* o) hers8 :e *aused )or a moment and 3ust oo4ed at her8 :i s hands 5rew c ammy8 :e too4 a dee* breath8 F IIG, :e be5an8 :e remo6ed his hand )rom hers and be5an rubbin5 his )orehead8 FI ha6e to te you somethin58G FE48G FIs e6erythin5 o4 hereHG The waitress in9uired whi e *assin58G FYes, than4 you, we<re )ine8G 2i5ue was 9uic4 to res*ond Sasha returned her )ocus to him, an;ious to hear what he had to say8 The brie) interru*tion a**eared to ha6e sidetrac4ed his train o) thou5ht8 En y moments be)ore he had seemed *ensi6e, s i5ht y uncom)ortab e8 That sentiment had mana5ed to dissi*ate within a matter o) seconds8 :i s con)ident demeanor had resur)aced8 It was a 6ery subt e shi)t, but Sasha noticed8 FI 3ust want to te you that I<m 5 ad we had this ta 48G FEh, EW8G Sasha sensed that there was some thin5 more that he wanted to say, but she wou dn<t *ush thin5s8 They had on y 3ust re*aired heir )riendshi*8 #hen they ste**ed out o) the restaurant, the air was re)reshin5 and sme ed o) the marina8 Sasha turned to 2i5ue 8 Than4 you )or a rea y beauti)u e6enin58 "ea y it was so much more than I e;*ected8 You<re we come8 It was nothin58 :e s i**ed his hands in his *oc4et and shi)ted )rom side to side8 It doesn<t ha6e to end yet, we cou d 5o )or a wa 4 a on5 the *ier8 :e wated )or Sasha<s res*ons;e

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (JL Sasha hesitated then b urted out, sure why not8 Admitted y Sasha didn<t want the ni5ht to end, maybe )or di))erent reasons than he did, but either way, she didn<t want it to end8 They wa 4ed a on5 the boardwa 4 si ent y ta4in5 in the 6iews and en3oyin5 the ni5ht bree7e a5ainst their s4in8 They sto*atan o6er oo4in5 *oint8 As the coo bree7e swe*t o6er Sasha<s )ace, a the air around her seemed to be in)used with 2i5ue <s co o5ne8 She cou d sme nothin5 e se, or thin4 o) nothin5 e se other than 5ettin5 e6en c oser to his scent8 FYou oo4 co dG 2i5ue s i**ed o)) his 3ac4et and * aced it around Sasha<s shou ders8 :e et his arm in5er be)ore remo6in5 it and tuc4in5 his hands in his *oc4ets8 :is 3ac4et, sti warm with his body heat me ted a5ainst her body8 She nu77 ed herse ) into the o6ersi7ed 3ac4et, content that in a way she had )u )i ed her wish o) bein5 c oser to his scent8 I) she c osed her eyes and et her ima5ination run wi d, it was a most i4e bein5 in his arms a5ain8 Sasha, hetoo4 a dee* breath, I ha6e to te you somethin5, I mean there<s so much I want to say, he stumb ed o6er his words, thin5s want to e;* ain8 Sasha didn<t want to hear it8 she was sure that he was 5oin5 to 5o into !ut Sasha didn<t want to hear any o) that, not now, not in such a beauti)u si ent moment8 she didn<t care to discuss that ni5ht anymore8 2i5ue , I to d you, it<s o4ay, I don<t need an e;* anation about anythin58 It<s a in the *ast now, water under the brid5e8 %et<s 3ust oo4 )orward )rom now on8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (-. #a 4in5 bac4, Sasha was acute y aware o) the *ro;imaty o) their hands and they swun5 side by side8 2i5ue must ha6e been aware o) it too, because nwhen she swun5 her hand )orward it anded dead center in his *a m8 :e s9uee7ed her hand so)t y ti5htenin5 his 5ri* so it cou dn<t s i* out8 The restaurant was on y a )ew )eet away, Sasha 4e*t her 5a7e )ocused on their destination, unsure o) how to react8 2i5ue ne6er said a word, or e6en 5 anced in her direction, he sim*y continued wa 4in5 as thou5h nothin5 had chan5ed8 And Sasha did the same8

#hen they reached the restaurant 2i5ue sto**ed and turned to Sasha, sti ho din5 her hand8 he bowed s i5ht y and i)ted her hand to his i*s8 FThan4 you )or a wonder)u e6enin58G FThan4 you,G Sasha said s i**in5 her hand )ree8 8 En cue the 6a et arri6ed with Sasha<s car8 !e)ore c osin5 the door he eaned in and 5a6e her a 4iss on the chee48 !e)ore c osin5 the door he said, we shou d do this a5ai n FYa,G Sasha too4 a dee* breath, that wou d be nice8

They wa 4ed side by side a on5 the boardwa 4 - e6entua y he ta4es her hand on the way bac4 to the restaurant8 I<6e missed you Sasha8 I ha6e to be honest8 I<m bein5 honest8 I<6e missed wor4in5 with you, ta 4in5 to you #e , than4 you )or a beauti)u e6enin58 It was much more than I e;*ected, rea y8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (-' #hat e se cou d she say8 she hadn<t missed him, not rea y, she hadn<t had time to8 I had a 5ood time too8 I<m so 5 ad you ca ed, and that you<re doin5 better8 And remember i) you need to ta 4, or 3ust 5o )or a wa 4 or whate6er, I<m here8 She 4new he meant it, but she a so 4new that she wou d ne6er ta4e him u* on his o))er8 They wa 4ed a on5 the harbour-she thin4s he wants to 4iss her but nothin5 ha**ens8 This was nice, we shou d do it a5ain sometime8 Ya we shou d8

#hy why why did he ha6e tobe so nice to her, so 5ood oo4in58 #hy did these )ee in5s ha6e to resur)ace a5ain, she wanted nbo *art o) it, that<s what 5ot her into troub e in the )irst * ace8 2aybe one day they wou d be ab e to be 3ust )riends, but not now8 She was too emotiona y unstab e, too busy tryin5 to 5et her i)e bac4 to norma , and sti too 5oddamned attracted to himN The entire dri6e home, Sasha )ound herse ) 5oin5 o6er their e;chan5e with a )ine tooth comb8 Thin5s had 5one much better than Sasha e;*ected8 A thou5h she wasn<t 9uite sure what she had e;*ected8 A she 4new was that she wa 4ed away )ee in5 ha**y a)ter she saw him8 A thou5h she cou dn<t 5et the 9uestion out o) her mind8 #hat was he 5oin5 to say to her8 In her )antasy, he wou d ha6e to d her that he had )ee in5s )or her and he wants their re ationshi* to be more than 3ust a wor4in5 re ationshi*8 Er maybe what he actua y said was a he meant to say8 maybe she was 3ust readin5 too much into the who e thin58 !ut he did touch her hand8 Three times8 Kid that mean anythin5H :er thou5hts 4e*t ) i* ) o**in5 bac4 and )orth8 She didn<t 4now what to thin48 A she 4new was that she wa 4ed away )ee in5 ha**y a)ter seein5 him8 It )e t 5ood to c ear the air8 Thin5s

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (-( had 5one much better than she had e;*ected, a thou5h she wasn<t 9uite sure what she had e;*ected8 It )e t i4e a wei5ht had been i)ted o)) ) her shou ders8 She decided not to 5o on ine that ni5ht8 She 3ust wanted to et the e6ents o) the day sett e o6er her8 besides her hands sti tin5 ed )rom mi5ue s touch, she cou dn<t *ossib y ty*e8 She didn<t 5o on ine to ta 4 to "embrandt that ni5ht8 She didn<t need to8 She 3ust wanted to re ish in the e6ents o) the day8

Cha*ter (D + She returns to the sho* )or the )irst time&recei6es ) owers&test 2i5ue stayed n her mind throu5hout the ni5ht and cre*t into her dreams8 She was wearin5 a on5 white trans*arent dressout o) nowhere a wonder)u wor d by ouis Armstron5 be5an to * ay o6er a oud s*ea4er8 The sound 5rew ouder and ouder unti sashas sat u* abrubt y, the mornin5 sun b indin5 her8 she )e bac4 onto her *i ow and s a**ed the *ower button on her radio8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (-= The ast thin5 on her mind was a so the )irst thi5 on her mind8 E;act y what she had been tryin5 to a6oid a a on58 A owin5 herse ) to )oo ish y entertain any romantic thou5hts about 2i5ue 8 The on y thin5 that shou d be onher mind she decided, was 5ettin5 bac4 to the sho*, and 5ettin5 :er i)e on the way a5ain8 It had been 9uite a whi e since she had been u* with the sun8 she decided to ta4e the scenic route to s ow y ease into her )irst day bac48 A on5 the way she *assed the Cora b ue, the boardwa 4 where he had ta4en her hand, and the * at)orm where he had 4issed her 5ood-bye8 She returned her attention to the road, nd ste**ed on the 5as hard8

Sisters name Komini9ue She arri6es at the sho* - 5ior5io has a bi5 we come ba

Ta 4 about how it )ee s to 5o bac4 to the sho* She is e;cited because he *ut )riends in 9uotes - she ana y7es with Casey8 %ater that day she recei6es a bou9uet o) ye ow rosesTantony te s hder about the red ti*sH Card on the ) owers says I rea y en3oyed ast ni5ht ? ad that we can sti be @)riends< To new be5innin5sT She * aced the ) owers on the windowsi in the sun8 %oo4s i4e he<s 5ot a thin5 )or you

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (-0 #hat are you ta 4in5 aboutH The red ti*s #hat about themH They mean he<s hot )or you #hatH I<m te in5 you8 The ye ow means )riendshi*, but the red ti*s *ut a who e di))erent s*in on thin5s8 And how wou d you 4now that8 :ey, I<m a 5uy, I ma4e it my business to 4now what the adies i4e8 "ea y8 Ya rea y8 I<6e 5i6en out enou5h ) owers to 4now what to send8 And )rom my mama o) course8 #hen I was itt e she used to wa 4 me around her 5arden and show me the ) owers, anc she wou d say Ftony, you i4e a 5ir , you 5i6e her this one, and she wou d *ointout whih ) oweras to 5i6e, anc she a ways said, but you ne6er 5i6a de 5ir a red roses un ess you o6e her8 a d I ha6e ne6er 5i6en a red rose yet8 So you<6e e6er been in o6eH Not rea y, in ust maybe, I 5i6e oran5e roses )or that, but ne6er rea y in o6e o6e, 4now what I meanH !ut I ha6e dei)inite y 5i6en those to 5ir s I i4e as )riends but you 4now, I wou d i4e to 5et with So you thin5 2i5ue wants to 5et with me a you *ut it8 %oo4, I<m 3ust sayin5, i) the 5uy 4nows any I 5uess8 !ut I doubt it8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (-1 Antony ho**ed down o)) the stoo and 5rabbed the two bo;es on the counter8 I don<t8 he uttered noncha ant y8 !e)ore e;itin5, he turned to Sasha8 It<s nice to ha6e you bac4, rea nice8 FThan4 you,G Sasha smi ed8

SashaN It<s so nice to ha6e you bac48 I<m so sorry about your mother dear8 You ha6e a secret admirer she said *ointin5 to the ) owers8 %oo4s i4e someone has an admirer she nodded towards the ) owers8 #hatH Eh those, they<re )rom )riend A )riend who wants to be a itt e more than )riends I wou d say8 #hat The *in4 ti*s she said res*ondin5 to the *er* e;ed oo4 on Sasha<s )ace8 The ye ow re*resents )riendshi*, but the *in4 ti*s indicate romantic )ee in5s8 "ea yH Qi ne6er heard that8 !e ie6e me8 I<6e been a member o) the 5ardenin5 society )or o6er twenty years, i) there<s one thin5 I 4now, it<s ) owers8 Not to mention, I<6e been married e6en on5er, and I can te when a man is a)ter your heart8 Sasha<s chee4s )e t as red hot as the ti*s o) the roses E4ay ssha uttered ucon6inces8 As )ar as she wQs concerned, The ) owershad been a )riend y 5esture8 A sim* e * atonic, tota y unromantic 5esture8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (-D Than4 you

No they<re )rom a )riend8 A )riend who wants to be more8 That<s )or sure8 #hatH The red ti*s8 They mean the ho*e )or more than )riendshi*8 The ho*e )or o6e8 I<6e ne6er heard that8 QcYes my dear8 This )riend o) yours a**ears to ha6e a itt e crush on you8 Cou d mrs8 Tid ebaum ha6e been correct8 The )irst 9uiet moment Sasha 5ot, she 5oo5 ed ye ow roses with red ti*s8 Sure enou5h, there it was, mrs tid ebaums theory in b ac4 and white8 !ut sure y 2i5ue wasn<t thin4in5 that when he bou5ht them8 %thou5h he did say that he 4new that ye ow re*resente )riendshi*8 #as he a so aware o) what the red ti*s si5ni)iedH -a)ter seein5 him with a 5ir - she runs bac4 to the sa)ety o)d "embrandts arms - thdeystart u* se;ua con6o8 She 5oes home and chec4s her emai out o) habit, but nothin5 )rom "embrandt8 She doesn<t other emai in5 him either

Cha*ter (J - mo6ie&sees m with 5ir

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (-J 2id-wee4 Sasha made * ans to see a mo6ie with Christo*he8 It was his ni5ht o)) and anna was ta4in5 c asses so he dra55ed Sasha out to catch u*8 Sasha hadn<t heard )ro4m 2i5ue since the ) owers, but that was o4ay8 She trie not to ha6e any e;*ectations8 She was 3ust ha**y that the air between them had been c eared and she no on5er had to read bum*in5 into him8

FThat )i m was com* ete cra*N I can<t be ie6e that it was nominated )or an award8G Christo*he was bi5 on )o owin5 what<s hot and what<s not, accordin5 to :o ywood8 And accordin5 to :o ywood Corruption was the mo6ie to see8 Christo*he went into his hi5h *itched chuc4 e au5h8 They had been au5hin5 so much throu5hout the e6enin5 Christo*he<s wind*i*e a**eared to be hy*er6enti atin58 Sorry I dra55ed you to see that8 #e<6e 5ot to sto* istenin5 to the critics8NG Correction, you<6e 5ot to sto* istenin5 to mthe critics %et me ma4e it u* to you8 #e can drown our sorrows in some sin)u y rich choco ate ca4e88 They wa 4ed out o) the cinema i4e an o d married cou* e, stro in5 arm in arm8 #e can 5o to Essence8 I was there ast wee4 with Anna, and I wou d say they<re a m os7e secod to bamboo8 I had the--G Christo*he<s 6oice s ow y be5an to trai o)) into the distance and b end into the 3amba aya o) street sounds8 Sasha )e t the wor d around her come to a ha t8 :er )eet instant y 5 ued themse 6es to the 5round8 %i4e a camera ens, her eyes 7oomed in on the cou* e standin5 direct y across the street )rom her8 They were standin5 oo4in5 in the window o) a trendy c othin5 store8 :is arm rested casua y across her shou ders and she was *ointin5 at the out)it in the window8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (-FSashaHG Christo*he )ina y sto**ed ta 4in5 on5 enou5h to rea i7e that Sasha was no on5er istenin58 FThat<s 2i5ue 8G :er words were robotic8 FF#hoHG FThat<s 2i5ue she re*eated< FYour o d de i6ery 5uyHG FYesG FYou ha6en<t mentioned him )or so on58 I thou5ht you two weren<t ta 4in5 anymore8G Fwe weren<t but, I 3ust went to dinner with him two days a5o8 She continued to watch as they mo6ed on, arms oo*ed8 :er, throwin5 bac4 her head o) on5 brown hair, au5hin58 Christo*he tu55ed at Sasha<s arm8 FC<mon introduce me8 I<m dyin5 to see what<s so hot about this 5uy8G FNo,G she said abru*t y8 Sasha disen5a5ed her arm )rom Christo*he<s as he made a mo6e to *u her across the street8 F#hy notH F Christo*he cou d be so insensiti6e at times, Sasha thou5ht8 Probab y because his )ocus was usua y on y on him8 F!ecause Christo*he, he<s ob6ious y with somebody8G The hurt was a**arent in her 6oice8 FEh,G he said, sudden y rea i7in5 the sensiti6ity o) the situation8 You sti ha6e a thin5 )or this 5uy8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (-L She didn<t answer8 She cou dn<t answer8 The truth was, she had no idea what she )e t )or him8 O* unti that moment the thou5ht that he mi5ht ha6e a 5ir )riend had ne6er e6en occurred to her8 and the )act that it wou d u*set her that much to see him with someone seemed an e6en ess i4e y *ossibi ity8 Chris, I thin4 I<m 5oin5 to *ass on dessert8 I rea y 3ust )ee i4e 5oin5 home8 Are you sureH Yes I<m sure8 You want me to come with youH #e cou d 3ust 5rab a co))ee at your * ace8 Than4s, but I thin4 I< 3ust ha6e an ear y ni5ht8 "emember, there<s * enty o) )ish in the sea8 Those were his *artin5 word s o) reassurance8

:a ) an hour ater she was sittin5 in her a*artment starin5 at a b in4in5 cursor at the bottom o) her screen8 It was as thou5h she had been ma5ica y te e*orted home8 She bare y remembered the dri6e home or the c imb u* the stairs or e6en *uttin5 her 4eys in the door8 The b in4in5 cursor starin5 bac4 at her was e6idence that she had somehow mana5ed to ma4e her way home on auto*i ot, whi e the rest o) her was obsessi6e y consumed with 2i5ue 8 She oo4ed at the time8 She wasn<t sure what time she had 5otten home, or how on5 she had been sittin5 in )ront o) the com*uter8 She 4new that she needed to ta 4 to another human bein58 Mor a moment she re5retted not ta4in5 u* Christo*he on his o))er8 At the time she had 3ust wanted to 5et home8 Part o) her thou5ht maybe i) she ta 4ed to "embrandt it wou d ma4e her )ee better and ta4e her mind o)) o) 2i5ue 8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (L. Now e6en he wasn<t a6ai ab e8 Starin5 at the b in4in5 cursor was ma4in5 her cra7y8 She decided to ca Casey8 She needed to 6ent 2i5ue ri5ht out o) her system8 :e oH Case, I<m not interru*tin5 anythin5 am IHG NoN As matter o) )act, 5uess who<s hereH Syndey8 EhN Te her I said hi8 Sasha was disa**ointed that she wou dn<t be ab e to ha6e the on5 ta 4 with casey where they cou d disect e6ery )rame o) the 2i5ue sitin58 F#hat are you doin5H #hy don<t you come o6er8 I @m 5i6in5 her a manicure, and we<re ha6in5 San5ria, and sa sa music8 She oo4ed at the time8 It was L/=.8 she had no idea what time she had 5otten home or how on5 she had been sittin5 in )ront o) the com*uter8 ?ettin5 out )or air wou d *robab y be a 5ood idea8

She 5oes o6er to Casey<s V "obert is 5oin5 out8 Sydney is a so there8 Casey is 5i6in5 her a manicure )or an outin5 she has to 5o to8 She doesn<t want to *ay a )ortune8 !e)ore casey did interior desi5n, she was a manicurist8 She is emotiona *art y because o) her mom and *art y because o) 2i5ue 8

She cou dn<t 5et the shoc4 o) seein5 2i5ue with that 5ir out o) her mind8 She was sur*rised at her own reaction considerin5 there was rea y nothin5 between them8 And 3ust because he ne6er mentioned a 5ir )riend didn<t mean he didn<t ha6e one8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (L' The moment she wa 4ed in the door, casey cou d sense her mood8 Sasha what<s wron5H, are you o48H !e)ore she cou d res*ond she heard Sydney ye )rom the 4itchen8 FCmon Sasha, there<s a 5 ass o) san5ria with your name on itNG Serious y Sasha, what<s wron5H It<s stu*id, because it<s not i4e we were datin5 anyway8 Sasha didn<t e6en rea i7e that she ha started mid story because it :ad been 5oin5 around in hwr head )or so on5, it<s a most as i) she )or5ot that no one e se was aware o) the turmoi 5oin5 on in her head8 Seemin5 y unaware that Casey had not been *ri6y to the )irst *art o) the con6ersation that had a ready ta4en *ace in her head8 Fwhat are you ta 4in5 aboutH 2i5ue 8 I saw him with a 5ir 8 #ho did you seeH Sydney came dancin5 out with two coc4tai 5 ass in her hand , )in5ers )anned o utso as not to smud5e her )resh y done nai s8 Cmon, ets 5o sit down, we< )i you in8 Sydney danced bac4 into the 4ithen hodin5 her 5 ass u* in the air as she did her best sa sa im*ersonation8 Fwoo hooNG Casey au5hed as they watched8 She doesn<t 5et out much8 She in4ed at Sasha I heard thatN Sydney didn<t miss a beat8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (L( Casey, e6er the 5racious hostess *u ed u* another chair to her 4itchen is and which toni5ht doub ed as a bar, and sasha the atest *atron s*i in5 her woes8 Cmon, drin4 u*N Sydney ur5ed8 You<6e 5ot a ot o) catchin5 u* to doN She didn<t )ee much i4e drin4in5, but she too4 a )ew si*s anyway8 She needed a c ear head so that she cou d rea y 5et her mind around 2i5ue 8

You 4now 2i5ue H Ya the hot de i6ery 5uy I<6e been hearin5 so much about8 I )ina y 5ot a 5 im*se o) him at the )unera 8 You<re ri5ht, he<s hotN, sorry, I mean, I wasn<t chec4in5 out 5uys at your mom<s )unera or anythin5, it<s 3ust thatIF Sasha interru*ted8 She sensed a on5 drawn out s i5ht y drun4en e;* anation comin5 on8 FSyd, it<s o4, don<t worry about it8 F As I was sayin5, I was down town with Christo*he ear ier and I saw him8 :e was with a 5ir 8 #hat do you mean he was with a 5ir , was he with her with herH #e , they oo4ed *retty co7y to me8 They were wa 4in5 arm in arm and au5hin58 2aybe you<re 3ust 3um*in5 to conc usions8 Casey tried to reassure her8 Ya, I mean, i) his ton5ue wasn<t down her throat, then it *robab y doesn<t mean anythin58 Sydneys words were itt e he * to Sasha8 Sydney had been married )or so on5, Sasha doubted that she wou d be ab e to deci*her between a date and a )riendshi*8 She was the )irst o) the )our o) them to 5et married and ha6e 4ids ri5ht out o) schoo 8 A thou5h Sasha 4new she meant we She oo4ed youn58 And he had his arm around her8G XThe )our were her syd,casey and 3asmineY

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (L= Are you seriousH It doesn<t mean anythin5 She was throwin5 bac4 her on5 brown hair and au5hin5, eanin5 into him8 They oo4ed *retty co7y8 You @re 3um*in5 to conc usions8 I don<t thin4 so8 !esides, it<s not i4e we rea y had anythin5 between us anyway8 Ya, but a)ter the ) owers and the card and a the other stu)), Xwhen they met )or co))ee V *re6ious cha*terY I was sure it was 5oin5 to ead to somethin58 #hat ) owersH #hat cardH Sydney intruded Ya me too8 !ut ob6ious y we were both wron58 I don<t need this, I<m too o d )or this shitN

Sti , it<s better than wastin5 time with some on ine 5uy8 #hat on ine 5uyH F#oo*s8G Sasha cast Casey a sco din5 oo48 "embrandt wasn<t a secret, but she was in no mood to hear Sydney<s o*inion on the matter8 Can someone * ease )i me inH ZZmi5ht remo6e FSorry Sash8 !esides, it<s Syd, she<s not 5oin5 to say anythin58G FYa, I<m not 5oin5 to say anythin58 So what<s the bi5 secretHG Sasha surrendered8 She no on5er cared to 5uard her secret at that moment, and besides, it was un i4e y that syndney wou d remember much o) the con6ersatioin the )o owin5 day anyway8 I<6e been ta 4in5 to this 5uy on ine

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (L0 And she<s ne6er met him, or e6en seen a *icture o) him FActua y he did end u* sendin5 me a *icture8G

E4, so what<s the *rob em It<s been i4e two monthsN Two months, that<s 4ind i) on58 2y )ee in5 e;act yN Sasha et the con6ersation continue without her8 She wasn<t much in the mood to ta 4 anyway8 Eccasiona y she wou d 3um* in and throw a itt e more )ue on the )ire, and the two wou d burst into ) ames a o6er a5ain8 She ea6es ear y and 5oes home to ta 4 to "embrandt8 #hen Sasha returned home8 She chec4ed a5ain to see i) "embrandt was on ine8 :e wasn<t8 Mrustrated and 3ea ous o) 2i5ue she decides to send -r- an emai 8 :i - I ha6en<t heard )orm you in a whi e8 2aybe we cou d meet )or co))ee some time8 She ne6er 5ets a res*onse unti a)ter Paris8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (L1

Cha*ter (J + Ke ectab e her and 2i5ue 4iss A ni5ht o) tossin5 ed to a bruta we comin5 )rom the mornin58 Sasha awo4e the ne;t mornin5 )ee in5 dis5runt ed, irritab e and 5enera y in a )ow mood8 A the thin5s that accom*anied ac4 o) s ee* and a bruised heart8 She hadn<t s e*t we and des*ite her best e))orts, hadn<t been ab e to 5et 2i5ue out o) her mind8 :o*in5 to 9ue her ne5ati6e emotions, she an5uid y reached )or her a*to* with mi d antici*ation that she mi5ht )ind a we come distraction in "embrandt8 E*enin5 her emai to disco6er a *artia y em*ty Inbo; which contained no trace o) the name "embrandt on y soured her mood )urther8 Nothin58 She stared at the re) ection o) her )urrowed

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (LD brow intermin5 ed with the out ine o) her inbo; on the screen8 No res*onse about her su55estion to meet, no *hi oso*hica 9uotations no home5rown *oetry, nothin58 Mee in5 )oo ish in her disa**ointment she c osed her a*to* and ac4adaisica y *ee ed herse ) out o) bed8 This was the )irst time since returnin5 to the sho* that she 5enuine y was not oo4in5 )orward to s*endin5 the day 5reetin5 customers and icin5 ca4es8 Sti , she wou d 5o throu5h the motions with a smi e on her )ace and *robab y ta4e out her )rustrations on a *i e o) Phy o dou5h8

The mornin5 dra55ed on at the same *ace that it had be5un, s ow, une6ent)u , and un*roducti6e8 Sasha was either osin5 her abi ity to ba4e or the *astries must ha6e sensed her sour mood8 Nothin5 was turnin5 out ri5ht8 The )irst batch o) mu))ins burned, the Phy o dou5h )ai ed to rise to the occasion and the mo ten a6a cu*ca4es 3ust turned out mo ten8 A ready she cou dn<t wait )or the day to be o6er and it was on y Ten Thirty A828

I) it had been a Thursday or a Mriday, at east then she wou d ha6e had Antony<s com*any to 4ee* her mind occu*ied8 Today she wou d ha6e we come his incessant chatter about e6erythin5 and nothin5 3ust to )i the 6oid8 At the 6ery east it wou d he * ward o)) the ima5es o) 2i5ue and his brown haired beauty wa 4in5 arm and arm that 4e*t re* ayin5 in her head8

In an attem*t to esca*e the si ence o) her surroundin5s and the noise in her head, Sasha s i**ed into the bac4 to see4 out a moments distraction on her a*to*8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (LJ Ea5er y na6i5atin5 to her emai she he d on to ho*e that "embrandt had res*onded to her re9uest, that e6en thou5h there wou d be no chance at "omance with 2i5ue , she sti had other o*tions8 Sti nothin58 The co aboration o) disa**ointments be5an to wei5h down hea6i y i4e a wet b an4et8 Admitted y her sudden moti6ation to connect with "embrandt was *ure y 3ea ousy dri6en, but she had to mo6e on, and away )rom the idea o) her and 2i5ue 8 The )ee in5s that sur)aced when she saw him had come so une;*ected y8 !e)ore that moment Sasha had con6inced herse ) that there was nothin5 but )riendshi* between them8 !ut her emotions stood in ob6ious contention to that idea8 She cou dn<t be ie6e that she had ended u* in the same * ace a5ain8 #antin5 2i5ue , and ettin5 3ea ousy o6er a 5ir dri6e her to do cra7y thin5s8 Sasha stared at the mar4ed y ar5e 7ero ne;t to her inbo;, contem* atin5 sendin5 a second messa5e to "embrandt8 She was ea5er, des*erate a most to start her i)e mo6in5 in a new direction8 Es*ecia y now that she had seen how easi y she cou d s i* bac4 into her o d habits8 #ithin that *ro on5ed moment o) indecision she heard a )aint tweetin5 sound emanatin5 )rom the des4 drawer8 Somewhere buried amon5st the hea*in5 contents o) Sasha<s *urse her ce *hone was rin5in58 She 9uic4 y aborted her mission to emai "embrandt, and *roceeded to ocate her *hone8

She had one missed ca and one te;t waitin58 The ca was )rom Nina who, Sasha deduced, was most i4e y ca in5 about the birthday dinner88 And the te;tTto Sasha<s sur*rise, shoc4, tre*idation, a o) the abo6e, the te;t was )rom 2i5ue 8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (LSasha<s heartbeat *ic4ed u* *ace as she scro ed down the *a m si7ed screen8

Te;t M"2/2Kemarco './1L A82 ?ood mornin5 Sasha :ow are you doin5H I ho*e your day is 5oin5 we 8 Te;t me8 I ho*e to hear )rom you8 2i5ue

/ope to hear (ro" "e) 'hat about your girl(riend) 'hat kind o( ga"e is he playing) " o2erreacting, cant talk to hi" no&- dont &ant to talk to hi"cant-

Sasha stared at the messa5e on the screen, readin5 and re-readin5 it be)ore shuttin5 o)) her *hone and returnin5 it to her *urse8 She had been tryin5 to 5et him out o) head the entire mornin5, and now here he was in b ac4 and white bac4 in her head8 #hy was he te;tin5 her, now, the day a)ter he had ob6ious y been with someone e se8 A 5ir )riendH, a )riend with bene)itsH A one time thin5H Sasha had no idea what to thin48 :e was so un*redictab e and eni5matic, and un)orthcomin58 She was e6en more )rustrated And sour than be)ore8 She 5 anced bac4 at her a*to* reconsiderin5 her messa5e to "embrandt8 She was too a5itated to thin4 strai5ht she decided8 A thou5h what had a55ra6ated her more, the te;t )rom 2i5ue , or the ac4 o) res*onse )rom "embrandt, she wasn<t sure8 The remainder o) her a)ternoon was s*ent turnin5 o6er 2i5ue <s te;t in her head8 !ac4wards, )rontwards, sideways, a an5 es but sti she cou dn<t )i5ure him out8 And she sti hadn<t )i5ured

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & (LL out when and i) she wou d res*ond, and moreo6er what she wou d say8 " ha2ing a great day thank you, so ho& "any other people are you (ucking &hile youre leading "e on) That was one *otentia res*onse that came to mind, hi5h i5htin5 *recise y why she was in no way ready to ta 4 to him8

:o*in5 to 5ain some c arity o6er her unwanted )ee in5s Sasha decided to chec4 in with Casey be)ore headin5 home8 A thorou5h e;amination o) the )acts o6er a bott e o) wine wou d *ut thin5s into *ers*ecti6e8 Sasha *u ed out her *hone, and a5ain shoc4 ensued when she saw yet another te;t waitin5 )rom 2Kemarco8 It had been sent about an hour ear ier, and was short and 9uic4 3ust i4e the )irst one8 Te;t M"2/2Kemarco =/(J P82 :ey, Ne6er heard bac4 )rom you8 2ust be a busy day8 Ko you ha6e * ans this e6enin5H 2i5ue This sent an instant *an5 o) *anic throu5hout Sasha<s entire body8 She wasn<t e6en in the ri5ht )rame o) mind to ta 4 to him et a one see him8 It wou d be im*ossib e )or her to hide her )ee in5s o) 3ea ousy and su**ress the myriad o) 9uestions ) oatin5 around in her head i) she were in the same room as him8 Sisions o) her sayin5 a the wron5 thin5s ) ashed in her mind i4e 5iant camera bu bs8 Tomorrow8 Tomorrow8 She re*eated it to herse ) i4e a soothin5 mantra8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =.. !reathin5 ca mer, Sasha decided that the ne;t day she wou d res*ond and te him that she had recei6ed his te;t ate, a)ter she had a ready made * ans8 Sudden y Sasha<s heartbeat *ic4ed u* *ace a5ain with a sudden ur5ency to reach Casey8 Aside )rom ana y7in5 her o6e i)e, now she wou d a so need to so idi)y her a ibi8 She )ired o)) a 9uic4 te;t to Casey8 #hi e waitin5 )or a res*onse Sasha re-read 2i5ue <s messa5es what seemed i4e a thousand times each time ho*in5 to 5ain some insi5ht into his thou5ht *rocess8 To Sasha<s disa**ointment Casey e6entua y res*onded that she was a ready en route to the 5ym, and then a meetin5 a)terwards8 Sasha * o**ed the *hone bac4 into her *urse and decided she wou d 3ust head home and sort her thou5hts out on her own8 And ie to 2i5ue the )o owin5 day8 Sim* y ie8 She cou dn<t )ace him unti she 5ot her head strai5ht8

Sasha rehearsed her words to 2i5ue as she mo6ed around the sho* c osin5 u*8 She noticed that the streets were unusua y noisy )or that time o) the e6enin5 as she drew the b inds8 S*rin5 was arri6in5 and the days had be5un to stay i5ht on5er8 It didn<t ta4e on5 )or *eo* e to ta4e ad6anta5e o) the nice weather8 S*rin5 a so meant Sasha<s birthday was ri5ht around the corner8 This year Casey was or5ani7in5 a dinner with the 5ir s, and Christo*he o) course8 A)ter s*endin5 her ast two birthdays e;c usi6e y with ,ames, s*endin5 it with )riends was a re)reshin5 chan5e Sasha was oo4in5 )orward to8 She 5rabbed her 4eys and c osed the i5hts and )or a ) eetin5 moment, wondered whether or not "embrandt wou d remember her birthday8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =.' Sasha sto**ed dead in her trac4s when she ste**ed out the sho* door8 :er care)u y )ormu ated ie disinte5ratin5 to ash be)ore her eyes8 Mor a moment she was )ro7en, o6erta4en by se9uentia sensations o) shoc4 sur*rise and *anic8 There was 2i5ue standin5 ne;t to the *ar4in5 meter casua y, eaned a5ainst his bi4e with a bi5 smi e on his )ace8 2omentari y stranded on her own ima5inary is and, Sasha hadn<t noticed the 5rou* o) rowdy inebriated students be tin5 around the corner headin5 )or the *i77a sho*8 It on y too4 one moments distraction to and her on her 4nees and then ) at a5ainst the 5round whi e seemin5 y herds o) )eet ste**ed o6er and around her8 Mrom the 5round 6iew she saw b ac4 Timber ands cuttin5 throu5h the crowd mo6in5 towards her8 !e)ore Sasha 4new it she was in 2i5ue <s arms bein5 carried bac4 into the ba4ery8 She nu77 ed into him tremb in5, burrowin5 her )ace in his nec4 to shie d herse )8 :is )ami iar )resh athery scent )i ed her senses i4e a breath o) s*rin5, instant y 9uietin5 her 9uic4ened *u se8 She inha ed another dee* ca min5 breath o) him and et her head rest on his shou der as they entered the sho*8 E;ertin5 itt e e))ort, 2i5ue smooth y carried her o6er to the counter and 5ent y un)o ded her )rom his arms8 FAre you o4HG Sasha nodded, sti a itt e sha4y8 F%oo4 at you, you<re tremb in58G #ith one swi)t mo6ement 2i5ue remo6ed his 3ac4et and s*read it across Sasha<s shou ders8 F:ere8G Sasha smi ed8 FThan4 you8G Swathed in the warmth o) him and his )resh athery scent, sudden y Sasha was )ee in5 considerab y better8 FI< be o4ay8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =.( FYou sureH You too4 9uite a s*i out there8G :e 5 anced down at her 4nee and 9uic4 y 5 anced bac4 at Sasha8 F#here<s your )irst aid 4itHG The sense o) ur5ency in his 6oice a erted Sasha to the )act that her ri5ht 4nee had been bad y scra*ed and was co6ered in b ood8 The *ain be5an to *erco ate throu5hout her e5 the moment she saw the b ood8 FI don<t ha6e one8G 2i5ue 9uic4 y 5rabbed the ra5 on the counter and tied it around her 4nee8 FThan4 you8G She whis*ered, tryin5 to hide her embarrassment8 F:o d your hand here8G :e *ressed her hand )irm y a5ainst the c oth then 9uic4 y disa**eared into the 4itchen and returned with a dam* c oth another towe and some ice8 :e 4ne t down in )ront o) her and *roceeded to ro u* her *ant e58 Sasha ) inched8 FKoes that hurtHG FA itt e8G A thou5h the *ain in her e5 *a ed in com*arison to the *ain o) embarrassment she was su))erin58 FSorry, I< be so)ter8G Kes*ite the circumstances, Sasha cou dn<t he * but wonder8 F!y the way, what are you doin5 here anywayHG F#e ri5ht now it oo4s i4e I<m tendin5 to your in3ured e5,G he oo4ed u* at her sarcastica y8 F#hich I a**reciate immense y,G Sasha smi ed, Fbut serious y8G FIt<s a 5ood thin5 I a" here don<t you thin4HG #ith the dam* c oth he 5ent y wi*ed away the stream o) b ood trai in5 down her e58

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =.= 'ell &ouldnt ha2e ended up (lat on "y back i( you hadnt been here to distract "e in the (irst place, Sasha wanted to say out o) )rustration with his a oo)ness8 Instead she 3ust stared down at the thic4 bed o) wa6y hair be)ore her that ca ed to her )in5ers to * ay in it8 The care and tenderness with which he c eaned her wound had Sasha<s heart doin5 ) i*s and her stomach doin5 somersau ts8 Seein5 this side o) him on y made him a the more attracti6e8 En y made her want him more8 E6erythin5 about him drew her to him8 #e al"ost e6erythin5 she was 9uic4 to reminded herse )8 FKoes that hurtHG 2i5ue *ressed 5ent y on her 4nee ca* whi e tryin5 to strai5hten her e58 FYes,G Sasha near y screamed but c enched her teeth to mas4 the e;tent o) the *ain8 F#e<re 5oin5 to need to 4ee* ice on it )or a itt e whi e, to 5et the swe in5 down8G F"ea y it<s not that bad, Sasha tried to a**ear bra6e8 Nothin5 a cou* e o) band aids won<t )i;8G :e chuc4 ed under his breath8 FI) you actua y had a cou* e o) band aids it wou d he *8 :ow cou d you not ha6e a )irst aid 4it in hereH You<re in the 4itchen a the time8 :is tone was s i5ht y sco din5 as he ti5htened the c oth around her 4nee8 FI<m a ba4er not a butcher,G Sasha re* ied snar4i y, mana5in5 to maintain her sense o) humor in s*ite o) the *ain8 :e oo4ed u* at her with a 5rin, his s i5ht y mussed hair i5htin5 a5ainst his dar4 ashes8 She smi ed bac4 at him, her hands itchin5 to brush the hair )rom his eyes8 FI< be )ine, rea y8G Osin5 2i5ue <s shou der as su**ort Sasha attem*ted to hoist herse ) o)) o) the counter8 The moment her toes touched the ) oor, she )e t a shootin5 *ain run a the way u* her e5, c ima;in5 in her 4neeca*8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =.0 2i5ue immediate y hoisted her bac4 u* onto the counter8 FEoh,G he )rowned, FIt<s worse than I thou5ht8G :e he d the ice to Sasha<s 4neeca* and oo4ed u* at her concerned8 F2aybe we shou d 5et you to the hos*ita 8 You can bare y *ut *ressure on it8G FNo, no hos*ita , Sasha *rotested8 The thou5ht o) s*endin5 the ne;t three hours in a hos*ita waitin5 room was dread)u 8 FI thin4 you were ri5ht, I need to 5et the swe in5 down8G FAnd stay o)) your )eet,G he 5a6e her a sarcastica y sco din5 oo48 F%et me ta4e you bac4 to my * ace, you can *ut your )eet u* there8G "eadin5 Sasha a armed oo4 he added with a smi e, FOn ess you want to ie on the counter )or the ne;t cou* e o) hoursHG !ut &hat about your girl(riend) Sasha wanted to say, &ont she "ind) FThat<s rea y nice o) you, but I< be o4 here, rea y8G FIt<s 5oin5 to ta4e a itt e bit o) time be)ore you wi be ab e to dri6e on that )oot com)ortab y8G C<mon he reached )or her be)ore she cou d *rotest )urther8 FI<6e 5ot co))ee at my * ace8 And a )irst aid 4it,G he added with a win48

