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Transaction Code: J1ID - Excise Master. - Material Chapter Id Combination. - Material Assessable Value. - CENVAT Determination - Vendor Excise Details. 2.1 Chapter Id Select Chapter Id Go to New Entries and Enter Chapter Id and Description. 2.2 Material Chapter ID combination Select material chapter ID combination box and then press icon. Select Material & Chapter Id Enter material, plant and chapter ID combination in the respective tabs. Go to New Entries and enter the details If the material can be sent outside for subcontracting purpose then put a tick in the check box In the material type tab select appropriate material type. If it is a input material then select the tab Raw material. If it is capital item then select Assets. If it is an in-house produced material then select RG1. Select GR --X ref to specify whether credit is allowed only for single goods receipt or multiple goods receipt with single credit or multiple goods receipt with multiple credits. In the declared column enter X if the material is declared to excise Also enter the date of declaration. 2.3 Material Assessable value In this section we enter the assessable value of material which is used for the purpose to determine how much excise can be credited to CENVAT account when creating a subcontracting challan and vendor returns. Enter the combination plant, material number, valid from, currency, Assessable value. Select Material Assessable Value Go to New Entries and Enter the details 2.4 CENVAT Determination In this section enter the input and output relationship of the material with combination of plant, default indicator for Modvat. Companies are required to file with the Excise authorities, a list containing the excisable finished products manufactured and the excisable input materials required for such production, to avail Modvat. It is possible that an input material may be used in the production of more than one finished product. However, if such a material is mainly used for the manufacture of a particular finished product then the input materialis identified to be the default material. The default indicator is marked for such material. Select Cenvat Determination. Go to New Entries and enter the details 2.5 Vendor Excise details In this section the vendor excise details are maintained. The vendor number, his excise registration details, ECC no, Excise Range, Excise Division, Excise Commissionerate, CST no, LST no, Permanent account number, Excise indicator for vendor, SSI status (if he is a SSI vendor), Type of vendor and CENVAT (This is applicable for SSI vendor only who has participated in the CENVAT scheme). Select Vendor Excise Details Go to New Entries and Enter the details NOTE : If the Vendor details are not maintained, then at the time of Vendor Excise Invoice Capturing, the system will ask for the Vendor Excise Details, which needs to be provided in the Miscellaneous Tab of Excise sub Icon. 3 TAX CONDITION RECORDS Tax Conditions to be used: 3.1 Cenvatable Excise Duties Conditions (%ge) Condition Type Description Setoff Condition Type Setoff Condition Desc JMOP IN: BED setoff % JMX1 IN: A/P BED setoff

JECS IN ECS inventory % JEX1 IN: A/P ECS setoff JSEC IN S&HECS invtry % JHX1 IN: A/P S&HEC setoff JAOP IN: AED setoff % JAX1 IN: A/P AED setoff 3.2 Cenvatable Excise Duties Conditions (Qty) Condition Type Description Setoff Condition Type Setoff Condition Desc JMOQ IN: BED setoff Qty JMX1 IN: A/P BED setoff JEOQ IN: ECS setoff Qty JEX1 IN: A/P ECS setoff JSHO IN S&HECS setoff Qty JHX1 IN: A/P S&HEC setoff JAOQ IN: AED setoff Qty JAX1 IN: A/P AED setoff 3.3 Non- Cenvatable Excise Duties Conditions (%ge) Condition Type Description Setoff Condition Type Setoff Condition Desc JMIP IN: BED inventory % JMX2 N: A/P BED inventor JECO IN A/P ECes setoff % JEX2 IN: A/P ECS inventry JSEO IN A/P S&H setoff % JHX2 IN: A/P S&HEC invtry JAIP IN AED inventory % JAX2 IN: A/P AED inventor 3.4 Non- Cenvatable Excise Duties Conditions (Qty) JMIQ IN: BED inventory Qt JMX2 N: A/P BED inventor JECQ IN ECS inventory Qty JEX2 IN: A/P ECS inventry JHX2 IN: A/P S&HEC invtry JAIQ IN AED inventory Qty JAX2 IN: A/P AED inventor

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