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Microsoft Performance Dashboard for SQL Server 2008 Issue 3

By Celtic CoderWed, May 11 2011 09:07

Microsoft's SQL Server Performance Dashboard for SSRS 2005 is still an excellent bit of kit for checking the status of your SQL Server (Microsoft Download page). However after finding a slight coding issue when trying to install setup.sql (see Previous Blog), and then another issue when running the code (see Previous Blog). Well another issue occured - yippy:An Error has occured during report processing (rsProcessingAborted). Cannot read the next data row for the dataset CPU_UTILIZATION_HISTORY. (rsErrorReadingNextDataRow). Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int. Again this is another simple fix. Either amend the following code in setup.sql or look for the SP [MS_PerfDashboard].[usp_Main_GetCPUHistory] in the msdb database. The line to change is:dateadd(ms, -1 * (@ts_now - [timestamp]), GetDate()) as EventTime, to dateadd(ms, -1 * (@ts_now - [timestamp])/1000, GetDate()) as EventTime, Tags: SQL Server 2008 R2, SSRS 2008, Performance Dashboard SQL Server Permalink | Comments (0)

Microsoft Performance Dashboard for SQL Server 2008 Issue 2

By Celtic CoderWed, May 11 2011 08:48

Microsoft's SQL Server Performance Dashboard for SSRS 2005 is still an excellent bit of kit for checking the status of your SQL Server (Microsoft Download page). However after finding a slight coding issue when trying to install setup.sql see Previous Blog I have now found another issue when running the code:An Error has occured during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted). Cannot read the next data row for the dataset SESSION_CPU_WAIT_INFO (rsErrorReadingNextDataRow)

The datediff function resulted in an overflow. The number of dateparts separating two date/time instances is too large. Try to use datediff with a less precise datepart. Again this is a simple fix. Either amend the following code in setup.sql or look for the SP [MS_PerfDashboard].[usp_Main_GetSessionInfo] in the msdb database. The line to change is:sum(convert(bigint, datediff(ms, login_time, getdate()))) - sum(convert(bigint, s.total_elapsed_time)) asidle_connection_time, to sum(convert(bigint, CAST( DATEDIFF(minute, login_time, getdate()) as bigint)*60000 +DATEDIFF(millisecond, DATEADD(minute, DATEDIFF(minute, login_time, getdate()), login_time), getdate() ))) -SUM(CONVERT(bigint, s.total_elapsed_time)) as idle_connection_time, Tags: SQL Server 2008 R2, SSRS 2008, Performance Dashboard SQL Server Permalink | Comments (0)

Microsoft Performance Dashboard for SQL Server 2008

By Celtic CoderThu, April 21 2011 15:11

Microsoft's SQL Server Performance Dashboard for SSRS 2005 is still an excellent bit of kit for checking the status of your SQL Server (Microsoft Download page). However this is a slight coding issues when trying to install the setup.sql in SQL Server 2008 r2:-

This is due to a line in the code:-

Which needs to be changed to the following:-

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