"e uctant y Sasha surrendered a thou5h the circumstances were )ar )rom idea 8 !ut, he was ri5ht, she wou dn<t be ab e to dri6e unti her )oot sto**ed throbbin58 :e he *ed her hobb e to the 6an, thou5h she secret y wished he wou d ha6e carried her in his arms a5ain8 Ence he had secured her com)ortab y in the *assen5er seat, he 5rabbed his bi4e sti eaned a5ainst the *o and tossed it in the bac48 As Sasha watched him throu5h the side mirror, a start in5 thou5ht sudden y *o**ed into her head8 #hat i) his 5ir )riend was there when they

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =.1 arri6ed, worse what i) they i6ed to5ether8 The throbbin5 in her 4nee ra*id y intensi)ied, and somehow made its way to her head8 She was sudden y wishin5 des*erate y that she hadn<t acce*ted his o))er, that she hadn<t )a en down in the street, that he hadn<t been standin5 outside her door and most o) a that she wasn<t so damned attracted to him8

They dro6e in si ence to their destination8 Sasha wra**ed u* in her worrisome thou5hts and 2i5ue )ocused on the road 5 ancin5 o6er occasiona y to chec4 u* on her8 A)ter what )e t i4e an eternity to Sasha but in rea ity was 3ust short o) a ten minute dri6e, they *u ed u* in )ront o) a ar5e bei5e and 5rey bric4 bui din58 FThis is me8G Sasha oo4ed out at the ar5e *resum*tuous bui din5 sittin5 *er*endicu ar to the corner where )oster and 4in5 street meet8 It<s mass occu*yin5 two entire city b oc4s8 At the intersection, three ste*s ed to a ar5e arched 5 ass entrance with an en5ra6ed * a9ue abo6e it> FAmbassador !ui din5G8 So this is &here he li2es8 Sasha hunched down to see a the way to the to* o) the three story bui din5, s*ecu atin5 which ) oor 2i5ue most i4e y i6ed on8 :e a**eared at her window obscurin5 her 6iew,smi in5 down at her as she oo4ed u* at him aw4ward y8 :e courteous y o*ened her door and he d out his hand to her8 FI<m on the second ) oor8G FEh8G Sasha hobb ed a on5 with his he *, u* the three ste*s and into the obby8 To the ri5ht there was a sma taste)u y decorated seatin5 area and to the e)t was the e e6ator8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =.D FI don<t thin4 you<re 5oin5 to ma4e it a the way u*,G 2i5ue remar4ed ha6in5 seen the troub e Sasha had 3ust wa 4in5 u* the )ew ste*s eadin5 into the bui din58 FThe e e6ator<s bro4en8 C<mon8G #ithout warnin5 and to Sasha<s de i5ht he bent down and scoo*ed her u* into his arms8 She 5rabbed ho d o) his nec4 and he d on )or dear i)e, certain that she wou d 5o tumb in5 to the 5round at any minute8 :owe6er a)ter a )ew ste*s it was 9uite the contrary8 She was )ee in5 6ery com)ortab e and re a;ed in his arms as he maneu6ered his was u* the ste*s8 :is )ace e;hibited itt e si5n o) strain, but Sasha cou d )ee his musc es taut beneath his shirt each time he mounted a new ste*8 Onsure o) where to * ace her hands , she oo*ed them aw4ward y around his nec4 i5norin5 the tin5 in5 in her )in5erti*s tem*tin5 her to e;* ore the entirety o) his muscu ar )rame8 #ith e6ery breath she inha ed him8 %i4e an a*hrodisiac his scent made her cra6e him but she cou dn<t a ow herse ) to act8 In the bac4 o) her mind stirred a subt e reminder o) the time she tried to 4iss him in a drun4en stu*or, and missed8 She had a ready su))ered enou5h embarrassment )or the e6enin5 and wasn<t oo4in5 to )urther it8 The thou5ht a one was enou5h to 4ee* her hands at bay, and her i*s o)) o) 2i5ue 8 En the second ) oor, he came to a sto* at the )irst door on the ri5ht side o) the ha way8 FThis is it,G he announced, sti ho din5 her in his arms8 :e in5ered )or an in)inite moment, their )aces on y inches a*art8 Sasha s9uirmed ner6ous y in his arms and s ow y eased herse ) to the 5round8 Sti eanin5 a5ainst him )or su**ort, Sasha i5hted her )eet on the 5round, care)u not

to a** y too much *ressure too soon8 FYou o4HG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =.J FYe*8G she )orced a smi e8 3o, " ner2ous as hell9 :e o*ened the door onto a s*acious room washed in the warm oran5ey hue o) the settin5 sun teemin5 throu5h a ar5e wa o) industria si7ed windows8 It was we comin5, re)reshin5, and not at a what Sasha had e;*ected8 She ste**ed inside 5uarded y, oo4in5 u* at the ta 6au ted cei in5s, )ee in5 sma in com*arison8 En )irst im*ression his * ace had a the mar4in5s o) bache orhood8 2inima )urnishin5, neutra *a ets and 6ery itt e dPcor8 Sasha<s )oot was throbbin5 s i5ht y8 She was an;ious to sit down but waited )or his direction8 :e 9uic4 y oc4ed the door behind them and threw his 4eys into a sma bow on a tab e ne;t to the door8 FC<monG8 Ta4in5 Sasha by the arm he care)u y ed her o6er to a * ush 5rey sectiona so)a that sat in )ront o) the wa o) industria si7ed windows8 :e set her down with ease and 4nee ed down be)ore her *roceedin5 to remo6e the ma4eshi)t banda5e8 FE4, et<s 5et you )i;ed u*8G Sasha *aid itt e attention to her wound, her thou5hts restin5 on y on her surroundin5s and what they wou d re6ea 8 F!e ri5ht bac48G :e momentari y disa**eared behind a wa that housed an array o) te;tboo4s and no6e s and concea ed a sma ha way eadin5 to what she assumed must ha6e been the bathroom8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =.Sasha scanned the room an;ious y searchin5 )or any si5ns o) a )ema e *resence, )ramed *ictures, ma5a7ines, hairc i*s anythin58 !ut nothin58 No te ta e si5n o) a woman<s *resence other than the e;treme tidiness and the care)u y coordinated dPcor8 ori5ina stee beams runnin5 throu5h them and o*ened u* onto a ar5e 5 ass rai ed me77anine e6e 8 :er eyes ) owed to the wooden staircase that ) oated a on5side a wa o) e;*osed bric4 *ro6idin5 access to a si7eab e 5 ass rai ed me77anine e6e 8 That "ust be the bedroo"2i5ue <s *rom*t rea**earance )rom behind the wa start in5 y interru*ted Sasha<s menta cross e;amination o) her surroundin5s8 In his hands he had a sma *ac4 o) 5au7e, rubbin5 a coho , and a tube o) medicated ointment8 FMirst, wou d you i4e somethin5 to drin4H #aterH Co))eeH Er somethin5 stron5er )or the *ainHG :e smi ed8 Sasha raised an eyebrow at the mention o) somethin5 stron5er8 Ke)inite y somethin5 stron5er )or her ner6es wou dn<t 5o unwe comed8 :e 5rinned at her reaction, FI< 5et you somethin5 stron58G FThan4s8 #hate6er you ha6e wi be )ine,G she mana5ed8 Mrom where she sat, Sasha had a c ear 6iew o) the o*en 4itchen area8 The b ac4 subway ti ed bac4s* ash and meta ic counter sur)ace mirrored 2i5ue <s e6ery mo6e as he *re*ared their drin4s with the con)idence o) a seasoned bartender8 FI<6e 5ot a nice Cointreau that my sister brou5ht me as a 5i)t )rom Paris8 /is sister) Sasha<s ears *ric4ed i4e a curious cat8 FShe<s stayin5 with me )or a cou* e o) wee4s8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =.L FEh8G Sasha e;*ressed casua y, a the whi e her brain was s*innin5 in circ es8 Could it ha2e been his sister she sa& hi" &ith the other night) 'here is she no&) 'as she here) 'hat did she look like) $id she ha2e long bro&n &a2y hair) The ur5ency )or in)ormation o6erwhe med her8 F:ere you 5oG 2i5ue handed her a sma 5 ass with ice and a beauti)u oran5ey sweet sme in5 i9uor8 FThan4 you8G !oth an;ious to sam* e the i9uor as we as subdue her risin5 an;iety Sasha 9uic4 y si**ed bac4 a ar5e 5u *8 FSo what do you thin4HG 2i5ue in9uired be)ore re* icatin5 her action8 FI i4e it8G FYa, it<s not bad8 This is the )irst time I<6e tried this one8 I sha et Komini9ue 4now you

en3oyed it8 I wou d ha6e o6ed )or you to meet her8 In )act that was the reason I sto**ed by the sho*8 I wanted to in6ite you to 3oin us )or a ce ebratory drin4 toni5ht8G FEh8G Sasha uttered noncha ant y hidin5 her e;citement o6er the *u77 e *ieces )ina y )ittin5 to5ether8 FSince you ne6er res*onded to my te;ts,G he nud5ed her sarcastica y, FI )i5ured I wou d 3ust sto* by8 Kid you 5et my te;tsHG A sudden *an5 o) uneasiness mo6ed throu5h her8 FYa,G Sasha s9uirmed, Fwe , I -- , not unti the end o) the day, it was *retty busy8G FThat<s what I )i5ured8 Too bad thin5s didn<t wor4 out, Komini9ue was oo4in5 )orward to meetin5 you8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ='. 6eeting "e) FYa, it wou d ha6e been nice to meet her8 F#e she wi be here )or another wee4 sti , so maybe we can arran5e somethin58G FSure, that wou d be nice8G She downed the ast o) her drin4 *remature y tryin5 to 9uiet her an;ious stomach8 :e set his 5 ass down on one o) the ma5a7ines that ittered the 5 ass co))ee tab e and turned his attention bac4 to her 4nee8 #ith 5ent e hands he c eaned her wound, *atched u* her scra*es and secured a *ro*er banda5e o) 5au7e and medicated ointment around her 4nee8

F"i5ht now Komini9ue is o6er at the cactus bar waitin5 )or me with a cou* e o) my )riends8G 2i5ue s*o4e casua y as he e;ecuted his medica s4i s with mastery8 There<s a bi5 *arty 5oin5 on toni5ht to ce ebrate the sta ions cu* win8 I 5uess that<s what a the commotion was about in town ear ier8 Ya and you 3ust ha**ened to 5et cau5ht u* in the midd e o) it8 2y bad uc4 F#e , it a de*ends on how you oo4 at it8 You cou d oo4 at it i4e it was a 5ood thin5 you 5ot 4noc4ed down, and it was a 5ood thin5 I was there, because now you<re here8G 2i5ue 5rinned and downed the ast o) his Cointreau in one 5u *8 FI su**ose,G Sasha said sti)) y, not wantin5 to oo4 at it that way )or 6ery s*eci)ic reasons8 A done8 :e s id onto the couch ne;t to her8 You did a ste ar 3ob, Than4 you8 You 4now my initia s don<t 3ust re*resent my name, I am a medica doctor too8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ='' Eh rea yH you ne6er mentioned that be)oreH Yes it<s true8 !ut I on y ta4e s*ecia cases8 %i4e beauti)u women who 5et 4noc4ed down on the street8 Is that ri5htH Ye* #e , I 5uess it must ha6e been my uc4y day then8 That<s what 4ee* te in5 you, today was a uc4y day8 Sudden y )ee in5 more re a;ed maybe the i9uor or the )act that he wanted her to meet his sister8 FSo ha6e you been i6in5 here on5HG Sasha tried to chan5e the sub3ect8 And the coinntrea had *ut her more at ease and oosened u*her ton5ue8 FIt is about one year now, I used to i6e in the student housin5 be)ore, but it<s not )or me, too noisyG F#e it<s 6ery niceG8 Ko you i6e here by yourse )H Ye*, this is a mine8 She wondered how a student with a *art time de i6ery 3ob cou d a))ord such wonder)u di55s8 She was sur*rised, im*ressed, curious how he cou d a))ord such a nice * ace8 :e 5rabbed the remote and *ointed it in the direction o) the t86 and instant y the room )i ed with a s ow hy*notic rhythm8 FI wou d 5i6e you a tour but you<re not e;act y in any condition to be wa 4in5 around8 #e you can see most o) it )rom the couch anyway8 That<s the 4itchen, eatin5 area, the bathroom is behind there, and a so my wor4 out room, which is current y doub in5 as a 5uest room8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ='( :e *ointed to the to* o) the stairs, Fand u* there is my bedroom8G ,ust the 6ery words ea*in5 o)) o) his i*s sent shi6ers throu5h Sasha<s body8 She wou d 5i6e anythin5 to see his bedroom, and his bed with him in itN Eh 5od her mind was racin5 a5ain8 F2aybe another time, when you<re not in3ured,G he smir4ed8

:e too4 his 5 ass and he d it u* encoura5in5 Sasha to ta4e hers8 FCheers to an une;*ected e6enin5,G he smi ed8 FCheers, I thin48G Sasha 5u *ed bac4 the ast o) her drin4 *remature y8 FYou thin4HG :e au5hed8 FYa it was une;*ected a ri5ht but not necessari y in a 5ood way8G Sasha *eered down at her )oot s i5ht y ) e;in5 her s ow y reco6erin5 toes8 %i4e I said, it a de*ends on how yoyu oo4 at it8 he stood u*8 F#ou d you i4e another drin4H :e 5ot u* sudden y and headed to the 4itchen area8 No than4 you, I<6e 5ot to dri6e home remember8 It<s bad enou5h that my )oot wi be throbbin5, I don<t need to be ti*sy too8G she au5hed8 FI) it<s sti *ain)u I can dri6e you home i) you i4e8G FNo, no, that<s o4, besides your sister is waitin58G Sasha<s heart *ic4ed u* a beat8 FI<m not worried about her, She<s in 5ood hands8 In )act I am more worried about my )riends,G he au5hed8 FIt )ee s a ot better, rea yG She ) e;ed her toes bac4 and )orth8 In )act e6erythin5 had be5un to )ee a ot better8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ='= :e returned with his drin4, set it down on the tab e and he d his hand out to her8 F%et<s test it out8G :e assisted her in standin5 whi e she s ow y a** ied *ressure on her )oot restin5 her hand on his shou der to steady herse )8 FSee, much better,G she said *roud y8 FKo you thin4 you wi e6er dance a5ainHG :e 3o4ed *u in5 her c ose in a dancin5 ho d8 FI thin4 so,G she au5hed ) ushin5 with heat )rom their intimate *ro;imity8 She e;*ected him to re ease her once her reco6ery was estab ished, but instead he drew her c oser and he d her ti5hter su**ortin5 her as he mo6ed their bodies bac4 and )orth in a 5ent e sway8 2emories o) the ni5ht they had danced so intimate y at the c ub immediate y ) ooded Sasha<s senses sendin5 the b ood *u sin5 throu5h her 6eins at war* s*eed strai5ht to her chee4s8 The heat )rom the a coho , the heat )rom the *ain in her e5 and the heat o) his breath on her s4in had her entire body o6erheatin5 to near combustion8 She c osed her eyes and inha ed a dee* ca min5 breath8 !e)ore she cou d e;ha e his i*s were u*on hers swa owin5 her breath8 She me ted into him without hesitation, surrenderin5 her entire bein5 to his 4iss, ne6er o*enin5 her eyes )earin5 that i) she did she mi5ht wa4e )rom a wonder)u dream8 :is 4iss was dee* and wet and rich, a that Sasha had ima5ined and so much more8 %oc4ed in his embrace )or what seemed i4e an eternity, Sasha<s head was s*innin5 with 9uestions, uncertainty and unadu terated desire8 She o*ened her eyes hesitant y, s ow y emer5in5 )rom her 4iss induced trance8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ='0 2i5ue smi ed down at her8 She returned his smi e, bitin5 at her ower i* ner6ous y, sa6orin5 the remnants o) his 4iss8 The si ence that )e in between them in that moment in5ered inde)inite y8 FI shou d rea y 5o8G Abru*t y, Sasha bro4e )ree )rom his embrace8 FYou don<t ha6e to,G he whis*ered with ho*e in his 6oice, sti ho din5 on to her hand8 FI do8 I shou d8 !esides, you<6e 5ot to meet your )riends, and your sister is *robab y wonderin5 where you are8G F2y )riends can wait8G Sasha s ow y s i**ed her hand )rom his 5ras*8 F!e ie6e me I wou d o6e to stay, but--G but not tonight, not like this, not &ith your sister &aiting, not &ith an in,ured leg, not &hen hated you only hours agoF!ut I<6e a ready stayed on5 enou5h8G :e s i**ed his abandoned hand into his *oc4et and shi)ted uncom)ortab y )rom one )oot to another8 FE4ay8G :e said *iercin5 his i*s ob6ious y su**ressin5 whate6er thou5hts sti mind8 F%et me wa 4 you bac4 to the 6an8 Are you sure you<re o4 to wa 4HG FYe*,G she uttered with )a se con)idence as she 5athered her *urse )rom the couch8 Ketermined to hide her 6u nerabi ity she attem*ted to wa 4 smooth y to the door tryin5 to concea a si5ns o) the residua *ain that remained as we as the under yin5 desire that simmered inside8 :e reached out his hand as they a**roached the stairwe , F%et me he * you8G in5ered in his

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ='1 FI<m o4,G she insisted, 4nowin5 that his 6ery touch wou d on y ma4e her want to turn around and run bac4 inside, u* the ) i5ht o) stairs eadin5 to is bedroom8 They made their way down in si ence, 2i5ue ready to assist her at any moment, Sasha wishin5 the moment wou d )ast )orward to another time and * ace8 #hen she )ina y reached her 6an, she hasti y 3um*ed in be)ore he cou d o))er his hand a5ain and than4ed him )or he *in5 her8 FI< send you my bi ,G he win4ed8 Sasha et out a ner6ous au5h bendin5 down s i5ht y, )umb in5 ner6ous y to 5et her 4eys in the i5nition and ho*in5 to a6oid an aw4ward 5oodbye 4iss8 FI 5uess I< see you then8G FI< be in touch8G :e ta**ed on the side o) the door two times )irm y as she *roceeded to *u away )rom the bui din58 Sasha e;ha ed the on5est breath she had e6er e;ha ed whi e casua y 5 ancin5 in the rear 6iew mirror watchin5 him wa 4 bac4 to the bui din58 !e)ore she acce erated )u y, she cau5ht a 5 im*se o) him runnin5 towards her wa6in5 his hands in the air8 F#aitN, Sasha waitNG :er heart s4i**ed a beat8 :e ran u* to the window on y s i5ht y out o) breath, with a bi5 smi e on his )ace8 F2y bi4e, it<s in the bac4 o) the 6an8G FEh yeah ri5ht,G she breathed re ie6ed and disa**ointed in the same breath8 Sasha watched throu5h the side mirror as he e))ort ess y un oaded his bi4e, then *rom*t y rea**eared at her window8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ='D FThan4s8G Sorry about that No *rob em8 ?et home sa)e8G FYou too, I mean I wi , than4s8 And than4s )or e6erythin5 a5ain8G FAnytime,G he smi ed8

:a ) an hour ater cocooned in the warmth o) her down )i ed du6et, Sasha cou dn<t remember how or when she had arri6ed home8 A she cou d remember was the u;urious )ee o) 2i5ue <s i*s a5ainst hers as she s i**ed o)) into a dee* *eace)u s ee*8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ='J

Cha*ter (- - Casey&sister asho* b-day in6itation FSashaNG FCaseyHG Somewhere between the )o5 o) s ee* and wa4e, Sasha had mana5ed to answer the *hone8 FYaN #ere you sti s ee*in5HG Fwhat time is itHG FSe6en thirtyG FSe6en thirtyN Eh shitN I<6e 5ot to 5et u*8G FIt<s not i4e you to o6ers ee*, you<re usua y u* at the crac4 o) dawn88 Are you 5oin5 in today or whatHG FYa I<m 5oin58G Sasha )umb ed out o) bed disoriented8 F?ood, I need you to ma4e me somethin5 ama7in5 )or toni5ht )or si;, I<m throwin5 a dinner *arty )or the "othsteins, I<m tryin5 to win the bid )or the yacht c ub re-desi5n8 E4ay, what 4ind o) somethin5H anythin5, I< ea6e that to your creati6e 5enius, but somethin5 im*ressi6e8

E4 ea6e it to me8 I< *ass by a)ter unch, wi that 5i6e you enou5h time to whi* somethin5 u*H Sure8 :ey #hat are you doin5 )or unchH

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ='Su**osed to be 5oin5 to the 5ym, why what<s u*H You went ot the 5ym yesterday, can<t you b ow it o)) )or one day, I need to ta 4 to you8 AboutH Kon<t worry, it<s worth b owin5 o)) the 5ym )or8 EhH I< )i you in ater8 I<6e 5ot to hurry u* and 5et out o) here ri5ht now, but meet me at the bistro around the corner, say twe 6e-ishH Mine,

She ca s Casey and the ha6e unch and she te s her e6erythin5 sasha says m- i) he i4es me V why can<t he 3ust come o utand say itN V caseys says V number one V he<s a 5uy V number two V maybe he<s not sure how you )ee about him V maybe he doesn<t want to 5et re3ected8

It was hotand uscious and wet, 3ust i4e another *art o) my body, i) you 4now what I mean8

one to Casey8 She recounted her entire ordea , which Casey )ound 9uite amusin5, unti Sasha 5ot to the *art about the 4iss I 4new it, I to d you, I to d you he i4ed you, why don<t you e6er isten to me 2ay-be you<re ri5ht8 2aybeH I don<t 4now, maybe it was 3ust a *ity 4iss, you 4now, since I was wounded 8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ='L Eh * easeN Pitty 4isses don<t in6o 6e ton5ues8 And what about the 5ir I saw him withH #hat about herH i4e you said, it was most i4e y his sister, and i) it wasn<t we ob6ious y she didn<t mean that much to him i) he had his ton5ue down your throat wou d itH 2aybe8 Er maybe he<s a seria dater 4ind o) 5uy8 I doubt that8 #i you sto* )indin5 reasons not to admit that you want his 5uy8 They *aid their bi and headed bac4 to the sho*8 So what nowH Shou d I ca him& s ee* with hi whatH Kon<t ca him, and de)inite y don<t s ee* with him8 not )or at east three months8 #hatH You<6e been te in5 me I need to 5et aid since you )irst met him8 Ya but thin5s are di))erent now8 :e ob6ious y i4es you8 2ore than 3ust a )uc4 because he wanted you to meet his sster, you don<t do that with booty ca s8 Now you need him to chase you8 I) you s ee* with him too soon he< 3ust thin4 you<re easy and he< A)ter unch they retuned to the sho* to5ether to *ic4 u* Casey<s dessert F%oo4 at this8G Sasha said care)u y s idin5 the bo; out o) the )rid5e The bo; contained si; indi6idua mini choco ate mousse ca4es The bottom is a dar4 choco ate ca4e, and the second ayer is mi 4 choco ate mouse, and the to*, white choco ate mousse8 That oo4s 5or5eousN I swear you<re ama7in5, what wou d I do without you8 you wou d be eatin5 Kuncan hines oh no I wou dn<tN I wou d be )indin5 the ne;t best *astry sho* in townN ose interest8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =(. Eh my 5od, the oo4 de icious, I can<t wait to sin4 my teeth into one o) those8 You read my mind, I made a cou* e e;tra, )or us8 She went to the )rid5e and returned with a bo; contain5 two more8 Are you 4iddin5H, i) I eat one o) those now, I< ne6er be ab e to eat another one toni5ht, and since I s4i**ed the 5ym today I<m 5oin5 to ha6e at east se6en e;tra *ounds to carry aroundN !ut it oo4s aso tem*tin5, *ass me a )or4, I< 3ust ha6e a itt e taste8 !e)ore Casey cou d succumb to her tem*tation, she was interru*ted by the sho* be 8 She turned and saw 2i5ue enterin5, with a beauti)u brown haired 5ir trai in5 behind him8 F%oo4s i4e we 5ot bac4 3ust in time, she said ow enou5h that on y Sasha cou d hear8 She immediate y *ut down the )or4 and stood u* strai5ht, shou ders bac48 2i5ue N #hat a nice sur*rise, and you must be Komini9ue she said stic4in5 her hand out8 Yes, Komini9ue ste**ed )orward to sha4e her hand, s i5ht y *u77 ed8 FAnd you areIHG FI<m Casey, Sasha<s )riend8 That<s Sasha o6er there, she owns the sho*8 Sasha stuc4 her hand out8 Nice to meet you, Nice to )ina y meet you too8 So you<re Sasha8 2y brother has to d me a about you8 She said with a mische6ious e;*ression that re6ea ed nothin5 and e6erythin5 at the same time8 This too4 Sasha by sur*rise8 #hat had he to d his sister about her she wondered8 She wanted to *ress her )or more in)ormation but she re)ained8 She had ho*e that she wou d in6o untari y et some additiona in)ormation s i*, but she didn<t8 Instead she turned her attention to the ca4es on the counter8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =(' Eh my 5od, those oo4 de iciousN Try one i) you i4e Are you seriousH Than4 you, sweets are my wea4ness, es*ecia y choco ate8 Than4 5od I<m b essed with my mothers metabo ism, so I can eat anythin5 I want without 5ainin5 a *ound8 Casey 5a6e Sasha a oo48 Those were the words she des*ised hearin5 )rom other women8 Casey and Komini9ue 5o to the counter, thry ta 4 about the ca4e, and the best * aces to sho*8 2eanwhi e Sasha emer5es )rom behind the counter and sits at the itt e tab e so that 2i5ue can oo4 at her 4nee8 FSee, I to d you, I<m )ine, it wi be a hea ed u* in a wee48G FEh my 5od, Sasha this is ama7in5, trust me, I shou d 4now8 I i6e in Paris and I eat ama7in5 desserts e6eryday, but this is so rich, and creamy, I thin4 I 3ust died and went to hea6en8 So did I Sasha thou5h as mi5ue s hand rested on her e58 Than4 you8 I can 5i6e you a cou* e to ta4e with you8 I wou d o6e to, but we sti ha6e a ot o) sho**in5 to do, ri5ht brotherH 2i5ue *ut his hand to his head8 Eut o) the b ue Casey announced, F:ey, #ednesday a 5rou* o) us are ta4in5 Sasha out )or her !irthday, I ) you two don<t ha6e any * ans, why don<t you come a on58G Sasha<s heart s4i**ed a beat when she heard those words come out o) her mouth8 Casey, 4nowin5 what Sasha<s reaction wou d be, didn<t e6en bother to 5 ance in her direction8 FYou didn<t te me it was your birthday8G FYa, we it<s no bi5 dea 8G FE) course it is, we wou d o6e to come8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =(( G?reatN You are 5oin5 to o6e the )ood at this * ace8 It<s ca ed 6e entino<sH do you 4now where it isH FI 4now e;act y where it is8G F?reatN So be there around se6en8G #e< be there )or sureN :e said win4in5 at Sasha8 I better 5et 5oin5 because now Komini9ue is 5oin5 to ha6e to sho* )or an entire y new out)it to wear to your birthday dinnerN Komini9ue s a**ed her brother on the arm * ay)u y8 :ey we can ta4e you sho**in5, Sasha o*ened her mouth intendin5 to ob3ect but 9ic4 y c ose)d itwhen Casey cast her a oo48 She 4newcasey<s 5ame8 A thou5h she wanted no *art o) it she 4new it was a )or her bene)it8I mean it<s a ot better that sho**in5 with your bi5 brother :ow about tomorrow a)ternoon 2i5ue turned around and mouth than4 you be)ore wa 4in5 out8 She 4issed Sasha and Casey both on each chee4 and sashayed ou t the door ho din5 the tiny *astry bo; by the bow8 !e)ore Sasha cou d 5et a word out, Casey turned around and be5an out inin5 her de)ense8 FI 4now, I 4now, but he<s so cute I cou dn<t resist8 And I saw that win4 he 5a6e you8 :e ob6ious y i4es you, so I don<t see what the *rob em is8 And his sister, she seems i4e a ot o) )un8 So be)ore you 5et mad at me, 3ust remember I did it )or your own 5ood8 It wi be )un8 FCan I ta 4 nowHG Sasha 9uestioned sarcastica y8 FI wou dn<t ha6e in6ited him myse ), but I<m 4ind o) 5 ad that you did8 I can 5et to 4now his sister better, and maybe she can 5i6e me some 3uicy in)ormation about him8 I 3ust ho*e it doesn<t )ee weird8 :im with a my )riends8 !esides it<s *robab y better this way8 There wi be a ot o) *eo* e, so there<s ess *ressure on you8 And

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =(= he<s a ready met *ractica y e6eryone that<s comin5, e;ce*t )or Christo*he, but he<s not missin5 much there8G Sasha au5hed, can you ea6e *oor Chris a one8 E4, I< be nice8 I<m sure he< o6e Christo*he8 And Syd hasn<t met him either8G

FThat<s ri5ht, she wasn<t there that ni5ht8 #e<6e 5ot to 4ee* Syd away )rom him8G Sasha au5hed, she< ha6e a mi ion and one 9uestions )or the *oor 5uy8 FYou<re ri5htN I thin4 we<re 5oin5 to ha6e a b astN It<s your thirty )i)th birthday, you<6e 5ot to i6e it u*8G FP ease, try to a6oid mentionin5 that number when 2i5ue is around8G F#hyH :e doesn<t care how o d you are8G FThat<s because he doesn<t 4now how o d I am8 I thin4 he thin4s I<m youn5er than thirty )i6e8 F#hy don<t you 3ust te him your a5eHG F!ecause I want to )ind out how o d he is )irst8G FEh my 5od, you<re 4iddin5 meN #ho cares about a5e, you two ob6ious y i4e each other, so a that other stu)) doesn<t matter8G FYou<re ri5ht8 I< 5et Syd to )ind out his a5e )or me8G

!y the way Casey added8 I thin4 waitin5three months to s ee* with hm mi5ht be a buit much, a)ter seein5 him today, I don<t thin4 you< ma4e it *ast a monthN

The two burst out into hysterics8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =(0

Cha*ter (L + Tab e K<h_te Xsasha<s birthday dinnerY

2i5ue 5et<s her a )irst aid 4it She 5oes to dad<s 5ra6e with her mom near her b-day because that<s when he died8 This wou d be the )irsttime she wou d be 6isitin5 her dads 5ra6e without her mom - it was an annua birthday *resent to herse ) since he died on y days a)ter her birthday8 They 5o out dancin5 a)ter su**erH Name o) restaurant> 6a entino<s V )ine Ita ian 9uisine8 She is thin4in5 that i)e is short which she rea i7es a)ter her moms death V so she decides to 5o to *aris, and i6e i)e be)ore it<s too ate8 She decides to hire an assistantH ?ior5io<s ne*hew does it, and Christo*he chec4s u* on him8

Kinner 5uests/ "obert and Casey ,asmine X,a77Y and her @)riend< Chriso*he and Anna Sasha and Sydney - mom V her hubby is at home with the 4idsXsY

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =(1 2i5ue and Komini9ue

Sasha had an an;ious )ee in5 in her stomach a day8 She was oo4in5 )orward to a 5ood ni5ht out with )riends, but the turnin5 in her stomach had 2i5ue written a o6er it8 #hy had Casey insisted on in6itin5 him, and now his sister wou d be comin5 too8 And she was sure to oo4 5or5eous She cou dn<t he * but wonder what he had to d his sister about her8 Sasha rubbed her tummy in an attem*t to 9uiet the butter) ies8 She tried her best to su**ress the ima5es that ) oated around in her mind re ent ess y8 She to d herse ) that the 4iss her and 2i5ue shared meant nothin58 In )act but how cou d it not, she to d herse ), he had 4issed her with such *assion, such intensity and contro 8 :e 4new e;act y what he was doin58, :er )antasy ima5e o) the two o) them oc4ed in an embrace that * ayed o6er and o6er in her head , was re* aced with the new rea ima5e8 She cou d not sto* re* ayin5 e6ery detai o) the 4iss the touch the embrace o6er and o6er in her head8

She decided she wou d 3ust * ay it coo at dinner, she wou dnAt act any di))erent y around him and she wou d try to 4ee* their con6ersation to a minimum8 She was sure that e6erythin5 wou d 5o bac4 to norma , she b amed it on her e e6ated 6u nerabi ity and his e e6ated e5o8 That e6enin5 he was her 4ni5ht in shinin5 armour8 Sasha oo4ed at the c oc4 ner6ous y8 It was ten a)ter si;8 Sydney was su**osed to *ic4 her u* at si;8 Sasha sat in a manni9uines9ue *ose, determined not to disturb her care)u y *ut to5ether oo48 She had on her hi5h hee b ac4 sanda s, her ti5ht )ittin5 ow rise 3eans and a snu5 )ittin5

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =(D bur5undy s*a5hetti stra* to*8 They were meetin5 the others at si; thirty in the bar )or coc4tai s be)ore their se6en thirty dinner reser6ations8 Sasha heard a car en5ine ratt e and oo4ed out to see Sydney scurryin5 out o) her car8 Sasha met her ha )way u* the stairs8 FSorry I<m ateN The two embraced8 FMri55in Pau , decides to ma4e a @9uic4 sto*< at his buddies * ace to *ic4 u* some stu*id s*ea4ers that he abso ute y had to ha6e today, e6en thou5h the show is not unti this )ri55in wee4endN, and I to d him, baby, ma4e sure you<re home by )i6e thirty the atest, I e6en s*o4e s ow y so it wou d sin4 in, but o) course he comes wa t7in5 in at si; o<c oc4, I wanted to 4i him, I swear to 5od, sometimes he<s worse than the 4idsN8 Anyway, oo4 at youN You oo4 hot birthday 5ir N, we<re 5oin5 to ha6e a b ast toni5htN I so need a drin4NG FI<m with you on that oneNG FYou wou dn<t be ie6e what Casey didN Fwhat, what, s*i NG FShe in6ited my e; de i6ery 5uy to diner toni5htG 2i5ue H #hat the )uc4 did I missH %ast time I saw you, you hated his 5uts because he had a 5ir )riend that he con6enient y )or5ot to mention8 Now he<s comin5 to your *artyH I wish you wou d ha6e to d me in ad6ance, I wou d ha6e worn my *ush u* bra ,you ne6er 4nowG, she said win4in5 at Sasha F!y the way, it turned out that the 5ir )riend I thou5ht I saw him with was actua y his sister who<s 6isitin5 )rom Paris8 FI didn<t now that8 Nobody te s me anythin5, I<m so out o) the oo*NG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =(J She saw the uneasy oo4 on Sasha<s )ace8 F what, you don<t want him to comeHG FNorma y, I *robab y wou dn<t mind, e;ce*t88G F#hatH e;ce*t whatHG F#e 4ind o) made out the other ni5htG F?et the )uc4 out o) hereNG The car swir6ed in rhythm with Sydneys shoc4ed res*onse8 F:ey don<t 5et us 4i edN8G Sydney returned her )ocus to the road , her mouth sti 5a*ed o*en in shoc48 F So now it< s been two days since I<6e seen him or s*o4en to him8 and to to* thin5s o)), his sister is in town )rom Paris and now she<s comin5 too8 I<m a ready meetin5 the )ami y and I ha6en<t e6en s e*t with him yetNG FYetH, what do you mean yetHG Sydney nud5ed her Fwoo*s did I say that out oudH, but it<s true, I wou d o6e to be with him, but88G Fbut nothin5N :e<s ob6ious y into you, otherwise he wou dn<t ha6e had his ton5ue down your throat8 I can<t wa7it to see what this 5uy oo4s i4e8 So te me, how did it ha**enH, where did it ha**en, and is that a that ha**enedH Te me e6erythin5, I want e6ery dirty detai , )uc4 I<6e been with the same 5uy )or '= years, two 4ids, your o6e i)e is a the e;citement I ha6e e)tNG Fwe were at his * ace88G Fhis * aceN "ewindN :ow did you end u* at his * aceHG FI cut my 4nee and he too4 me bac4 to his * ace, it<s a on5 story, I< )i you in on that *art ater8 So anyway, he has this music * ayin5 in the bac45round, ne;t thin5 you 4now we<re dancin5,

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =(and be)ore I 4new it we<re ma4in5 out i4e horny teena5ers8 #e , I 4now I de)inite y )e t i4e a horny teena5er, a 6ery horny teena5er, there<s somethin5 about him, we e6erythin5 about him rea y, he has it a the oo4s, the body, the *ersona ity, and he can dance, boy can he danceN #ho 4issed who )irst, because i) he eaned in )irst, then that<s it, he wants youG FIt<s no so cut and dry SydG F Yes it is, wait unti I meet him, I< te you )or sure, I can read a man i4e a news*a*er, bac4wards )rontwards and u*side downN

They arri6e ate the restaurant XIta ianY "obert and casey are a ready there at the bar V they a discuss 2i5ue a bit more, then Anna Xwho is 9uiet and doesn<t drin4Y and Christo*he arri6e8 F#ho e se is comin5H,G in9uired sydney F,a77 is comin5 with @a )riend< Sydney ro ed her eyes8 #hen is that 5ir 5oin5 to come out o) the c oset a ready #ho says she<s in the c osetH Eh * ease, )riend is 3ust a code word )or o6er, we<6e a sus*ected it since co e5e, e6eryone<s 3ust a)raid to say it8 I swear, i) she shows u* with another i*stic4 esbian I<m 3ust 5oin5 to come ri5ht out and as4 her8 Kon<t do that, you don<t want to *ut her on the s*ot i4e that8 #hy notH #e<re a )riends I don<t see why she 3ust can<t be strai5ht with us Syd ney burst out au5hin5 at her iwn *un8 I) there<s anythin5 to te , I<m sure she< te us when she<s ready8 Sto* tryin5 to create drama syd8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =(L Mine8 FAnd o) course 2i5ue and his sister, than4s to my 5ood )riend hereG she said 5esturin5 toward Casey8G Foh don<t be so synica , it<s 5oin5 to be )un, and besides, it wi 5i6e us a a chance to chec4 him outG Fwe , 3ust try and stay away )rom mentionin5 my a5eG I) the 5uy i4es you he won<t 5i6e a shit about your a5e8 I ho*e you<re ri5ht, but 3ust don<t *ic4 toni5ht to test out that theory8 E6entua y 3a77 shows u* with her 5ir )riend Chery H As they made their way out o) the bar, 2i5ue and his sister come in8 Casey was the )irst to s*ot them, and she wa6ed them o6er8 She a so too4 o6er the introductions :is sister s 6ery wor d y, at ease in any situation8 Sasha thou5ht she sensed a itt e uneasiness about 2i5ue 8 2aybe she was 3ust *ro3ectin5 her )ee in5s onto him, or maybe it was because he was rea y meetin5 a o) her )riends )or the )irst time, Sasha cou dn<t *ut her )in5er on it, but there was de)inite y somethin5 a itt e di))erent about him - he seemed di))erent within that settin58 :is sisters name is Komini9ue8 They were seated to a bi5 beauti)u round tab e in then midd e o) the restaurant8 The dPcor was beauti)u V Ita ian *aintin5s on the wa etcT Somehow amon5st a o) the hu55in5 and hand sha4in5, sasha ended u* smac4 dab in between 2i5ue and his sister8 Sydney had been a))i;ed to Casey since they arri6ed, tryin5 to 5et a thde detai s o) e6ery and anythin5 that was 5oin5 on8 Christo*he a i5ned himse ) ne;t to Komini9ue

