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The worlds most popular open source virtual learning environment

Moodle VLE:

The worlds most popular open source VLE

Mrs J Watson

Assistant Head, Lent Rise School

The site encourages pupils to extend their school learning and also allows parents to take an active interest in what their child is learning and how it is being taught.

Who is Schoolanywhere?
Founded in 2005, Schoolanywhere works with over 300 schools in the UK, providing hosting, training, branding, support and content for over 120,000 Moodle users.
We help schools to: -Raise standards in teaching and learning -Offer up-to-the minute information for pupils -Extend learning beyond the classroom -Engage parents in their childs education

We will work with your school to develop an entirely personal service and solution for you, ensuring you receive unbeatable value for money.

Reliable hosting Creative branding Practical course & user management

High quality content Expert training Friendly technical support

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Pack Moodle


Get started with Moodle today: 0800 826 0131

Did you know?

Moodle is the most popular VLE for UK secondary schools

What is Moodle?
Moodle emerged in 1999 from the Australian higher education community. Moodle is an open source virtual learning environment (VLE), also known as a course management system (CMS). Moodle is designed to support social and collaborative learning, and comes with an impressive array of features and is highly congurable and extensible.

Why choose Moodle?

Cost effective - Moodle is open source and runs on robust, freely-available open source technologies. This means that a school which uses Moodle can spend more money on content for their VLE and training No vendor lock in - Unlike commercial learning platforms you own your Moodle Accessible - Moodle have a huge commitment to accessibility and have outlined accessibility as a priority within their developer guidelines Extensible - Moodle is the market leader in providing a huge library of quality 3rd party extensions which can then be implemented for free, allowing Moodle to meet the unique requirements of each educational establishment Ease of use - Moodle is easy to use and has a proven track record of effective use from KS2 through to KS5 and beyond

Built for learning and teaching Moodle is developed by people in the education sector who have direct experience and an understanding of how to apply technology to learning and teaching

Moodle VLE:

Did you know?

Moodle is widely used by businesses, primary schools, secondary schools and universities

As standard our primary school Moodles come with a number of subject driven PowerPoints to aid in a teachers delivery of the curriculum. All of these curriculum PowerPoints can be downloaded easily and used as a resource in the classroom. We also have strong partnerships with a number of high quality e-learning resource providers, allowing us to offer you a large selection of e-learning titles for your Moodle. We also offer you the opportunity to combine any of the e-learning content we sell to create custom, discounted e-learning bundles for your school.

Moodle services
We can offer the following services to schools:
We design your Moodle with your school colours and logo so that your learning platform is instantly recognisable to pupils and teachers. Our designers also ensure that your Moodle learning platform is user and child - friendly.


Our servers are backed up, secure and stable which guarantees that there is no downtime for your Moodle site. This means it can be used 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


We offer technical support over the phone and via email so that your users and administrators can successfully maintain the smooth running of your Moodle learning platform.


All our training sessions are designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge to optimise Moodle for your school. Our training sessions are delivered in two different formats: On site, hands-on, group teacher training sessions One to one remote training sessions

Course Layout Management

We work alongside your teaching staff to structure your Moodle according to your needs. We can also add other interesting elements to your Moodle site such as BBC Newsround RSS feeds, Google search boxes, Wikipedia and Clocks.

Get started with Moodle today: 0800 826 0131

Did you know?

Moodle is used in 211 different countries

In-School Moodle
We have two different Moodle solutions available; the hosted and the in-school Moodle. The hosted Moodle is the entry-level option and involves SchoolAnywhere managing the hosting of your schools Moodle. The in-School Moodle allows your VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) to be hosted on a dedicated server at your school. From our experience the in-school Moodle has been shown to give a number of notable advantages, signicantly:

Lower costs for ongoing web hosting and subscriptions

Reduced load on your internet connection

The entire system is backed up and remotely managed by experts

Moodle integrates with internal services, such as Active Directory for single sign on

Should your internet connection fail, Moodle will still be accessible

Pages generally load 2-3 times quicker

Moodle VLE:

Did you know?

Moodle can now be integrated with SIMS, allowing online parental reporting

Moodle & MIS integration

Integrating your Moodle VLE with your Management Information System (MIS) will not only signicantly reduce the administrative duties of your staff but will also enable you to present parents with up-to-date attendance data on their children, improving parental reporting in your school. Until now, transferring information from your MIS into Moodle was a manual process. With Moodle and MIS integration software, this process is automated meaning your MIS data is available in Moodle.

