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The Main Categories of Digital Cameras We have known that there are many camera brands like Nikon

(Photo Recovery of Nikon Camera), Sony, Canon, etc. B t what abo t the cate!ories of the di!ital cameras" #n the $ast time, beside the cons mer cameras toward common cons mers and the %S&R cameras toward e'$ert sers, there were no more other cate!ories of cameras. (nd the differences between them ) st e'isted in their models and ty$es. *owever, in the $resent market, the cate!ories of di!ital camera have develo$ed very mat re. +'ce$t the two cate!ories mentioned above, still there are some other cate!ories e'istin! in the market. Now in the followin! this article, # will introd ce some knowled!e of the main cate!ories of di!ital cameras in the $resent market, 1. Compact Digital Cameras Camera is the most common di!ital camera, and also has the lar!est n mber of di!ital cameras in the market. -his cate!ory will release at least .// different ty$es each year. (nd it is also the cate!ory which is introd ced to the most ma)ority of sers. Peo$le always are attracted by its $ortability, easy0to0 se, com$act body. (nd the more and more fashion desi!n of com$act di!ital cameras can meet many fashion $eo$le1 taste very well. Pros, &ower $rice, $ortability, fashion desi!n, hi!her de!ree of a tomation, easy0to0 se, more interestin! f nctions. Cons, Smaller sensor, lower ima!e 2 ality, $oor shootin! o$eration.
3. Brid!e Com$act %i!ital Cameras

Brid!e Com$act %i!ital Camera is a kind of com$act di!ital cameras. B t its o$tical 4oom is close to the traditional Brid!e %i!ital Camera. (t $resent, most of the o$tical 4oom times of di!ital cameras can achieve over .5 times. B t the key $oint is that the Brid!e Com$act %i!ital Cameras $erform very well on controllin! the vol me of camera body. #t is not lar!er than other ordinary cons mer cameras, and its $rice is also very reasonable. So this cate!ory of di!ital camera sales very well amon! the vario s $rod cts. Pros, *i!h $racticability, small and $ortable si4e, lower $rice, e2 i$$ed with man al e'$os re f nction Cons, Smaller sensor, !eneral ima!e 2 ality 3. Bridge Digital Cameras Brid!e %i!ital Camera was very $o$ lar when the $rice of %S&R camera was still e'tremely hi!h. -his kind of camera has inte!rated with the desi!n of %S&R camera and $rovides a better o$erate and control fellin!. What1s more, it ses hi!h ma!nification 4oom lens. So its $racticability is very hi!her, it has become an im$ortant camera cate!ory which can be a transition between the cons mer camera and %S&R camera. B t since the $rice of %S&R camera has been red ced, the market of Brid!e %i!ital Camera is !rad ally becomin! smaller. So it is no lon!er the $o$ lar camera cate!ory.

Pros, !ood o$eration e'$erience, $ortability, hi!h ma!nification 4oom lens with hi!h $racticality, relatively lower $rice Cons, Besides the 4oom which has s$read to over 6/ times, it has no other advanta!es when com$ared to the Brid!e Com$act %i!ital Cameras. 4. Mirror less Interchangeable Lens Camera 7irror less #nterchan!eable &ens Camera is one hot camera ty$e c rrently. (lso it belon!s to the new risin! camera ty$e. *ere are some of its main feat res, it can interchan!e lens like %i!ital Sin!le &ens camera8 the ima!e 2 ality is ! aranteed beca se it ses the same sensor as the %i!ital Sin!le &ens camera8 it removes the mirror bo', so the vol me is smaller8 it also can be stylish. Recently, many man fact rers have )oined in the 7irror less #nterchan!eable &ens Camera cam$ and the sensors they sed are of vario s kind. So we can say that this is the $ros$ero s $eriod of 7irror less #nterchan!eable &ens Camera. Pros, +'cellent ima!e 2 ality, interchan!eable lens and relatively smaller vol me. Cons, Battery life is less com$etitive than %i!ital Sin!le &ens Refle' Cameras8 as a new $rod ct, it is not acce$ted by someone. 5. Digital ingle Lens !efle" Cameras %i!ital Sin!le &ens Refle' Camera remains its stat s in the $rofessional field. B t today more medi m models are develo$ed for those common sers. -he $rice is more favorable. -he stability and efficiency of %i!ital Sin!le &ens Refle' Cameras remain hi!h level since always. 7any $eo$le want to b y one beca se of this s$ecialty of %i!ital Sin!le &ens Refle' Cameras. Pros, Re$resentin! the s mmit of di!ital camera technolo!y, hi!h o$eration and shootin! efficiency. 9or now, the best ima!e is shot by %i!ital Sin!le &ens Refle' Cameras Cons, Not easy0to0 se, e'$ensive, lar!e vol me and not $ortable.

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