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StaRSci takes part in Robotics Seminar Maria Kristina Imatong The Santa Rosa Science and Technology High

School Science and T.L.E. teachers and selected students were in ited by the !ity Hall to attend the K"#E$ Seminar %orkshop on &ugust '()'*. This aims to pro ide enough knowledge about !onstruction o+ Robots and ,rogramming. &ll science teachers- Mr. &l in Sta. Maria- Ms. Mary .race !apul and Ms. Maria !ristina ,egollo attended the said seminar in the SRSTHS" &/R and were gi en a robotics kit in part o+ the +ree training. The 011 selected students isited a science +air in La)Salle !anlubang and were +acilitated by the science teachers. The said acti ity was initiated by /... Ro2as !o. Inc.

M!L spearheads En ironmental Seminar Maria Kristina Imatong and Kristine 3oy 4uego Malayan !olleges o+ Laguna 5M!L6 in ites selected 7rd year students o+ Santa Rosa Science and Technology High School +or an en ironmental awareness campaign at Southpoint subdi ision- !abuyao- Laguna on Sept. 08. %ith the theme 9E2cellence and /irtue in ,romoting En ironmental &wareness: Li ing and Learning !ommunities;- this seminar aimed to promote knowledge about en ironmental awareness not only to students but also to teachers who attended the said con+erence. It started with a prayer +ollowed therea+ter by the #ational &nthem and the Speakers" introduction. Engr. <od=ie S. Maestrecampo- the e2ecuti e ice president and !>> o+ Malayan !olleges Laguna- ga e the opening remarks. The +irst speaker- Mr. Roderick Monterey- &dministrati e o++icer o+ M!L discussed about solid waste management that is concerned o+ disposal o+ garbage and also their recycling processes. ,ollution- pollutants and its e++ects to human en ironment was then e2plained by the ne2t speaker- ,ro+. &bigail Rodelas)&ngelia- science +aculty member o+ M!L. The last lecturer- ,ro+. !er inia Manalo- also a science +aculty member- talked about water treatment. &n open +orum was held a+ter the lectures. Synthesis and !losing remarks were gi en by ,ro+. 3ames Ronald >. Mesina- the <irector o+ !ommunity ser ice and Relations >++ice o+ the said college. Simultaneous %orkshops and .uided E2periments +ollowed which includes %ater testing Treatment and Tour at the Sewage Treatment ,lant by the !hemical Engineering Seniors- and %aste management +acilitated by Engr. 3essica !astillo. The con ention was =oined by schools +rom Santa Rosa !ity- !alamba !ity and !abuyao- Laguna that ended by 'pm with students" brains +ull o+ rich ideas.

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