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Petroleum Refining & Petrochemicals


Test Method for Conradson Carbon Residue of Petroleum Products.

Porcelain Crucible, Iron Crucible, Wire Support, Hood Circular, Insulator, Burner

Conradson Carbon A measurement of h drocarbon mi!tures tendenc to lea"e carbon deposits #co$e% &hen burned as fuel or sub'ected to intense heat in a processin( unit such as a catal tic crac$er. This test method co"ers the determination of the amount of carbon residue left after e"aporation and p rol sis of an oil, and is intended to pro"ide some indication of relati"e co$e)formin( propensities. This test method is (enerall applicable to relati"el non"olatile petroleum products &hich partiall decompose on distillation at atmospheric pressure. Petroleum products containin( ash)formin( constituents &ill ha"e an erroneousl hi(h carbon residue, dependin( upon the amount of ash formed. Carbon res d!e " #A $ %00&'( &here* A + mass of carbon residue, (. W + mass of sample, (.

,. Sha$e thorou(hl the sample to be tested, necessar to reduce its "iscosit . Immediatel follo&in( the heatin( and sha$in(, -. Wei(h to the nearest . m( a ,/)( sample of the oil to be tested, free of moisture and other suspended matter, into a tared porcelain or silica crucible containin( t&o (lass beads about -.. mm in diameter. 0. Place this crucible in the center of the S$idmore crucible. 1. 2e"el the sand in the lar(e sheet)iron crucible and set the S$idmore crucible on it in the e!act center of the iron crucible.


Petroleum Refining & Petrochemicals


.. Appl co"ers to both the S$idmore and the iron crucible, the one on the latter 3ttin( loosel to allo& free e!it to the "apors as formed. 4. 5n a suitable stand or rin(, place the bare 6ichrome &ire trian(le and on it the insulator. 7. Appl heat &ith a hi(h, stron( flame from the Me$er)t pe (as burner, If it is found impossible to meet the re8uirements for both flame and burnin( time, the re8uirement for burnin( time is the more important. 9. When the "apors cease to burn and no further blue smo$e can be obser"ed, read'ust the burner and hold the heat as at the be(innin( so as to ma$e the bottom and lo&er part of the sheet)iron crucible a cherr red, and maintain for e!actl 7 min. :. In carr in( out the test e!actl as directed &ith the (as burner of the t pe named, usin( cit (as #-/ to 1/ M;<m0%, &ith the top of the burner about ./ mm belo& the bottom of the crucible. ,/. The time periods shall be obser"ed &ith &hate"er burner and (as is used. ,,. Remo"e the burner and allo& the apparatus to cool until no smo$e appears, and then remo"e the co"er of the S$idmore crucible #about ,. min%. ,-. Remo"e the porcelain or silica crucible &ith heated ton(s, place in the desiccators, cool, and &ei(h. Calculate the percenta(e of carbon residue on the ori(inal sample.


Petroleum Refining & Petrochemicals


To =etermine >ree?in( Point 5f A"iation >uel.

>ree?in( point is that temperature at &hich cr stals of h drocarbons formed on coolin( disappear &hen the temperature of the fuel is allo&ed to rise. This method co"ers a procedure for the detection of separated solids in a"iation reciprocatin( en(ine and turbine en(ine fuels at an temperature li$el to be encountered durin( fli(ht or on the (round.

;ac$eted sample tube, (land, collars, stirrer, "acuum flas$ and thermometer.

,. Ta$e fuel in a dr 'ac$eted sample tube. -. Close the tube ti(htl &ith the cor$ holdin( the stirrer and thermometer and ad'ust the thermometer position so that its bulb is in the centre of the fuel sample. 0. Run one drop of alcohol do&n the stirrin( rod to &et the pac$in( (land and ti(hten and (land as much as possible consist &ith permittin( smooth mo"ement of the stirrer &ithout usin( undue force. 1. Clamp the 'ac$eted sample to be so that it e!tends as far as possible into the "acuum flas$ containin( the coolin( medium. .. Add solid carbon dio!ide as necessar throu(h out the test to maintain the coolant le"el in the "acuum flas$ &ill abo"e the le"el of the test sample. 4. Stir the fuel "i(orousl and continuousl , e!cept &hen ma$in( obser"ation, ta$in( care that the stirrer loops remain belo& the fuel surface at all times. 7. Record the temperature at &hich cr stals of h drocarbon appear. 9. Remo"e the 'ac$eted sample tube from the coolant and allo& the sample to &arm up slo&l , stirrin( it continuousl . :. Record the temperature at &hich the h drocarbon cr stals completel disappear. ,/. The difference bet&een the t&o temperatures should be less than 0 oC. 13

Petroleum Refining & Petrochemicals


=etermination of Colour B The 2o"ibond Tintometer.

