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News of His,/i .





, . .Dale and Mrs. Su Alice Erickson and 8ii^lriir6j^ have arrived in

17Im4 4^' ^ .. l^n

Bhodesia for the dedication of the Chidaraoyo Bhajbatian Hospital set for Jan, 20. Dr.

Irickson will also serve the Binga Clinic 100 miles away once a week coianmting with the mission Geaana 180 plane which will also he used as an air ambulance. The Ziden L.
Nutt family has led jn this project, with assistance from the Charles Kelleys, smd
Bruce AmmermsinB, . .


Iss10NARY Corner
but the area was so well adapted to snow that life

January 30, 1968
went on

G^ETINGS TO THE CHURCH AT CLINTON: "We had a much needed va:acion in Switzerland managed to be there during an 11-day bliz

pretty much as usual. Erin kept praying for snow. Finally we asked her to pray for sunshine. She did and we had one perfectly lovely day for skiing the next day. The roughest part of the trip was crossing the time zones backward ^o Europe. From there to Chidamoyo, although we travelled
10 more hours straight (39), we were not nearly so tired.
"We arrived at Chidamoyo the day before the all-missionary meet

ing there. It was good to meet old friends and meet co-workers who were new to us. The last day of the meeting, January 20, was the dedication of Chidamoyo Christian Hospital. The night before the African drums beat ^ night At the dedication many, many Africans came; several chiefs from nearby areas were there The chief of our area, Chief Dendawa, was there
and had a part, as did the European District commissionero Zidon Nutt was in charge and Dr. Pruitt had the address. Madonna Burgett led the hospit
al staff choir in a hymn and Dale led the Act of Dedication, It was very


Everybody took


so soon they will be

making the

back home,

"Chidamoyo means 'place the heart desires,' and I can see why. It is a lovely hill, surrounded by small mountains= Just now the sky is very blue, the grass and trees very green and the soil is rustic=
"One of our cases of goods was missing en route. Please pray

that they'll find it O.Ko We only sent what we needed. Here's the list that was asked for of things you could send us that we can't get over
here: sour cream mixes, Tang, good powdered skim milk, instant potatoes,

chocolate chips, Heinz or Gerber oatmeal, pre-sweetened Koolaide, cake and pancake mixes. (Staples are high, meat is cheap.)" -- Love in Him, Sue Alice. (Address: Chidamoyo Mission, P B 38, Karoi, Rhodesia)



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i m-i

of the

Churches of Christ/
Christian Churches

Dr. Dale & Sue Alice Erickson

Chidomoyo Hospital Mission

P/B 38

Karoi, Rhodesia, Africa


Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Murphy

804 North Eighth Street Mt. Vernon, Illinois 62864

Dedication of Chidamoyo Christian Hospital. Ziden Nutt, missionary builder, hands the keys to Dale Erickson, missionary doctor, officially opening
the doors for service.



Volume 1, Number 1

March 1968

February 3, 1968
Dear Friends in Christ:

This is our first newsletter to our many friends and supporters in America. We hove had approximately two weeks In Rhodesia and are adjusting to the climate (it is summer and warm, but there is nearly always a pleasant

breeze), culture (fairly primitive), and people (friendly, peaceful, Shono Africans).
We arrived January 17 just in time for the Rhodesian-Zombian Missionary Conference which was chosen for Chidamoyo this year so everyone could be present for the Chidamoyo Hospital Dedication which was held January
20. It wos a long-awaited occasion. Africans, including seven chiefs, came from great distances to the dedicotlon. Numerous European (white) friends of the mission came from Salisbury ond Karoi. The District Commissioner,

Mr. White, was present to offer his congratulations. Chief Dendawa, our local chief, expressed the gratitude of his people. Ziden Nutt, the pioneer missionary of Chidamoyo and man most responsible for the progress of this mission, related the history of the mission. The final act of the dedication was handing the key to me so thot the doors of thehospital could be symbolically opened to oil. Actually, there were over 40 in-patients present at that

time. Madonna Burget, R. N., had been handling the medical responsibilities for almost a whole year alone ~
quite an achievement.

This is a lovely place, a hill between larger hills on all sides. Sue Alice said she had never seen the sky
more blue, nor as many stars. The hospital is beautiful. The courtyard is covered with green grass (looks like a putting green), and there is a lovely fountain in the center. Chidamoyo means, in Shona, "place the heart desires" and certainly the beauty of the hospital and the surrounding mountains make the name appropriate. They have wild banana, paw-paw, and mango trees scattered about. Corn is the main crop. We are located about 63 miles from the post office and get mail once a week or whenever we have to go to town (Karoi) for the mission. Letters
are certainly appreciated.

Last Sunday, I preached at the local assembly (approximately 200 present, mostly primary students), and for
the service at the hospital in the afternoon. In all, there were four people that made a decision to become Chris tians duringthe day. One was a girl who worked at the hospital, two were students, and the fourth was a man who lives about 15 miles from the mission. He had been to Chidamoyo Hospital for treatment.

Today was SueAlice's birthday. I forgot it completely, for the first time in eight years. Actually, I purchased a gift forher the week before and gave it to her then, but today I forgot! The reason was that I had other things on my mind. We performed an operation this morning on an elderly gentleman with a huge inguinal hernia. We have no electricity in the hospital yet, so Chuck Kelley hooked us some makeshift lighting with power from the car battery (rather like a torch in a cave). We have no anesthesia machine yet or oxygen or medicine for a spinal
block, so Sue Alice hdrRlted the ane'sthesia beautifully witK'"a'7udicious~combinatlon df'Dernerol given intra

venously, intravenous Pentothal, open drop ether, and a generous amount of prayer. For good measure I injected local anesthesia, but this was difficult because of the size of the hernia, which was about the size of a jumbo Softball. The repair was completed in almost three hours (it seemed like days). Toward the end the lights began to fade, but by this time I was thankful for even a lighted match. This evening the patient is resting comfortably and sounding our praises. If he only knew! Needless to say, we're looking forward to electricity.
Erin Lee has started first grade."She is one of the three first graders taught by Ola Marion from Lexington, Kentucky. Kelly seems happy in his new home. Sue Alice has started Shona lessons.

