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Dog Tip: Vitamins, Supplements and Ways to Use Them to Support Companion Animal Health For this issue of Dog Tips, animal welfare volunteer Nancy Klein shares her longtime interest in holistic health. She has compiled the following guide with information adapted from the highly recommended book, Natural ealing for Dogs and !ats by Diane Stein. Vitamins/Supplements and Their Uses Vitamin C " deficiency in vitamin ! is a deficiency in the healing, glandular, circulatory, immune, and regenerative abilities of the body. #itamin ! is a ma$or factor in the formation and maintenance of bones and tissues, prevents cancer, and may prevent arteriosclerosis. The classic vitamin ! deficiency is scurvy, with gum disease, loss of teeth, weakened bones, bleeding, bad breath, and general debilitation. Signs of clinical scurvy have been apparent under stress. %n dogs, &vitamin !' can totally resolve the problems of dysplastic hips in younger dogs and arthritis in older ones, as well as help or cure spinal myelopathy, ruptured discs, allergies, viral infections (including distemper), and skin problems. "fter the *cures,* the pet needs to stay on !, but in lesser amounts. The vitamin is an antio+idant, a pollution fighter that cleans to+ins from the blood and tissues. %t helps protect against the side,effects of some veterinary drugs (including steroids-cortisone), and it is a ma$or pain reliever. %t keeps the teeth strong in aging pets and retards the aging process. Supplementing with vitamin ! is a ma$or disease preventive. therefore it/s emphasi0ed in the daily feeding plans. Supplementing with vitamin ! can mean the difference between life and death in the case of a sick cat or dog. !ontrary to myth and rumor, vitamin ! will not cause kidney stones, it dissolves them. The B Complex This range of vitamins is necessary for a healthy nervous system. !ats need almost twice as much of these vitamins as dogs do for proper absorption of nutrients throughout the body. These vitamins re1uire each other to work and so are taken in the 2,comple+ unit, with occasional additions of the other single 2 vitamins. 3outh, eyes, skin, gastrointestinal tract, and reproductive organs are 2 deficiency disease sites, as well as behavior, intelligence, and brain and nerve functions. Stress depletes the 2 vitamins, as it does vitamin !, and so does e+tremely cold weather. The individual 2 vitamins known to be of primary use for pets are listed in the

following sections. Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine) " ma$or issue for cats, as supermarket cat foods may not provide enough of it. 4esults of this deficiency are brain damage, sei0ures, and loss of movement control, potentially leading to death. Treatment with the vitamin by in$ection effects full recovery within 56 hours. 3any cat breeders supplement with 2 vitamins, and 2,7 also helps hyperactivity, internal muscle weakness, flea resistance, appetite, learning ability, and intelligence. !ats that eat fish and cats or dogs on supermarket pet foods are more likely to be thiamine deficient. %n dogs, 2,7 deficiency signs are lack of appetite, vomiting, unsteadiness, and spasticity of the hind legs. Dogs also respond to 2,7 as a flea repellant. " tablespoon of brewer/s yeast contains 7.58 mg of 2,7, but some pets are allergic to yeast and it should not be used on cats during urologic (F9S) attacks. a 2,comple+,8: from the health food store contains 8: mg and may be bought yeast free cheaply. Vitamin B-2 (Ribofla in) " 2,5 deficiency may lead to cataracts in both dogs and cats. 2loodshot eyes and con$unctivitis are often deficiency symptoms. This vitamin is necessary for red blood cell formation, antibody production, food metabolism, and growth. 4iboflavin prevents birth defects and dandruff. Vitamin B-! ("ia#in) 2,; deficiency may cause black tongue in dogs which is the e1uivalent to human pellagra. Niacin is an immense help in controlling sei0ures and reducing behavioral problems. %t reduces cholesterol levels, improves blood circulation, and aids in central nervous system functioning. %n cats, niacin deficiency signs are mouth ulcers. thick, foul smelling saliva that drools. weight loss and lack of appetite. and weakness and apathy, finally leading to death from respiratory disease. 4aw meat and brewers yeast are good niacin sources. cooking destroys many 2,comple+ vitamins. 2ecause of the hot flush effect, niacin is usually given only as part of the full 2,comple+ or as niacinamide. !ats need more of it than dogs. Vitamin B-$ (%antotheni# &#id) 2,8 adds to animals/ (and humans/) longevity. %t is important for good immune system and adrenal function, and vitamin and

food utili0ation. %t is essential in fighting allergies, inflammations, asthma, and infections. #itamin ! and 2,8 together are highly important for skin diseases and allergies in both cats and dogs. The presence of allergies or infections is considered a 2,8 deficiency symptom. %t also helps animals to combat stress, reduce depression, and ease an+iety.

