Meeting 3

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Written by Roxanne Meats 5.11.13 Draft 3

Flat 16 C, Sedgemoore House, Doust Way, Rochester, ME11HH 07846190756

INT. BEDROOM, FLAT, DAY We see a room featuring a large desk between a single bed and wardrobe. A LARGE man with dark brown hair and pale skin stands in the middle of the room, JED. Jed pulls out a phone and dials. We hear the DIAL TONE and it RING. INT. KITCHEN, FLAT, DAY We see of the double search a fridge next to work tops and a table in the middle room, dishes surround a TALL man standing next to the window. PETER, we hear a phone RING. We see Peter for his phone between the dishes.



Peter sits on the counter , causing a loud CRASH. JED (V/O) Peter, where are you?? PETER I am in my room in Jamestown. Why? JED (V/O) I need to see you its urgent. PETER I have a meeting with James today. JED (V/O) Forget James, come meet me in the park at twelve hundred hours. PETER I cant just cancel on James Johnson himself, and twelve hundred hours, really brother? You are no longer a Sargent. JED (V/O) Just meet me. We hear DIAL TONE. Peter puts the phone on the bed next to him, he puts his head into his hands. Peter picks up his phone we hear it RING..... EXT. PUBLIC PARK, DAY.

2. EXT. PUBLIC PARK, DAY A busy public park. Jed walking along the path way of the park, towards a bench. Jed sits on the bench and then looks at his watch, its 12:00. He takes out his phone, he dials, we hear the RINGING and then a voice mail message. VOICE MAIL The person you are calling can not come to the phone right now, please leave a message after the beep. BEEP. Jed looks at his watch, it is 12:45, he goes to stand when he sees Peter. JED Where have you been? PETER I had to tell James. He didnt understand why you couldnt just come to my room. JED (Firm) What else did you tell him. PETER Nothing, he only wanted to know why I had to cancel our meeting. He seemed insulted. Jed moves along the bench and waits for Peter to join him. JED Do you remember Mr. Thomas? PETER What our football coach, when we were teen? JED Yes, he was an awful man, so aggressive and big headed. He never liked us. PETER Did you ask me here to reminisce about our old football coach? Anyway we were not there very long were we?

3. JED We left together, Peter and after that we joined another team pretty close to the school and met Sam, your best friend. PETER Why are we talking about this Peter, what does this have to do with now? I no longer speak to Sam he does not approve of my life style. Apparently its not healthy. JED Well he didnt have to say it the way he did but maybe he was trying to look out for you. PETER Look out for me? He was judging the way I choose to live that is not looking out for me. And why all of a sudden are you taking his side. Jed what is going on? Peter slides a bit more to the side of the bench, he directly looks at Jed. JED I asked you to meet me to talk about Jamestown. PETER You could have talked to me there. You still live in the other flat dont you? JED I still have my things there but Im thinking of visiting Bradley and Jessica for a while. PETER Oh, so what did you want to talk about then? JED Do you enjoy living there? PETER I like it there, I am doing well in the community and the close living spaces help James to keep an eye on my drinking. Sober two months brother are you proud?

4. JED Of course I am proud of you its an achievement. I just think we should take a small break from there. PETER A break? For how long? I haveJED I was wrong about living there, I dont think the James Johnson lifestyle is good for us anymore. PETER Jed, you need to calm down we are fine. JED We need to consider our family. JED (CONTD) We need to consider our family. PETER Family! My family is Jamestown, they have taken care of me ever since you introduced me. Peter stands. PETER (CONTD) How can you think that I could leave them? And what family, our parents have always preferred you and your little family, then me by myself and we both know it. Peter turns no longer facing Jed. Jed stands. JED Why would you think any of that? You know that Jessica and Bradley love you as much as they love me. Peter turns back to Jed. PETER But they are your own little family they are not mine, I do love Bradley but he is not my son. Our parents love him and Jessica even if you are no longer together, they treat her more like family than me. JED Peter stop pretending to be a victim. We are here to talk about Jamestown and how they operate.

5. PETER How about instead of pretending to be Nancy Drew, you talk to James, Im sure he will want to answer you want to ask, and anyway I live there Im not gonna pick up and leave because you have a bad feeling. JED You need to stop being such a child and open yours eyes, he cant be everything he proclaims. Jed stands. JED (CONTD) He stands in church claiming to be a prophet of the Lord and that we should basically all blindly follow him in his new lifestyle and ignore warning signs of decay around us. PETER Decay, what are you on about brother? All he does is give people a place to turn when the world gives up on them. He created Jamestown to help people not to destroy them. Stop being so fucking paranoid. Jed sits and Peter joins him. JED Im sorry Peter, I didnt mean to raise my voice. I just want you to know Im concerned. PETER I may understand that, what I dont understand is your sudden doubt in James. You were positive when you met him that he would provide a good life style for us all. JED You have to understand I think he is hiding things from us. I dont know if you noticed but the security around the commune has got more elaborate recently, and I have not seen Jimmy since Friday and he wanted to leave the commune. Where would he be for five days?

