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LCI Des|gn and Construct|on Inc
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Lcl uesiqn & construction lnc
As parL of Lhe Cpen Mlke sesslon on Lhe lasL day of Lhe 10
LCl Congress ln 8oulder we dlscussed how Lo move
beyond the 1oo| cu|ture]Iake Lean
lolots ftom tbe loltlol Jlscossloo
Lean ls noL someLhlng you can sprlnkle on
WhaL does Lhls mean? -
o dolng lean Lhlngs wlLhouL uslng lean Lhlnklng - uslng a Lool doesn'L make you lean.
o 1here ls a clear dlfference beLween lean and a convenLlonal organlzaLlons - lean ls a unlquely
dlfferenL anlmal from Lhe convenLlonal. ConvenLlonal because Lhey are rule bound - Lop down
sLrucLures, heavy managemenL declslon-maklng abouL deLall of operaLlons, lordlsL, 1aylorlan -
o So lake lean ls when convenLlonal organlzaLlons use Lools normally assoclaLed wlLh lean
ln our orgs we are on a [ourney from convenLlonal Lo lean
lf you can concelve of your deslred fuLure lean sLaLe and your currenL reallLy LhaL wlll help you
We Lhen bralnsLormed whaL an organlzaLlon LhaL was creaLed Lo be lean from day 1 would be llke [we called lL
lcl ueslqo ooJ coosttoctloo loc] - we used Lhe 6-3-3 nomlnal group bralnsLormlng process (3 ldeas ln 3 mlnuLes
x 6 Llmes) Lo geL an ldea of whaL a Lruly lean deslgn and consLrucLlon organlsaLlon would be llke. 1he process
produced around 300 dlfferenL sLaLemenLs. 1ables voLed for Lhe Lop flve ldeas generaLed aL Lhelr Lable. 1he
sLaLemenLs chosen were:
1he farLher we go Lhe furLher we have Lo go
1he more we know Lhe more we don'L know
Learnlng organlsaLlon
Make lL slmple
arLner wlLh Lrade conLracLors
CreaLe Lhe LCl Way
Work ouL a vlable buslness model & markeL
Lean markeLlng
My ldeas counL
CreaLe ablllLy Lo Lry new Lhlngs
Plgh communlcaLlon flow
ConLlnuous learnlng and lmprovemenL
ull everyLhlng
llaL organlsaLlon
l1 works wlLh grassrooLs
value focus
Plre Lhe rlghL people
ServanL leadershlp
1rusL ls evldenL
Lean ls a process noL a prescrlpLlon
Ln[oymenL as core value
ConLlnuous process lnnovaLlon
AblllLy Lo sLop work
8ellable promlses
1ransparency and vlslblllLy
1he organlsaLlon as a llvlng Lhlng
ercelve all fallures as opporLunlLy Lo grow, learn
and lmprove
vlsual lndlcaLors
8ased on value generaLlon
kalzen and sLandard work
8esources and ldeas shred ln parallel (seL based
Analysls before acLlon
Measure resulLs

!ohn asked whaL percenLage of all Lhe sLaLemenLs were abouL coltote ooJ voloes and whaL percenLage
techn|ques and too|s. Ma[orlLy culLure and values. !ohn polnLed ouL LhaL Lean culLure and values are supporLed
by Lools and Lechnlques. 1ools are counLermeasures accordlng Lo 1oyoLa - Lhey are Lhe besL way we know Lo
deal wlLh x.
8omano encouraged everyone Lo laLch onLo Lhe process. lLs lLeraLlve, emergenL.
Chrls - ln evldence based managemenL ln healLhcare Lhey only geL credlL for compleLlng a whole booJle. lL ls
dlfflculL Lo compleLe a bundle ln one go. A lean organlsaLlon ls a bundle. ?ou don'L sLarL as an Lagle ScouL,
you've goL Lo work your way up.
