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Test for Unit 12

Multiple choice (20%) 1. The book ___ so cheap that most of us can afford to buy one. A. went B. sold C. runs D. cost 2. The window ___ open all night which was !ery dangerous. A. left B. stayed C. kept D. did ". Tom you ____ play with the knife. #ou ___ hurt yourself. A. won$t% can$t B. can$t% shouldn$t% C. shouldn$t% must% D. mustn$t% may &. ' (t will be two years ____ ( come to China again. ) *et$s keep in touch with each other by writing letters. A. after B. before C. until D. since +. ,r -mith is always ready to do what he can ____ us with our .nglish. A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps /. The girl was ____ by the _____ sight. A. frightened% frighten B. frightened% frightened C. frightened% frightening D. frightening% frightening 0. There is nothing ___ in the classroom e1cept some old chairs. A. lea!ing B. left C. to lea!e D. lea!e 2. 3e must get to the gas station before the gas _____. A. runs out B. was run out C. has been run out D. would be run out of 4. 5e ___ to gi!e a talk on modern agriculture and he did come. A. had refused B. had promised C. has promised D. had hoped 16. They ____ in the classroom ____ to the teacher carefully. A. sat 7uietly% to listen B. sat 7uietly% listened C. sat 7uiet% listening D. sat 7uiet% listen Cloze(30%) ,any people now think that teachers gi!e pupils too much homework. They say that it is 1 for children to work at home in their free time. 2 they argue that most teachers do not " plan the homework tasks they gi!e to pupils. The result is that pupils ha!e to & tasks which they ha!e already done at school. 8ecently in 9reece many parents + about the difficult homework which teachers ga!e to their children. The parents said that most of the homework was / and they wanted to 0 it. -pain and Turkey are two countries which stopped homework recently. (n Denmark 9ermany and se!eral other countries teachers cannot 2 homework at weekends. (n 5olland teachers 4 pupils to stay at school to do their homework. The children are free to help 16 .

-imilar 11 also e1ists in some British schools. ,ost people agree that homework is not 12 . A pupil who can do his homework in a 7uiet and 1" room is in a much better position than a pupil who does his homework in a small noisy room with the tele!ision on. 1& parents help their children with their homework. :ther parents take no 1+ at all in their children$s homework. 1. A. unnecessary B. uninteresting C. unfortunate D. unimportant 2. A. ;e!ertheless B. 5owe!er C. Therefore D. ,oreo!er ". A. considerably B. fa!ourably C. properly D. pleasantly &. A. finish B. repeat C. attend D. accomplish +. A. 7uarreled B. pu<<led C. e1plored D. complained /. A. a waste of time B. waste of time C. a waste of the time D. waste of the time 0. A. delay B. stop C. block D. pro!e 2. A. set B. make C. put D. take 4. A. let B. make C. allow D. ha!e 16. A. one another B. each other C. one other D. each another 11. A. schedule B. operation C. arrangement D. beha!iour 12. A. fair B. a!erage C. balanced D. comparati!e 1". A. furnished B. e1pensi!e C. comfortable D. suitable 1&. A. ,any B. -e!eral C. =ew D. -ome 1+. A. interest B. curiosity C. notice D. attention Reading(36%) A ,aking a film takes a long time and is !ery hard work3riting the story for the film may take many weeks=ilming the story being acted or shooting the film as it is called often takes at least si1 monthsActors and cameramen work from !ery early in the morning until late at night.ach scene had to be acted and reacted filmed and refilmed until it is >ust right-ometimes the same scene has to be acted twenty or thirty times The film studio is like a large factory and the indoor stages are !ery big indeed-cenery of all kinds is made in the studio churches castles and forests are all built of wood and cupboard-e!eral hundred people work together to make one film-ome of these people are actors and actressesThe director of the film howe!er is the most important person in a studio5e decides how the scenes should be filmed and how the actors should act

,ost people go to see a film because they know the film stars in it-ometimes the film may be !ery poor(t is best to choose a film made by a good director-ome famous directors make their film !ery real?eople feel that they themsel!es are among the people in the film 1-hooting a film often takes ____ Aless than si1 months Bat least si1 months Cmany weeks Dfrom early in the morning until late at night 2The scenes ha!e to be filmed many times because ____ Ait takes a long time to make a film Bit is often difficult to make them >ust right Cmany people work together Dthe film is poor "The scenery in the studio is made of ____ Awood and cupboard Chouse Bindoor stages Dfilms

&The director of a film _____ Ais always an actor Bmakes the scenery

Csays how each scene should be filmed Dis a film star +3e should choose a film which ____ Ahas actors we know Ctakes a long time to make director Bseems !ery real Dis made by a good

The computer is a wonderful machine(t is the most important in!ention since the type of engine used in carsToday it has the greatest effect on science industry and business but it is being used more in education and medicineBy the end of si1teenth century it will touch the li!es of e!eryone e!en people in distant !illages The oldest kind of computer is the abacus used in China since the si1teenth century(n the se!enteenth century an adding machine was in!ented but the first large modern computer was built in 14"0A few years later a computer could do + 666 additions per second;ow the computations are so fast that they are measured in nanoseconds @A Today most computers are stored)program computers that is ha!e a memoryThey are getting smaller and smaller and computing faster and faster.!en in a large computer the part that does the actual computing is about the si<e of the end of a finger 1The oldest kind of computer the abacus has been used since ____ A1/66 B1066 C1266 D1+66