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ==. and the two o) them * un5ed into con6ersation about Paris a most immediate y8 Christo*he was in a his 5 ory ha6in5 a )e ow Mrenchman in his midst8 Sasha oo4ed o6er at Casey and Sydney chattin5 away, they turned to oo4 at Sasha at which *oint she tried to s*e out @:-E-%-P< with her eyes, both returned a Cheshire 5rins and

continued their con6ersation8 They were not 5oin5 to o))er u* any he *8 They were 5i6in5 Sasha e;act y what she wanted, what she needed8 :a6in5 him sit ri5ht ne;t to her wou d ma4e it di))icu t )or her to a6oid ta 4in5 to him a ni5ht, which was her ori5ina * an8 F:ow ha6e you beenHG, he as4ed FI<6e been 5ood, and youHG F?ood8G F It must be nice to ha6e your sister 6isitin58G Sasha was terrib e at sma ta 4, es*ecia y in aw4ward situations8 She *reyed )or the waiter to a**ear and rude y interru*t with an entrPe or somethin58 Sasha oo4ed around the tab e, oo4in5 )or a distraction8 ,a77 and her 5ir )riend were whis*erin5 sweet nothin5s in each others ear8 To a6oid bein5 the third whee in their *artners con6ersations, "obert and Christo*he<s MiancPe Anna, both scanned their menus mind ess y8 FIt is a ways nice to ha6e Komini9ue stay with me8 As a matter o) )act, I am thin4in5 about 5oin5 bac4 with her to Paris when she ea6es, maybe )or one or two wee4s8G FI see8G FI want to 6isit my mother, it<s a most one year since I<6e seen her8 I<6e been meanin5 to as4 you i) you can mana5e without me )or the ne;t wee4end8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ==' Sasha was tem*ted to as4 i) he meant mana5e without him at the sho* or in her bed because the answer to the atter wou d be a resoundin5 no8 Komini9ue must ha6e heard her brother mention 5oin5 to Paris, she 3um*ed out o) her con6ersation with Christo*he<s and 3um*ed into Sasha and 2i5ue <s8 F<P eased te me you< come bac4 with me, It<s been too on5 since we<6e been to5ether as a )ami y8 2aman rea y misses you 2i5ue , and you can )ina y meet "enP8 "enP was Komini9ue<s atest boy)riend, FI wi ea6e with you ne;t wee4, then I can )ina y meet this "enP I<6e heard so much about8

Sasha smi ed a the whi e s9uirmin5 in her chair8 It made her uncom)ortab e that he re)erred To her as his boss8 A thou5h she was his boss, she )i5ured that since he had his ton5ue down her throat as Sydney so e o9uent y *ut it maybe he wou d no on5er re)er to her as that8 The ine between the two o) them was so unc ear, at east to Sasha8 On i4e Sasha, 2i5ue seemed com* ete y un)a7ed by the incident8 :e a**eared to ha6e no *rob em switchin5 bac4 and )orth between oya em* oyee and romantic eadin5 man8 She be5an to )ee )oo ish8 She 5u *ed down her wine in an attem*t to 9uiet the reemer5in5 butter) ies8 Komini9ue and I were 3ust ta 4in5 about %e Promenade ?ourmands8 Christo*he *o4ed his head out )rom behind Komini9ue8 FKomini9ue, te her what an e;*erience it isNG FAre you studyin5 to be a *astry che) as we HG Foh 5od noN I 3ust rea y i4e de icious Mrench *astries8 Actua y I<m studyin5 a the cu inary institute8 And it 3ust so ha**ens that one o) the *ro)esseurs is a so my !oy)riend8 Th *ro)essors 5et one tic4et e6ery year that they can 5i6e to a deser6in5 student8 Ene year that student so ha**ened to be me, and the rest is history8G She au5hed throwin5 her hands u* in the air8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ==( Pastries, ca4es, tarts, *uddin5s, I o6e them a N %et<s 3ust say that "enP was 6ery ha**y that ni5htN 8 The e;*erience is one that you wi not )or5et, and )or someone i4e you, I<m sure it wou d be the e;*erience o) a i)etime8 FThat<s what I 4ee* te in5 her8 Serious y, you need to treat yourse ) dar in58 ?et your name on the waitin5 ist now, and by ne;t year you cou d be in the city o) o6eG FYou don<t ha6e to wait unti ne;t year8 I can 5et you one )rom "enP8G She said so noncha ant y she com* ete y cau5ht Sasha o)) 5uard8 Sasha near y cho4ed8 F"ea y, you wou d be ab e to 5et me a tic4etHG Fit wou d be no *rob em As on5 as you<re wi in5 to ea6e in two wee4s8G FSasha i) you say no to this I wi ha6e to disown you as a )riendN Kon<t e6en thin4 about it, 3ust say yesNG Fbut it<s two wee4s awayNG FThat<s * enty o) time8 I * anned my tri* here in )our days, and I si had time to sho* )or a who e new wardrobeG Sasha wanted to te her that not e6eryone had the u;ury o) 3ust *ic4in5 u* on a whim and ta4in5 o)) )or a wee4 or two8 FI cou dn<t, what about the sho*G #hat about itH Christo*he 3um*ed in8 You<6e 5ot the boy, Antony, and besides it< be s*rin5 brea4 by then, the town is 5oin5 to be a 5host town )or that wee48 FYou<re ri5ht but--F FYou shou d 5oG 2i5ue said i5htin5 his hand on hers8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & === Somehow, the touch o) his hand sea ed her decision8 It was as i) in)used her with a new sense o) ad6enture Fo4 yes8 YesN, oh my 5od, I can<t be ie6e this, it )ee s surrea 8 Casey and Sydney eaned in to see what a o) the e;citement was about8 Sydney<s mouth near y dro**ed to the ) oor8 FKo itN, I can<t be ie6e you e6en ha6e to thin4 about it, you sure as he wou dn<t ha6e to as4 me twiceN I a5ree with Sydney, )or onceG Casey au5hed, F,ust do it, this wou d be so 5reat )or you Sasha8 FI) she cou d me a tic4et I<d 5o with youNG FI can 5o with herG, 2i5ue o))ered8 Sasha was s*eech ess8 She instant y )e t a rush o) heat rise u* her )ace8 #hy does he toy with me Sasha as4ed herse ), and why do I et myse ) e6en entertain the thou5ht that he mi5ht be serious8 FI<m serious,G he said oo4in5 direct y at Sasha8 I am 5oin5 anyway, so I can wait another wee4s and we can ) y to5ether8 F In a s* it second si ence hit the room8 In rea ity it had on y a))ected their tab e, but to Sasha the entire room had been swa owed u* by the dea)enin5 sti ness8 E6eryone waited )or Sasha<s res*onse, inc udin5 Sasha8 :er throat was com* ete y dry, she )e t as thou5h she were choc4in5, that<s when she rea i7ed that she hadn<t swa owed )or the *ast minute or so8 She was in such shoc4 at 2i5ue <s *ro*osa , that she had )or5otten to swa ow8 She too4 a 5u *in5 si* o) her wine and didn<t 4now what e se to do but to utter, Fsure, that sounds i4e a 5ood ideaG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ==0 Sydney as ,asmine were a smi es, but Casey read the oo4 o) shear *anic on Sasha<s )ace8 She motioned to her that it was time )or a bathroom meetin58 The minute the door c osed, Casey burst out au5hin58 FYou shou d ha6e seen the oo4 on your )ace when 2i5ue su55ested 5oin5 to Paris to5ether, you oo4ed i4e you were about to cho4eN FI swear to 5od I sto**ed breathin5 )or a minute, I was in such shoc4 I actua y )or5ot to breatheN Eh my 5od, I can<t be ie6e this is ha**enin5NG FYou see, you shou d be than4in5 me or in6itin5 5 him8G FThan4in5 youN "i5ht now I 4ind o) want to 4i youN I can<t ) y to Paris on the same air* ane as him, it wi be *ure tortureNG FEr *ure b issN Ke*ends on how you oo4 at it8 I) it isn<t ob6ious to you by now that he<s into you, then I don<t 4now what e se it<s 5oin5 to ta4e8 I mean what 5uy wou d o))er to *ost*one his tri*, to see his "other I mi5ht add 3ust so the two o) you can be on the same ) i5ht to5ether8 Thin4 about it Sash8G FE4ay o4ay you<re ri5ht8 I 4now you<re ri5ht, I 3ust don<t want you to be ri5ht8 It scares me8G F#hat are you a)raid o), en3oyin5 yourse )H :a6in5 the time o) your i)eH And most i4e y ha6in5 the best se; you< e6er ha6eH CaseN Sasha s a**ed her arm her )ace burnin58 8 who said anythin5 about s ee*in5 with him8 Eh * ease, sto* 4iddin5 yourse ), you<re de)inite y 5ettin5 aid in Paris, i) not be)ore8 :e hasn<t ta4en his eyes o)) o) you a ni5htN Not to mention his hands8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ==1 , and his sister ob6ious y i4es you too, I mean )uc4N She<s 5i6in5 you a )ree tic4et to an ama7in5 tour that you<6e ta 4ed about 5oin5 on )ore6erNG Fya but88G No but<s V what<s the matter with you, 3ust 5o and en3oy yourse )8 Fyou<re ri5ht< The two o) them )reshened u* and then stro ed bac4 to the tab e arm in arm #hen they returned Komini9ue had a**arent y con6inced e6eryone to 5o c ubbin5 a)ter dinner8 E6eryone e;ce*t Christo*he and Anna which came as no sur*rise to Sasha8 :an5in5 out at a ni5ht c ub was not e;act y their cu* o) tea, and at the moment it wasn<t Sasha<s either8 She wanted to 5o home and di5est the e6enin58 E6erythin5 was ha**enin5 so )ast her head was s*innin58 Not to mention she had an ear y start the ne;t day8 !ut at this *oint it was im*ossib e ot say no8 e6eryone )e in o6e with Komini9ue<s ener5y, and were a wi in5 to )o ow her on her ni5ht c ub e;cursion8

En 9ueue the waiter arri6ed with a ca4e and e6eryone be5an sin5in5 on 9ue8

2i5ue *u s out a *resent, and when she o*ens it she turns to him - he is bitin5 onhis ower i* s i5ht y PresentsH Nobody said we were doin5 *resents sid shouted )rom the other end o) the tab e8 This one is s*ecia 2i5ue shouted bac48 Shou d I o*en it nowH Yes 5o ahead8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ==D E6eryone a5reed on E*ium the atest trendy c ub8 The crowd was 6ery youn5, *er)ect )or Komini9ue8 And 2i5ue saw a cou* e o) )aces he 4new as we 8 #as that the a5e 5rou* o) *eo* e he hun5 around withH The remainder o) the e6enin5 was rather une6ent)u 8 FThere was no more ta 4 o) Paris8 Sasha was re ie6ed, but cou dn<t he * wonderin5, Kid 2i5ue mean what he said8

ZZ2i5ue 5ets her a *resent )or her birthday a itt e noteboo4 to stea some o) the master *astry che) ideas

--%ater in the wee4, she s*ea4s to ?ior5io V he 6o unteers his ne*hews ser6ices8 Sasha ran her hands a on5 the sma b ac4 noteboo4

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ==J

Cha*ter =. + Sun Sho* with Casey Vin6ites V"- to meet in *erson ?ior5io&antony She decides to 5o o)) the site now that thin5s are 5oin5 5ood with mo5ue ,, she decides to say 5oodbye to "embrandt8 She su55ests meetin5 )or her own curiosity - she is 6ery )ocused on what i) she i4es him what about 2i5ue , she *rays that he wi be unattracti6e8 :e doesn<t res*ond, she assumes he<s out o) town8 She sends him a 5oodbye emai and deacti6ates her account be)ore ea6in5 )or Paris8

Antony is 5ior5io<s ne*hew V he he *ed with de i6eries when 2i5ue was 5one8 The ne;t day at the sho* she is ta 4in5 to ?ior5io FI ha6e this ama7in5 o**ortunity to 5o to Paris )or )our days, but I don<t 4now what I<m 5oin5 to about the sho*8 I don<t want to c ose it down and ose a that business8G I was thin4in5 o) ea6in5 a9ntony in char5e but I don<t 4now do you thin4 he can hand e itH Sure, it<s about time the boy has some rea res*onsibi ity8 I< 4ee* an eye on him, don<t worry8 :e<s a smart 4id, 3ust needs a 4ic4 in the ass sometimes you 4nowH

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ==P us he needs the e;ta money )or he adies you 4now, so trust me, it<s 5onna be no *rob emN Sasha was on y s i5ht y reassured8 She 4new she cou d count on ?ior5io, and se had Chris as bac4 u*, so she tried to wi*e the worried oo4 o)r o) her )ace8

FAntony can do it8 #hen are you 5oin5HG FIn two wee4s8G FAh, no *rob em, I<m 5onna ta 4 to him toni5ht8G "ea yH you thin4 he< do itH FYa sure, he<s a 5ood boy, a ways wanna he *, * us he needs some money, to ta4e out his 5ir )ried8G ?ior5io win4ed at Sasha and et out a roarin5 au5h8G Fa he< ha6e to do it ta4e care o) the cash and tidy u* a bit8 2y )ried Chris can ta4e care o) the ba4in58G A wa6e o) re ie) washed o6er Sasha, as the *ossibi ity o) her ta4in5 the tri* became more rea 8 The thou5ht o) as4in5 Antony hadn<t e6en crossed her mind8 She i4ed Antony8 En the occasions where he had done de i6eries )or her, he was 6ery res*onsib e and honest8 I) he was wi in5 then he had the 3ob8 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Ence it had been estab ished that Sasha wou d be 5oin5 to Paris, Casey dro**ed e6erythin5 and immediate y schedu ed an emer5ency sho**in5 day8 "ather than 5oin5 to the sho* to 5et a head start on her ba4in5, i4e she norma y did on Sundays, Sasha decided to ta4e Casey u* on her o))er8 A thou5h Sasha was not a bi5 sho**er, when she

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & ==L did sho*, Casey was the one to 5o with8 She 4new a the best stores and atest trends, and you cou d a ways trust her to 5i6e you a bruta y honest o*inion8 This time it didn<t ta4e much con6incin5 to 5et Sasha in the mood to sho*8 She was e;cited and an;ious and ner6ous a ro ed into one8 She cou dn<t be ie6e she was actua y 5oin5 to %e *romenade ?ourmand, in Paris, accom*anied by 2i5ue N It a most seemed too 5ood to be true8 She had to *inch herse ), to be con6inced that it was rea y ha**enin58 A)ter her mom died, she ne6er ima5ined that she cou d )ee so ha**y about anythin5 a5ain8 She wished that her *arents were a i6e to share in her 3oy8 They both 4new how much ta4in5 a tri* i4e this wou d mean to her8 She had s*o4en about %e Promenade numerous times with her dad in *articu ar8 In )act i) he had been a i6e, he wou d ha6e been the one accom*anyin5 her8 The sound o) a car horn outside her window intruded her wist)u thou5hts8 She oo4ed out the window to see Casey wa6in5 e;cited y8 As soon as she saw Casey, Sasha<s s*irits i)ted8 Sasha 5rabbed her *urse and ea5er y made her way downstairs8

She ho**ed into Casey<s *er)ume chamber and 5reeted her with a hu5e hu58 Casey was a smo4er, but hated the sme o) smo4e and o)ten o6ercom*ensated by drownin5 herse ) and a her be on5in5s in hea6y *er)ume8 FAre you ready to sho* ti you dro*HG F"eady as I< e6er beNG F#e<re 5oin5 to )ind you some rea y se;y out)its8 #hen I<m done with you 2i5ue won<t 4now what hit himNG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =0. FIt<s not a about 2i5ue you 4now, it<s most y about the Promenade )or me8G F"i5ht8 You 4ee* te in5 yourse ) that8G F#hat do you meanHG Sasha tried to mas4 her emer5in5 smi e with a moc4 e;*ression o) bewi derment8 Kee* down, she 4new Casey was ri5ht8

They decided to )ue their day at M orentine<s with a i5ht brea4)ast and a cou* e o) stron5 co))ees to wash it down8 Since they had mana5ed to beat the brunch rush, they were ab e to 5et one o) the much co6eted terrace tab es8 They had the *er)ect s*ot to watch the street s ow y come a i6e8 Sho* owners *ee in5 bac4 the mesh doors *rotectin5 their business, ) orists arran5in5 their outdoor stands, restaurant owners settin5 out their sidewa 4 si5ns ad6ertisin5 the unch s*ecia s8 The cris* mornin5 air was re)reshin5, es*ecia y a)ter her ride in the *er)ume chamber8 Casey scoured the menu whi e Sasha sat watchin5 the steam )rom her co))ee rise into the air, twir in5 * ay)u y be)ore disa**earin5 into nothin5ness8 Sasha<s thou5hts dri)ted to "embrandt8 She wondered why he ne6er returned her emai 8 Not that any o) it rea y mattered now8 Yet, she cou dn<t he * but wonder8 F:e ooo8 Sasha, where did you 5oHG Casey wa6ed her hand in )ront o) Sasha<s )ace FSorry8 I was 3ust thin4in5 about "embrandt8< The moment Sasha heard the words s i* out o) her mouth, she wanted to ta4e them bac48 She had 5i6en Casey the im*ression that she had ended her on ine romance8 #hich it was )or the

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =0' most *art, but she cou dn<t he * )ee embarrassed )or e6en 5i6in5 him a second thou5ht8 Now she wou d ha6e to )ace Casey<s sco din58 F#hatHG F"emember, the 5uy I to d you aboutH En ineH FI thou5ht you ended that a on5 time a5oHG FI was * annin5 to, but the o**ortunity didn<t come u*, and then I 5ot busy *re*arin5 )or Paris, and I 3ust ne6er 5ot around to it8 She was too embaressed to te casey that she had as4ed him to meet in *erson but he ne6er res*onded8 F,ust don<t bother answerin5 any o) his emai s, he< 5et the messa5e8G 2aybe that<s what he<s doin5 to me sasha thou5ht to herse )8

FI can<t do that8 I )ee i4e I shou d at east o))icia y end it8 Then he can mo6e on and start oo4in5 )or someone e se8G F:e *robab y a ready has8 I<m te in5 you, these 5uys say a 4inds o) shit on ine, and they< ta4e the )irst one that wi bite8G FI don<t thin4 he<s i4e that8G

FE4, E48 #hy are you thin4in5 about himHG Casey turned u* her )ace8 FI was * annin5 to @end thin5s< )orma y and te him that it<s *retty much ne6er 5oin5 to 5o any )urther8 FAre you 4iddin5 meH #hy are you e6en sti wastin5 your time ta 4in5 to this 5uyHG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =0( F#e I ha6en<t been ta 4in5 to him )or a itt e whi e8 I thin4 he said he was 5oin5 to be away )or a cou* e o) wee4s8 FYa, @Away< wor4in5 on his ne;t 6ictim8 FI 4now you don<t 5et it, but ta 4in5 to him was the on y thin5 that 4e*t me sane a)ter my mom8 #e 4ind o) )ormed this weird on ine bond8G FThat<s because you were 6u nerab e at the time8G FYa, but it<s more than that8 I don<t 4now, he intri5ues me8G G#hat do you e6en 4now about this 5uyH :a6e you met him yetHG FNo, but I<m thin4in5 about it #hy I @m not interested in datin5 him or anythin5IF FThan4 5odNG,Casey interru*ted Fbut, I don<t 4now, 3ust )or @c osure< I 5uess8 I<m 3ust curious to see who was on the other side o) those 4ind words8G FI say it<s time to mo6e on8 You<6e 5ot c osure, he<s ca ed 2i5ue G FI don<t ha6e himG As 5ood as, and when he sees you in the hot out)its we<re 5oin5 to *ic4 out )or Paris, it< be a done dea 8 I ho*e so8 The thi5 about 2i5ue is that I )ind him so hard to read8 #hat do you mean8 I don<t 4now, I<m ne6er rea y sure what he<s thin4in5

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =0= :e has a certain maturity e6e that 2i5ue seems to ac48 :e says what he means and means what he says8 I don<t 4now how e se to e;* ain it8 Casey<s mouth dro**ed o*en, and remained in that state whi e her eyes )i;ated on Sasha<s8 You<6e 5ot to be 4iddin5 me she *ronounced each word s ow y and c ear y8 SashaN She ye ed her name i4e it was a smac4 in the )ace8 :ere you<6e 5ot this 5or5eous 5uy who is so de)inite y into you,m I mean what 5uy is 5oin5 to *ost*one his tri* so that you can be on the same ) i5htH :e oH I) that<s not ob6ious I don<t 4now what is8 And you<re com*arin5 him to some 5uy you ha6en<t e6en metH I<m not com*arin5 him8 Sasha tried to ta4e a de)ensi6e stance but e6en she 4new none o) it made sense, es*ecia y *ut the way Casey did8 FTa 4in5 to him 3ust made me rea i7e how im*ortant communication is8 That was the *rob em with me and ,ames, I had no idea what he was thin4in5 ha ) the time, and he cou d basica y care ess what I was thin4in58 AndTI don<t want to 5et my ho*es u* with 2i5ue 8G There she said it, she was a)raid o) 5ettin5 hurt, the e e*hant in the room that was *re6entin5 her )rom mo6in5 )orward with 2i5ue and mo6in5 on )rom the mysterious "embrandt8 Thou5h she hadn<t said the actua words she 4new that Casey cou d read between the ines8 You<re 3ust a)raid that<s a 8 :er tone so)tened8 I thin4 this anonymous re ationshi* is sa)e )or you8 !ut you<re ettin5 this romantici7ed ima5e o) the *er)ect man *re6ent you )rom ta4in5 a chance with 2i5ue 8 8

:e<s Euro*ean, they ta 4 with their hands and their bodies sh win4s8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =00 I) you ha6e any doubts that the man is into you then you<re cra7y8 ,ust the way he oo4s at you, his eyes 5et a warm nd )u77y when he oo4s at you, besides, !esides now that you and 2i5ue ha6e mo6ed out o) the boss- em* oyee cate5ory,I<m sure thin5s are 5oin5 to be a ot di))erent between you8 I bet he was ho din5 bac4 be)ore because o) your wor4in5 re ationshi*,but somethin5 te s me that now we<re 5oin5 to see a who e new side o) 2i5ue , Casey win4ed at Sasha,

FYou<re ri5ht8 I thin4 I was 4ind o) waitin5 to see how thin5s wou d un)o d with 2i5ue in Paris be)ore dro**in5 him8 !ut you<re ri5ht8 Either way, it<s time to mo6e on because chances are he won<t turn out to be anythin5 i4e what I<m *icturin58G :a6e you seen a *icture yetH Ya but it wasn<t u*c ose :ow con6enient :e said that was the on y one he cou d )ind at the moment And you be ie6e thatH , or e6en sounds i4e ri5htH Cause you 5uys ha6en<t e6en ta 4ed on the *hone or anythin58G No V I wasn<t ready V bein5 on ine 3ust seemed ess com* icated, no *ressure8 F#e i) it were me, I wou d at east ha6e to see what he oo4s i4e or at east hear what he sounded i4e be)ore I 4e*t ta 4in5 to him8 You 4now you can te i) a 5uy is cute 3ust )rom his 6oice8G FNo you can<t8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =01 FI swear you can8 I) he<s a short itt e 5uy, his 6oice wi sound rea y nasa i4e air bein5 s9uee7ed throu5h a ba oon8 I) he<s ta , then his 6oice wi be dee* and se;y8 And i) he sounds out o) breath when he<s ta 4in5 to you, then he<s *robab y rea y out o) sha*e8 Either that or he<s masturbatin58 They burst out au5hin58 FThat thou5ht is so 5rossNG FNow you<re )ee in5 better, and 5ettin5 bac4 to your o d se ), and 5oin5 to ParisNG You don<t need to waste any more time ta 4in5 to him8 FI 4now, can you be ie6e I<m 5oin5 to ParisNG She said, s9uee7in5 Casey<s arm FToday we<re 5oin5 to do our own *romenade, ca it %e Promenade du 2ode8 See, I 4now some Mrench tooNG FNot bad8G F#e<6e 5ot to u*date your oo48 New 3eans, some se;y to*s, and some hot *arty c othes8 F#hat<s wron5 with my oo4H I<m @u*dated<8G FIt<s not bad8 It<s o4 )or the sho*, but this is Paris8 The )ashion 2eccaN You<6e 5ot to oo4 5ood i) you want to )it in8 #hen I went with "obert ast year you shou d ha6e seen the way some o) those women were dressedN You<6e 5ot to 5et 2i5ue to ta4e you to this * ace ca ed %oun5e ! eu8 I) that * ace doesn<t *ut you in the mood, nothin5 wi 8 Mirst o) a the dPcor is ama7in5N I<d o6e to meet the desi5ner8 They ha6e these dancers that are com* ete y nude and co6ered with nothin5 but body *aint8 They 3ust 4ind o) dance around seducti6e y in the bac4 5round on these *odiums8 It )e t i4e a scene out o) o d )i)ties Paris )used with new a5e8 They

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =0D had a oun5e sin5er a *iano and a ci5ar bar8 It<s a 5reat * ace to 5o )or a drin4 be)ore hittin5 the c ubs8 FThat sounds hotN E4, I<m ready, et<s hit the *romenadeNG 2ost o) the mornin5 was s*ent searchin5 )or the *er)ect *air o) 3eans, )o owed by the *er)ect to*, be)ore mo6in5 on to the hunt )or e6enin5 wear8 Mirst they 5o oo4 at dresses then ma4e u* then in5erie V a)ter unch they oo4 )or shoes and *urses then head home e;hausted8

ZZCasey ta4es her to a in5erie sho*

#hy are we 5oin5 in here8 You<6e 5ot to 5et somethin5 se;y to wear underneath a the se;y out)its we 3ust bou5ht8G !ecause, you ne6er 4now she says win4in5, and besides, I<6e 5ot to 5et somethin5 new to sur*rise "obert with, he<s a ready seen e6erythin5 I ha6e8 I bet he hasN

Casey ran her )in5erti*s a on5 the so)t si 4y items han5in5 oose y )rom the han5ers8 F%oo4 at a these se;y out)its8 Ene oo4 at you in this, he< be *utty in your hands8G She he d u* a red one *iece, trimmed with ) u)) and a *ea4-a-boo who e where the be y button shou d be8 Sasha )rowned8 FThat is de)inite y not meNG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =0J FE;act y,G Casey said ho din5 it u* a5ainst Sasha<s body8 FIt<s not su**osed to be you8 It<s su**osed to be the se; 4itten inside o) you8G F#e the se; 4itten inside o) me wou dn<t wear somethin5 i4e thatNG !esides, why are you so sure we<re 5oin5 to end u* s ee*in5 to5ether anywayHG F#hy are you so sure you won<tHG Either way, you need to ha6e a cou* e o) se;y numbers 3ust incase8 I) you<re dressed se;y, you< )ee se;y, and trust me, he< *ic4 u* on that8 You ha6e to ma4e him wonder what se;y secret you<re hidin5 under your dress8G

Casey returned the red se; 4itten out)it to the rac4 and continued searchin5 )or somethin5 more to Sasha<s i4in58 FMor some reason, I 3ust don<t ha6e the same con)idence around him that I norma y ha6e88 :e intimidates me )or some reason8 :e<s so 5ood oo4in5 I )ee weird and aw4ward around him8G

FIt<s ca ed se;ua tension8 I don<t 4now what your *rob em is8 :e<s ob6ious y interested in you, why e se wou d he 6o unteer to *ost*one his tri* so that the two o) you cou d be on the same ) i5ht8 You<re 5oin5 to the city o) o6e and "omance, how cou d you two not end u* in bed to5ether8 You rea y ha6e to re a; more, and sto* ta4in5 e6erythin5 so serious y8 You don<t ha6e to )a in o6e, 3ust ha6e the best se; o) your i)e8 Eh my 5odN I ha6e the *er)ect thin5 )or youN I don<t 4now why I didn<t thin4 o) this be)ore8 #hatH #hatH

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =0"obert 5ot these 5uest *asses )or this s*a wee4end 5etaway8 This is e;act y you need to )ee se;y8 I< show you the brochure ater8 This * ace sounds ama7in5, and su**osed y a o) the sta)) are ma e8 FYou<re 4iddin5 me8G FI swear, that<s what I heard8 Te me this isn<t hotNG She he d u* a sheer b ac4 camiso e with matchin5 *anties8 FE4ay, that, I cou d see myse ) wearin58G Sasha immediate y too4 it out o) Casey<s hand and he d it u* a5ainst her body8 As she stared at herse ) in the mirror, she was sudden y in)used with renewed e;citement as 6isions o) her and 2i5ue to5ether swir ed around in her mind8 FI< ta4e itNG Morty )i6e minutes ater she had mana5ed to accumu ate three a urin5 ensemb es, two new bras, and se6era *airs o) si 4y underwear in a mu titude o) co ors8 They decided to tuc4 away the mornin5<s *urchases in the security o) Casey<s trun4, be)ore scoutin5 out a suitab e eatery )or a much needed unch brea48 FI don<t rea y care where we eat, but I ha6e to 4ee* it i5ht8 I don<t want to 5ain any wei5ht be)ore ParisNG @Eh my ?odN, you<re 5oin5 in i4e si; daysN You<re not 5oin5 to 5ain wei5ht that )astNG @I don<t want to ta4e any chancesN 2aybe I shou d start wor4in5 out too,G Sasha *atted her stomach8 FI<6e been indu 5in5 in too many o) the e)to6er *astries at the sho*8G FI thin4 you<re cuttin5 it a itt e c ose don<t youH

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =0L F#e , some e;ercise is better than no e;ercise, which is what I wi be doin5 )or the ne;t si; days8G F#hy don<t you come to my Pi ates c ass with meH I<6e been tryin5 to 5et you to come )ore6erN Now<s a 5ood time8G FIs that rea y e6en considered e;erciseHG FKon<t 4noc4 it ti you try it8 It<s harder than it oo4sNG FE4ay, I@ try one c ass8G F?reatN Then you can meet ,ade,G Casey *ronounced her name in her best Mrench accent8

FI<m not sure I want to8G FYou< see what I mean about her when you meet her8 She<s a bit o) a snob, but she<s actua y *retty nice once you 5et to 4now her8 In )act, she 5a6e me the name o) a store that you can 5et rea y nice shoes8 #e< chec4 it out a)ter unch8 #e< 5et you a hot *air o) shoes )or Paris8G

FI shou d be 5ettin5 sensib e shoes )or Paris8 The Promenade is i4e se6en hours on5N #e<re not 5oin5 to be wa 4in5 the entire time, but it<s a )u day<s wa 4 about8G FMor5et sensib e shoes, we need *arty shoesN Somethin5 that wi set o)) that hot b ue dress8 Er, somethin5 to 5o with that se;y b ac4 ne5 i5ee you 3ust bou5ht8G F#ith my ne5 i5eeH The out)it is su**osed to say se; 4itten not *orn starNG They ro ed with au5hter8 FThe sad thin5 is, I 4now you were on y ha ) 3o4in5NG FE) course8 I wear hi5h hee s with my in5erie a the time8 "obert o6es itN

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =1. They sto**ed au5hin5 on5 enou5h to se ect a sma sou* and sandwich diner )or their unch brea48 Casey * o**ed her ba5 on the tab e and be5an rumma5in5 throu5h it8 She *u ed out a sma white *i ow bo; wra**ed in decorati6e *in4 ribbon8 This is the * ace I<6e been te in5 you about8 She *u ed out an e9ua y decorati6e brochure with sna* shots o) cand e it massa5e rooms, mountain 6iews and beauti)u y andsca*ed 5rounds8 FIt oo4s 5or5eousG FYa, that<s not a that<s 5or5eous8 I heard a o) the masseurs are 5or5eous too8 Too bad they don<t show any o) them in the brochureN #hat is this * ace, a s*a or a brothe H Ima5ine that, i) it were i4e a ma e brothe , but a the 5uys were rea y rea y hot, and you cou d ha6e any one you wantHG FMor a sma )ee o) courseG FE) course, but it wou d be so worth the moneyN Ima5ine a youn5 hot ri**ed twenty )i6e year o d with a nice ti5ht but and a si; *ac4NG FYes I can as a matter o) )act8 :is name is 2i5ue , and i) I e6er 5ot to ha6e se; with him, ho*e)u y I won<t ha6e to *ay )or it8G FYa, ho*e)u y, but admit it, you<d be wi in5 to *ay )or a *iece o) that ass i) you had to ri5htHG FA)ter that 4iss we had, she hi5h )i6ed Casey8 F:e yaNG Serious y Sasha8 I<m 5oin5 to 5et the 5ir s to5ether and we<re 5oin5, be)ore you ea6e )or Paris8 This is e;act y what you need8 You need to *am*er yourse ), and 5et bac4 to your se;y se )8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =1' I 4now it<s been hard since your mom, and you 4ind o) ost yourse ), that<s why you need a *ic4 me u**er8 You cou dn<t be more ri5ht Case8 E4 et<s do it8 ?reatN The * ace is ca ed *assions8 And isten to what it says in the brochure8 A**arent y it<s been around )or )i6e years, someone named :arrieta Son+heune came u* with the conce*t8 Er somethin5 i4e that, a I 4now is that she was Sweadish8 Anyway, she is the one who bui t this, usin5 hwr husbands money o) course, but there was a rumour that shed on y hires the best oo4in5 5uys, and be)ore she hires them, she has to s ee* with them )irst ?et the )uc4 out o) here, that can<t be true8 #e that<s what I heard, her husband is aways away n business, an I 5uess she 5ets bored8 C<mon who cou d s ee* with so many 5uys Someone who is rea y bored ob6ious y8 Cou d you do that i) "obert was a ways away a the timeH I wou dn<t need to8 A I need is a credit card, and ots o) room in my c oset and I won<t e6en notice that "obert is 5one8

%isten to the brochure )or this * ace8 Treat yourse ) to a u;urious 5etaway in a sec uded oasis tuc4ed away in the ?ene6a mountains8 Each room o6er oo4s the )amous 5en6a s*rin5s where 5uests are encoura5ed to ta4e a re3u6enatin5 di*8 :er 6oice 5rew ouder and started to *ic4 u* tem*o8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =1( %et our a ma e sta)) *am*er you and cater to your e6ery need whi e you *ut your )eet u*, et your hair down, and re a;8 :ea6en awaits youT

I can<t wait to see this * ace8 I can<t wait to see these menN V casey added

!y the end o) the day Sasha was oaded down with ba5s o) se;y in5erie, se;y *arty dresses, se;y shoes, and somehow Casey e6en mana5ed to con6ince her to buy a bi4ini8 She cou dn<t )i5ure out why she had a5reed to that one8 She a so had a not so se;y Credit card bi to 5o a on5 with a o) her new *urchases8 !ut it was worth it8 I) she was e6er 5oin5 to 5et 2i5ue to rea y notice her she wou d ha6e to oo4 the *art8 I) nothin5 ha**ened between her and 2i5ue it wou d a sti be worth it because she 5ot the o**ortunity o) a i)etime to 5o to %e Promenade ?ourmand8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =1=

----she as4s "embrandt to meet V he doesn<t res*ond #hen she returns )rom *aris V there is an emai )rom him a5reein5 to meet8 A day Sasha was thin4in5 about what Casey said8 Shou d she e6en bother emai in5 "embrandt8 There was rea y no *oint8 I) she didn<t contact him then sure y he wou d 5et the messa5e8 !ut somethin5 inside o) her cou dn<t et it 5ot that easi y8 2aybe it was 3ust )or c osure8 2aybe she 3ust needed to say than4 you )or he *in5 me throu5h a tu)) time8 "e5ard ess o) whether or ot he was aware o) how he had he *ed her8 And re5ard ess o) what his under yin5 intentions may ha6e been8 Sash wanted to do it )or herse )8 A)ter sittin5 at her com*uter )or what seemed i4e an eternity, starin5 at his name on the screen, she )ina y mustered u* the coura5e to send him an emai 8

:e o "embrandt, #e ha6en<t s*o4en in a whi e, I ho*e that e6erythin5 is 5ood with you8 ,ust 5et to the *oint her mind was sayin58 She hesitated about how she shou d su55est that they meet without 5i6in5 him the wron5 idea8 ,ust be direct she to d herse )8 I am writin5 to you because I thin4 it<s time )or me to say 5oodbye8 You were a 5reat )riend )or me when I needed one, but I am not interested in ta4in5 thin5s any )urther8 Shou d he te him that there is someone in her i)eH She wondered8 She o*ted to ea6e that detai out8 !e(ore &e say goodbye &ould like to "eet you in person&ould like to "eet the "an

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =10 behind the &ords- And &ould like to thank you in personout o( to&nSasha read, reread, rewrote then reread the emai about ten times be)ore hittin5 the send button8 Ence the deed had been done she 3ust sat starin5 at the screen )or a )ew moments, as thou5h e;*ectin5 that he wou d res*ond instantaneous y8 #hen he didn<t, she decided to 5o to bed8 She tossed and turned rest ess y and 5ot u* a )ew times to chec4 her emai 8 Sti nothin58 a" assu"ing that you are still

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =11 Cha*ter ='+ 2onday V assistant starts

&&she )ina y sets u* a meetin5 with "embrandt, but somethin5 comes u* and she has to cance 8 2i5ue shows u*8 !rin5s her some in)ormation he 5ot )rom his sister about the *romenade They don<t reschedu e unti a)ter Paris8 Sasha bare y had both o) her eyes o*en be)ore she an;ious y reached )or her com*uter, and )or what had to be the tenth time, in the ast ten hours, she chec4ed her emai 8 :er inbo; was sti em*ty8 She had on y sent the emai the ni5ht be)ore, so in a hadn<t e6en o*ened it yet, where6er he was8 Part o) Sasha wished that she cou d ta4e the emai bac4, and 3ust et it die as Casey su55ested, but the other *art o) her was bound in curiosity, and sou5ht a notab e endin5 to her on ine )riendshi*8 Kes*ite Casey<s ad6ice, Sasha had ho*ed that a)ter meetin5 they wou d sti be ab e to continue some sort ) )riendshi*8 A that was e)t to be seen, at this *oint he hadn<t e6en a5reed to meet8 i4e ihood "embrandt *robab y

She made u* her mind that i) she didn<t hear )rom him, or i) he was not interested in meetin5, then that was it8 She wou d 3ust ha6e to create her own )orm o) c osure and mo6e on8 In any case, she had much more e;citin5 thin5s on her * ate8 She was 5oin5 to ParisN #ith 2i5ue N She had to re*eat it to herse ) o6er and o6er to be sure that it was rea 8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =1D In any case, she had more *ressin5issuesat the moment8 she had to 5et to the sho* to meet Antony )or his )irst day o) trainin58 The )irst thin5 she had to do was to 5et Antony ac9uainted with the dai y o*erations o) the sho*8 Sasha had Antony come in two mornin5s so that he cou d see her o*enin5 u* *rocedures and two a)ternoons so that he cou d be )ami iar with the c osin5 u* *rocedures8 Saturday wou d be the rea test, he wou d be com* ete y a one since Sasha was 5oin5 to *assions8 S*ends the wee4 trainin5 him etc88 On i4e his unc e, antony didn<t ha6e a sweet tooth, so there was no dan5er o) him eatin5 more than he was se in58

#hen Sasha arri6ed at the sho* he was a ready waitin5 at the door8 ?ior5io didn<t o*en u* unti about ten otherwise she *robab y wou d ha6e )ound him o6er there8 FYou<re ea5erNG she ca ed as she 5ot out o) the car8 F#e , you 4now, I<6e 5ot to ma4e a 5ood im*ression on the boss8G :e au5hed8 #hen ?ior5io arri6ed, he *o**ed in to chec4 u* on his ne*hew8 FSo how<s he doin5 so )arHG FEasy as *ie8G :is ne*hew res*onded8 F:e<s doin5 )ine8G Sasha added FKon<t 5i6e her any troub e ehH Er I<m 5onna ca your mother8G FNo worries unc e ?8G Sasha )ound it re)reshin5 to ha6e com*any whi e she wor4ed8 :e was 6ery )riend y with the c ients and earned the basics 6ery 9uic4 y8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =1J