LCI Des|gn and Construct|on Inc
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8elow l have aLLempLed Lo clusLer Lhe sLaLemenLs l could read (some l could noL) wlLhouL reference Lo Lhe
earller clusLers. When revlewlng Lhe llsL please remember LhaL Lhls was a bralnsLorm and all ldeas have value
and Lhe lnsLrucLlons lncluded sLaLemenLs llke:
WhaL wlll Lhe organlsaLlon be, feel and sound llke
WhaL wlll make lL fun
1ake your mlnd where no mlnd has gone before
All ldeas are valuable
no ldeas are wrong
1hlnk off-Lhe-wall
l was unable Lo clusLer some ldeas - hence Lhe flnal caLegory zzz. 1he clusLers are:
our approach........................2
our asp|rat|ons .....................2
our bus|ness strategy............2
our c||ents]customers...........3
our commun|cat|ons.............3
our cu|ture ...........................3
our dec|s|ons ........................3
our des|gns...........................4
our focus ..............................4
our |deas ..............................4
our I1....................................4
our know|edge .....................4
our off|ces ............................4
our organ|sat|on...................S
our organ|sat|on structure....S
our peop|e............................S
our p|anetary
our process.......................... 6
our purpose......................... 7
our reward and
remunerat|on ................... 7
our sk|||s .............................. 7
our supp||ers]trade
partners............................ 7
our teams ............................ 7
our va|ues............................ 8
our work.............................. 8
we are ................................. 9
we be||eve ........................... 9
we change ........................... 9
we h|re ................................ 9
we share.............................. 9
we use................................. 9
zzz ..................................... 10

l have Lhls lnformaLlon ln a cooceptutow MloJMop (v6) - leL me know lf you would llke a copy.
Alan Mossman
our approach
ldeas are Lhe basls of our approach
Cpen Lo ldeas
lnnovaLlon ls cenLral
lnnovaLlon Lools ever changlng
open Lo lnvenL new process
LoLal sysLem perspecLlve
our asp|rat|ons
Cood vlbe
roducL dellvers cllenL ob[ecLlves
deLecL heros
flnanclal Lransparency
we dellver
our bus|ness strategy
CreaLe vlable buslness model for Lhe lean organlsaLlon
We can always choose our pro[ecLs and cusLomers for non-flnanclal reasons
We do only lu pro[ecLs
We emphaslse servlce Lo cllenLs
only work Lo collaboraLlve conLracLs
lean pro[ecLs
manage rlsk - noL fear
We are Lhe mosL advanced ln our lndusLry
We work for Lhe greaLer good & quallLy of llfe
we slow down Lo go fasLer
We LargeL cllenLs LhaL allgn wlLh our vlslon
slack resources for lnnovaLlon
LCI Des|gn and Construct|on Inc
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rlgorous screenlng of parLners employees and cllenLs
proflL ln Lhlnklng/ lmplemenLlng Lhe process
8evlew compeLlLlon
our c||ents]customers
CollaboraLlve Leam envlronmenL
collaboraLlve Leam sLrucLure
CusLomer focus
cusLomer orlenLed
ecosysLem of self assembllng groups Lo serve whaLever purpose Lhe cusLomer values
CusLomer Lruly deflned
CusLomers admlre our work and process
ulLlmaLe paylng cusLomer value deflned
ulrecLed by lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe value quesLlon
cllenLs deeply coached ln proposed LransformaLlon
collaboraLlve conLracL arrangemenLs
Lveryone knows who everyone else's cusLomer ls