Vitamin B-' (%(ridoxine) 2,< deficiency symptoms include failure to grow and thrive, epilepsy, anemia, water retention, and kidney stones or kidney damage in dogs and cats. %ts deficiency is also implicated in artery disease, cancer, arthritis, asthma, and allergies in pets and people. 2,< is essential for the metabolism of protein (and more protein is often needed by cats than by dogs). %t is re1uired in the utili0ation of some minerals for a healthy nervous system, red blood cell production, good brain function, and a strong immune system. Vitamin B-) (*oli# &#id) 2,= deficiency results in reproductive problems, birth defects when the mother is deficient, weight loss and anemia, erratic appetite, low energy, sei0ures, eye discharge, depression and an+iety, as well as decreased immune function in both cats and dogs. 4ed blood cell formation, DN" synthesis, and protein metabolism depend on this vitamin. Vitamin B-12 (Cobalamin) 2,75 deficiency in humans results in anemia that, if left untreated, leads to death. dogs can also suffer from 2,75 deficiency anemia, but how much they (or cats) actually re1uire is unknown. Supplementing pregnant females with vitamin 2,75 results in stronger, larger, and healthier young, with better disease resistance. This vitamin prevents nerve damage, aids fertility, and promotes normal growth and development. %t is necessary for normal digestion and proper food absorption. raw liver is the best animal food source. Biotin 2iotin deficiency results in hair loss and in hair and skin disorders in cats and dogs, but the e+act re1uirements for it are unknown in both. This 2 vitamin is essential for thyroid and adrenal health, strong nervous systems and nerve tissue, healthy reproduction, normal sweat glands and bone marrow, and healthy skin. %t is necessary for utili0ation of fat, proteins, and carbohydrates in the body. 2iotin is a cure for dogs that eat their feces. they may be looking for this vitamin, which is produced to some e+tent in the intestines. 4aw egg whites contain an en0yme that depletes biotin. For this reason, eggs fed to pets should be cooked to

deactivate this en0yme. Vitamin + #itamin D deficiency leads to rickets, a bone deformity disease that dogs may be more prone to than cats. This vitamin prevents osteoporosis and hypocalcemia, and is essential for normal teeth, bones, and growth. and in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. #itamin D in nature is formed on the animal or human skin by sunlight,indoor cats have no way to synthesi0e it for themselves and the vitamin is not included in most pet foods. !od liver oil is a prime source. >ittle is known about animal re1uirements, but tropical 0oo animals deprived of sunlight in northern winters need supplements to prevent crooked bones. Vitamin , #itamin ? is one of the wonder vitamins, and both dogs and cats need supplements. %t is essential for healing diseases of the circulatory system (and preventing them), including heart tachycardia and arteriosclerosis. %t promotes fertility, slows aging, prevents cataracts, boosts the immune system, protects the body against pollutants and cancer, and heals the skin. #itamin ? prevents steatitis in cats and boosts muscle power and endurance in working dogs. %t helps in dissolving tumors, especially in breasts, and in relieving posterior paralysis and disc problems in dogs. The vitamin o+ygenates the blood and improves the function of all internal organs. its antio+idant abilities protect the lungs. %n humans, vitamin ? deficiency disorders include heart disease, muscular dystrophy, brain and neurological problems, and reproductive failures. Doses range from 7:: %9 per day for cats to 6:: %9 or more for larger dogs (in healing disease). Diane Stein used up to @:: %9 per day on a 68,pound puppy for a period of ; months with good results and no side effects. higher doses resulted in vomiting. Aendell 2elfield used amounts of 75:: %9 per day to cure cats of steatitis, a vitamin ? deficiency disease. This is one of the vitamins to supplement daily as part of a routine diet. it is a must for cats that eat fish and for dogs with skin ailments. Cal#ium and %hosphorus !alcium and phosphorus must be in balance in the animal and human body, along with magnesium. Few animals are phosphorus deficient, but calcium is another story. !alcium deficiencies can cause eclampsia in breeding and nursing female dogs and cats. This mineral is essential for bone, tooth, and muscle growth. blood clotting. normal heart rate. and transmission of nerve impulses. %t helps the body to eliminate lead and other heavy metal poisoning.