:e to d Sasha numerous stories about his unc e The day o) the bi5 canno i cha en5e had arri6ed Ene day he e6en cha en5ed Sasha<s Canno i reci*e, c aimin5 no one in the wor d cou d ma4e a better Canno i than his mother8 She too4 the cha en5e and e6en brou5ht in ?ior5io )or rein)orcement8 There was no way his tastebuds cou d decei6e him8 i) they did, he new it meant cuttin5 o)) his )ree month y Canno i su** y8 She b ind )o ded both o) them and * aced a sma *iece o) the two di))erent Canno is in each hand8 Antony instant y c aimed the )irst one to be the su*erior o) the two, and there)ore must be his mothers8 ?ior5io too4 the o**osite stance, bein5 care)u to commend both Canno is, be)ore se ectin5 the second as his )a6orite8 FIt oo4s i4e we ha6e a tie boys Fit<s not a tie, the )irst one I 5uarantee is my mothers8 FYou<re ri5ht AntonyNG ?ior5io breathed an ob6ious si5h o) re ie)8 You see I to d you, nobody can do it i4e my mother8 Kon<t 5et me wron5, yours was de icious too, but c<mon, my mom<s reci*e, it can<t be du* icated8 FKon<t te your mother I didn<t *ic4 hers, she< 4i meNG FKon<t worry Onc e ?, your secret is sa)e with me8G he said *attin5 his unc e on the bac48 She notice ?ior5io 5 ancin5 towards the counter, tryin5 to sni)) out the remainder o) the canno is8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =1FI< *ut them in a bo; )or you8G :is )ace it u*8

&&Tuesday She decides to meet "embrandt at D/.. !usiness had 9uieted down as Mi6e o<c oc4 a**roached8 Sasha decided to c ose u* sho* a itt e ear y, 5i6in5 herse ) enou5h time to run home and )reshen u* be)ore her meetin5 with "embrandt8 :er stomach ) uttered a day, an;ious y awaitin5 the end o) the day8 She had not been ab e to thin4 o) anythin5 e se, )rom the second he had a5reed to meet, unti this moment8

Cha*ter =( + A a Carte V Mriday - Kinner #ith 2i5ue

Mriday it was bac4 to a one woman show )or Sasha8 She saw no need )or Antony to come in a5ain8 The 3ob was 6ery strai5ht )orward and he had cau5ht on 9uic4 y8 A)ter s*endin5 the ast )our days with him, she was )air y con)ident that she was ea6in5 the sho* in 5ood hands8 A so, she had ?ior5io around the corner to 4ee* an eye on thin5s, and Christo*he *o**in5 in as we 8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =1L "embrandt ne6er did answer he emai 8 As )ar as she was concerned, the who e "embrandt a))air was dead in the water8 Casey wou d be o6er3oyed8 Another *erson whom she hadn<t n heard )rom was 2i5ue 8 She hadn<t heard )rom 2i5ue since her birthday dinner8 She was ho*in5 that she wou d ha6e8 She wanted to 4now i) he was sti enthusiastic about chan5in5 his ) i5ht to 5o at the same time as her or i) it was a decision he made cau5ht u* in a the e;cite, but ater reconsidered8 Komini9ue was *robab y 4ee*in5 him 9uite busy8 She wanted to ca him, but she didn<t want to seem an;ious8 She shou d warn him that Antony wou d be mannin5 the sho* on Saturday when he comes in )or the de i6eries8 :a6in5 sett ed on a 6a id reason to contact him, she reached )or the *hone8 !e)ore her hand made contact the *hone sudden y ran5, start in5 Sashsa8 It was 2i5ue 8 2i5ue N That<s so )unny, I was 3ust 5ettin5 ready to ca you8G FI must ha6e read your mind8G Than4 5od he can<t Sasha thou5ht to herse )8 FSo how ha6e you beenHG FI<m 5ood8 E6erythin5 is 5ood8 YouHG FSo what were you 5oin5 to ca me )orH You ha6en<t chan5ed your mind about Paris ha6e youH No, de)inite y not8 :a6e youH I mean chan5ed your mind about chan5in5 your ) i5htHG Ence she had as4ed the 9uestion she wished she cou d ha6e ta4en it bac48 FKe)inite y not8 I<m rea y oo4in5 )orward to it8 In )act, that<s why I<m ca in58 I wanted To in6ite you to my * ace, )or dinner, toni5ht8 I<m 5oin5 to 5i6e you a *re6iew o) authentic

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =D. Mrench cuisine, and I ha6e *ictures o) some * aces that I want to ta4e you when we<re there8 Not on y had he not chan5ed his mind, a**arent y he had an entire itinerary * anned8 :e cau5ht Sasha com* ete y o)) 5uard with his o))er8 That was the ast thin5 she e;*ected him to say8 FE4,G she mana5ed to stumb e out8 FI ne6er 4new you cou d coo48G There<s a ot you don<t 4now about me8 I see that8 I ha6e had Mrench )oods be)ore you 4now8 I<m sure you ha6e, but this is authentic Mrench cuisine, the way my mother tau5ht me to ma4e it8 :ow cou d I say no, she thou5ht to herse )8 F:ow cou d I say no8G The words esca*ed her mouth8 F?ood8 Come to my * ace around se6en o<c oc48 Kon<t be in3ured, and don<t be drun4NG :e au5hed8 She )e t her )ace ) ush8 She saw the emer5ence o) a sense o) humor that she hadn<t seen in him be)ore8 She i4ed it8 She cou dn<t he * but au5h a on5 with him, e6en i) it was at her e;*ense8 :e was ri5ht8 Their ast two encounters weren<t e;act y the most idea o) circumstances8 This time it wou d be di))erent8 This time she wou d be *re*ared8 And there wou d be no distractions8 FYou can brin5 dessert8 Somethin5 Mrench8G FKo you ha6e any s*ecia re9uestsHG FSur*rise me8G Instant y she be5an scannin5 her menta reci*e ro ode; )or a Mrench dessert that she cou d rea y im*ress him with8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =D' FE4, I< thin4 o) somethin58G She hun5 u* the *hone and stood momentari y )ro7en in disbe ie)8 She cou dn<t be ie6e what she had, 3ust a5reed to8 This cou d *otentia y be their )irst o))icia @date<8 A smi e 5rew across her )ace that s*read )rom ear to ear, she cou d bare y contain her e;citement8 She re5retted not ha6in5 Antony come in now, she cou d ha6e used the a)ternoon to herse )8

She mo6ed throu5h the remainder o) the day in a dream i4e state8 Care)u y * annin5 out e6ery detai in her mind8 E6erythin5 )rom her hair ma4eu* and *er)ume, to her bra, underwear and nai *o ish8 She mu ed o6er what out)it she wou d wear, and with what shoes8 She wanted to a**ear casua , but se;y at the same time8 She oo4ed at the c oc4, time was *assin5 s ower than e6er8 She was an;ious to 5et home and 5et started on her trans)ormation8 Satis)ied that e6ery detai had been e;* ored to its 5reatest de*ths, she turned her attention to the matter o) the dessert8 She was ha6in5 troub e )ocusin5 on this as*ect o) her * annin58 !a4in5 seemed on y secondary amidst her e;citement and hei5htened state o) arousa 8 She wanted to im*ress him8 E6en thou5h he had tasted her ba4in5 many times in the *ast, this time she was ba4in5 s*eci)ica y )or him8 A thou5h, Sasha thou5ht, i) the ni5ht 5oes we they mi5ht not e6en ma4e it to dessert8 In the end she sett ed on a Cherry C a)outis8 It was a c assic Mrench dessert, and 6ery easy to ma4e8 It was best warm )rom the o6en so she wou d brin5 e6erythin5 o6er to his * ace and ma4e it there8

A)ter a 9uic4 sto* at the mar4et )or some )resh cherries, Sasha was )ina y on her way home8 :er antici*ation 5rew as each *assin5 moment brou5ht her c oser to bein5 with 2i5ue 8 She

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =D( on y had about an hour to 5et herse ) as c ose to *er)ection as *ossib e8 #ithout de ay, she *rom*t y 3um*ed in the shower, then did her hair, nai s and ma4eu* in record time8 In the end, the out)it that won the biddin5 war was one that she had bou5ht with Casey8 It was a so)t bei5e 4nit to* with a button down )ront and a drawstrin5 waist and a *air o) snu5 )ittin5 white ci5arette *ants8 It was e e5ant but not o6erdressed8 It was su**osed to be )or Paris, but she )i5ured since he was 5i6in5 her a *re6iew o) authentic Mrench cuisine, she wou d 5i6e him a *re6iew o) her authentica y hot out)it8

She too4 one ast oo4 in the mirror8 She smi ed at herse )8 She oo4ed hot, and she 4new it8 She abandoned a o) her insecurities8 Toni5ht she was wi in5 to 5o where6er the ni5ht ed them8

#hen Sasha arri6ed, 2i5ue was a ready standin5 in the doorway armed with a wooden s*oon and a dish towe watchin5 her as she made her way u* the stairs8 F%et me ta4e that )or you8G :e reached )or the sho**in5 ba5 containin5 the dessert in5redients8 FYou oo4 5reatNG :e sounded a most sur*rised, but Sasha too4 that as a com* iment8 FThan4 you8G FCome in, come in8G :e *rom*t y *ut the s*oon down and eaned in to 5i6e her a bi5 hu58 F2mm, you sme 5reat too8 And et me 5uessTG :e *ressed his i*s a5ainst hers )irm y8 FYes, you taste 5reat too8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =D= :e 5rinned at her, amused by the oo4 o) sur*rise on her )ace8 :e swi)t y twir ed around behind her and he *ed her with her 3ac4et8 As soon as she ste**ed inside her senses were awa4ed by the a**eti7in5 aroma that )i ed the air8 FIt sme s 5ood8G FTrust me, you<re 5onna o6e it8G She oo4ed around the a*artment, re)ami iari7in5 herse )8 It oo4ed di))erent than it had that ni5ht when he had tended to her 4nee8 FSo what did you brin5HG :e said, *o4in5 throu5h the sho**in5 ba58 FIt<s a sur*rise8G She * ay)u y s a**ed his hand away )rom the ba58 I<m 5oin5 to ma4e it )rom scratch in your 4itchen8 You<re 5oin5 to ha6e to see i) you can 5uess what I<m ma4in5 whi e I *re*are it8G FAnd wi there be a *ri7e i) I 5uess correct yHG F#e< see8G #hat she wanted to say was o) course there wi be a *ri7e, whether or not you 5uess ri5ht8 And the *ri7e wi be me and you in bed to5ether8 Instead she 3ust smi ed8 FAnd I brou5ht you this8G She said *u in5 a bott e o) wine out o) the ba58 FIt<s Pinot Noir8G FSery nice choice8 I 5uess you earned somethin5 at the wine show a)ter a 8 FI 4now it may not ha6e seemed i4e I was *ayin5 attention but I was8G F:a6e a seat,G he said *u in5 out a stoo that had been tuc4ed neat y beneath the counter 8 She sat down and he swi)t y returned with two 5 asses o) wine8 Sasha 5 anced around the room8 It had a soothin5 ambiance to it8 %ow s*ot i5hts re) ected a on5 the wa s, and cand es it the remaider o) the room8 it didn<t oo4 anythin5 i4e it had the ni5ht he had tended to her 4nee8 E)) to the corner near the window there was a sma round 5 ass ta e with ) owers and cand es in the

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =D0 midd e8 The tab e was set beauti)u y8 There were two cand es in the center round wic4er * acements with dar4 brown and cream dishes V the main dish which was 4ind o) s9uare was cream V oin dto* was a dar4 brown obon5 sa ad bow 8 You i4e my dPcorH It<s nice, *retty im*ressi6e Not a men are s obs you 4now

:e brin5s the sa ad to the tab e and has sa ad and wine with her be)ore the y start dinner8 They ta 4 about Paris8 Mina y the main course8 This, she swa owed8 This is the best, the best co9 au 6in I ha6 e6er hadN I @m not 4iddin58 It<s de icious, tender 3uicy ) a6or)u , rea y rea y 5ood8 FThan4 youG he bowed *roud y8 I to d you, my mother, she is the best8 I can<t wait )or you to meet her8 She<s 5oin5 to o6e youN #hatH Sasha 5u *ed, near y cho4in5 on her )ood8 The thou5ht o) meetin5 his mother had ne6er e6en entered her mind8 #hen we<re in Paris I<m ta4in5 you to meet my mother8 I<6e a ready to d her you<re comin5, so you can<t say no8G FI wasn<t * annin5 on sayin5 no8 E) course I wou d o6e t meet your mother8G And she can<t wait to meet you It sur*rised Sasha that he had s*o4en to his mother about her8 :ow had he described herH :is bossH A )riend, a o6e interestH The ine sti remained so b urred to Sasha8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =D1 #hat did you te her about meH Eh nothin5 much, 3ust that I ha6e this )riend who is n ama7in5 *astry che), and now I<m a so 5oin5 to add that you o6e her reci*e )or co9 au 6in8G She saw that she wou dn<t 5et a serious answer, and she wou dn<t *ress him8 The secret my mother to d me is to soa4 the chic4en in the wine )or a cou* e o) days8G FSo you<6e had this soa4in5 )or a cou* e o) daysHG FNo, 3ust since yesterday8G F!ut you on y as4ed me to dinner this mornin58 #hat i) I had said noHG FI 4new you wou d say yes8G FEh rea y8G FYes rea y8 And you see, I was ri5ht8G :e had her in chec4mate8 There was an aw4ward si ence a)ter that V she wanted to say so much more, she wanted him to say more8 She didn<t 4now what, but somethin5 to et her 4now what he was thin4in58 FA)ter dinner I ha6e a s ide show o) Paris8G They ne6er returned to the sub3ect o) )ee in5s that Sasha wished they wou d had discussed8 Instead they s*ent the ne;t hour ta 4in5 about Paris, and his mother, and sister8 Eccasiona y he touched her hand, or rubbed her arm, but nothin5 more than that8 Mor the most *art he was a

A)ter dinner Sasha )ami iari7ed herse ) with 2i5ue s 4itchen whi e he was busy settin5 u* his Fs ide showG as he ca ed it8 Sasha oo4ed o6er at him scratchi5 his head, tryin5 to )i5ure out which wire * u55ed into which out et8 :e ob6ious y wasn<t as *re*ared with that as*ect o) the

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =DD date as he had been with the rest o) the date8 Mor a moment she )e t as thou5h they were a rea cou* e8 :er in the 4itchen and him )idd in5 with his technica 5ad5ets8 It )e t 5ood8 It )e t com)ortab e8 :e s in4ed u* beside Sasha and 4issed her de icate y on the nec4, stea in5 one o) the cherries and *o**in5 it in his mouth8 Mor a moment she ost her concentration, se cou dn<t remember how much su5ar she had added8 :e eaned a5ainst the counter smi in5, re6e in5 in his abi ity to distract her8 FI i4e to see you coo4in5 in my 4itchen8 I cou d 5et used to this8< So cou d I Sasha thou5ht to herse )8 I) you a5ree to do a the coo4in5, I wi do a the ba4in58 That sounds i4e a 5ood dea 8 !ut I ha6e to warn you, Co9 au 6in is the on y thin5 I 4now how to coo48 :e au5hed8 That cou d be a *rob em8 So did you 5et e6erythin5 set u* o4H Yes it<s a set u* E4, 3ust et me 5et this in the o6en8 Kon<t worry, I<m *atient, he said stea in5 another cherry8 :e stood, eaned a5ainst the counter casua y, 9uiet y watchin5 Sasha<s e6ery mo6e8 Sasha wondered i) he was on y re)errin5 to the c a)outi when he said he was *atient8 She didn<t 4now what to thin4 anymore8 !ut she 4new what to do8 She was 5oin5 to ta4e Casey<s ad6ice and 3ust ha6e )un88 2aybe it was the wine, maybe it was her recent rea i7ation that i)e was too short to waste time worryin58 #hate6er it was, she had decided that she wou d abandon a o) her

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =DJ )ears and e;*ectations and 3ust ha6e )un8 #hich meant 5i6in5 in to her mountin5 desire to be with 2i5ue 8 :e too4 her hand and ed her o6er to the couch8 I sti can<t be ie6e that you ha6e ne6er been to *aris8 #hy is that so hard to be ie6e8 I 3ust assumed8 #hi e you were studyin5, maybe you wou d ha6e ta4en a tri* there8 As the s ides s i**ed by he 5a6e stories and histories to accom*any each shot8 Sasha )ound herse ) )ocusin5 on his 6oice and his accent more than the words he s*o4e8 E6entua y she sto**ed istenin5 a to5ether and )ound herse ) )ocusin5 on his i*s8 Ima5inin5 4isses them and )ee in5 them a o6er her body8 :e turned around and cau5ht her bitin5 her ower i*8 As thou5h readin5 her mind he eaned o6er and 4issed her8 And 4e*t 4issin5 her8 She a owed herse ) to )a bac4 onto the couch, we comin5 the wei5ht o) him on to* o) her8 :e )o owed, *ressin5 his body into hers8 She e;ha ed a moan as their bodies now mo6ed in unison8

:er moanin5 was abru*t y drowned out by the bee*in5 sound )rom the smo4e a arm8 2i5ue 9uic4 y 3um*ed o)) o) her and ran to the 4itchen in ho*es o) sa6in5 the C a)outi8 :e 5rabbed a hand towe that ser6ed )irst to 9uiet the a arm, and second y to )an the smo4e that emer5ed )rom the o6en8

#hen he o*ened the o6en they both 4new it was too ate8 FAw, they<re ruinedNG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =DFIt<s o4, they<re not that bad8 #e can sti eat themG F2i5ue , they<re smo4in58G FYou<re ri5ht, but I didn<t want you to )ee bad8G Sasha oo4ed u* at him throu5h sad eyes, *outin5 i4e a chi d who didn<t 5ot e)t out at Christmas8 She wanted e6erythin5 to be *er)ect and s*ecia 8 It was the )irst thin5 she had made s*ecia y )or him in his 4itchen8 She had 6isions o) him eatin5 it and a ways rememberin5 that the best c a)outi he e6er had was made in his 4itchen by her8 Seein5 her disa**ointment he s id his arms around her waist and *ut his )orehead a5ainst hers8 FI) it wi ma4e you ha**y I wi eat it8 It can<t be that bad8 I< 3ust *ut some ice cream on it or some choco ate sauce or somethin58G Kon<t tease me she said )i5htin5 bac4 a smi e8 Cmon he reassured her, it<s not a bi5 dea 8 I 3ust wanted e6erythin5 to be *er)ect8 E6erythin5 is *er)ect8 :e said in a whis*er8 :e brou5ht her )ace u* to meet his 5ent y brushin5 the care)ree strands o) hair )rom her chee48 :e 4issed her so)t y, soothin5 y at )irst8 !ut the on5er his i*s remained *ressed a5ainst hers the more their hun5er )or each other 5rew8 She was bac4ed u* a5ainst the counter, out o) the b ue and with itt e e))ort, he hoisted her u* onto the counter8 :e now stood between her *arted e5s, his arms wra**ed around her waist, his )ace e9ua to hers8 :e 4issed her nec4, so)t y, s ow y mo6in5 )urther down her nec4 with each 4iss8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =DL The heat )rom the o6en combined with the heat o) his breath on her nec4 was too much )or her8 :er hands and u**er i* were moist, and the most intimate *arts o) her body were 9uic4 y )o owin5 suit8 S ow y, hesitant y, he be5an to unbutton her to*, searchin5 her )ace )or a si5na to continue8 She encoura5ed him with her eyes8 :e buried his )ace in her breasts itterin5 them with 4isses8 She threw her head bac4 re easin5 a * easurab e moan that bro4e into the rhythm o) the music8 At the same time another une;*ected sound *rotruded the atmos*here8 It was 2i5ue <s *hone8 :e i5nored it and continued with his a6ish 4isses A5ain and a5ain it continued its intrusion8 It waas distractin5 to Sasha8 !ut a**arent y not 2i5ue 8 F2aybe you shou d answer it she whis*ered8G #ithout res*ondin5, he reached o6er and shut it o))8 FSee V it<s 5one8 Now where was IHG :e cu**ed her breast a5ain and too4 her erect ni** e in his mouth8 The *hone now be5an to bu77 and dance around the counter8 :ad 2i5ue not reached )or it so 9uic4 y it wou d ha6e )a en to the ) oor8 :e oo4ed at the *hone in his hand, sure y thin4in5 to throw it throu5h the window8 Instead he answered it, ma4in5 no e))ort to hide his annoyance8 FThis better be im*ortant8G Ene hand sti rested around her waist, her e5s sti wra**ed around him, drawin5 him c ose8

FKomini9ueH #hatHG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =J. :e turned away )rom Sasha brea4in5 )ree o) her e5s8 :e continued the rest o) the con6ersation in Mrench as he wa 4ed )urther away8 Sasha cou d not deci*her what he was sayin5, but he a**eared to be 5rowin5 more annoyed the on5er the con6ersation went on8

Sasha remained on the counter, not sure i) she shou d maintain her *osition 8She )e t aw4ward 3ust sittin5 there with her b ouse ha ) o*en8 Sasha decided to dismount )rom the counter and button her b ouse8 E6entua y he s ammed the *hone down on the counter sha4in5 his head8 #hat<s the matter she as4ed tentati6e y8 2y sisterN :e said throwin5 his hands u* in the air an oo4in5 at the cei in58 She missed her ) i5ht8 :is tone matter o) )act8 I o6e my sister but her sense o) timin5 cou dn<t be worse8 It<s a ways been the same since we were youn58 I<m a ways bai in5 her out o) some messNG The ne;t ) i5ht is not unti tomorrow mornin58 I ha6e to 5o *ic4 her u*8 She doesn<t want to s*end the ni5ht in a hote by herse ), so I to d I wi brin5 her bac4 here8 I<m sorry8 It< o4 V I< 3ust 5et 5oin5 No, stay, * ease8 I wi be bac4 in ha ) an hour, )ourty )i6e minutes to*s8 No rea y, it<s o48 I< No, stay, II :e sto**ed8 :e oo4ed at the time then said8 et you s*end the time with your sister

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =J' You<re ri5ht8 I better 5et 5oin5, I don<t want her standin5 around the air*ort too on5,she< *robab y end u* buyin5 e6erythin5 in site8 #hy don<t you at east come )or the dri6e, you can 4ee* me com*any8 Sasha dec ined that o))er as we 8 There was on y one o*tion in Sasha<s mind, that was to 5o home, a one8 72aybe it was )or the best, she thou5ht8 :is sisters mis)ortune sa6ed her )rom 3um*in5 in to bed with him too soon8 No it<s o4, I< 3ust 5o home8 As )ar as sasha was concerned, the e6enin5 had been ruined she was hi5h y aroused, and did not want to s*end the rest o) the e6enin5 in that state with his sister between them8

#hen Sasha 5ets home she is )u o) e;citin5 ener5y8 This was the )irst time that she 4new, rea y 4new that 2i5ue wanted her8 It was such a shame that thin5s had to end the way that they did8 Now that she had time to thin4 she thou5ht what i) she had s e*t with him on their )irst

@rea < date8 #ou d that be it, wou d he ose interest a)terH She is so e;cited she can<t sett e V she ca s casey but no answer8 She chec4s her emai T She 5oes home, and *ure y out o) habit, she chec4s her emai 8 Sti nothin5 she ma4es u* her mind to )or5et about him and en3oy *aris etcT !ut when she returns )rom *aris, there is an emai )rom him8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =J( Cha*ter == + sat-sun - Passions

Saturday mornin5 Sasha was u* bri5ht and ear y ea5er to 5et her wee4end o) *am*erin5 on with8 She cou dn<t wait to te Casey about her dinner with 2i5ue 8 #hen she saw Casey *u u*, she 5rbbed her o6eniht tote and darted out the door8 Sydney<s * ace was sti another '1minutes away, so she wou d ha6e * enty o) time to )i her in on a the 3uicy detai s be)ore *ic4in5 her u*8 #hen she 5ot to the car, there sittin5 in the )ront seat was 3ade8 Sasha cou dn<t be ie6e her eyes when they *u ed u* the cur6ed dri6eway to the entrance o) the mountain to* retreat8 :er mouth )ro7e in an awestruc4 e;*ression8 The 5rounds surroundin5 the retreat were beauti)u y decorated with tro*ica trees, bri5ht y co ored ) owers and ) owerin5 bushes8 There was a on5 wa 4way eadin5 to the entrance8 The wa 4way was bordered by a succession o) archways, in the center o) each sat ar5e Pa m trees in e9ua y ar5e terracotta *ots inin5 the wa 4way8 #aitin5 to 5reet them at the end o) the wa 4way were three men standin5 in )ormation, hands behind their bac4s with we comin5 smi es on their )aces8 They were dressed identica y in b ac4 trousers and ti5ht )ittin5 white T-shirts that accentuated their muscu ar )rames8 As the car s owed one o) them immediate y reached )or the door, the other disa**eared to co ect the u55a5e, and the third reached )or Sasha<s hand8 F#e come to *assionsG FThan4 youG :e ed them down the wa 4way to the entrance8 The interior was as breathta4in5 as the e;terior8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =J= Sasha )e t i4e she had 3ust wa 4ed into a cast e8 The hi5h cano*ied cei in5 5athered in the center and ) oated de icate y abo6e a hu5e statue )ountain o) a ha ) na4ed man *ourin5 water8 It was surrounded by a co or)u ) ower 5arden and co7y seatin5 areas hidden amon5st the )o ia5e8 A 6ariety o) trees in ar5e *ots simi ar to the ones inin5 the wa 4way, were tuc4ed into e6ery corner and ad3acent to e6ery window8 ,ade and Casey made their way to the )ront des4 whi e Sasha and Sydney a55ed behind ta4in5 in the 5randeur o) their surroundin5s8

FCasey Patterson, *arty o) si;8 The other two adies shou d be arri6in5 short y8G ,ust as she s*o4e the words, Nina and ,a77 a**eared )rom around the corner with two coc4tai s in their hands8 #e it<s about timeN Nina said ho din5 her arms out8 FCasey this * ace is ama7in5, I can<t be ie6e "obert 5ot you this as a 5i)t8 Eb6ious y he had no idea8G She eaned in c oser8 FThe entire sta)) is ma e, and so )ar they<re a hotNG FKid I )or5et to mention that when I in6ited youHG It was a 5i)t )rom one o) his c ients actua y8 Eb6ious y he didn<t bother to read the brochure be)ore 5i6in5 me the *asses You thin4 "obert is ban5in5 his secretaryH FNo Syd, I didn<t say I thin4 he<s ban5in5 his secretary8G Casey )urrowed her brow at Sydney and 5a6e her a sarcastica y *u77 ed oo48 F#hat<s wron5 with you Syd, are you that bored, you<re tryin5 to ma4e u* 5ossi* nowHG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =J0 FYes, I am that bored Casey8 I need some drama8 I ha6en<t been out with the 5ir s in )ore6er8 The most drama I 5et at home is the baby *eein5 on Pau N FEh my 5od 5ir , you rea y need to 5et out moreNG

F#hat is this * aceHG she said oo4in5 u a the cei in5 and beauti)u dPcor It<s hea6en8 That<s what it is8 :ea6en I 4new the sta)) was a ma e, but I didn<t 4now they woud be a hot ma esN They hi5h-)i6ed each other8 Sydney scoured the room andin5 her 5a7e on a dar4 haired shirt ess man that swe*th throu5h the obby8 :e wore thon5 sanda s and sheer white cotton draw strin5 *ants8 :e turned and smi ed courteous y at the 5rou* o) women8 Eh my 5od, I<m 5oin5 to die hereN I ha6en<t seen another man na4ed since I met Pau 8 Nina and ,a77 5a6e her a sarcastic oo48 E4, Porn doesn<t count, and Pau <s out o) sha*e brother who wa 4s around to* ess doesn<t count either8 I<m ta 4in5 about rea men, rea hot men8G Yes but they<re not na4ed, so you don<t ha6e to worry8 Goh they<re notH, cause when I oo4 at them they oo4 na4ed to meN I<m sorry Pau , but sometimes a 5ir s 5ot to do what a 5ir s 5ot to do8 NinaZthey don<t s ee* with the 5uests do theyH She said in a whis*er8 It<s not that 4ind o) * ace I itH There<s none o) that8 Ya but there<s a ways one wea4 in4, one ru e brea4er8 That<s the one I<6e 5ot to )ind8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =J1 You<re a ta 48 Ya I 4now, but it<s nice to )antasi7e8 ,adeZ I wou dn<t ha6e se; with any o) these 5uys8 Can you ima5ine they ma4e out with a their c ients, wou d you rea y want to be with themH They cou d ha6e a 4inds o) disease8 Casey interru*ted8 They don<t ha6e diseases, oo4 at these men V they a oo4 *retty hea thy to meN Ya and besides, aren<t you a)raid o) catchin5 somethin5 throu5h your massa5eH Caus i) you don<t want your 5uy, I< 5 ad y ta4e him8 I<6e a ways wanted to ha6e a threesome8 :a6in5 two hot 5ys massa5e me may be the c osest I< come8

I can<t be ie6e a man came u* with this conce*t8 That<s because a woman came u* with it8 Mi5uresN I shou d ha6e 4nown better than to thin4 a man wou d come u* with such a 5reat idea8 A**arent y the woman that came u* with the idea was a stay at home wi)e with too much time, and too much o) her husbands money a6ai ab e8 So she came u* with this idea8 ThereAs a so a rumour that *art o) the inter6iew *rocess in6o 6es er testin5 the men out i) you 4nw what I mean That<s dis5ustin5 ,ade says #hat<s 5ross about it V I mean she<s 5ot to ma4e sure the 5uy is ri5ht )or the 3obN The women a5reed to meet in the hea th bar at si; o<c oc48 The name was ironic rea y, it was a hea thy eatery, that a so ser6ed a coho , doub in5 as a bar8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =JD Ence e6eryone arri6ed they didn<t hesitate to start the bar tab ro in58 They 4ic4ed the e6enin5 o)) with a bott e o) S*ar4 in5 Cu6Pe "osP8 En3oyed their mea )rom the hea th *ortion o) the hea thbar FYou weren<t 4iddin5 when you said we wou d be surrounded by beauti)u menNG #hat more can you as4 )or, hot men carryin5 your ba5s, brin5in5 you drin4s, rubbin5 your )eet, and anythin5 e se they want to rub as )ar as I<m concerned

,a77ZFI<6e been with a woman, it isn<t a that badG Casey 6erba i7ed what e6eryone was thin4in58 "emember "ache H, we we were more than 3ust )riends,we were actua y an item )or abot a year8 And you ne6er to d usHH

,adeZI )or one wou d ne6er eat out another woman<s *ussyG C<mon ,ade, you<re Mrench , you 5uys are the most ibera cu ture AI am 6ery ibera se;ua y yes, but with men on y8 I) he want me to dress i4e a schoo 5ir , and he want to s*an4 me with a ru er, I<m o4 with that,but I don<t eat another woman<s *ussy8

Cmon, a womans *ussy is beauti)u , ha6e you e6er seen one u* c oseH Yes, as a matter o) )act casey said, my ownN And it<s the mos t beauti)u thin5 I<6e e6er seen and "obert a5rees, and many others, be)ore "obert o) course Sydney mimic4ed her sarcastica y Fo) courseG They a burst out au5hin58

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =JJ E6eryone 4new, with the e;ce*tion o) ,ade, that it wou d on y be a matter o) time be)ore Casey 5ot the itch a5ain8 The 9uestion was, this time wou d she scratch8 Accordin5 to Casey, "obert is the on y one )or her, the on y one with enou5h ba s to stand u* to her, as she so e o9uent y *ut it8 So what you<re te in5 me ,a77, is that a these 5or5eous men are wasted on youH :ey, now don<t 5et me wron5, I can sti a**reciate the beauty o) a nice bu 5in5 coc4, i4e the one wa 4in5 towards us ri5ht now8 They a turned their )ocus to the waters crotch as he wa 4ed towards them with a tray )i ed with a rainbow o) coc4tai s )or the adies They a he d in their au5hs and snic4ers unti the water e)t Kid you see that bu 5eHN, oh my 5odN, can you ima5ine how bi5 it is when he<s hardHH

NinaZ eaned in ad whis*ered, do you thin4 they actua y, you 4now, do the 5uestsH SerenaZwe here<s ho*in5 serena said oud y raisin5 her 5 ass8 ,adeZ are you 4iddin5H You wou d )uc4 these 5uysH :ow do you 4now they are c eanH I) they<re )uc4in5 a the 5uests, then you can ima5ine8 CaseyZ

Can you sti a**reciate the beauty o) a bu 5in5 coc4 #e that<s< your ri5ht but :eyN, I thin4 th #hat about you Sasha V you<re aw)u y 9uiet #e 88 I made out with a 5ir in co e5e once when I was drun4, does that countH Not rea y, you need to ha6e been dee* down in the trenches8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =J-

NE`T 2E"NIN? ,a77 had the ener5y ba ancin5 massa5e ,ade had a Swedish massa5e Casey and Sasha try the hot stone massa5e Serena&Nina ha6e the mountain 6iew massa5e & outdoors under a cano*y, com* ete y *ri6ate o6er oo4in5 the mountain V the men are wearin5 these white suron5 thin5s wra**ed around some 6ery ca 6in 4 ein oo4in5 short shorts8

[[[[[[[[[[[[[ They meet )or co))ee and croissants in the s*a bistro, be)ore 5oin5 )or their )acia s, manicures, *edicures

They 5o out that ni5ht to a nearby hote that o))ers dinner&bar&dancin5 The crowd is a mi;ture o) business men, tourists, and some oca s, and *eo* e 6acationin5 at their country c ub The bar is re*orted y owned by the same owner

%ast Kay At The S*a

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =JL

Ene by one they tric4 ed down to the

They start the mornin5 with mimosa<s and )resh )ruit Then they 5o )or re) e;o o5y and a body wra* 'st they ha6e a deto;i)yin5 herba wra* m- casey heard you can a so oose a )ew *ounds with the wra* Vand 5ets rid o) ce u ite

&they ha6e a i5ht unch, then end their day with the sensua massa5e

At unch they decide on which massa5e to 5et Fso 5ir s, this is it, our wee4end o) re a;ation is comin5 to an end, bac4 to rea ity8 !ut we can<t ea6e without the icin5 on the ca4e8 Eur wee4end *ac4a5e inc udes our choice o) one o) the s*a s*ecia ties, the scent+sua massa5e8

,a77 and 3ade ha6e the tro*ica massa5e

Serena has the re6ita i7in5 massa5e because she has 4ids V she needs ener5y

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =-. Casey whi**ed out the brochure and *roceeded to read o)) the choices )or the di))erent ty*es o) massa5es

Tro*ica Tem*tations man5o+*a*aya massa5e

That does sound tem*tin5

Si77 in5 cinamon+*e**ermint re6ita i7in5 massa5e

No than4 you to the re6ita i7in5 massa5e, I want to )ee re a;ed and *am*ered a)ter a massa5e, not re6ita i7edN

Fs*ea4 )or yourse ) CaseyNG Sydney 3um*ed in Fsome o) us can<t a))ord to i6e in a constant state o) re a;ation, es*ecia y when you<6e 5ot a cou* e o) 4ids waitin5 at home )or you8 I de)inite y need to 5o bac4 home re)reshed and re6ita i7ed, so *ut me down )or that one8

Fwait a second, isten to this one, it<s ca ed the hea6en y choco ate massa5e

Your 3ourney be5ins with a re6ita i7in5 Sani a+!rown+Su5ar e;)o iatin5 body scrub8 Mo owed by an intimate s*on5e bath surrounded by a sea o) so)t y scented bubb es8 A)terward you wi indu 5e in a warm mi 4 choco ate soa4 whi e en3oyin5 a 6ariety o) choco aty de i5hts8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =-' You wi be re)reshed with our Sichy shower be)ore sett in5 down )or a re a;in5 choco ate+cream body butter massa5e8 :ea6en awaits youT

Eh my 5od, I am de)inite y tryin5 thisN #ho<s with meH Wi

one hey can choose )rom the ist #arm choco ate massa5e wo3da

They are com* ete y nude )or the massa5e, and the men wear on y s i**ers and these roman i4e thon5s & oin c oth

The choco ate bath is ama7in5 most o) the women ha6e that, serena and 3ade o*t )or the )ruity massa5es8

Mirst they 5et a 6ani a brown su5ar e;)o iatin5 body scrub, then you sit in a tub o) warm water and 5et s*on5ed o)) by the hot 5uy, then you 5o into a warm choco ate mi 4 bath, and he )eeds you choco ate and 5i6es you a head massa5e

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =-( Then you 5o behind this 5 ass ti e shower which Sasha is con6inced that he can see throu5h, and he is waitin5 to nwra* you u* in a warm towe when you ste* out o) the shower8 Sasha )e t i4e a roman 5oddess, the were a ways na4ed, and someone e se a ways saw to their *ersona needs i4e bathin5, brshin5 her hair etcT you shower o)), dries you o)) and then 5i6es you a re a;in5 massa5e with choco ate cream body butter8

--whi e in the mi 4 choco ate bathT Sasha was becomin5 aroused, and cou d thin4 about nothin5 e se but 2i5ue , she c osed her eyes and *ut her head bac48 :e * aced his hands on her tem* es, and be5an a s ow circu ar mo6ement mo6e down to the na*e o) her nec4, runnin5 his )in5ers throu5h to the ti*s o) her hair8 Sasha tried to em*ty her mind and 3ust re a;8 Sudden y she )e t somethin5 warm touch her i*s F!iteG Sacha said As she bit into a co d center she deci*hered that it was a strawberry that had been di**ed in warm mi 4 choco ate

She )e t somethin5 brush her i*s8 Fo*en wideG he said so)t y8 She o*ened, not 9uite sure what to e;*ect, the moment it be5an me tin5 on her ton5ue she 4new what it was8 A !e 5ium choco ate tru)) e, with some sort o) i9ueur center, whate6er it was, it was de icious8 #hat more cou d a woman as4 )or8 Sasha s ow y descended into hea6en y b iss8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =-= 2i5ue <s 6oice *o**ed into her head Fsee you ne;t wee4G that was his *artin5 ine at the end o) e6ery wee4end8 At )irst Sasha )ound it 4ind o) robotic and im*ersona , but as she 5ot to 4now him better she rea i7ed that was 3ust the way he s*o4e8 It started to 5row on her, it was as i) he was oo4in5 )orward to seein5 her, she )ound it se;y and 4ind o) in6itin5, it was as i) there was ho*e in his 6oice, i4e he was oo4in5 )orward to seein5 her8 2aybe she was 3ust readin5 what she wanted into it8

She was e;treme y re a;ed now8 E6erythin5 seemed to mo6e in s ow motion8 She ima5ined what it wou d )ee i4e to ha6e 2i5ue caress her hair so intimate y8 She )e t somethin5 coo u*on her i*s, she e;*ected choco ate, but somehow 4new that it wou dn<t be8 :is i*s touched hers, e6er so 5ent y, in5erin5 in the * easure, be)ore *u in5 her into him hun5ri y8 :is hands mo6ed )rom her head, down her shou ders and unto her breasts8 :e s id his hands around her breasts, so)t y atherin5 them with the warm choco ate8 :e cu**ed her breast )irm y, s idin5 her out o) the water s i5ht y, e;*osin5 her 5 istenin5 breasts, choco ate dri**in5 )rom her ni** es8 :e came around to the side o) the tub and ordered her to sit u*8 She obeyed8 She sat )acin5 him, me ted choco ate s itherin5 down her body8 :e eaned in, teasin5 y ic4in5 the choco ate between the crac4 o) her breast and suc4in5 it )rom he ni** es8 :is i*s now co6ered in choco ate, he 4issed Sasha *assionate y, ettin5 her taste his * easure8 :e returned to her breast

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =-0 and too4 it in his mouth,indu 5in5 in her sweetness ic4in5 and suc4in5 e6ery dro* o) choco ate o)) o) her breast e;*osin5 her )u y erect ni** e8

Sasha une;*ected y et out a oud moan, her eyes *o**ed o*en, and she sudden y remembered where she was8 She crin5ed with embarrassment8 She oo4ed u* at Ser5e, ho*in5 that he hadn<t noticed8 :e oo4s down at her and smi es8 And says Fyou i4e this I seeG She 3ust smi ed and made sure to 4ee* her eyes o*en )or the remainder o) the treatment8

Three hours ater they were a *ac4ed *rim*ed and *am*ered8 They decided to meet )or one ast drin4 in the oun5e8

FThis is the )irst time I<m ea6in5 a s*a aroused instead o) re a;ed8G Sasha said FI 4now what you meanNG Casey 3um*ed in ,F That mi 4 choco ate bath bordered on so)t *ornNG