We consulL sLakeholders
engage all lndusLry sLakeholders by measurlng value-add Lo cllenL
Many forms of Lhe cusLomer recognlsed
our commun|cat|ons
uebaLlng socleLy [ Lhe keLLle/waLercooler
lace Lo face confllcL resoluLlon
normal speaklng Lone
Cpen, LransparenL, LrusLlng
Cpen communlcaLlon
dlrecL communlcaLlon
good communlcaLlon across Lhe organlsaLlon
good commumlcaLlons across all levels of Lhe organlsaLlon
We llsLen
We llsLen Lo each oLher
llsLen Lo everyone
We promlse rellably
We respecL people
connecLlvlLy Lo all
frequenL case sLudles
hl communlcaLlon flow
our cu|ture
CulLure lnvesLed by all
CulLure led by all
CulLure of learnlng
Learnlng culLure
LransparenL culLure
Lransparency of all
1ransparency and vlslblllLy
We are a famlly
We behave eLhlcally acLlng and decldlng ln supporL of our values
we bulld relaLlonshlps
we bulld relaLlonshlps for Lhe long-Lerm
We bulld LrusL
our dec|s|ons
declslons as close Lo [ob as posslble
declslons based on boLh 8Cl and flrsL cosL
declslons based on merlL
dlscuss deLall schedullng wlLh everyone
LCI Des|gn and Construct|on Inc
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deLall schedule only nexL few mllesLones
decenLrallsed plannlng
our des|gns
deslgn based on producLlon
deslgn Lhlnklng and consLrucLlon Lhlnklng allgned
1eam deflnlLlon helps deflne value
value sLaLemenLs
our focus
locus on fuLure/nexL generaLlon
locus on lnLerface managemenL
locus on value generaLlon
focus on cusLomer value (c.f. conLracL compllance)
focus on LhroughpuL (c.f. uLlllzaLlon)
focus on value
rocess focus
our |deas
loLs of suggesLlons by everyone
our I1
l1 works wlLh grassrooLs - smells Lhe sawdusL
paperless flow
use Lechnology for lnfo processlng
undersLand Lhe llmlLaLlons of Lechnology
1echnology LhaL enhances
vlrLual offlce sysLems
MonsLer compuLer ln closeL
make l1 slmple
our know|edge
We llnk lean Lo Lhlngs llke 8lM, 13926
We publlsh whlLe papers
We record our experlence
We Leach our approach Lo communlLy of ???
learn from companles ouLslde consLrucLlon
old good meLhods have same value as new Lechnology
pre-fab speclallsLs
process consclousness
process plannlng focus
relaLlonshlps wlLh unlverslLles
our off|ces
move workplace Lo Lhe work locaLlon
all work on slLes ln fleld - no offlces
lew walls
Space for suppllers and cusLomers
workplace soclal lnLeracLlon space
WhaL you need ls aL your flngerLlps
relaxed envlronmenL
relaxed work aLmosphere
SLaff relaxaLlon room
fooseball Lable
Massage and aroma Lherapy for sLaff
eople are greaL llsLeners
LCI Des|gn and Construct|on Inc
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eople ask loLs of quesLlons
our organ|sat|on
CpLlmlse Lhe organlsaLlon
blended Leams
brlnglng oLher dlsclpllnes Lo lnLeracL
bulld a compleLe Lechnlcal sysLem
everyone parLlclpaLes
organlsaLlon vlewed as llvlng Lhlng
We lnclude cllenLs, consulLanLs and suppllers
users lnvolved ln deslgn
lL feels llke
My ldeas counL
a LasLe of heaven
our organ|sat|on structure
our managemenL sLrucLure
foundaLlon for Lhe nexL generaLlon
llaL-lsh collaboraLlve managemenL sLrucLure
shallow organlsaLlonal sLrucLure
flaL organlsaLlon
horlzonLal managemenL sLrucLure
councll sLrucLure
our leaders
CLC >33yrs
Clear dlrecLlon and process - wlLh flexlblllLy
Clear & ofL communlcaLed vlslon
clarlLy of purpose
Clear leadershlp
leadershlp sLaLemenL ln wrlLlng
LducaLed leadershlp
Leadershlp educaLes
Leaders are deeply Lralned
Leadershlp Lakes place aL all levels of Lhe organlsaLlon
Lveryone has a leadershlp role