!alcium deficiencies (sometimes brought on by high meat diets, as meat contains an unbalanced amount of phosphorus) can result in nervousness, lameness, muscle spasms, heart palpitations, ec0ema, decrease in bone density, osteoporosis, gum erosion, increased cholesterol levels, sei0ures, hemorrhages, high blood pressure, arthritis, breeding difficulties, and bone fractures. !ats that are calcium deficient hide in dark corners and fight being handled. For cats, supplement calcium in the amount of 8:: mg to every 7:: grams of meat fed. many breederssupplement calcium during pregnancy and nursing. For dogs, supplement high amounts of calcium only in the first year of life, or during pregnancy and nursing, as too much can cause kidney stones (use vitamin ! along with calcium to prevent this totally). 3any people believe that calcium deficiency causes hip dysplasia in dogs, but the lack of vitamin ! is really the cause. #itamin D is re1uired to activate calcium. -ron %ron can be deficient in both dogs and cats, causing anemia, fatigue, diarrhea, pale gums, and hair loss particularly in animals fed on low meat diets. Dogs with low iron levels are especially susceptible to hookworm infestations. %ron is important in cats, as it combats the lead poisoning that too easily comes with commercial cat foods. %ron is needed in the creation of hemoglobin (red blood cells) , en0yme function, immunity, and energy, and may be important in protecting against feline leukemia !ats need about 8 mg a day, which can be found in a good pet multivitamin and mineral tablet. .a/nesium 3agnesium helps to deto+ify the body of lead and other heavy metals, and is important for the nervous system, en0yme function, heart rate, bones, and muscles. Deficiency symptoms include heart arrhythmia, high blood pressure, sei0ures, bone pain, nervousness, irritability, twitching, depression, muscle spasms, and retarded weight gain. For dogs with arthritis, a calcium-magnesium tablet is a great pain reliever. dogs should seldom be fed aspirin, cats never, since it can be fatal. !alcium-magnesium tablets are calmative as well, and for arthritis work best with vitamin !. Dogs that chew plaster are probably looking for minerals missing from their diet, primarily magnesium and calcium. .an/anese 3anganese is necessary for en0yme utili0ation, lactation, normal reproduction, bone, cartilage and collagen growth, fat and protein assimilation, blood sugar regulation, healthy nerves and immune systems, and normal functioning of the pituitary gland (that regulates all of the other glands). %t is needed for utili0ation of thiamine and vitamin ?. "nimal re1uirements have not been determined, but humans need 5 mg a day of

this trace mineral. %otassium and Sodium Botassium and sodium must be kept in balance in the body, and the current over use of salt in the "merican diet and "merican pet food diet has become a ha0ard to human and pet health. %t is very rare that, other than in cases of heat e+haustion, sodium needs to be supplemented in pets. eat e+haustion with loss of e1uilibrium, decreased water intake, dry skin, hair loss, retarded growth, and an inability to maintain body water balance are signs of sodium deficiency. Botassium deficiency symptoms include restlessness, heart arrhythmia, poor growth, muscle paralysis, tendency to dehydration, and heart or kidney lesions. Botassium helps prevent strokes. Some diuretic and heart medications deplete potassium in the body. "n e+cellent and easy source of potassium replacement is apple cider vinegar. place 7 tsp to each pint of water in the cat/s or dog/s water bowl daily. Never use aluminum or galvani0ed bowls. Selenium Selenium deficiency diseases include heart disease, cancer, tumors, immune deficiencies, lameness, muscular weakness, skin problems, low fertility, and retarded growth rates. This trace mineral is re1uired in very minute amounts as an antio+idant that helps to slow aging and regulate the pancreas (blood sugar). %t works very well with vitamin ?. "lthough recogni0ed as essential in small amounts in dogs, it has not been investigated in cats. 9se of #itamins to Deal with !ertain 3edical !onditions from Natural ealing for Dogs and !ats, Diane Stein &ller/ies 2egin with a change of diet and the daily vitamin,mineral program. 4ecommended vitamins areC vitamin ! to bowel tolerance, 2,comple+ and pantothenic acid (2,8), and vitamin ?. Bet digestive en0ymes (dog or cat) are also recommended and helpful. To reference amounts by body si0e, for a cat use twice a day (two meals)C 8:: mg vitamin !, D low potency 2,comple+ tablet (yeast free), 7-6 tsp feline en0ymes or D digestive en0yme pill. once a week, addC 6:: %9 vitamin ? and a capsule containing 7:,::: %9 vitamin " and 6:: %9 vitamin D. &rthritis and 0ip +(splasia For arthritis, vitamin ! 8::,;::: mg per day, 7:,5: mg 2,comple+ (when using Dr. Bitcairn/s Dog or !at Bowder, substitute 2,comple+ for the yeast), and vitamins " and D.