We are so grateful for your prayers, interest, and support. Without you ~ we could not be here. We are looking forward to a rewarding ministry among our African friends at Chidamoyo. Thanks again for your part.
In His Service,

The Dale Erickson Family


List of contributors: (January and February to date)

Ira J. Brandon Columbus, Ohio

Robert Kingsland - Owosso, Michigan First Church of Christ (Christian) - Owosso, Michigan First Church of Christ - Highland, Indiana
First Christian Church - Rolla, Missouri

V. C. Ammerman Cambridge City, Indiana Honeytown Christian Church - Brownstown, Indiana

East Side Christian Church - Frankfort, Indiana Central Church of Christ Mr. Vernon, Illinois

Washington Christian Church - Washington, Illinois

Beechwold Church of Christ Columbus, Ohio Church of Christ - Boswell, Indiana

First Christian Church Elizabethtown, Kentucky First Christian Church - Ferguson, Missouri Rolling Fork Christian Church - New Haven, Kentucky Christian Church Williamsport, Indiana The First Christian Church - Clinton, Illinois Flat Rock Christian Church - Flat Rock, Indiana

Medaryville Christian Church - Francesville, Indiana

Rondal Smith - Lincoln, Illinois Kum-Join-Us Class, First Church of Christ - Highland, Indiana Mr. and Mrs. Paul Raney Ferguson, Missouri First Year Jr. Class, East Side Christian Church Frankfort, Indiana Mrs. Kirk Fogleman - Frankfort, Indiana


MKCH 20, 1968

NO. 11


To our friends at Hl^land,

At the present time i am In Salisbury working at Hararl Hospital getting some experience in tropical medicine. The rest of the family is back at Chldamoyo settled in Madonna Burst's home. Madonna is our nurse at Chldamoyo vAio opened the medical program there last January. She and Ola Marlon, the children's school teacher, were living together. We had planned to build our om home at che mission, but viien we arrived and discovered how much equipment would be needed to make che hospital effective, and how much equipment already there was not paid for, we decided to shelve our ovfi house plans and spend the money on our work. We will live here until one of the other missionaries leaves on furlough and we chen will move to his home, m che

meantime, Madonna and ola are living in a cancer and score roOTi next door, sharing our bathroom and utility room, and taking evening meals here, and we are all gectlng along Just fine.

Sue Alice has already sent a noce to you celling of our arrival and the dedication, so I will not cover that this time, buc i wane co tell you a little about the evangelistic program at the

hospital and about the mission in general.

The church is completely separate from the hospital

and OTi a given Sunday approximately 200 are present for worship. Many of these students are from the primary school (throu^ 10th grade). Last Sunday is were baptized. There have been

addlclons every Sunday for many weeks, mosc of che preaching done ac che church Is done by African evangelises in Shona, wlch an incerprecer co translate into Engilsh. occasionally one
of che missionaries will preach, and chen, of course, che Interpreter translates into Shona.

Most of the time, however, the missionaries are ouc preaching In the villages. Last Sunday i v^nt with Zlden to a snail village some 13 miles from the mission. This small church was start was start-

ed by an "mbuya" (grandmother) who became a Chrisclan vJien she came co Oiidamoyo with her grand child. The grandchild was badly burned and ic cook some time for the bums to heal. During this time ^e was cau^c the Bible. She was baptized before she returned to her home. Later
tried to put them off because he was sure that they knew very little about v^at they .
Sixteen came fo^v^a^d at the Invitation, all adults. Ziden
Lrst Sunday over 40 were was flabbergasted. He
doing. So he started asking questions, It i" turned out that ^,1.^ this lady were had tau^t


but they Insisted.

16 were baptized and that's now the church started. They are bulldJ presently they are meeting under a tree, usually one of the African unpaid but occasionally 2lden goes back to encourage them and to teach them.

these people everything chat she had been tau^t at the misslonrihey did -._J

understand, and so all

preachers preaches.

Each Sunday afternoon there Is a chapel service at the hospital.

enou^ are Invited to come. The hospital staff, nurses and orderlies lead In che service and either nr. Nyasha, one of the evangelists, or one of the missionaries preaches, usually it is one nf Che Africans because Chuck Kelley, Bruce Ammerman I and Zlden are usually gone to the
(Continued on page 2)

All che paclents that are well'

Continued from. Page 1 villages preaching In the afternoon also.

Later In the afternoon. Madonna and ola and some of the African Christian ladles

smile and bright eyes he is a good ambassador of good will v^erever he goes. He loves Sudza, the African staple food, and this pleases them.
We are all learning the British words for things we use... tomato sauce is catsup, com flour is corn starch, mealies are roasting ears, clothes pegs are clothes pins, ..petrol

(frequently dressed In red and vdilte, sym

bolic of the blood of jesus and the cleans

ing of sin) go out to the villages singing and telling Bible stories. During the week
the missionary wives help with one local and

four village ladies aide groups. The women are lau^t to sew and axso have devotions.
Ola has a Saturday class for teenage girls
to teach them to be Christian wives and

is gasoline, torch is a flashll^t, lounge

is a living room. Twice viien Sue Alice ask ed her helper to clean the living room, he promptly cleaned the bedrocm vhere she keeps the desk and typewriter and spends much of the working day.
May God bless you all. We think of you often and wonder vfiiat and how you all are doing.

motherscooking, sewing, grooming, etc. as well as Bible study. It was formed on re quest. Wednesday nl^t Is bioscope (slides

and films) at the hospital. The patients thoroughly enjoy seeing the films of the
life of Christ. We are acutely that these efforts only plant the seed, thou^ some be come Christians vtiile at the hospital, hov^

ever, a follow up program Is where the hospital ministry pays off. These people open the door for the missionaries to come
teach further. Usually dice a week in the evening a gi-oup of missionaries and African Chris tians go to a new village to introduce the
words about jesus.

Dale and Sue Alice Erioksoii

into their homes to preach and

The Ha


14th, at^:3

Erin is in first grade here with Tommy NUtt and Amy Ammerman who are also 5^. in
addition to the usual subjects for first grade anyviiei-e, she has a class In Bible and

The monthly gating partysponsored by the

one in Shona language. She has been trying very hard to learn to ride her bicycle and
rode it to school for the first time today.
She is covered with biniises.

Meet at the churcX at p'. 15 p. m. The skating party is held fron^^lO p.m. Cost is 50^^
and 35^ for skates.^

Crown Point CRurch wll/be held Tuesday, March 19th, at\the Hobart skating rink.

Sue Alice is stuaying the Shona language from Mr. Nyasha with Ola Marlon. She and
Ola drill each other every murnlng from 6 to 6:3fJ before the day really begins. This is the only time they have found vhen they can concentrate without Interruptions.

Kathy Wilson, /fier birth^y js March 29 and Oak park ^enue, Chicago, llliyjois 60635.

CARD SHOWER A birthday cartV^shower \s being planned for

everyone asked to ^nd her a card. Kathy's addjf'ess Is: Kathy ^Ison, Shrlner's
Hospital fhr Crippled Children, 2211 North


BlBle School hour.

Kelly lb growing and is quite mobile now. He is Intrigued with .the goat herd that
sometimes comes into our yai-d and with the

vat^ by the Holy Spirit to share in the

as "MTNESS MARCH. " May everyonl^ be moti-

This !^day, March 17th, will beUesjgpated

Last week for "CLASS

chickens, cats, dogs, frogs, lizards, and everything else that moves. With his quick

worcjf - teaching - Inspiration given In the

MARCH" not one of our 17 classes attained




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of the

IVews letter
MISSIONARIES: Dr. Dale & Sue Alice Erickson

Churches of Christ/
Christian Churches

Chidamoyo Hospital Mission

P/B 38

Karoi, Rhodesia, Africa


Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Murphy

804 North Eighth Street Mt. Vernon, Illinois 62864

Chidamoyo Christian Hospital


. . HEAL

Volume 1, Number 2
March 25, 1968
Dear Friends in Christ:

May 1968

We hove been in Rhodesia approximately two months now, and we are beginning to get settled. Sister Madonna

Burget, our nurse at Chidamoyo, has graciously offered our family the use of her home until August. At thot time the Ziden Nutt family will be returning to the States on furlough, and we will move into their home. This will be
the fifth time our family has moved in the year, and we hope it will be the last for some time.