Fyou<re not 4iddin5, I started )antasi7in5 about 2i5ue and I a most came in the mi 4 choco ate8 2y mi 4 choco ate 5uy didn<t seem to mind thou5h8 E6en thou5h I was embarrassed8 I bet he didn<tN I wonder i) any o) these 5uys e6er 5et a hard on whi e they<re massa5in5 some woman<s na4ed body8 That wou d be so un*ro)essiona 8 Ya, but they<re men8 They ha6e no contro o6er that8 Es*ecia y i) the woman is rea y hot, Casey said, ) i**in5 her hair bac48

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =-1 FI) that 5uy wou d ha6e 5ot a hard on with me, I wou d ha6e wa 4ed out ri5ht away, and com* ain to the mana5erN FNot meN< Sydney said enthusiastica y8 FI wou d ha6e been ) atteredN I) I cou d sti 5i6e a tota stran5er a hard on a)ter two 4ids, then I say brin5 it on babyN E6eryone burst out au5hin5, e;ce*t )or ,ade who sim* y ro ed her eyes8 I don<t 4now what you<re ta 4in5 about Syd, you oo4 ama7in5N And you de)inite y don<t oo4 ie you<6e had two 4ids8 FThan4s sweetie8 Too bad you<re not a manNG FS*ea4in5 o) choco ate, did you see the 5uy I hadH :e was hot, and a choco ateN FI 4nowN, I swear to ?od, I<6e ne6er seen so many hot men in one * aceNG It was bac4 durin5 my e;*erimenta *hase8 ,a77 4nows a about the @e;*erimenta *hase, don<t you ,a77HG Sasha said castin5 a mischie6ous 5 ance towards ,a778 ,a77 3ust smi ed and e the comment in5er in the air8 And AndTIt was the best se; I e6er hadN E) course, ,ade said my boy)riend is b ac4 , and he is an ama7in5 o6er No wonder you<re not interested in eatin5 *ussy, you<6e 5ot a bi5 b ac4 dic4 at homeN E6eryone roared with au5hter8 ,ade says you 5uys sme so 5ood, I want to eat youG FI thou5ht you said you wou d ne6er eat another woman ?ratuity

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =-D Choco ate body butter

,ade V *ersona y I wou d ne6er date a youn5 5uy8 They ne6er ha6e any money or a car, and a they want to do is *arty with their )riends8 #ho has time )or thatH #e not a youn5 5uys are i4e that casey 9uic4 y added, 4nowin5 Sasha<s a**rehensionsa about mi5ue <s a5e8 Nina added, and i) you saw this 5uy, it wou dn<t matter how o d he is, as on5 as he is o6er ei5hteenN #hate6er, o der men can be se;y too8 Ya but do they ha6e the stamina that a youn5 5uy doesH 2ine doesN Anyway, here<s to ParisN A much needed 6acation %ater Casey too4 Sasha aside8 Kon<t *ay any attention to 3ades comments Kon<t worry about it8 I<6e earned to i5nore most o) what she says8 And besides none o) that a5 stu)) matters to me anymore, I 3ust want to 5o to Paris and ha6e the time o) my i)e8 #hate6er ha**ens ha**ens8 F?ood attitudeN I swear I re5ret in6itin5 her now8 Kon<t worry about it, she<s o4, she<s youn5 and sh thin5s she 4nows e6erythin5 ri5ht now8 "emember how we wereH E;a5erated

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =-J 2onday and Tuesday Antony came in to man the sho* on his own )or the a)ternoon so that Sasha cou d 5et some ast minute sho**in5 and *ac4in5 done8

Cha*ter =0+ Arri6a &Tourin5 e cordon b eu ] ]notes ] ] She is in *aris )or 0 daysH Wed V Arri6e ate e6enin5 V 2i5ue ta4es her to the hote , the ha6e dinnerH A drin4H :e 5oes to s*end the )irst ni5ht with his mom8*aris

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =-Thursday V Tour o) e cordon b eu VV he meets her a)ter and 5i6es her a mini tour V <arc de triom*he, they 4iss at each site8 the Ei))e tower then they 5o out with his sister and her boy)riend8 Friday V e *romenade V Mriday ni5ht he meets her, they ma4e o6e8 Saturday V They tour *aris & 5o to moms )or dinner, sister and boy)riend are there8 Sunday V She 5oes home a one8 To o*en u* the sho* )or 2onday8 :e stays unti #ednesday8retuns wed-ni5ht V same ni5ht

Mriday - *romenade V s ee* to5ether Saturday V tour the ou6re, dinner on seine ri6erHH Sunday V 6isit his mom be)ore ea6in58 -Kiscuss her thou5hts about he * ane ride o6er8 They ) irt and he *uts his hands on hers, unti the adrena ine rush drains her o) her ener5y and she can no on5er )i5ht s ee*8 They don<t ta 4 about too much *ersona stu)) on the * ane because it is nt 6ery *ri6ate8 They 5et stc4 in a = seat row V so there is someone ri5ht ne;t to them8 ]] ] ]]end o) notes]]]

Sasha was re ie6ed to be ab e to stretch her e5s a)ter such a on5 ) i5ht8 She was tired and wrin4 ed and admitted y a itt e cran4y8 She was des*erate to ha6e a nice on5 hot shower, and

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =-L craw into bed8 It )e t aw4ward ha6in5 2i5ue see her that way8 A thou5h he had been as ee* the 5reater *art o) the ) i5ht ha6in5 s*ent a most the entire ni5ht ce ebratin5 a )riends birthday8 :e had said that when two am ro e around, he 4new there wou d be no *oint s ee*in5 since he had to be at the air*ort )or )i6e am8 This was a decision he ater re5retted when the )ati5ue hit him8 the moment thde * ane too4 ) i5ht, his eyes c oseds, and didn<t reo*en a5ain unti theywere in Paris8 #hen the ta;i *u ed u*, he motioned to the di6er to ta4e both ba5s, and then he 3um*ed in ne;t to her8 Fwhat are you doin5HG FYou didn<t thin4 I wou d send you o)) to your hote on your own did youHG FI<m a bi5 5ir 8G FE) course you are, but I @m a 5ent eman, who a so ha**ens to 4now his way around Paris, so I sha escort you8 Sasha was )ar too e;hausted to ar5ue8 So she a5reed8 Then the thou5ht struc4 her, what i) he was e;*ectin5 to s*end the ni5ht8 :e had said that he wou d be stayin5 with his mother, but what i) toni5ht since it was a ready *retty ate he mi5ht su55est s*endin5 the ni5ht in her room8 E) course she wanted him to s*end the ni5ht but not i4e this, not when she was e;hausted and disoriented8 As they *u ed u* in )ront o) the ) uorescent y it hote , &sasha sti continued to * ay the whati) 5ame in her head8 2i5ue said somethin5 to the dri6er in Mrench, then he 9uic4 y ho**ed out o) the car and he d his hand out to he * her8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =L. The dri6er had circ ed around to the trun4 and was standin5 ho din5 her suitcase8 :e nodded to her and mumb ed somethin5, then returned to the car A thou5h there was a be -ho*, 2i5ue insisted on brin5in5 her u55a5e to her room8 FNice room8G :e said, * acin5 her ba5s in the corner8 FSery co7y8G FYe*8G Sasha oo4ed around the room8 There was a sim* e doub e bed in the midd e o) the room8 It was neat y made8 Cris* white cotton sheets )o ded bac4 onto a b ue ) ora *rinted du6et8 There was a sma eatin5 area to the ri5ht, ne;t to a ar5e window8 The window o*ened u* onto a sma window ba cony8 F%et me c ose that )or you8G :e said mo6in5 towards the window8 :e turned around and 5a6e her a 4iss on both chee4s8 F:a6e a 5ood s ee*8 I wi see you tomorrow8G Then he was o)) in a ) ash88 She was re ie6ed to see that he was a 5ent eman a)ter a 8

A)ter a 6ery on5 and much needed s ee*, Sasha ro ed o6er a7i y, 5atherin5 u* the sheets around her8 The sun was *ea4in5 throu5h the tiny crac4 in the curtains, ea5er to burst it<s way in8 She had no idea how on5 she actua y s e*t8 She 4new that it was about Ten E<c oc4 Paris time when they anded, but e6erythin5 a)ter that was a b ur8 She bare y remembered 5ettin5 into bed8 She *u ed bac4 the curtains, The sun bro4e it<s way throu5h and 9uic4 y ) ooded the room with an e;hi aratin5 warmth8 She oo4ed down onto the street be ow, which she was sur*rised to see, was a ready 9uite busy8 She oo4ed at the c oc48 Ten Mi)teen8 It was ater than she thou5ht8 In

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =L' two hours she wou d be tourin5 %e Cordon ! eu8 She sti cou dn<t be ie6e that she was

actua y in ParisN d she wou d actua y be 5oin5 to %e *romenade ?ourmand8 She wished that Casey or Christo*he wou d ha6e been ab e to come a on5 to share it with her8 It wasn<t that ha6in5 2i5ue on y a )ew mi es away wasn<t enou5h, but it wasn<t the same8 She ) i**ed throu5h a )ew tourist brochures she )ound on the ni5ht tab e, be)ore decidin5 to ta4e a stro down the streets o) Paris8 She went in search o) the nearest Ca)P8 She cou dn<t wait to sin4 her teeth into an authentic Mrench croissant, )o owed by an authentic %atte8 She )ound a cute itt e sho* a b oc4 away that o))ered a co))ee, croissant and mornin5 news*a*er )or what wou d come u* to about )i)teen do ars bac4 home8 She 4e*t the news*a*er, on y as a sou6enir, since she wasn<t ab e to read a word o) it8 :ea6en, was the word that came to Sasha<s mind as she sat en3oyin5 her authentic Mrench brea4)ast8 The croissant was warm and buttery, and *ractica y me ted in her mouth8 The atte rich and creamy8 E6erythin5 tasted better because o) her surroundin5s8 Mrenchmen in business suits sNinamed the news*a*er whi st si**in5 on an Es*resso, or a co))ee E;*ensi6e y dressed women chatted on their *hones, ta4in5 a brea4 on y on5 enou5h to *ut in their order8 The hust e and bust e was the same e6erywhere8 As she sat bac4 si**in5 on her atte, Sasha was ha**y to be an obser6er rather than a *artici*ant )or the ne;t )our days8 She re

F:e oHG F!on3ourneG It was 2i5ue , Sasha had ne6er actua y heard him s*ea4 Mrench be)ore, it was 4ind d o) se;y8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =L( F?ood mornin5 she res*onded, tryin5 to hide her sur*rise8 FKid you s ee* we HG FYes I did8G F?ood8 So today you 6isit e cordon b eu8G FYes8 I<m rea y oo4in5 )orward to it8 I rea y ha6e to than4 your sister )or doin5 this )or me8 you 4now, norma y, on y students who ha6e a** ied to the schoo can 5et a 5uided tour i4e this8G FI 4now8 You are 6ery uc4y8 2y sister a ways 4nows the ri5ht *eo* e8G F#e than4 5oodness )or thatN Etherwise I ne6er wou d ha6e had an o**ortunity i4e this8G FYou can than4 her yourse ), toni5ht8 :er and "enP ha6e in6ited us out toni5ht8 Xit<s ca ed oun5e b euY

FSo, it sti 5i6es me some time to show you a itt e o) Paris when you are )inished your tour8G XThey discusse this on the air* ane8 She mentioned some * aces that she wanted to see8 F ?reat8G This time she was a itt e more enthusiastic8 She was rea y oo4in5 )orward to s*endin5 time a one with 2i5ue 8

The 6isit to %e Cordon ! eu was e6erythin5 Sasha had ho*ed )or, and more8 The )aci ities were ama7in58 Sasha was intri5ued with the techni9ues and the too s they use8 As soon as she returned home she * anned to try out a cou* e o) them8 She )e t *ri6e ed5ed to be in the *resence

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =L= o) true artistes8 A in a , it was a 6ery educationa tour8 She cou dn<t wait to see what the Promenade wou d be i4e8 #ith a bi5 smi e o her )ace, she ste**ed outside the hu5e 5ates, min5 in5 amon5st the other 5uests8 She oo4ed o6er and saw 2i5ue standin5 a on5side a Ta;i8 :e was wearin5 tan 4ha4i *ants, a white 5o ) shirt, and a dar4 b ue 3ac4et hun5 oose y

She made her way o6er to him, now with an e6en bi55er smi e on her )ace8 FI to d you I wou d ca you when I was done8G FI was a ready in the area, so I came ear y8 :ow did you en3oy the tourHG FI abso ute y o6ed itN Eh my 5od, it is so beauti)u in there8 I can<t be ie6e I didn<t do this sooner8G FThat<s wonder)u 8G :er enthusiasm was in)ectious8 :e was 5rinnin5 ear to ear a on5 with her8 F?et in8G he said, ho din5 the door o*en8 F#here are we 5oin5HG FYou< see8G he smi ed :e eaned )orward and s*o4e in Mrench to the dri6er8 Sasha cou dn<t understamd 6ery much, but she did reco5ni7e the words F%<arc du Triom*heG Are we 5oin5 to see <arc du triom*heH FI thou5ht you said you didn<t s*ea4 MrenchHG As they dro6e throu5h the city Sasha oo4ed i4e a )ish obser6in5 the wor d )rom a )ish bow 8 2i5ue *ointed out a )ew andmar4s, and 5a6e her brie) histories about o d bui din5s and statues8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =L0 They turned onto a street that Sasha reco5ni7ed )rom the brochures8 I) she was not mista4en, way down at the 6ery end shou d be %<arc de Triom*he8 FAre we on the Cham*s e yseeHG FYou<re 5ood8G :e eaned o6er and said somethin5 to the dri6er a5ain8 Short y a)ter that he *u ed o6er8 F#e<re 5oin5 wa 4 a itt e8G

!y ear y e6enin5 they had wa 4ed more than a itt e8 Sasha<s )eet were be5innin5 to )ee the *ain8 They sto**ed at a sidewa 4 ca)P )or a co))ee which 5a6e Sasha a chance to rest her achin5 )eet8 She was wearin5 a *air o) new shoes that Casey had he *ed her *ic4 out8 They had a ow hee and were com)ortab e at the time she tried them on8 !ut wa 4in5 in them a most an entire day was a com* ete y di))erent story8 FAre you hun5ryHG FYes, de)inite y8G And tired o) wa 4in5 Sasha wanted to add8 F?ood8 I ha6e a sur*rise * anned8G 2i5ue ) a55ed down a cab, and within minutes tey were o) to their ne;t destination8 FSo what<s he sur*riseHG FIt wont be a sur*rise i) I te you, now wi itHG F,ust 5i6e me a hint8G FYou want a hintH E4, I< 5i6e you a hint8G :e eaned in, *re*arin5 to s*ea4 in a whis*er8 Instead o) mo6in5 towards Sasha<s ear, he * anted his i*s on hers8 :er reaction went )rom

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =L1 shoc4 to me tin5 emotion in about thirty seconds8 She c osed her eyes and 4issed him bac4 ea5er y8 Mor a moment, she com* ete y )or5ot where she was8 :er mind was swir in58 :e *u ed bac4, and stared at her smi in58 FYou as4 too many 9uestions8G She was s*eech ess a)ter that8 %uc4i y it was a short dri6e to their ne;t destination8 They 5ot out o) the cab and too4 a short wa 4 down a boardwa 4 which ed to a hu5e boat8 FI boo4ed a dinner cruise )or us8 It tra6e s a on5 the Seine "i6er and ends at the Ei))e tower8 Sasha cou dn<t ha6e as4ed )or anythin5 more8 This time she was s*eech ess, but )or a di))erent reason8

The cruise was beauti)u , the dinner was de icious, and the com*any was e;ce*tiona 8 2i5ue s*o4e non sto* throu5hout the dinner, whi e Sasha istened attenti6e y8 :e 4new Paris i4e the bac4 o) his hand, and became 6ery e;cited whene6er they *assed somewhere that he d s*ecia meanin5 )or him8 She had ne6er seen him so animated8 :e was in)used with ener5y, throwin5 his hands about as he s*o4e, re i6in5 his boyhood e;*eriences8 It was 9uite a de*arture )rom his norma y contro ed and reser6ed demeanor8 She i4ed it8 In )act, she was 3ust en3oyin5 istenin5 to him a to5ether8 As they neared their destination, the two sim* y sat in si ence si**in5 on their wine8 The boat ) oated a on5 a7i y as they neared their destination8 The two sat I si ence8 #hi e he admired the city, Sasha admired him8 As she watched the so)t bree7e * ay in his hair8 she had the sudden ur5e to run her )in5ers throu5h his hair8 She wanted him8 She wanted e6ery

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =LD *art o) him8 She denied it to herse ) on5 enou5h8 A)ter s*endin5 the 5reater *art o) the day, bein5 so c ose to him, she wanted him more than e6er8

FA)ter we 6isit The Ei))e Tower, do you want to 5o bac4 to your roomHG Sasha near y cho4ed on her wine8 #as he readin5 her mindH :ad he been aware a this time that she had been starin5 at him, ustin5 a)ter himH F#hatHG She mana5ed to stumb e out, 4nowin5 e;act y what he had said8 FKo you want to 5o bac4 to your room to chan5eH #e on y ha6e to meet Komini9ue around e e6en so we sti ha6e a cou* e o) hours8G FEh, yes, I thin4 that wou d be 5ood idea8G The truth was, she hadn<t e6en thou5ht about chan5in5, e6en thou5h she had bou5ht a 4inds o) se;y *arty out)its8 A she had been thin4in5 about a day was how much she was en3oyin5 bein5 with 2i5ue 8 Now, a she cou d thin4 about was whether or not he wou d be comin5 bac4 to her room with her8 She wanted to as4 him, but she didn<t want to sound too ea5er8 And what i) he wasn<t * annin5 to come with her, maybe he wou d ta4e it as an in6itation8 She wanted to be with him, but not i4e this8 She de)inite y needed a shower, and a )resh chan5e o) c othes8 !ut she 4new that i) he came u*, se wou dn<t be ab e to rest him, shower or no shower8

F E48G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =LJ The entire ride to the hote 8 A Sasha cou d thin4 o) was whether or not he was * annin5 to come u* to her room8 A)ter the a)ternoon that they s*ent to5ether, she 4new that i) he came u*, she wou dn<t be ab e to resist him8 #hen they *u ed u* in )ront o) the hote , he eaned )orward and said somethin5 in Mrench to the dri6er8 Then he 5ot out and wa 4ed around to o*en the door )or Sasha8 :e wa 4ed her to the )ront entrance o) the hote 8 FI wi see you in a cou* e o) hours8 Komini9ue wi be our chau))eur )or the ni5ht8G FEh, E48G Sasha cou dn<t hide her sur*rise8 She ho*ed it didn<t come across as disa**ointment8 She )e t )oo ish8

She *ic4ed out a ti5ht )ittin5 6ibrant red b ouse that re6ea ed one o) her shou ders, and dra*ed ) irtatious y o6er he other8 She *aired it with e9ua y ti5ht )ittin5 s4inny 3eans8 She wanted to show o)) her body to 2i5ue , and ma4e him want her as much as she wanted him8 #hen they arri6ed at the c ub, Sasha was sur*rised to see that other than the dPcor, it wasn<t a that di))erent )rom any c ub she<d 5one to bac4 home8 Neon i5hts ined the bar and )ramed eccentric wor4s o) art a on5 the wa s8 It wasn<t unti her eyes )e u*on the nude dancers standin5 on *odiums, that she was reminded that she was no on5er at home8 They weren<t actua y com* ete y nude, the were co6ered in co or)u body *aint8 @Is this * ace ca ed @%e %oun5e ! euHG She ye ed o6er the music8 FYes he ye ed bac48G FCasey to d me I shou d come here8G FYou<re 5oin5 to o6e it8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =LThey made their way o6er to a reser6ed tab e c ose to the dance ) oor8 As the e6enin5 *ro5ressed, the con6ersation ) owed as we as the drin4s8 Sasha tried not to drin4 too much, but Komini9ue 4e*t insistin5 that she try one coc4tai a)ter another8 Since they had names that Sasha had ne6er heard be)ore, she was unaware o) their *otency8 And *otent they were8 !y the end o) the ni5ht her ad Komini9ue were dancin5 wi d y on the dance ) oor whi e the men sat bac4 and watched8 She e6en et Komini9ue 5rind a5ainst her a )ew times, which 2i5ue seemed to )ind amusin58 Sasha was aware that she was *robab ma4in5 a com* ete )oo o) herse ), but she didn<t care8 She was in Paris ha6in5 the time o) her i)e8 En the dri6e bac4, she was a o6er 2i5ue 8 She cou dn<t 4ee* her hands o)) o) him8 :e didn<t seem to mind, a thou5h he did 4ee* mo6in5 her hands )urther down is e5s *re6entin5 her )rom reachin5 )or his crotch8 Komini9ue seemed amused by her dis* ay o) a))ection8 "enP seemed distracted8 In any case, Sasha was indi))erent to their ac4 o) *ri6acy8 She 3ust wanted to be c ose to 2i5ue 8 :e ta4es her u* to her room and he *s her un oc4 the door since she is )umb in5 with the 4eys8 FAre you 5oin5 to stayHG She as4ed bo d y8 She rea y wanted him to stay8 :e cu**ed her )ace, brin5in5 her i*s to his8 :e embraced her ti5ht y, *ractica y i)tin5 her o)) the ) oor8 FI better 5o8 And you better 5et some s ee*8 Tomorrow you ha6e a bi5 day8G Sasha was disa**ointed, but he was ri5ht8 !esides, she 4new that she was in no condition to ma4e o6e to him8 She )e t the e;haustion cree*in5 in as the a))ects o) the a coho be5an to wear o))8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & =LL V they meet at J a8m to start8

Cha*ter =1 + X%e Promenade ?ourmande The a arm c oc4 *ounded re*eated y start in5 Sasha awa4e8 She s9uinted at the c oc48 It was si; A828 The *romenade started at se6en8 As she made a mo6e to 5et out o) bed, her body 9uic4 y reminded her o) the dama5e she had done to it the ni5ht be)ore8 #hat was she thin4in5, she 9uestioned herse )8 She swore that she wou dn<t 5et drun4 in Paris8 She b amed Komini9ue8 She smi ed to herse ) at the )a se accusation8 "ather than b ame Komini9ue, she shou d than4 her8 She had the time o) her i)e8

She mana5ed to ma4e it to the *romenade, on time and wide eyed8 It too4 a cou* e o) co))ee to r5et her 5oin5, but now that she had arri6ed, sheer e;citement and adrena ine )ue ed her8 There were a tota o) ten *eo* e on the tour8 The 5rou*s were 4e*t sma to ensure that e6eryone 5ot a *ersona 6iew o) the artistry8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0.. The )irst sto* on the *romenade was on a 9uiet bac4 street *a6ed in cobb estone8 It was on a s i5ht downward ti t that cur6ed into a cu -de-sac8 Tuc4ed away in the corner was a tiny but co7y *astry sho*8 In the street outside o) the sho* were two tab es surrounded by matchin5 wrou5ht iron chairs with heart sha*ed bac4s8 In )ront o) the sho* was a )o din5 wooden sidewa 4 si5n that read F!ien6enue au Patisserie Symone8G

The che) was a short round o der man8 :e was *retty much ba d e;ce*t )or the two white cur y *atches o) hair around his ears8 FEntre, entre,G he ushered them in8 :e had a white a*ron on, and his hands were a ready co6ered in ) ower8 :e said somethin5 to our 5uide in Mrench and then ed us to the 4itchen8 Today he was ma4in5 the *o*u ar Mrench *astry F,a ousieG8 :is was an A** e and A mond 6ersion o) the c assic reci*e8 They had a )ront row seat to o d mastery techni9ues at wor48 The ru es were, no note*ads, no 6ideo recordin5 or *hoto ta4in5 whi e the master che)s were at wor48 E6eryone watched in si ence as he *re*ared his master*iece8 :e on the other hand s*o4e non sto* as he wor4ed, the 5uide, 9uic4 to trans ate his musin5s8 A)ter a short 9uestion and answer *eriod, they were ab e to taste the resu ts8 Sasha was in hea6en8 The *astry was i5ht and ) a4y, the toasted a monds added the *er)ect crunch8 The )i in5 me ted in her mouth8 I) she 4e*t eatin5 i4e that at each 6enue, she wou d be )u by unch8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0.' Mrom there they went on to Patisserie Nou6eau, where she had Stra&berry 6ille +euille, then onto Arneaud<s where she en3oyed 6ont !lanc aux 6arrons8 In a they wou d 6isit si; estab ishments8 Three in the mornin5, ad three a)ter unch8 Sasha was 5 ad to see unch time ro around8 Not because she was *articu ar y hun5ry, but because she wou d ha6e the o**ortunity to 5i6e her )eet a much needed rest8 E6er unch she 5ot to 4now the other m*romenade 5oers a itt e better8 Therewas a you5 boy )rom ita y, maybe on y nineteen8 Sasha thou5ht, she wou d ha6e o6ed t ha6e an o**ortunity i4e this at nineteen8 A thou5h she *robab y wou dn<t ha6e a**reciateded it at the time because she was too busy *artyin58 There was a so a retired cou* e who said they ran an u*sca e bed and brea4)ast ands wanted to 5i6e their 5uest a wider 6ariety o) desserts8 The rest o) thecrowd was made u* o) thirty somethin5 che)s who acted as thou5h they 4new it a 8 At that moment she rea y missed Christo*he8 Not that the e;*erience wasn<t ama7in5 enou5h on it<s own, but she 4new that i) she had Christo*he by her side, it wou d ma4e it a the more meanin5)u 8 Sti , o6era the crowd was nice8 There was a so a *astry che) )rom the is ands who was hi arious8 E6ery year he *uts on a taste o) the nations ban9uet so he wanted to inc ude more Mrench *astries8 The a)ternoon seemed to *ass much )aster than the mornin58 They 6isited three more ba4eries, where Sasha indu 5ed shame ess y8 It<s a once in a i)etime o**ortunity she to d herse ), so I am not ho din5 bac48 Mor Sasha, that a** ied to 2i5ue as we 8 She hadn<t thou5ht about him atr a throu5hout the day, but now that she was headin5 bac4 to her room, she wondered i) he had ca ed8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0.( !y the end o) the day she was s*ent8 The wa 4 had e;hausted her more than e;*ected8 !ut it was we worth it8 She was sure that she *ut on at east si; *ounds worth o) *astry throu5hout the day, a thou5h the 5ood thin5 was that she *robab y wa 4ed o)) ha ) o) it as )ast as she *ut it on8 #hen she returned o the room, she was disa**ointed to see that there were no messa5es8 She had his moms *hone number, but )e t aw4ward ca in5 his moms house8 In any case8 She didn<t ha6e time to *onder that , she had to 5et ready )or dinner8 The *romenade cu minated with dinner at one o) Paris<s most )amous restaurants8 %e Pa*i ion8

ZZ2ore con6ersation at dinner

Kinner at %e Pa*i ion ! eu #earin5 her E5y*tian b ue dinner dress *aired with crysta i6ory hee s a natura com* iment to the dress<s 3ewe ed stra*s88m She sees a )ew o) the other *eo* e )rom the 5eou*8 She 3oins them at the tab e8 Towards the end o) the e6enin5 she 5oes to the adies room8 As she wa 4ed *assed the bar she )e t as thou5h someone was watchin5 her8 Eut o) the corner o) her eye, she cau5ht a 5 im*se o) a man eaned u* a5ainst the bar, with what was *robab y a drin4 in his hand8 She continued on her way8 En the way bac4 she ho*ed the watcher was 5one, but strutted on by without e6en a 5 im*se towards the bar8 Not unti she heard her name8 FSashaNG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0.= She too4 a cou* e o) ste*s bac4, time s owed and s*ace narrowed and a she cou d see was 2i5ue wa 4in5 towards her8 She remembered the )ee in5 she used to 5et when ,ames wou d sur*rise her in the be5innin5 o) their re ationshi*8 The indescribab e )ee in5 she )e t seein5 2i5ue was ten)o d that8 F2i5ue H #hat are you doin5 hereHG F,ust ha6in5 a drin4G F!y yourse )HG She oo4ed around )or si5ns o) a )riend or date *ossib y waitin5 )or him at the bar8 FNot anymore8 You oo4 beauti)u G :e * aced his hand in the sma o) her bac4 and drew her in 4issin5 her on both chee4s8 :e ed her o6er to the bar8 F:a6e a drin4 with me8G FE4, 3ust a 9uic4 drin48 The others wi be wonderin5 where I 5ot toG FI<m sure they sur6i6e without you )or ten minutes8G FSo serious y, what are you doin5 hereHG FI am here because when your dinner is done, I<m 5oin5 to ta4e you dancin5 and show you what the Paris ni5ht i)e is a about8< FI can<t be ie6e youN, how on5 ha6e you been hereHG FKon<t worry, I wi be here waitin5 when you<re done8G She returned to the tab e8 :er stomach was ) utterin58 She bit her ower i* ner6ous y8 She cou dn<t be ie6e that he was there8 She cou dn<t be ie6e he was 5oin5 to ta4e her dancin5, but most o) a she cou dn<t be ie6e how damned 5ood he oo4edN They 5o dancin5 V thin5s heat u*8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0.0 They dri6e bac4 to the hote Xin a cabY

The entire ni5ht his hands had been on her in one )ashion or another8 Around her shou der, around her waist, on her e5 and at one *oint when they were on the dance ) oor, caressin5 her bottom8 In the bac4 o) the ta;i, Sasha *u ed 2i5ue c ose8 Sti hi5h )rom the wine and the dancin5 bitin5 at his ower i*, bitin5 bac4 the ur5e she had bui din5 inside o) her8 The entire e6enin5 had been )i ed with a se;ua y char5ed ener5y that Sasha cou d no on5er resist8 FYou<re not 5oin5 to be ab e to con6ince me to 5o home toni5ht8G :e whis*ered in her ear be)ore i5htin5 a 4iss on her tem* e8 She smi ed, then bit at her ower i* an;ious y8 She wanted to o*en u* her e5s to him ri5ht there in the bac4 seat8 E6erythin5 that had been bui din5 u* inside o) her )or months was burstin5 to e;* ode8 Mrom the moment she saw him eaned a5ainst the bar, she 4new there wou d be no turnin5 bac48 Now she was the one who cou d bare y 4ee* her hands o)) o) him8 :e sat bac4 con)ident y, e5s s*raw ed wide, his arm restin5 *art y on the bac4 o) the seat and *art y on Sasha<s shou der8 Sasha turned her body into him nu77 in5 her )ace into his chest8 Eh 5od how she wanted him8 she )ound herse ) unconscious y 5ri**in5 his e58 She noticed the seat o) his *ants be5in to rise as she did this8 F2mmmG she moaned oud y, disre5ardin5 the )act that they were not a one8 E6en at the moment o) rea i7ation, she didn<t care, a she wanted was him8 !e)ore she 4new it the on5est ta;i ride o) her i)e was o6er8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0.1

Sasha bare y 5ot the door o*en and she cou d a ready )ee the ti*s o) his )in5ers s i**in5 beneath her dress stra*s, owerin5 them )rom her shou ders 8 She )umb ed to turn on the i5ht8 F#ait,G she said *ushin5 his hands away * ay)u y8 F#e<6e waited on5 enou5h don<t you thin4HG :e *u ed her hand away )rom the i5ht switch8 :e *ressed her u* a5ainst the door causin5 it to s am shut8 :e 4issed her *assionate y, on5 and s ow8 She returned his 4iss hun5ri y unab e to ho d bac4 her desire8 :er dress was now *artia y o)) one o) her breasts which he 5ri**ed with the same intensity with which she had 5ri**ed his e5 ear ier in the ta;i8 :e et his head rest on the door a moment whi e they both cau5ht their breath8 :e then too4 her hand and ed her o6er to the bed that too4 u* the 5reater *art o) the room8 The on y i5ht in the room was a beam o) moon i5ht comin5 throu5h the east window which it their )aces brie) y as they made their way to the bed8 They sat )acin5 each other on the end o) the bed8 :e too4 both o) her hands in his8 :is hands were bi5 and mascu ine, and co6ered hers com* ete y8 FSasha, I ha6e to te you somethin58G :e oo4ed at her throu5h dar4 eyes that seemed to s*ar4 e now in the 5 ow o) the moon i5ht8 No wait, I ha6e to te you somethin58 I<6e been attracted to you since the )irst daywe met, I 3st cou dn<t te you8 "ea yH I wish you wou d ha6e to d me this a year a5o, we cou d ha6e sa6ed ourse 6es a ot o) wasted time8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0.D Are you sayin5H Yes I )ee the same way8 I )e t the same way the second you oo4ed * at me )orm the stairs8 FI e6er since the )irst time we bum*ed into each other on the stairs o) the uni6ersity8G Sasha didn<t 4now what to say, she cou dn<t res*ond8 E6ery emotion coursed throu5h her body at that 6ery moment8 This was the )irst time that the who e thin5 )e t rea to her8 She cou d )ee her hands and u**er i* be5innin5 to moisten8 She was an;ious, ner6ous e;cited, and e;treme y aroused8 FI wasn<t sure how to a**roach you in the be5innin5, so I--G

F2e too8 She cut him o))8 I was attracted to you the moment we met but I didn<t want to 5o down that route8 In on y a )ew breaths she mana5ed to b urt out e6erythin58 E6erythin5 she had been sayin5 to Christo*he and Casey and ,a77, and e6eryone e se who bothered to isten #e wasted so much time8 This was her o**ortunity to say e6erythin5 she had wanted to say to him )or so on5, she was not 5oin5 waste it8 #hen she was )ina y done, her mouth e;hausted, he 4issed her i*s to ca m her8 F%et<s not waste anymore time he whis*erewd :e stood u* in )ront o) her and remo6ed his 3ac4et and tie, and threw them to a chair sittin5 in the corner8 :e )reed his shirt )rom his *ants and unbuttoned a )ew to* buttons be)ore *u in5 Sasha u* to his chest8 :e s ow y *ee ed the 7i**er o) her dress down the en5th o) her bac4 sto**in5 at the be5innin5 mound o) her bottom where he et his hand rest8 CC:e sits on the ed5e o) the bed with his e5s o*en - she stands in between

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0.J :e sat bac4 down on the bed whi e she remained standin58 :e *u ed her in to him and then s ithered the dress down her body, re6ea in5 the baby b ue ace bra and 5-strin5 that Casey had con6inced her to buy8 :er breasts o6er) owed the brassiere, and the *anties were now soa4ed throu5h with her 3uices8 :e stared at her admirin5 her body8 FSo beauti)u G :e nu77 ed his )ace into her be y and co6ered it with i5ht butter) y 4isses8

:e 5ri**ed her waist and s ow y turned her around8 Sasha<s bac4 was to him8 she )e t 6u nerab e and e;*osed bein5 unab e to see him and antici*ate his touch8 :e 5roaned his a**ro6a as he et his )in5ers * ay a on5 her shou ders, down a on5 the cur6e o) her bac4, and across her bottom8 :e stood u* she )e t his erection *ress a5ainst the crac4 o) her bottom8 Sasha re ished in the thou5ht that he was so hard )or her8 it made her want him more than e6er, with a dee* *rima yearnin5 )ound on y in anima s at the hei5ht o) matin58 Turn around he whis*ered8 Sasha<s na4ed body tremb ed a5ainst his sti )u y c othed body8 FOndress meG Sasha s i**ed his shirt o6er his shou ders8 She et her )in5ers * ay in the sm mo

!e)ore she 4new it, he had *u ed her onto the bed, her hi5h hee s ) ew o)), )o owed short y by her we * anned out bra and *anty set8 She cou d )ee the heat )rom his hand *enetrate her s4in as he 5ent y caressed her arm8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0.ZZhe e;* ored e6ery inch o) her body with his )in5erti*s be)ore Zhe *anted hea6y breaths a5ainst her chee4 She too4 one )in5er into her mouth and suc4ed on it teasin5 y demonstratin5 what she cou d do with her mouth8 She wanted to taste e6ery inch o) him8 :e smi ed * easin5 y bitin5 his ower i*8 :e had been hard a most the entire e6enin5, but now he was as hard as a roc48 :e remo6ed her stra* and then 4issed her shou der, and then re*eated it on the other side8 :e stood her u* in between his e5 )acin5 him and then s ow y *u ed her dress to the 5round8 She stood in )ront o) him in her bra and *anties which were now soa4ed with her 3uices8

S ow y he ran his hand a on5 her e58 :is hands were bi5 and hea6y and seemed to co6er her entire thi5h8 :is touch sent a heat coursin5 throu5h her body that awa4ened e6ery one o) her senses8 She e;* ored his broad shou ders and ran her )in5ers throu5h his thic4 b ac4 si 4y hair8 :e oo4ed at her smi in5 as he s ow y a owed his hand to tra6e )urther u* her dress8 :i eyes were dee* and dar4 and drew Sasha into his wor d8 :is 5a7e made her ner6ous, an;ious and e;treme y aroused8 She writhed with * easure 8 :e stood u* and et his *ants dro* to the ) oor8 Crouchin5 ow i4e a *anther he s ithered u* the bottom o) the bed s ow y craw in5 between her e5s8 Pausin5 at e6ery o**ortunity to 4iss and caress e6ery inch o) her na4ed body8 Startin5 at the ti*s o) her toes hesshe et his ton5ue in5er a on5 the arch o) her )oot be)ore s itherin5 his way s ow y u* her e5s %i4e a *u**et she ay bac4 surrenderin5 herse ) to him8 She c osed her eyes awaitin5 the )ee in5 that she had on5ed to )ee )or so on58 #hen he )ina y entered her, a heat so intense coursed

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0.L throu5h her body, she thou5ht she wou d e;* ode8 #ith each thrust, he *enetrated her entire bein58 She we comed him, o*enin5 her e5s wider, 5ri**in5 his muscu ar buttoc4s *ressin5 him e6en dee*er inside o) her8 Onti the )ina thrust, that was the dee*est and the on5est his bac4 arched his )ists *ressed into the mattress he re eased a *ower)u cry, drownin5 out Sasha<s own cries8 :is body )e im* a5ainst hers, drenched in the dam* o) o6ema4in58 :is bac4 hea6ed

)rom e;haustion as he )ou5ht to catch his breath8 :e shi)ted his body to the side noticin5 that Sasha no on5er had the stren5th to bear his wei5ht, she too cou d bare y catch her breath8 They ay )ace to )ace, in each others arms *antin5 breath ess y8 Their a**etites on y tem*orari y satiated8 In a whis*er 2i5ue breathed out FI ha6e )a en in o6e with youG8 :is words had too4 her by sur*rise8 :er breaths s owed, on5 and dee*8 Sti the butter) ies ) uttered )rantica y about her stomach, ho din5 her words hosta5e8 She cou dn<t res*ond FIt ha**ened a on5 time a5o8 Each time we were to5ether, my )ee in5s )or you 5rew8G FThere<s somethin5 e se that I ha6e to te you--G he be5an FI<m in o6e with you too 2i5ue 8G She b urted out8 She cou d no on5er contain the 6o cano o) emotion bui din5 inside o) her8 :e smi ed the bi55est smi e she had e6er seen him smi e since she had 4nown him8 FI @m so ha**y to hear that8 You ha6e no idea how many times I<6e ima5ined hearin5 those words )rom your i*s8 FYou ha6e no idea how many times I<6e ima5ined sayin5 them8G @#hy didn<t you say somethin5 soonerHG #hy didn<t youH< FMair enou5h8 A that matters now is this8 Os, to5ether, i4e this8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0'. :e sea ed his statement with a *assionate 4iss8 FYou said there was somethin5 e se you wanted to te me8G :e ro ed o6er on to* o) her * ay)u y8 FThe taste o) your i*s made me )or5et8G :e teased8 @Tomorrow you<re 5oin5 to meet my mother8G !e)ore she cou d res*ond he 4issed her8 F!ut )irst, I want to ma4e o6e to you a5ain8G :e *ressed his body into her and en5u )ed her with 4isses8 They made o6e three more times that ni5ht be)ore weary and de* eted o) ener5y, they )ina y sett ed into a 9uiet s umber as the sun be5an to rise o6er the streets o) Paris8