For cats, "nitra Fra0ier suggests adding digestive en0ymes (7-6 tsp feline en0ymes per meal), 7,7-6 tsp #ita,3ineral 3i+ per meal (recipe is in her book The New Natural !at), and 58: mg of vitamin ! per meal. once a day, add 5 mg 0inc, 7:: %9 vitamin ?, and 8,::: units vitamin " (for one month, then go to recommended ", D, and ? amounts). %n dogs, Aendell 2elfield suggests vitamin ! to bowel tolerance for arthritis and dysplasia. avoid steroids and aspirin. This alone can result in full cures for hip dysplasia in younger dogs and ma$or relief for older ones. 2elfield e1uates hip dysplasia with sub,clinical scurvy, a vitamin ! deficiency disease. But 7 tsp of apple cider vinegar in each pint of the dog/s drinking water. Can#ers and Tumors 9se vitamin ! to bowel tolerance, 2,comple+, selenium, and 0inc. deficiencies in these have been known to stimulate cancer and tumor growth in laboratory animals. "lso use vitamins " and ?. use amounts tailored to body weights. Dr. Bitcairn suggests 5,:::,<,::: mg (5,< grams) of vitamin ! daily, four times the usual level of vitamin ? (6:: %9 daily), and double the amount of cod liver oil-vitamin ". The natural diet is a must here. Bat >a0arus lists the following supplements for both cats and dogs, using amounts that are high for the animal/s body weight. She suggests vitamin ", 2,comple+, large amounts of vitamin !, large amounts of vitamin ?, and pancreatic en0ymes or bromelain. Suggested amountsC #itamin !C to bowel tolerance #itamin "C 8,::: %9 per day 2,comple+C 5: mg #itamin ?. 6:: %9 Bancreatic en0ymesC by body weight (check label) 8: mcg selenium and 8,7: mg 0inc for medium si0ed dog (68 lbs) Catara#ts Bat >a0arus states the 2,78 eye drops used twice daily *will dissolve most early cataracts,* and about ;:E of advanced ones. >a0arus recommends vitamin ? and selenium in addition, and stresses the need for a preservative,free diet. Aendell 2elfield recommends high amounts of vitamin !, plus ? (;:: %9 for a large dog), selenium (8: mcg), and vitamin " (5:,::: %9 a day). Fptimal treatment is begun intramuscularly (by in$ection) and continued at home by mouth. "nitra Fra0ier uses 58: mg of vitamin ! per meal for cats, with 7:: %9 vitamin ? a day for 5 weeks (at that time, reduce to 6:: %9 of ? per week). she also stresses a high 1uality diet with the daily supplements. Constipation and +iarrhea For chronic constipation, again change the diet to a preservative,free high 1uality one, and add 7 tsp of bran per pound of food.