We pracLlce servanL leadershlp
Cur leaders are humble
our managers
Lveryone can do Lhe [ob of Lhelr dlrecL reporLs
Senlor managemenL commlLmenL Lo supporL lean process
SysLemaLlc managerlal behavlour
laclllLaLors noL managers
emphasls on quesLlons
!apanese managers
verLlcal lnLegraLlon - loLs
8oles are undersLood
8oLaLlng managemenL
our peop|e
lully lean educaLed workforce
lndlvlduals pracLlce lean ln all Lhelr work
lndlvlduals feel responslble for Lhe care of Lhe whole
everyone really lnvolved ln Lhe consLrucLlon process
fun learnlng LogeLher
LCI Des|gn and Construct|on Inc
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learn from oLhers
vlslL 1oyoLa
We go Lo lndusLry conferences
SLep by sLep learnlng
people develop Lowards excellence
personal and professlonal developmenL
Work on formlng 1 employees - deep and wlde
We are commlLLed Lo conLlnuous learnlng
We supporL educaLlon
ongolng educaLlon
1ralnlng well funded
1each whlle l learn
problem solvlng Lralnlng
facLory physlcs focus
aLlence wlLh learnlng process
healLhy people
open employee forums dally
opporLunlLy Lo progress & grow
personal and company goals allgned
more hlrlng Lhan layoffs
moblle workforce
we are muLually helpful
We are proud of our quallLy
quallLy mlnded
quallLy servlce LhaL ls deslred
we are sLewards of Lhe survlval of Lhe company
eople feel empowered
We each have a sense of self wlLhln Lhe whole
our p|anetary respons|b|||ty
Lean applled Lo cllmaLe/carbon fooLprlnL
LoLally green
envlronmenLally aware
our process
100 safeLy goal
AccounLablllLy on Lasks
accounLablllLy wlLh poslLlve acLlon
AcLlon groups
Allgn endeavours Lo purpose
Analysls before acLlon
8ooL cause analysls ls rouLlne
AuLhorlLy and responslblllLy are delegaLed
All fallure seen as opporLunlLy Lo grow, learn & lmprove
analysls process
breakdowns deflned
ueclare breakdowns
ablllLy Lo sLop Lhe work
any Leam member can sLop/correcL process
we have an andon cord
ConfllcL ls openly dlscussed
lrequenL bralnsLormlng
lrequenL cross-lndusLry knowledge exchanges
SupporLs conLlnual lmprovemenL processes
all processes evaluaLed
buslness process looked aL Lhrough lean lens
LCI Des|gn and Construct|on Inc
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based on lean prlnclples
blg room concepLs on slLe
blame free
1rusL ls evldenL
LrusL Lhrough openness
LrusL beLween co-workers
1rusL of Lhe whole Lo Lake care of Lhe Leam
MeeLlngs (loLs)
brlef dally sLarL-up meeLlngs
agreed meeLlng processes
ull everyLhlng
rapld elecLronlc Lransfer of pull slgnals
SLandardlsed work
our purpose
urposes allgned
maklng our world a llLLle beLLer
CorporaLe vlslon
our goals
Seamless Llmely acLlon
greaL quallLy
Soclal-famlly-lndlvldual ouLcomes [usL as lmporLanL
Why are we here? ls an ofL repeaLed quesLlon
our reward and remunerat|on
All share penalLles of fallure
All share rewards of success
C rewarded
moLlvaLlon and lncenLlves
Leam rewards
MerlL based compensaLlon
beLLer earnlngs
More money less work
more money/efflclenL work
large bonuses
reward for suggesLlons
8ewards are shared among Lhe Leam
llfe/work balance
More holldays
our sk|||s
Lveryone knows where Lhelr dellverables go
bulldlng consensus
everyone able Lo creaLe A3s
workers Lralned ln deflnlng operaLlons
our supp||ers]trade partners
long Lerm relaLlonshlps wlLh Lrade parLners
lnLegraLed supply chaln ln conLlnuous flow
arLner wlLh Lrade suppllers
relaLlonshlps wlLh Lrade groups
our teams
See Lhe same faces
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our va|ues