Cha*ter =D +Saturday in Paris&2i5ue <s mom<s house&5i6es her dress

--he buys her a beauti)u *in4 satin dress )or Christo*he<s weddin5 V they brea4 u* be)ore the weddin5 V she ends u* wearin5 it as her weddin5 dress8 :is mom mentions his *aintin5 and that his midd e name is "embrandt8 A o) the b ood that he d ssha<s radiant 5 ow, instant y drained8 She swa owed dee* and hard, the 4not in her thhoat *re6entin5 any sa i6a )rom s9uee7in5 throu5h

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0'' I<m sorry what did you sayH she tried to in9uire sweet y, su**ressin5 the 9ui6erin5 in her 6oice8 #e 5a6e 2i5ue the midd e name "embrandt a)ter my )a6orite *ainter8 :is )ather *redicted that with a name that carried so much wei5ht, he was bound to become a )amous *ainter8 #e I<m not a )amous *ainter, 2i5ue inter3ected 9uic4 y, it<s 3ust a hobby Not )amous yet sweetie8 don<t isten to my mom Sasha8 :ey why don<t I show you around the 5ardenH Sasha<s heart was *oundin58 Uuestions whi**ed around her head i4e a 6io ent tornado #hat are the chances that his midd e name wou d be "embrandtH #hat are the chances that it is 3ust a coincidenceH It cou dbe a coincidence Cou d it rea y be coincidenceH :e made suchsweet o6e to her the ni5ht be)ore it had to be a coincidenceShou d she 3ust come ri5ht out and as4H 2but what i) she was wron5H #hat i) she wasn<tH wou d 2i5ue do somethin5 i4e thatH

You seemed in a hurry to 5et out o) there8 You don<t want to 5et my mother started8 You< be there )or the ne;t two hours oo4in5 at )ami y *hotos8 I wou dn<t mind sein5 you as a itt e boy8 I wou d mind, trust me8 She wou dn<t as4 him she decided8 So what about this secret hobby you )or5ot to mentionH It<s not a secret8 The *aintin5s in your a*artment, are they yoursH Yes8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0'( #hy didn<t you te meH I don<t 4now, it<s 3ust a hobby, I don<t bra5 about it8 #ere you 5oin5 to te me e6entua yH E) course I was 5oin5 to te you8 Sasha there are so many thin5s I want to te you buttte you thin5s, there 3ust ne6er seems to be a 5ood time You to dmeyou o6ed me ThatAs a I rea y need to 4now )or sure I meant e6ery word, )rom the dee*est m*art o) my heart8 I o6e you, and wou dne6er want to hurt you8 --hey there you 5uys are - his sister interruts

Sasha itera y sto**ed in her )ootste*s when she saw the dress that adorned the manne9uin in the window8 It was the most beauti)u dress she had e6er seen8 %i4e a ma5net she was drawn to the window8 It<s so beauti)u she said in a whis*er8 Ko you want to 5o insideH No, that<s o4, I 3ust want to admire this dress )or a moment8 It is 6ery beauti)u , I thin4 it wou d oo4 5reat on you8 Ya, me too8 Too bad it *robab y costs i4e a thousand euros, the 9ua ity o) the dis* ay window a one to d her than8 !on3our and mademoise e were the on y two words she was ab e to ma4e out8 Ne;t thin5 she 4new the sa es 5ir was usherin5 her to a *ri6ate room in the bac48

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0'= The room had a 5iant si 4 *ou)) in the center8 She returned with the dress )rom the window and aid it out on the *ou))8 #ou d madame re9uire some assistanceH No, no than4 you, merci8 She s i**ed into the de icate )abric with the care and ease one wou d ta4e with a new born baby8 Seein5 the )abric a5ainst her s4in, and the so)t )eathery )ee o) it, instant y she 4new she wou d o6e be)ore it was entire y on8 As i) 4nowin5 e;act y how much itme wou d *ass be)ore Sasha wou d U'need he *, the hostesse returned to the room at the *recise moment that Sasha needed he * with the 7i**er8 #hen she entered the room Sasha *eered throu5h the crac4 to see i) 2i5ue had been standin5 nearby8 She was not sure whether or not he wanted to see her in the dress, or i) it was )or her own satis)action8 The hostesse stood o)) to the side as thou5h 5uardin5 the dress as Sasha e;amined herse ) in the mirror, twir in5 uneasi y side to side8 The dress )it her *er)ect y, it was as thou5h it was made )or her Sasha had to as4 :ow muchH #ithout res*ondin5 she s i**ed a thin *ad out o) her *oc4et and scribb ed down the *rice8 Mi6e hundred and se6enty )i6e Euros8 Sasha tried as hard as she cou d to hide her astonishment8 She *rom*t y as4ed the hostesse to un7i* her8 #hen she came out 2i5ue was at the )ront des4 ta 4in5 with the c er48 - he didnAt 5et to see the dress on her8 FSoHG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0'0 FIt was nice8G F!utHG FI 3ust want to oo4 around a bit more8G They ea6e the sho*8 Eh my 5od, I o6ed that dressN #hatH #hy didn<t you ta4e it thenH !ecause it was )i6e hundred euros, i4e I to d you8 %oo4 she had to write it down )or me, I tried not to cho4e8 A*ostro*he is the name o) the store8 It was near y noon be)ore the two be5an to stir beneath the sheets8 S9uintin5 bac4 the ear y a)ternoon sun borin5 throu5h the inen curtains8 As the room s ow y came into )ocus, detai s o) the *re6ious ni5ht ) ooded Sasha<s thou5hts8 Instant y she turned to oo4 at 2i5ue 8 It was as thou5h she need to chec4 that he was sti there, that it had a been rea , not 3ust another wist)u dream8 :e was there8 Smi in5 bac4 at her8 "eachin5 )or her8 The two we comed the day oc4ed in each other<s embrace8 FToday I<m ta4in5 you to The #ou2re- Sasha had a ways wanted to 6isit the )amous museum, but at that moment she didn<t want to be anywhere other than where she was8 #ra**ed in his arms8 FThen we wi be 3oinin5 my mother )or dinner8 Komini9ue and "enP wi be there as we 8 Sasha )e t a *an5 o) ner6es s4irt throu5h her stomach8 She was oo4in5 )orward to meetin5 his mother, she had ho*ed that it wou d he * her understand him better8 !ut now that she was

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0'1 actua y 5oin5 to meet her she was a itt e worried8 #hat i) his mom wasn<t what she e;*ected, what i) she wasn<t what his mom e;*ected8 FKon<t oo4 so worried8 2y mother is 5oin5 to o6e you8G :e 4issed her reassurin5 y then *u ed the sheets )rom between them, and made o6e to her a5ain8 They s*ent the remainder o) the mornin5 ha6in5 brea4)ast in bed, be)ore startin5 their day8

Sasha was o6erwhe med by the si7e o) the museum Fit wou d ta4e a cou* e o) days to 5o throu5h this * ace8 FYou<re ri5ht8 E6en I ha6e ne6er e;* ored the museum in it<s entirety8 !ut I 4now where to )ind the most interestin5 co ections8 :e too4 her to see the mona isa and throu5h the E5y*tian and roman statue The renaissance *eriod8 They s*ent the day wa 4in5 thou5h the museum hand in hand8 Sasha was im*ressed by his 6ast 4now ed5e o) art8 F:ow do you 4now so much about artHG F2y mother8 #hen we mo6ed bac4 to Paris, my mom 5ot a 3ob wor4in5 at a sma art 5a ery8 That sma art 5a ery tuned into a hu5e art 5a ery, and his mom ended u* wor4in5 there )or twenty years8 That was how he earned so much about art8 Sasha was )ascinated8 She was earnin5 so much about him, and the more she earned, the more she i4ed FI can<t be ie6e that it too4 Paris to 5et us to5ether8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0'D F2e neither8G :e *aused8 FI had no idea you had )ee in5s )or me8G FAre you 4iddin5H I thou5ht I made it )air y ob6ious many times8G FI thou5ht you were 3ust ) irtin58 I didn<t thin4 you too4 me serious y8 I was your de i6ery 5uy, and a student8 And you, a success)u business owner8G :e sto**ed at that, but he didn<t need to say anymore, Sasha 4new e;act y how he )e t8 She cou dn<t be ie6e that he actua y had some insecurities o) his own8 That thou5ht hadn<t e6en entered her mind8 She had been too consumed with her own insecurities8 The more time they s*ent to5ether, the more Sasha rea i7ed 3ust how itt e she actua y 4new about him8 As much as she was en3oyin5 their day she was ha**y when he su55ested that they 5o bac4 to her room to )reshen u* be)ore dinner8 !e)ore they went to his mom<s she went bac4 to the hote to )reshen u*, ad they ma4e o6e a5ain8

:is mom i6ed about ha ) an hour away )rom the hote in the 9uiet suburb o) ;ersailles8 Sasha sat in si ence admirin5 the countryside 6iew which was a star4 contrast )rom the city8 2i5ue *ointed out a )ew areas where him and his sister * ayed as youn5sters, but )or themo st *art Sasha was )air y distracted8 The entire ride o6er, Sasha<s stomach was doin5 ) i* ) o*s8 She was on y 3ust be5innin5 to 5et to 4now 2i5ue , and now she wou d be meetin5 his mother8 F#hat shou d I ca your motherHGc FYou mean shou d you ca her momHG he teased8 She wou dn<t mind i) you ca ed her maman you 4now8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0'J Sasha remained serious8 \ma4in5 a 5ood )irst im*ression was im*ortant to her8 FI meant, shou d I ca her 2rs8 Kemarco, or ,ose*hineHG FKe)inite y not 2rs8 Ke2arco8 She went bac4 to usin5 her maiden name a)ter the di6orce8 She is now 2adame "ousseau a5ain8 !ut 3ust ca her ,ose*hine8 That<s )ine8G #hen they arri6ed his mom was outside in her 5arden 5atherin5 a bunch o) ) owers to decorate the tab e8 She didn<t oo4 any thin5 i4e what sasha e;*ected8 She was ta and s im and had on5 b ond hair tied bac4 oose y8 F!ien6enue, we come8G She remo6ed her 5ardenin5 5 o6es and stuc4 her hand out to Sasha8 FSasha8 Nice to meet you8G Immediate y Sasha was at ease8 She was warm and we comin5 and a**eared to ho d no 3ud5ment o6er Sasha8 F%i4ewise8G FSiens, entrPe, wecan ha6e a drin4 inside8G :er accent was hea6y, much hea6ier than 2i5ue s, but her mastery o) the En5 ish an5ua5e was ade9uate8 They )o owed the narrow stone *ath that ed them to a 9uaint stone bun5a ow8 The *ath was ined with an ama 5amation o) ) owers which ) owed throu5h onto the *orch8 #hen Sasha ste**ed inside, she was sur*rised8 The interior o) the seemin5 y sim* e house star4 y contrasted the dece*ti6e y * ain e;terior8 The entrance way o*ened onto a 6estibu e with a decorati6e mosaic meda ion in the center8 There was a sma chaise and drawer tab e where she rested her 5 o6es8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0'A sma ha way ined with water co or *rints ed them to a bri5ht o*en i6in5 room which was e9ua y as beauti)u as the rest o) the house8 It was decorated in so)t bei5es and choco ate browns, En the )ar wa direct y )acin5 the ha way was a ar5e *aintin5 that hun5 o6er the )ire* ace8 *aintin58 It was a *aintin5 o) a youn5 ba erina that resemb ed one o) the ones they had seen at the ou6re8

,ose*hine noticed the awestruc4 oo4 that came across Sasha<s )ace8 FKo you i4e itHG she as4ed FI o6e it8 It<s 5or5eous8 Mor5i6e me, I don<t 4now much about art8 Is it by someone )amousHG Sasha made the assum*tion not on y because she 4new that his mother was curator, but a so because o) the breathta4in5 nature o) the *aintin58 FAs a matter o) )act, my son did it )or me8 It is a *icture o) me when I was a youn5 dancer8 F2i5ue HG she une;*ected y said out oud8 She was shoc4ed8 She 9uestioned herse ) as to whether or not he had mentioned another brother8 No8 She answered herse ), he was the on y son8 She turned to him with a 9uestionin5 oo48 Mor the )irst time he oo4ed uncom)ortab e, a most embarrassed by the attention8 F:e didn<t te you he *aintsHG FNo he didn<tG F#hy wou d you hide a ta ent i4e thisHG FIt 3ust ne6er came u*8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0'L FEh yes, he is a bri iant *ainter, I@6e e6en so d a )ew o) his *ieces throu5h the 5a ery8 F"ea yHG she said, sco din5 2i5ue with her eyes )or not sharin5 this *art o) him with her8 Sasha )e t a itt e )oo ish8 She rea i7ed how itt e she 4new about the man she had *ro)essed her o6e to on y hours be)ore8 F#ou d you i4e somethin5 to drin4 SashaHG 2i5ue o))ered, i5norin5 her 9uestionin5 oo48 I ha6e some wine chi in5 )or us in the 4itchen, cou d you )etch it mon amourH #ith the obedience o) a twe 6e year o d, 2i5ue immediate y made his way to the 4itchen8 You 4now I e6en 5a6e him the name "embrandt as a midd e name8 he is by )ar my )a6orite *ainter8 And oo4 now, my son who bears his name has ado*ted some o) his ta ent as we 8 ,ose*hine 34e*t on t7 4in5 but sash had tuned her our the moment she said the name "embrandt8 #hen 2i5ue handed her the 5 ass o) wine, she bare y remembered ta4in5 it8 She 3ust 4new she had to ta4e a bi5 si* )ast8 #hat other secrets has my mother been s*i in5 about me8 She to d me your midd e name is "embrandt8 Sasha waited )or a reaction, e6ery inch o) her body c inched, ho*in5 he wou d show no reaction8 She searched his )ace oo4in5 )or somethin5, anythin5 that wou d indicate that the name meant as much to him as it did to her8 :e smi ed at sasha then turne to his mother8 F2aman, mais *our9uoi tu a dit caHG They continued the remainder o) the con6ersation in Mrench8 Sasha was com* ete y c ue ess as to what was bein5 said, and a the moment des*erate y wished Christo*he cou d be there to use the one 9uarter Mrench in him to trans ate8 #hat was that aboutH Nothin5, I 3ust thin4 it<s a si y name, that<s a 8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0(. ,ose*hine et out a i5ht au5h8 FI thin4 my son is the one bein5 si y8G

FCome sit8G FSo you are the 5ir who has sto en my son<s heart8G She said eanin5 bac4 in the chair8 Now that I<m meetin5 you, I can see why8 You are so beauti)u 8G She turned to 2i5ue and nodded her a**ro6a 8 FTres be e8G 2i5ue says you own a *astry sho*8 G

Fhe oN San5 a 6oice )rom the )ront entrance8 They oo4ed o6er to see Komini9ue stumb in5 in with what oo4ed i4e a ca4e,and a cou* e bott es o) wine8 ,ose*hine 9uic4 y went to her aid8 The two embraced and s*o4e in Mrench8 F2y mother i4es you8G 2i5ue whis*ered, reassurin5 y s9uee7in5 Sasha<s hand8G Sash si**ed on her wine, tryin5 to 9ue the butter) ies8

F:i SashaG, She embrace her warm y then mo6ed on to her brother8 "enP )o owed c ose behind8 FSo, Sasha, did you ha6e )un the other ni5htH You sure oo4ed i4e itNG FYes, than4 you, I had a rea y 5ood time8G F2e tooNG She s*o4e e;cited y8 2i5ue , I i4e her, she<s so much )un8 You two ha6e to come bac4 soon8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0(' Sasha cou d see that Komini9ue sti had not come down )rom Thursday ni5ht<s hi5h, a thou5h she doubted whether or not she was the ty*e o) *erson who e6er @came down<8 Toni5ht she wou d not )o ow Komini9ue down a drun4en *ath8 The ast thin5 she needed was to 5et drun4 in )ront o) 2i5ue <s mother8 Kinner was ama7in5, the con6ersation ) owed easi y8

The con6ersation ) owed between Komini9ue<s thri in5 ad6entures, and his mom<s days as a dancer, and i)e in Portu5a 8 "enP )or the most *art was 9uiet e;ce*t )or the odd occasion when Komini9ue dra55ed him into the con6ersation8 Sasha cou dn<t he * but wonder how the two o) them ended u* to5ether8 They were com* ete o**osites8 She cou d see that he *ro6ided Komini9ue with stabi ity and routine, and she *ro6ided him with the s*ar4 and e;citement that he ob6ious y ac4ed8

,ose*hine had a ot o) 9uestions )or Sasha8 A thou5h *hysica y their a5e di))erence was not a**arent, Sasha 4new that the more she s*o4e about her i)e, the more a**arent the a5e 5a* wou d become8 Sasha wasn<t sure what 2i5ue had to d his mother about her8 She re5retted not discussin5 it with him ear ier8 The )ami y as a who e seemed 9uite c ose and she doubted that they 4e*t many secrets )rom one another8 FYou 4now, 2i5ue has ne6er brou5ht a 5ir home be)ore8G Sasha 3ust smi ed8 She wasn<t 9uite sure i) that was a 5ood thin5 or a bad thin58 Eb6ious y he wou d ha6e to be 6ery serious about someone to ) y her to Paris to meet his mother8 Their

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0(( situation was a itt e di))erent8 :e hadn<t actua y @) own her to Paris< to meet his 2om8 The circumstance es 3ust )e into * ace8 :e was sti youn58 Chances were that he hadn<t been in a serious on5 term re ationshi* be)ore, at east not serious enou5h to brin5 home to mom8 That worried Sasha8 :e said he o6ed her, but did he rea y 4now what o6e wasH :ad he e6er been in o6eH And did he o6e her as dee* y as she had )a en in o6e with himH F2aman8G 2i5ue shoo4 his head8 Komini9ue 3um*ed ri5ht in with a story o) the one time he actua y did brin5 a 5ir home8 "emember, you were about ten, and I was ei5ht, I remember8 The 5ir down the street, what was her nameH anyway, you were so in o6e with her8 Ene day you be55ed maman to et her eat su**er at our house rememberH And you cou dn<t e6en eat, a you did was stare at herNG Komini9ue had do7ens more stories8 As the wine ) owed, so did he stories8 A)ter dinner they retired to the sittin5 room8 ,ose*hine was *roud to *u out o d *hoto a bums8 E6en as a baby, 2i5ue <s e;ce*tiona oo4s were a**arent8 She e6en 5ot to see a *icture o) his )ather )rom whom he c ose y resemb ed8 :is mother as4s Sasha to stay, but Sasha dec ined8

So she in6ited her to sto* in )or brunch on the way to the air*ort8 #hen she 5oes by )or brunch be)ore she ea6es, his mom te s her, Fno matter what, 2io5ue o6es you8G

Kurin5 the car ride bac4 to the hote , Sasha too4 the o**ortunity to 9uestion him about his hidden ta ent8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0(= FI rea y o6e your mom, she made me )ee ri5ht at home8G FI<m 5 ad to hear that8G :e had the smi e o) man who<s * ans a )e into * ace8 F I 4now she rea y i4es you8G FI @m 5 ad that I 5ot the chance to meet her, otherwise I ne6er wou d ha6e )ound out about yor hobby, and your midd e name saha trai ed o)) watin5 )or some sort o) reaction, but there was none [[[[[[[[wi *robab y remo6e[[[[[[[[[[[[[ :e au5hed8 F#hat my *aintin5H I wou dn<t ca it a dee* dar4 secret8G F#e it may not be dee* and dar4, but you were de)inite y secreti6e about it8 FI wasn<t bein5 secreti6e Sasha, it 3ust ne6er came u*8 Ater)a , we are 3ust rea y 5ettin5 to 4now each other8 I 4now we<6e wor4ed to5ether )or a most a year now, but we ne6er really ta 4ed8 :e was ri5ht Sasha thou5ht to her herse )8 They hadn<t s*ent 6ery much time ta 4in5 about 6ey *ersona thin5s8 She 3ust cou dn<t sha4e the )oo ish )ee in5 she )e t when his mom brou5ht u* the sub3ect So how on5 ha6e you been *aintin5H And do you sti *aintHG FSo many 9uestions8 I<6e been *aintin5 since I was itt e8 Kid you e6er study art, or is it a natura ta entH I *romise, I wi answer a o) your 9uestions, but not toni5ht8 Toni5ht I ha6e a sur*rise )or you8

:e caressed her e5 5ent y, 5i6in5 her an in6itin5 oo48 The heat )rom his hand set her entire body on )ire8 She wanted him, bad y8 !ut their were so many 9uestions swir in5 around in her mind8 #hy didn<t he want to ta 4 about his *aintin5H, why did he 5et so touchy when his mom

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0(0 mentioned his midd e name8 none o) it made sense8 :e wou dn<t brou5ht her to meet his mother i) he had anythin5 to hide8 :ow cou d she ma4e o6e to him with a these doubts8 #hen she wa 4ed into the room there on the bed was a beauti)u white bo; trimmed wita *in4 satin bow8 Embossed in si 6er on the )ront o) the bo; was the name ApostropheSashaAs mouth dro**ed o*en, how :ow, when did youH Sasha o*ened the bo;, admiri5 the dress )rom a)ar a)raid to disturb the e;actness with which it had been * aced8 I 4now how much you wanted that dress, when the sa es 5ir came out and to d me that the bdress was made )or your body, that was it8 The sa es 5ir said thatH Yes8 it was yours be)ore you e6en too4 it o))8 You are so snea4y En y when I need to be, he 5rinned8 Ko you want to see it onH Sa6e it8 you can sur*rise me at your )riend christo*h<s weddin58 "i5ht now I don<t want to see you with anythin5 on at a 8 Sasha head bounced a5ainst the ) u))y *i ows as she )e bac4 onto the bed8 Kes*ite any doubts in her mind, her body was res*ondin5 to him8 as it did e6ery time she was c ose to him8 e6ery *art o) her body tin5 ed and moistened in antici*ation o) his touch8 :e stradd ed her, ho6erin5 abo6e her shirt ess8 :e eaned in to 4iss her, I o6e you he whis*ered into her hair and I on y

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0(1 want to ma4e you ha**y8 he *ressed his body into hers 5rindin5 a5ainst her hard as thou5h attem*tin5 to *enetrate her throu5h her c othes he *ressed his body into hers, she arched her bac4 to meet his need8 Sasha san4 into the sensua ity o) their o6ema4in5, her mind )ree o) any doubts she had e6er had about the man she had )a en so dee* y in o6e with8 :e was not as 5ent e as the )irst ni5ht :e de6oured her with a des*erate hun5er that Sasha hadn<t )e t be)ore8 :is hands were on her and around her and inside her a at once, Sasha cou d bare y 4ee* *ace8 You ha6e to )or5i6e me Sasha, he *anted )i;in5 his eyes on hers8 I ho*e I wasn<t too a55ressi6e but I ha6e )a en more in o6e with you these *ast )ew days than I e6er thou5ht *ossib e8 I want you, a the time8 I want to be with you, ho d you touch you, a ways8 FYou can,G Sasha cou d on y man5e a whis*er, FI<m yours 2i5ue , )ore6er8G That ni5ht he had ta4en com* ete *ossession o) her body, and her heart8

Cha*ter =J + "eturn home & Casey comes o6er

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0(D She shows Casey the dress8 #hi e they are ta 4in5 about r - Sasha chec4s her emai to see i) she can )ind the *icture o) him8 That<s when she sees his messa5e as4in5 to meet, and her and Casey discuss8 A)ter she a5rees to a time to meet " - Casey says See it can<t be moi5ue 8 25ue is sti in Paris ri5htH Ya, you<re ri5ht8 2y bet is on 3ames So are you 5oin5 to 5oH I don<t 4nowT>> I) you 5o, I<m 5oin5 with you cause i) it is 3ames I<m 5oin5 to >T88 I<m sure it<s not 3ames #e sti , it cou d be some *er6ert so I<m not ettin5 you 5o a one8 :ey Casey, :ey what<s u*H You wou dn<t be ie6e this8 I 5ot an emai )rom that 5uy "embrandt sayin5 he wants to meet this e6enin5H I thou5ht you said you 5ot o)) o) that siteH I did, but it<s weird this emai came to my re5u r account8 I 5uess I must ha6e 5i6en him this emai address sometime, thou5h I don<t remember when8 Anyway, now I don<t 4now what to do8 #hat do you mean you don<t 4now what to do, you<re not serious y considerin5 5oin5 to met him are youH

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0(J Sasha *aused8 She was, but she didn<t ned a m ecture )rom Casey, she needed ad6ice, or at the 6ery east, su**ort8 I 5uess my curiosity is 5ettin5 the better o) me8 Are you serious SashaH Yes, I<m not e;*ectin5 anythin5, and I sure ho*e he isn<t, but I don<t 4now, I 5uess it wou d be c osure or somethin58 Ko you thin4 I<m cra7yH Yes, I com* ete y thin4 you<re cra7y, but i) you<re 5oin5 to do it then I<m comin5 with you8 "ea y, oh than4 you case8 I was rea y stressin5 o6er this, I cou dn<t decide i) I shou d 5o or not8 I<m so 5 ad 2i5ue is sti in Paris because it wou d be weird you 4now, it wou d )ee i4e cheatin5 or somethin58 Ya, than4 5od8 et<s 3ust 5et this o6er wih so you can 5e this stuoid 5uy out o) your system once and )or a Thou5h Sasha cou dn<t see her she 4new that Casey *robab y had an annoyed oo4 on her )ace that mat6hed the a9nnoyance in her 6oice8


[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0(#hen Sasha )ina y arri6ed home it was ei5ht-)orty )i6e *8m8 A most one hour ater than she had e;*ected than4s to the ba55a5e c aim mi; u*8 In any case she was ha**y to be home8 She was star6in5 and needed a shower des*erate y8 She had s e*t most o) the * ane ride home, e;hausted )rom another on5 ni5ht o) o6e ma4in5 that didn<t end unti the sun came u*8

Mirst on her ist wou d be Casey8 I<m bac4N YaayN It<s about tie, I thou5ht you were *robab y ha6in5 such a 5ood time you decided to stay8 The * ane had bare y anded be)ore Sasha<s ce *hone be5an to rin58 Casey had been an;ious y awaitin5 her return and was ea5er to 5et the )u story8 They met at Sasha<s * ace and *rom*t y * un5ed into the wine Sasha brou5ht bac4 )rom Paris8

Eh I wishN I<6e 5ot so much to te you8 Eh I can<t wait to hear itN #hat are you doin5 nowH #hy don<t you come o6erH I<6e 5ot somethin5 to show you, * us I ha6e somethin5 )or you8 !e there in twenty minutes8 True to her word, twenty minutes ater Sasha<s doorbe ran58 She had 3ust enou5h time to ta4e a hot shower and 5rab a )ro7en *i77a8 You<re 5 owin5N Casey 5rinned, that<s 5ot to be a 5ood si5n8 You s e*t with him ri5htH

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0(L Sasha didn<t res*ond, she cou dn<t re ease the smi e that wra**ed around her )ace I 4now you didN Te me, did youH

FSo, te me e6erythin5 )rom be5innin5 to end, s ow y, and don<t ea6e out any detai sNG Casey eaned in, e5s tuc4ed under, wine 5 ass at her i*s, eyes and ears wide, ready to indu 5e8

#e , nothin5 much ha**ened on the air* ane8 #e ta 4ed a ot, and ) irted, but nothin5 ma3or8 The )irst ni5ht I went strai5ht to bed, and he s*ent the ni5ht catchin5 u* with his mother8 FKid you s ee* with himHG F#ait, I<m 5ettin5 to that *art8G FI can<t ta4e it anymore, 3ust te me, yes or no, did you s ee* with himHG FE4 yes8G FI 4new itN Eh my 5od, was it 5oodHG F#ait, I<m 5onna 5et to that *art, and don<t worry, I won<t ea6e out a sin5 e detai NG cThen ne;t day he showed me around Paris, museums, historica bui din5s, the usua 8 #e made out a cou* e o) times, but I< 5et bac4 to that ater8 Then we went out with his sister and the )amous @"enP<G8 Sasha did her best to mimic Komini9ue<s hea6y Mrench accent8 #hich set Casey o)) au5hin58 F#ow, you 5uys s*ent a ot o) time to5ether8G F#ait, it 5ets better8 Then it was %e Promenaded ?ourmand, which, by the way was unbe ie6ab eN !ut, the best *art o) the day was the restaurant8 At the end o) the *romenade we a meet at this *osh restaurant, where e6ery dish oo4s i4e a wor4 o) art, 4now what I meanHG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0=. FThe )ood was out o) this wor dN Then I 5o to the bathroom and I 5ot the )ee in5 someone was watchin5 me, so on the way bac4 I decide to oo4 o6er, and standin5 there eaned u* a5ainst the bar, oo4in5 i4e Casano6a, was 2i5ue 8G FI don<t be ie6e itN :e 3ust showed u* and sur*rised youHG FYe*, and he oo4ed damned 5ood tooN I swear I had a mini or5asm when I saw him, and when he smi ed at me, oh my 5odN et<s 3ust say, I 4new there was no turnin5 bac48 I was ready to ri* my c othes o)) ri5ht thereN Sasha had a death 5ri* on Casey<s arm , she oo4ed as thou5h she mi5ht *ossib y be5in to e6itate i) she et 5o8 The two bow ed o6er with au5hter8 That was the ni5ht it ha**ed8 Eh my 5od, it was so hotN FKoes he ha6e a nice bodyHG FKoes he e6erN And not on y does he ha6e a hot atin body, he<s 5ot hot atin i*s, and a 6ery hot atin ton5ue, and a bi5 hot atinTI don<t need to 5o on8 I don<t thin4 I ha6e e6ery been made o6e to that 5ood and that many times in one ni5htN, and s*ea4in5 o) o6e, he to d me he o6es meNG F#hatN, are you seriousHG FYa , I cou dn<t be ie6e it eitherN :e said he has been )a in5 in o6e with me since the )irst time we bum*ed into each other on the stairs8 Can you be ie6e thatN A the time we wastedN FA the time you wasted you mean8 I to d you a year a5o that I cou d see you two to5ether, but you were too stubborn to isten8G FE4, E4, you were ri5ht8G FKid you te him you o6ed himHG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0=' FYes I did8 The words 3ust s*i ed out o) my mouth8 I 4ind o) sur*rised myse ) when I said it8G F#e , do you thin4 you<re in o6e with himHG FYa, I thin4 so8 It<s i4e it<s been cree*in5 u* on me a this time, and I on y rea i7ed it when we )ina y made o6e8 F#ow8 That<s so romantic8 I<m so ha**y )or you 5uysNG She eaned in and 5a6e Sasha a hu5e hu58 They soon mo6ed on to their second bott e o) wine which, which Sasha had brou5ht bac4 as a 5i)t )or Casey and "obert8 Sasha thou5ht it was a shame to waste such an e;*ensi6e bott e o) wine 8 !ut Casey insisted8 FThere<s no better way to en3oy an e;*ensi6e bott e o) wine than o6er a 5ood 5ir chat8G E) course by now, she was a ready ti*sy )rom he )irst bott e8

The wine was 9uite 5ood 2i5ue made a 5ood choice8 FAnd, the ne;t day, he too4 me to meet his mother8G F:e sounds serious, a 5uy doesn<t ta4e you to meet his mother un ess you<re @the one<G FEh come on, I wou dn<t 5o that )arN, :e *robab y )i5ured since I was in Paris then I mi5ht as we meet her8G F#hat<s wron5 with youH ?uys don< 3ust ta4e any 5ir to meet their moms8 Trust me, i) he wasn<t serious about you, you wou dn<t ha6e ste* )oot in that house8 ?uys a ways need to 5et their mom<s a**ro6a 8 FSo bac4 to his mom, what is she i4eH !ecause you 4now you can te a ot about a man by the way he treats his mother8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0=( FThey seem to ha6e a rea y c ose re ationshi*8 :is mom was 6ery a))ectionate with him, she was a says 4issin5 him or touchin5 his hair or rubbin5 his bac48 FIt<s 5ood you *aid attention to that8 Now you 4now what to do8< F#hat are you ta 4in5 about8G FI<m 3ust sayin5, i) he has a 6ery a))ectionate mother, then he<s 5oin5 to oo4 )or that in a woman8 I) I had a chance to meet "obert<s mother be)ore she died, I wou d *robab y understand him better8G She to**ed u* their wine and indu 5ed in another tru)) e8 FSo how was she with youH Ko you thin4 she i4ed youHG FYa, de)inite y, but isten to this8 I 4now you<re 5oin5 to te me I<m bein5 a cra7y and insecure, but isten to this8 #hen I 5et to his mom<s * ace, there is a hu5e *aintin5 on the wa that 2i5ue did8 A**arent y, he has this secret artistic side that he ne6er bothered to mention8G F"ea y HG FYa, it was 4ind o) weird, he 5ot a 9uiet when I tried to ta 4 to him about it8G F2aybe he<s embarrassed or shy about his *aintin5, maybe he doesn<t thin4 he<s 5ood enou5h8 F#as the *aintin5 any 5oodHG FThat<s the thin5, it was ama7in5N It was a *aintin5 o) a ba et dancer8 Actua y he had ta4en an o d *hoto5ra*h o) his mother when she was in the ba et, and he made a *aintin5 o) it8 It was so beauti)u , I thou5ht it was by someone )amous8 :is mom *robab y thou5ht I was stu*id because I actua y as4ed her i) it was by someone )amous8G Casey burst out au5hin5, s*rays o) wine esca*in5 her mouth8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0== It wasn<t so much that what Sasha said wads )unny, but by now both o) them were )ee in5 the )u e))ects o) the wine8 FYou actua y said thatHG FYa, I 4now, I )i5ured because she wor4ed in an art 5a ery, it wou d be a )amous *aintin5 that she bou5ht8 Casey *ut down her 5 ass and threw herse ) bac4 o the couch au5hin58 Sasha 3oined suit8 FShe wi*ed away the au5hter tears )ormin5 at the corner o) her eyes8 FI swear, the *aintin5 was so 5ood, it oo4ed i4e one o) those im*ression88im*ression888G She cou dn<t 5et the words out o) her mouth8 FYou mean im*ressionist *aintin5s8G FYa, that<s it8G They too4 a moment to recom*ose themse 6es )rom their uncontro ab e au5hter8 !ut this is the rea y cra7y *art, his mom te s me his midd e name is "embrandt8 SoH Casey tried to 4ee* Sasha in )ocus "embrandt is the 5uy that I used to ta 4 to on ine, rememberH E4H Casey was sti not catchin5 on8 :is name is "embrandt, 2i5ue <s midd e name is "embrandt, isn<t that weird8 #ho 5i6es their 4id midd e name i4e "embrandtH I don<t 4now, they both au5hed8 !ut do you thin4 they cou d be connected8 E4 now you<re at the *art where I thin4 you<re actin5 a cra7y8 Serious yH You thin4 2i5ue and this other 5uy are the same *ersonH That wou d ma4e sense8 I mean why wou d he do that,

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0=0 why wou d he ta 4 to you on ine i) he cou d 3ust ta 4 to you in *erson8 :e o SashaH I thin4 this wine has serious y 5one to your head8 You<re *robab y rti5ht, no you are ri5ht8 it was 3ust weird because he was bein5 a secreti6e8

You 4now, he *robab y wou d ha6e to d you about his hobby, e6entua y8G F:e said @it 3ust ne6er came u*<8G FSto* tryin5 to )ind thin5s to worry about8G FYou<re ri5ht8 S*ea4in5 o) art, I had an emai waitin5 )or me )rom "embrandt8G I thou5ht you ended that a on5 time a5o I thou5ht so too I as4ed him to meet be)ore *aris V but he didn<t res*ond Now he says he wsnts to meet Te me you<re not actua y 5oin5 to 5o meet himH I don<t 4now V I ha6en<t rea y decided yet #hat<s to decideH #e I had 4ind o) written him o)) when he didn<t res*ond8 !ut now I<m thin4in5 I shou d 3ust 5o ahead and meet him )or c osure8 #hen I initia y to d him I wanted to meet V I did te him it was 3ust to say 5oodbye, so it<s not i4e he<s 5oin5 to be e;*ectin5 anythin58 FI ho*e you<re ri5ht8 Anyway, now that thin5s ha6e mo6ed to the ne;t e6e with you and 2i5ue you can com* ete y )or5et about him8 ,ust send him a dear 3ohn etter8 You want me to do itH I< do it ri5ht now8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0=1 FI don<t 4now, c osure I 5uess8 #e<6e s*ent so much time ta 4in5 on ine, it )ee s i4e it shou d a cu minate with a )ace to )ace meetin58< I<m te in5 you Sasha, you<re wastin5 your time, he<s *robab y some )i)ty year o d ba din5 )at 5uyN #ho<s married with 4idsNG FI thin4 you<re wron5, at east I sure ho*e you<re wron58 #hat i) it<s the o**osite8 :e cou d turn out to be this 5or5eous 5uy8 FI doubt it8 Trust me, you *robab y don<t want to see what he oo4s i4e8 Mantasy is a ways better than rea ity, and I ha6e a )ee in5 that your )antasy o) him is )ar di))erent than the rea ity8 ,ust 5et rid o) him and mo6e on8 !esides, you ha6e an e;citin5 rea ity ha**enin5 ri5ht now8G FYou<re ri5ht8 !ut I sti thin4 I<m 5oin5 ot 5o meet him anyway8G FSometimes I don<t 5et you8 I can<t be ie6e you 5ot so wra**ed u* with this 5uy8G F2e neitherNG FYou need to 5et bac4 to rea ity, 5et bac4 to 2i5ue 8 ?i6e me more 3uicy detai s8 Is he a 5ood 4isserH !ecause )rom the oo4s o) those i*s o) his, I bet he<s a 5ood 4isser8 FAma7in5NG I swear, I wish I cou d show you how he 4issed me8 Case * ay)u y eaned away )rom Sasha8 The two were in hysterics a5ain

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0=D

&&new c ha*terH It was three in the mornin5 be)ore Sasha 5ot to bed8 %au5hin5 o6er her insecurities with Casey was 3ust the medicine she needed8 It had he * *ut a o) her doubts about 2i5ue to rest8

#hen she sti hadn<t heard )rom him the ne;t day, she 5rew an;ious8 2i5ue wou d be returnin5 in a cou* e o) days and she rea y wanted this as*ect o) her i)e to be o6er with by the time he 5ot bac48 Two days had 5one by and sti no res*onse )rom "embrandt8 En one e6e Sasha was disa**ointed because by him not res*ondin5, it meant that maybe Casey was ri5ht8 2aybe he had a ready mo6ed on to his ne;t 6ictim, and their @)riendshi*< was not as s*ecia as Sasha thou5ht8 En the other hand, she was s i5ht y re ie6ed8 I) he had mo6ed on, then at east she wou dn<t ha6e wasted her time 5oin5 to meet a com* ete oser8 2onday mornin5, she had one new messa5e8 Mrom "embrandt8 :ow about tomorrow e6enin58 Se6en E<c oc4 )or a drin4H 2- 2i5ue is swu**osed to be in Paris ti #ednesday - they meet Tuesday8 The emai was much shorter and to the *oint than Sasha had e;*ected8 2aybe he was u*set by her emai and wanted to a6oid 5ettin5 into a on5 discussion8 Er maybe he was 3ust *ressed )or time, which wou dn<t ma4e sense because she had sent the emai a most three days ear ier8 :e had more than enou5h time to )ormu ate a res*onse8 Sasha didn<t 4now what to thin48 It wasn<t the res*onse she had e;*ected8 Part o) her 3ust wanted to cance the who e thin58 :is emai was so curt and disconnected8 It didn<t seem i4e the same *erson who had soothed her on y months

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0=J be)ore8 She a5reed to meet him but su55ested co))ee, or unch instead o) drin4s in the e6enin58 On)ortunate y it wou dn<t be con6enient )or him, so in the end Sasha a5reed to the ori5ina time8 She made u* her mind that she wou d 3ust meet him and 5et it o6er with8 I) nothin5 e se she wou d )ina y see i) her or Casey was ri5ht8 u* unti the ast emai , Sasha was sure that he was someone s*ecia 8 !ut now she wasn<t so sure anymore8

Cha*ter =- + The 2eetin5 2onday 5et<s emai )rom r tyo meet tomorrow e6enin5 - tuesday ni5ht meetin5 "

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0=She<s bac4 at the sho* - ta 4s too antony8 Kay a)ter returnin5 - same day she is meetin5 "embrandt8