For cats, use G8: mg vitamin ! per day and 7:: %9 vitamin ? (increase these amounts for larger pets). 4ichard Bitcairn suggests that chronic constipation in dogs or cats can be a result of heavy metal (aluminum) to+icity,avoid using aluminum cooking pots and bowls, processed cheeses, table salt, white flout, or tap water, which may all be high in this metal. Deto+ify with high levels of vitamin !, 8::,;,::: mg per day, plus 0inc (8 mg for a cat or small dog, 7: mg for a medium,si0ed dog, and 5: mg for a large dog). "lso note that vitamin ! in doses approaching bowel tolerance becomes a la+ative. "void using mineral oil as a lubricant or la+ative as it drains the body of vitamins. use olive oil instead. For diarrhea, when chronic, suspect food allergies and switch to a preservative,free diet with supplements. +iabetes Feed a low,fat, sugar,free, preservative,free diet with supplements, divided into several small meals a day. 4educe the Dog Fil 3i+ to D cup each of vegetable and cod liver oil, and feed only D tsp of the 3i+ daily. %ncrease the amount of vitamin ?. "dd a trace of mineral combination that contains chromium, manganese, and 0inc. vitamin ! 8::,;,::: mg divided into two daily doses. and 7-5,7 tsp of li1uid lecithin per day. Bat >a0arus suggests vitamin ? (up to ;:: %9 per day), digestive en0ymes or bromelain, and a natural foods diet. For pancreatitis, use the diabetic diet with vitamin ! and digestive en0ymes. add a small amount of sesame oil to the food. "nitra Fra0ier/s recipe for cat diabetes is to add to each meal 7 tsp #ita,3ineral 3i+, 7 tsp chopped alfalfa sprouts, 58: mg vitamin ! powder, 7-7< tsp potassium chloride (sodium substitute), and 7 drop stevia e+tract. Daily, give 7:: %9 vitamin ?. after 5 weeks, reduce to 6:: %9 weekly. Aeekly, give 7:,::: %9 vitamin " and 6:: %9 vitamin D. %f your pet is on insulin, make very sure to monitor blood sugar levels, as these can change with the supplements. Ahen using supplements for diabetes, it is e+tremely important to be consistent. The minerals chromium and manganese, and raw pancreas glandulars, have been proven important for people with hypoglycemia or diabetes. they lower blood sugar levels. Try them with pets, in amounts based on body weight. *eline 1eu2emia The big news is that this ma$or killer of cats can be cured totally, asymptomatic animals with positive testing reverting to negative status in about 7:,75 weeks. sick animals take longer.

The recipeC vitamin ! to bowel tolerance, ;,:::,8,::: mg per day divided into two meal time doses. Start small and increase the amounts gradually. 9se the improved diet and a pet multiple vitamin and mineral supplement. once testing negative, the cat still needs to remain on the supplements. Do not allow medication with steroids or cortisone. "nitra Fra0ier adds other vitamins to 7,::: mg of vitamin ! per dayC with each meal, use 7 tsp. #ita,3ineral 3i+, 7 tablet bioplasma (homeopathic), 7 capsule of li1uid calcium (6:: mg), D tsp feline en0ymes, 7: mg !o,en0yme H7:, 7-@ tsp olive oil, 7:,::: %9 vitamin " or 7-5 tsp cod liver oil, 5,; mg 0inc, and 7 tsp chopped alfalfa sprouts. She uses 6:: %9 vitamin ? once a week. The e+perts suspect lead poisoning may be a primary factor in the cause of this disease. #itamin ! helps to deto+ify the body, and the changed diet removes lead from daily ingestion. 9se the recipes above for feline "%DS as well. Iloria Dodd, D#3, comments on feline leukemiaC *Fn "ugust 8, 7==5, a lady by the name of 3inke Brince called me from "ri0ona. They/ve been curing a large number of their feline leukemia cats in the no kill shelter where she works with a blue green algae called J!ell Tech./ 3inke said she had cancer herself and cured it by removing the silver amalgam fillingsKand the use of !ell Tech.* !ell Tech and other blue green algaes are available in health food stores. 0eart +isease and 0(pertension These were both unheard of in pets 6: years ago, and unheard of in people before the manufacture of white flour and white sugar. !hange of diet is essential. #itamin ? is primary in all forms of heart disease and hypertensionC use 7:: %9 daily for cats and small dogs, 5:: %9 for medium and large dogs, and 6:: %9 for giant breeds. Double the dose for aging pets. 9se a pet multiple vitamin and mineral tablet and vitamin ! as well. Bat >a0arus suggests vitamins ", !, and ? in high doses, adding the vitamin ? only after the weak heart has been stabili0ed. She recommends weight reduction, no,salt diets, a natural diet, and moderate e+ercise. Ahen using " or ? in high amounts, try the water soluble (dry) forms that cannot be overdosed, and use vitamin ! in the ascorbic acid (salt free) form. For high blood pressure (hypertension), >a0arus recommends the minerals magnesium and potassium. For potassium, put 7 tsp apple cider vinegar in each pint of drinking water. Dr. 4ichard Bitcairn prescribes the followingC a complete 2,comple+ (5:,8: mg), dolomite powder instead of bone meal in the Dog and !at Bowders, trace minerals containing selenium and chromium, and 0inc 8,5: mg daily. -n3uries4 Cuts4 and Burns "fter standard first aid-veterinary care, the improved diet with multiple vitamin and mineral supplements is important. #itamins to aid the healing of cuts, internal and e+ternal in$uries, wounds, and burns areC vitamins !, ?, and ", and 0inc. "ll speed healing. #itamin ! reduces bruising and bleeding, prevents infection, and reduces inflammation. #itamin ? induces healing of skin and internal tissues and prevents scarring,it is particularly important both internally and e+ternally for burns. Linc is necessary for wound and burn healing, and boosts the immune system to