The hospital is filling up, now that the people know there is a doctor present. A milestone occurred this past week. We turned on the electricity for the first time. A beautiful 200-watt bulb illuminated the surgery suite. It wasn't exactly a proper operating theater light, but it beats gas lanterns any day (or night). The electrician estimates it will take approximately two more weeks to finish the job, and we're looking forward to the day. The power supply is a Lister Diesel Engine and Generator. Someday we hope to have a backup engine both for econ omy {the smaller the engine, the less expensive to operate) and insurance (engines do break down). We are faced with a serious problem here at the hospital. We have a beautiful building and an excellent staff, but the hospital desperately needs essential equipment. We need an operating table, operating theater

light, autoclave, anesthesia machine, laboratory equipment, surgical instruments, and an X-ray machine (the
X-ray machine is here but not completely paid for). A conservative estimate for the cost of these items is ap

proximately $10,000. As some of you know, in the past Dr. Dennis Pruett issued a Mother's Day appeal in behalf of Mashoko Christian Hospital. We are doing the same this year for Chidamoyo Christian Hospital for the hospi tal equipment fund. By letter, by the Central Africa Story, and by personal correspondence we are challenging
the churches of our brotherhood to take up a Mother's Day offering for the children at Chidamoyo. These children are indeed pitiful, often in rags and often starved. These are the children and their parents that we have come to serve in the name of Christ. However, if we are to do our job well, we must have a hospital, properly equipped. All funds should be designated "Hospital Equipment Fund" and sent to Mrs. Crystal Nutt, Route 2, Box 164,
Lowell, Indiana 46356.

We have some good news! Our lost crate containing all of my medical books. Sue Alice's cookbook (although she has been doing fine on her own), some medical equipment, some of the children's clothes, and worst of all -

my guitar and ukulele has been found in Beira. How anyone could possibly lose a 750-pound crate is beyond my

comprehension, but never-the-less, it got misplaced approximately 1,000 miles. But, all is forgiven now. We are
supposed to pick it up next week in Salisbury. We are still awaiting final approval from the United States State Departmentfor the Cessna 180 plane to be allowed to enter Rhodesia. Because of United Nations Sanctions, this has turned into a sticky problem. Mr. Bill Clare, of our U.S. Consulate in Rhodesia, is working hard on it and seems to feel approval is forthcoming. We hope so and soon. We have a real opportunity to take over the medical supervision of a clinic at Binga, but it all depends on the use of the aircraft. Binga is on Lake Kariba, 129 miles away. I can fly it in less than an hour; to drive would be five or six hours over unbelievable roads. Please pray with us that the State Department will allow the plane to enter-Rhodesia-soon.
The diseases we see every day are, for the most part, considerably different from bock home. I should have

spent a lot more time on porasitology in medical school. It seems that everyone (including missionaries) harbors
one or more of these little fellows, and frequently the coexistence is not peaceful. That's why the patients come to see us. Malaria, omebiasis, hookworm, strongeloides, pinworm, ascaris, and tapeworm are all fairly common here. Foni, our African lab technician, spends a great part of his day looking into a microscope for these para

sites. Every once in a while he calls me in to look at a real "live" one. I've seen more worms in two weeks than I ever saw in all my experience in medical school and residency. I only hope that I can keep them at the other
end of the microscope. That's close enough.

We have been thrilled with the evangelistic opportunities offered through the medical program here. Almost every week since our arrival, we have seen patients become Christians. Last Wednesday evening a young mother who has been in the hospital with rheumatic fever and severe cardiac failure was baptized into Christ along
with three others. We have learned that these Christians go bock to their homes and tell others about Christ as

they were told while patients in the hospital. We are constantly planting the seed of the Gospel in the lives of our patients and we know God will give the increase. These victories are the most thrilling part of our work. It
is for this that we have come.

One of the things that we do is to provide the items for communion service. It seems strange that in a country where they grow everything from squash and pumpkin to bananas and lemons, that there would be no grapes but this is the situation. So we would like to ask you, if you would, to send us packages of grope drink and grape kool-aid for use in the area communion services. Maybe someday we'll get a grape arbor started, but until then We'll need your help.

A bit about the family. Kelly is jabbering a great deal, and we're just waiting for the day when somebody other than Erin and Sue Alice can understand him. Erin has finally mastered her bicycle, is going to school, and can speak a few words in Shona. Sue Alice is now teaching two hours a week in the African school, and handling the housekeeping department of the hospital. She is also teaching some of the younger girls and women
how to sew and cook, and helps when needed here in the hospital work. I have finished my tropical medicine studies in Salisbury, am still studying Shona, and am back with the family again, and into the full swing of the preacher-doctor activities at Chidamoyo.

Thank you for taking our needs in our work to heart - we are doing our best, but how we need equipment!
May God bless each of you.
The Ericksons

Dale, Sue Alice, Erin Lee, and Kelly


List of contributors: (February and Marcl^and to April 15, 1968)

First Ch. of Chr., Highland, Ind. Central Ch. of Chr., Mt. Vernon, 111. Mrs. Kirk Fogleman, East Side Chr. Ch., Frankfort, Ind.
Flat Rock Chr. Ch., Flat Rock, Ind. Medaryville Chr. Ch., Francesville, Ind. First Chr. Ch. of Ferguson, Mo. Beechwold Ch. of Chr., Columbus, Ohio Washington Chr. Ch., Washington, 111.

Rolling Fork Chr. Ch., New Haven, Ky. Kum-Join-Us Class, First Ch. of Chr., Highland. Ind. First Ch. of Chr, Owosso, Mich.
The First Chr. Ch., Clinton, 111. First Chr. Ch., Elizabethtown, Ky. Lincoln Chr. Ch., Lincoln, 111. Brady Lane Ch. of Chr., Lafayette, Ind. Bunn Park Ch. of Chr., Springfield, 111.

