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Jayden Hunter Ms. Green Comp Rhetoric 406 Due Date Domestic Violence Every 9 seconds a woman in the U.S. is assaulted or beaten by her partner. Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior used to establish power and control over another person through intimidation and fear, often through the use of violence. Domestic violence isnt just physical abuse, it also includes emotional, psychological, economic, and/or sexual abuse. On an average 10 million children witness some form of domestic violence yearly. Children who are exposed to this abuse tend to suffer from behavioral issues, getting themselves involved in abusive relationships, and leaning towards various coping mechanisms. Children who have been exposed to domestic violence are more likely than others to experience many levels of difficulties. These difficulties fall into three main categories who are behavioral, social, and emotional problems, attitudinal problems, and long term problems. Children living in households that experience domestic violence are more likely to exhibit aggression and antisocial behaviors as well as an risk of depression and suffering from anxiety. (Brown & Bzostek, 2003). Many of these children have higher levels of anger and hostility because they dont have an understanding to why the abuse is happening to them so they tend to lash out on their peers. Most children suffer from somatic complaints such as daily headaches and stomachaches, problems when sleeping such as bedwetting, sleepwalking, and many nightmares of reenactments of the abuse they have witnessed. The abuse affects them in many psychological ways which sometimes causes children to become ill, they learn to become dishonest staying silent, making sure not to let anyone know about the abuse because they would rather suspend their needs than risk another

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confrontation (Walker, 1979). It has also been proven these children have a harder time in school and staying focused in class because their thoughts are elsewhere, scoring lower than most on assessments involving verbal, motor, and cognitive skills. Gender does play a significant role when it comes to how the child is affected. Boys tend to exhibit more externalized behaviors such as aggression and tendencies to act out while girls exhibit more internalized behaviors such as withdrawal, shyness, and depression. Along with gender age is a factor as well, younger children exhibit higher levels of emotional and psychological distress because they arent at the age to fully understand the violence they are going through. Older kids such as teens are able to remove themselves from the situation easier than a younger child could, although this can add to more serious problems. For many teenagers drugs and alcohol are a major source of relief from stress and painful situations and when witnessing domestic violence some teens feel this is the only way they can get through what is going on in their life. Drugs often give children a feeling of insurance and stability which is why this is such a common coping method. A Study published by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America proved teen girls have reported using drugs and or alcohol as a way of coping with problems at home or as a way to forget certain troubles that are happening. Seeing a parent or family member abuse certain drugs also has an influence, many teens see their parent smoke or drink when becoming stressed out so without question they assume it will aid them in the same way. The most common drug that is used as a coping method for children and teens is Marijuana. Research have found that both boys and girls who are physically mentally, and emotionally abused are at greatest risk of using Marijuana. ( Teens have stated Marijuana helps them the most when it comes to forgetting and not having to think about certain issues. Also Marijuana is easier to get than alcohol and drugs. 56% of teens are reported to use Marijuana by the age of fourteen and 26% by the age twelve. Some teens abuse drugs

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so often that not many people realize when they are high or under the influence but waiting for kids to show signs of addiction isnt the right way to educate children about the substance (Hazelden Dr. Joseph Lee). Although not all coping mechanisms are dangerous, because boys deal with stress with aggression many males lean towards physical outlets such as sports to cope with many situations, such as football, basketball, martial arts etc. Often times many teens and adults who witnessed domestic violence are more likely to get involved in a abusive relationship as well. One out of every 3 high school students have been involved or will be involved in an abusive relationship. ( In most instances men who as children witnessed their parents domestic violence were twice as likely to abuse their girlfriends/wives than sons of nonviolent parents. ( But not all teen males become abusers as men, 40% of reported domestic cases have involved the male being the victim, its between them being the controlling ones in the relationship or the ones being controlled. As for teen girls, 85% of domestic violence victims are women and also a fourth of those women had been exposed to domestic violence when they were younger. Women ages 2024 are at the highest risk of nonfatal domestic violence than any other age, because around that age is when a relationship can begin to get serious and when a couple can decide to be committed to one another and at times some partners tend to take advantage of that commitment. Regardless of what age, gender, and the kind of domestic abuse that is being taken place it Everyone has the privilege and right to feel safe in their relationships. (Roy Rios) But its to never be overshadowed that domestic violence not only has an effect on the victim but the children who witness the abuse as well.

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