speed healing and prevent infections. Ahere there has been shock or trauma, the 2,comple+ is also important. 9se these vitamins after surgery for rapid recovery. %ncrease the daily dietary amounts when higher levels are needed for healing. S2in and Coat &ilments Ahen a dog or cat has chronic skin problems, hair that is falling out, bald patches, rashes, dandruff, or poor coat, the causes are virtually always dietary. !hange to a preservative,free diet and supplement with the daily pet multiple vitamin and mineral tablet, and vitamins ! and ?. This usually does the $ob. 3any skin problems are specific deficiencies, including vitamins ", ?, !, or 0inc. "nimals on vegetable oil or cod liver oil tend to need more vitamin ? in their diet. !hronic skin ailments, demodectic mange, or seborrhea usually respond to vitamin !. rashes, ec0ema, and hair loss are often vitamin ? deficiencies. abscesses and sores respond to 0inc. and bacterial skin eruptions, scratching, or sebaceous cysts re1uire vitamin ". 9se 5:: %9 daily of vitamin ?, 7:,:::,5:,::: %9 vitamin ", 8,5: mg of 0inc, and 8::,;,::: mg vitamin ! per day. Bat >a0arus suggests the following vitamin amounts for a 8:,lb dog with skin problems (these are added to the daily vitamin,mineral supplement)C #itamin !C 7,:::,5,::: mg #itamin ?C 6:: %9 per day 2,comple+ 8: with 2,75 5 T cold pressed vegetable oil (sunflower or sesame) per meal 5 tsp. kelp powder LincC ;: mg SeleniumC 8: mcg 7 T bone meal (per day) 5 wheat germ oil capsules per meal Bat >a0arus advises a change of diet to natural, preservative,free foods, beginning with a veterinary,supervised fast on distilled water for a few days. Do not fast a diabetic pet unless advised by a veterinarian. "nitra Fra0ier suggests that the fat be on a high calcium chicken broth. Spinal %roblems Too many dogs in particular have been euthani0ed for spinal myelopathy, spinal degeneration, posterior paralysis, or disc troubles. 3odern chiropractic and veterinary acupuncture can help tremendously here. #itamin supplements also can work wonders, particularly vitamin ! to bowel tolerance (as much as <,::: mg per day) with a multiple vitamin and mineral supplement. 4esponse time varies with the individual and the severity of the problem. %ntravenous in$ections of vitamin ! work faster than oral dosage. Bat >a0arus adds vitamin ? (6:: %9), trace minerals, and manganese to vitamin !. Urinar( Tra#t -nfe#tions4 5idne( and Bladder +isease Feline 9rologic Syndrome (F9S) is a leading cause of disease and often death in