6. PETER Seriously? So a person decides to avoid you and you think he is missing. JED He wouldnt just leave or avoid me hes not that kind of person he would of said something. He said something to James and suddenly he is no longer around. Does that not sound suspicious. And all this security does not seem necessary. PETER Jed you need to stop looking at every little thing as being some dramatic change. And Im sure the security has something to do with all those reporters recently trying to get James to have interviews. JED Why would the media be so interested in him if there was not a story behind all of what he has created? Peter the man is power hungry. PETER No Jed I think you are being paranoid and trying to make a big deal about the fact that you dont want to leave alone, I bet you didnt want to leave the military on your own, did you? But you wouldnt of tried to convince your fellow officers to leave with you, would you? JED This is not the same. I left the military by myself because I needed to, you need to leave this place with me and you know deep down there is something wrong with the way that James run the commune. PETER You decide this commune would be good for me, we came here together you cant expect me to leave with you. JED What if I told you he is going to move the commune to off the coast of Scotland, to Flotta.

7. Jed stops and looks at his feet. PETER What do you mean move? Why would he move the commune we are doing so well in Swindon. Jed looks up at Peter. JED I saw some documents last week in Jamess office, he had forms for the building of a large estate of houses in Flotta, he also had signatures from one of the sets of flats to join in Flotta. I asked him what the signatures were for he said to use the communes money to purchase the houses and to furnish them. PETER So he wants to move us to a larger commune in a nicer location. He is just thinking what is best for the people in the commune. JED He is taking us all from our families, Peter dont you see that the reporters are right he is turning our Christian commune into a Cult, and using our money to fund his next project. Peter stands. PETER I think I should leave this conversation has gone to far, I believe that James has our interests at heart. I want to stay you can leave if you like. We hear a phone RING. Peter and Jed both pull out their phones. JED Who is it? PETER Its James, I told him I would be busy, why would he ring? Jed now stands and steps towards Peter.

8. JED Dont answer it. You cant let him know what we are discussing. Peter ignores Jed and CLICKS the answer button, he then holds the phone to his ear. PETER Hello, Yes this is peter, Yes Im with my brother, How did you know, Oh I understand. I will call you when I come back. Peter CLICKS the hang up button, Jed is staring at him. Peter puts his phone in his pocket and then sits on the bench. JED What did he say? PETER He knew where we were, I didnt tell him. JED What did he want Peter? PETER To talk about you. JED I dont know for sure, but Im certain we are being watched. PETER Dont be crazy. Im sure one of his friends saw me walk to the park and he must of wondered what I was doing. Jed pulls out his phone and takes out his phone, looks around the brothers and then puts the phone down. PETER (CONTD) What are you doing? JED I will prove to you that we are being followed Peter sighs. Jed stared at his phone, then shows it to Peter. PETER I see some trees, a bench. Dear God Jed why I am entertaining this idea that a person I know well would be a mad man. Thats enough.

9. Peter pushes the phone back towards Jed and stands. JED Peter please do not go, we need to talk about this. PETER There is nothing to talk about. You want to convince me to leave Jonestown who have done so much for me in such a short time. Ive had enough of this. Peter turns to walk down the path. JED Stop Peter, Please dont go I may never see you again. Peter turns to look at Jed. PETER How mental are you? Just leave it Jed. Im going back to Jonestown and back to James Johnson, maybe he can make some sense of your babbling. Jed stands. JED Im not babbling, you dont understand, Peter you need to listen to me. He is a mad man who wants to keep you away from anyone and when you dont do as you are told in Jonestown you are punished, you have to believe me. PETER There is nothing to say that James is a mad man, your making this up, your so paranoid. People are trying to help you and you see a threat. Jed sits back on the bench towards the end. He stares at the floor. JED Im not paranoid, there is something wrong with that man. Jed looks up at Peter. JED (CONTD) Please Peter dont go back there.

10. PETER Nothing will happen to me Jed. You need to calm down. Maybe you should spend time away with Jessica and Brad. Peter sits on the bench. JED Im not sure I can leave you. PETER You wont be gone long right? Youll come back and then you can talk to James about your concerns. Then maybe you can come and stay with me in the flats before you get all your things. JED Just like when Jessica kicked me out, I can sleep on your floor. They look at each other. Peter stands. PETER This is not goodbye everything will be fine brother, just call me when your coming back. Peter turns to walk down the path. Peter. Peter turns. JED (CONTD) Be careful. I will see you soon Peter walks down the path we watch Jed pull out his phone, we hear the DIAL and ring. JED (CONTD) Jessica? Its Jed. JED

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