Ki-Lo Circle, Beechwold Ch. of Chr., Columbus, Ohio C.Y.F., Flat Rock Chr. Ch.,Flat Rock. Ind. Surprise Chr. Ch. Miss. Fund, Cortland, Ind.
Chr. Ch., Williamsport, Ind. Honeytown Chr. Ch., Brownstown, Ind. Crusaders Youth Group, Beechwold Ch. of Chr., Columbus, Ohio

Chidamoyo Christian Hospital

"No, no, Mommy, not the witch doctor


Chidamoyo Christian Hospital

P. B. 38 Karoi, Rhodesia

April 17, 1968

Dear friends in Christ,

Chidamoyo Christian Hospital was dedicated January 20, I968. This hospital serves a large population in the Urungwe Reserve in Rhodesia. Prior to the building of this
medical facility the closest doctor was 62 miles away at Karoi. Now because of the

generosity of many Christians in America, there is hope for these people. No longer do they have to rely on the incantations and bone rattling of the local witch doctor. No longer do mothers need to die in childbirth. No longer are the people ignorant of
the Gospel's saving power. Now someone cares. Chidamoyo Christian Hospital stands as testimony of God's love and of the Ameri

can churches' compassion for the people of Rhodesia. Many mothers (madzimai) bring their children to us for care. I have seen frightened mothers, afraid that their babies will die, saddened mothers who have seen their children blinded by witch doc tors. I have also seen mothers laughing with joy at the birth of a new child or cry ing tears of thankfulness with the recovery of a baby they thought would surely die.
There is no Mother's Day in Rhodesia. But we are asking that Mother'-s -Day-iHAmerica play a significent part in the lives of the children here. At the present time at Chidamoyo we have no funds to properly equip our new hospital, V/e need:


An X-ray machine (here, but not completely paid for)

An anesthesia machine


An operating table An operating theater light

An autoclave


Surgical instruments
Laboratory equipment.

The cost of this equipment is $10,000.

Will your congregation be one of the many to gather a Mother's Day offering in behalf of the children of Chidamoyo. ^/hen you honor the mothers of your congregation this year, do not forget the mothers, ''madzimai," in Rhodesia who, like you, desper ately want their children to live. Unfortunately for many, this has not been possible. We^'re doing something to change all that. Won't you help us? Please mark all con
tributions -'Hospital Equipment Fund" and send to Mrs. Crystal Nutt
Route 2, Box 164 Lowell, Indiana 46356. Sincerely in Christ,

' Dale"Erickson, M. D.

i'irs. Florence >ickson, mother of Dr. Dale irickson, i^rill be available for speaking engagements and showing slides of Chidamoyo Mission on weekends.
anywhere within 100 miles of Hammond, Indiana, can be arranged.
children's projects are available.

During the week

Ideas for women and

You will want to know more than what this letter gives, so write her at the
following addressJ I633 174th Street Hammond, Indiana 46324
Phone Area Code 219-844-6201.




L 2 9 1968

Address Correction Requested




of the

JVews letter
MISSIONARIES: Dr. Dale & Sue Alice Erickson

Churches off Christ/

Christian Churches

Chidamoyo Hospital Mission

P/B 38

Karoi, Rhodesia, Africa


Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Murphy 804 North Eighth Street Mt. Vernon, Illinois 62864

The six students of Kenyonga School, Chidamoyo Christian Mission. From the left they are: Karolyn and Tommy Nutt, Carson Kelley, Amy and Gay
Ammerman, and Erin Lee Erickson.

. . TEACH . . HEAL

Volume 1, Number 3

July 1968

May 28, 1968

Greetings from Rhodesia:

Good news about the airplane! Having successfully negotiated with the U.S. State Department, the South African Government, end the Rhodesian Department of Customs, end Excise, 1 wos able to fly the Cessna 780 up from Johonnesburg, South Africa, to Chidamoyo the week of May 10. 1 had to satisfy the United States Govern ment that the plane was to be used for "humanitarian" purposes, the Rhodesian Government that 1 was not an American spy, and the South African Government that 1 wasn't violating the U.N. sanctions ogainst Rhodesia. 1 should have studied law, not medicine, to prepare for missionary service.
Now that the aircraft is here 1 have been flying once o week to Binga, 129 miles away, to o clinic operated by the government in the heart of the BOTONGA tribe, the most primitive people of Rhodesia. The Botonga were moved south from the shores of the Zambezi while Kariba Lake was filling. These people represent what's left of "darkest" Africa. As part of their beautifying process, the women have their two front teeth knocked out, per forate the nasal septum, and place a stick of bosalm wood through it, and occasionally dye their hair with herb dyes. Today, going to the aerodrome we saw a mother, stark noked, bathing olong the road. Clothing for the children is a G-string. When cold weather comes a blanket Is added. The country between Binga and Chidamoyo

is very, very ^primitive. Jack Pennington has been working with the Botonga people for the past six years. A number of churches have been established along the southern shore of Kariba Lake around Binga. My work in the clinic will help to support this evangelistic program. There is a possibility that this small government hospital will be someday turned over to our mission. We hope so. There are no schools, no churches, no clinics, we are told, between here and Binga. We plan to do a population survey of the area and contact some of the chiefs

Chief Dandawa's wife, one of three, came into the hospital last week, stone blind with bilateral cataracts. I had done a few cataract extractions at Harari Hospital, but this was the first patient I operated on here for cata racts. I knew that a lot was at stake in addition to the health of the patient. A successful operation would be great publicity for the hospital. The chief would spread the word. But, if the operation failed, the chief would be very unhappy, and would spread that word as well. Fortunately, all went well, "Zva-ka-naka" and we're ex pecting to do a lot of eye surgery in the future. It is a great thrill to help one of these aged Africans to regain his sight.

The children ore back in school again. School here is divided Into three different blocks of three months each, with a one-month holiday in between. Erin Lee is actually learning to read. Her text is a Janet and John story, very much like the Dick and Jane that Sue Alice and I used as first graders. Erin Lee has picked up some of the Rhodesian pronounciation. "Yes" is pronounced "Yaw" by Rhodesians, so everything is "Yaw" around our
house. \ .

Kelly is quite the young man, into everything at once. I'm sure he will be speaking Shona before English. H^plays ^H'Tod Ammerman (three) and Davey George'(three), an African boy. I think he ii going to be a veteri narian. The other day he had a flashlight poked down our dog, Shane's throat, and kept repeating, "Ah! Ah!" We now have a hospital chaplin. Sam Togarepi arrived here May 1. Since Sam's arrival we have had 25 addi tions to the church from hospital patients, all in less than one month. Sam spends each day teaching the Bible

in the wards, showing filmstrips, leading morning devotions for the (^tpatients, and playing with the children on

the veranda. He is great with the children. They are always laughing when he is around. A new church has started at GWAZI, about five "miles from Chidamoyo. About two Sundays ago, ten were

baptizeci there. Ephraim, who works for us, was baptized May 22. Mark, our other employee, was baptized about a
month ago, and had been talking to Ephraim.

Despite the fact that it is almost winter here, the temperature is still between 70-80 degrees during the day, unseasonably warm. We have had a fire in the fireplace only once* at night. June, July, August are supposed to be cool. In the 40's at night, but not terribly uncomfortable. It really gets cold in South Africa. When I was in Johannesburg to pick up the plane it was already 40 degrees dt night. No central heating either.

