Daniel Clark, USFWS

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Daniel Clark holds a B.S. in Biology from the University of California, San Diego (1992) where he ond!

ted marine "a terial resear h at S ri##s $nstit!tion of % eanogra#hy. &e earned a '.S. from the University of (lorida (2))2) where he ond! ted a##lied resear h on invasive s#e ies e ology and management. Dan has 21 years of #rofessional "iologi al*e ologi al onservation e+#erien e having #revio!sly served as an ,nvironmental S#e ialist for the (lorida De#artment of ,nvironmental -rote tion and the Conservation %ffi er for the City of Sani"el where he oordinated nat!ral and !lt!ral reso!r e management a tivities on #!"li nat!ral lands. Dan was also the Cari""ean Coordinator of the .ational -ark Servi e/s (lorida*Cari""ean ,+oti -lant 'anagement 0eam and a 1esear h 2sso iate with the University of (lorida/s Center for 23!ati and $nvasive -lants. &is res#onsi"ilities in the US 4irgin $slands and So!th (lorida in l!ded oordination, oversight and management of invasive e+oti #lant management in fo!rteen (lorida and Cari""ean .ational -arks, .-S international olla"oration for e+oti s#e ies management in the Cari""ean Basin, and ond! ting a##lied e ologi al resear h in the 4irgin $slands .ational -ark. $n 2))5, he transferred to the US (ish and 6ildlife Servi e 7 -a ifi $slands (ish and 6ildlife %ffi e in &onol!l!, &awaii as the $nvasive S#e ies -rogram Coordinator for the -a ifi , oregion. &e is !rrently one of three geogra#hi island team leads ( overing the islands of %ah!, 8a!ai, the .orthwest &awaiian hain, and 2meri an Samoa) res#onsi"le for #roviding oordination and oversight for a tivities and #rod! ts asso iated with on9the9gro!nd #lanning and im#lementation of all -a ifi $slands (ish and 6ildlife %ffi e -rograms, in l!ding: listed s#e ies re overy #lanning, #ermits and im#lementation, ha"itat onservation #lanning, Safe &ar"or 2greements, the -artners for (ish and 6ildlife -rogram, and the Coastal -rogram. Dan is a ;19year veteran of the US Coast <!ard and Coast <!ard 1eserve, having de#loyed si+ times in s!##ort of national and homeland defense missions world9wide as well as domesti ontingen y o#erations. 2t the rank of Commander and sele ted for #romotion to Ca#tain in the s!mmer of 2)1=, Dan is !rrently the Commanding %ffi er of -ort Se !rity Unit ;1; in ,verett, 6ashington. &e en>oys fishing, "oating, s !"a diving, #hotogra#hy, international travel, and is married to the former 8athleen ' <arry of S hene tady, .?.

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