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Running Head: Views on Mexican drug business

Views on Mexican drug business: Genre Analysis of song and government website

Sam Retana English 1312 UT EL PASO

Views on the Mexican Drug Business

Finding out a loved one has been using illegal drugs, or even worse that they have become addicted can push relatives to want to find someone responsible for it. Yet someone that is not making ends meet in Mexico might look into the drug business only to achieve a decent standard of living. Questions such as Why would someone do this harm to another human being? & What can I do to get out of this poverty I am living in? can be frequently asked. With these questions many individuals turn to resources in an attempt to find a resolution to the problem.

When these individuals go looking for answers resources they encounter will play a crucial role in the interpretation they have. In this particular case the song El Centenario provided and sang by the group Los Tucanes de Tijuana and a government warning labeled Travel Warning issued by the United States Department of State are two different genres that have very contrary points of view on the same issue. The use of ethos, pathos, and, logos will be analyzed in both genres to determine which one is better at persuading the individual. Purpose and Audience The song El Centenario by the band Los Tucanes de Tijuana is intended to persuade individual looking to join the illicit yet very lucrative drug business. The audience for the song includes young and middle age males normally living in poverty. It may also include middle class males that are just making ends meet but want to make fast money. The purpose of the song is to make the audience realize living in poverty is no way to live and the drug business can lead to many material riches.

Views on the Mexican Drug Business

On the other hand the Travel Warning issued by the United States Department of State is intended to defer American citizens from traveling to Mexico. The intended audience is virtually every person over the age of 18 that can travel abroad. The warning has a very clear purpose of persuading citizens to stay safe and not travel to the drug infested country. Rhetorical Issues: Ethos, Pathos, Logos The song El Centenario is relative successful at persuading its intended audience. The audience feels that because it is popular band that sings the song they must know what they are talking about thus creating credibility. One of the first verses of the song When you are poor people humiliate you (Quintero 2009, Track 1) hits close to home and create an emotion of sadness and despair to the listener. The song then goes on to make reference to the great life a young lad had after joining the drug empire. He often travels to Los Angeles and comes loaded with cash, or by cases full of cash he is paid every month. This last verse creates an emotion of faith and hope to the listener. It is by making the reference to a change in the quality of life that the song achieves pathos. After hearing the whole song the listener may feel it is logical to join the drug empire, as they would rather live full of riches even if it is by illegal means than live in poverty. The government issued Travel Warning by the US Department of State is also very successful in conveying its point but towards staying away from people associated with the drug business. The government warning on the website is very much better structured that the song and is more successful in conveying its point. The issuance of the warning by the federal government creates massive credibility for the warning. Many

Views on the Mexican Drug Business citizens with only knowing it is from the federal government will follow the notice immediately. The travel warning warns American travelers it is not safe to set foot in much of the Mexican republic. The warning states that during 2012 113 American citizens died when visiting Mexico. This creates an emotion of fear for many Americans who believe they might be next if they visit Mexico. Their logic tells them the American Government is only looking out for the best interest of its people, and thus one should follow the recommendation of not traveling abroad to the Mexican state. Structure The song is limited on time running only 3 short minutes, the singer gets to the point rather fast. Being only a song it is rather limited on what can be conveyed yet it is successful in arguing its point and persuading the listener. The song is organized in cause and effect and it shows what can happen when you take certain actions. In contrast the government warning is a website page with several pages worth of information. Reading takes about 8-10 minutes and the information is very clear and easy to follow. The page has several different section focusing on the dangers of all the states in the country of Mexico. Style and Language The language of the song El Centenario is very informal as the lyrics are told as if you had known the person for a long time. The language can be described as one opposite to one in use in a common workplace. Very descriptive words are used such as when you are poor people humiliate you. Many could argue the song has rather vulgar language.

Views on the Mexican Drug Business The language of the government website is formal very straightforward and to the point. It is broken up into paragraphs with each section title being bold to bring attention to the expert. The words are computer typed thus very clear and easy to follow, the language is easily understood and can be comprehended by anyone with basic skills.

Conclusion After analyzing both genres the Government website is far more effective than the song, because it has more information and the government is much more credible than any other person or organization. The organization of the website with its bold titles and paragraphs is also much better than just words being said during the song. The audience the travel warning covers is by massive numbers greater than that of the song. The website is looking out for the well being of the people and that creates strong emotions in people to follow its recommendations. The song has its perks but cant compete with the travel warning mainly because people have always been inclined to do what is right and follow the law. References

U.S Department of State (2012, July 13) Travel Warning U.S DEPARTMENT OF STATE Bureau of Consular Affairs. Retrieved September 13, 2013 from

Quintero, M (2009) El Centenario on Retro Corridos [CD] Miami: Fonovisa Records

Views on the Mexican Drug Business

Views on the Mexican Drug Business

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