The other day. Madonna Burget broke open a gift box from the States and passed out^bubble gum to all the
kids. It was a riot to watch these children trying to imitate Madonna blowing bubbles. The suckers, balloons,

and candy from home are given frequently to the children. Their little faces light up wheq these small gifts are passed around. Children are the same the world over. They need the somethings wherever they ore - kindness, love, security,' and most of all the opportunity to learn about Christ Jesus. Thank you for your part in providing that opportunity.
The Ericksons,


Dale, Sue Alice, Erin Lee, and Kelly

List of contributors; (April 15 to June 1. 1968)

First Christian Church, Elizabethtown, Ky. First Church of Christ Missionary Society, Eldorado, III. Merrillville Church of Christ (Christian), Merrillville, Ind. Washington Christian Church, Washington, III. Christian Church Missions (Medaryville), Froncesville, Ind. First Church of Christ (Christian), Owosso, Mich. Mr..and Mrs. Mark A. Putnam, Robinson, III. (for hospital equipment)
Sur;prise Christian Church Missionary Fund, Cortland, Ind. Jr. High Class of East Side Chi^istian Church, Frankfort, Ind. Rolling Fork Christian Church Missions, New Haven, Ky.

First Christian Church, Clinton, III. First Church of Christ, Highland, Ind. First Christian Church, Ferguson, Mo. Bunn Park Church of Christ, Springfield, III. Beechwold Church of Christ, Columbus, Ohio Flat Rock Christian Church, Flat Rock, Ind. Lincoln Christian Church, Lincoln, III.
Central Church of Christ, Mt. Vernon, III. Christian Church, Williamsport, Ind. Mary Lucy Sennett, Clarksdale, Miss.

NOTE: Contributions received arid listed above ore for Dale and Sue Alice's living link and service link funds. Several others hove given toward the Chidamoyo Hospital Equipment Fund through Mrs. Crystal Nutt. To all who are helping Dold and Sue Alice's work in Rhodesia in any way, we are deeply grateful.
f ' Forwarding Agents

teaching the children the Bible, leading the


Chidcmoyo Mission, P. B' 38 Karoij Rhodesia f. ' ;

J-une 7j 1968

devotions in the mornings, going into the villages to preach. Since coming, he alone has baptized 39 people, inclMding one of the
men who.helps Sue Alice at home and in the

Dear Mr Dvnn, family^ and our nany friends

at Highland,

hospital cleaning and babysitting.

does not count the additions in all


e want to thank you all at Highland for your extra help in helping to supply
funds for hospital equipment, and to those of you viho helped Mother get out the letters
that we sent to the churches in the Midwest.

other churches this past month. People here are hungry for the gospel and receptive to it- Our main problems include training a strong leadership in the churches, Bible

teaching (man^ do not have Biblesmore can

not read) teaching the churches to give.


The funds seem to be coining in steadily al though we are still along way from the
necessary amount.

have a leadership training class that meets

at Chidamoyo once a month but .that is not enough. Ve hope to start some intensive

yow that we have been here for awhile

and understand the situation a little better

I thought I would try to summarize the total evangelistic effort that we are engaged in at Chidanoyo The churches include: Pulechi, 12 miles away with 70 nevb ers, Jfe have a school there. Babza, 6 miles away with 60 membars, school. Vuti, 70 niles away, 60 members, school.

training class for some of the teen-age boys they're the ones Tnho do a lot of the Preach ing in the villages churches, and they are. excited and enthusiastic about preaching, The missionary wives and Madonna Burget and Ola Marion all work with laai'es groups or with "phe teenage girls in sewing and cooking classes and Bible teaching. The teenagers are learning to make banana^ ding today, and our yard has three cooking
fires going on it nowA numbev have be

Chidamoyo, 200 members, school, hospital. Gwadzi, 5 miles axxiy, meets under a tree-on an ant hill, new congregation, less than
three months old, about 40 members, has ladies aide of 50. Stop, also known as 8-Vire,- no one knows how the names were derived, 70 membersChataUj 14 miles, 50 members. MPff> 14 miles, 50 members. Chegedi, 9 miles, 40 members.
In addition to these we have started new

come Christians through this witnessMadonna takes about 10 church ladies calling with her to the villoges every Sunday after


It's a sight to see them sir^ifig and

Ve are excited about the work here and

clapping their hands as they ride off in the fc ach of her pick-u/p.

the wonderful opportunity the Lotd has given,

us to preach in this areaWith all the ar guments pro and con about hospitals it is

preaching sei^ices close to Chief Matau's

area, 19 miles away (also Ifell-bahy Clinic),

two places close to ^uti, and one north of Magungi, about 50 miles away. Some have-

interesting to note that Chidamoyo area never would have been granted as a mission site -to the churches of Christ if we had not agreed to build a hospital here. These people would most likely have been Ronan

been baptised in these places but a regular church service has not been started yet. e. are amazed at the new opportunities before us. This is where the hospital ministry comes in. It is an African custom that you go to a village only with an invitation. Often it is from people who were first in troduced to the gospel at the hospital that
the invitations come.

Catholics '"today, because they were pressing

hard for the sito. The family is fine. Sue Alice and Kelly went to Salisbury on business and to et the car fixed. On the way they hit a chicken and stopped to pay for it, while they were taking caee of a bit of per~ sonal relationships, a man came running down the road to say that a woman nearby was about to have a baby, and would Sister Srickson please come help. Well in this continvtcd on page 4

Almost a month ago, our hospital cha/plain arrived. Be is Siam Togaripe, but that's

"Sam" to us.

Be has done a gr^it^job thus

far, talking to the patients about Christ,

*> 'iis;-.-





^ hrt
p> g
r f I !

case Sue Alice determined that the baby would wait quite a number of hours, left
some advice in case i t didn't wait vntil the



truck from the viission arrivea and she went


o K

u O


% \ +


00 U


' L ' 6 cn M S

I- -j o

on her way. You just never know what is going to happen out here. Erin and I batched it at Chidamoyo. The weather was quite cool and we built a fire in the fire place. Says are quite conformable up here, but Sue Alice said it was COLD in Salisbury. I am flying to Binga now each week . The Botonga people are very different from tfte Shona, about 200 years behind it seems. The ladies wear basaln wood through the nose and have their four front teeth knocked out

CO cn I?

W o o


s s* ;?s (B 6fl
< M

at an early age as a beauty nark- Lovely eh? Jack Pennington is our missionary over there and he is doing an outstanding job. Best wishs to all. Ve hope the YBS is
a good success for the Lord.
I(S Saviour, Dale, Sue Alic, Kelly Srickson


o "




\o o

fr 3


o" < *

A c

The Graduates Bible School Class (for those out of high school and college age) Is
now two weeks old.


f <

Mr. Richard Johns Is doing a-splendid

Job In presenting the lessons.
ates. But where?? Oh where?? With YOU, lets fill Are the Gradu the classroom


- f

tWs Sunday morning at 9:30.


For further information re garding important events at the

I^ACC, see the literature on the

bulletin boards.






Address Correction Requested



of the

MISSIONARIES: Dr. Dale & Sue Alice Erickson

Churches of Christ/
Christian Churches

Chidomoyo Hospital Mission

P/B 38

Karoi, Rhodesia, Africa



Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Murphy 804 North Eighth Street Mt. Vernon, Illinois 62864

Rrggie Thomas and lh(! Rostvill twins ol the H<'ggi' Thomas Kvangclisiic IVam sho^vn \silh Dr. Dale Krickson, just alter landing at Cliidamoyo
Mission ior a two day evangi!listi<- moctiiig ihorc.


