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Rasa: love, taste or flavor Bhava: state of mind Purpose of Bhakti: Prema, or great love.

To experience the different rasas, flavors of love, as you interact with God. - Out of all the forms of the Godhead, Krishna is the most intimate - To experience rasa, association with devotees, alambana is the support of the rasas. - Experience states of bliss through mind, greater than the atman - Some of those who are already situated in the atman, in the Carvaka thing, want to reconnect with the mind. Sharing the seeds of Krishna. To have an active relationship, must have body & mind - Those that are disconnected reconnect to body mind to seek a bliss that transcends all else. - Pleasures of self, not the highest. - Bliss of the self is bliss, but nothing compared to bliss of Bhakti Under Vibhava - Krishna and his devotees create this rasa. Are the alambanas, the support (character) - Krishna is the visaya, the object - Bhaktas are the asraya, vessel of experiencing - An excitants - Uddipana (setting, mood) - Clothing is an example Anubhava - The smile, rubbing Krsnas head - About how you experience/interact with Krishna - An external indication - Can imitate this 8 Sattvikas - You cant fake them, you cant help - Very similar to Anubhava Vyabhicari Bhavas: transitory emotions - ex. Anxiety - Fleeting Sthayi Bhava (lasting emotions) -12 in total - 5 primary, and 7 secondary - Primary: Peacefulness, servitude/respect, companionship, parental, - Secondary: Analyze the text of Krsna story you like (Aghasura). The concepts in Bhakti Rasamata Sindhu. Write a paper and bring in for the in-class final. All the ingredients - 1st: Alambana - 2nd: Uddipana Peaceful Rasa: Shanta Rasa - Verse 5: Generic yogis are absorbed in the Self. - Bhaktas are absorbed in the vision of the other Self, the figure of Vishnu embodied in all people. - Verse 6: This form there is no active form like in lila. Is a passive experience. Substantial Excitants (alambana vibhava) - Four-Armed Form (V8): Sages would at its sight abandon their practices. - Crest jewel of the pleasure of the Self - Focus on personal form of Krsna, not the informal. Divine, not made of prakirti. But non-active, passive witnessing, viewing, beholding, spectating. Different from others. Not a lila. - Alambana is same, but age and asraya differs Transitory Emotions (Vyabhicari Bava) - V33-34: include indifference, contentment, happiness, understanding, recollection, grief, impatience, agitation, and speculation

- Illustrations of indifference: - V36: Illustration of Impartial love - Appearing by lila to yogi in meditative state, started to tremble (a vyabhicari bhava). - sana rasa- will always seek divine vision - Bliss of self loses its appeal. - V37: meditative trance (nirvikalpa samadhi). SQ: Waves of different categories WQ: five different waves for five different Rasas Second Wave: - V3: Respect (priti) is led to relishiability by Excitants - Two kinds of priti bhakti 1) politely respectful as a servant (like in Ramayuna, Haruman) 2) relationally respectful, as a child (any of his sons from 16,108) -> had 10 or 100 children from each wife. - Different from vatsaliya, where Krisna is your son. - Servant category (v18) divides into four subcategory 1) chiefs (adhikrta): brahma, siva, indra 2) surrendered (asrita): three types (those in need of help, former intellectuals, naturally inclined toward service) - saranya: like Kaliya - jnanicara: like Sanuaka - sevanistha: like Uddhava 3) attendants (parisada) 4) personal servants (anuga) - Two categories: those situated in the city, those situated in Vraja Enhancing Excitants (v57) - attainment of Krsnas favor, dust form his feet, remnants enjoyed by devotees, association with his devotees Indications (v61) - Complete dependence on Krsna - Adhering scrupulously to ones assigned task - Subdivided to cool and ecstatic Transitory Emotions (v69-70) Foundational Emotion (v76): Polite respect, awareness of Krisna as powerful. Formal. Krishna is the superior V59: sound of Krsnas flute and horn, smiling glance, hearing about attractive qualities, lotus, marks on his feet, newly formed cloud, sweet fragrance Third Wave: Sakya - Alambana: krisna and his friends - Two types of friend: in the city and in Vraj V12: King Yudhisthira: smelled head of Krisna - Three different anubhavas: - Smelling - Hugging - Falling on feet Tinged with different characteristics even in a friendship mode - Could be of servant, of parent - Some ways of interacting is inappropriate for different age forms of Krisna V86-88: Indications (anubhavas) common to all friends is playing V105: Foundation Emotion (sthayi bhava): love called friendship (sakya) exits between two persons of equal status, lacks any sense of awesome respect 1) Santa passive

2) 3) 4) 5)

priti/dasya - Servitor Sakya/Priya - Friend Vatsalya - Parental Madhurya Conjugal/Amorous

Fourth Wave: - Elders - Yasoda: stuttering voce, tears, stupefication Responses: v45 - 9, eight traditional responses, plus flowing of breast milk - Foundational emotions: love devoid of deferential respect, parental affectionate love - Thinks Krishna needs your kindness (this is your conviction) Fifth Wave: - Most excellent woman is Radha - Uddipana: such as sound of his flute - Indications: acts of smiles and sidelong glances - Sattvikas: all but laziness and wrath Amorous Devotion: separation and union are the two forms of this rasa - Love is enhanced during separation

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