8oLLom up
ConsLralnL analysls
ConLlnuous lmprovemenL
consLanL process lnnovaLlon
conLlnual lmprovemenL
ConLlnual quesL for lmprovemenL
ConsLanLly revlew and lmprove procedures
Cl [?ConsLrucLlon lmprovemenL pro[ecLs/process]
conLlnuous learnlng
CapLure knowledge
CulLure of learnlng
ConLlnual learnlng and lmprovemenL
conLlnuous learnlng organlsaLlon
conLlnuous Lralnlng and developmenL
ueflned success facLors
deflne crlLerla of success
en[oyable work
everyone en[oys comlng Lo work
LveryLhlng LransparenL and vlslble
consclous process
work/llfe balance
whole/lndlvldual balance
CuallLy of llfe a prlorlLy
values Lhe lndlvldual
consLrucLlve humor
consLrucLlve paranola
people apologlslng
passlon, asplraLlon, deslre
lan, plan, plan
conLlnuous plannlng process
We value lnLegrlLy
We help each oLher ouL
We conLlnually challenge Lhe sLaLus quo
our work
aced work
slmple ways of worklng
make lL slmple
make lL vlslble
deflned work flows
8eal and easy Lo follow schedules
condlLlons of work
3 day weeks and early reLlremenL
very flexy Llme/work rules
flexlble worklng hours
Clean work space
SLandard work
SLandlng meeLlngs
sLandard operaLlng procedures
LCI Des|gn and Construct|on Inc
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we are
able Lo Lry new Lhlngs
commlLLed Lo communlLy servlce
lnLer-dlsclpllnary pro[ecL dellvery
Lean organlsaLlon
Lean ls aL Lhe hearL of Lhe organlsaLlon
Lean ls aL Lhe grassrooLs of Lhe organlsaLlon
lean Lhlnklng
lean as process noL prescrlpLlon
learnlng organlsaLlon
roflLablllLy beyond markeL avg
roflLable and wlLhln our values
Plghly recommended
100 accldenL free
ln[urles always prevenLed
We never have recordable safeLy lncldenLs
safeLy lmprovemenL Leam
safe envlronmenL
we be||eve
1he more we know, Lhe less we know
1he furLher we go Lhe furLher we have Lo go
Success ls everyone's responslblllLy
work ls only parL of Lhe deslred ouLcome
work supporLlng famlly llfe and vlce versa
we change
change from Lhe lnslde ouL
company Lransforms and changes wlLh cllenL and employees
we h|re
Plre Alan Mossman (!!!)
Plre Lop performers from compeLlLors
hlre rlghL people
we share
Shared sense of vlslon and collaboraLlon
Shared vlslon
Shared purpose
shared open server flles
Shared deflnlLlon of lean
we use
3 Why
Co slow Lo go fasL
Co slow - bulld ln Lhrough ?? Lhlnk
vlslL !apan Lo learn kalzen
LCl way
Lean meLrlcs
process measures
Measured resulLs
LCI Des|gn and Construct|on Inc
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osLed performance meLrlcs
rocess mapplng
value sLream mapplng
value mapplng - vlsual and ofLen
value sLreams mapped and kepL currenL
vlsual managemenL
Colour codlng
C vlslble
vlsual conLrols
vlsual lndlcaLors - loLs
vlsual lndlcaLors
vlsual dlsplay of shorL & long-Lerm acLlvlLles
lasL planner
seL based deslgn
Lxplore seLs
Map alLernaLlves
!v/benchmarks wlLh oLher companles
use Shlngo prlze
rooL cause analysls
8uy ln
8uy-ln from managemenL
Compelllng need
common goal efflclency
examples of sLrucLure glven
Lnforce values LhaL supporL lean
meLrlcs redeflned
Lalk abouL flghL club
CeL a conLracL
new cllenL every monLh
CrassrooLs lmplemenLaLlon
llrsL call resolve
CuallLy lmprovemenL Leam
Speed of LrusL
Shared by all
8esources and ldeas shared ln parallel
SufflclenL fundlng Lo lmplemenL lL all
1oo many cusLomers
1ools avallable
value and consLralnL removal
lean markeLlng plan
people ln process
proflLable for all

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