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Somalia, almost all the coastal villages are supporting piracy at sea.

Piracy at sea is successful in Somalia because Somali pirates are well organized and they hire necessary muscle power from unemployed youth to use weapons and communication equipment. buy sophisticated guns, Rocket Propelled Grenade launchers, satellite phones and lu ury vehicles from foreign businessmen. hire poor fishermen to provide their boats and navigational skills at sea to capture the vessel. look after hostages well and they try their best to provide good food, drinks and cigarettes. successfully collect ransom.

!nteresting information is available on the lavish life styles of Somali pirates. Some of the interesting features of Somali pirates and their lavish life styles are"

Piracy in Somalia is in many ways socially acceptable. #ost of the Somali pirates are young, between $% and &' years of age. (n an average Somali pirates collect a ransom of )$ million for each captured vessel. Somali pirates have money* they have power* and they are getting stronger day by day. Somali women say +#arrying a pirate is every Somali girl,s dream. -e has power, money, immunity, the weapons to defend the tribe and funds to give to the militias in civil war.. Somali pirates wed the most beautiful girls* they are building big houses* they have new cars* new guns. +(ne night ! got )/,%%% from a pirate,. a prostitute from 01ibouti said. +2ut the luckiest is to sleep with the group leader. 3ou get )&,%%%.. a &4 year old mother of five says +(ur children are not worrying about food now, and they go to !slamic schools in the morning and play soccer in the afternoon. 5hey are happy.. 6ducated Somali youth says +7omen here don,t talk to you if you are not a pirate. Somali pirates don,t mind to look after the hostages well as they get hefty ransom in return. Special restaurants have come up to supply food for the crews of the hi1acked ships.

Somali pirates rarely go to 1ail. 2ut what happens to those Somali pirates who are sent to 1ail 8 -ow the pirates rot in Somalia 1ail 8 Somali pirates are kept in #ain 9ail in 2oosaaso and #andera prison, :% km east of the Somaliland capital, -argeisa.

view ; 5he Pirates of Somalia, as a slide show from 5he <ew 3ork 5imes. view photo essay ;Somalia,s =ace of #odern Piracy, from 5ime.

view photo essay ;5he 2razen Pirates of Somalia, from 5ime. also view Pirates of Somalia from 9ehad <ga Photography.

>iew here a video clip to compare Somali 1ail with the 1ail in ?ustria. References" 22@ <ews dated September /A ?rabic <ews 0igest dated (ctober $/ 22@ <ews dated (ctober $A Bos ?ngeles 5imes dated (ctober &/ PR inside dated <ovember /C Update: November 22 -ere is an interesting information to 1ustify lavish life styles of Somali pirates. Denya,s foreign affairs minister has said on <ovember $/, that Somali pirates have collected more than ES )/'% million in ransoms over the past year. -e has further appealed to the ship owners not to pay ransom for their hi1acked vessels. Read more from Shanghai 0aily. Update: November 23 +5he average income in Somalia is around )4'% a year, but a low level pirate can earn up to )/%,%%% per raid.. Read more from Sky <ews. ?lso piracy ransom payments are very safe transactions as the money goes down the line through a series of intermediaries, with the local government, the mayor or chiefs having a direct hand. Read more from Guardian.

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