Bac - A Healthy Dose of Laughter

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Theme: Humor A healthy dose of laughter By Steve Coogier I read that a child laughs 400 times a day on the

average, while an adult laughs only ! times each day" Which is #u$$ling since laughter feels so good and is so good for us% &ou may 'now the (enefits of laughter on the mind and s#irit, (ut are you aware of how much a good laugh can hel# you #hysically) *orman Cousins used to say that laughter is so (eneficial for your (ody that it is li'e +inner ,ogging-" .ayo Clinic /.ayo Clinic Health 0etter, .arch 1123 re#orts that laughter aids (reathing (y disru#ting your normal res#iration #attern and increasing your (reathing rate" It can even hel# clear mucus from your lungs" 0aughter is also good for your heart" It increases circulation and im#roves the delivery of o4ygen and nutrients to tissues throughout your (ody" A good laugh hel#s your immune system fight off colds, flu and sinus #ro(lems (y increasing the concentration of immunoglo(ulin A in your saliva" And it may hel# control #ain (y raising the levels of certain (rain chemicals /endor#hins3" 5urthermore, it is a natural stress reliever" Have you ever laughed so hard that you dou(led over, feel off your chair, s#it out your food or wet your #ants) &ou cannot maintain muscle tension when you are laughing% The good news is that you are allowed more than ! laughs a day% 6o ahead and dou(le the dose and ma'e it 20 times today" /&ou may (egin to notice immediate im#rovement in your relationshi#s% 3 Then dou(le it again% &ou are (ound to feel (etter, you will co#e with #ro(lems more effectively and #eo#le will en,oy (eing around you" 0aughter: it7s ,ust good medicine% /www"holisticonline"com8Humor9Thera#y8humor9thera#y9a:healthy:dose:of: laughter"htm ; Standard test: A3<ead the te4t and answer the following =uestions: :How many times does a 'id laugh a day) >:Is laughter (eneficial ,ust for our mind and s#irit) 2:?hat is the relation (etween (reathing and laughing) 4:In what way does laughter hel# you get rid of stress) B3Are the following statements true or false) @ustify your answers :A child laughs more than an adult" >:0aughing is similar to doing s#ort" 2:0aughter is (eneficial ,ust for mind and the (ody"

4:If you want to (e healthy you should laugh in doses" C35ind in the te4t words that mean the same as: ;Sur#rising: ;Conscious: ;Aistracting: ;Chasse away: A3?hat do the underlined words refer to in the te4t) ;?hich /Baragra#h 3: ;It /#aragra#h 23: ;It /#aragra#h !3: ;Challenging test: A3Answer the following =uestions after reading the te4t carefully" &ou can use your own ideas: 3?hy is the writer #u$$led over the information in #aragra#h ) >3In what sense is laughing similar to +inner ,ogging-) 23?hat are the (enefits of laughing for a #erson who is ill) 43?hat does the writer mean (y +&ou are (ound to feel (etter-) !3How does laughing hel# you (e in good terms with #eo#le) B3.atch the words with their definitions in the circles" Two words are added and don7t have their definitions: .ucus Dndor#hins organism Immunoglo(ulin A o4ygen" 0ungs <es#iration #articular 'ind" C3Are the following sentences true or false) @ustify: :It7s really startling how laughter feels so good >:0aughter ma4imi$es your (ody7s a(ility to defeat illnesses 2:If you laugh more than fifteen times a day you may run ris's of (eing ill C A res#iratory organ" C The #rocess (y which an su##lies its Cells with C A thic' sli##ery secretion" C A cluster of cells of a

Par Sara Bahra

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