Volume 1, Number 4

September 1968

July 30, 1968

Dear Friends:

The Reggie Thomas Evangelistic Team arrived in Rhodesia almost two months ago, and Chidomoyo was the last stop before they entered Zambia. In those two months over eight hundred people made a commitment to the Lord in various parts of Rhodesia. The European churches in Bulawayo, Gwelo, Fort Victoria, Chiredzi and Sinoia were greatly strengthened. At Gwelo the church membership increased from two to over forty. In Chiredzi, the first night of preaching, everyone in the audience except the missionaries present stepped forward to declare
their new faith. Also in Chiredzi over three hundred Africans became Christians. Over one hundred people in

Bulawayo were baptized into Christ. Reggie reported that at Gutu, an old man was so thrilled that he jumped into
the outdoor baptistry and danced in the water after his baptism.

Chidomoyo Mission witnessed the largest single gathering at one time for the visit of the team. Over eight hundred and fifty people filled the church house to the rafters, and some were hanging through the windows trying to hear the singing and preaching. Thirty were boptized in the two days of meeting. It was a tremendous thrill to hear 850 African Christions singing the beautiful Shono hymns. The African children wouldn't let the Rostvitt twins stop singing. They kept shouting, "Just one more!" The whole team preached and sang their hearts out while they were here at Chidomoyo. We hated to see them go, but we ore praying for great success in Zambia.

Other recent visitors to Chidamoyo Mission were Marvin Matthews and David Williams. They have been board members of Central Africa Mission since its inception in 1954. Both men are touring Rhodesia and Zambia for the first time to see first hand the work they have been so vigorously supporting for 14 years. I flew Marvin and Dove on to Gwelo after they visited a farewell party that Chief Dandawa was giving for Ziden Nutt.

The Ziden Nutt family left for America today for their second furlough. We are sad to see them go, but proud of them. Ziden was the pioneer missionary at Chidamoyo in 1961, and is greatly responsible for the growth of the
work here. He led in the drive for the construction of Chidamoyo Christian Hospital. Having completed the build
of the building of the hospital.

ing, he is returning home to report to the churches and to gather funds for final payment of hospital construction costs. We hope that our many friends will be able tohear him speak and to see the 16mm sound motion picture film
Our family is quite well. We moved into Ziden Nutt's house at the end of June. Somehow we have managed to move on, or near the date of my birthday every ye since 1965. It is a roomy house and as yet we don't quite fill it, but it is nice to have room for guests. Sue Alice is amazed that out here in the bush of Africa she is doing more entertaining and fixing more company meals than she did in America. But then there is no Howard Johnson's
and usually stay the night. Erin will be six on August 3. She has been looking forward to this for a long time. Every once in awhile she

Motel or Restaurant just a way down the road, and people don't just drop by - they come to visit or on business

will be especially nice, or mature in some action, and then confide, 'I'm practicing being six." Kelly is a busy little boy, never stopping until he is really tired. In the evening just before bedtime he often comes running out of
my office with my ukelele in hand ready for a few minutes of family singing before we tuck the children in for the night. He still-doesn't talk so 1 can understand, but he has little trouble getting the ideas across. Sue Alice's cooking classes, for teenagers who do not read or write, have just finished after 12 weeks. They cooked everything under the sun with cornmeal - including peanut butter cookies and doughnuts. They studied basic nutrition, cooking methods, meal-planning, etc. Ola Marion helped with the classes. They felt that they had reached a real milestone when the girls began trying the recipes out at home, and reported that their mothers were pleased. Next week the girls will begin learning to sew, and their first project will be lining the baptismal robes for the Chidamoyo Church. We have a problem! Sometime back we received a package from America containing some lovely little hand puppets made of brightly colored felt. Somehow or other in the storing, followed by moving, etc., we have been un able to find the label which will tell us which church group back home made them and sent them. We are using them in the pediatric ward and they are much loved by the small children. I have seen older visitors and parents try to play with them too, but they are made for young hands, so the children are able to enjoy them thoroughly - and ex clusively. So, if your group made the puppets, and wonder whatever happened to them, please write and we will reply.

The Chidamoyo Hospital Equipment Drive initiated with the Mothers' Day Appeal in the Central Africa Story
has brought in, to date, over $5,500. We are happy to report that with these funds our X-ray machine is now com pletely paid for; we have our new operating table, anesthesia machine, refrigerator for the laboratory, and have purchased some surgical equipment. We are in the process of ordering our steam sterilizer and operating theater

light. We also hope to purchase a second generator for the hospital for the purposes of insurance and economy.
Another item we have ordered is a radio-telephone so we will have contact with the outside world. This will en able us to call byradioat a set time each day into the Rhodesia telephone system. The advantages are tremendous

in terms of emergency orders of supplies for the hospital, calling other missionaries in Rhodesia, etc. We want to express our deep appreciation to the individuals, classes, V.B.S. groups, and churches that have contributed so generously to the Equipment Fund. Building and equipping a hospital is a task of gigantic propor
tion. /ou who have given have greatly helped.
" In His Love and Service,
The Ericksons

Dale, Sue Alice, Erin Lee, and Kelly CONTRIBUTIONS (June 1, 1968 to July 30, 1968) Victor Church of Christ, East Rochester, N. Y. Asa R. Talbot, Ft. Rucker, Ala.

Central Church of Christ, Mt. Vemon, 111. ChrisUan Church Missions, Medaryville, Ind.

First Chur(A of Christ, Highland, Ind.

First Christmn Church, Ferguson, Mo. Washington ChrisUan Church, Washington, 111. Beechwold Church of Christ, Columbus, O. First Christian Church, Clinton, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Dorwin Baker, Clinton, 111.
Surprise ChrisUan Church Missions, Cortland, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse McKinney, Lafayette, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Lester E. Fifer, Grayson, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Adams, Lafayette, Ind. Bunn Park Church of Christ, Springfield, 111.

Flat P^ck Christian Church, Flat Rock, Ind.

Ballard Church of Christ Missionary Society, Sparta, Mich. Maryvale Christian Women's Fellowship, Phoenix, Ariz. jr. High Class, Eastside ChrisUan Church, Frankfort, Ind.
Christian Church Missions, Williamsport, Ind. Lincoln Christian Church, Lincoln, 111. RolUng Fork Christian Church Missions, New Haven, Ky. Mr, and Mrs. H. O. Browder, St. Charles, Mo. Brady Lane Church of Christ (ChrisUan), Lafayette, Ind.
l^r. John A. Lusk, Davison, Mich, (for hospital equipment) First ChrisUan Church, Elizabethtown, Ky. ChrisUan Church, Woodlawn, 111. Dr. and Mrs. David W. Grube, Minneapolis, Minn. Honeytown Christian Church, Brownstown, Ind.

Pirst Church of Christ (Christian), Owosso, Mich.