2. A stored)program computer has ____ Aan adding machine Ca finger Ba brain Da memory

"The part of a computer that ____ is the si<e of the end of fingers Aprints the information Cdoes the computing Bstores the information Dmemori<es computing

&The computations of the computer are measured in ____ Aseconds Cmilliseconds Bmicroseconds Dnanoseconds

+The computer will soon affect ____ Apeople in large cities Bpeople in de!eloped countries Call humanity Dthe western world

The .nglish are often described as unfriendly people who donBt talk to strangers but not *ondon ta1i dri!ers . ( once asked a cabbie to describe his life to me and he didnBt stop talking until ( arri!ed home half an hour later. 5e told me many interesting stories and this is one of them C -ome !ery strange things happen late at night . The other day ( was taking a woman home from a party . -he had a little dog with her. 3hen we got to her house she found that sheBd lost her key. -o ( waited in the cab with the dog while she climbed up the window.D C( waited E and waited E After half an hour of ringing the bell ( decided to find out what was going on. ( tied the dog to a tree and started to climb up the window . The ne1t thing ( knew was that the police came . They thought ( was trying to rob the houseF *uckily the woman came downstairs sheBd gone to sleep and forgotten about me and the dog . ( was in such a hurry to get away that ( forgot to ask her for the fare .D 13hat does the writer think of the *ondon ta1i dri!ersG AThey are unfriendly . BThey like to talk to strangers . CThey talk too much . DThey are not .nglish . 2=rom the passage we know ____.

Athe writer is the dri!er of ta1i Bthe writer often tra!els by ta1i Cthe writer is a foreigner !isiting *ondon Dthe writer li!es in *ondon "3hat does CcabbieD meanG ATa1i B-tranger CTa1i dri!er D*ondoner &3hy did the ta1i dri!er wait for the womanG ABecause she had left her dog with him. BBecause she had not paid him . CBecause she wanted to go out again . DBoth A and B.

Halentine$s Day is on 1& =ebruary each year. ( t is a day for lo!ers and one of the lo!eliest holidays in the Inited -tates. Hery few Americans know the story of Halentine$s Day. :ne .nglish story tells that birds select their mates on =ebruary 1&. Another story says that more than 2 666 years ago the ancient 8omans celebrated a holiday for lo!ers. As part of the celebration girls wrote their names on pieces of paper became his lo!er or sweet heart for a year. Then came a 8oman priest Halentinus who secretly married many young lo!ers against the 8oman king$s order. The 8oman .mperor got angry and ordered the killing of Halentinus on =ebruary 1& 2/4 AD. (t is !ery popular to send cards decorated with hearts and flowers to e1press lo!e. Today many Americans like to e1change humorous cards with their husbands wi!es mothers fathers sons daughters relati!es and e!en special friends. -ome en>oy the >oke of sending C

9uess 3hoD cards to a person he or she secretly admires. -ometimes they put their lo!e message in a heart)shaped bo1 of chocolates or a bunch of flowers tied with red ribbons. Candy perfume >ewelry or a picture with a heart and Cupid @the 8oman 9od of lo!eA who is armed with a bow and arrow are also sent to e1press lo!e. ,any couples arrange romantic dinners by candle light for this occasion. Ini!ersities also hold a -weetheart Ball for the young students to celebrate Halentine$s Day. 1. 3hy was Halentinus killed in ancient 8omeG A. Because he didn$t finish the task the .mperor ga!e him. B. Because he was poor and the .mperor didn$t want to marry his daughter to him. C. Because he told people how to celebrate Halentine$s Day which made the .mperor angry. D. Because he did not follow the .mperor$s order and secretly married many young lo!ers. 2. 3hat do the uni!ersity students nowadays do on Halentine$s DayG A. They celebrate Halentine$s Day in the same way >ust as the ancient 8omans did o!er 2 666 years ago. B. They >ust send cards decorated with hearts and flowers to the persons they lo!e. C. They take part in a -weetheart Ball which uni!ersities hold for them. D. They arrange romantic dinners by candle light for this occasion. ". The passage is mainly about _____. A. the story of Halentine$s Day B. how students celebrate Halentine$s Day ( uni!ersities C. how Halentine$s Day was celebrated more than 2 666 years ago D. the origin of Halentine$s Day and the modern ways of celebrating it &. C9uess 3hoD card is ____. A. an unsigned card B. gi!en to friends and family members C. sent to a person together with flowers candy perfume or a picture D. usually sent to their fiends by students in uni!ersities

J Writing
,aria Kones

1 2 26)166

Keys: I. II. 1-5: ABDBB; 6-10: CBABC; 1-5: ADCBD; 6-10:ABACA; 11-15: CACDA

III. A 1-5: BBACD; B 1-5: DDCDC; C 1-4: BDCD; D 1-4: DCDA IV.

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