The ne;t mornin5 Sasha 5oes into the sho* :ey SashaN You<re bac4N I<m 5onna be o6er soon A)ter chan5in5 at east '1 times, thou5h she didn<t 4now why, Sasha *u ed u* in )ront o) Casey, sweaty *a ms 5ri**in5 the steerin5 wh #ow, you oo4 5ooe, a itt e too 5ood i) you as4 me, what are you tryin5 to doH Nothin5, 3ust tryi5 to oo4 my best8

You<re i4e the women in the husbandstore8 The whaH It<s a 3o4e about how women are ne6er satis)ied8 You<6e ne6er heard that 3o4eH\ No8 #e it tota y describes you ri5ht now8 #hatH #hyH These women 5o into the husband store and it has )i6e ) oors8 Each ) oor 5ettin5 successi6e y more *romisin5 )or e;am* e the )irst ) oor has a man that has a 3ob and o*6es 4ids, but the ne;t ) oor has a 5ood oo4in5 man with a we *ayin53obs who o6es 4ids8 !y the time the adies reach the )ourth ) oor there is a 5ood oo4in5 man with a hi5h *ayin5 3ob who o 6es 4ids, mdoes housewor4 and is romantic8 !ut o) course they sti ha6e to chec4 out the ast ) oor, which is what you<re doin5 by 5oin5 to meet this 5uy as )ar as I<m concerned8 And 5uess wht they )ound whn they went to the ast ) oor, abso ute y nothin5N En y a note that said this ) or on y e;ists to *roe that women are ne6er satis)iedN Eh my 5od, thatAs so )unny, but it is so not meN #e *retty c ose, you a ready ha6e the *er)ect man ri5ht in )ront o) you, what more are you ho*in5 to )ind8 IAm not ho*in5 to )ind anythin5 a ri5ht8 !esides, I don<t e6en 4now ) 2i5ue o6es 4ides or does housewor4 so I can<t be sure he<s the *er)ect 5uy she said sarcastica y8 She didn<t want to add that she 4new that "embrandt o6ed 4ids8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0=L Eh * ease, a 5uy that 5ood o4in5 doesn<t need to do any housewor4, 3ust 5et one o )rthose Mrench maid out)its and et him sit around a day and watch you c ean8 Is that what you do )or "obertH The Mrench maid out)it yes, him sittin5 around with his )eet u*, he noN he<sw 5ot to 5et o)) his ass and he * i4e a the other a6era5e oo4in5 5uys8

They *u d u* in )ront o5 the co)ee Casey 5oes with her to meet " I) I 5i6e you the si5n, then that means you can ea6e, but i) he<s cree*y then we<re both ea6in5 I<m 5ood with that, a thou5h I<m *retty sure we<re both 5oin5 to be ea6in5 to5ether8

Sasha 4e*t chec4in5 and rechec4in5 herse ) in the mirror8 She to d herse ) that it wasn<t necessary8 She was 5oin5 to meet "embrandt sim* y to say 5oodbye8 !ut she cou dn<t he * wantin5 to oo4 her best8 A thou5h she had no intention o) startin5 a romance with him, the woman inside o) her wanted him to )ind her attracti6e8 There was rea y no *oint continuin5 to s*ea4 to "embrandt now that she had chosen 2i5ue 8 A *art o) her wou d miss his sweet words8 Comin5 home 4nowin5 he wou d be waitin5 on ine )or her had become a rea com)ort to her o6er the *ast )ew months8 !ut Casey was ri5ht8 It was time to mo6e on8 To a rea i)e re ationshi*8 2aybe the two cou d remain )riends8 The moment she thou5ht it, she new it wasn<t rea istic8 Their on ine re ationshi* had a ready mo6ed *as the boundaries o) )riendshi*8 A thou5h a *art o) her was ho*in5 that he wou d not be attracti6e, that he wou dn<t her ty*e8 :e swe*t her o)) her )eet with her words, i) he had the oo4s as we , that wou d 4i Sasha8 She wanted to be with 2i5ue , but i) on y he cou d be as o*en with her as "embrandt8 She had 4nown 2i5ue )or a itt e more than a year now, but )e t that she 4new more about the man she

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 00. had met on ine that she had on y 4nown )or three months8 It<s )unny, she thou5ht to herse )8 #hen you ta4e away a o) the *hysica distractions you can rea y 5et to 4now someone sim* y throu5h their word8 A thou5h Casey didn<t share her o*inion8 She be ie6ed that you can on y rea y 5et to 4now someone by oo4in5 in their eyes8 I) either o) them wou d ha6e to wa 4 away with re5ret, she was ho*in5 it wou d be him8

They had a5reed to meet at ?io6anni<s, sma Ita ian restaurant downtown8 :e 4new that she o6ed Ita ian )ood that<s why he su55ested it8 Sasha initia y su55ested they sim* y meet )or co))ee8 Wee* it short and sim* e8 That way they cou d a6oid sittin5 throu5h a on5 *ossib y aw4ward dinner8 !ut he had insisted on dinner8 :e said that a)ter months o) sharin5 such intimate )ee in5s, the east they cou d do it s*end and hour or two ta 4in5 )ace to )ace8 She cou d see his *oint8 A thou5h she had mo6ed on and was ready to c ose this cha*ter, maybe he wasn<t8 A)ter a , she had someone, he sti didn<t, u* unti her emai , he was *robab y sti ho*in5 that she wou d be that someone s*ecia 8 She too4 one ast oo4 in the mirror, too4 a s ow dee* breath and wa 4ed out the door8 #hen she arri6ed at the restaurant she didn<t see any si5n o) him8 :e said that he wou d be wearin5 3eans and a red 5o ) shirt8 It shou d be )air y easy to notice a man I a red shirt8 She decided to 5et a tab e and order a 5 ass o) wine to ca m her ner6es8 She tried to a**ear ca m coo and co ect8 Casua y si**in5 her wine her wine whi e sNinamin5 throu5h the menu, castin5 and occasiona incons*icuous 5 ance at the door8 2eanwhi e inside, her stomach was doin5 ) i* ) o*s, her hands were c ammy causin5 the 5 ass to s ide around beneath her )in5ers8 It<s 3ust another date she to d herse ), tryin5 to ta 4 her way down )rom the

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 00' emotiona y char5ed c i)) she current y stood on8 She had been ner6ous on her other dates, but this one was di))erent8 She had o*ened u* so much to "embrandt, shared such intimate detai s about herse )8 This time, beyond the norma ner6es, she )e t a 6u nerabi ity she had not )e t the other times8 A thousand thou5hts a minute streamed throu5h her mind8 #hat i) Casey was ri5htH She too4 a dee* breath, breathin5 down the butter) ies8 They instant y reemer5ed as the sthou5ht struc4 her8 #hat i) Casey was wron5H #hat i) he was e6erythin5 she was e;*ectin5& what i) she )oun herse ) attracted to himH #hat i) he didn<t e6en bother to show u*H

--her and casey are watin5 to5ether, they decide to 5o to the bathroom, casey<s husband d ca s whi e in the bahroom, Sasha wa 4s out a one and sees mi5ue At that moment she oo4ed u* to see an o der man in a maroon shirt enter t he restaurant8 Cou d that be himH :e was 5 ancin5 around the restaurant8 :is shirt wasn<t e;act y red, but c ose eno5ht8 And he was the )irst 5uy she shad seen enter so )ar that was wearin5 somethin5 other than b ac4 or 5rey8 She sat u* and smi ed s i5ht y *re*ared to 5reet him as he mo6ed towards her smi in58 She too4 a dee* breath in *re*aration )or the introduction, when at the ast minute he made a e)t to a tab e tuc4ed away in the corner, where she cou d on y see a woman<s hi5h hee ed e5s tuc4ed under the tab e8 Sasha au5hed to herse ), breathin5 a si5h o) re ie)8 She )e t )oo ish8 Se hadn<t e6en noticed that there was a tab e in that corner8 In )act she hadn<t noticed anythin5 but the door )or what )e t i4e the ast hour8 En y )i)teen minutes had *assed since she arri6ed8 The wine wasn<t wor4in58 She had a stron5 ur5e to *ee8 She a ways had to *ee whene6er she was ner6ous8 She decided to 5o to the bathroom and chec4 her ma4eu* at the same time8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 00( #hen she returned )rom the bathroom, her 3aw near y dro**ed to the 5round8 there he was8 Sittin5 at her tab e8 ! ac4 hair, red shirt and 3eans, 3ust i4e he said8 :is bac4 was turned to her s i5ht y, his head bent8 :is entire *osture was tense, *ensi6e he oo4ed as ner6ous as she )e t8 She )ro7e instant y8 #hat was he doin5 at her tab eH She was con)used8 :ad he been watchin5 herH Ondecided about whether or not to a**roached herH #aitin5 )or the o**ortune moment to ma4e his entranceH #hate6er the case, thin5s were out o) her contro 8 She steadied herse ) be)ore ta4in5 her wa 4 down the *ath that to him, )i5htin5 the ur5e to bite her ower i* as she o)ten did in hi5h y stress)u situations8 As she a**roached she saw his ri5ht shou der be5in to turn towards her, e6er so s ow y 8 Somehow time had s owed down8 She had waited )or this moment )or so on5, now that it was )ina y here her mind cou d not *rocess it at norma s*eed8 It too4 e6ery ounce o) her bein5 to *ut one )oot in )ront o) the other8 :e turned8 :is chest came into 6iew, then his nec4 and head unti his )ace )u y re6ea ed stared bac4 at her8 :er )eet too4 on a mind o) their own entan5 in5 themse 6es causin5 Sasha to stumb e and ha t8 She had to com*ose herse )8 !ut she 4new that wou d be an im*ossib e )eat8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 00=

Time s owed to a standsti 8 The moment )e t surrea 8 She cou dn<t be ie6e what was ha**enin5 cou d actua y be ha**enin58 Time )ast )orwarded and rewound in her head a at the same time8 :er mind ) ooded with ima5es and words in bits and *ieces, tryin5 to )it themse 6es to5ether8 Time *aused8 She wa 4ed o6er to him s ow y, ca m y, su**ressin5 her 5rowin5 an;iety8 #ithout sittin5 down she said, F#hat<s 5oin5 onH She 4new e;act y what was 5oin5 on, but she needed to hear him say the words8 FP ease sit downG Sasha<s e5s )e t wea4, she 4new she shou d sit down, but she cou dn<t mo6e, she 3ust )e t numb8 FI saw you arri6e but I cou dn<t wor4 u* the coura5e to come o6er to you8 #hen you went to the adies room I too4 the chance to come o6er8G FThat<s 4ind o) coward y don<t you thin4HG she said sarcastica y FP ease sit down and et me e;* ain8G :e * eaded to her with his eyes8

Not wantin5 to brin5 any more attention to their discourse, re uctant y she too4 a seat8 Arms )o ded, e5s crossed8 At that moment e6ery emotion coursed throu5h her body with rec4 ess abandon8 F<I88I don<t 4now what to say8 Kon<t be u*set with me8G :e reached )or her hand8 She maintained her *osition8 FYou<re "embrandtG she shoo4 her head in disbe ie)8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 000 F:ow cou d I ha6e been so stu*idNF I can<t be ie6e thisNG F%et me e;* ain Sasha8G :er i*s *ursed, her eyes *iercin58 FKon<t bother8 There<s nothin5 you can say8G She )ou5ht bac4 the tears, ettin5 her an5er ta4e center sta5e, she re)used to et him see her 6u nerabi ity , to et him see how much he had hurt her8 She stood u*8 :e tried to ta4e ho d o) her hand8 FSasha * ease, wait8G She *u ed away, and wa 4ed out o) the restaurant as )ast as her )eet wou d carry her8 :er eyes ) ooded with tears the moment she ste**ed beyond the restaurant entrance8 :ow cou d you do this to her, she heard caseys 6oice in the bac45round, and then the ur5ency with which her hee s *ounded a5ainst the ti es as she a**roached8 Sasha are you o4 she said 5i6in5 her a hu5e hu58 #hat the )uc4 is 5oin5 on %et<s 5et out o) here Sasha wa 4ed 9uic4 y and irratica y without oo4in5 bac48 She wa 4ed at a 9uic4 *ace tryin5 to 5et ost in the crowd, ne6er oo4in5 bac48 The moment she 5ot into her car, she ca ed casey8 FSashaH, soH #as I ri5htH Is he a short )at ba din5 5uyHG Casey hear the sounds o) cryin5 comin5 )rom the other end8 Sasha )ina y et it a out8 FSash, what<s wron5H are you cryin5H #hat ha**enedH Kid somethin5 ha**en to youH Ta 4 to me8<

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 001 Fit was 2i5ue 8 A this time it was )uc4in5 2i5ue NG F#hatHG what do you mean it was 2i5ue & F"embrandt, red shirt b ue 3eans, 2i5ue G F#ait a second, s ow down8 Start at the be5innin58G Sasha too4 a dee* breath8 F EW8 So I 5o to the restaurant8 #hen I 5et there "embrandt as he ca s himse ), isn<t there8 So I 5o to the adies room and when I come bac4, 5uess who<s sittin5 at my tab eH 2i5ue wearin5 a red shirt and b ue 3eans8< FNo wayNG F I was as stunned as you are8G #hat did he sayH Kid he actua y say that he was "embrandtH I mean did he actua y admit to itH Fyes, *retty much8G @what did he sayH @he tried to e;* ain, but I 3ust e)t8 I didn<t 4now what to say8I didn<t want to ta 4 to him, I 3ust wanted to 5et the he out o) there8 Fwe where are you nowHG I<m in my car8 #e come o6er I< 5et the a coho ready8 I can<t8 I don<t thin4 I can dri6e ri5ht now8 I<m sha4ey, I<m cryin5, I<m a )uc4ed u*8G E4 sweetie, where are youH I< come meet you8 I<m down town8 I<m *ar4ed ri5ht in )ront o) T8 I<m on my way8\

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 00D ZZ:er and Casey sit in the car and ta 4 V casey 5i6es her a ci5arette they ta 4 then 5o to a ca)P and share an ama7in5 tri* e dec4er choco ate ca4e V dar4 mi 4 and white choco ate8 FI<m hereG Sasha, ost in her thou5hts was start ed by Casey<s abru*t entrance8 As she turned into the i5ht, Casey cou d see the stream o) tears runnin5 down her )ace8FEh my 5odN %oo4 at you come here8 She 5a6e Sasha a warm hu58 FI can<t be ie6e thisN #hat the )uc4N E) a the *eo* e, I ne6er e;*ected 2i5ue 8 I to d you, you shou d ha6e 3ust et the who e thin5 die8 And then whatH I wou d be non the wiser that I<m datin5 a diabo ica iarN !ecause I<m wonderin5 i) he wou d ha6e e6er con)essed i) I hadn<t su55ested meetin5 in *erson8 No wonder he too4 so on5 to answer my emai 8 :e was *robab y tryin5 to decide i) he shou d come c ean or not8 FYou ne6er 4now someone as we as you thin4 you do8G FI don<t understand why he wou d do somethin5 i4e that, why anyone wou d do somethin5 i4e thatN, what an assho eN Kid he say anythin5HG FYa, he started o)) by sayin5, * ease don<t be an5ry with me, which *issed me o)) e6en more, I mean how the he can he e;*ect me not to be u*set& men are so stu*idN And then he te s me that he saw me sittin5 there but he was a)raid to come o6er, so i4e a )uc4in5 coward, he waits unti I 5o to the bathroom and decides to sur*rise me when I come bac48G FYou@re 4iddin5 meNG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 00J FI<m not, a)ter that I had to 5et the he out o) there or I was 5oin5 to ose itN< The more she ta 4ed about it the more u*set she became F%oo4 at you, you<re sha4in58G casey )umb ed around in her *urse e6entua y *roducin5 a *ac4 o) ci5arettes and a i5hter8 Fha6e a ci5arette, you need it8G Sasha hadn<t smo4ed since her co e5e days, but casey was ri5ht, at east i) she had a ci5ar ette nto *u)) on she wou d remember to breathe8she needed somethin5 or she was 5oin5 to e;* ode8 Sasha inha ed, she )e t the ca m mo6e throu5h he body8 The ci5arette didn<t taste as 5ood as she remembered it tastin5 when she was 'L8 Then a5ain, at that time o) her i)e she usua y en3oyed her ci5arette with a co))ee or a beer, or a)ter a 5reat round o) se;, but ne6er a)ter a situation i4e the one she )ound herse ) in now8 @I 3ust )ee so )oo ish, you 4now what I mean& I shou d ha6e istened to you )rom the be5innin58 You ne6er 4now who you<re rea y ta 4in5 to un ess they<re standin5 in )ront o) you8 Sasha *u))ed away 6i5orous y on the ci5arette, inha in5 and e;ha in5 her an5er with e6ery *u))8 She be5an to 5et a head rush which made her )ee worse instead o) better8 She *rom*t y threw it out the window and buried her )ace in he hands8 FI can<t be ie6e I was so stu*id8G Casey rubbed her bac48 F#hy don<t we 5o or a drin4HG Casey su55ested8 Sasha shoo4 her head8 I don<t want a din4, I need to thin4 c ear y ri5ht now8 :ow about co))ee thenH I 3ust want to wa 4, I need to burn o)) my an5er, or somethin5 I<m 3ust so con)used and *issed

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 00They wa 4ed )or near y an hour whi e Sasha cursed and ye ed and cried and *ounded her an5er into the *a6ement be)ore ma4in5 their way bac4 to the car8 Sasha<s car was stri m*ar4ed direct y in )ront o) the restaurant8

She stared at the door or oo4ed u* at the si5nH There was a um* in her throat that bare y a owed her breath to esca*e8 :er stomach was tied in so many 4nots, she )e t as thou5h her entire body mi5ht ca6e in at any moment8 FI ne6er want to see him a5ain8G

Cha*ter =L + 2i5ue con)ronts her in the sho*

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 00L

&&Chris<s weddin5 has been mo6ed to mayH Anna is *re5nant - they sto**ed usin5 *rotection the ni5ht he *ro*osed8 Two wee4s had *assed since that day8 Sasha nsti cou d not brin5 herse ) to s*ea4 to 2i5ue 8 :e had been *ersistent in his e))ort to win Sasha<s )or5i6eness, ea6in5 en5thy messa5es and te ;ts8 A o) which immediate y met with Sasha<s de ete button8 As )ar as Sasha was concerned she did<t want to hear anythin5 he had to say8 :e had decei6ed her in the worst way, and there cou d be no e;* anation 5ood enou5h8 She had been made a )oo o), and wasn<t 5oin5 to continue bein5 an e6en bi55er )oo by istenin5 to any more o) his ies8

Casey ur5ed her to ta 4 to him, at east to hear his e;* anation8 I) Sasha didn<t want one, Casey sure did8 !ut Sasha wasn<t ready to ta 4 to him8 she didn<t 4now i) she e6er wou d be8 She needed to 5et her head strai5ht, to 5o o6er e6ery moment, e6ery word, with a )ine tooth comb8 Nothin5 made sense, why wou d he do thatH #as it a a bi5 5ame to himH

She had mana5ed to 5et throu5h the ast cou* e o) wee4s with a smi e on her )ace8 !ut at the end o) the day, when she was a a one she ended each ni5ht in a *oo o) tears8 Sasha tidied u* the sho* counter and dimmed the i5hts8 She contem* ated ta4in5 a on5 wa 4 a on5 the *ier, to c ear her head8 It had been a busy day8 Antony chattered non sto* As she made her way to oc4 the door, she was start ed by a )i5ure standin5 at the door8 She 9uic4 y rea i7ed that it was 2i5ue , then instant *anic set in8 At that moment she wanted to oc4

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 01. the door and hide herse ) in the 4itchen8 :e stoo*ed to a6oid the be , and remained hunched o6er, starin5 at the )or a moment be)ore oo4in5 u* at Sasha8 Sasha ste**ed bac4 )earin5 the imminent con)rontation she had been a6oidin58 :e c osed the door behind him and stared at Sasha without sayin5 a word8 Sasha noticed he had tears in his eyes8 FSasha, I<m sorry8G :e said 9uiet y Sasha mo6ed towards the counter without ac4now ed5in5 him and be5an to 5ather her thin5s8 FSasha * ease isten to me, et me e;* ain8G She continued to i5nore him, whi e 5ettin5 her 4eys and her *urse ready8 2i5ue co6ered her hand with his and he d it )irm y on the counter restrictin5 her mo6ement8 FKon<t touch meNG Sasha sna**ed an5ri y *u in5 her hand away8 FSasha what can I say to you to et you 4now how 6ery sorry I amG FThere<s no *oint in e6en ha6in5 this discussion 2i5ue 8 There<s nothin5 in the wor d that you cou d *ossib y say that wou d ma4e me )or5i6e what you did8G FSasha I o6e you8 I re5ret that I didn<t ha6e the coura5e to te you this months a5o8G

FI can<t be ie6e that you<re sayin5 this to me nowN It seems i4e you<re wi in5 to say anythin5 to a6oid ta4in5 res*onsibi ity )or what you did to me8 I may ha6e been naa6e, but I<m not stu*id 2i5ue N I mean how can you e6en use the word o6e, you don<t ie to someone you o6e, you don<t 4nowin5 y decei6e them )or monthsNG e6erythin5 she had been ho din5 inside was c amberin5 to be re eased8 FYou<re ri5htG FE) course I<m ri5ht, you<re wastin5 your time, and you<re wastin5 my time8 I<6e 5ot to 5oG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 01' Sasha 5rabbed her 4eys and made her way to the door8 2i5ue interce*ted her, barrin5 the door8 F,ust et me e;* ain8G Sasha c enched her teeth, tryin5 to su**ress her esca atin5 an5er8 FThe who e thin5 3ust 5ot out o) hand8 That day when I e)t you a note8 You e)t your screen o*en in the bac4, and I saw that you were on the site8 At )irst I thou5ht that it wou d be )un to send you a messa5e8 I *retended to be someone e se because I 4new that i) you 4new t was me, you wou dn<t ha6e res*onded8 And when you did, I don<t 4now I 3ust wanted to 4ee* ta 4in5 to you8 and the more we ta 4ed the more I 5ot to 4now you8 You were so much more o*en and honest with me as "embrandt than you were in *erson, it was 3ust easier I su**ose8 You were re)usin5 to ta 4 to me or return my ca s, I didn<t 4now what e se to do8 In hindsi5ht it was stu*id I 4now, but it seemed i4e a 5ood idea at the time8G Sasha )o der her arms, 4ee*in5 her )ocus on the door, and her des*eration to 5et to it8 2i5ue *ic4ed u* his *ace sensin5 that Sasha<s im*atience8 F*art o) me thou5ht that it was a 5ood way to 5et to 4now you better8 I 5uess I thou5ht it wou d 5i6e me an ad6anta5e and I cou d im*ress you8 That<s a so why I ne6er mentioned my *aintin5 to you8 I thou5ht you wou d ha6e )i5ured out that it was me, and I didn<t want you to )ind out that way8G Sasha 5 anced at him throu5h eyes that were no bi55er than a s it8 She istened re uctant y as he s*ira ed into a des*erate ramb e that on y in)uriated her )urther8 FThat<s a it was to you ehH MunNG Shoo4 her head8 FThat<s what I mean, you @re so 3u6eni eN I can<t be ie6e I was so stu*id8 I shou d ha6e istened to my instincts8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 01( FNo, it wasn<t i4e that8 It may ha6e started out as )un, but the more we s*o4e on ine, the dee*er the )ee in5s I a ready had )or you 5rew8 I 4new I was )a in5 dee* y in o6e with you8G F#hat I can<t be ie6e is that you e6en continued your charade when my mother diedNG The *ain o) oosin5 her mother resur)aced, mani)estin5 itse ) as )u b own an5er8 She bare y 5ot the words out then bro4e into tears8 :er body was tremb in5 now )i5htin5 to ho d bac4 the tears8 2i5ue embraced her, *ressin5 her head a5ainst his chest8 Sasha, wea4ened and e;as*erated, a owed him to ho d her8 FThat was the hardest thin5 )or me to do8 !ut you wou dn<t et me 5et c ose to you8 I tried to com)ort you but you 3ust 4e*t *ushin5 me away8 As "embrandt, at east I co d sti be there )or you, I cou d sti ma4e sure that you were o48 #as that so wron5HG F It wasn<t rea , don<t you understand thatH I can<t )or5i6e that F she sobbed8 FI 3ust can<t8G F!ut it &as rea 8 E6ery sin5 e word I e6er said to you was )rom my heart8 E6ery sin5 e word8 The on y thin5 that was di))erent was my name, but I wou d ha6e said those e;act words to you as 2i5ue , i) I had the 5uts8 I swear it on my i)eNG Sasha *u ed away )rom him, )orce)u y brea4in5 )ree o) his embrace8 Pain a5ain turnin5 to an5er8 FYou must be some 4ind o) *sycho*ath i) you thin4 that *retendin5 you<re an art dea er named "embrandt or ,or5e or whate6er other name you can thin4 o), is bein5 rea 8 :ow is any o) that rea 2i5ue H I shou d ha6e istened to Casey a on5 time a5o, he I shou d ha6e istened to myse )NG FSasha ri5ht now, I 3ust want you to isten to me8 I swear to you I wasn<t tyin5 to hurt you8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 01= I wasn<t yin5 about my name either8 ,or5e-"embrandt is my midd e name8 ,or5e is my )athers name, and my mother wanted "embrandt8 That came as a sur*rise to Sasha but it didn<t ma4e a di))erence8 She cou dn<t et it ma4e a di))erence8 FI *aint8 :e e;ha ed8 That<s my 5i)t8 I *aint and I ha6e so d some o) my *aintin5s throu5h my mothers 5a ery, that<s why I said that I was art dea er8 I wasn<t yin58 Sasha, you ha6e to be ie6e me, you ha6e no idea how many times I wanted to te you the truth8 !u I 3ust cou dn<t, because I 4new it meant I cou d ose you8 You thin4H Sasha scow ed sarcastica y8 So why now eh, why decide to come c ean now, why not 3ust ma4e "embrandt disa**ear, and I wou d ha6e been none the wiser8

FTo be honest, I thou5ht about it, but how cou d IH E6en i) I did I wou dn<t be ab e to i6e with that ie between us8 FSo 5ui t, 5ui t made you con)ess, we at east I 4now you<6e 5ot a conscience8G FIt wasn<t 5ui t Sasha, it was o6e8 I wanted to te you sooner I swear, but the timin5 ne6er seemed ri5ht8 That ni5ht I in6ited you o6er, I * anned to te you that ni5ht, but then Komini9ue came bac4 and the o**ortunity was ost8 Then I was 5oin5 to te you when we were in Paris but--F The instant that he mentioned Paris, Sasha<s body sti))ened8 She tried des*erate y to rid her mind o) the time they s*ent to5ether in Paris8 The time they s*ent in bedThim inside o) her8 She mo6ed )urther away )rom him8 F!ut you were too busy )uc4in5 me ri5htHG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 010 That ni5ht was what made her )ee the most )oo ish o) a , surrenderin5 e6ery a*art o) herse ) to him8 And a a on5 he wasn<t e6en bein5 honest with her8 FMirst you )uc4 with my head, then you )uc4 me itera y8G Sasha s*at the words at him8 FP ease don<t reduce it to that Sasha8 #e both 4now it was so much more than that8G :e reached )or her8 She wi*ed away her tears and ste**ed out o) his reach8 F#hat about you ehHG :e 5rew an5ry now8 FYou te me you o6e me in Paris, but then you come bac4 here and ri5ht away you were wi in5 to ha6e co))ee with a stran5er you met on ineHG FI<m not istenin5 to this8G Sasha was )umin5 now8 She wou dn<t e6en ac4now ed5e his ridicu ous accusation8 FE4ay, Sasha I<m sorry,G his eyes * eaded8 FI shou dn<t ha6e said that, I don<t 4now why I said that, * ease--F F,ust ea6e 2i5ue , * ease8G She was sti an5ry, but had no more )i5ht e)t in her8 FI rea y don<t want to hear anythin5 e se that you<6e 5ot to say8G 2i5ue hesitated8 Eb6ious y wantin5 to say more, but aware that he had said enou5h a ready8 The dama5e had been done8 :e retreated8 #ithout another word, he turned and s ow y wa 4ed out the door and out o) Sasha<s i)e8 Sasha oc4ed the door behind him and eaned her bac4 a5ainst it8 She didn<t want to watch him wa 4 away8 She s id to the 5round, cur ed her body into a ba and we*t8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 011

Cha*ter 0. - Casey<s * ace&Chris<s weddin5

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 01D Sasha he d u* the *in4 shi))on dress )rom A*ostro*h, then dro**ed it to the 5round ansd san4 to her 4nees in tears8 Today was christo*h<s weddin58 Today she was su**osed to be wearin5 that dress with 2i5ue on her arm8 The 6ery site o) the dress brou5ht memories o) their Paris tri* ) oodin5 bac48 Sasha wi*ed bac4 the tears aand reminded herse ) not to be so sentimenta about somethin5 that wasn<t e6en rea a a on58 Sasha *ac4ed the dres neat y bac4 in it<s bo;, 9and buried it at the bac4 o) the c oset, then immediate y ca ed Casey8 FCaseyHG F:ey what<s u* SashHG FI<m comin5 o6er8 I need to borrow somethin5 )or Chris<s weddin58 I can<t wear the dress 2i5ue 5a6e me, I can<t e6en stand to oo4 at it8 "i5ht now I 3ust want to burn it8G F:ey Sasha, don<t do anythin5 cra7y now, you<re not 5oin5 to burn a nine hundred do ar dress o4ayH ?i6e it to me be)ore you do that8G Casey tried her best to inter3ect some humor into the situation, but cou d te that it wasn<t wor4in58 FCome on o6er sweetie8 I understand, you don<t want to be reminded o) him8 I<m sure I ha6e somethin5 that used to )it me when I was ten *ounds i5hterNG

&&modi)y Come in sweetie, Casey 5a6e sasha<s seemin5 y de) ated body a warm hu5 in the doorway8 I<m ma4in5 us some monte cristo co))ees8 "obert is at the 5ym so we ha6e the * ace to ourse 6es8 &&

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 01J Casey<s condo was bri5ht and airy with a hu5e wa o) 5 ass )acin5 east catchin5 the sun a day on58 The air sme ed o) the sweet into;icatin5 mi;ture o) )resh 5round co))ee and ?rand 2arnier8 Casey ed Sasha to the brea4)ast counter8 No o))ense Sasha, but you oo4 terrib e8 Than4s, I )ee terrib e8 Sasha too4 a dee* soothin5 si* o) her e;otic co))ee tincture8 2i5ue showed u* at the sho* yesterday e6enin58 Are you seriousH #hat did he sayH FE) course he tried to @e;* ain< e6erythin5 and a*o o5i7e to no end, but I 3ust didn<t want to hear it8G FI can<t )or5i6e him8 I )ee i4be such a )oo N As )ar as I<m concerned, I ne6er want to see him a5ain8NG FSo that<s it, a month a5o you were head o6er hee s in o6e with this 5uy now you ne6er want to see him a5ainH FYa, that<s ri5ht8G F!e)ore you write him o)) so 9uic4 y te me e;act y what he said8 I 3ust )ind it so hard to be ie6e that he was 3ust * ayin5 some 4ind o) 5ame with you8 :e 3ust doesn<t seem i4e that ty*e o) 5uy8 Ya, that<s what I thou5ht too but ob6ious y we were both wron58 You rea y thin4 soH

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 01F:e said it wasn<t a 5ame8 :e accidenta y )ound out I was on the site, and at )irst it was 3ust su**osed to be a one time thin58 I can<t be ie6e it8 So he snoo*ed around your com*uter and )ound out you were on the site and then 5ot on and started chattin5 to youH #hy wou d he do thatH :e said it was because I wou dn<t ta 4 to him or return his ca s8 That<s true, but, )uc4N I can<t be ie6e he did that8 Sasha I don<t 4now why you didn<t 3ust ta 4 to him instead o) a6oidin5 him8 you used to do the same thin5 with 3ames and oo4 what that 5ot you, end ess sur*rise 6isits8 Now this is my )au tH :ow is this my )au tH You<re rea y sayin5 that I brou5ht this on myse )H I caused 2i5ue to 5o a *sychotic and de6e o* mu ti* e *ersona ities 3ust because I didn<t want to ta 4 to himH That<s not what I<m sayin5 Sasha8 I<m 3ust sayin5 that a o) this cou d ha6e been a6oided i) you 5uys wou d ha6e 3ust communicated that<s a 8 I mean i) he went to a that troub e to ta 4 to you and 5et to 4now you, we ob6ious y he had rea )ee in5s )or you8 Mee in5s that he ob6ious y cou dn<t 6erba i7e to you in *erson8 Ya, on y because he<s a coward8 Ya, but you<re no better8 Sasha cast Casey a scow in5 oo48 I<m 3ust bein5 honest8 Now you<re ta4inb5 his sideH No, I<m not ta4in5 his side, I 3ust thin4 you mi5ht be o6erreactin5 a bit8 That<s the same thin5 you said when I )ired him

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 01L Ya, and wasn<t I ri5htH No, I was ri5ht to )ire him8 2y mista4e was 5oin5 to Paris with him because then I wou dn<t be in this situation ri5ht now8 Ya, then you wou dn<t ha6e had an ama7in5 time in Paris with the man o) your dreams !ut was he the man o) my dreamsH I mean rea y, do I e6en really 4now him8 I understand what you<re sayin5 Sash, but it<s not i4e someone e se was ty*in5 a that shit8 I mean, ob6ious y he was writin5 what he was )ee in58 :ow do I 4now that )or sure8 I )ee i4e I don<t 4now anythin5 )or sure anymore8 I sti thin4 you shou d 5i6e him another chance8 Ya because you<re a ways on the o6e train #hat can I say, I i4e ha**y endin5s8 And I i4e 2i5ue 8 The two o) you be on5 to5ether8 Case, I 3ust can<t8 I<m so con)used ri5ht now8 A I do is 5o o6er e6ery con6ersation I had with "embran<<dt and com*are them with the ones I had with 2i5ue 8 #hat are you tryin5 to )i5ure out8 I don<t 4now8 I 5uess what *arts were ies and what *arts were the truth8 That @s why I can<t 5o bac48 I don<t )ee I can trust anythin5 that he says8 And it wou d be so aw4ward8 I was di))erent when I ta 4ed to "embrandt8 I ta 4ed about thin5s and said thn5s to @"embrandt< that I wou dn<t ha6e said to 2i5ue , not yet anyway8 I 3ust )ee stu*id, i4e the 3o4e was on me, and a this time he 4new it8 I can<t sha4e that )ee in58 Wnow what I meanH Wind o)8 !ut I sti don<t thin4 you shou d write him o)) 3ust yet8 ?i6e it some time8 ima5inin5 that any amount o) time in the wor d wou d e6er ma4e her )or5i6e him seemed im* ausib e to Sasha8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0D. I #ish you were comin5 today, 3ust in case he shows u*8 I wish I was too sweetie, but I can<t miss this o*enin5, it<s 5oin5 to be bi58 E6erybody who<s anybody wi be there8 2ore than ha ) o) those rooms ha6e my name a o6er it8 That<s o4, I mana5ed to con6ince ,a77 to come out o) hibernation and be my date8 Koes she 4now about 2i5ue 8 Ya, I to d her e6erythin58 She cou dn<t be ie6e it either8

So you ha6e no idea whether or not he sti * ans to come8 I doubt he< show8 I doubt he e6en remembered that the weddin5 was today8 2aybe that<s why he showed u* yesterday, maybe he was sti considerin5 comin58 I doubt it8 he didn<t e6en mention the weddin58 Then a5ain I didn<t e;act y 5i6e him a chance to say much at a 8 I rea y ho*e he doesn<t * an on showin5 u*, that wou d com* ete y ruin my day That<s !ut I thin4 he 5ot the messa5e8 At east I ho*e he did8 I don<t want him to show u*, it Mor your sa4e I ho*e he doesn<t show u* either8 !ut 3ust incase, ets ma4e sure you oo4 e;tra - hot Casey 5rabbed her by the hand and ed her to the bouti9ue si7ed wardrobe at the end o) the ha 8

[[Chris<s weddin5 Presentin5 2r8 and 2rs

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0D' E6eryone too4 to their )eet and the church )i ed with a** ause8 Christo*he beamed *roud y in his three *iece *instri*ed Ca 6in W ein suit8 :e oo*ed Anna<s arm secure y throu5h his and be5an their *rocession as husband and wi)e8 As Sasha turned to watch the cou* e ma4e their way out, she scanned the church ner6ous y be)ore ma4in5 her way out8 Since she e)t Casey<s that mornin5 she had a 3ittery )ee in5 she wasn<t ab e to sha4e8 2aybe it was the 2onte Cristo co))ee ta4in5 it<s a))ect, or somethin5 more i) she were bein5 truth)u 8 Sasha too4 a dee* breath o) )resh air when she ste**ed outside the church, and e;ha ed a si5h o) re ie) when she rea i7ed that 2i5ue was nowhere in si5ht8 Say cheeseN A *hoto5ra*her 9uic4 y sna**ed a *hoto o) Are you o4H Ya I<m )ine8 You sureH ,a77 rubbed her bac4 instincti6e y tryin5 to ca mT Ya, I<m )ine8 I don<t thin4 you ha6e to worry about him showin5 u*8 Sasha ho*ed she was ri5ht8 but there was sti the rece*tion8

The rece*tion ha wasT88 There were twice as many *eo* e as there were at the church, more )aces to scan Sasha thou5ht8 They sat at a round tab e with two other youn5 cou* es8 Sasha reco5ni7ed one o) the 5ir s )rom cu inary schoo 8 She was t

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0D( here with her boy)riends, and the other cou* e Sasha ater )ound out were not a cou* e at a , but 3ust 5ood )riends, who were a so )ormer co ea5ues8 FSto* doin5 that,G ,a77 nud5ed Sasha under the tab e8 FSto* doin5 whatHG F%oo4in5 at the door e6ery )i6e minutes8 You<6e been doin5 it a day8 At the church, in the car, in the obby, you<re constant y doin5 it8G FIs it that badHG FYes it is8 It<s i4e you<re not rea y *resent8 Sorry, I<m here, rea y, I<m )ocused8 #hat was the ast thin5 I said to youH FSomethin5 about the shrim*, I thin4HG FSee, you<re not e6en sure8 I said these shrim* are the best I<6e e6er had8 You a5reed, but I doubt that you rea y taste the shrim*8 You 4now what I meanH You<re ri5ht8 You<re so ri5ht8 I<m 3ust 5oin5 to en3oy myse ) and sto* worryin5 about whether or not he<s 5oin5 to show u*8 I) he shows u* I< worry about it then8 FThat<s the ri5ht attitude8G I 3ust can<t 5et *ast the way men thin4 sometimes8 :ow cou d he ha6e thou5ht that decei6in5 me i4e that was a 5ood idea, and why can<t he understand that I ne6er want to see him a5ainH FThat<s why I *re)er women8G I 4now what you mean8 #ait, what did you 3ust sayH FI said that<s why I *re)er the com*any o) my own 4ind8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0D= #ait a second8 ,a77, are you sayin5 what I thin4 you<re sayin5H Not that I<m shoc4ed, but you<re actua y sayin5 it8 #hat do you mean not that you<re shoc4edH You<re te in5 me you<re a esbian ri5htHnot bise;ua , not bi curious, a )u ) ed5ed e7 ri5htH Yes Sasha , I<m )ina y admittin5 it, comin5 out o) the c oset I 5uess #e a 4ind o) sus*ected, but we )i5ured that i) there was anythin5 to te , you wou d te us8 I mean we a 4new you were @e;*erimentin5< in co e5e, remember when you and Shei a ward wa 4ed around ho din5 hands )or i4e a wee48 That was weird, but T8 So that<s it, no men a5ain, e6erH That<s it, I )ina y rea y 4now what I want8 Not that that necessari y ma4es it any easier8 You<re not the on y one with re ationshi* *rob ems you 4now sash8 It<s not e;act y easy )indin5 someone s*ecia in my *osition8 Sometimes I<m attracted to someone but )irst I ha6e to )i5ure out whether or not they<re 5ay, then i) they are I ha6e to )i5ure out i) they are interested8 It<s e;haustin5 and )rustratin5 at times, that<s why I 3ust stic4 to esbian )unctions and ho*e )or the best, but so )ar no uc48 #ow, I ne6er thou5ht o) how it must be )or you8 :ere I am wra**ed u* in my own drama,and you<6e been dea in5 with your own issues8 :onest y, I a ways thou5ht you were sin5 e because you i4ed bein5 sin5 e8 I 3ust ha6en<t )ound mrs ri5ht8 The moment she said that 2adison their tab e 5uest turned and oo4ed in their direction and smi ed t 3a778