Note from Forwarding Agents: Contributions listed above are for the Living-Link and Service-Link funds sent to Dr.
Erickson. Several listed above and others not listed have given toward the Chidamoyo Hospital Equipment Fund through Mrs. Crystal Nutt. Although not listed above, your names have been added to Dr. Erickson's newsletter list. If you fail to receive
a copy, please let us know.

Dear Friends at Clinton:

Lois Perkins

Binga hospital, and God is opening

opportunities for Him there. for us to witness It is difficult and

'Sept. 6, 1968

hospital work is begin

ning to build up now that some of the equipment has been installed. Re

cently in
stab wound


we repaired a
one of the new






children there.

Most of

them do So and

not have names, so the cards read,

"1st, 2nd, or 3rd child of

Christians near here received when her drunken uncle returned to the

village. Without surgery she

well could have died


from infec

tion or internal bleeding, but she

was in good condition and was dis

Dale is especially busy on Sundays when he goes to preaching services at nearby villagesmaybe
two or more services in the morn

charged a few days ago.

This week

we did a
had one

C-Section on a
only a

lady who

ing, dropping off teenage preacher

living child out of seven

boys at other places, and

service or two in the

maybe a


pregnancies. Several of the babies

had died

day or so before

Sam Togaripe,

our chaplain is do

^delivery, This baby was a healthy

looking boy. The patient was awake
when we wheeled the stretcher back

ing a very good work of teaching and evangelism at the hospital and
we continue to have baptisms often^ Just now our checks are being
to the

to the ward.

There she was met by

and friends who

uncashed at the




the I),So Treasury

grants a permit
Africa Mission to

were clapping, singing hjnnns, and even dancing with joy.

We have started a Well-Baby Clinic at Manjola school near Binga

The government is equipping the

send money under the Humanitarian Clau.?e of the U, N, Sanctions. Please pray that this situation is

corrected soon. May God bless you. -- Dale, Sue Alice, Erin, Kelly

"Next Section III meeting, Wednesday, Oct. 16 at 9:30 A^M. , will be in the form of a Missionary Shower. First, for our good friends. Dr. & Mrs. Dale Erickson at Chidamoyo Hospital, Rhodesia. They need lay
ettes consisting of receiving blankets, diapers, sacque tops, gowns, and diaper pins (may be new or good used items) Also,.pre-sweetened

Koolaid, especially grape flavor for conimunion, since grapes are not grown there. Second, gifts for the missionary cupboard (especially
men s and children's) may be brought. Visiting missionaries are

privileged to select a gift of their choosing from the cupboard which contains toiletries, candy, ec. -And third, bring Betty Crocker coupons (outdated ones are good) to obtain silverware for camp,
"All items may be left in the box marked the church office." Judy Shaw 'Section III' outside

BOX 368




Address Correction Requested



of the


Churches of Christ/
Christian Churches

Dr. Dale & Sue Alice Erickson

Chldamoyo Hospital Mission

P/B 38

Karoi, Rhodesia, Africa


"All aboard! African mother from ihe Gwadzi

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Murphy

804 North Eighth Street Mt. Vernon, Illinois 62864

church gets assistance packing liny babyon her back while Kelly and Sue Alice sland by."


Volume 1, Number 5

October 1, 1968

November 1968

This is the first day of the month, and we have been told that it will be the hottest and most uncomfortable one

of the year. It has been at least six months since rain last fell, and everything is very dry. We are expecting the rainy season to start sometime in November, and are praying for a good one because the water level of our area is

low and getting lower year by year. One day lost week we raked leaves from our yard because they were falling so. The next day we were greatly surprised to see that nearly every branch of the tree had new green leaves, even though the rains will not come for another month. This is beginning to happen to many of the plants, and, as Bruce Ammerman says: "It just shows what great faith the plants have that the water will be provided." 1don't know about that, but It certainly is a pleasant change from brown. Sue Alice has a garden. She borrowed a book on gar dening, and ordered some seeds according to the monthly schedule. We had lettuce, the peas are blooming, and we have lots of little green tomatoes. We have picked about nine lemons, and the limes will soon be ripe, but the grapefruit tree looks bad - has some kind of parasitic insect on it that doesn't respond to oll-purpose insecti

The hospital work is beginning to pick up now as we are able to help more people with the new equipment that is being purchased. We ore using the operating room increasingly, and people are beginning to accept surgery as a treatment other than the last resort. We thought we left the knife and gun club behind at the city hospitals in the States, but just recently we had two stab wounds to be closed. If the hospital had not been here both of these patients might well have bled to death or hod terrible infections at least; but as it is, they both recovered. In both

cases the patients were young people who were stabbed by drunken uncles in family brawls. One, was a young

girl, Chinai, who had just become a Christian a few days before the stabbing. While she was in the hospital, the chaplain, Sam Togaripe, and the staff continued teaching her God's ways. Since her recovery she has been a faith
ful member of the new Gwadzi church.

Kenneth Messman, a senior medical student from Vanderbilt was with us for a month. He is spending six months in our Christian Mission medical facilities on a SKF Fellowship. He is a minister who graduated from Milligan College before going to medical school. We really appreciated his help, not only in the hospital, but in the evan

gelistic efforts as well. Ken will spend the last part of his externship at Mashoko, but we felt blessed that he was
able to be here for awhile. He plans to go into medical-missionary work when he has finished his training in two or three years, so you may be hearing of him in the future. As time goes on, it seems that there is more and more to do. At the hospital we are running a full house much of the time, and the Outpatient Department is always full. We are building a Madumbu Hut - a house for the ex pectant mothers to live in the last few weeks of waiting. This in itself will help free beds we need in the OB ward. We've also found it necessary to build a few more African-style houses for those who are receiving treatment as outpatients to iive in while coming for daily medicines. One pleasant case a few weeks ago involved performing a Caesarian Section and delivering a live baby for a woman who had only one living child out of seven pregnancies. Most of her babies had died only a few days before delivery. She was awake when we wheeled her back to the ward where she and the baby were joyfully greeted by friends and relatives. They were clapping, singing hymns, and even dancing. The grandmother was the happiestlooking woman I have seen in a long, long time. We have started regular preaching services at a place called Chinetsi - a direct result of the hospital minis

try. A woman came to know Christ while at the hospital to have a baby. Her husband repented (as they say) at the
first service held in their village, and they are bringing friends to know the Lord all the time. Chinetsi is about

forty miles away, and brings to nine the number of churches visited by someone from Chidamoyo every Lord's Day. The churches at Chatau, Gwadzi, and Mpoff are getting ready to build their own shelters or meeting houses. This in itself lends a sense of permanency to the congregation, and encourages attendance during the rainy season. The

church at Chigedi has almost completed their building. In addition to these churches, we have started new preach ing services close to Chief Matau's area, 19 miles away; two places close to Vuti; and one North of Magungi,
about fifty miles away. Some have been baptized in these places but a regular church service has not been started yet. Sundays are especially busy as we go preaching at nearby villages - maybe two or more services in the morn ing, dropping off teen-age preacher boys at other places, and maybe, going on to a service or two in the afternoon as well. Sam, our chaplain, is doing a very good work of teaching and evangelism at the hospital, and we continue to have baptisms often. We are amazed at the new opportunities before us.

