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The European Rohingya Council (ERC)

Saenredamstraat 53-3, 1072CC Amsterdam. Netherland Registered Number: KVK- 56454791



ERCAppealsWorldBodiestoimmediatelydemandBurmeseRegimeAccountabilityfor70 RohingyaDrownedinSea.
TheRohingyaethnicminorityofwesternBurmahavebeensufferinglongdiscriminationsince1978.The Burmese predominantly Buddhist genocidal rulers have been imposing double standard policies against the Rohingya to eradicate them from the soil of Arakan.Increasingly, Rohingya face atrocities amid the ongoingdemocratictransitionledbyPresidentTheinSein. Concurrently,Rohingyaarefacingdiscrimination,incrimination,arbitrarilyarrest,gangbang,threatsto flee giving up own homes,forced Bengalization, unexpected deathby poisonous injection of Buddhist doctors in government hospitals,slaughter, confinement in squalid camps,marriage restriction,displacement,starvation due to confinement in movement and no permission to travel in workavailableareas,violenceandsoon. Settingup borderguard campsalong the western coast heavily,the Burmese authorities confined the entire Rohingya in western Burmaandbanned return of exiled Rohingya who left the country to escape thedeliberateattackofBuddhistextremistandtheatrocitiesofBurmesegenocidalrulers. How the Rohingya youth can travel by boat without the help of the Burmese authorities who are guarding the coast watchfully day and night is a question that should be raised by the World Bodies whenevertheytalkwithTheinSeinsregime. To accomplish Genocidal policy of Burmese rulersthe authorities are making money and making emptytheRohingyapopulousareasendingthemintouncertaindestinations. We, the European Rohingya Council appeal to world bodies UN,UNHCR,HRW,ASEAN, OIC, journalists and other institutions to immediately demand accountability for 70 Rohingya drowned in seaand to takenecessarystepstosavetheremainingRohingyalivesinsideBurmawhoareindiresituation. OnbehalfofERE MohamedIbrahim 004917634161906 Chairman.Fossveien7.3400Lier.Norway.+4792428989||Media &Information|Bleichstrasse39.63065OffenbachGermany|+4917634161906| Bank|TheEuropeanRohingyaCouncil|IBAN:NL85ABNA0469012072|BIC(SWIFT)Code:ABNANL2A|

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