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Why is parental reporting important?

Targets have been put in place by the Government for parental reporting in schools, they are: Primary schools will provide parents with online reports by September 2012 Secondary schools will provide parents with online reports by September 2010 Moodle and MIS integration provides a solution to these targets. By having your Moodle VLE and your MIS integrated you can allow: Parents to view useful information on their children such as attendance data Teachers to take advantage of MIS data in the classroom and at home Students to see a selection of relevant MIS data within the VLE

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SchoolAnywhere can integrate the following Management Information Systems (MIS) with Moodle VLE: Capita CMIS IntegrisG2

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Get started with Moodle today: 0800 826 0131

Did you know?

Moodle is more actively developed than any other virtual learning environment available

Case Study - King Edward VI Grammar School, Lincolnshire

King Edward VI Grammar School had set long term goals in mind when they decided Moodle was the most suitable learning platform for their school. They wanted their Moodle to be fully resourced, reviewed regularly, to contain effective links between assessment material and extension/support work and effectively used for access to Wikis and glossaries. They are now well on their way to achieving all their goals with the help of Moodle. When their Moodle was rst delivered they also decided to get the maximum amount of support available, tapering this off as their expertise grew. This high level of support has enabled them to become skilled at populating their Moodle. They have now added lesson plans, homework, web links, worksheets, audio visual and admin resources to their Moodle. King Edward VI Grammar School wished to host their own Moodle so if the internet connection was slow or non-existent they could still have access to their virtual learning environment. This was achieved with the in-school Moodle solution, where their Moodle was hosted on a dedicated server on their premises.

Moodle VLE:

Did you know?

Moodle is enjoyed by over 37 million users

Webanywhere Moodle platform is a versatile and flexible way of providing home access to pupil, parents and the school community. Webanywhere are approachable and take into consideration the needs of the individual school when planned and setting up Moodle systems. Pupils, parents and Governors all find Lent Rise Learning World a valuable online resource.

Case Study - Lent Rise School, Buckinghamshire

Lent Rise School has been a WebAnywhere customer for the last 3 years. The school is at the cutting edge of ICT, with pupils using their ICT skills in all areas of their work. ICT has even been used to establish links with schools across Europe, Africa and Asia, contributing to the pupils cultural awareness. Lent Rises Moodle (Lent Rise Learning World) is widely used by pupils, teachers, parents and governors. Parents can raise concerns via the VLE and support their childs learning through regularly checking their childs targets. Community cohesion is an integral and fundamental part of the schools vision, when Lent Rise came to choose the schools VLE it was imperative it provided the necessary tools to enable parental engagement. Lent Rise is now determined to ensure these tools are used, once a place has been allocated to a pupil, all parents meet the headteacher before their child starts school to discuss how the school and home can work together to support learning. During this meeting, parents are shown how the school uses ICT and how it can be used within the home or after school to support pupil and family learning. When the school rst started to use Moodle only 20% of parents had broadband access to the internet at home. Now, only 6% do not. Recently Lent Rise School has decided to opt for Moodle and SIMS integration to enhance their VLE. Integrating the two systems together will enable Lent Rise to present parents with up-to-date attendance data on their children and will signicantly reduce the administrative duties of the staff.

Mrs J Watson

Assistant Head, Lent Rise School

Get started with Moodle today: 0800 826 0131

Did you know?

Moodle has a large collection of installations, currently totalling somewhere between 1.5 and 2 million unique modules

Case Study - Mount Grace School, Hertfordshire

At Mount Grace School there are in excess of one thousand registered Moodle users amongst the staff and students. They have uploaded a large amount of third-party curricular content to their Moodle, which allows students across Key Stages 4 and 5 to access this content both at home and in school. Through Moodle networking, Mount Grace have connected their Moodle to that of another local school, Hertswood. The two schools are thus able to share online materials and resources, effectively doubling the usefulness of their virtual learning platforms. Having online resources across subjects gives students something to refer to when completing homework assignments or writing coursework. Students can also leave feedback for staff- perhaps to request the type of content theyd like to see added or to suggest ways in which the Moodle experience could be improved. Teachers can use the Moodle to set homework tasks which can then be completed by the students, allowing the teacher to review at a glance all the work completed online. Staff from Mount Grace school received in-school training on using Moodle from one of SchoolAnywheres expert trainers. Two of their staff also joined up with a member of staff from Hertswood to visit our ofces for an in-depth days training on the administration of Moodle.

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