>or the determination of color of practicall all petroleum products #d ed or und ed% e!cept blac$ oils@ solid products such as petrolatum and &a!es are tested in the molten state. The colour of the material is determined b comparison &ith a series of red, ello&, and blue standard colour (lasses. With the first series of (lasses, the instrument functions as a trichromatic calorimeter, and ma be used to measure the tint and depth of colour in 2o"ibond units, &hile, &ith the second series of (lasses, the colour is e!pressed in terms of a restricted ran(e of units peculiar to the petroleum industr .

2o"ibond Tintometer, White 2i(ht Cabinet, Alectrical suppl , Colour Standards, Planoftintomete$, Cells for Wa!es.

,. Pour the material into an , inch cell. -. Measure the colour usin( the IP standard (lasses. 0. =o not use more than one standard (lass at a time. 1. =o not attempt to impro"e the match b incorporatin( neutral tints or 2o"ibond units. .. Report the "alue of the (lass &hose colour is e8ui"alent to that of the material. 4. The numerical "alues of the red, ello&, and blue colours in 2o"ibond units are additi"e, and are related so that e8ual amounts of the three colour* ma$e a neutral or (re tint, but the numerical "alues of the IP standard (lasses are not additi"e. 7. If the colour of the material is found to be inter)placin( mediate bet&een t&o ad'acent (lasses, describe it accordin(l , the "alue to &hich it is nearest in brac$ets after&ards.


Petroleum Refining & Petrochemicals


Calculated Cetane Inde! of =iesel >uels

Cetane number is a measure of combustion 8ualit for diesel fuel. Also, it refers to the measure of the fuelBs i(nition dela . Meanin( the hi(her the cetane number the shorter is the i(nition dela , the more time the combustion process &ill ta$e place in our diesel en(ine. This test method co"ers the Calculated Cetane Inde! formula, &hich represents a means for directl estimatin( the ASTM cetane number of distillate fuels from API (ra"it and mid)boilin( point. The inde! "alue, as computed from the formula, is termed the Calculated Cetane Inde!. The Calculated Cetane Inde! is not an optional method for e!pressin( ASTM cetane number. It is a supplementar tool to estimate cetane number &hen used &ith due re(ard for its limitations. The Calculated Cetane Inde! formula is particularl applicable to strai(ht)run fuels, catal ticall crac$ed stoc$s, and blends of the t&o. The Calculated Cetane Inde! is a useful tool for estimatin( ASTM cetane number &here a test en(ine is not a"ailable for determinin( this propert . It ma be con"enientl emplo ed for appro!imatin( cetane number &here the 8uantit of sample is too small for an en(ine ratin(.


CCI " 0./+0*0 1 %.02377#$& 4 0.00%0335#$&5 Where, C+ :7.990 #lo( mid)boilin( point, de( >%- D -.-/99 #API% #lo( mid)boilin( point de( >% D /./,-17 #API%- E 1-0.., #lo( mid)boilin( point, de( >% E 1.79/9 #API% D 1,:..: API + API (ra"it , and mid)boilin( point + temperature in de( > for ./F reco"ered at a barometric pressure of 74/mm of H(. CCI can also be determined usin( the ali(nment chart. 15

Petroleum Refining & Petrochemicals


,. It is not applicable to fuels containin( additi"es for raisin( cetane number. -. It is not applicable for pure h drocarbons, s nthetic fuels, al$ lates or coal tar products. 0. Substantial inaccuracies in correlation ma occur if used for crude oils, residuals, products ha"in( a "olatilit of belo& .// de( > #-4/ centi(rade% endpoint.


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