cats. %t can almost always be prevented by feeding a preservative,free natural diet and vitamin,mineral supplement, along with vitamin !. "nitra Fra0ier suggests at the first sign of urinary infection to withhold solid food and give 8:: mg of vitamin ! in 7 tsp of chicken broth, plus 7:: %9 vitamin ?. During an attack, along with veterinary care, use a 2,comple+ 7:,mg twice a day, 7:: %9 vitamin ? daily for a month (then decrease to 6:: %9 once a week), and 7-6 tsp cod liver oil or 7:,::: %9 vitamin " with 6:: %9 vitamin D. "fter attacks, continue vitamin ! (8:: mg per day divided into two meals), and vitamins ?, ", and D weekly. er information on diet, supplements, care, and medication is highly recommended ("nitra Fra0ier with Norma ?ckrote, The New Natural !atC " !omplete Iuide for Finicky Fwners, &New MorkC Blume 2ooks, 7==:'). 4ichard Bitcairn offers the same protocol for cats and adds the following recommendations for bladder infections and kidney stones in dogsC #itamin " as cod liver oil or 8,::: %9 vitamin " capsules daily for cats and small dogs, 8,:::,7:,::: %9 for medium dogs, and 7:,:::,5:,::: %9 for large dogs 9se vitamin ! twice dailyC 8:: mg per day for cats and small dogs, 7,::: mg daily for medium dogs, and 8:: mg three times a day for large dogs 9se a 7:,mg 2,comple+ for cats and small dogs, and 5: mg for larger ones Ahere there are kidney stones in dogs, add 8:,;:: mg of magnesium, depending on the pet/s si0e Aendell 2elfield uses vitamin ! to bowel tolerance to dissolve kidney stones in cats and dogs, 8::,@:: mg per day. For intestinal nephritis and kidney degeneration, use high amounts of vitamins !, ", and ?. For cats with F9S, he uses a catheter douche of 58E vitamin ! solution (sodium ascorbate), followed by a change in diet with a multiple vitamin,mineral supplement and 7,:::,7,58: mg of vitamin ! per day divided into two meals. Serious cases of F9S take as long as < months to heal completely and stop returning. The supplements can prevent recurrences, veterinary drugs, catheteri0ations, surgeries, and even death.

Viral +iseases These are the infectious diseases that re1uire yearly vaccinations, but sometimes the vaccinations don/t work. "n animal that is on a natural diet and supplements has a better chance of resisting these diseases, and surviving them if it gets sick. Aendell 2elfield treats these diseases by using mega,doses of vitamin ! administered intravenously, in amount of half a gram (8:: mg) of the vitamin per pound of animal body weight twice a day. #itamin ? and selenium are added, as well as 0inc, the 2,comple+, pantothenic acid (2,8), and 2,< (pyrido+ine). The treatment must be done twice daily without missing a single treatment for a period of about 8 days in cases of canine and feline distemper, influen0a, kennel cough and parvovirus in dogs and upper respiratory diseases in cats. e has achieved remission of Feline %nfectious Beritonitis (F%B), usually considered fatal, if treatment is started early enough. 4aw thymus e+tract along with the vitamin ! may help to boost the immune system. Fluids are also given intravenously to prevent dehydration. %f %# in$ection of vitamins is out of reach, along with veterinary treatment, try the followingC Iive no solid food while fever and vomiting are present. %n cats, use a li1uid fast and high amounts of powdered vitamin ! dissolved in

water. 9se 7:: mg per hour of vitamin ! in this way for kittens, and 58: mg per hour for adult cats. For larger dogs, increase the amount. #itamin ? (8:,7:: %9 three times a day) and cod liver oil (vitamin ") (7-6 to 7 tsp three times a day) can be added. Ahen using high doses of vitamins, decrease them gradually after the animal no longer needs them. For recovery from viral diseases, continue with smaller amounts of vitamins ! and ", calcium-magnesium, selenium, vitamin ?, and 2,comple+. These can also alleviate central nervous system damage residues. "cupuncture is recommended in case of nervous system damage from distemper.

,,,,, For more Dog Tips and other information about pet care, adoption and the work B"A does, visit our website atC www.paw, Bartnership for "nimal Aelfare, %nc. B.F. 2o+ 7:G6 Ireenbelt, 3D 5:G<@
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