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0D0 ,a77 wondered i) she had o6erheard their con6ersation8 She to d herse ) it didn<t matter re5ard ess8 I) she was 5oin5 to be out she had to be com)ortab e with others reactions, she 3ust wasn<t 9uite ready to shout it )rom the roo) to*s yet8 ,a77 wants to dance Sasha does not8 ,a77 dances with with some 5ir a e6enin5 and they start datin58

:ey than4s )or ditchin5 me8 #hat are you ta 4in5 about, you ditched me a on5 time a5o8 I 4now, I<m sorry, I ha6en<t been 5reat com*any8 Are you ready to 5et 5oin5H No, I thin4 I<m 5oin5 to han5 around a itt e bit on5er8 "ea yH #hi e Sasha had s*ent the e6enin5 a ternatin5 between scannin5 the room and starin5 o)) into s*ace, 3a77 had been busy ha6in5 )un8 She seemed to ha6e rea y hit it o)) with christo*h<s cousin which had ta4en the *reassure o)) o) ssha to be socia 8 I ha6en<t been out )or a whi e, and that Uuinn, she<s a b ast, we<re *robab y 5oin5 to hit a c ub a)ter we ea6e here8 ,a77 was *um*ed u* i4e Sasha hd ne6er seen her be)ore Eh, o4ay, I 5uess she< 5i6e you a i)t home then8 Ya don<t worry about it8 She stood u* to 5i6e Sasha a hu58 ?et some rest and sto* thin4in5 about him8 FI 4now8G I) on y it were that easy8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0D1 Cha*ter 0' + The *ortrait

It was c ose to two months since thin5s had ended with 2i5ue 8 :e didn<t come bac4 to the sho* a)ter that day8 Mor a whi e, he *honed re ent ess y ea6in5 numerous messa5es, a o) which Sasha immediate y de eted8 :e sent en5thy emai s )i ed with a*o o5ies and detai ed e;* anations8 They were met with the same rece*tion as the *hone ca s and the ) owers and cards that )o owed8 Then sudden y one day, nothin58 E6erythin5 sto**ed, the *hone ca s the te;ts, the ) owers8 A *art o) Sasha was re ie6ed8 :e was startin5 to wear her down with his re ent ess *ursuit o) her )or5i6eness8 She was tryin5 hard to *ut e6erythin5 behind her, but his constant *esterin5 was *re6entin5 her )rom mo6in5 )orward8

A)ter about a month o) not hearin5 )rom 2i5ue , Sasha somewhat re uctant y acce*ted the )act that it was rea y o6er8 Now that the initia *ain and an5er had dissi*ated she was ab e to remember the 5ood thin5s8 That was the source o) her sadness that it was o6er8 #hen it was 5ood, it was so 5ood8 Too bad it was a a ie she was 9uic4 to remind herse )8 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ 2inutes a)ter she ste**ed into the sho*, there was a 4noc4 at the door8 It was ?ior5io, ho din5 a ar5e *arce 8 F:eyNG she shu)) ed in with the *arce bein5 care)u not to bum* it8 FYou<re ate today, what ha**en you s ee* in a5ainHG :e au5hed boisterous y8 FSomethin5 i4e that8 #hat on earth is thatHG

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0DD FSome 5uy de i6ered it this mornin5, but you were sti in bed s ee*in58G :e win4ed8 FSo I si5n )or you, it<s o48 You don<t 4now what it isHG FI wasn<t e;*ectin5 anythin58 ,ust *ut it o6er there behind the counter, I< o*en it ater8 Than4s ?ior5ioG F:ey, anythin5 )or you, 3ust don<t )or5et the Canno is ehHG FKon<t worry, I< ha6e them ready )or you today8G Sasha oo4ed bac4 at the *ac4a5e *er* e;ed8 It was wra**ed in sim* e brown *a*er with a white abe that had her name and address on it8 #hen she tore bac4 the brown *a*er wra**in5, she immediate y )e t the te;ture o) *aint on can6as8 #hen she tore o)) the entire wra**in5 she was stunned at the *icture it re6ea ed8 She stood bac4 to 5et a )u 6iew8 It was a woman yin5 on a bed8 :er eyes c osed so)t y8 Satin sheets dra*ed oose y across her na4ed body8 :er bare nec4 and shou der e;*osed ca*turin5 a subt e re) ection o) i5ht8 It was beauti)u 8 It was her8 En the bottom ri5ht hand corner it was inscribed8 76on A"our $or"ire by 6iguel $e6arco8 She )ro7e8 She 3ust stood in si ence and stared at the *icture8 Mor a moment she was con)used8 So many emotions coursed throu5h her at one time8 There was the shoc4 that the *ac4a5e was )rom 2i5ue , whom she hadn<r heard )rom in some time8 There was the breathta4in5 beauty o) the *ortrait, and the rea i7ation that 2i5ue had *ainted it8 Mor her8 E) her8 The street noise o) a 5rou* o) boys *assin5 outside her door sna**ed her bac4 to rea ity8 She had to 5et the sho* o*en8 She was a ready runnin5 ate8 :er *urse and 4eys were sti on the counter8 !rown *a*er wra**in5 co6ered the ) oor8 She mo6ed the *aintin5 into the 4itchen

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0DJ where it wou d be out o) si5ht8 It was a too much )or her to ta4e in at the moment8 She turned it around to )ace it towards the wa , that<s when she saw the inscri*tion on the bac48

As you slept peace(ully relished in the delight :( a &ell spent night 'hen our souls co"bined and intert&ined and brought to li(e an entity that ne2er be(ore existed inside o( "e #o2e-

&ill lo2e you All &ays Al&ays


[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0DShe )e t the bottom dro* out )rom her stomach8 Tears ) ooded her eyes8 She was s*eech ess8

She mana5ed to ma4e it throu5h the day without )ocusin5 too much on the *aintin58 The sho* was unusua y busy because o) a ra y that was ta4in5 * ace a )ew b oc4s away8 The )irst chance she 5ot, she was on the *hone to Casey8 FCan you *ass by the sho* ater todayH There<s somethin5 you<6e 5ot to see8G FSure, what is it8G FI can<t te you, you<6e 5ot to see it )or yourse )8G FE4, can<t you 5i6e me a itt e hintHG FNo , 3ust come byaround c osin5 time o4HG FE4,E4, I< see you ater8 This better be 5ood8G FKon<t worry, it isNG

F#owNG, was Casey<s )irst res*onse when Sasha too4 her in the bac4 and showed her the *aintin58 FYou weren<t 4iddin5, this is bi58 I can<t be ie6e he *ainted this )or you8 Aww Sasha, he rea y o6es you8 Casey 6erba i7ed what Sasha had been )i5htin5 to deny a day8 Acce*tin5 his sentiments meant Sasha )or5a6e him8 She cou dn<t a ow herse ) to be ie6e in his 6e, she cou dn<t a ow herse ) to e6er be that 6u nerab e a5ain8 FKid you ta 4 to himHG FNo8 This was 3ust here waitin5 )or me when I 5ot in8 :e hasn<t ca ed or anythin5, and I don<t want to ca him8G F#hy notH Eb6ious y the 5uy is sorry8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0DL FYa, I 4now, but I 3us t don<t want to stir u* any o d )ee in5s8G F#hat @o d< )ee in5s are you ta 4in5 aboutH I don<t thin4 your )ee in5s )or him ha6e 5otten o d by a on5 shot8 You@re ob6ious y sti in o6e with him Sasha8 You say you @re o6er him, but oo4 at you8 This *aintin5 has 5ot you a emotiona 8 I) you didn<t care anymore, then you wou dn<t ha6e e6en bothered to ca me down here8G FYou<re ri5ht Case, but I 3ust can<t8 I don<t thin4 I can<t trust him a5ain8 :e made me )ee, i4e a com* ete )oo 8G FI understand8 It<s such a shame8 :e tota y messed u* what cou d ha6e been a 5ood thin58G FI 4now8G FYou shou d at east ca him to than4 him8G %oo4 what he wrote on the bac48 Mor the )irst time in Casey was s*eech ess8 ?i6e me your *hone #hatH I) you don<t ha6e the 5uts to ca him I wi N Sasha stared at the *aintin5 sha4ein5 her head, You don<t ha6e to8

---end o) cha*ter--

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0J.

The *hone started to s ide around in her hand as her *a ms be5an to sweat8 She hadn<t heard the sound o) his 6oice in a most two months8 She was )ear)u o) what she wou d )ee when she )ina y did8

F:e oHG Came the dee* 6oice on the other end o) the *hone8G :i 2i5ue it<s me8 Sasha8 :i, how are youH I<m )ine, )ine8 I 5ot the *aintin5, than4 you, it was beauti)u 8 I s4etched it whi e you were as ee*8 In Paris8 I s*ent the ast month *aintin5 it in my studio8 :e has a studioH Sasha was reminded o) how itt e she 4new about him, whereas Casey was me tin5 under the romanticism o) it a 8 Eh, we , than4 you8 I don<t 4now where I<m 5oin5 to *ut it but than4s8 Sasha, I want to see you8 Sasha 9uic4 y co6ered the mouth *ie6e with her ri5ht hand and mouthed to Casey :e wants to see me Yes Casey mouthed bac4 noddin5 6i5ourous y at the same time8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0J' I don<t thin4 that<s such a 5ood idea8 Casey )rowned and eane her ear c oser to the recei6er in an attem*t to hear mi5ue s side o) the con6ersation8 I ha6e somethin5 that I bou5ht )or you in Paris, but I ne6er had a chance to 5i6e it to you8 #hy don<t you 3ust ha6e it de i6ered8 %i4e the *aintin5H This is somethin5 that I ha6e to 5i6e you in *erson8 Sasha hesitated8 Casey was mouthin5 5o XCasey secret y 4new about it because he ca ed her to he * or5ani7e it8 she 4ee*s her out o) the sho* - c7asey and her 5o 5et nai s and hair done so that she< m oo4 hot Sasha<s heart was sayin5 5o but her head was sayin5 no, she was momentari y immobi i7ed8 Casey *u ed the *hone )rom her 5ras*8 She< meet you, when and whereH #ho is thisH Sorry 2i5ue , it<s Casey8 I don<t mean to inter)ere but Sasha can be so stubborn sometimes8 Sa sha was shoc4ed annoyed re ie6ed and an5ry a at the same time8 She stood by and istened as Casey arran5ed a time and * ace8 You<re meetin5 him Sunday ni5ht at the sho*, se6en o<c oc4 shar*8 Kon<t be ate8 Sasha be5an to s*ea4 but be)ore she cou d 5et a word out casy cut her o))8 No I wi not come with you8 It<s time you sto**ed a6oidin5 him Sasha8 Mor the record I was not 5oin5 to as4 you to come with me, that is i) I decide to 5o8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0J( You<re 5oin5, you can<t et a 5uy i4e him 5et away without e6en tryin58) #hat I was 5oin5 to say is now I<m wonderin5 i) he e6en has somethin5 )or me or i) he<s 3ust sayin5 that to 5et me to meet him8 see that wi )ore6er be a *rob em i) we e6er ha6e any 4ind o) re ationshi*8 I<m 5oin5 to be doubtin5 e6erythin5 he says, and wonderin5 i) he<s 3ust sayin5 it to 5et what he wants8 ,st 5i6e him a chance Sasha8 I thin4 he<s a 5ood 5uy that 3ust didn<t a rea y stu*id thin58 And rea y, thin4 about it, what 5uy has ne6er done somethin5 rea y stu*id8

At east you can 5et some 4ind o) c osure8 I thou5ht I a ready had c osure8 #e , you< )ind out )or sure when you see him8

Cha*ter 0( + The *ro*osa

Sunday seemed to ta4e an eternity to arri6e, Sasha hadn<t been ab e to thin4 about anythin5 e se the entire wee48 C6eri)y time ineC

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0J= Now that the day had )ina y come, she was on *ins and need es, wishin5 she had more time to *re*are8 Kecidin5 on an out)it was her bi55est di emma8 She must ha6e tried on at east si; di))erent *airs o) *ants, and twice as many to*s, and it was a ready )i6e o<c oc48 Sasha had deemed their meetin5 Fthe ast time they wou d see each otherG, which on y added to the *ressure o) se ectin5 the *er)ect out)it8 I) it tru y was 5oin5 to be the ast time she saw 2i5ue , she wanted to ea6e him with a astin5 memory o) her oo4in5 ama7in58 She wondered brie) y whether he was *uttin5 I as much time and e))ort as she was8 Sasha must ha6e ca ed Casey at east )i6e times that day, two o) the times Casey had no ta 4 her out o) cance in58 Sasha was a bund e o) ner6es and cou dn<t wait )or the who e thin5 to be o6er8 She wou d be meetin5 Casey )or a Fbrie)in5G o6er a bott e o) wine at se6en thirty8 That wou d 5i6e her a most ha ) an hour with 2i5ue which she was sure wou d be more than enou5h time8 Sasha wanted to 4ee* their meetin5 short8 Too much time meant ea6in5 the door o*en )or o d emotions to resur)ace8

She sus*ected that whate6er 5i)t he had )or her )rom Paris cou d ha6e 3ust as easi y been de i6ered i4e the *ortrait8 :e wanted to see her8 And admitted y, she wanted to see him too8 Sasha oo4ed at the ha* o) c othes on the bed, and *u ed out a *air o) dar4 3eans and a bei5e camiso e8

She 5 anced at the c oc4, it was si; )i)teen, i) she was 9uic4 she wou d sti ha6e enou5h time to ma4e it to the sho* a 5ood ha ) hour be)ore 2i5ue 8 Time seemed to be *assin5 at i5htenin5

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0J0 s*eed a)ter that8 Si; thirty ro ed around and Sasha was sti in the mirror *er)ectin5 her ma4e u*8 E6erwhe min5 an;iety sudden y be5an to set in8 she rushed around the house 9uic4 y co ectin5 her 4eys and *urse and chec4in5 the mirror one ast time be)ore headin5 out the door8 :er head was in turmoi , her heart was *oundin5 and her stomach was doin5 summersau ts8 She wasn<t sure which body *art she shou d isten to, but she cou d hear Casey<s words re*eatin5 i4e a mantra in rthe bac4 o) her mind, Fyou &ill kno& &hen you see hi"G8

Sasha *u ed u* in )ront o) the sho*8 There was no si5n o) 2i5ue 8 Sasha breathed a si5h o) re ie)8 The streets were 9uiet a o6er8 ?ior5io<s was sti o*ened but ?ior5io had e)t )or the e6enin5, a e6iatin5 any worries o) an unwe come interru*tion8 Sasha 9uic4 y headed )or the sho* door ho*in5 to 5et inside and sett ed be)ore 2i5ue arri6ed8 #hen she *ushed o*en the door, a 5o den hue emanated )rom inside the sho*8 Mor a 9uic4 second she 9uestioned whether she had )or5otten to turn o)) the bac4 i5ht, in the same instance she rea i7ed that the i5ht was the 5 ow o) cand e i5ht8 She ste**ed inside tentati6e y then )ro7e instant y when she saw 2i5ue standin5 amidst the 5 owin5 bac4dro*8 Sasha was rea y not 5ood with sur*rises, and this was one sur*rise that instincti6e y made her want to turn around and run8 !ut her )eet re)used to coo*erate8 2i5ue a**roached her, Sasha inha ed a dee* breath, sudden y rea i7in5 that she had sto**ed breathin5 momentari y8 In his hand he he d a bou9uet o) on5 stem ye ow roses with one red in the center8 :e was )resh y sha6en, his dar4 wa6y hair mi d y tamed8 :e was wearin5 a b ac4 satin trimmed suit, that was made )or his body8 #ith e6ery ste* that he too4 towards her she )e t her tem*erature rise8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0J1 Sashan cou nRt de3y how attracti6e 2i5ue was, how attracted she was to him, and how much her heart sti yearned )or him8 i) on y her trust in him ran as dee* as her o6e )or him8 as he neared her, his sweet into;icatin5 scent too4 ho d o) her and whis*ed her o)) to another wor d, a wor d in which she was no on5er in contro 8 S ow y,so)t y,si ent y, he too4 her hand and ed her o6er to a tab e in the center the room8 It was co6ered with a white tab ec oth and was decorated wth a center*iece o) ) owers a9nd cand es8 E6erythin5 )e t surrea , her surroundin5s )e t so un)ami iar, her emotions so So many emotions danced around inside o) her :e s id her chair out and motioned )or her to sit8 Sasha o*ened her mouth to s*ea4, he *ressed his inde; )in5er a5ainst her i*s maintainin5 her si ence8 Ne6er ettin5 5o o) her hand he bent down on one 4nee in )ront o) her8 he owered his head and he d Sasha hand to his )orehead c osin5 his eyes as thou5h in a moment o) *rayer8 Sasha s9uirmed in her chair, the heat o) his touch coursed throu5h her 6eins at i5htenin5 s*eed8 #hen he oo4ed u* at her, his eyes were teary8 Sasha, he handed her the roses whi e rechin5 into his *oc4et with his e)t hand8 he *roduced a I 4now that Ye ow roses are your )a6orite, burt the red re*resents my o6e )or you, and there is on y one because there is on y one o6e )or me, and that<s you8 sti ho din5 her hand, he 4issed the to* so)t y, 5ent y caressin5 her )in5ers with his8 :e reachecd into his 3ac4et *oc4et with the other hand and *rodused a sma red 6e 6et b5o in the sha*e o) a heart8 #ith accuracy he *o**ed it o*oen with one hand re6ea in5 a s*ar4 in5 diamond rin5 with an amethyst stone set in the center8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0JD FSasha I 4now that I hurt you dee* y, but I *romise you, i) you 5i6e me the chance, I wi s*end e6ry minute that we share to5ether ma4in5 it u* to you8 I o6e you more than any man cou d e6er o6e a woman8 !ein5 a*art )rom you these *ast )ew months had made me rea i7e that I can<t i6e without you8 I don<t wantto i6e without you8 I want to wa4e u* to your smi e and )a as ee* to your breathin5 e6eryday )or the rest o) my i)e P ease, ma4e me the ha**iest man on earth and say you wi be my wi)e8

Sasha 5as*ed then bro4e down into tears8 She cou dn<t be ie6e what was ha**enin5 was actua y ha**enin58 She o*ened her tear )i ed eyes e;*etin5 to wa4e )rom a dream, but he was sti there, ti down on one 4nee, sti waitin5 )or an answer8 FITI don<t 4now what to say8G FSay yes,G his eyes * eaded with her as he he d her hand in his, waitin5 )or her *ermission to s i* the rin5 on8 :ow cou d she say yes a)ter e6erythin5 that ha**ed between them,when she was sti mad at him, when they hadn<t e6en been s*ea4in5 to each other )or the ast month8 :ow cou d she say yesH :ow cou d she not say yes, and deny her heart e6erythin5 that it had been on5in5 )or8 :ow cou d she not say yes to a man that wou d do a o) this )r her , how cou d she e6er say no to the beauti)u man down in )ront o) her on one 4nee, o6in5 her with his eyes8 Sasha don<t say no, he * eaded you 4now you want this as much as I do8 Sto* )i5htin5 it8 A ow yourse ) to be ha**y8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0JJ She dro**ed the roses and aunched her arms around his nec48 :e stood u*, ta4in5 her with him and he d her c ose and hard a5ainst his body8 Mor a moment that seemed i4e )ore6er they stayed oc4ed in a si ent embrace8 Yes she whis*ered so)t y o6er his shou der8 She brou5ht her head around to )ace his8 Yes she said a5ain, ouder, c earer, oo4in5 him direct y in the eyes8] YesN she said cu**in5 her hands on his )ace YesN she brou5ht his i*s to hers and 4issed him )irm y8 YesN Yes, Sasha murmured a most *ain)u y a5ainst his i*s that were now *ossessin5 her with such hun5er she was unab e to 5et another word out8 Sasha hadn<t rea i7e how much she had missed the taste o) his i*s and mthe )ee o) his body *ressed a5ainst hers8 I o6ew you so much Sasha8 Then he s i**ed her arm )rom around his shou der and brou5ht her hand down as he owered himse ) to one 4nee, resumin5 his *osition8 E))ort ess y he s i**ed the rin5 onto Sasha<s )in5er then wra**ed hi arms around her waist and buried his )ace in her stomach8 :e c un5 to her a most des*erate y, inha in5 dee* breaths o) her as he oc4ed his arms around her ti5ht y8 I want you so much ri5ht now8 :e uttered8 I<m a yours, )ore6er Sasha whis*ered8

:is m i*s and hands were a o6er her ta4in5 *ossession o) her8 Sasha re in9uished contro )ree y, 5i6in5 her entre body mind and sou to him8 she o6ed him, i4e she had ne6er o6ed anyone be)ore, and he o6ed her8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0JShe s id down throu5h the oo* o) his arms to meet him )ace to )ace8 I missed you so much 2e to

A 5ent e embrace ed to a *assionate 4iss, which ed to 2i5ue <s cris* satine trimmed suit andin5 a hea* on the ) oor, a on5side Sasha<s casua 3eans and )orm )ittin5 camiso e8 The tab ec oth ser6in5they made o6e *assionate y ri5ht there in the midd e o) the sho* ) oor with ony a tab ec oth to ser6e as a 8 A)ter wee4s o) denyin5 their desires, neither cou d ho d bac4 the )ire eru*tin5 within them8 Sasha rested her head on 2i5ue <s arm )or su**ort as they ay nest ed amon5st the hea* o) discarded c othin5 and rum* ed tab ec oth8 :ow did you do a o) thisH I ha6e my ways8 Serious y8 I can<t be ie6e you did a o) this she said 5 ancin5 around her ireco5ni7eab e sho*8 And I had no idea8 #e , you ha6e antony to than4 )or one8 :e et mein so I cou d 5et e6erythin5 *re*ared8 Eh he didH That itt e snea48 And Casey-Eh shit CaseyN 2sasha e;c aimed sudden y rememberin5 their drin4 date8 I was su**osed to meet her )or a drin4 i4e ha ) an hour a5o8 She<s m5on5 to 4i meN Kon<t worry 2i5ue said ca my she 4nows you<re not comin58 #hatH

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0JL She 4nows you<re not comin5 he 5rinned mysterious y And how wou d you 4now that8 She 4new I was 5oin5 to *ro*ose toni5ht8 #hatH I needed her he * to 5et you to show u*, to 5et you to 5i6e me another chance8 #hatH You<re te in5 me she was in on this the who e timeH Ye*, I don<t be ie6e it8 you<re so snea4yN I o6e you Sasha he whis*ered8 I<m sti mad at you8 I 4now8 I ha6e the rest o) my i)e to ma4e it u* to you8 Kon<t worry I<m 5oin5 to ma4e sure you do8 You ha6e no idea how ha**y I am ri5ht now8 Three months a5o, I thou5ht that I wou d ne6er ho d you in my arms a5ain8 :e he d her hand in his and twir ed the rin5 around her )in5er8 FYou 4now I bou5ht this when we were in *aris8G F"ea yH were you that con)identHG FEri5ina y it was 3ust your birthstone, but a)ter e6erythin5 ha**ened I rea i7ed that I didn<t want to s*end another day without you in my i)e8 So I had it reset to add the diamonds8G FSo I 5uess it was a 5ood thin5 that I dum*ed you then, otherwise you may ne6er ha6e *ro*osed8G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0-. FI wou d ha6e8 E6entua y8 !ut then I wou d ha6e wasted 6a uab e time8 Now I can ha6e you in my bed e6ery ni5ht e6en sooner8 :e s9uee7ed her hand ti5ht y then 5a6e her a on5 s ow 4iss8 she cou d )ee the re ease in his 4iss, she cou d )ee it because she )e t the same thin58 :e buried his )ace in her nec4, e;ha in5 and then whis*ered in her ear F%et<s 5o home and ce ebrate *ro*er y8G

---End o) cha*ter

Cha*ter 0= + #eddin5 dress sho**in5&sta5 *aryH She wears the dress )rom a*ostro*heH The ne;t )ew months were a wor d wind o) sho**in5 and )ittin5s and boo4in5s, rooms ha s caterers, ) i5hts, you name it, Sasha had it boo4ed8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0-' It was Ectober when 2i5ue *ro*osed8 They decided to * an the weddin5 )or ,u y o) the )o owin5 summer8 F#hy waste timeHG as 2i5ue had *ut it8 :e wou d be 5raduatin5 in ,une, and the wedddin5 was * anned )or ,u y, so it wou d be a doub e ce ebration o) sorts8 It was 5oin5 to be a sma e6ent, ess than a hundred *eo* e8 Sasha )e t that nine months wou d be am* e time to * an8 %uc4i y she had Casey by her side the entire time, otherwise it was 6ery un i4e y that she wou d ha6e the weddin5 o) her dreams8 Casey *u ed some strin5s and was ab e to secure a beauti)u ban9uet ha at a *resti5ious hote 8 Securin5 a church on the other ha9nd was a itt e more di))icu t8 E6ery Saturday strai5ht throu5h ,une to Au5ust was boo4ed8 Then her Aunt su55ested the church where they had he d the ser6ice )or her mom8 Sasha hadn<t e6en thou5ht about that church8 She was too busy )o owin5 Casey<s ead, insistent on )indin5 a church c ose to the rece*tion8 She e;* ained to the minister how much it wou d mean )or her to ha6e her weddin5 there8 :e was more than ha**y to accommodate her8 Christo*he o) course ste**ed u* immediate y and 6o unteered to hand e a o) the caterin58 :e a so o))ered to desi5n her weddin5 ca4e, but that was one tas4 Sasha wanted to ta4e on on her own8 She had a ways 4nown in the bac4 o) her mind that i) she e6er 5ot married, she wou d ha6e to ma4e her own weddin5 ca4e8 She had done so many, )or so many other *eo* e, each time en6isionin5 how di))erent y she wou d ha6e decorated the ca4e i) it had been her own weddin58 2i5ue s mom and sister wou d be ) yin5 in )rom Paris, as we as his )ather and unc e )rom Portu5a 8 !y ate may e6ery detai had been )ina i7ed8 A)ter three months o) re5u ar wee4end sho**in5, she )ina y mana5ed to )ind the *er)ect dress8 And the *er)ect bridesmaid dresses8 Natura y Casey wou d be the maid o) honor8 Sydney, 3a77 and nina )ormed the ori5ina bridesmaid trio8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0-( !ut now Komini9ue who 5racious y 6o unteered to be a bridesmaid, made it a )oursome8 It hadn<t occurred to Sasha to inc ude her in the brida *arty She wou d on y be ) yin5 in two or three wee4s be)ore the weddin5, so her )ittin5 wou d be 6ery ast minute8 2i5ue <s best man wou d be his c osest )riend Andrew8 The remainder o) his weddin5 *arty consisted o) his buddies )rom schoo Terri and Ste6e and his cousin "a*hae )rom Portu5a 8 There was the sma matter o) where e6eryone wou d stay8 It was assumed that 2i5ue <s Kad and cousin wou d stay with 2i5ue 8 :is )ather was 5ettin5 o der, and rea y wasn<t a hote 5uy8 :i s mother and Komini9ue on the other hand were more than ha**y to stay in a hote 8 :is mother because she didn<t re ish the idea o) bein5 under the same roo) as her e;, and Komini9ue because she *re)erred room ser6ice to s a6in5 away in her brother<s 4itchen8

At this *oint Sasha was *ractica y )u y mo6ed into 2i5ue <s * ace8 They decided that it wou d ma4e more sense )or her to se her condo and mo6e into his o)t8 It was c oser to the sho*, and he had a bi55er 4itchen8 She decided to wait unti a)ter the weddin5 to *ut her house on the mar4et8 She wou d mo6e bac4 into her * ace )or the two wee4s be)ore the weddin5 in order to accommodate a o) the 5uests8 :er Aunt " uby and Onc e ?ordon who had a new bi o) hea th wou d be arri6in5 a wee4 be)ore the weddin5 and wou d be stayin5 with Sasha8 Ne;t, there was the matter o) the bache orette *arty8 You ha6e to 4ee* it c ean casey, no co* showin5 u* at the door and handcu))in5 me to the chair8 FNone o) that shit8 2y si;ty )i6e year o d Aunt wi be there, too much e;citement mi5ht 4i her8 Not to mention my )uture mother in aw8 I don<t want her to thin4 I<m a s4an4N\G

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0-= FKon<t worry, I< *ut to5ether a 6ery taste)u e6enin58 Your mother in aw wi be *roud to ca you her dau5hter in aw8G True to her word, Casey *u ed out a the sto*s8 Cham*a5ne, etcT A in a a 6ery c assy, memorab e e6enin58 The )i6e women wou d s*end the remainder o) the e6enin5 in the suite reminiscin58 XSasha, Sydney, Casey, ,a77, NinaY CCC,a77 comes outCCC So 3a77 are you brin5in5 anyone s*ecia tomorrowH Ye*, as a matter o) )act I am #oo hoo hooray they a cheered8 #hat<s his name nina was the )irst to in9uire :er name is Uuinn8 UuinnH Not Uuinn as in a Christo*h<s weddin5H Ye* that<s the one8 2an you two must ha6e rea y hit it o))8 They were on the dance ) oor a ni5ht because I was too busy su 4in5 o6er 2i5ue 8 Sorry about that8 Kon<t be sorry, it turned out to be a 5ood thin58 A 5reat thin5 in )act, otherwisei wou dn<t ha6e met Uuinn8 Sudden y the room became unusua y 9uiet and it seemed i4e Sasha and 3a77 were the on y two in con6ersation8 ,a77 oo4ed at Sasha and on y Sasha i5norin5 the rest o) the room8 So88what, are you 5uys i4e b))<s nowH

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0-0 Somethin5 i4e that8 ,a77<s eyes 5rew wide She<s my date8 :er eyes 5rew wider sti , her eyebrows archin5 u*8 #e<re datin58 I 4new it Casey ye ed oud y, I 4new itN Kidn<t I te you she said oo4in5 around the room8 ,a77, we a 4new it, it<s about time you came out o) the )uc4in5 c osetN #hen nina )ina y c osed her mouth on5 enou5h to s*ea4 she said, we I didn<t 4now it, I<m a ways the ast one to 4now e6erythin5N Kid you 5uys rea y a ready 4now8 #e sus*ected syndey added !ut we )i5ured you wou d te us sooner or ater I wish you had to d us sooner, there was a cute redhead in "oberts o))ice I cou d ha6e set you u* with, she was 5ay8 No than4s8 I thin4 I )ound the one Serious yH Ya, 9uinn and I ha6en<t been a*art since the day we met at the weddin58 Nina says I 3ust thou5ht you were sin5 e because you ne6er 5ot o6er bein5 cheated by *eter ,acobson in co e5e8 Eh my 5od nina 5et with the times 8 Casey and Sydney 5rabbed a *i ow each and 4noc4ed her onto the bed8 They were 6ery ti*sy, then there was a 4noc4 at the door8 F"oom Ser6iceG ca ed the 6oice behind the door8 #ho ordered room ser6iceH No one res*onded

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0-1 FIt<s *robab y a cou* e more bott es o) com* imentary cham*a5ne8G Come on in sasha cou d hear Casey say #hen Sasha oo4ed u* she saw what a**eared to be *o iceman standin5 be)ore her8 #ith a boom bo; in his hand8 #hich one o) you is Sasha A e;ander, he *retended to read her name )rom his )a4e *o ice *ad8 Sasha didn<t say aword8 She 3ust san4 dee*er into her ;chair in ho*es o) disa**earin5 into thin air8 E6eryone in the room enthusiastica y *ointed towards Sasha8 :e se down his boom bo;, turn ed on the music, and *roceeded to handcu)) her to the chair8 FI<m, 5oin5 to 4i you8G Sasha mouthed to Casey o6er the music8 FYou<re we comeG, Casey mouthed bac4, and he d her 5 ass u* in sa ut8

Cha*ter 00 + The #eddin5 They 5o to Portu5a )or their honeymoon8&& not a 5i)t )rom casey

?i)t )rom Casey and "obert - a tri* to bra7i and a stay in one o) the u;ury suites she desi5ned Xsomehow it<s sti about herY - Sasha 3o4es - you want me to ta4e my husba nd to be to a * ace )u o) t* ess women

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0-D #ho cares i) he o5 es bare breasted women a day - at ni5ht it wi be your breasts that he<s 5ot in his mouthN :o*e)u yN That is i) you 5uys e6er ea6e the room, because i) I had a 5uy i4e him in bed, I<m te in5 you, I wou d ne6er ea6e the bed, )or5et about ea6in5 the room, I wou dn<t ea6e the bed, he cou d tie me to it and )uc4 me a day on5N I swear, i) it wasn<t )or hun5er, "obert and I wou dn<t ha6e ne6er e)t the room on our honeymoonN The man was insatiab e, and I cou dn<t 5et enou5h o) himN Casey is the maid o) honor, Komini9ue and Sydney are brides maids @:is mom and sister ) y in )rom Paris Xsister and "enP bro4e u*Y, his )ather and cousin ) y in )rom Portu5a 8 Christo*he, Nina 3asmine, Sydney, ?ior5io, Aunt "uby and ?ordon8

#aiters in cris* white dinner 3ac4ets and matchin5 white 5 o6es, bu77ed around the room, mo6in5 swi)t y )rom tab e to tab e ad3ustin5 each 4ni)e and )or4 to *er)ection8 Sasha stood )or a moment ta4in5 in her surroundin5s8 She had done do7ens o) these thin5s o6er the years, and the )ee in5 was a ways the same8 The air teemed with an in)ectious ener5y, )u o) e;citement and antici*ation8 Ene cou dn<t he * but be drawn in by the atmos*here8 In on y a )ew hours the * ace wou d be trans)ormed into a *arade o) con)etti co ored 5owns *eacoc4in5 a5ainst the bac4dro* o) their tu;edo c ad escorts8 In on y a )ew hours Sasha A e;ander wou d become 2rs8 Sasha Kemarco8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0-J #ith care)u hands, she de icate y to**ed her master*iece with it<s crownin5 5 ory8 The 5 eamin5 bride and 5room8

This time she was returnin5 to the hote room where he had s*ent the ni5ht with the 5ir s where her dress and her 5ir )riends were awaitin5 her8 A on5 with a manicurist, and a hair and ma4eu* *erson8 Casey insisted that she et her treat her on her s*ecia day8 She arri6ed to a room )u o) ha ) dressed s i5ht y 5iddy women and a tray )u o) *in4 cham*a5ne and *in4 tru)) es8 @It<s about timeN #e were 5ettin5 worried8 ,a77 thou5ht you had done one o) those runaway bride e*isodes8G FNe6erN I wou d ha6e to be insane to run away )rom 2i5ue 8 A so, it too4 a itt e on5er than e;*ected because I had to *ic4 these u*8G Sasha handed each woman a di))erent co ored ba5 stu))ed with matchin5 tissue *a*er8 Inside was an an4 e brace et with a heart sha*ed charm en5ra6ed with a mono5ram o) their initia s8 FEh my 5od SashaN Than4 youN The sentiment was the same a around8 They a *i ed onto the bed i4e teena5e 5ir s at a s umber *arty8 Each one attachin5 the others< brace et 8 They ined their an4 es u* side by side a on5 the ed5e o) the bed showin5 o)) their brace ets8 They oo4ed i4e the 5rand )ina e o) a Se5as show5ir ine8 FI<6e 5ot to 5et a *icture o) this8G Sasha 9uic4 y 5rabbed her camera and sna**ed a )ew shots8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0-FNow c<mon,G Casey ye ed8 F?et chan5ed, they<re waitin5 )or you in @The !oudoir<8G Casey had boo4ed the ad3oinin5 suite )or a the necessary trans)ormati6e *re-weddin5 ritua s8 :air, ma4eu*, nai s, the essentia s8 F?et ready to 5et wa;ed and * uc4ed and e;)o iated8 #hen you<re done your s4in wi be baby so)t, 2i5ue wi be a o6er youN F#hat are you ta 4in5 aboutH :e<s a ready a o6er me, e6en thou5h I<m a itt e rou5h around the ed5es8G F?et in there and 5et *am*ered wi youNG FI<m 5oin5, but can you 5ir s do a itt e ess drin4in5 and a itt e more dressin5NG They a reached )or their 5 asses in o6ert rebe ion to her comment8 FCheersNG Sasha e)t the room )i ed with c in4in5 5 asses and hysterica au5hter and made her way o6er to @The !oudoir< There were two women in white coats waitin5 )or her8 Ene standin5 with a towe o6er her arm, and the other ayin5 out a se ection o) nai *o ish8 F:e o 2iss A e;ander8G The room was bri5ht and sunny and had a warm soothin5 )ee 8 An array o) ) owers ined a most e6ery sur)ace in the room 5i6in5 endin5 to the aromatic bou9uet that scented the air8 This was the )irst time Sasha was seein5 the room8 Tears )i ed her eyes8 She 4new that Casey was behind it a 8 FMirst, we ha6e *re*ared a bath )or you 2iss A e;ander8 Then an e;)o iatin5 scrub and a wa;8 Then !ianca wi be doin5 your nai s8 The dar4 haired woman oo4ed u* and smi ed at Sasha8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0-L

There was a bubb e bath s*rin4 ed with *in4 rose *eta s8 Sasha san4 into the bath8 The water was warm and re a;in5, the aromatic steam surrounded her8scented the air i5ht y8 A thou5h e6erythin5 around her emanated re a;ation, no *art o) her mirrored that mood8 :er stomach was )u o) butter) ies, which seemed to increase in number as three o<c oc4 a**roached8 She cou d bare y sit sti throu5h her manicure and *edicure8 Casey<s so ution to the *reweddin5 3itters was more cham*a5ne8 F#e<6e 5ot to ma4e sure she eats,G Sydney 3um*ed in8 F#e don<t want her *assin5 out at the a terNG The ast thin5 on Sasha<s mind was )ood, but they were ri5ht8 It was noon, and a she had in her stomach was cham*a5ne and tru)) es8 FYou<re ri5ht Syd, I< order u* some unch8G Nina *rom*t y too4 e6eryone<s orders and 5ot on the *hone to room ser6ice8

A)ter unch it was hair and ma4eu* and then the 5rand )ina e, the dressN Sasha cou d bare y chew her sandwich, and on y mana5ed to 5et down a )ew ea6es o) her sa ad8 The butter) ies had made their way u* to her throat, c osin5 it o)) )rom any )orm o) )ood8 Sasha 4new, that the one and on y thin5 that wou d 9ue her uneasiness, wou d be seein5 2i5ue <s )ace at the end o) the is e8 #ith the aid o) her adies in waitin5, Casey and Sydney, Sasha s ow y, care)u y s i**ed into her dress8 %oo4in5 at her re) ection in the mirror sudden y made e6erythin5 seem more rea 8 She had to ta4e a dee* breath so that she wou dn<t )aint8 Casey and Sydney instant y started tearin5 u*8

[Author$s %ast Name] & ['-( #ords )rom Tit e] & 0L. FYou oo4 abso ute y stunnin58G FSto* it you 5uys, you<re 5oin5 to 5et me started, then we<re a 5oin5 to ha6e to 5et our ma4eu* redone8 ,a77 and nina came in short y a)ter8 Foh my 5odGthey said in unison8 Casey ad3usted the )inishin5 touch, an o6ersi7ed rose co ored sash which matched her *in4 rose bou9uet8 Story ends with her descri*tion o) wa 4in5 down the red *ath i4e at the )unera 8 Ash she rounded the corner ste**in5 #hen it was )ina y her turn to wa 4, e6erythin5 s owed8 The butter) ies 9uieted, the or5an music )aded, and the numerous )aces that ined the is es were trans)ormed into a b ur o) co or8 A that remained was 2i5ue , standin5 ta and handsome at the end o) the on5 red *athway, smi in588 As the distance between then narrowed, he he d out his hand to her8 She * aced her hand in his turnin5 to )ace him, returnin5 his smi e that had not e)t his )ace since the moment he saw her8

+ The End +

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