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Article Review Structure and Format Guidelines

In order to help with the article review assignment, I have created a format or template to use in structuring your document. With the aid of the scoring guide, this template will allow you to piece together a quality summary of your selected article. To begin with you should open a word document. This will allow you to copy and paste information and help organization this information into its proper paragraph. Each article review should have a minimum of four paragraphs. The formats for each paragraph are as follows:

1st Paragraph
In this paragraph you should state which article you are summarizing and the author of the article. e!t, read the summary for the article on the main article page. "ead this summary and find out the main ideas within the paragraph. "estate this summary using your own words to be the body of the #st paragraph.

2nd and 3rd and maybe 4th paragraph

These paragraphs must address the main ideas of the article. "ead the article and highlight or copy the ideas which $stic% out& as important. arrow down these ideas into two or three main ideas. 'fter you copy and paste these ideas into a document, create spacing between each of the ideas. Then, within these spaces loo% for facts, quotes and(or e!amples which will help support the ideas. )nce this is completed you should have the structure for each of these paragraphs. ow all you have to do is write a few sentences to connect the main idea to the supporting information and the paragraph is complete*

Summary Paragraph
In this paragraph you should e!plain why you chose this article +,iven by the instructor-. Then, give your opinion as to what you feel you learned from this article. 'lso, e!press how the information in the article changed or added to your %nowledge about the sub.ect.

/inally, how will this %nowledge help understanding of this sub.ect in the future0




otes! #. Include each category in a separate section or subsection. Ensure that you discuss each category* +If a category does not apply, then actually write in that +sub- section that the category does not apply.1. "eference other articles you2ve read, if appropriate. 3ust as in the articles you2ve read, include a reference mar%er where you refer to each in your review, and provide full bibliographic references in a bibliography section at the end of your report. 4. 5our final report(assignment should be 1 full pages or not more than 4 pages +'"I'6 #7pt single spaced-. This does not include your bibliography, citation analysis, diagrams or large gaps between parts of your report. 8. 9roof:read your review for grammar and clarity as well as spelling. ;pell chec%ers do not fi! grammar. 5ou should be sure that you have caught all mista%es and written clearly. <ost word processors have a grammar chec%er : use it* =. /or the printed copy of your review, turn in .ust a plain stapled blac% > white copy of your review. ?o not put your review in a folder. 'void fancy covers, colors or fonts. @. 9lease be aware of AiT<Bs policy on plagiarism. "# Assignment $Article review 1a and 1b% &'( ! 2" )ctober 2*13 $Sunday% in Seminars 2

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