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Suhas Rane

Why M & A ?
2 Routes of Expansion A. Natural / Organic Growth Own Limitations Un-Natural / In-organic Growth .. Faster Way



A transaction where two firms agree to integrate their operations because they have resources and capabilities that together may create strong competitive advantage . The term merger refers to a combination of two more companies into a single company and this combination may be either through absorption or consolidation .


A transaction where one firm buys another firm with the intent of more effectively using a core competence by making a subsidiary with in its portfolio of business.

Difference between Merger and Acquisition


Merging of two in to one. Mutual decision. Expensive than acquisition (due to higher legal cost). Share-holders can increase their net worth.

Buying one by another. Can be friendly take over or hostile Less expensive than merger. Generally strong buyer acquires poor or sick co. Hence buyers net-worth may decrease. Relatively faster and easier transaction.

Time consuming and the company has to maintain several legal issues.

Dilution of ownership.

The acquirer only controls the ownership.

Types of M & A :
Horizontal Merger
Vertical Merger Conglomeration

Product Extension
Market Extension

Reasons For M & A :

Economy of scale.
Revenue or Market. Economy of scope.

Cross Selling.
Empire Building.

Reason for M & A

Increased market power Overcome barriers to entry Lower cost and risk of new product development Increased speed to market Diversification Reshaping competitive scope




Recent Top-10 M & A s of Indian Cos. worldwide:

Acquirer Tata Steel Hindalco Videocon Dr. Reddys Suzlon HPCL Ranbaxy Tata Steel Videocon VSNL

Target Co. Corus Novelis Daewoo Elec. Betapharm Hansen Group Kenya Petroleum Terapia SA Natsteel Thomson SA Teleglobe

Country UK Canada Korea Germany Belgium Kenya Romania Singapore France Canada

Deal value ($ ml) 12,000 5,982 729 597 565 500 324 293 290 239

Industry Steel Steel Electronics Pharm Energy Oil and Gas Pharm Steel Electronics Telecom

Corus Acquisition by Tata Steel

There were a lot of apparent synergies between Tata Steel which was a low cost steel producer in fast developing region of the world and Corus which was a high value product manufacturer in the region of the world demanding value products. Some of the prominent synergies that could arise from the deal were as follows : Tata was one of the lowest cost steel producers in the world and had self sufficiency in raw material. Corus was fighting to keep its productions costs under control and was on the look out for sources of iron ore. Tata had a strong retail and distribution network in India and SE Asia. This would give the European manufacturer a in-road into the emerging Asian markets. Tata was a major supplier to the Indian auto industry and the demand for value added steel products was growing in this market. Hence there would be a powerful combination of high quality developed and low cost high growth markets There would be technology transfer and cross-fertilization of R&D


ADVANTAGES This amalgamation would substantially enhance ICICI Banks branch network (23 % approx increase). Strengthen ICICI banks presence in northern and western India. ICICI has now moved to a branch-led business model. The acquisition will help ICICI to increase CASA (current and saving account) flows, as also helps in cross selling products. Both banks working on the same platform, integration will also be less taxing.

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