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Chapter 19 Work Schedule, 1 Week Chapter European Expansion in the 18th century

Section 1: Agriculture and the Land 1. What was the most prevalent system of land usage in Europe during this time? 2. What percentage of western Europeans were involved in agriculture by the end of the 17th century? 3. Who directed large drainage projects in England? What impact did this have on the society? 4. What can you attribute the increased use of fertilizer to during the agricultural revolution? 5. What factors contributed to increased agricultural production in western Europe? 6. Where was the agriculture revolution first manifested? 7. Who was Jethro Tull and what were his contributions? What scientific method did he use to arrive at his conclusions? 8. Upon which social group did the success of the English agricultural revolution depend? 9. What were the Enclosure Acts and what was the impact on society? Section 2: The Beginning of the Population Explosion 10.Before 1700, how would you characterize the European population growth cycles? 11.Why did the bubonic plague disappear? 12.What factors facilitated the expansion of Europe in the 18th century? 13.Which European country had the largest population by 1800? Section 3: The Growth of Cottage Industry 14.How did the French government try to improve living standards of the rural poor? 15.What does the term spinster refer to? 16.What were the shortcomings of the putting-out system from a capitalists perspective? 17.What does the term Holy Mondays refer to? 18.Who did the typical cottage industry employ? Section 4: Building the Atlantic Economy 19.What did the English Navigation Acts mandate? 20.Who was the main target of the Navigation Acts? 21.What were the long-term effects of the Acts? 22.When did the Acts occur? 23.What was the decisive round in the colonial conflict between England and France? 24.Who won the American component of the Seven Years War and how was this accomplished? 25.Who was Britains primary trading partner by the 1770s? 26.Who worked the Virginia plantations? 27.How would you characterize Africas population growth during the 18th century? 28.Who leads the revitalization of Spain in the 18th century? 29.Who were the Mestizos? 30.How was Spain able to hold on to her American empire? 31.Who were the Creoles?

Chapter 19 Work Schedule, 1 Week Chapter European Expansion in the 18th century Agricultural Revolution open eld system Cornelius Vermuyden Charles Turnip Townsend crop rotation Jethro Tull seed drill Robert Bakewell Columbian exchange Enclosure movement Corn Laws population explosion Proto-Industrialization cottage industry (putting out system) ying shuttle spinning jenny water frame spinning mule mercantilism Atlantic economy sugar bullionism Bank of England Act of Union, 1707 Navigation Acts Triangular Trade Dutch Republic Anglo-Dutch Wars Slave trade Middle Passage South Sea Bubble Mississippi Bubble War of Spanish Succession Treaty of Utrecht asiento Seven years War Treaty of Paris American Revolution creoles mestizos Spare the rod and spoil the child Edward Jenner Pietism John Wesley Methodism Rococo Neoclassicism Jacques-Louis David Classical Style (music) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Franz Joseph Haydn Ludwig van Beethoven symphony

Short Answer/Essay Questions

1. Discuss the features of the Agricultural Revolution. How did the Agricultural Revolution a!ect European society in the 18th century? 2. Analyze the causes of the population explosion in the 18th century? What were some of the new social challenges posed by population growth? 3. Analyze the importance of proto-industrialization on the development of Englands economy in the 18th century. 4. Analyze the role that mercantilism played on the Atlantic economy during the 17th and 18th centuries. 5. What factors paved the way for the rise of the Dutch Republic as an economic power? 6. To what extent did the colonial wars of the 18th century impact the European balance of power? 7. To what extent did demographic and social trends of the 18th century impact the European family?

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