During September, Paul and Joyce, children of the Jack Penningtons who are missionaries at Binga, stayed with us while their parents took a concentrated course in Shona at the Language Institute in Salisbury. The chil dren are a bit older (10 and 11) than our own two and life around here was changed noticeably for awhile. Erin and Kelly really enjoyed having a big sister and big brother for a few weeks. Kelly is growing fast and is trying hard
to communicate with the other children.

i' The other day Sue Alice and Erin Lee were walking together when Erin said; "You know, Mother, sometimes I get homesick for America." Of course Sue Alice wanted to know why and Erin's reasoning was this: "Well, in

America you don't have to go so far to go somewhere (it's 63 miles to the nearest town), you can buy adult apple sauce (we have to get the kind in junior baby food jars), and it's a free country."
May God bless you all.
In His Service,

Dale, Sue Alice, Erin Lee and Kelly

CONTRIBUTIONS (August 1, 1968 to OctoW 31, 1968)
Mrs. Margaret Freeman, Clinton, 111. First Church of Christ Missions, Highland, Ind.
First Christian Church, Flora, 111. Christian Church Missions, Medaryville, Ind.

Bunn Park Church of Christ (Lake Springfield Christian Assembly Missionary Offering), 111. Ch. Ki-Lo Circle, Beechwold Church of Christ, Columbus, Ohio
Memorial Church of Christ, Detroit, Mich.

First Christian Church, La Mirada, Calif.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith, Lincoln, 111.

Robert W. Vermilya, M. D., Lafayette, Ind. Surprise Christian Church Missions, Cortland, Ind. Henderson Church of Christ, Henderson, Mich. Harris Prairie Church of Christ, Granger, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse McKinney, Lafayette, Ind. Washington Christian Church, Washington, 111. Junior Boys, Meadowbrook Church of Christ, Mt. Vernon, 111. Primary Church, First Christian Church, Junction City, Kans. Honeytown Christian Church, Brownstown, Ind. Trader's Point Christian Church, Indianapolis, Ind. First Year Juniors, Eastside Christian Church, Frankfort, Ind. Kenneth E. Hershman, Woodlawn Heights Christian Church,
Lafayette, Ind.

Central Church of Christ, Mt. Vernon, 111. Rolling Fork Christian Church Missions, New Haven, Ky. Flat Rock Christian Church, Flat Rock, Ind. Lincoln Christian Church, Lincoln, 111, Beechwold Church of Christ, Columbus, Ohio
First Christian Church, Clinton, 111.

Brady Lane Church of Christ (Christian), Lafayette, Ind. Woodlawn Christian Church, Woodlawn, 111. Christian Church Missions, Williamsport, Ind. First Christian Church, Elizabethtown, Ky.
First Christian Church, Ferguson, Mo.

First Church of Christ (Christian), Owosso, Mich, First Christian Church, Washington, Ind,
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gray, Highland, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Inskeep, Fairfield, 111.

Paul E. Schroeder, M. D., Flint, Mich. Mrs. Emily Gill, Albion, 111.

Bunn Park Church of Christ, Springfield, 111.

Note from Forwarding Agents: Several names listed above, and other names not listed have given toward the Chidamoyo
Hospital Equipment Fund through Mrs. Crystal Nutt. Although not listed above, Mrs. Nutt forwarded your gift and your nome,
and your names have been added to Dr. Erickson's newsletter list. Your gifts are very much appreciated.

Jane and Ralph Murphy for Dale and Sue Alice Erickson


A 1-^

I '



r '4>i!

December, 1968 Dear Friends,

Seasons greetings to you all! It would be a wonderful thing if we could see you all this year at
Christmas time; but since we can't, we will have to make do with a letter.

This Christmas will be the first one we have ever celebrated in the middle of summer; it will be the

first one with the flaming lily, state flower of Rhodesia, as a common decorator item instead of the poinsettia; and it will be the first Christmas when we have been praying for rain, not snow. We have found it hard to get into the Christmas spirit; somehow summer clothes and Christmas have just never been associated together in our minds before. But nevertheless, on December 25, even if the temperature is high, our children will doubtless have us up at daybreak, the same as yours will on the other side of
the world.

Many things have happened to us during the last year. It was January 17 when we arrived at Chidamoyo Mission in Rhodesia, just a few days before the hospital, where we work, was dedicated. Erin

started to first grade at the mission's one room school the very next week. Soon afterwards, Dale began studying tropical medicine for two months at Harare Hospital in Salisbury, commuting to the mission on weekends. The hospital at that time had very little equipment with no electricity. Dale did the first surgery case with a puctuating, failing light running off of a car battery. Since then, thanks to your help, he has been able to begin purchasing the equipment needed to provide good medical care. In May we were finally able to get the Cessna 180 aircraft into Rhodesia, and Dale began his weekly duties as medical officer for Binga on Kariba Lake, where Jack Pennington is the missionary. The flight takes about one hour, ^e drove it once and it took us, with the family, seven hours to get to Binga. There
aren't any filling stations along the way either.

The Reggie Thomas evangelistic team came to Chidamoyo to hold a meeting late in July. Christians came from all over the Urungwe reserve for the three-day meeting. They came by foot, bicycle, bus, or lorry, and camped near the church. Over 750 people crowded inside the church-house for the Saturday afternoon meeting. Quite a number of people were baptized then, and we are still harvesting from the
seeds sown then.

In September, the Pennington children, Joyce and Paul, lived with us while their parents studied
Shona in a concentrated course in Salisbury. About the same time we had a medical student from Vanderbilt with us for a month on an externship. You may be hearing about Dr. Ken Messman, preacher-doctor, after he finishes his training and comes back as a medical missionary. It was the same month that our dog, Shanie, had premature puppies. Every child on the mission, including Kelly, was as concerned about the one puppy that lived two days as if it had been a human baby.

Dale and I went to Salisbury in November to take the intensive Shona course. Erin stayed at Chidamoyo to be in school, but Kelly came with us and stayed at a nice day nursery near the camping park where we lived in a rented camper for the month. Dr. Cobb and Dr. Erasure from Mashoko Mission covered the hospital work for us, and we went home on weekends so we could see Erin and Dale could cover his
preaching duties.

As the hospital has become better equipped, and as our reputation has spread, the hospital work has increased considerably. People are beginning to consider surgery as treatment when needed, not a last

try only for the dying. The ladies like to come here to have their babies, so we had to build a house for the ladies-in-waiting (some stay a month or more) to clear hospital beds. All the hospital staff are now

Christiansj Sam^I^aripe has been doing an^xcellerit^feb-as-^aplmn* T^he-^vang^istic^opportunities-,

and reqiiests for new churches to begin regular services are coming as rapidly as we can handle them. So you see, we've had a busy, fruitful year. It has been good to know we are serving the Lord in the place where He has led us. We hope that you have had a good year, too, and that the next one will be
even better.

May God Bless You All,

The Ericksons



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